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British Voters Poised to End 14 Years of Conservative Rule; in France, Candidates Quit Runoff Aiming to Block Far-right; Israeli Prime Minister Set to Address Congress Later This Month; Netanyahu Rejects Idea of Ceasefire With Hamas Still in Power; Thousands Displaced Again Amid IDF's New Evacuation Order; in Kenya, Crowds Clash With Police During Anti-government Protests; FDA Approves New Drug to Slow Progression of Alzheimer's Disease; MIT Study Finds That a Bionic Leg Restores Natural Walking Speeds; Hurricane Beryl To Slam Into Jamaica Wednesday; Windward Islands Take Stock Of Hurricane Beryl' Destruction; Biden Faces Mounting Pressure After Debate Performance; Officials: 120+ Killed In Crowd Crush At Religious Event. Aired 2-3a ET

Aired July 03, 2024 - 02:00   ET




ROSEMARY CHURCH, CNN INTERNATIONAL ANCHOR: Hello and welcome to our viewers joining us from all around the world and to everyone streaming us on CNN Max. I'm Rosemary Church.

Just ahead, Jamaica braces for Beryl. The hurricane now charting a path for the island nation after claiming the lives of at least seven people so far.

Pressure builds on President Biden as the first sitting Democratic lawmaker calls on the U.S. leader to step aside.

And after 14 years in power, will Britain's Conservative Party soon be forced to give up the reins?




CHURCH: Thanks for joining us.

More deadly Hurricane Beryl is expected to hammer Jamaica with life threatening wind and storm surge in the hours ahead, as the death toll from the storm rises to at least seven.

Beryl is moving rapidly across the Caribbean and is now a Category 4 storm, packing 230 kilometer per hour winds. This week, Beryl became the earliest ever Cat 5 hurricane in the Atlantic basin, fueled by record high ocean temperatures. Forecasters say the center of the storm will make landfall in southern Jamaica Wednesday and will then head to the Cayman Islands.

Jamaica's government is warning people to take the threat seriously to find shelter and to stock up on essentials, like food, water, and batteries. Officials have imposed a nationwide curfew from 6:00 a.m. to 6:00 p.m. local time. And Jamaica's prime minister has declared the entire country a disaster area for the next week because of Beryl's likely strength and impact.

Residents of the Windward Islands, which face barrels wrath earlier this week are assessing the damage, CNN's Patrick Oppmann shows us.


PATRICK OPPMANN, CNN CORRESPONDENT (voice over): Hurricane Beryl leaves a trail of destruction in the Caribbean. The earliest Category 5 hurricane on record to ever form in the Atlantic, Beryl roared through the Windward Islands on Monday.

In Barbados, the storm wrecked fishing boats and livelihoods.

UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: Boats are sinking. As we are talking, there are boats sinking, do you understand? And it is total devastation.

OPPMANN (voice over): The U.N.'s climate chief said the eye of the storm had hit his home island of Carriacou in Grenada, and he was trying to reach family members there.

SIMON STIELL, UNITED NATIONNS CLIMATE CHANGE EXECUTIVE SECRETARY: Islands has been flattened. The reports that are coming out show a very, very distressing signal.

OPPMANN (voice over): There was precious little time to prepare, as Beryl in 24 hours, exploded from a tropical storm to a major hurricane, capable of inflicting catastrophic damage. That rapid intensification is fueled by manmade climate change, which has caused the ocean to warm to unprecedented levels.

The fuel that strengthens hurricanes. Images taken from a hurricane hunter aircraft flying through Beryl, showed the kind of monster storm usually not seen until the height of hurricane season still weeks away.

UNIDENTIFIED MALE: One, two, three.

OPPMANN (voice over): Jamaica is next in Beryl's sites. And with a population of more than 2.8 million and a large tourism infrastructure. There is a potential for even greater devastation.

Officials there, activated emergency response measures and warn residents to get ready now.

ANDREW HOLNESS, PRIME MINISTER, JAMAICA: It is easier to be prepared when you're standing on your two feet than when you are in the midst of a hurricane. OPPMANN (voice over): Low lying islands are particularly vulnerable to climate change. The damage inflicted by Beryl could take years to recover from. Forecasters have delivered a record prediction for a hyperactive hurricane season that began June 1st.

And with nearly five more months to go in the season, the pain and suffering may only be just beginning. Patrick Oppmann, CNN, Havana.


CHURCH: Andrew Dessler is a professor of Atmospheric Sciences at Texas A&M University. He joins me now from College Station in Texas. Appreciate you being with us.


CHURCH: So, we have all been watching Hurricane Beryl very closely and while it's no longer a Category 5, it's still an historic and dangerous storm and the earliest Category 5 hurricane in the Atlantic.

We're also seeing wildfires, floods, and other extreme weather patterns. Is this the new norm, do you think?


DESSLER: Yes, no, I think it's just a small taste of the future. You know we know that climate change is warming the climate, we know it's making hurricanes more destructive, it's increasing the chance of wildfires. You know, this is -- this is not the new normal, I wish this were the new normal, it's going to get much worse than this.

CHURCH: Oh, that's very sobering. So, what needs to be done to turn this climate crisis around, and why our world leaders not appearing to be doing very much?

DESSLER: Right. So, you can think about what we need to do in terms of two different things. The first thing we need to do is we need to adapt to the climate change that we can't avoid.

So, for example, a lot of places that used to not need air conditioning are going to need air conditioning. Yes, we're going to need to build sea walls for places that used to not flood, but now they are going to flood. And so, people call that adaptation. And so, we need to be doing that.

At the same time, we want to stop the climate from warming. You know, it's been warming for 100 years, as we keep warming as long as we're dumping carbon dioxide into the atmosphere. And so, we need to stop doing that.

We have the technology to stop doing that. We can switch to climate safe, renewable energy. It's our cheapest energy at this point. And you might be saying, well, why aren't we already doing it? It's because of the enormous political power of fossil fuels. There, the fossil fuel industry is probably the most powerful industry in the history of humanity. They make trillions of dollars in revenue every year. And they don't want to turn off the tap. They want to keep pumping oil and natural gas and digging up coal.

And so, they are fighting the energy transition every step of the way. And that's really the battle. This -- you know, climate change is not a scientific or a technical problem, it's a political problem.

CHURCH: But the reality is, we've all got our cars that rely on gas, we're sort of hooked on fossil fuels, aren't we? How do we make that transition? I mean, that is going to be an enormous step surely.

DESSLER: So, no, absolutely. And, you know, it's not the case that we can do this in a year. You need to think about this as a 20 or 30-year transition. So, you know, you're not going to go out tomorrow and replace your car. But when you get a new car, it should be an electric vehicle, it's cheaper to run. It's, you know, electric cars are better. And as we build more of them, they are going to be cheaper than internal combustion cars.

And in fact, a lot of the technology that we have is actually cheaper. And as I said, solar and wind energy are now our cheapest energy sources. But again, it's the political power of fossil fuels. They have captured a lot of our elected officials. They give them enormous campaign contributions, the extent that these elected officials are legislating on behalf of fossil fuels and not on behalf of their citizens.

CHURCH: So, what's your warning to the world? And what does our future look like if we don't make changes right now? Paint us a picture of our future.

DESSLER: Sure. So, I think there are two different futures you could imagine. One is a future where we do transition to renewable energy. We have clean air, we have better energy security, better national security, it's not costing us any extra money. And that's one world. \ We still need to pay to adapt to the climate change we can't avoid in that world. But that's not a bad world to be in. The other world, the world where we don't adapt to climate change, where we don't deal with this problem is a world that gets continuously hotter, sea levels rise, precipitation patterns change, the oceans acidify, and it's going to be extremely difficult to adapt to that world.

And, in fact, adaptation in that world is going to require enormous transfer of money from rich people to poor people. I mean, who is going to pay to air conditioned all of this?

And I guarantee the people that are saying, let's adapt to climate change, are not going to spend their money helping poor people adapt. And so, it's a world where we're going to normalize suffering. You can already see this happening. If you go to places like Phoenix, if you go to places, you know, third world countries that are really suffering from extreme heat, you know, there is no sense that, you know, we need to help these people. It's just, you know, you're normalizing the sufferings. Like, well, you know, if those people are suffering from heatstroke, they had to go get a job, and they had to go, you know, have air conditioning, installed their houses, without recognizing that it's extremely expensive to install air conditioning in your house.

So, it's really a very cruel -- I think the world where we don't adapt to climate change is a world of cruelty. A world where we normalize suffering, and where there, you know, it's there going to be a reasonably small number of people who are able to prosper in that world and everyone else is going to be hanging on to the lifeboat and hoping to get pulled in.

CHURCH: Andrew Dessler, offering us a wake-up call.


Thank you so much for talking with us. Appreciate it.

Concerns mount over U.S. President Joe Biden's reelection bid, following his poor debate performance, including from some within his own party. The president is expected to speak with democratic governors and congressional leaders on Wednesday.

At a fundraiser in Virginia, Mr. Biden blamed his debate performance on a tough travel schedule. And in a new effort to calm concerns, he is expected to sit down for an interview with ABC News this week.

CNN's M.J. Lee has more on the debate fallout from Washington.


M.J. LEE, CNN WHITE HOUSE CORRESPONDENT (voice over): The Democratic firewall around President Joe Biden is beginning to fracture. Texas Congressman Lloyd Doggett, becoming the first Democratic lawmaker to publicly call on Biden to withdraw from the 2024 election, following last week's poor debate performance.

The congressman saying in a statement, "President Biden's first commitment has always been to our country, not himself. I'm hopeful that he will make the painful and difficult decision to withdraw."

The White House facing a barrage of questions about the President's debate performance.


He was not taking any cold medication. That is what I can speak to. I've asked the doc -- his doctor, and that's what he stated to us.

LEE (voice over): And urge to release more medical records.

JEAN-PIERRE: We have released thorough reports from his medical team every year since he's been in office.

LEE (voice over): The White House press secretary digging in and saying Biden's accomplishments speak volumes. JEAN-PIERRE: With age comes wisdom and experience.

LEE (voice over): Other Democrats beginning to publicly express concern that the president could hurt candidates in down ballot races.

REP. MIKE QUIGLEY (D-IL): It's his decision. I just want him to appreciate, at this time, just how much it impacts not just his race, but all the other races coming in November.

LEE (voice over): As Republicans are ready to pounce on Biden's debate showing to attack their democratic opponents.

SEN. BOB CASEY (D-PA): I have a lot of confidence in his leadership.

LEE (voice over): Even the president's most staunch defenders, giving credence to the flurry of questions about his health.

REP. NANCY PELOSI, (D-CA): He has a vision. He has knowledge. He has judgment. He has a strategic thinking and the rest. He has a bad night. Now, again, I think it's a legitimate question to say, is this an episode or is this a condition?

LEE (voice over): New CNN polling showing no immediate damage from Biden's halting debate performance. The president trailing Donald Trump by six points. 43 percent to 49 percent. The same numbers as April.

The Biden's approval ratings declining to a new low, with just 36 percent of Americans approving of his job performance.

And in a hypothetical matchup, Vice President Kamala Harris is pulling better against the former president, she is within striking distance, 45 percent to 47 percent.

REP. JAMES CLYBURN (D-SC): I will support her if he were just step aside.

LEE (voice over): Some prominent Biden supporters, also expressing support for Harris, but insisting for now that the president remain at the top of the ticket.

CLYBURN: I want this ticket to continue to be Biden-Harris. And then, we'll see what happens after the next election.


LEE (on camera): And President Biden on Tuesday night, offering a new explanation for his poor debate performance. When he spoke at a fundraiser in Virginia, he apologized for the poor performance last Thursday night and said this is not an excuse but an explanation, and blamed the extensive foreign travel that he did in the lead up to that CNN debate. He said that it wasn't a smart idea that he didn't listen to his staff and that he almost fell asleep on stage.

That of course, is an explanation that is not likely to reach -- reassure a lot of Democrats that are very concerned right now. M.J. Lee, CNN, at the White House.

CHURCH: And earlier, I spoke with Tara Setmayer, co-founder and CEO of The Seneca Project, and a resident scholar at the University of Virginia Center for Politics. And I asked her about these growing calls for President Biden to step aside in the race, and what Democrats need to do now?


TARA SETMAYER, CO-FOUNDER, THE SENECA PROJECT: First of all, they need to stop panicking. Yes, last Thursday was a bad debate performance. It was, I think, jarring for a lot of people because they did not expect President Biden to come out and give that type of performance.

However, it is not news that President Biden is older. This is something that everyone's been talking about for quite some time. So, the fact that he acknowledged the next day that he did not have a great performance, and that he is a little older, doesn't walk as quickly or speak as smoothly as he used to, think was an acknowledgment that, yes, that may be the case, but he is still fully capable of doing the job.

And we have seen him so far in several events since then, where he was vigorous, he was focused, and he made the point that he is not Donald Trump, and that he respects America, he respects our democracy, he doesn't lie to the American people, and doesn't have any desire to be a dictator on day one.


And I think the Democrats need to keep this in perspective. It sounds in theory let's just replace him, we just removed the incumbent, and we'll put somebody else new there.

But this is not an Aaron Sorkin -- we know, West-Wing episode here, this is real life. And the complications and impracticality of doing that far outweigh the -- what we already know that the knowns versus the unknowns of keeping President Biden on the ticket. And I think that's being lost in this conversation.

CHURCH: But the concern is that people, voters, will continue to see the image of Joe Biden standing at that podium, failing to string words together. House Democrats have spoken to CNN off the record, saying President Biden should go, a couple of them have gone public.

But when will other disgruntled Democrats go public on this? Because it's -- this is building, isn't it? The pressure is building.

SETMAYER: That's -- yes, there are 100 -- a couple of hundred members of Congress, and one or two can express -- they are free to express their opinions. But the leaders in the Republican -- in the Democratic Party are standing behind President Biden, and several members of Congress are explaining, like I said, the impracticality of just replacing him. People need to understand a few things. The nomination process is very complicated for Democrats -- a little bit different than for Republicans. But for Democrats, they have certain deadlines that have already passed, you cannot just transfer the $100 million of campaign finance money that has been raised on behalf of the Biden-Harris campaign. You can't just transfer that to another candidate.

Whoever they were to allegedly replace, in theory, would have to race -- start raising money from scratch. That's number one.

Number two, is president, would the -- would the replacement be Kamala Harris, the vice president? She would be the natural person to go to the next. That would be the only way that they could keep that campaign finance money. There is a lot of conversation about whether she would actually be that person, whether she could beat Donald Trump.

Then, there is also the idea that you have to get on the ballot. Ballot access. Each state has is -- its controls its own elections. Whoever the new replacement would be, if it's not Kamala Harris, and whomever, they would have to get qualified for the ballot.

The time just doesn't allow for that. So, there, again, there are logistical issues that do not allow for the president of the United States to just be -- to just be replaced that way.

He would have to make that decision. And he would have to do it within the next few days.

And what we've seen so far from President Biden, he is not keen on dropping out. And how does he drop out from the nomination and then not resign the presidency? I don't think that people are fully thinking this through.

And he has demonstrated so far that he is fully capable. He had a bad night. A couple of bad nights here and there. But he has not -- people need to understand they are not just voting for a man, they are voting for an administration.


CHURCH: My full interview with Tara Setmayer is just ahead in our next hour.

And still to come, schools killed in a crowd crash at a religious gathering in India. What officials say led to this tragedy?

And British voters appear on the verge of ushering in a new government. Details on that later in the show.



CHURCH: Welcome back, everyone. To India now, where officials say more than 120 people have been killed after a crowd crushing Uttar Pradesh, most of them, women and children.

Police say a quarter of a million worshippers were crowded at the site. They are now blaming organizers have culpable homicide and accusing them of hindering the investigation.

CNN's Ivan Watson has more. But a warning, his report contains some disturbing images.


IVAN WATSON, CNN SENIOR INTERNATIONAL CORRESPONDENT (voice over): What was meant to be a time of prayer ending in tragedy in northern India. This the aftermath of the crowd crush at a religious gathering. Bodies carried out from ambulances, loved ones distraught, and grieving the dead.

Most of them women and some children according to authorities. Survivors describe the horrific scene.

SHAKUNTALA, RESIDENT, HATHRAS DISTRICT, INDIA (through translator): Everyone began to leave. People fell into a drain beside the road. They started falling on top of each other and were crushed to death. Some were pulled out.

SURESH, RESIDENT, HATHRAS DISTRICT, INDIA (through translator): I came to attend the event with eight other people, but no one survived.

WATSON (voice over): Authority say organizers planned for around 80,000 people to attend the event, but police say as many as 250,000 may have showed up.

UNIDENTIFIED MALE (through translator): There was a sudden commotion due to overcrowding and excessive humidity.

Initial reports say attendees may have fallen in to an open sewer and on top of each other.

One state secretary said the event organizers failed to comply with requirements from the district and that they would be punished. Prime Minister Narendra Modi addressed the incident on Tuesday.

NARENDRA MODI, PRIME MINISTER OF INDIA (through translator): I express my condolences to those who lost their lives in this accident. I wish for the speedy recovery of all the injured.

WATSON (voice over): As an investigation gets underway, the death toll is feared to rise, and questions about accountability remain unanswered.

Ivan Watson, CNN, Hong Kong.


CHURCH: The United States is set to give Ukraine more than $2 billion in additional military aid according to Defense Secretary Lloyd Austin. He said the official announcement will come soon as he welcomed Ukraine's defense minister for talks on Tuesday. Austin said it will include new air defense interceptors, anti-tank weapons and other items.

The U.S. and Ukrainian president signed a long-term security deal on the sidelines of the G7 summit last month in Italy.

Ukraine's president has rejected a ceasefire proposal from Hungary's prime minister, a close ally of Vladimir Putin.

Viktor Orban says he asked Volodymyr Zelenskyy, to consider agreeing to a ceasefire first before starting peace talks with Russia. President Zelenskyy's office, says Ukraine's number one tool to end the war is through a second peace summit, which Kyiv is already preparing for.

Mr. Orban was making his first visit to Kyiv since Russia's full-scale war on Ukraine began in 2022.

As Hungary's authoritarian leader, he has repeatedly criticized and tried to block European support for Kyiv. Tuesday's meeting comes as Mr. Orban and Hungary take control of the E.U. Council's rotating presidency, which changes every six months.

Chinese President Xi Jinping and Russian President Vladimir Putin are in Kazakhstan this hour for meetings with other regional leaders. They are part of the Shanghai Cooperation Organization, a security block that experts say is slowly transforming into a counterweight to the west and the United States.

CNN's Marc Stewart is following developments. He joins us now live from Beijing. Good to see you, Marc. So, a full agenda ahead for leaders today. How is this meeting being received?


Right away, I want to show you how Xi Jinping's arrival is being reported on here in China. His arrival in Kazakhstan. This is the front page of China Daily, a government state media publication. It's an image that many people in China woke up to. You can see Xi Jinping on the front page, getting off that Air China jet in Kazakhstan.


These are two nations that have a very friendly relationship together. They have a very strong economic ties, especially when it comes to trade. It's a nation that Beijing would like to see a new chapter with, as described by its ministry of foreign affairs.

And as such, when Xi Jinping arrived, we not only saw this arrival at the airport, but we also saw children, we saw music, greeting him. A very warm reception. And all of this happening with this bigger backdrop of this meeting of the Shanghai Cooperation Organization, otherwise known as the SCO. It's a club of sorts formed by Eurasian nations, such as China, and of course, Russia taking the lead. But also, Kazakhstan and many of the nations' surrounding it. Originally, it was established as a big security block to prevent terrorism and to increase border security. But there are hints there are indications that it's becoming a bit more geopolitical in scope. And among the events that we are anticipating during this meeting of the SCO is the admission of Belarus.

Of course, Belarus helping Russia launch its invasion of Ukraine back in 2022.

And according to our reporting, would become the latest authoritarian state to join the SCO, of course, Iran joined last year.

This is being met with, perhaps, some division some consternation among those members.

The president of India, Narendra Modi is not expected to attend, perhaps, that could be a symbol of some of the hesitation by admitting Belarus.

Rosemary, it was back in May that we saw Xi Jinping and Vladimir Putin meet face to face that was here in China. But it was a big affirmation of their broader effort to create an alternative view of the world from the west. an alternative way of thinking from the United States. And what we are seeing in Kazakhstan with the SCO meeting certainly may be evidence of that. Back to you.

CHURCH: Marc Stewart, many thanks for that report. Appreciate it.

Coming up, British voters are just a day away from choosing their next government. Why the curtain could soon fall on the long era of conservative rule. Back with that and more in just a moment.



CHURCH: Voters in the U.K. are just a day away from a momentous general election that will likely see the end of the Conservative Party's 14 years in power.


Prime Minister Rishi Sunak is widely expected to lose. He took a major gamble by calling for early elections and has struggled to turn around dire polling. A Conservative defeat would usher in a center-left Labour government headed by Keir Starmer.

CNN's Salma Abdelaziz has details from London.


SALMA ABDELAZIZ, CNN CORRESPONDENT (voice-over): Two lackluster candidates in a race with a result that is all but certain. It may sound boring but this is a momentous election that could decimate the U.K.'s most powerful political party.


ABDELAZIZ (voice-over): In what is widely seen as a referendum on their 14 years of leadership, the Conservatives are bracing for a very damaging defeat. Prime Minister Rishi Sunak called for this snap election that almost everyone believes he will lose.

SUNAK: Over the next few weeks, I will fight for every vote. I will earn your trust.

ABDELAZIZ (voice-over): But that trust is battered and bruised from Boris Johnson's partygate scandal to leadership failings that saw three prime ministers in 2022 alone to a very messy Brexit, many are fed up with the Tories.

UNIDENTIFIED MALE: I mean, I think people are ticked off.

UNIDENTIFIED MALE: There is a sense of just wanting any kind of change.

UNIDENTIFIED MALE: Their destination, I think, can only be expected.

UNIDENTIFIED MALE: This will be the first election that I've ever voted in that I won't be voting Conservative.


ABDELAZIZ (voice-over): Current polls indicate the opposition Labour Party could win by a landslide --


ABDELAZIZ (voice-over): -- ushering in a center-left government led by Keir Starmer.

KEIR STARMER, LEADER OF THE LABOUR PARTY, UNITED KINGDOM: If you want change, you have to vote for it.


ABDELAZIZ (voice-over): The makeup of British politics is sure to undergo a seismic shift. But because of Britain's first-past-the-post system, Labour could win but fail to gain a clear mandate --

UNIDENTIFIED MALE: Thanks for coming everybody.

ABDELAZIZ (voice-over): -- if smaller parties or the far right gain an outsized voice. Amid the political uncertainty, the new prime minister will inherit a mess. A cost of living crisis fueled in part by a stagnant economy. The country's beloved National Health Service is understaffed and overstretched, and immigration remains an unresolved hot-button issue. Change is coming, but can Starmer, should he win, tackle the challenges and deliver on promises?

Salma Abdelaziz, CNN, London.

(END VIDEOTAPE) CHURCH: Hundreds of candidates in France's run-off election have bowed out in an effort to block the far-right party from gaining power. More than 200 candidates from President Emmanuel Macron's centrist camp and the left-wing alliance have stepped down in a bid to avoid splitting the vote.

Last Sunday, the anti-immigration National Rally and its allies won the most seats so far in hastily called national elections. If the National Rally gets an absolute majority in parliament, it will become the first far-right party to lead the French government since World War II.

U.S. President Joe Biden is expected to meet with Israel's Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu in Washington later this month. A White House official says the two will likely see each other over the course of the week, though no details have been announced. Mr. Netanyahu is set to address Congress on the 24th despite opposition from some U.S. lawmakers. Meanwhile, the Israeli prime minister has rejected the idea of starting a ceasefire in Gaza while Hamas remains in power.


BENJAMIN NETANYAHU, ISRAELI PRIME MINISTER (through translator): Unnamed officials are briefing "The New York Times" today. They say Israel will be willing to end the war before achieving all of its goals. I don't know who those unnamed officials are, but I am here to convey unequivocally that this is not going to happen. We will end the war only after we achieve all of its goals, including the elimination of Hamas and a release of all our hostages. The political echelons define these goals to the IDF and the IDF has all the means to achieve them.

We do not give into the winds of defeat, not in "The New York Times" and not anywhere else. We are imbued with the spirit of victory.


CHURCH: He was responding to a report from "The New York Times," which cited six current and former security officials who said a ceasefire would give Israeli troops time to prepare for a potential land war with Hezbollah. The situation in northern Israel and southern Lebanon remains extremely tense with the Israeli military and Iran-backed Hezbollah militants exchanging cross-border attacks.'

Thousands of Palestinians in Gaza have once again been displaced by the latest evacuation order from the IDF. The U.N. says it covers nearly 120 square kilometers in Khan Younis and Rafah, about a third of the enclave.


That makes it one of the largest such orders since October and it is impacting one of the last standing hospitals. The International Committee of the Red Cross says the Gaza European Hospital is no longer functioning effectively because so many doctors and staff evacuated after transferring patients elsewhere. This Palestinian man was one of the patients brought to the Nasser Medical Complex.


UNIDENTIFIED MALE (through translator): Yesterday evening, we were told to evacuate the European Hospital. Both by legs were broken and my pelvis. We came to Nasser Hospital, but it was full. I am staying in the street, waiting for them to find me a place inside.


CHURCH: The Red Cross pointed to the reality for Palestinians in Gaza that there is no safe place for them to go.

Kenyan protesters have set their sights on President William Ruto after forcing him to throw out a finance bill that sparked deadly protests weeks ago. Crowds gathered in Nairobi on Tuesday, demanding he step down and the protests, once again, turned into violent clashes with police. CNN's Larry Madowo has details.


LARRY MADOWO, CNN CORRESPONDENT (voice-over): Protesters back on the streets in Nairobi for a third straight week braving tear gas, flashbangs and what they say, a live round. Activists bringing empty caskets to the streets, symbolizing those killed since the protests began, dozens according to human rights groups. The deaths fueling the anger here.

MADOWO: Are you scared to be out here protesting when there are people getting killed, peaceful protests getting killed?

LEAKEY, PROTESTER: But I'm not (ph) scare. What they are doing, you know, one thing you should understand is that you can bring fear or you can just insert fears into us, but you cannot -- one thing you cannot kill -- you cannot kill all of us.

MADOWO (voice-over): Undeterred by the deadly crackdown of previous days, taunting security forces, turning the streets of Kenya's capital into a game of cat and mouse.

MADOWO: When we are here with the police, taking this live, they tend to be a bit more careful on how they respond to these protesters, even on the throwing rocks at them.

MADOWO (voice-over): A Kenyan court on Friday temporarily blocked police from using tear gas and other forms of force against protesters, but that order appears to have been violated.

KHADIJA SHABAI, PROTESTER: It is a peaceful protest. But now, as you can see, the police at the ones rioting. And my question is, if the person is supposed to report to protect you are the ones harming you, who should you go to?

MADOWO (voice-over): In the chaos, men started breaking into closed shops, warning us not to film. President William Ruto has blamed criminals for infiltrating legitimate protests, some on the streets quick to distance themselves from the vandals.

MADOWO: We've seen a lot of people looting today, some businesses, breaking down things. Are you saying those are --

UNIDENTIFIED MALE: No, no, no. Those are goons. Those are goons. They are not part of us.

MADOWO (voice-over): What started as youth-led protests against unpopular finance bill, now withdrawn, has turned into demonstrations against Ruto's government.

CROWD CHANTING: Ruto must go. Ruto must go.

MADOWO (voice-over): Smaller numbers in Nairobi now, but more protesters coming from other parts of Kenya to express their anger. Yet the overwhelming fear is that no matter how loudly this generation speaks, the government is not listening.

Larry Madowo, CNN, Nairobi.


CHURCH: And CNN has reached out to security services for comment on the allegations they violated that temporary high court order.

Still to come, we will look at how a bionic leg controlled by the human nervous system could transform the lives of amputees.



CHURCH: Welcome back, everyone. The U.S. Food and Drug Administration has approved a new medication to slow the progression of early Alzheimer's disease. In June, a panel of independent FDA advisers agreed the drug made by pharmaceutical company Eli Lilly was safe and effective. It will be sold at $695 a vial before insurance. That would come to about $12,500 for a six-month supply. There is no cure for Alzheimer's, but clinical trials show the medication could slow the progression of the disease, allowing patients to live independent lives for longer.

A new study indicates that a bionic leg controlled by the human nervous system can help amputees walk more naturally than a traditional prosthetic device. The study also found that the neural prostheses increased the walking speed of patients with specialized amputation by 41 percent. That's enough to match the range and ability of the average person. One study participant says the bionic limb made her feel like her leg had not eaten even being amputated. The Massachusetts Institute of Technology team behind the study hopes to make fully neuro-controlled prosthetics commercially available within five years.

And I want to thank you for joining us. I am Rosemary Church. "World Sport" is coming up next. Then, I'll be back in 15 minutes with more "CNN Newsroom." Do stay with us. (COMMERCIAL BREAK)


