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Biden On CNN Debate Performance: "Bad Night," Not A Bigger Problem; Vice President Harris Campaigns In New Orleans Amid Ongoing Biden Debate Fallout; Defiant Biden Says He Isn't Quitting Presidential Race; Biden Says He Will Not Take Cognitive Test, Release Results; Federal Judge Pauses Some Deadlines In Classified Documents Case; Jamaica Assessing Damage, Cleaning Up After Beryl Pummels Island; England, Switzerland Quarterfinal Underway; Emma Raducanu Pulls Out Of Mixed Doubles With Andy Murray; High-Stakes Interviews Can Be Make-Or-Break Moments For Campaigns. Aired 1-2p ET

Aired July 06, 2024 - 13:00   ET



JACQUELINE HOWARD, CNN HEALTH REPORTER: And patients who tend to use these drugs, they already may have diabetes, high blood pressure or sleep apnea, which can put them at an increased risk of this type of eye condition.

But this correlation, it is something new that we haven't seen much research on before. And while there is no proven treatment for this eye condition, a takeaway from this study is, if you have glaucoma or any other optic nerve issues and you're interested in taking semaglutides, or you already have been using these medications, then, you may want to talk to your doctor about the risks and benefits, and ask them to monitor your optic nerve more closely over time.

Back to you.

FREDRICKA WHITFIELD, CNN ANCHOR: All right. Hello again, everyone. Thank you so much for joining me in New York. I'm Frederica Whitfield.

All right. With just four months until November, a defiant president, Biden is vowing to stay in the race and win the 2024 election.


JOE BIDEN, PRESIDENT OF THE UNITED STATES: If the Lord Almighty came down and said, Joe, get out of the race, I'd get out to the race. The Lord Almighty is not coming down.


WHITFIELD: In the aftermath of his recent shaky performance at CNN's debate, and growing calls from some within his own party to drop out, the president sat down with an ABC News. With voters and pundits hanging on every word, the president downplayed his performance as a bad night and said it's not a sign of a bigger problem. He said he was distracted by Trump shouting over his muted mic and that he was tired from travel and not feeling well. (BEGIN VIDEO CLIP)

BIDEN: I was sick. I was feeling terrible. Matter of fact, the docs with me. I asked if they did a COVID test because they are trying to figure out what was wrong. They did a test to see whether or not I had some infection, you know, a virus. I didn't. I just had a really bad cold.


WHITFIELD: In the 22-minute interview, the president also dismissed growing concerns about his mental fitness, but refused to commit to taking a cognitive test. He also downplayed polls showing him trailing Trump.


GEORGE STEPHANOPOULOS, CHIEF ANCHOR, ABC NEWS: Mr. President, I've never seen a president, 36 percent approval get reelected.

BIDEN: Well, I don't believe that's my approval rating. That's not what our polls show.

STEPHANOPOULOS: And if you stay in and Trump is elected, and everything you're warning about comes to pass, how will you feel in January?

BIDEN: I will feel as long as I gave it my all, and I did the goodest jobs I know I can do. That's what this is about.

Look, George. Think of it this way. You've heard me say this before. I think the United States and the world is at an inflection point when the things that happen in the next several years are going to determine what the next six, seven decades look like.


WHITFIELD: We have a team of correspondents covering this for us. Eva McKend is in New Orleans, where Vice President Kamala Harris is set to speak later on today. CNN's Arlette Saenz is in Delaware with President Biden. Let's begin with you. Arlette. How is the Biden campaign feeling today, following the interview that aired last night?

ARLETTE SAENZ, CNN WHITE HOUSE CORRESPONDENT: Well, Fred the Biden campaign is expressing optimism as aides really view this interview as a key step in trying to convince Americans that the president is up for serving a second term.

The president was defiant in this interview, showing no signs of backing down from this 2024 race, even as there are concerns within his own party, from officials and donors about him continuing on in this race until November.

The president, also in this interview, would not commit to taking a cognitive test at a time when many Americans have concerns about his age and ability to serve in a second term, especially after that debate performance last week.

But the president really used this interview to try to forcefully push back on the idea that top Democrats want him out of the race.

Take a listen.


STEPHANOPOULOS: And if Chuck Schumer and Hakeem Jeffries and Nancy Pelosi come down and say we are worried that if you stay in the race, we're going to lose the House and the Senate, how will you respond?

BIDEN: I'm go into detail with them. I've speak into all of them in detail, including Jim Clyburn, every one of them. They all said I should stay in the race -- stay in the race. No sone said -- none of the people said I should leave them.

STEPHANOPOULOS: But if they do?

BIDEN: Well, it's, like -- they are not going to do that.


BIDEN: Well, yes, I'm sure. Look. I mean, if the Lord Almighty came down and said, Joe, get out of the race, I'd get out to the race. The Lord Almighty is not coming down. I mean, these hypotheticals, George.


SAENZ: Now, so far, at least, five House Democratic members have called on President Biden to step aside in this race. The most recent member to call for him to step aside was Congresswoman Angie Craig of Minnesota. She released a statement this morning, the morning after the interview, and said that the president's debate, and what she viewed as a lack of a forceful response from him in the days after, make her concern that he cannot effectively campaign and beat Trump in November. So, she called for him to step aside.


CNN has also learned that Senator Mark Warner is trying to assemble a meeting of Democratic senators to try to get people on the same page regarding President Biden's candidacy. A source told CNN that Warner, himself, is close to reaching the point where he believes Biden also needs to step aside.

So, there is still a lot of pressure within the party for President Biden to reconsider his standing in the race. But so far, the president has been defiant and doubled down. Saying that he is going to see this through until November.

WHITFIELD: All right. Arlette, thanks so much.

Eva McKend, to you there in New Orleans. You're there because the Vice President Kamala Harris arrived there last night. A lot of eyes are on her now, unlike she is probably experienced before. EVA MCKEND, CNN NATIONAL POLITICS REPORTER: That is right, Fred. The spotlight on her like never before. She really emerges as President Biden's chief defender.

She is rejecting this, though with some real message discipline. This idea that she should be at the top of the ticket, saying that she is proud to be Joe Biden's running mate, really trying to both publicly and privately illustrate loyalty.

But the reason why some Democrats are calling for her to be at the top of the ticket is they think that they -- she can energize the base at a time when the party desperately needs it. So, we're talking about black voters, young voters, female voters.

The vice president at the Essence music festival, where black women are here in big numbers, and they are often described as the backbone of the Democratic Party.

Take a listen to what she told this group on stage last night.


KAMALA HARRIS, VICE PRESIDENT OF THE UNITED STATES: I will have to stop by just to congratulate Essence on 30 years of the Essence Festival of Culture. So, enjoy this evening.

Let us always celebrate the diversity, the depth and the beauty of our culture. Have fun tonight.


MCKEND: And Fred, it's important to note, you know, as we speak to some of the black women here at this festival, they tell us that they are going to support the Democratic ticket no matter what. That even if President Biden decides to stay in or ultimately Harris ascends to the top of the ticket, they see this election in much broader terms. They are concerned about Project 2025, and what a second Trump presidency would bring.

You don't hear that loud chorus of calls coming from the black voters here. Fred.

WHITFIELD: All right. Eva McKend, Arlette Saenz, thanks to both of you, ladies. Appreciate it.

All right. Let's talk a little bit more about all of this. With me now, Jennifer Haberkorn, she is a White House reporter for POLITICO.

Great to see you. So, did President Biden reassure voters in that interview last night?

JENNIFER HABERKORN, WHITE HOUSE REPORTER, POLITICO: No, he certainly didn't. I mean, I was texting with several House Democrats last night who said that, you know, it was better than the debate. It wasn't a total bomb. But there was nothing in there that really reassured them that the president, you know, is able to see it through to November. I think the thing that they found most troubling was his last answer, in which he said -- in which he was asked, you know, what if come January, Trump is reelected? And he said, you know, if I did my best, and that's what's going to matter.

And if you talk to other elected Democrats, they want some passion and fire to beat Donald Trump. This is not just like a consolidation trophy if you lose. They feel like there is a real threat in 2025 if Donald Trump returns to the Oval Office. And the fire in the belly, what just wasn't there in in Biden's response.

They also, you know, several Democrats also expressed to me some concern that, you know, the president didn't seem to capture how serious this was and how far behind he is in the polls, and that has raised some questions as well.

WHITFIELD: You also zero in on, you know, Biden's variation of excuses. You know, a cold, travel, you know, Trump being distracted. Do you believe, I know you said you talked to Democrats. I don't know if those are elected officials, but among voters, does it appear that they are fixated on that, or are they instead thinking about what the future would be depending on which candidate ends up in the White House?

HABERKORN: Well, I think there is two conversations happening. It's one, you know, what's going to happen to President Biden? Is he going to remain on the ticket? And then, two, what happens if he actually is removed from the ticket?

One of my colleagues was talking to voters in Wisconsin yesterday when President Biden appeared at a rally. And, you know, they were -- those voters were kind of going through the ruminations of who that would be.

But I think there needs to, there is likely to be, you know, some come to Jesus' moment on the president's future before you can get to that secondary question.


Because if you think about it, that secondary question is going to, you know, depend a lot on what the president would do in that situation.

You know, what he say, you know, I believe, Kamala Harris, the vice president is the future of the party. Is it more of an open conversation? And I think that would really shape how that second conversation about who that is would go.

WHITFIELD: So, the Biden campaign, you know, has signaled the president's upcoming schedule. It's going to be, you know, aggressive, including more interviews, more spontaneous moments, more conversations with radio hosts like what just took place, you know, ahead of that ABC sit down.

This morning, we talked to one of the hosts of one of the radio shows who said this about the conversation.


VICTOR BLACKWELL, CNN ANCHOR: Were those questions given to you by the White House, or did you have -- or the campaign, or did you have to submit questions ahead of this interview?

ANDREA LAWFUL-SANDERS, RADIO HOST, THE SOURCE, WURD: The questions were sent to me for approval. I approved to them.

BLACKWELL: OK. So, the White House sent the questions to you ahead of the interview?



LAWFUL-SANDERS: I got several questions, eight of them, and the four that were chosen were the ones that I approved.


WHITFIELD: OK. So, two of the radio hosts where the interviews took place. So, how do you think that resonates with people?

HABERKORN: It's really troubling. I mean, people -- voters want to know that the president is not getting prepared questions and is able to think on his feet. I can tell you, you know, when I've traveled on Air Force One, sometimes the president will gaggle with reporters before or after -- before or after events, and those are unscripted moments, and that's when you can see, you know, how the president responds.

We saw that in the debate. Those were not prepared questions. We saw that in the interview with ABC last night, those were not prepared questions. And those can be a lot more telling than if, you know, the president were to know questions in advance and be able to prepare for those answers.

So, it's certainly troubling if -- and frankly, it doesn't -- it doesn't prove anything to voters, if the president is getting questions in advance.

WHITFIELD: OK. And I know you probably experienced it too, but I know, as someone who interviews a lot of people, there are times in which guests, even elected officials will provide, here are some questions, is what I like to talk about. But it's the discretion of the news organization, you know, or whoever is conducting that interview to say, you know, no thank you. I've got my own questions and then proceed that way.

HABERKORN: Absolutely.

WHITFIELD: Yes. All right. Jennifer Haberkorn, thank you so much. Appreciate it.

HABERKORN: Thank you for having me.

WHITFIELD: All right. During President Biden's high stakes interview last night, he dismissed growing concerns about his mental fitness and refused to commit to taking a cognitive test.


STEPHANOPOULOS: Have you had the specific cognitive tests and have you had a neurologist, a specialist, do an examination?

BIDEN: No. No one said I had to. No one said. They said, I'm good.

STEPHANOPOULOS: Would you be willing to undergo an independent medical evaluation that included neurological and cognitive tests and release the results to the American people?

BIDEN: Look. I have a cognitive test every single day. Every day I have that test. Everything I do. You know, not only am I campaigning, but I'm running the world. Not -- and that's not how -- it sounds like hyperbole, but we are the essential nation of the world.


WHITFIELD: CNN's chief medical correspondent Dr Sanjay Gupta's analysis of Biden's debate performance last week led him to call for the president to take a cognitive and neurological exam and share results.

Dr Gupta explained that in an essay. Here is more from Dr. Sanjay Gupta.

DR. SANJAY GUPTA, CNN CHIEF MEDICAL CORRESPONDENT: Well, obviously it's certainly up to the president and frankly, any patient, whether or not they want to have this sort of testing.

But I should point out that the testing shouldn't be thought of as something that would embarrass or malign, but rather, maybe provide some answers to what is driving some of the signs and symptoms we have seen with President Biden, and maybe even provide an opportunity for some early treatment.

It could provide a baseline, something that could be tracked and followed over time, so that you could find early signs of any kind of deficit, maybe even before the person themselves recognized it. Or sometimes this testing just provides peace of mind that there is nothing to worry about.

I should also point out that in the United States, there is a cognitive exam that is usually recommended for anyone over the age of 65 as part of their annual wellness checkup. Anyone over the age of 65 going through about an hour's worth of cognitive testing, physical exam, patient history to try and figure out, are there cognitive deficits that can be addressed early?

[13:15:02] What, I think has been driving some of the concerns since the debate among many of my colleagues in medicine, was some of the things they saw for a sustained and sort of protracted time during the debate. The differences in speech, the halting of speech, the confused rambling sometimes that occurred. But also, what they saw, when President Biden seemed to not have any facial expression. I think it's why so many people have said cognitive testing, as well as movement disorder testing, could be potentially beneficial.

As you certainly heard by now, the White House said, look, it was a bad night. That's basically what it was. It was a bad night. He was jet lagged to some extent. He had not been getting enough sleep and he had a cold. And those things certainly can cause episodes like we saw.

But again, the question is, is this episodic or is this reflective of something that is more significant? We do know, finally, that he did have a fairly complete exam back in February. But a cognitive test was not part of that exam. They ruled out things like stroke, like multiple sclerosis, and they made note that he did not have Parkinson's disease.

But there are other things that can cause Parkinsonism besides Parkinson's disease, and they didn't really mention that.

So, I think there are still a lot of unanswered questions. But again, it is up to the president and any patient whether or not they want to have this sort of testing. But there are many reasons it could be beneficial.

WHITFIELD: All right. Doctor Sanjay Gupta, thank you so much.

All right. Still ahead, a brutal heat wave is baking the east and west coast. Nearly 130 million people under heat alerts across 18 states. The cities that could see record breaking highs.

Plus, Tropical Storm Beryl, roaring towards Texas and expected to strengthen back into a hurricane before it strikes.

And new this morning, the judge overseeing Donald Trump's classified documents case pausing some deadlines following the U.S. Supreme Court's immunity ruling. What this means for the case?



WHITFIELD: A scorching, multi day heat wave is bringing triple digit temperatures and fueling wildfires, as thousands flee their homes from advancing blazes across California. The French Fire burning near Yosemite National Park has already scorched 900 acres and forced residents in the nearby city of Mariposa to evacuate.

Nationwide, more than 130 million people across 18 states are under heat alert, and there will be no relief until the middle of next week.

CNN national correspondent Natasha Chen, joining me now from the grove in Los Angeles. Are people able to keep cool there? Because that's partially indoors, partially outdoors.

NATASHA CHEN, CNN NATIONAL CORRESPONDENT: Yes. Fred, we're currently on the Farmers Market side of things, the original Farmers Market in L.A., and we're very lucky, because there is still a marine layer, a cloud layer right now, keeping temperatures mild. But when this cloud layer burns off, it's going to be hot, hot, hot, and we will expect that people will be coming here to beat the heat, get some ice cream, get some ice drinks.

Yesterday, we were in the northern part of L.A. at an aquatic center where it was 100 degrees, and you had a lot of people in line to use that pool. Here are just some of them.


UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: So, it's hot and we have to stay cool.

UNIDENTIFIED MALE: We got here like at 10-50, and the lines are already really long.


CHEN: And the first person in that line told us they had waited almost four hours to get in there.


CHEN: So, people are, you know, really trying to get away from this heat. It can be very dangerous, because, as you mentioned, the temperatures are high, but also this duration of the heat wave extends into next week, and that also creates a very hazardous situation for wildfires.

You've got at least a dozen big wildfires up and down the West Coast right now, as CAL FIRE told you in the last hour or so. This is early in the season to have this many active wildfires. The Lake Fire started yesterday in Santa Barbara County, burning almost 5,000 acres now. You mentioned the French Fire, which is now about 20 percent contained, at about 900 acres. Then you've got the Thompson Fire, which is more than 3,000 acres.

That they started to get a handle on is now three quarters contained. So, some of the people who were previously evacuated can start coming home there.

And then the Balsam Root Fire up in Washington State, Central Washington state. Local fire officials say that one actually started because of fireworks. That is now 30 percent contained.

So, really dangerous, dry, hot conditions fueling those flames. And if we take a look at this heat map that was created by the CDC and other federal agencies, you can see just how hazardous the conditions are. Up and down the west coast, but specifically, mostly in California, you see those purple counties, and purple is the highest level. It's labeled as extreme, and that, they define as having a significantly higher likelihood that you're going to see more heat related illnesses reported to emergency rooms.

So, this is something authorities are really warning people about, to stay hydrated, stay cool, and find wherever you can to get some ice cream. I suppose.

But Fred, we are going to keep an eye on this as the temperatures continue to rise.

WHITFIELD: Yes, ice creams and popsicles, it works, or at least a little bit.

Natasha Chen, thank you so much.

All right, the federal judge overseeing former President Trump's classified documents case has hit pause on some key deadlines.


We'll tell you the reasons why, after this.


WHITFIELD: All right. This just in to CNN. Federal Judge Aileen Cannon in Florida is now pausing some filing deadlines in former President Donald Trump's classified documents criminal case.

Judge Cannon agreeing with Trump's defense, filing on Friday, setting a two-week briefing schedule while she considers the impact by the U.S. Supreme Court's ruling this week on presidential immunity.

She also paused three unrelated filing deadlines that were scheduled to take place during that period as well.

The High Court's decision this week granted broad immunity to presidents for official acts, and though it directly applies to the federal case over 2020 election subversion efforts in Washington, D.C., it could also impact all four of the criminal cases against the former president.

All right. Joining us right now is former federal prosecutor and host of "That Said with Michael Zeldin" podcast. Michael Zeldin, he himself.

All right, Michael, good to see you. So, what do you make of Judge Cannon's decision to pause these deadlines?




Well, I think it was required because the immunity decision by the Supreme Court does touch upon the Mar-a-Lago documents case.

Especially, with respect to the former president's taking of documents out of the White House during his tenure as president.

With respect to the obstruction part of the investigation of Jack Smith and the indictment there, I don't think it applies. And so I think there's a viable obstruction case.

But Trump's lawyers have said the immunity decision by the Supreme Court substantially impacts this prosecution, and they want the judge to really throw out a chunk of this case.

So what the judge has done is given the prosecutors an opportunity to respond to Trump's filing. I think they have until July 18th. And then she'll take it under consideration about how to proceed.

WHITFIELD: So Trump's attorneys really want to use this time to explore whether there's a real application of that U.S. Supreme Court decision.

Does your instinct say that that decision has a direct correlation on the documents case? Will he be able to establish that this was official business in which he was able to take and obtain and hold onto these records?

ZELDIN: Yes. I think it's a good question that it's going to be having to grapple, the attorneys and the judge in, I think, protracted discussion.

The question here is, he took documents out of the White House while president and the Supreme Court decision seem to say, well, you know, if it touches upon the outer fringes of his authority, then he's got some sort of presumptive immunity.

And so I think that's a good argument that this was official conduct on his part, that the question of a presumptive immunity should apply.

But I do not think it applies, Fred, in the obstruction part because that occurred after the fact of his presidency. And I think it was a respective legitimate request for those documents.

You've got the two cases in one here. And I'd say they're going to be grappling with the issues that this raises for a while.

And of course, if Trump wins reelection, the likelihood that this will ever go to trial is pretty de minimis.

WHITFIELD: How do you see this pause as potentially advantageous for the special counsel?

ZELDIN: Well, it gives this special counsel the opportunity to digest the Supreme Court decision.

Analyze it in relation to the case that they brought in Florida, and then make its strongest argument why, while it applies, in part, perhaps it doesn't apply broadly in this case. And the case now should be set down for trial quickly.

Remember, Judge Cannon has really been slow walking this case. There are a lot of motions have been pending for months that she's made no decision on. So maybe this could be the catalyst to resolve all of these depending motions and then set a trial date.

WHITFIELD: All right. Michael Zeldin, you're always the best. That's why we've always loved having you.

Thank you so much.

ZELDIN: Thank you, Fred. Thanks for having me.

WHITFIELD: All right. A tropical story (sic) that has already severely damaged parts of the Caribbean now taking aim at Mexico and Texas. And by the time it reaches landfall, it could become a hurricane again.



WHITFIELD: Happening right now, Tropical Storm Beryl is headed towards the south Texas coast, triggering tropical storm warnings. The state's governor, Greg Abbott, is asking people to take precautions.

Beryl made history as the earliest category five hurricane to enter the Atlantic, first making landfall in Grenada before tearing a deadly path across the Caribbean.

The storm became the strongest hurricane to hit Jamaica in 15 years, killing two people there and leaving thousands without power.

I'd like to bring it now Adam Keehn, director of complex emergencies for Americares.

Adam, great to see you.

So Jamaican residents are assessing the damage. Tell us what it likely looks like there right now. What are they going through?

ADAM KEEHN, DIRECTOR OF COMPLEX EMERGENCIES, AMERICARES: Yes. it's definitely very difficult. We came in last night on one of the first planes to come into Kingston after the airport has been closed for a couple of days because of the storm.

Luckily, the airport was only slightly damaged. And I think that can be said for most of Kingston itself. But the challenge here, in some areas outside of Kingston.

Jamaica has a really robust emergency management and response system. And we've been meeting with their representatives this morning to make sure that the resources that we can bring to bear are put in place in those areas that's where it's needed most.

And that seems to be along the southern coast of the country and in some of them more mountainous areas where landslides and flooding and wind and rain damage are significant.

WHITFIELD: And what are the resources that you can bring to bear? KEEHN: Well, we have medicines and supplies, hygiene kits, and all kinds of resources.

We also can make small grants to organizations, health clinics that need to rehabilitate their -- their infrastructure that was damaged in the storm.

We have shipments ready to go. What we're doing now is making connections with the clinics and community outreach organizations that can receive those shipments and make sure they get distributed to the places that need the most.

WHITFIELD: Yes. And then how will you try to get to people, or are you relying on those local groups you just mentioned to make the deliveries?

KEEHN: Well, we have a team on the ground here, five people now, who stay here as long as we're needed to make sure that those connections are made.


But it's -- it really is the clinics, the hospitals, the community groups that are of the community here that will be the people delivering aid over the long term.

We know that we're here for a relatively short period of time, but as long as needed to make sure that the resources reach those areas that have been most damaged.

WHITFIELD: I mean, this is just the second storm of the 2024 hurricane season. What are your concerns about what possibly is to come?

KEEHN: Well, you're right. And first of all, this storm isn't over either. As you said, in the lead in here, the Yucatan Peninsula was hit hard, but it looks like parts of south Texas may be impacted also by the remnants of this storm or what may be regenerating into a hurricane again.

So Beryl, this storm is likely to cause more damage in the days and weeks ahead. But then as you say, we can expect that other storms are going to be forming.

In fact, they're already forming in the Atlantic and are going to be moving this way. We just need to be prepared for that and make sure that our contacts on the ground in places that are likely to be hit are ready to receive that support and that we're ready to mobilize it quickly.

WHITFIELD: OK, Adam Keehn, all the best in all your endeavors to help out people there.

KEEHN: Thank you.

WHITFIELD: All right. The first English man to win Wimbledon in 77 years says goodbye to the famous grass court and, very soon, to the sport of tennis overall.






WHITFIELD: All right. Another wild day on the courts at Wimbledon as the semifinal field of the Euro Cup also begins to take shape.

CNN's Don Ridell is here with all the latest from the world of sports.

Hi, Don. So let's talk about that big soccer match underway right now, England and Switzerland. What's up?

DON RIDDELL, CNN ANCHOR, WORLD SPORT: Well, it looks like it's going to be going into extra time, Fred. We're almost done with the 90 minutes.

It is currently one all in that game and that game really coming to life literally in the last few minutes. Switzerland taking the lead. England quickly equalizing. It looks like we're in for another 30 minutes of play to try and get this one done.

And we're seeing a lot of games in international tournaments now going to extra time and penalties. It also happened in the Copper America on Friday night.

And you just have to see what happened in this game. Canada playing in this tournament for the first time ever and they're making the most of it. That's Jacob Shaffleberg (ph) giving Canada the lead against Venezuela.

But just look at how Venezuela equalized in the second half. The ball bouncing to Rundon (ph), who audaciously loved the Canadian goalkeeper there. What an extraordinary goal that was.

But this one couldn't be decided in 90 minutes so it went to penalties. The Canadian goalie redeemed himself with a save there, allowing Canada to win this game with the penalty from Ishmael Coney.

As I mentioned, Canada has never played in this tournament before. Now they're into the semifinals. They've done it by scoring only two goals during the total, which is just incredible.

Two goals in four games and they're into the semis. Meaning they will play Argentina, who are the defending tournament champions and the reigning world champions next.

WHITFIELD: Hah. Oh, my god, that is so exciting. It's exciting to see all that emotion just spilling out, whether it's the agony of defeat or the victory. OK, so then let's talk Wimbledon because we're at the halfway mark now. But then there was kind of a -- well, there was an emotional moment, almost like a goodbye of sorts, right?

RIDDELL: Yes. So, I mean, this is Andy Murray's last Wimbledon. Remember, he was the first man in almost 80 years to win the Wimbledon title as a homegrown player.


RIDDELL: He's a Scottish star, a Brit that is admired and adored by so many sports fans back home.

And, yes, this was what turned out to be his last appearance. He played in the doubles tournament on Friday with his brother, Jamie. They lost that match.

He wasn't able to play singles because he was still recovering from back surgery. He was supposed to be playing mixed doubles with another big British star, Emma Raducanu.

But Raducanu has had to withdraw because she's doing really, really well in a singles tournament. And she hurt her wrist yesterday. So she wants to preserve her wrist.

So this is the last time that we're going to see Andy Murray at Wimbledon. This really was an incredibly emotion farewell. He'd already said that this was going to be his last season. So we knew this would be his last Wimbledon.

He's going to play in the Olympics in Paris. Remember, he's a two-time Olympic champion. And after that, it is over.

But --


RIDELL: -- he has had such a wonderful career. A lot of ups and downs. But so many sports, tennis, British sports fans have really come to just absolutely admire and adore Andy Murray.


RIDDELL: It's going to be a shame to see him --


WHITFIELD: That's so nice. But that was a really unique and lovely moment, right? I mean, from Martina to Djokovic, there, everybody lined up. And I mean, is it -- I still can't say her name. Is it Swiatek, Swiatek?


RIDDELL: We're going to get this right.



WHITFIELD: I got that part.

RIDDELL: -- Swiatek. Swiatek.

WHITFIELD: Swiatek. OK. I'm like, the spelling is killing me.


WHITFIELD: Not how I want to say it.

RIDDELL: Well, number one, having an amazing season already on clay.


RIDDELL: Grass is not her favorite surface. And she has, within the last few minutes, been defeated by Yulia Putinseva, coming from a set behind to knock Iga Swiatek out of Wimbledon this year.

You'll get it, Fred.


WHITFIELD: I'm going to get it. I'm going to get it. Don, the next time we talk about it, you're going to be so impressed.


WHITFIELD: Like, wow, you get this all.


WHITFIELD: All right, Don Riddell, thank you.

All right. The whole idea of sharks, it can be pretty scary. But some innovative educators in the Bahamas are bringing kids up close and personal to see why these misunderstood creatures need to be protected in today's "IMPACT YOUR WORLD."


MATT SMUKALL, PRESIDENT, BIMINI SHARK LAB: Bimini Shark Lab serves as a non-profit in the Bahamas and in the United States.

We also have a major education component. That's where we bring students into the area around Bimini.

The tag will go up here. And we want to be -

The students learn about the research, all of the types of tagging that we do, all of the long history that the shark lab has done here.

But then take them out and really so they can see it with their own eyes. Appreciate them in a new way and not be scared of some of these sharks.

So going to see the stingrays is a great introduction for the students, where people can get in at their own pace and get very, very comfortable with them.

You'll see when they, again, they're going to come right over top.


SMUKALL: One of our favorite places to take the students to is up to the mangroves to go see the lemon shark nursery ground, the lemon shark refuge, and why they're such value in making sure that those areas are protected.

And then work our way up to maybe some of the larger sharks that they do have a bigger fear of.

UNIDENTIFIED MALE: I guess I just found a love. And I hope that my love for it can reach out to people around the world and help them understand the sharks.

SMUKALL: When we see a student that changes their perception of, you know, going from one day being scared of sharks to, in a couple of days, super passionate, wanting to pursue this as their career. That's why we do it.



And you thought Fourth of July was summer's biggest holiday. Well, one of the other big holidays starts tomorrow. It's the beginning of Shark Week. Don't miss it. It's hosted by John Cena on Discovery and streaming on Max.

We'll be right back.



WHITFIELD: All right, with his sit-down interview on ABC News, President Biden became the latest high-profile politician to hope that a high-stakes interview could change the trajectory of a campaign.

CNN's Brian Todd has more on these make-or-break political moments.



BRIAN TODD, CNN CORRESPONDENT (voice over): January 1992, there was no doubt how high the stakes were when Bill and Hillary Clinton sat down with CBS's "60 Minutes" for an interview that aired right after the Super Bowl. Clinton's presidential candidacy was in peril after a lounge singer named Jennifer Flowers told a tabloid about a longstanding affair she said she'd had with him. Clinton denied the affair, though he acknowledged causing pain in his marriage.

But it was what Hillary Clinton said that jarred American voters.

HILLARY CLINTON, (D), FORMER PRESIDENTIAL NOMINEE & FORMER SECRETARY OF STATE: You know, I'm not sitting here as some little woman standing by my man like Tammy Wynette.

I'm sitting here because I love him and I respect him and I honor what he's been through and what we've been through together. And, you know, if that's not enough for people, then, heck, don't vote for him.

TIM NAFTALI, CNN PRESIDENTIAL HISTORIAN: Without a doubt, saved Bill Clinton's presidential campaign in that year.

They didn't put to rest the question of whether or not Bill Clinton had one or multiple affairs. They just said to the American people, it doesn't matter to us, and it shouldn't matter to you.

TODD: Just how much of a gamble are these make-or-break interviews like Joe Biden's with ABC?

NAFTALI: It depends on the depth of the scandal. Joe Biden faces a crisis of confidence about his ability to lead the country over the next four years.

TODD: Some of the most momentous interviews were ones that were not planned to deal with a crisis but which still drastically changed perceptions of a politician.

When she was John McCain's Republican running mate in 2008, Sarah Palin did an interview with ABC's "Nightline" in her home state of Alaska and was asked what insight into Russia did the proximity of her state give her.

SARAH PALIN, (R), FORMER VICE PRESIDENTIAL CANDIDATE & FORMER ALASKA GOVERNOR: They're our next-door neighbors. And you can actually see Russia from land here in Alaska, from an island in Alaska.

UNIDENTIFIED REPORTER: What insight does that give you into what they're doing in Georgia?

PALIN: Well, I'm giving you that perspective of how small our world is.

TODD: Palin was skewered for it, most acutely by Tina Fey in a "Saturday Night Live" skit.

UNIDENTIFIED COMEDIAN: I believe that diplomacy should be the cornerstone of any foreign policy.

TIN FEY, COMEDIAN: And I can see Russia from my house.



TODD: Unlike Palin, George W. Bush, in 1999, was not significantly damaged for coming across as weak on foreign policy when a reporter quizzed him on world leaders.

UNIDENTIFIED REPORTER: Can you name the president of Chechnya?