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Millions Grappling With Heat Around The Globe; At Least 1,000 Feared Dead At Hajj Due To Heat; Paul Whelan Urges "Decisive Action" To Get Him Out Of Russian Prison; U.S. Assures Israel Of Full Backing In Potential War With Hezbollah In Southern Lebanon; Two Adolescents Charged With Raping 12-Year-Old Jewish Girl; Trump's Trials; New York Governor Signs Bills Restricting Social Media Algorithms; Edmonton Beats Florida To Force Game 7 In Stanley Cup; T20 Cricket World Cup. Aired 3-4a ET

Aired June 22, 2024 - 03:00   ET




NICK WATT, CNN ANCHOR AND NATIONAL CORRESPONDENT (voice-over): Hello and welcome to all of our viewers watching around the world. I'm Nick Watt.

Ahead on CNN NEWSROOM, people around the globe are suffering stifling temperatures and the heat is causing a soaring death toll at this year's Hajj.

In France, shocking allegations over the alleged sexual assault of a Jewish girl have led to a nationwide debate on rising antisemitism that could impact the upcoming election.

And New York becomes the first U.S. state to pass a law regulating social media algorithms targeting children.

Can it make a difference?

We'll talk to an expert just ahead.


WATT: We begin with the extreme heat impacting millions of people from the United States to Europe, the Middle East and Asia. Almost all of the continental U.S. could see temperatures above 90 degrees Fahrenheit or 32 degrees Celsius over the next few days.

More than 100 million people are under excessive heat watches, warnings and advisories just in the U.S., with the worst heat this weekend expected in the mid-Atlantic states.

Washington, D.C., could reach triple-digits for the first time since 2016.

In southeastern Europe, temperatures are at least five degrees above average. In Spain, residents and tourists sought shady areas to get out of the midday sun. The heat wave there is expected to continue through the weekend.

In Saudi Arabia, temperatures are forecast to be in the mid 40s Celsius. That's over 110 degrees Fahrenheit. And although parts of the country have cooled a bit, in Mecca, more than 1,000 people taking part in the Hajj pilgrimage are feared dead, killed by the heat.

Large numbers of unregistered pilgrims are still unaccounted for in Saudi Arabia and Egypt, where many of the dead are believed to have come from. They've yet to release official figures. More now from CNN's Scott McLean.


SCOTT MCLEAN, CNN CORRESPONDENT (voice-over): The stoning of the devil, one of the key rituals of the Hajj pilgrimage. It's a symbolic rejection of evil. But with temperatures unusually high, even for this time of year, the temptation here, a much simpler one.

Water only goes so far when it's 120 degrees Fahrenheit. Azza Hamid Brahim found out the hard way. Like many, she gave up on the way there.

AZZA HAMID BRAHIM, EGYPTIAN PILGRIM (through translator): We thought we were about to die. We didn't even have the strength to reach the steels due to the extreme heat.

MCLEAN (voice-over): The soaring temperatures making this year's pilgrimage exceptionally deadly. Videos shared on social media showed bodies on the sides of roads, their faces covered. In some cases, they looked simply abandoned.

UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: Most of the people, they died on the roadside and some were fainted due to the heat and heat stroke. So they should make such arrangements that during the summer season, when the Hajj season is in the summer, they should arrange a big transportation for the whole year.

MCLEAN (voice-over): Saudi Arabia says it did make some arrangements to deal with the heat, deploying 1,600 soldiers along with 5,000 volunteers, installing dozens of air conditioned tents and overhead water sprinklers to cool down crowds.

But many are traveling on tourist visas rather than Hajj specific ones that don't get access to these amenities. They add to the nearly 2 million pilgrims expected, officially, the sheer scale and the heat, a deadly combination.

BRAHIM (through translator): A lot of people died. The ambulances were overwhelmed. You would talk to someone and suddenly they would die. It was a very hard day.

MCLEAN (voice-over): The Hajj may be officially over but with Saudi Arabia yet to release any numbers, be that injured or dead.


The number of victims may still yet sharply rise -- Scott McLean, CNN, Istanbul.


WATT: Meanwhile, in the U.S., the unrelenting heat dome is making temperatures miserable for millions.


WATT: So what can be done to keep people safer in these dangerously high temperatures?

Dr. Steffen Lehmann is a professor of architecture and urbanism at the University of Nevada and director of the university's Urban Futures Lab.

So obviously we're seeing temperatures rise but is the issue here that our cities like Madrid, New York, Mecca are just not built to cope with temperatures this high?


We can talk about it's important topic. Most cities are inadequately prepared or not prepared at all. And I'm talking to you here from Las Vegas, one of the fastest warming cities in the U.S. And we can feel it at the moment today. We had 108 Fahrenheit; what's that, 42 Celsius.

And we expect this heat, as your colleague said, to hang on with the pressure though. And so the American Southwest right now is a baking oven. And we are now regretting having built our cities maybe not the way we should have, focusing on reintegrating greenery, bringing nature back, planting trees.

And also think of urban vegetation in all the different forms, which is by far the most cost effective. If we put more and more air conditioning into the buildings, it's creating, of course, other challenges.

It's increasing CO2 emissions, it creates peak electricity needs, all kinds of challenges as a result. So we have to start building cities in the way that they do not become baking ovens, what's called the urban heat island effect, very dangerous.

And we see mortality rate going up four times, where it's usually. And people simply very simply dehydrate. We see this also here in Las Vegas on the Strip, Nick, where we have tourists collapsing, that come completely unprepared.

They do not understand that this heat is dangerous. They are dressed maybe in black with a tiny bottle of water and they go off from casino to casino and at some just collapse.

So -- also what's very important is to understand the link with air pollution. It's not just the heat; it's also more and more people having asthma, breathing problems. It is that hot, stagnant air, the silent, invisible killer, where we have a high concentration of pollutants in the air, ultrafine particles.

And they make it very difficult for people to breathe. So it's an issue -- yes.

WATT: I just want to get back to what you were just saying earlier about vegetation and more trees in an urban environment.

Is that purely for shade or what else is that vegetation doing to help us in that urban setting when it's hot?

LEHMANN: Yes, shade is extremely important.


But also through the evaporation we have ecosystem services. We call it the trees provide. It's not just shade, it's much more than that. It's a cooling effect. Trees keep the microclimate cooler.

So regreening the city, bringing back in urban vegetation and planting programs. What we need is massive replanting programs with native species with large leaves, where a lot of photosynthesis happens, a lot of shade; drought resistant species of forests.

Urban forests should be planned within cities to not only make the city more walkable with shade but also to cool, to keep the city cool at the ground.

The other big issue we have to address is the roofs. The way we build roofs and the facade of buildings, we have to implement what's called cool roofs, use white colored, reflective surfaces.

What's called the albedo effect that reflects back the solar radiation. And it doesn't trap and absorb the heat in the material. The worst thing we can have is black asphalt and black concrete roofs. That's becoming like a baking oven. That's the worst.

And you have no pedestrian comfort. So for instance, when you cross a parking lot where there is no tree, you will know the situation when you get out of your car.

And you're looking, where's the next shade and just trying to get across that black asphalt. So we have to completely change the way we create parking lots. Every 5-6 parking spaces should be a tree.

And also, we have to have more innovation, more ideas, not ideologies but ideas and innovation and entrepreneurship to find new, better building materials, coating, nanotechnology coating of reflective surfaces to avoid those dangerous urban heat islands that trap this --


WATT: Fascinating. Steffen Lehmann, thank you so much. Fascinating. Stay cool and thank you for your time.

LEHMANN: Thank you. All the best. WATT: Now as some parts of the world bake under extreme heat, others

are inundated by flooding. In China, the death toll from torrential rains and floods in the southern part of the country has grown to at least 55 people.

The region has been pummeled since earlier this month, forcing thousands to evacuate. Seasonal flooding is a regular occurrence in some of China's southern provinces but scientists say the climate crisis is making rainstorms and flooding more frequent and deadlier.

Still to come, the alleged gang rape of a 12-year-old Jewish girl in France has sparked demonstrations against rising antisemitism in the country.

Plus the latest on Donald Trump's classified documents case. We'll tell you about the arguments the judge heard Friday and what's on the docket for next week.

Stay with us.





WATT: An American, Paul Whelan is calling on the White House to take drastic action to get him out of prison in Russia. Whelan spoke exclusively with CNN on the phone on Friday after marking 2,000 days behind bars.

Whelan said the U.S. should start locking up Russian spies and officials to force the Kremlin to release him and other Americans.

Otherwise, he said, Russia will keep arresting U.S. citizens when it can.


PAUL WHELAN, AMERICAN, PRISONER IN RUSSIA: There is no criminal justice system here. There is no judicial system. It's just a system that the government has operated for many years, putting people in prison for all sorts of dubious charges and dubious events.

And in my case, that's 100 percent true. And I'm sure in Evan's case, it's 100 percent true. But people go to trial here and theyre automatically guilty. And then they're given a sentence and that's it.


WATT: He was referring to "The Wall Street Journal" reporter Evan Gershkovich, who's going on trial for alleged espionage on Wednesday. Whelan is serving a 16 year sentence for purported spying.

They both deny the charges and the U.S. considers them wrongfully detained.


WATT: A White House official tells CNN that Israel has been assured that it would have U.S. support in the event of a full-on war with Hezbollah. Conflict with Hezbollah along the country's border with Lebanon has intensified in recent weeks. Hezbollah has been launching rockets into northern Israel since Hamas' October 7th attack.

And Israel's been striking back at Hezbollah in southern Lebanon. This has led to evacuations along both sides of the border. U.S. officials are concerned that a full-blown war could overwhelm Israel's Iron Dome defense system.

And this comes as Israeli prime minister Benjamin Netanyahu claims that the U.S. is withholding weapons Israel wants for its ongoing war with Hamas. CNN's Nada Bashir is live now in London to make some sense of all that's going on.


NADA BASHIR, CNN CORRESPONDENT: We've heard from U.S. officials already describing prime minister Netanyahu's comments with regards to the withholding of U.S. weapons as both unproductive and untrue.

But over the last week, we have seen increasing discussions between U.S. officials and their Israeli counterparts as well as regional leaders in the Middle East with regards to these mounting tensions that we are seeing on the border between Lebanon and Israel.

We've heard those warnings from U.S. officials over the likelihood of a land incursion by the Israeli military into Lebanese territory.


That has really raised concerns over the potential for this conflict to escalate more broadly. Now as you mentioned, we have had that warning from U.S. officials that they believe Hezbollah could overwhelm Israel's air defense systems.

Of course there has been concern around what this would mean with regards to U.S. support for Israel, U.S. officials now saying that they would provide security assistance to the Israeli military in the event of an all-out war with Hezbollah in southern Lebanon.

But there would not be U.S. troops on the ground. Now of course, there is concern around what this could look like, what this could mean for the situation on the ground. Hezbollah of course, is not Hamas. This is a very different organization. It is politically and militarily more sophisticated.

And it does have a massive arsenal of weapons. We've seen the use of drones and short-range rockets over the course of the war in Gaza targeting Israeli territory just south of Lebanon's border.

But they also have longer-range capabilities that could target deeper into Israeli territory. And of course, we have also seen the Israeli military carrying out strikes and rocket attacks across the border in Lebanon as well. Nearly 100,000 people in southern Lebanon have been forced to evacuate.

And of course, tens of thousands in northern Israel also forced to evacuate their homes there. So this is a tense situation. U.S. officials have described this as being at a dangerous tipping point.

And of course, we've heard from the Lebanese government. While these direct confrontations are happening between the Iran-backed Hezbollah group in the south and the Israeli military, the Lebanese government has said in the past that it would not be able to stand idly by if Israel were to threaten to push Lebanon into an all-out war.

And that is the huge point of concern. We've seen continued calls for deescalation from the point of fuel. Hezbollah, they have repeatedly said that their actions are in direct response to what we are seeing in Gaza, that there cannot be a cessation of violence on Lebanon's southern border with the Israeli military until there's a ceasefire in Gaza.

And of course, as those negotiations continue, we haven't seen any progress just yet on those peace talks currently on the table.

WATT: And more IDF activity in Gaza City, as I understand it.

What are you hearing from Gaza?

What are you hearing about the Israelis on what's been happening there?

BASHIR: Look, there we continue to see airstrikes across parts of central and southern Gaza, both areas where tens of thousands of civilians are currently sheltering and displays.

We've heard from the International Committee of the Red Cross, which says its facility in southern Gaza was targeted in strikes on Friday, that over a dozen people were killed in the strikes.

According to the International Committee of the Red Cross. We've also heard from the Gaza health ministry regarding the situation at the al- Mawasi humanitarian district, where again, many tens of thousands of civilians are currently displaced.

According to the health ministry, at least 25 people killed in strikes. The Israeli military has said it is not aware of any IDF activity with regards to this humanitarian sector but that the situation is still currently under review by the military. Nick.

WATT: Nada Bashir in London, thank you very much for your time.

Now allegations that three boys gang raped a 12-year-old Jewish girl in France have sparked demonstrations against antisemitism in the country.

(BEGIN VIDEO CLIP) WATT (voice-over): Hundreds rallied against hate on Friday in Paris, in the Paris suburb where that assault allegedly took place. President Emmanuel Macron has weighed in, condemning what he calls the, quote, "scourge of antisemitism."

And this is becoming a key issue ahead of next week's parliamentary election. Here's Melissa Bell.


MELISSA BELL, CNN CORRESPONDENT (voice-over): It's an alleged gang rape that has sent shockwaves through France. That of a 12-year-old Jewish girl

who was heading home in a Paris suburb on Saturday afternoon when three boys, all 12 and 13 years old, approached her and forced her into this

abandoned building, according to CNN affiliate BFMTV, citing police sources.

As two of the three boys allegedly raped her, anti-Semitic insults were also allegedly used, including calling her, a "Dirty Jew." The boys have

been taken into custody, according to the local prosecutor.

It comes at a critical time in France with an election called to test the rise of the right but that has put the future of the government itself on

the line, an attack that has sparked intense political debate on anti- Semitism further heightened by Israel's war in Gaza.

President Emmanuel Macron has condemned a scourge of anti-Semitism that he says is festering in French schools. According to France's interior

ministry, anti-Semitic incidents in France rose 284 percent from 2022 to 2023.


But this attack has brought demonstrators to Paris'' city hall.

UNIDENTIFIED MALE (through translator): As is often the case, anti- Semitism is a barometer of a country's democratic health. And right now, it says

something about French society.

BELL (voice-over): More protests are planned this weekend as anti- Semitism now takes center stage as a political issue just days before the country

heads to the polls -- Melissa Bell, CNN, Paris. (END VIDEOTAPE)

WATT: A heat wave is scorching most of the eastern U.S. this weekend. Coming up, Dr. Sanjay Gupta will break down the health risks of extreme heat and what you can do to stay out of danger.

Plus the U.S. Supreme Court deals a blow to gun rights groups with its latest ruling.




WATT: Back to one of our top stories now. More than 100 million people are under excessive heat watches, warnings and advisories across the U.S. New York City could see 90 degree temperatures for the next seven days, which would be the longest ever June run for the city.

The worst heat this weekend will be in the mid-Atlantic states, people in New Jersey are flocking to the beaches this weekend to try to beat the extreme heat.

And over here in California, some parts of Los Angeles County will have temperatures in the triple-digits lasting into early next week. Experts say it's important to drink plenty of water. And of course, use sunscreen.


The risk of heart attack, stroke and infection increases when people are exposed to extreme heat, especially temperatures of 125 Fahrenheit or about 51 Celsius. CNN's chief medical correspondent, Dr. Sanjay Gupta, breaks down how extreme heat affects the body.


DR. SANJAY GUPTA, CNN CHIEF MEDICAL CORRESPONDENT: Well, simply put, we're starting to talk about temperatures that, for a lot of people, are just outside of human survivability. I mean, it's hard to comprehend.

But the body can keep up to a certain point. Then after that, especially if you have underlying illness, it can be a real problem. There are three main things that happen as the body's trying to keep up.

You're starting to divert blood toward the skin to try and cool that blood. But as that happens, you're taking blood away from other organs in the body, including the gut. It's part of the reason you start to feel nauseated when it's really hot outside.

And eventually that your gut can start to leak toxins into your body, which can cause organ failure. Simply being dehydrated from siphoning that blood to the skin, losing your fluids through sweat, that can put a significant strain on your heart, especially if you have underlying heart disease.

And you can also get bad enough dehydration to cause kidney failure as well. So all these things are happening simultaneously in an effort to cool you down. But if they can't keep up, ultimately, it can make you very sick or even die.

Keep in mind when you sweat, if it's very humid outside, your sweat's not going to be as effective at cooling the body. Also, people start to get very confused when it gets hot outside as a result of the dehydration. So you may start to make poor decisions as well.

One thing to keep in mind is that, typically at night time, the temperature will drop and the body can get some reprieve.

But when you when you look at some of the temperatures over there, you're talking 93 degrees, possibly even at night. So there really is no rest for people. Even here in the States, obviously, we're talking about significant heat and there's all sorts of advice on what you should do when it gets really hot outside.

Try and get inside. Obviously try and get into air conditioning. One of the biggest things that people don't do a good job of is simply staying hydrated. You need to be drinking about a cup of water every 20 minutes.

Really, that consistent water drinking is important as opposed to chugging a lot of water and not drinking for a long period of time. Try and keep up with your electrolytes as well That doesn't necessarily mean salt tablets but try and keep up with your electrolytes in general.

Two more things I want to point out, heat stroke versus heat exhaustion. These terms get thrown around a lot. Heat exhaustion is less severe. Skin is typically cool and clammy; person is heavily sweating. The pulse is, typically a little weak peak.

Heat stroke is worse and basically you stop sweating. The body is starting to shut down. The heart is really pumping hard so someone may have actually a strong pulse when they're in the throes of heat stroke.

Finally, just look at what has happened over the nearly past 40 years, 36 years. The number of heat-related deaths have gone up 74 percent. So it's getting hotter. People are paying the price more and more. So please pay attention. Get inside as much as you can and take care of yourself.


WATT: We are now just days away from the most important event of the 2024 U.S. election so far. This coming Thursday, President Joe Biden and former president Donald Trump face off in their first debate of the campaign. You'll see it right here on CNN.

But before they hit the stage, let's check each campaign's fundraising. In May, Trump outraised Biden for the second month in a row. Mr. Biden's campaign says the president's May haul totaled $85 million.

But that figure pales in comparison to the staggering $141 million that Trump's team say he collected last month. That figure was fueled by a surge in donations following Trump's criminal convictions in New York.

Turning now to Donald Trump's ongoing case in Florida over alleged mishandling of classified documents, the presiding judge heard arguments on Friday but has yet to rule on Trump's bid to declare special counsel Jack Smith's appointment unlawful. CNN's Evan Perez has the details.


EVAN PEREZ, CNN SR. JUSTICE CORRESPONDENT: Lawyers for former president Donald Trump and special counsel Jack Smith squared off for more than four hours before Judge Aileen Cannon here in federal court in Fort Pierce.

The Trump lawyers were arguing for the charges to be dismissed, arguing that Jack Smith was not legally appointed by attorney general Merrick Garland.

Now during the hearing, the judge pushed for the prosecutors to explain whether there are any specific actions that were taken by the special counsel that were approved personally by the attorney general.


The government lawyers declined to get into any specifics. But the judge also pushed back when Trump lawyers said that that Jack Smith essentially is a shadow government. She said that was an accusation that was ominous.

Now she didn't rule from the bench but this is one of three hearings that she has scheduled. On Monday she also is set to hear arguments for a gag order that the special counsel has asked for to be placed against the former president.

And on Tuesday, the Trump lawyers are here to argue for some evidence to be tossed from the extraordinary search that happened at Mar-a-Lago back in 2022. We expect that both those hearings will go all day -- Evan Perez, CNN, Fort Pierce, Florida.


WATT: Police in Arkansas say a gunman killed three people and wounded 10 others at a grocery store on Friday morning. A manager at the store in Fordyce says a man walked in with a shotgun and ended up in a shootout with police. Two officers are among the injured.

Police say the 44-year-old suspect was also wounded and taken into custody. The U.S. has seen at least 21 mass shootings since last Friday. That's according to the Gun Violence Archive.

And they classify that as an event in which at least four people were shot, excluding the gunman. Now so far this year, there have already been 234 mass shootings across the U.S.

Meanwhile, the U.S. Supreme Court upheld a federal law that keeps guns away from domestic abusers. The ruling on Friday was nearly unanimous. CNN's Paula Reid reports on the high court's decision and its impact on the U.S. right to bear arms.


PAULA REID, CNN CHIEF LEGAL AFFAIRS CORRESPONDENT: A massive Supreme Court ruling on the Second Amendment 8-1, the justices finding that the Second Amendment, like many other rights, does have limits.

Chief justice John Roberts, who authored the majority opinion, said they, quote, "had no trouble" coming to this conclusion.

And he really focused a lot on tradition and the history of the United States, saying, quote, "Our tradition of firearm regulation allows the government to disarm individuals who present a credible threat to the physical safety of others."

And a good portion of his opinion is spent analyzing the historical context of firearm regulation.

And that is significant because, two years ago, the Supreme Court really expanded the definition of the Second Amendment and left the door open for a lot of additional challenges like this.

And here, the chief justice, he acknowledged that that has caused some confusion among the lower courts about exactly what they meant.

He writes, "Some courts have misunderstood the methodology of our recent Second Amendment cases."

Now he says, they-- "The reach of the Second Amendment is not limited only to those arms that were in existence at the founding," and then goes on to say that, of course, that any regulations or restrictions on gun ownership, you don't necessarily need to find a twin regulation from the beginning or the founding of this country.

But it has to be something that is relevant and similar. This is significant because, during oral arguments in this case, at least one justice noted that domestic violence, which is what is at the core of this case, has not been treated the same way it is now throughout the history of the United States.

Now there was of course one dissent here, Justice Clarence Thomas, writing for his dissent, "Yet in the interest of ensuring that government can regulate one subset of society, today's decision puts at risk the Second Amendment rights of many more.

"I respectfully dissent."

Now looking forward, it is expected at the Supreme Court will see other challenges related to the Second Amendment, because many justices, even though they all joined the majority, wrote their own concurrences, putting their own spin on exactly what it is that the majority opinion means.

And that, of course, will open the door for other challenges, looking to really clarify exactly how far the Second Amendment extends. They can look through this opinion, try to find a concurrence that matches their argument and try to bring their case back before the high court -- Paula Reid, CNN, Washington.


WATT: New York state is taking unprecedented steps to restrict social media for kids. When we come back, details on the first statewide regulations on social media algorithms anywhere in the U.S.





WATT: Big changes are coming for New York's youngest social media users, New York governor Kathy Hochul, signed two bills into law on Thursday clamping down on the algorithms of digital platforms and the use of children's data.

This makes New York the first state to pass a law regulating social media algorithms and comes amid allegations that apps such as Instagram or TikTok are purposefully addictive.

Just days earlier U.S. secretary surgeon general Vivek Murthy called for warning labels on social media platforms.


DR. VIVEK MURTHY, U.S. SURGEON GENERAL: It is our moral responsibility as a society to take care of our kids. And in that mission, when it comes to social media, we are not doing well.

We are failing. But we have a chance to get it right. And that's why I believe that to put kids first means passing the kind of legislation that would protect them from the harms of social media now, because our kids cannot wait.


WATT: Joining me now is Karen north. She's a professor of digital social media at the University of Southern California.

Karen, first of all, what in a nutshell is New York state trying to achieve here and do they have any chance of success?

PROF. KAREN NORTH, DIGITAL SOCIAL MEDIA, UNIVERSITY OF SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA: You know, never say never but I think it's an uphill battle for them. What they're trying to do is take away the right of the these

companies to use the data that they're collecting to create what we call an algorithm or basically a curation system, where they feed content to each person based on what they think that people want to see and what will keep the people actively involved on their app or on their platform.

And will they succeed?

I'm not a lawyer but it's a really interesting question whether or not a state can put forward a law that, for a platform that is actually probably controlled by federal law rather than state law.

Because how would it regulate across state lines?

And do they even have the right to do that when, for example, the FCC has already said this is our jurisdiction?

So I don't know how this is going to work out legislatively.


Because there's going to be a conflict between state and federal.

WATT: sure.

And so -- just so I understand exactly what they're trying to do, they're basically trying to stop these algorithms feeding kids what they think those kids want. And really the kids are going to be able to follow people on social media.

But those posts will just come in, I suppose, a less addictive way?

I mean, they're trying to make the experience -- New York state is trying to make the experience worse so kids aren't so addicted, is that right?

NORTH: Right. They're going to say that the only thing that the platforms could do is feed the information chronologically. And if you're following somebody, you could go click over and follow and look at their posts.

But you're not going to get a curated experience, which, by the way, it's a double-edged sword because the curated experience allows kids to get kids' stuff. And it allows kids to get stuff that is specifically like responsive to their interests.

And so for the kids with like body image problems, then it will stop it perhaps from curating body image -- images that might exacerbate that condition. But for kids who are marginalized and who are seeking like-minded others or seeking content that makes them feel like their situation in the world is OK, they won't get that either.

So all of these curation, anything interfering with the algorithm is interfering with curation, positive and negative at the same time. WATT: Now, I mean, as you explain, Karen, it is going to be hard for

any jurisdiction really, to legislate here. But we as parents -- I've got two teenagers who are stuck to their phones far more than I would like.

What should, in a nutshell, someone like me be doing rather, than relying on, governors and presidents and everybody to take care of my kids?

What should I be doing?

NORTH: Yes, I have two kids also. Mine are now in college but I always think about this and I think we don't send our kids out in the world and say, figure it out on your own.

We take our kids and hold their hands and teach them to cross the street by holding their hands, pointing to the stop sign or the walk sign and the light, and teaching them to look both ways and hold their hand up.

We do all of these things to teach kids to be safe in the physical world. We've spent a lot of time over the last quarter century now, almost, teaching kids, watch out for the people online. You think it's another teenager but it could be a predator.

So we teach kids that we talk to them a lot about it. And I think that we need to take this opportunity to create a real sort of campaign, grassroots campaign and top-down campaign of awareness about, hey, kids, You've got to think about what you're doing and how it's affecting you as a person.

And I think that parents need to help kids understand and maybe set some -- obviously set some guidelines and some restrictions for how kids use their phones.

WATT: All, right I will try. Karen North.

Thank you very much for your time.

The U.S. cricket team has been in action against co-host West Indies. We will find out what happened in the T20 Cricket World Cup and how the sport is growing in America.





WATT: It's a feat that defies the odds. The Edmonton Oilers clobbered the Florida Panthers on Friday 5-1, forcing a winner-takes-all game seven in hockey's Stanley Cup championship. Edmonton sealed their third straight win with two empty net goals in the third period. Now they are the only -- only the third team in Stanley Cup finals

history to force a decisive showdown after being down 3-0. The Stanley Cup will now be decided in Florida on Monday.

And the West Indies beat the USA in their group 2 Super 8 match-up on Friday at the T20 World Cup in Barbados. The Americans suffered a heavy nine wicket defeat. They were all out for 128.

The loss does put a serious pause on the U.S. Cinderella story after their remarkably strong start at the tournament. Windies opener Shai Hope was the difference. He finished 82-0 out. And that gave the West Indies a total of 130 for the loss of just one wicket.

The Americans aren't out of the tournament. They go up against England on Sunday. The U.S. is co-hosting this tournament with the West Indies. And despite the loss, the Americans have breathed life into a sport that most Americans just don't understand.

I'm a lifelong cricket obsessive. Accent might give me away and I've written a love letter to the game, to the American team and, to try and get Americans on board, show them what they're missing.


QUESTION: Does the president have a message for this unexpected success?

WATT (voice-over): They're talking cricket at the White House.

JOHN KIRBY, WHITE HOUSE NATIONAL SECURITY ADVISOR: We all congratulate them on this success. It's tremendous and we're cheering them on.

WATT (voice-over): They've been playing cricket in Florida, Texas, New York, to some sellout crowds. America is waking up to this, the second most popular sport on Earth, after only soccer.

UNIDENTIFIED MALE: They're a dangerous team, England.

WATT: On Sunday, America meets England. They invented this game that eventually gave you all baseball.

UNIDENTIFIED MALE: It's like baseball but it's better. It's baseball but it's better.

WATT (voice-over): Got a catch barehanded and you're allowed to hit the batter. America's part-timers and semi-pros were never expected to get this far, no way.

UNIDENTIFIED MALE (voice-over): They deserve to be here, playing at this level.

WATT (voice-over): This guy's a software engineer Monday through Friday.

UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE (voice-over): Metrovalka and many others had to call their employers and ask for extra time off to play the Super Eight.

WATT (voice-over): But a stunning, nail-biting victory over powerhouse Pakistan, runners-up last World Cup, got the USA this far.


To the fabled final eight, a New York born batter with a Barbadian lilt, was a hero that day.

AARON JONES, TEAM USA BATTER: I think, to be honest with you, we could beat any team in the world and we are going to try to get as far as possible in the World Cup. We want to win the World Cup.

WATT (voice-over): Most of these guys were born abroad; now, oh, so proud to play the game they love, for the adopted country they love.

COREY ANDERSON, TEAM USA ALL-ROUNDER: When that national anthem comes on, it gives me some goose bumps and I never thought I'd ever think that way about another country.

WATT (voice-over): You have no excuse not to fall in love. It's not that complicated. A home run is worth six; bounces first, that's four, you're out if caught or if the ball hits those poles. There are some other ways but baby steps, America, baby steps.

UNIDENTIFIED MALE: Cricket is building a new vibe here in America and you can see here, it's all here and can't wait for more, it's only going to get bigger and bigger.

WATT (voice-over): These games last about as long as baseball but so far this World Cup on averaged more than nine home runs every game -- nine.

JONES: We always wanted to really and truly open the eyes of Americans as it relates to cricket. I think things are just going to get better and bigger from here.

WATT (voice-over): Remember, you fell in love with soccer after that World Cup was here in 1994 and cricket never ends nil-nil. Never.


WATT: They sang that they want it all and they want it now. Well, the English rock band Queen is reportedly getting a lot in a new deal to sell their entire song catalog.

"Variety" magazine says it's being sold along with other rights to Sony Music for more than $1.25 billion. The band will keep the revenue from live performances.

But Sony would own the legendary hits, "Bohemian Rhapsody," "Radio Gaga," "We Will Rock You," "Another One Bites the Dust," all of them. The price tag could be the highest for any music catalog ever sold.

Thanks very much for joining us. I'm Nick Watt. Another hour of NEWSROOM is just ahead with my colleague, Kim. Stay with CNN.