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Hurricane Beryl Expected to Make Landfall in Jamaica; Barbados' Fishing Industry Takes Damage from Hurricane Beryl; Crowd Crush Kills More Than 100 Women and Children in India; Texas Democrat Representative Calls on Biden to Withdraw from Race; British Voters Poised to End 14 Years of Conservative Rule; British Voters Poised to End 14 Years of Conservative Rule; Violent Protests in Kenya; Crowds Clash With Police During Anti-govt. Protests; Police Fire Tear Gas at Anti-government Protesters; U.S. To Announce $2.3B Aid Package for Ukraine; Zelensky's Office Dismisses Orban's Ceasefire Proposal; Thousands Displaced Again Amid IDF's New Evacuation Order; Pioneering Research; Scientists: Ancient Earthquake Rerouted Ganges River. Aired 12-1a ET

Aired July 03, 2024 - 00:00   ET



LYNDA KINKADE, CNN INTERNATIONAL ANCHOR: Hello, and welcome. I'm Lynda Kinkade.

Ahead on CNN NEWSROOM, Hurricane Beryl heads for Jamaica as that country's prime minister warns residents to take the powerful storms seriously.

The Indian government is promising strict punishment for the organizers of a religious gathering that left more than 100 women and children dead in a crowd crush.

And a growing chorus of Democrats are calling on Joe Biden to withdraw from the U.S. presidential race, amid new reports about his mental lapses and falling poll numbers.

ANNOUNCER: Live from Atlanta, this is CNN NEWSROOM with Lynda Kinkade.

KINKADE: Deadly Hurricane Beryl is expected to pound Jamaica with life-threatening wind and storm surges in the hours ahead as the death toll from the storm rises to at least seven. Beryl is moving rapidly across the Caribbean and is now a category four storm packing 240 kilometer per hour winds. This week, Beryl became the earliest ever cat-5 hurricane in the Atlantic basin fueled by record-high ocean temperatures.

Forecasters say the center of the storm will make landfall in Southern Jamaica Wednesday, and will then head to the Cayman Islands. Jamaica's government is telling people to take the threat seriously, to find shelter, stock up on essentials like food, water, and batteries. Jamaicans say they're bracing for the impact.

(BEGIN VIDEO CLIP) CLIVE DAVIS, JAMAICAN FISHERMAN: Yes, it developed so quick. From a tropical depression so fast. It's true what they say, it's history. And first time to develop in June, July.


KINKADE: Joining me now is Senator Matthew Samuda and meteorologist Evan Thompson, both with Jamaica's Ministry of Economic Growth and Job Creation.

Thanks so much for joining us.



KINKADE: Senator Samuda, I'll start with you because you've been leading the hurricane preparation. What do people and businesses in your country doing to prepare for this monster hurricane?

SAMUDA: Well, you know, there's a great deal of anxiety as we have seen the impact of this storm in Barbados and St. Vincent, of course, in Grenada. So citizens, businesses alike have been putting in place all of their hurricane preparatory steps so there's a great deal of activity at the supermarkets, great deal of activity at hardware stores. And people are putting in place the protection mechanisms that we know work.

At the government level, we've been focused on clearing major drains right toward our townships. We've been ensuring that all of our government buildings are indeed protected by way of boarded up, ensuring that our roofs are secure. We're doing what we can. But ultimately we've also been focused on ensuring that citizens have the information. So those who are in low-lying areas, those who are in flood-prone areas, both any of our 780 plus shelters because ultimately saving lives is our first priority. Property is second.

But we've -- it's not our first hurricane, it's not our first tropical storm of sorts. But we are very worried about this one because it is a category four.

KINKADE: Yes, exactly. And Mr. Thompson, you serve as the hurricane expert. Describe the current conditions for us, the impact we've already seen in neighboring islands and the expectations for impact in Jamaica.

THOMPSON: Yes. You know, this is something that has come upon us at a time that we really didn't expect this kind of activity so early in the hurricane season. Just before we ended the first month of the season, we already saw system developing that was entering the Caribbean and picking up the speed in terms of movement. There's also the speed in terms of intensity of the system moving into the Eastern Caribbean. So it has been quite something to watch and to be part of

understanding what is really happening here with the changes that are taking place in the climate, whether it's with variability or the change of the climate. And then of course what we're seeing happening in the Eastern Caribbean has really caused us to think about what these systems can really produce.


The kinds of storm surge that we experienced which we heard and we saw by video, taking place in places like Barbados and Grenada and St. Vincent. We saw the storm surge. We saw the devastation that these countries have been encountering. And it makes us have to stop to consider how will we prepare ourselves to face something like that.

KINKADE: Yes. And Senator Samuda, you've also -- you oversee environment and climate change as we've been discussing. This is the first category five hurricane on record to make landfall in the Atlantic this early in the season. It's now a category four. Talk to us about Jamaica's climate history. Are you surprised to see a storm of this strength in July?

SAMUDA: We were all pretty surprised. I mean, we're usually in preparation for end of August, certainly September, and sometimes early to mid-October. So this is unprecedented for us, especially a storm of this strength. No, the climate centers will have to do climate attribution to say how much of it was related to climate change as opposed to one in the century storm. But we certainly believe that climate change has obviously had a devastating impact on us and certainty on our neighbors in the Caribbean.

Ultimately, as many strides as we have made in managing our macro- economic situation this underlines a fragility for factors that are outside of our control. Ultimately, climate change is the risk to us. It's to restore stability, it's to restore lives and livelihoods. This is unprecedented storm as we can see in July and certainly late June. It's really something that we just didn't expect. We're doing our best to prepare what we have to, you know, see what happens.

KINKADE: Yes. And Mr. Thompson, just looking at historic hurricanes. Gilbert hit Jamaica in 1988 as category three storm. Ivan hit in 2004 as a category four storm.

THOMPSON: That's right.

KINKADE: How do they compare to Beryl and how did the island recover back then?

THOMPSON: Wow, I was really just starting my meteorological career when Gilbert moved across the island. I was right on the bench there forecasting during the passage of this -- that system. So I wasn't able to see what was happening on the ground until I left my location at the end of all of it and saw the kind of devastation, and seeing the total destruction of property. So many houses without roofs. It was really something to behold. And then of course moving to 2004 with Hurricane Ivan, we saw a

similar picture, maybe not as much of the island was impacted then because it was mostly focused on the southern parishes, the southern side of the island, where Gilbert actually affected the entire country. But this one that we're watching, it seems to be following a kind of path that's in-between both, where it is the category, the strength of a Gilbert, but it seems as though it is going to take a path that is more along the southern side of the island as was Hurricane Ivan.

So we're kind of watching it with some kind of trepidation, yes, and trying to see how much we can learn from it. But at the same time preparing our residents to recognize the various hazards that they are likely to face with the storm surge, with the heavy rain fall, with the very strong winds. And of course, the kind of landslides that likely will occur afterwards. You know, we really have to prepare ourselves for all these hazards.

KINKADE: Well, we do hope everyone in Jamaica heeds your warnings and listens to authorities.

Senator Matthew Samuda and meteorologist Evan Thompson, appreciate your time today. All the very best as this hurricane makes landfall in Jamaica.

SAMUDA: Thank you for having us.

THOMPSON: Thank you.

KINKADE: Right now, we're getting new images of the destruction in Grenada. The nation is under a state of emergency. About 95 percent of the population lost power. Many also lost telephone and internet service.

And this was the scene over Barbados. The country's fishing industry took a huge hit that leads to 20 vessels sinking in a storm surge.

Krystal Hoyte is a journalist with the Caribbean Broadcasting Corporation. She joins us now from Kingstown on the island of St. Vincent.

We appreciate your being with us tonight. I understand you've just come from Barbados, which of course was hit by winds of 160 kilometers an hour. Just talk us through the devastation there from both the winds and the storm surge.

KRYSTAL HOYTE, JOURNALIST, CARIBBEAN BROADCASTING CORPORATION: Well, you would have seen any images like the damage over calibration fisheries compacts. We saw fisher folk literally watching their vessels. Their livelihoods truly sinking before their eyes. We saw of course significant damage along the island. Breaks down port, includes terminal also significantly damaged. So the impact has been really, really devastating.

KINKADE: And of course you're now in St. Vincent.


We've heard from the prime minister of St. Vincent and the Grenadines who say that 90 percent of houses on Union Island have been severely damaged or destroyed. What are people telling you there about what they experienced?

HOYTE: Well, I had to send them currently in St. Vincent and I can tell you that it's really devastating. One person has died as a result of the passage of Hurricane Beryl. The disruption brought by this category four hurricane has been really something that they haven't seen before. So certainly in the Southern Grenadine Islands, Canouan, Mayreau and Union Island. And yes, in Union Island 90 percent of the boating stock has been destroyed.

The roof of the hospital is gone. A similar situation in Canouan in terms of housing and the roof of that hospital there is damaged. Still on but lots of water damage. And I can tell you that there are at least 1,494 persons within 69 shelters here in St. Vincent along with electricity being completely down as you can clearly see behind me. Those islands' telecommunications are also down. We're also in a challenge in terms of doing a full assessment of the situation here.

KINKADE: Yes, certainly it will be -- I guess you have a chance to reassess the damage in the morning hours. But in terms of water, do you understand what the situation is with drinking water there?

HOYTE: The water where I am currently, which is just outside of Kingston, there is water, but for some of them, there is no water. There is simply no water, no electricity, no telecommunications, and that's in the mainland. I'm not certain about the situation over in some of the islands. We haven't gone -- we're going over there tomorrow. I believe it's expected in a matter of days as early as Thursday providing water, providing food, providing the essentials.

I can tell you already that a Caribbean disaster emergency management agencies or DEMA has already deployed a rapid needs assessment team to get an idea of the extent of damage and what's needed.

KINKADE: All right. Krystal Hoyte, we appreciate you being there and joining us tonight. Thanks so much for your time.

HOYTE: Thank you.

KINKADE: I want to turn to India now where officials say more than 100 people have been killed and nearly two dozen injured in a crowd crush. Tens of thousands of people have gathered for a religious events in the northern state of Uttar Pradesh. Officials say most of the victims were women and children.

CNN's Ivan Watson is following the developments and joins us live from Hong Kong.

Ivan, so this was a prayer meeting. How did it turn deadly?

IVAN WATSON, CNN SENIOR INTERNATIONAL CORRESPONDENT: Just the sheer numbers of people is one of the arguments that we're hearing. The authorities in Hathras District in Utter Pradesh, they're still trying to identify some of the victims. More than 100 people killed, at least 116, that's according to the authorities there. And the vast majority of them, 108 of these victims were women and some seven children. Just what was supposed to be a day of prayer turning into a terrible, terrible tragedy.


WATSON (voice-over): What was meant to be a time of prayer ending in tragedy in northern India. This the aftermath of the crowd crush at a religious gathering. Bodies carried out from ambulances, loved ones distraught and grieving the dead.

Most of them women and some children, according to authorities. Survivors described the horrific scene.

SHAKUNTALA, HATHRAS DISTRICT, INDIA (through translator): Everyone began to leave. People fell into a drain beside the road. They started falling on top of each other and were crushed to death. Some were pulled out.

SURESH, HATHRAS DISTRICT, INDIA (through translator): I came to attend the event with eight other people, but no one survived.

WATSON: While it's unclear how many people attended the event, authorities say organizers planned for around 80,000 people, but many more showed up.

ASHISH KUMER, HATHRAS DISTRICT MAGISTRATE, INDIA (through translator): There was a sudden commotion due to overcrowding and excessive humidity.

WATSON: Initial reports say attendees may have fallen into an open sewer and on top of each other. One state secretary said the event organizers failed to comply with requirements from the district, and that they would be punished.

Prime Minister Narendra Modi addressed the incident on Tuesday.

NARENDRA MODI, INDIAN PRIME MINISTER (through translator): I express my condolences to those who lost their lives in this accident. I wish for the speedy recovery of all the injured.

WATSON: As an investigation gets underway, the death toll is feared to rise, and questions about accountability remained unanswered.



WATSON (on-camera): Now, Lynda, the police say that they've launched an investigation into what happened here. They're saying that, again, there was permission for some 80,000 people to attend this event with a preacher named Bhole Baba. There were, though, in their estimates actually closer to 150,000 people gathered, and a senior police officer from the area has said that there were some 40 police officers assigned to help run security there.

So there are some very big questions about whether or not there was adequate crowd control, not only on the part of the organizers, but also perhaps on the part of the local police. That said the police we've seen their preliminary investigation report and they are accusing the organizers of homicide in this case. So, we'll watch this closely to see where it goes from here.

This isn't the first time in recent history that large numbers of people had been killed in one of these crowd crushes in India.

KINKADE: All right. Ivan Watson, for us covering that story from Hong Kong. Thank you very much.

We're nearly a week after a poor debate performance, U.S. President Joe Biden is still facing the fallout, including questions from within the Democratic Party. What one top Democrat is saying now.


KINKADE: Welcome back. There are growing concerns over U.S. President Joe Biden's reelection bid following his poor debate performance, including from some within Mr. Biden's own party. The president is expected to stay with Democratic governors and congressional leaders Wednesday. He's now back in Washington after a fundraiser in Virginia where he blamed his debate performance on a tough travel schedule, saying he almost fell asleep on stage.

Reporters who were in the room believed that line was intended to be a joke, but so far there's been little to quiet concerns. A CNN poll shows three-quarters of U.S. voters feel the party would have a better shot at keeping the White House with someone other than Mr. Biden. And already one Democratic congressman is publicly asking Mr. Biden to drop out of the race.

CNN's MJ Lee reports from Washington.


MJ LEE, CNN SENIOR WHITE HOUSE CORRESPONDENT (voice-over): the Democratic firewall around President Joe Biden is beginning to fracture. Texas Congressman Lloyd Doggett becoming the first Democratic lawmaker to publicly called on Biden to withdraw from the 2024 election, following last week's poor debate performance. The congressman saying in a statement, President Biden's first commitment has always been to our country, not himself. I'm hopeful that he will make the painful and difficult decision to withdraw.

The White House facing a barrage of questions about the president's debate performance.


KARINE JEAN-PIERRE, WHITE HOUSE PRESS SECRETARY: It was a bad night. He was not taking any cold medications. That is what I can speak to. I've asked his doctor and that's what he stated to us. LEE: And urged to release more medical records.

JEAN-PIERRE: We have released thorough reports from his medical team every year since he's been in office.

LEE: The White House press secretary digging in and saying Biden's accomplishments speak volumes.

JEAN-PIERRE: With age comes wisdom and experience.

LEE: Other Democrats beginning to publicly express concern that the president could hurt candidates in down-ballot races.

MIKE QUIGLEY, U.S. HOUSE DEMOCRAT: It's his decision. I just want him to appreciate at this time just how much it impacts, not just his race but all the other races coming in November.

LEE: As Republicans are ready to pounce on Biden's debate showing to attack their Democratic opponents.

UNIDENTIFIED MALE: I have a lot of confidence in his leadership.

LEE: Even the president's most staunch defenders, giving credence to the flurry of questions about his health.

REP. NANCY PELOSI (D-CA): He has the vision, he has knowledge. He has judgment. He has a strategic thinking and the rest. He has a bad night. Now, again, I think it's a legitimate question to say, is this an episode or is this a condition?

LEE: New CNN polling showing no immediate damage from Biden's halting debate performance. The president trailing Donald Trump by six points, 43 percent to 49 percent, the same numbers as April, but Biden's approval ratings declining to a new low with just 36 percent of Americans approving of his job performance. And in a hypothetical matchup, Vice President Kamala Harris is pulling better against the former president. She is within striking distance, 45 percent to 47 percent.

REP. JAMES CLYBURN (D-SC): I will support her if he were to step aside.

LEE: Some prominent Biden supporters also expressing support for Harris but insisting for now that the president remain at the top of the ticket.

CLYBURN: I want this ticket to continue to be Biden-Harris. And then we'll see what happens after the next election.


LEE (on-camera): And President Biden on Tuesday night offering a new explanation for his poor debate performance when he spoke at a fundraiser in Virginia. He apologized for the poor performance last Thursday night and said this is not an excuse, but an explanation and blamed the extensive foreign travel that he did in the lead up to that CNN debate. He said that it wasn't a smart idea, that he didn't listen to his staff, and that he almost fell asleep on stage.

That of course is an explanation that is not likely to reassure a lot of Democrats that are very concerned right now.

MJ Lee, CNN, at the White House.

KINKADE: Maria Cardona is a Democratic strategist and CNN political commentator, and she joins us now from Washington.

Good to have you with us, Maria.

MARIA CARDONA, CNN POLITICAL COMMENTATOR: Thank you, Lynda, for having me.

KINKADE: So the first sitting member of Congress has now publicly called for Joe Biden to drop out of the presidential race. Texas Representative Lloyd Doggett had this to say to my colleague Anderson Cooper a short time ago.


REP. LLOYD DOGGETT (D-TX): In retrospect, I wish I had said it earlier because I think we needed this -- needed to be a decision that was made much earlier in the process. But the debate and the ruling by the Supreme Court, and then the input from my neighbors here in Texas was so strong for my own family. There's just too much at risk here to go with less of a strong -- less than a strong candidate.


KINKADE: Maria, how many sitting Democrats share that concern? And will we see more come out and say just that?

CARDONA: Well, I think we'll have to wait and see Lynda. Right now there are a lot of people that are concerned. I mean, we just -- we have to admit that and the campaign knows that and they've been talking to all of those folks who were concerned, all of the Democratic lawmakers. They've been talking to supporters, to allies, to donors as they should. They're hearing people's concerns.

But you know what, Lynda, they're also hearing from a lot of people who are supporting President Biden, as long as he continues to decide to stay in. He is the nominee of the Democratic Party right now. He won the process. He has all of the delegates. He has raised millions of dollars, even record amounts of money since the debate. Much of that from grassroots supporters.

And so I respect Congressman Doggett, and we might have others come out and say, but right now, the dam really has not broken.

KINKADE: Maria, Joe Biden says he almost fell asleep on stage at the debate after weeks of international travel. The polls don't look good for him right now, just 25 percent of registered voters say they want to abide and 75 percent say someone else. His approval ratings declining to a new low, just 36 percent of American approving his job performance. [00:25:05]

If you want Joe Biden to get into the lead, the Dems -- the polls must give some pause, right?

CARDONA: Well, let me just say something about those polls, Lynda. Those polls are not really different from the polls that we have seen in the beginning of this race when the majority of Americans stated that they didn't want either of these candidates. But guess what? These are the candidates we have. So the polls that matter more, Lynda, are the polls that have the head-to-head President Biden against Donald Trump.

And right now, what we have seen, and there are a myriad of those polls. There are several polls that have Joe Biden having gained two or three points since Thursday, there are polls that still have them in a dead heat and there are polls that have Donald Trump ahead.

KINKADE: It's fair to say that those people would vote for Democrats no matter who was the candidate because of those issues, but those same people have concerns that, you know, Joe Biden might not last the next four years in terms of being at his best, and we have seen "The New York Times" reporting and I'll just quote what they've said. They said, people who have spent time with President Biden over the last few months or so have said the lapses appear to have grown more frequent, more pronounced, and after Thursday's debate, more worrisome.

I was speaking with voters in D.C. over the weekend and in Atlanta since I've returned and so many people are saying right now that they feel like they don't have much of a choice.

CARDONA: So about that "New York Times" piece, I think it's also fair to say what was in that reporting and what was in that reporting was also that Donald Trump at 78-years-old, only three years younger than President Biden, has also experienced massive decline since the last time he was in office. When he is in meetings, he trails off. He talks incoherencies when he's out on the trail. We have seen that before. He mistakes names, he mistakes facts, he mistakes dates.

So, you know, if you're going to treat Joe Biden with that kind of broad brush then we need to also treat Donald Trump as such.

KINKADE: You make some really good points.

Maria Cardona, Democratic strategist and CNN political commentator, good to have you in the program. Thank you.

CARDONA: Thank you so much, Lynda. Appreciate it.

KINKADE: A New York judge has postponed Donald Trump's sentencing in the criminal hush money case following the Supreme Court's decision on presidential immunity. Trump was scheduled to be sentenced next week on his felony conviction for falsifying business records but it's now delayed until September 18th. It comes after Trump's legal team filed a letter seeking to challenge

that conviction following the Supreme Court ruling that presidents have absolute immunity from prosecution for core official acts. The judge's announcement Tuesday underscores the far-reaching implications of the high court's ruling that could also impact other Trump indictments.

Voters in the U.K. head to the polls Thursday for a momentous general election that will likely see the end of the Conservative Party's 14- year rule. Prime Minister Rishi Sunak is expected to lose. He took a major gamble by calling for early elections and has struggled to turn around dire polling. The Conservative defeat would likely usher in a center-left Labour government headed by Keir Starmer.

CNN's Salma Abdelaziz reports from London.


SALMA ABDELAZIZ, CNN CORRESPONDENT (voice-over): Two lackluster candidates in a race with a result that is all but certain. It may sound boring but this is a momentous election that could decimate the U.K.'s most powerful political party.

In what is widely seen as a referendum on their 14 years of leadership, the Conservatives are bracing for a very damaging defeat. Prime Minister Rishi Sunak called for the snap election that almost everyone believes he will lose.

RISHI SUNAK, BRITISH PRIME MINISTER: Over the next few weeks I will fight for every vote. I will earn your trust.

ABDELAZIZ: But that trust is battered and bruised. From Boris Johnson's party-gate scandal to leadership failings that saw three prime ministers in 2022 alone, to a very messy Brexit, many are fed up with the Tories.

UNIDENTIFIED MALE: I mean, I think people are ticked off.

UNIDENTIFIED MALE: There's a sense of just wanting any kind of change.

UNIDENTIFIED MALE: Their destination I think can only be expected.

UNIDENTIFIED MALE: This will be the first election that I've ever voting in but I won't be voting conservative.

ABDELAZIZ: Current polls indicate the opposition Labour Party could win by a landslide, ushering in a center-left government led by Keir Starmer.



KEIR STARMER, PARTY LEADER OF THE LABOUR PARTY: If you want change, you have to vote for it.


ABDELAZIZ: The make up of British politics is sure to undergo a seismic shift. But because of Britain's first past the post system, Labour could win but fail to gain a clear mandate.


NIGEL FARAGE, PARTY LEADER OF REFORM UK: Thanks for coming, everybody.


ABDELAZIZ: If smaller parties or the far right gain an outsized voice. Amid the political uncertainty, the new prime minister will inherit a mess, a cost of living crisis fueled in part by a stagnant economy.


UNKNOWN FEMALE: Labour work!

UNKNOWN MALE: Underpaid!

UNKNOWN FEMALE: Labour work, what do we want?

UNKNOWN MALE: Minimum (ph) wage (ph).

UNKNOWN FEMALE: When do we want it?



ABDELAZIZ: The country's beloved National Health Service is understaffed and overstretched. And immigration remains an unresolved hot button issue. Change is coming, but can Starmer, should he win, tackle the challenges and deliver on promises.

Salma Abdelaziz, CNN London.

LYNDA KINKADE, CNN ANCHOR: Police and protesters clash in Kenya. Still ahead, we'll take you to Nairobi, and it (ph) claims the police violated a court order banning the use of tear gas against peaceful protesters.


KINKADE: Welcome back to our viewers all around the world. I'm Lynda Kinkade. You're watching CNN Newsroom.

Kenyan protesters have set their sights on President William Ruto after forcing him to throw out a finance bill that sparked deadly protests weeks ago. Crowds gathered in Nairobi Tuesday demanding that he step down. And the protests once again turned into violent clashes with the police.

CNN's Larry Madowo has the report. LARRY MADOWO, CNN CORRESPONDENT: Protesters back on the streets in Nairobi for a third straight week. Breathing tear gas, flashbangs, and what they say are live rounds. Activists bringing empty caskets to the streets, symbolizing those killed since the protests began.

Dozens, according to human rights groups. The deaths fueling the anger here.


MADOWO: Are you scared to be out here protesting when there are people getting killed? Peaceful protesters getting killed?

LEAKEY, PROTESTER: Right now I'm scared. What they're doing, you know, one thing you should understand is that you can bring fear, or you can just insert fears into us. But you cannot, one thing, you cannot kill.

You cannot kill all of us.


MADOWO: Undeterred by the deadly crackdown of previous days, taunting security forces, turning the streets of Kenya's capital into a game of cat and mouse.


MADOWO: When we are here with the police taking this live, they tend to be a bit more careful in how they respond to these protesters, even when they're throwing rocks at them.



MADOWO: A Kenyan court on Friday temporarily blocked police from using tear gas and other forms of force against protesters. But that order appears to have been violated.


KHADIJA SHABAI, PROTESTER: It was a peaceful protest. But now, as you can see, the police are the ones rioting. And my question is, if the person you're supposed to report to, to protect you, are the ones harming you, who should you go to?


MADOWO: In the chaos, men try to break into closed shops. Warning is not to film. President William Ruto has blamed criminals for infiltrating legitimate protests.

Some on the streets quick to distance themselves from the vandals.


MADOWO: We've seen a lot of people looting today. Some businesses breaking down things. Are you saying those are --?

LEAKEY: Those are goons. Those are goons. The goons, they're not one of us.


MADOWO: What started as youth-led protests against an unpopular finance bill now withdrawn has turned into demonstrations against Ruto's government.

UNKNOWN MALE: Ruto must go! Ruto must go!

MADOWO: Smaller numbers in Nairobi now. But more protesters coming from other parts of Kenya to express their anger. Yet, the overwhelming fear is that no matter how loudly this generation speaks, the government is not listening.

Larry Madowo, CNN Nairobi.

KINKADE: CNN has reached out to security services for comment on the allegations that they violated that temporary high court order. The U.S. is set to give Ukraine more than $2 billion in additional military aid, according to Defense Secretary Lloyd Austin. He said the official announcement will come soon as he welcomed Ukraine's defense minister for talks on Tuesday.

Austin said it will include new air defense interceptors, anti-tank weapons, and other items. The U.S. and Ukrainian president signed a long term security deal on the sidelines of the G7 summit last month in Italy. Ukraine's president has rejected a ceasefire proposal from Hungary's prime minister, a close ally of Vladimir Putin.

Here's what Viktor Orban suggested.


VIKTOR ORBAN, HUNGARIAN PRIME MINISTER: I asked the president to think about whether we could reverse the order and speed up peace talks with making a ceasefire first. A ceasefire connected to a deadline would give a chance to speed up peace talks.


KINKADE: President Zelensky's office says Ukraine's number one tool to end the war is through a second peace summit, which Kyiv is also preparing for. Mr. Orban was making his first visit to Kyiv since Russia's full scale war in Ukraine began in 2022. As Hungary's authoritarian leader, he has repeatedly criticized and tried to block European support for Ukraine.

Thousands of Palestinians in Gaza have once again been displaced by the latest evacuation order by the IDF. It includes parts of Khan Younis and Rafah, and impacts one of the enclave's last standing hospitals. The International Committee of the Red Cross says Gaza European Hospital is no longer functioning effectively. Because so many doctors and staff evacuated after transferring patients elsewhere. The Red Cross pointed to the reality for Palestinians in Gaza that there is no safe place for them to go. Still to come, how a bionic leg controlled by the human nervous system could transform the lives of amputees.



KINKADE: A new study shows that the Ganges River changed course roughly 2, 500 years ago due to an earthquake. Researchers made the discovery while surveying the Ganges River Delta for old water channels. They found a roadside pit where there were signs of a riverbed impacted by a massive earthquake.

Scientists measured the amount of radiation in the buried sediment to determine when the quake took place. The study's lead author says it's normal for waterways to reroute themselves over the years, but it's not often that it happens due to an earthquake. Well, the new study indicates that a bionic leg controlled by the human nervous system can help amputees walk more naturally than a traditional prosthetic device.

It also found that their walking speed increased by 41%. The study participants said the bionic limb helped him feel like her leg had not been amputated.


AMY PIETRAFITTA, STUDY PARTICIPANT: Surgery stands on, on its own, but when you put that foot with it, it just blows it out of the water. It's just, it puts it to another level. So, I just I think it's going to give so much to so many amputees and feeling whole.


KINKADE: The Massachusetts Institute of Technology team behind the study hopes to make fully neuro-controlled prosthetics commercially available within five years. Well, that does it for this edition of CNN Newsroom. Thanks so much for joining us.

I'm Lynda Kinkade. I'll be back with much more news at the top of the hour. For now, World Sport is next.



DON RIDDELL, CNN ANCHOR: Hello there and welcome to CNN World Sport. I'm Don Riddell in Atlanta. We are all set now for the quarterfinals of UEFA's European Football Championship in Germany. Just eight teams are left standing after two more were sent home on Tuesday night, and we're going to start with an incredible game that had us all on the edge of our seats for the full 90 minutes in Leipzig.

Turkey went up against Austria. It was pouring with rain. It was end to end stuff, and it was entertaining right from the off.


RIDDELL: Just 57 seconds on the clock when Turkey's Merih Demiral smashed the ball into the roof of the net. That is the second fastest goal ever scored at the Euros. And Turkey doubled their advantage just before the hour mark, and it was Demiral again, from a corner again this time though.

He scored with a header. He's never scored more than two goals in a season for any of his clubs. He got two in one night on one of the biggest stages in the game.

But Austria never looked out of this game and they pulled a goal back seven minutes later, another set piece Michael Gregoritsch flying in at the far post, and they never gave up looking for an equalizer. They thought they had it in stoppage time a header from Christoph Baumgartner, but he was brilliantly denied by the goalie Mert Gunok. The game of the tournament was effectively decided by the save of the tournament.

Turkey holding on for a breathless 2-1 win.


RIDDELL: Our senior sports analyst Darren Lewis was following the action from London tonight. Darren, what a game. It was just extraordinary, wasn't it? For anyone who missed it, why was it so special?

DARREN LEWIS, CNN SENIOR SPORTS ANALYST: What a game indeed. What a night. It was special, Don, because Turkey showed a fantastic character.

They played with a knife between their teeth, and if you are going to beat this Turkey side, you really are going to have to carry them out on their shield, because they brought the Austrians to their knees by the final whistle. They're managed by the ex-Italy striker, Vincenzo Montella. They were crushed 6-1 by the Austrians in a friendly in March.

Given the fact that Austria had stormed to their group, they finished ahead of France and the Netherlands to get to these knockout stages. Everybody believed that Turkey were there for the taking, but they struck early. They were defensively disciplined.

They frustrated the Austrians throughout. And those goals, one of them were the fastest in Euros knockout history. I think that's what really did knock the stuffing out of the Austrians.

And then you've got the other players in that Turkey side that worked so strongly without their captain, Calhanoglu, but they did have their playmaker, Arda Guler. He's only 19 years of age, but he is a potential star of the future, showed so much skill, promise and maturity tonight. And then you got right at the end, that world class save from the keeper, Mert Gudok, and that show of character that will have the Dutch needing to bring their A game on Saturday night. That save, you know, reminiscent of Gordon Banks in the 1970 World Cup, an absolutely outstanding piece of agility from the Austrian, Christoph Baumgartner, who was convinced he had scored. He'd grabbed an equalizer to take the game to extra time.

Instead, as you can see on the other side of the screen, he was left with his head in his hands and the Turks were celebrating. I think that sound you could hear is Turkish fans celebrating all around Europe. What a wonderful night for them.

RIDDELL: Let's talk about the other match. Remember, the Netherlands had only just squeaked out of the group stage in third place, as you say, behind, among others, Austria. But a three goal demolition of Romania in Munich means there is no doubt they belong in the last eight.


RIDDELL: The Dutch dominated every aspect of this game, taking the lead through Liverpool's Cody Gakpo in the 20th minute. And that's how it stayed. Until seven minutes from time when Gakpo was involved again, this time setting up the Borussia Dortmund forward Daniel Marlin for a tap in to give the Dutch a bit of breathing room.

Malen, to be honest, couldn't miss from there, but he had to work a lot harder for his second goal. An injury time, running more than half the length of the field to make it 3-0, sending the Netherlands into the quarterfinals of this competition for the first time in 16 years. Darren, fair to say they rode their luck to get into the round of 16.

How confident though do you think they'll be now ahead of their quarterfinal match against the apparently unbeatable Turkey?


LEWIS: Well, I mentioned a second ago that they're going to have to bring their A game and I'd stand by that because although on paper they've got a wonderful balance to their side, that defense of Virgil van Dijk, de Ligt, van de Ven, they've got so many options to choose from in their defense.


LEWIS: And Tijjani Reijnders in midfield was outstanding this afternoon. And then, of course, you've got Cody Gakpo, who's one of the leading scorers now in the competition. But the intensity that Turkey play with means that they will have to be at it right from the start.

They'll be confident, Ronald Koeman's side, they've got a really good balance to them, and they've got wonderful talents throughout the side and in the squad that they were able to utilize in the group stages. But I think this could be really tough for them. And Turkey, well, I gave the kiss of death to Austria, so I won't tip anyone for this match.

All I'll say that is that it will be very, very entertaining indeed.

RIDDELL: Yeah. Zip it, Darren. Zip it.

Don't go there. Just let it happen. Let it play out.

We'll all enjoy it. Good to see you again, mate. We'll do it soon.

LEWIS: You too.

RIDDELL: Alright, it is going to be so difficult for the Ukraine athletes heading to the Olympics this summer. Many of them will have to compete against Russian athletes whose country has invaded their own. But Ukraine won't consider a boycott of Paris, their government will tell us why next.


RIDDELL: We are just over three weeks away now from the start of the Summer Olympics in Paris. And whilst it's, of course, a massive gathering of the international sports community, Ukraine's team will have more visibility than most. They will be competing while their compatriots continue to fight back against Russia's brutal invasion, which they coordinated along with Belarus two and a half years ago.

Ukrainian athletes competing in the track and field events won't have to go up against anyone from Russia and Belarus because World Athletics banned them. But the International Olympic Committee has been a little more welcoming, allowing athletes from those countries to compete as neutrals. Nevertheless, in an exclusive interview with CNN's Amanda Davies, Ukraine's acting sports minister, Matviy Bidnyi, says that they won't boycott the games.

Here's why.


MATVIY BIDNYI, UKRANIAN ACTING SPORTS MINISTER: After this full scale invasion, after starting this war, we recognize that sport is very important for us. And our athletes, it's best ambassadors of our narratives, best ambassadors of our struggle, and best ambassadors of our will, our will to win. Will to win, it's a motto of our Olympic team in this year.

All our athletes understand his responsibility in it, and it's very challenging for any of them, for any of us.

AMANDA DAVIES, CNN WORLD SPORT: Because of that, because of what you're saying, how disappointing has the International Olympic Committee stance been that they haven't taken a harder line in terms of banning all Russian and Belarusian athletes?

BIDNYI: Our position, our strict and clear, very simple position, that no place for athletes from Russia and Belarus. In all international events, not only the sports, the cultural, political, any of them. Even if some athletes go under neutral flag, it's just a flag.

We think they all the agents of hybrid influence because I repeat this is a war not only in a battlefield. This is a war for the values.


DAVIES: So, just to be clear, do you accept the neutral athletes from Russia and Belarus that will be allowed at the Olympics?

BIDNYI: We think it's some kind of mistake, of course. But we think that this position is strong enough, but we will think, we think it should be better than they will be banned totally. The psychological situation in all our people, it's not the best, and the world should understand how it is. For example, when I first go in Europe, in Dortmund, in the Olympic (ph) Games, after one and a half year of war, I, first of all, when I first of all listen the sound of the plane in airport, I'm dropped to the floor, yeah, because it's so unusual now for us. And it's associated with something very bad.

DAVIES: Is the idea of a boycott of the Paris Olympics completely off the table?

BIDNYI: We don't like the word boycott. Of course, from the one hand we understand that the Olympic Games, we need it. We need the screen.

We should be there for show all over the world our resistance. In the other hand, of course, we can't tolerate the acceptance of Russian activists in international area.

DAVIES: So, is the door open for individual athletes at individual events to take action, make a political statement in that situation?

BIDNYI: No, no, no, no. We think that our athletes should make no political statement. It's against the rules of Olympic Games.

And our athlete is not politician. But our athlete is a part of Ukrainian people. It's with Ukrainian people who have experience live in Ukraine, who have experience of struggle here.

DAVIES: Can any number of Olympic medals make up for what your athletes and the people of Ukraine have been through over the last few years?

BIDNYI: I think the medals is, of course, important, but it's not the main thing now. Our participation, it's a win now. It's a win and, of course, I'm sure that any of our athletes do all what they can now, but even our participation, it's a big win.


RIDDELL: That's Ukraine's Acting Sports Minister Matviy Bidnyi, speaking with Amanda, and that does it for this edition of World Sport. Thank you so much for your company. Take care and I'll see you again soon.