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Projections: Far-Right Party Leads First Round Of Voting; Biden's Family Encourages Him To Stay In The Race; Caribbean Braces For "Extremely Dangerous" Hurricane Beryl; National Rally Leader Jordan Bardella Poised for Power; U.S. Supreme Court to Decide on Trump's Immunity Claims; Ultra-Orthodox Protesters Clash with Police in Jerusalem; Several U.S. Military Bases in Europe on Heightened Alert; Rise in Suicide among Afghan Girls since Taliban Takeover; Bellingham Brilliance Brings England Elation. Aired 1-2a ET

Aired July 01, 2024 - 01:00   ET




PAULA NEWTON, CNN ANCHOR: And I'm Paula Newton in New York. And this is CNN Newsroom.

French President Emmanuel Macron's party receives a stunning blow at the polls, as the far right comes out ahead in the first round of parliamentary elections.

Here in the U.S. meantime, President Joe Biden's family is urging him to stay in the race after an abysmal debate performance on Thursday night.

And a category four hurricane roaring towards the Caribbean, how officials are urging people --

MAX FOSTER, CNN ANCHOR: Here in Paris, an unbelievable result really in many ways in the first round the election, the far right party came in with estimates at least which are being confirmed now suggesting that they are well ahead in that first round of the polls. It's a huge blow to President Emmanuel Macron's centrist party, moderate party holding up the middle ground there. But the left and the right doing extremely well. And it's the first time the far right has done this well in the first round of a French poll.

Initial estimates show that the National Rally is leading with 34 percent of the vote, followed by the left wing New Popular Front coalition in second with 28 percent Mr. Macron centrist alliance is in third with about 20 percent. National Rally leader Jordan Bardella urged voters to remain mobilized for the second round, which is next Sunday. And it says it's clear the French people want change.


JORDAN BARDELLA, PRESIDENT, NATIONAL RALLY PARTY (through translator): They delivered a clear verdict and confirmed their clear aspirations for change. The vote taking place next Sunday, it's one of the most decisive in the entire history of the Fifth Republic.


FOSTER: CNN senior international correspondent Jim Bittermann now has more from Paris.


JIM BITTERMANN, CNN SENIOR INTERNATIONAL CORRESPONDENT (voice-over): (Inaudible) cheers filled the headquarters of France's far right National Rally as projections show the party dominated in the country's first round of parliamentary election. Once seen as a fringe movement, the National Rally could be positioned to assume power and become the first far right party to enter French government since the Second World War. The controversial doyenne of the party, Marine Le Pen, asserted that the second round of voting to be held next week will secure their position.

MARINE LE PEN, NATIONAL RALLY PARLIAMENTARY LEADER: Democracy has spoken. And the French people have placed the National Rally and its allies in first place. Nothing has been won and the second round will be decisive.

BITTERMANN (voice-over): Complete results of the election are not finalized and much political maneuvering is expected before the second round of voting is held next week, which could determine whether a seismic shift is underway in French politics. National Rally's leader and Le Pen's protege, 28-year-old Jordan Bardella, could be positioned to become France's next prime minister.

A child of Italian immigrants, Bardella, has maintained the party's nationalist politics and hardline anti-immigration stance. Across the country and its overseas territories, voters turned out in huge numbers to participate in the high stakes election. Uncertainty has loomed ever since President Emmanuel Macron suddenly dissolved parliament had called for snap elections earlier this month, sending shockwaves across the country.

Now his gamble appears to have backfired as his alliance or centrist parties faltered in the vote, finishing a third according to projections. In a statement the President called for the formation of a broader alliance to block the National Rally from coming to power. Faced for the National Rally, the time has come for a broad clearly Democratic and Republican rally for the second round.

The coalition of left wing parties also had a strong showing coming in a close second projections show. However, no party achieved an outright majority possibly leading Parliament into political deadlock. For now the preliminary results of the election are being received with intensity and drawing some protesters out to demonstrate in Paris. As a country with a painful history with fascism and far right movements, deals with an uncertain future.


Jim Bittermann, CNN, Paris. (END VIDEO CLIP)

FOSTER: Let's get into the detail then. Jean Lesieur joins us. He's a journalist based here in Paris. I mean, what was your, I mean, you're expecting this to some extent, but from Macron to do so badly was pretty stunning.

JEAN LESIEUR, JOURNALIST: Well, it was no surprise for ones the polling institutions were right, like they were right for the European elections. They were right for this parliamentary election, which is even more of a feat. So we were not exactly surprised. I mean, some people of my generation were kind of shocked to see that the party founded by Neo Nazis, and that fought against the independence of, you know, the French colonies in the 50s and 60s who actually tried to assassinate President de Gaulle, several times in the 60s. It's kind of shocking and a big thing that they are now in power, or next week, at least they will have a workable majority that will enable them to govern France.

The big question is now what does President Macron going to do. He has another three years on his term. He obviously cannot function with Madame La Pen or Mr. Bardella for a very long time. So what is he going to do? Is he going to accept the fact that France will be kind of paralyzed as the government for the next three years, or is he going to do what he loves best, which is surprise everybody and play poker and asked for even more clarification, which is why he called this election.

His problem is that this clarification process kind of clarified him, you know, he's become transparent. And it's going to be interesting to see what the majority of the Ensemble National we'd be after the second round, will be an absolute majority, in which case, Macron can maybe maneuver around. But, you know, there are big issues facing them. I mean, Macron is a great participant of Ukraine and a lot of aid to Ukraine.

Madame Le Pen and Mr. Bardella, and, you know, most of their voters are kind of useful idiots of Mr. Putin. So what is going to happen as far as that? And also, Macron is a great proponent of more even more Europe, even more European unity. Madame Le Pen had, you know, a few months ago, still, she was planning a Frexit. How are they going to be able to work together?

FOSTER: Le Pen and Bardella would argue that they progressed a lot since the party. You describe that she -- her father established.

LESIEUR: It depends on what you call progress, you know.

FOSTER: Well, that, you know, they're not as extreme.

LESIEUR: Yes. And the program that they had up until two or three weeks ago was totally different from what they're advocating now. It's, you know, it's political tactic, which is OK. But for example, basic questions like what age can French people retire, you know? Macron passed a reform that made 64 the legal age to retire. Madame Le Pen a few months ago which advocating 60 years old, she's now talking about 64, 65, which, you know, the law of reality is going to catch up with her very quickly, like it did in Italy with Madame Meloni.


LESIEUR: Same about immigration, you know, we have shortage of workers here in France. So she cannot be as radical as she would like to be.

FOSTER: Or what does this mean for the world if we end up in a situation because it's not over, and it's over, of course, where we have the far right prime minister, and Macron as president, what does that mean for French policy because it feels like chaos.

LESIEUR: Well, chaos or paralysis. And it's really important. If you look at the map of the world right now, I mean, not right now but, you know, the next few weeks and months. You could have, you know, going from east to west, you could have Putin in Russia, you can have a European Union, which will be totally disunited, with about half a dozen leaders who kind of side with Putin, even though they don't really admit it. And then you cross the Atlantic and you may have Donald Trump, what does that ring us? You know, what kind of world is this bring us? And what kind of Europe comes out of it if Mr. Putin feels emboldened to titillate, you know, Poland a little more, the Baltic countries.



LESIEUR: That's kind of scary.

FOSTER: OK. Jean Lesieur, thank you so much for joining us today with your analysis. Paula it's, you know, it's a microcosm in many ways isn't it, of what we're seeing around the world with the rise of the won't right (ph) but also difficulty within national governments, where you have split authority really between very separate groups.

NEWTON: Yes. And very difficult to do that, given how divisive everything is right now. I have to tell you, Max, we are leaning in on this side of the Atlantic. This is an incredibly interesting election. I heard Jean say, you know, my generation, and yet it is the younger generation that seems to be getting closer to voting from Madame Le Pen even in the second round, right?

FOSTER: Yes. And Macron still has that older support over 60s still very much there. And that's quite, that's solidifying. But you are seeing lots of young men in particular, leaning towards the right. And this 28-year-old leader, Bardella, is very appealing, very authority. I was at his speech last night. He's -- he, you know, he seems legitimate strong. He's got that leadership quality. And I think that's been very appealing to a lot of young people.

NEWTON: Yes, absolutely. We are riveted on this side of the ocean. I can tell you Max and there'll be much more from you in the hour in the next few hours ahead. Thanks so much, Max.

Now in the meantime here, U.S. President Joe Biden's family is encouraging him to stay in the race and keep fighting. That's even after a dismal performance during last week's debate, and that's from two of his advisors who say the family also talked about whether top Biden aides should be fired. They spent time together on Sunday at Camp David and discussed how they could support the president.

Meantime, Axios is reporting that Mr. Biden's closest aides shielded him from White House staff and others from day one. Alex Thompson, the national political correspondent for Axios spoke to CNN earlier. He explained how some in the White House were caught off guard, by Biden's debate performance. Listen.


ALEX THOMPSON, NATIONAL POLITICAL CORRESPONDENT, AXIOS: The reason why this has been such a shock to the system inside the White House is because the Joe Biden that they saw on Thursday night was unrecognizable to them. But as many of them have said to me, this could not have been the first time that he had acted that way. There is no way they -- in the minds of a lot of people in the White House, they are both sad because how this could affect the election. They're sad for him because there's great affection for him. But they're also angry because they feel that this side of Joe Biden must have been known to at least some of his close aides, and they hit that part of it, not just from them, but, you know, from potentially from voters and from Democrats and from donors.


NEWTON: Meantime, former House Speaker Nancy Pelosi is defending Mr. Biden's performance during the presidential debates. Here's what she told CNN's Dana Bash earlier.


NANCY PELOSI, FORMER U.S. HOUSE SPEAKER: The difference between Joe Biden and the former president is so clear, if you are a woman, and you care about your reproductive freedom and your health and women do you see a complete difference between enforce a woman's right to choose on the part of Joe Biden and a ban on abortion with the other guy. If you care about job creation in America, 15 million more jobs created by Joe Biden the worst job performance record since Herbert Hoover for the other guy. If you're concerned about saving the planet, you're a young person, you're caring about the planet and its future, Joe Biden the first person in the Congress to pass a resolution to study that climate change in the ADC.


NEWTON: Now, CNN's Priscilla Alvarez has the latest from Washington.

PRISCILLA ALVAREZ, CNN WHITE HOUSE REPORTER: President Biden and his family huddled at Camp David on Sunday for a previously scheduled photoshoot. But looming over this visit was Thursday night's debate and all of the immediate fallout. Now two Biden advisors tells CNN the President and his family talked about the debate and the family encouraged the president to stay in the race. These advisors saying that the conversations were focused on how the family can help and not whether President should reconsider his candidacy.

Now the President himself has also been eagerly collecting data anecdotal and through public polling for all of this as there has been criticism from all corners of the Democratic Party going from Democratic lawmakers and Democratic officials as well as donors wracked by anxiety over Thursday night's debate performance. Now, the President did have a fundraising blitz over the weekend where he too conceded that the debate on Thursday was not his best but still maintaining that he will stay in the race and that he would fight hard for voters.

Now of course, there are still plenty of questions unanswered here and there is still the immediate followup that the campaign continues to have to wrestle with, particularly on calls over the course of the weekend trying to reassure their supporters that at the end of the day it is two vastly different records between President Biden and former President Donald Trump and that is where the focus should stay.


But the very least on Sunday, the President having those conversations with his family who are all pivotal to his decision making, and then offering their support moving forward.

Priscilla Alvarez, CNN, Washington.

NEWTON: I want to bring in Natasha Lindstaedt. She is a professor of government at the University of Essex, and she joins us now from Colchester, England. A sobering weekend for so many year. Biden seems to be staying put for now. Is his campaign salvageable, though, do you think. And if it is, what can the President do this coming week to help put that debate performance behind him?

NATASHA LINDSTAEDT, PROF. OF GOVERNMENT, UNIVERSITY OF ESSEX: Yes, that's a really good question. I think that's been the question that Democrats have been asking themselves if they've been in crisis mode since that debate performance that took many, as the report indicated off guard that he just appeared to be incoherent. It wasn't just that he performed so-so, that he had a few moments, particularly the moment where he fumbled on talking about Medicare, and instead of Big Pharma that were really causing some alarm.

And so you had donors sort of really questioning, is this the right candidate? But I think the biggest problem for the Democrats is they don't have a clear alternative, it would be Kamala Harris, that would be the natural choice. But her approval rating is worse than Biden's. And the administration didn't do a particularly good job at making sure she was front and center in the last, you know, four years, or three and a half years or so. And making sure she was in charge of portfolios that would make her more popular.

And then the other choices that you kind of hear in the media or maybe, Gavin Newsom. But then again, he's not that popular in California. He does a 52 percent popularity, approval rating there. But he has a lot of liabilities that could come out during the campaign that the Republicans would pick apart. So I think the issue for the Democrats is if there wasn't really clear alternative to Biden, then I think they could really pressure to go for it. But that doesn't exist at the moment.

They appear to be in disarray, which is something that the Republicans, of course, are capitalizing on in the bigger issue is it's really up to Biden himself. He has to say, I want to step down, I'm going to do it for the best, you know, the betterment of the country. I've served my country. He'd have to find something to do it in a way where he maintains his dignity. And at the moment, his inner circle, and the key inner circle, as has already been mentioned, is his family members, they are telling him to stay in the race.

NEWTON: That was just extraordinary given what happened during the debate. If he wants to come out there again, though, I mean, do you think more media interviews, town halls, what can be done here?

LINDSTAEDT: I mean, it's really a big question, because he can't have other performances that go badly. I mean, the stakes have become incredibly high. He did really well, on Friday at the rally in North Carolina, and he had a teleprompter. But the most important thing was he seemed more energized, he seemed more alert, he seemed more quick on his feet. So I think they are going to have to put him forward again. But they're going to --

NEWTON: Right. But that --

LINDSTAEDT: -- go back to the drawing board and (inaudible) prepare.

NEWTON: Yes. But again, that was with a prompter, which many people pointed out. We don't want to let the former president off here in any way. Trump himself has complained that his performance isn't getting the attention that he would like. And now he may not be wrong, right? Some swing voters were kind of skeptical. Some of the things he said. Take a listen.


DONALD TRUMP (R), PRESIDENTIAL CANDIDATE: The problem they have is that radical because they will take the life of a child in the eighth month, the ninth month, and even after birth. After birth, they're taking black jobs now. And it could be 18, it could be 19, and even 20 million people, they're taking black jobs, and they're taking Hispanic jobs. And you haven't seen it yet. But you're going to see something that's going to be the worst in our history. I didn't have sex with a porn star.


NEWTON: So most of what was said there was untrue or at least misleading. I direct everyone to CNN in Daniel Dale's excellent fact check of 30 things, at least 30 things that he said that were misleading. But Natasha, I have to ask you, where does this leave the former president, especially when it comes to the threat from even a third party, right, whether it's RFK, Jr., or the Green Party at this point, that this could really upend the campaign, right? LINDSTAEDT: That would definitely change the campaign, but I think it's going to affect both Biden and Trump. Trump, of course, has his base of supporters and they're very energized and there is nothing he could say or do even the fact that he lied during the entire debate. He didn't directly answer any of the questions but he appeared to be energized and the mute buttons seem to help him in that he seemed less obnoxious, not interrupting quite as much.


He is worried, the Trump campaign is worried about a third party candidate. And we know this because he starts throwing insults and attacking the campaign of Kennedy. I think the issue here is that Biden is going -- Biden has a much more uphill battle. I mean most of the pressure is on Biden now. And he's going to have to find a way to not only energize his base, but convince people that are in the middle.

Now what we know from that debate was 70 percent of Americans were watching and 16 percent of those were undecided. So there is a lot of work on behalf of the Biden campaign to not get people to vote with a third party to get people to vote at all --

NEWTON: Right.

LINDSTAEDT: -- and to convince people that age is not an issue. Now --

NEWTON: And Natasha just --

LINDSTAEDT: -- ever seen.

NEWTON: Natasha, I have to leave it there for now. But again, we will wait to see what the week ahead brings. Thanks so much. Appreciate it.

Now after the break for us, a monstrous category four hurricane will begin making it through the Caribbean later today. And we'll have the latest, next.


NEWTON: So the Caribbean is bracing for Hurricane Beryl, a tropical storm force winds are expected to hit islands on the Caribbean eastern edge in the coming hours now. You see the track of the storm there. Beryl is an extremely dangerous category four hurricane with maximum sustained winds of more than 200 kilometers an hour. Beryl is now the earliest category four hurricane in the Atlantic Ocean on record. And this rapid intensification is very unusual in fact for this time of year. Joining us from St. Thomas in Barbados is journalist Barry Wilkinson. You guys are bracing for the storm. You're expected to see most of the effects later this morning. But tell me what is going on. Right now in terms of the effects of the storm that you are seeing and what are people doing to prepare?

BARRY WILKINSON, JOURNALIST: Well, at this particular stage in the last hour, the rain has stopped. In fact it has not rained since we spoke at about quarter past hour of 12 o'clock. We are still expecting the hurricane to pass south of Barbados. But looking at the current projection and the trajectory, it's going it's going further from Barbados heading more towards Saint Vincent, the Grenadines and Grenada. But at this particular stage of they're still expecting at least up to six inches of rain, which could mean perhaps less wind but a lot of water.

So at this stage I think Barbadians have been well prepared overnight, leading into this particular hurricane. They've got all the necessary things at the hardware store. They've got the necessary water for perhaps a possible shutdown. And electricity of course can also be shut down if it does pass and does show to be a monster which is looking like it's going to be. But I think that it is now moving further south and we might not feel the full effects that we might have thought 12 hours ago.


NEWTON: Which is a relief, obviously. I'm curious, have most people stayed put in their homes, even if they are boarding up windows as we noticed or have shelters been set up?

WILKINSON: Oh, shelters are all across Barbados, but you would find in a very small island like Barbados, people will not go to those shelters unless there's an emergency at their particular homes, you know, 260,000 plus people. If there is an evacuation situation, then they will spread themselves across all the shelters which have been open and set up in the last 24 hours. They're all full set for emergency situations. But you're not going to find Barbadians rushing to shelters, unless there is indeed an evacuation situation.

And we're far, far from an evacuation situation at this moment. There was some rain earlier. That rain has stopped. And at this stage is just a bit of wind, a bit more wind that you would expect in Barbados, but not a lot of rain so far.

NEWTON: And we certainly hope that all that good fortune continues as you all there prepare for the storm to bear down. Barry Wilkinson for us, thanks so much. Appreciate it.

Still to come, new poll numbers are in after the U.S. presidential debate. And yes, as you can imagine not looking good for President Joe Biden. Plus, Max Foster will be back with us from Paris with the latest on the elections in France.

FOSTER: Yes, we'll have more on the first round of those parliamentary elections and we're going to take a close look at the 28th leader -- 28-year-old leader of the far right. He could be the country's next prime minister.


NEWTON: And welcome back, you are watching CNN Newsroom. I'm Paula Newton in New York.

FOSTER: And I'm Max Foster in Paris, where the far right is leading in the first round of the parliamentary elections. These were snap polls called by President Emmanuel Macron. It was all a big shock when he did it and it was a bit of a gamble and it's not paying off so far. Results are seen as a big blow to him. Thousands of people taking to the streets of Paris to voice their opposition after the strong showing of the far right National Rally party although they've clearly got lots of support as well.

Initial estimate show National Rally leading with 34 percent of the vote, followed by the left wing New Popular Front coalition in second. They had 28 percent. Mr. Macron's Centrist Alliance in third with around 20 percent. Now, just 28-years-old Jordan Bardella, the leader of the far right party, could go on to become the prime minister if things carry on like this.


There's a long way to go. Lots of political maneuvering as well. We'll see how the left and the center ground really deal with that to try to keep the national -- you know, the far-right out.

But Marine Le Pen, who's obviously the doyenne of the far-right, has described Bardella's rise as a bid to normalize, if you like, the far- right, distancing herself from her what many see as her father's extreme policies. He set up the party many decades ago.

CNN producer Saskya Vandoorne has more now on who is Bardella.


SASKYA VANDOORNE, CNN PRODUCER: He's been called the TikTok king and young people love him.

But who's the slick 28-year-old French far-right leader on the brink of power?

Jordan Bardella has transformed the National Rally, taking it from the fringes into the mainstream, solidifying its rural base.

JORDAN BARDELLA, PRESIDENT, NATIONAL RALLY PARTY (through translator): We wanted to take agriculture completely out of the free trade agreements so that we can protect our domestic market.

VANDOORNE: And using social media to reach a new generation of voters.

BARDELLA: Go out and vote to stop the migration surge that threatens our security, identity and values.

VANDOORNE: The populist rhetoric isn't new, but because of this gifted communicator, its resonating in France now more than ever.

UNIDENTIFIED MALE: The sorts of young voters who are attracted to Jordan Bardella, they tend to have less optimism about their future.

I think Jordan Bardella shows them, look, look at me. You know, I don't have a college education. I come from a place in France that the elite looks down upon.

Young people will also find themselves in those circumstances see that as actually inspiring.

VANDOORNE: Jordan Bardella up here in Seine-Saint-Denis, a suburb northeast of Paris. He attended this private school and at 16, he joined the National Rally.

Around here people know his name, but they remain divided.

UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: I'm rather proud of the fact that he is aware of our problems here. That he knows our reality.

UNIDENTIFIED MALE: If you're not white, if you don't have a typically French name, were not considered French.

UNIDENTIFIED MALE: I know the struggles that students face here and I don't feel that he's representing a young people.

VANDOORNE: Bardella was handpicked by Marine Le Pen to be her successor in an effort to detoxify and normalize the party that was founded by former French members of Hitler's SS.

Though he lacks experience, he and Le Pen form a powerful duo.

BARDELLA: She's the political leader and I'm the army general. We work together in harmony.

VANDOORNE: First, a strong standing in the European elections. Now a real shot at the parliament, and finally another go at the presidency by Le Pen with one man firmly in their sights.

BARDELLA: The person who erased France has a name. It's Emmanuel Macron.

VANDOORNE: Saskya Vandoorne, CNN -- Paris.


FOSTER: It's interesting Paula, because obviously Le Pen is very much the face of the far-right, but it's Bardella that seems to be connecting with people.

I was with him at his headquarters last night and, you know, he's got that real leadership quality and a lot of the journalists that have met him, even the ones that don't agree with his policies, you know, impressed by him when they meet him.

And he's got a real presence, which just seems to be working.

NEWTON: Yes. Incredible when you think about it because he really defied the odds with his background. He dropped out of university. But clearly, he is someone that this party is turning to for policy implications going forward.

FOSTER: Absolutely. Yes. I mean, he's going to become very well-known I think around the world in the next few weeks, at least.

NEWTON: Yes, and people will be watching closely just to see because as you've already pointed out, this is a bit of a sanitized version in terms of their party platform. Depending on what happens after the second round we'll see what kind of a platform that they come up with.

Max, we'll continue to check in with you. Thanks so much. But looking like it's a brightening day there in Paris as well. Great view, appreciate it.

Now, in the coming hours, the U.S. Supreme Court is set to decide whether former U.S. President Donald Trump has presidential immunity. Trump has claimed sweeping immunity on his federal 2020 election subversion case.

CNN's Jeremy Herb has more.


JEREMY HERB, CNN POLITICS REPORTER: The Supreme Court is heading into its final day of decisions on Monday where the justices will rule on a case with significant implications for the 2024 election -- whether Donald Trump can face trial on election-subversion charges.


HERB: The justices are set to issue their ruling on Trump's claims of absolute immunity from prosecution. A decision that Trump is not fully immune from prosecution could clear the way for the former president to stand trial this fall.

But the decision could also lead to another round of litigation and appeals that would push any trial beyond the 2024 election.

The case stems from special counsel Jack Smith's indictment of Trump last August over his efforts to overturn the 2020 election. Trump responded by claiming he was immune from prosecution because he was president.

The trial judge in this case, Tanya Chutkan and the Circuit Court of appeals, both rejected Trumps claims of immunity, but the Supreme Court chose to take up this case and they heard oral arguments in April.

Several of the justices, including Chief Justice John Roberts were skeptical of the Circuit Court decision that fully rejected Trumps immunity clans. They focus on whether there should be some immunity for a president's official duties compared to his private actions.

This suggests that the justices could grant Trump some degree of immunity for his official actions. But not for those actions he took that went beyond his role as president.

That could pave the way for the election subversion case against Trump to move forward. But how quickly any case actually goes to trial depends on whether the justices address Trump's conduct specifically in their ruling or if they only set a standard for prosecution that the lower court would then have to apply to this case. If that happens, Trump could potentially start a whole new round of appeals, likely pushing any trial beyond the 2024 election in November.

The special counsel asked the Supreme Court in December to take up this case and this appeal immediately. But the justices declined to do that. Instead, letting the case work its way through the appeals process.

That's what led to April's hearing and the wait now for Monday's consequential Supreme Court decision, which is coming a little over four months before the 2024 election.

Jeremy Herb, CNN -- New York.


NEWTON: Police in Canada are searching for a suspect in connection with two possible hate-motivated offenses in Toronto. They say a person threw rocks at two synagogues early Sunday morning. That was before fleeing the scene on a motorbike.

They believe the same person is responsible for both incidents. An official at one of the synagogues says the attack quote, "has to be viewed as an anti-Semitic act". Police say the incidents are being investigated as suspected hate crimes.

Now, we're seeing more unrest in Jerusalem nearly a week after Israel's Supreme Court ordered the government to begin drafting Ultra- Orthodox Jewish men into the military.

On Sunday, members of the community clashed with police and that anger could eventually threaten the future of Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu's coalition government.

CNN Scott McLean has more now.


SCOTT MCLEAN, CNN CORRESPONDENT: Ultra-Orthodox Jews in Jerusalem were on the street again on Sunday night protesting the recent Supreme Court decision that ruled that they are not exempt from military service.

Police say that some protesters threw stones at them. Video also showed that there were some scuffles that broke out and some fires as well.

Police made several arrests and ultimately used water cannons to try to disperse the crowd. At one point, protesters actually surrounded the car of a government minister banging on the windows, throwing things at it. The minister was not hurt though.

Now since the founding of Israel Ultra-Orthodox Jews have been exempt from military service as long as they were studying in a religious school called the Yeshiva. But more than 25 years ago, a court overturned that and successive

governments have tried and failed to find a lasting solution to this issue.

Tuesday's Supreme Court ruling reaffirmed that the law does not allow the Ultra-Orthodox to be exempt for military service. And even bars the government from funding yeshivas whose students refuse the draft.

Now there are politicians who say that there is no shortage of troops. But the IDF says that they could use the extra manpower. This issue is also exacerbating the secular religious divide in the country.

Now integrating the Ultra-Orthodox into the military will be slow since they have to serve in special units. But in the meantime, this ruling could have major political implications.

The prime minister's coalition government is reliant on the support of two Ultra-Orthodox parties and losing even one of them could cause the government to fall though so far neither has indicated that they plan to topple the government.

Scott McLean, CNN -- Istanbul.


NEWTON: South Korea says one of two North Korean ballistic missiles launched Monday may have had an abnormal flight trajectory. A spokesperson for South Korea's joint chiefs of staff says the military's still analyzing the data from what could be a failed missile launch.


NEWTON: The launch comes just one day after North Korea condemned a joint military exercise by South Korea, Japan, and the United States.

Meantime, U.S. officials say several American military bases across Europe are on a heightened state of alert because of concerns of a possible terrorist attack. They say it includes the U.S.-European command headquarters in Germany.

It is not clear what intelligence triggered the heightened security, but European authorities have warned of a potential terrorist threat on the continent, especially ahead of the Paris Olympics and of course, the ongoing European football championships in Germany.

One official tells CNN they haven't seen this threat level in at least a decade.

Ok. After the break, Caribbean islands prepare for an unprecedented and extremely dangerous hurricane. We'll have more on that next.

Plus the alarming trend of Afghan girls trying to end their lives rather than live under Taliban rule.

All that and more after a break. (COMMERCIAL BREAK)

NEWTON: Caribbean nations are bracing for impact as extremely dangerous Hurricane Beryl approaches with maximum sustained winds of more than 200 kilometers per hour. Now, the Category 4 hurricane is projected to begin making its way through the Caribbean later today.

This is the earliest Category 4 hurricane in the Atlantic Ocean on record.

Now some young women and girls in Afghanistan are losing their will to live since the Taliban's resurgence to power nearly three years ago. The Islamist militant group's crackdown on women's rights has led to an increased rate of mental health crisis and suicide among Afghanistan's teenage girls with little to no intervention from the international community.

Our Anna Coren spoke with one Afghan teen who almost became another statistic in that unfortunate trend on her second chance at life.

A warning though, this report may be upsetting to some viewers.

ANNA COREN, CNN CORRESPONDENT: It's being described as the most serious women's rights crisis in the world, Afghanistan under Taliban rule.

But despite this grave warning, the United Nations has been accused of betraying the girls and women of Afghanistan agreeing to Taliban demands to keep women's rights off the agenda at the two-day, U.N.-led conference in Doha.

It comes as a mental health crisis is sweeping across the country with adolescent girls who see no future trying to kill themselves.

We now bring you the story of one of those girls.


COREN: Huddled on the floor over schoolbooks, 16-year-old Arzo (ph), meticulously copies the English sentences.

Her neat cursive writing, a display of devotion to furthering her education.

"Learning new words makes me happy," she explains.

But this scene was unthinkable just eight months ago when we first met Arzo in the same room on the outskirts of Karachi in Pakistan.


COREN: "Don't worry, you'll be fine," says her brother, kissing her hand. "We are with you always."

Arzo was bedridden. Her skeletal frame wasting away.

Every breath she took and movement she made, causing unbearable pain.

Arzo is from neighboring Afghanistan. And it's there in her home in July of last year she tried to kill herself.

Can you talk to us about --

This is the first time the teenager, whose identity is hidden due to security concerns, is able to speak to us about what led her to that point.

"On that day, I felt like everything was over. I glanced at pictures of my classmates and felt a deep sense of longing. I was overwhelmed by hopelessness and that's why I drank battery acid. Convinced it would end my life."

Arzo, seen here in pink in happier times, is one of countless Afghan girls who have attempted suicide. An alarming trend spreading across the country since the Taliban returned to power almost three years ago.

A ban on secondary education for girls, one of the most damaging of dozens of edicts enforced by the Taliban. Contributing to what human rights activists describe as the most serious women's rights crisis in the world.

A call backed up by U.N. officials.

RICHARD BENNETT, U.N. SPECIAL RAPPORTEUR ON HUMAN RIGHTS IN AFGHANISTAN: The Taliban's institutionalized system of gender oppression established and enforced through its violations of women and girls' fundamental rights is widespread and systematic, amounting to crimes against humanity.

COREN: But despite this powerful language, the U.N. has appeased the Taliban for the U.N. conference on Afghanistan in Doha, agreeing to its demands that women's rights are off the official agenda, guaranteeing its attendance for the very first time. Nor will Afghan women be represented in Taliban meetings.

HEATHER BARR, HUMAN RIGHTS WATCH: This is shocking and shameful behavior. And this really represents a huge win for the Taliban honestly, in terms of how much power they're able to exercise, how much the international community is allowing their conduct, their abuses to be normalized. And this is really devastating for Afghan women.

COREN: Especially for girls like Arzo.

After her suicide attempt, she was vomiting blood and couldn't swallow. Her siblings smuggled her into Pakistan for treatment at a local hospital, but Arzo's condition only worsened.

CHRISTIANE AMANPOUR, CNN INTERNATIONAL ANCHOR: The rising number of girls turning to suicide out of their despair.

COREN: When our story aired in December, a highly-respected institution in Pakistan that wishes to remain anonymous, contacted CNN, offering Arzo proper medical care that would ultimately save her life.

UNIDENTIFIED MALE: Her weight was that of probably a four-year-old. She was 20 to 22 kilograms at the time that we saw her. There is no doubt in my mind that she had only a few months left to live, really.

COREN: By consuming battery acid, Arzo suffered what's called an esophageal stricture, a narrowing of the esophagus stopping food from passing to her stomach.

Over several procedures, doctors inflated a tiny balloon inside her esophagus to gradually widen the passage, allowing her to eat.

In January this year, she ate her first meal of rice and milk.

"It was delicious. I felt strong at that moment and so happy. I told myself I could get through these hard days."

And since then, she has doubled her weight. Yet Arzo's battles are far from over.

UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: You can see the area where she was pretty badly scarred.

COREN: Her doctor says she requires ongoing medical care and is now at risk of developing esophageal cancer.

But the immediate threat facing Arzo and her siblings is deportation, as Pakistan prepares to expel the next wave of undocumented Afghan migrants.

Approximately one-fifth of the nearly three million Afghans living in Pakistan were deported by the end of last year.

Homes in refugee camps have been marked by authorities for the next round, and Arzo is visibly upset at the prospect.

COREN: Would you try to kill yourself again if you were forced to return to Afghanistan?

"If I go back to Afghanistan, I would end up doing the same thing again because I can't attend school or see my friends. I cannot live there."

For the pediatric surgeon who operated on Arzo, he says they were lucky to get to her in time.


UNIDENTIFIED MALE: We don't want to be at the resuscitating end. The goal is to be at the prevention part and to kind of not allow it to happen.

COREN: But sadly, there is no way to stop what is happening in Afghanistan under Taliban rule as an entire generation of girls, just like Arzo, are unable to see any light on the horizon.


COREN: The U.N.-led conference, which wraps up today, wants to engage the Taliban on issues such as aide, the economy, narcotics, and security.

But by refusing to address the systemic abuse of women's rights, activists say the U.N. and international community is abandoning the girls and women of Afghanistan, who continue to suffer every single day. Back to you.

NEWTON: And Anna, we thank you for your reporting on Afghanistan. And we will be right back in a moment.


NEWTON: Sunday saw two more knockouts in Euro 2024 with England and Spain going through to the quarter finals.

CNN's Don Riddell has been keeping a close eye, as you can imagine, on all the action.


DON RIDDELL, CNN WORLD SPORT ANCHOR: You know, England went into the European football championship with extremely high hopes, but they had failed to impress throughout the group stage and they were just seconds away from being knocked out on Sunday night until a moment of sheer brilliance changed everything.

England's first knockout game of the tournament was against Slovakia, a team ranked 40 places below them. But another lethargic performance was of great concern to the England fans who witnessed Slovakia taking a first half lead through Ivan Schranz.

And as the game went into injury time at the end of the second half England still hadn't managed a shot on target. They were just seconds away from crashing out of the tournament when their young star, Jude Bellingham produced a sensational equalizer.

What a way to save your team. What a way to salvage their hopes for this tournament when all had seemed lost. He somehow conjured up an acrobatic volley, an overhead kick to keep England in the tournament.

This young man has only just turned 21 years of age. He's mature way beyond his years. He's just enjoyed a double winning season with Real Madrid and now he is officially a national hero too.

And to give you a sense of how desperate the England fans were feeling, this is how they look just before that goal and then somehow everything changed, from utter despair to unbelievable delight. Suddenly the three lines could believe again.

From an equalizer in the dying seconds to a decisive goal just seconds into the extra time period. England rode the momentum right from the kickoff with Captain Harry Kane heading in the winner. That is his second goal of the tournament. It turned out to be the decisive goal too.

So England live to fight another day. They're heading into a quarter clash next with Switzerland.

HARRY KANE, ENGLAND TEAM CAPTAIN: That's the desire and the attitude from the boys and the staff and everybody involved, you know. Yes. It looked -- it looked tough for a second there but you know you keep going. We've worked on certain details throughout the week and you know, we put in a long (INAUDIBLE) a couple of days ago. We said we might need it. We prepared for anything.

And (INAUDIBLE) that's what a dude (ph) does what not believe will go in and yes, he's kept our tournament alive. So all I can say is, you know incredible support, incredible -- I know the fans back home would have enjoyed that, but yes. We're all --


RIDDELL: Meanwhile, Spain are looking really good in the Euros. They were the only team to win all three of their group games. And now they're heading into the quarter-finals from the back of four wins out of four.

On Sunday in Cologne, La Roja took on the tournament's surprise package, Georgia. And it was Georgia who took the lead with an own goal in the 18th minute. Spain was stunned especially since Georgia never actually had a shot of their own on target.

But Rodri equalized shortly before half time and then to be honest, normal service has resumed early in the second half when Fabian Ruiz gave Spain the lead and the result was never really in doubt after that.

Nikko Williams made it 3 - 1 here. Spain came from behind to advance to the quarter finals.

There is going to be a blockbuster clash against the tournament host that's Germany on Friday.

There are two more knockout games to come on Monday. France versus Belgium and Portugal, the 2016 champions will take on Slovenia.

We are, of course looking forward to those games as the Euro 2024 continues.

Back to you.


NEWTON: Our thanks to Don there.

Now meantime, U.S. gymnast Simone Biles has booked her ticket to Paris Olympics after a major win at the Olympic gymnastics trials. She's now the fourth American woman to compete in three Olympic games.

Biles placed first in the all-around competition on Sunday, incredible leading her competitors by more than five points.

It guarantees the reigning world champion and the most decorated gymnast ever an automatic spot in the U.S. team.

So as the saying goes, right, if your friends jumped off a cliff, would you? Well, what if it was for part of the Red Bull Cliff Diving World Series? I can't wait to see this.

The competition has divers oh, my stomach hurts free-falling from as high as 27 meters. This is video from the third leg of the series held on Italy's Adriatic Coast on Sunday. The series moves on to Northern Ireland Causeway Coast on July 20.

I want to thank you for watching. I'm Paula Newton in New York.

We will be back with Max Foster and more CNN NEWSROOM right after the break.

But we leave you with a view of an Olympic venue in Paris at Place de la Concorde.
