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CNN Newsroom

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February 03, 2017
• U.S. to Add New Sanctions on Iran; Tune Change to Israel; U.S. and U.N. Demands Withdrawal From Russia over Crimea; E.U. Leaders Meeting Malta; Online War; XX Band Showing their Faces. Aired 3-4a ET
• White House Warns Israel on New Settlements; Tehran's Reaction to U.S. Threat of New Sanctions; Modification of Sanctions as U.S. Ambassador Criticizes Russia; Trump Mending Fences with Australian P.M.; Defense Secretary Visits South Korea, Japan; White House Warns Israel on New Settlements; More Than 50 Lawsuit Filed against Trump's Travel Ban; Raid in Yemen Raising Questions; Protests Continue in U.K. over Donald Trump's Travel Ban. Aired 2-3a ET
• Sources: U.S. Planning New Iran Sanctions; Iran: Missile Test For "Defensive Purposes"; White House Warns Israel On New Settlement; Trump Meets With Jordan's King Abdullah; U.S. Makes "Technical Fix" To Russia Sanctions; U.S. Calls For Russia To Withdraw From Crimea; Fallout From Trump's Call With Australian Prime Minister; Australian Ambassador's White House Meeting Amid Flap; Snapchat Parent Company Files For IPO; UBER CEO Quits White House Adviser; U.S. Airlines Seek Talks With Tillerson; Trump: Let's Add "Fair" To NAFTA; Mattis Reassures Allies Of U.S. Commitment; North Korea Dismisses Key Aide To leader Kim Jong-Un; Raid in Yemen Raising Questions; Surge of Violence in Ukraine; Russia Accused of Waging Online Information War in Europe; Controversial Super Bowl Ads. Aired 1-2a ET
• White House Warns Israel in New Settlements; U.S. Planning New Iran Sanctions; U.S. Calls for Russia to Withdraw from Crimea; New U.S. Defense Secretary on Asia Trip; Multiple States Suing Trump Over Travel Ban; An Introverted Band with a Far-Reaching Sound. Aired Midnight-1a ET
• Report: Some GOP Open to Repair Not Replace Obamacare; Vote for Education Nominee Set for Monday; New CIA Deputy Director Linked to Torture; NYPD Detective's Message of Forgiveness; Countdown to Super Bowl Game. Aired 3:30-4p ET
• Republicans Backing Off Replacement of Obamacare?; Trump Rolls Back Financial Regulations; Trump vs. Iran. Aired 3-3:30p ET
• Trump Advisor Says Misspoke on Fake "Massacre"; Howard Stern Concerned about Trump; Many Republicans Opposed to Trump's Wall; Iran Fires Back Over New Sanctions; Super Bowl LI on Sunday. Aired 2:30-3p ET
• New Iran Sanctions; Iran Response to Sanctions; White House Talks Israeli Settlements; Evidence Collected in Yemen Raid; January Jobs Numbers. Aired 2-2:30p ET
• Trump Admin Issues New Iran Sanctions; Trump Meets with Economic Advisory Council; All Eyes on Lady Gaga's Halftime Show; Aired 10:30-11a ET
• Trump Meets Economic Advisory Council; Treasury Dept; Announces New Iran Sanctions; Trump Adviser Cites Non-Existent Massacre. Aired 10-10:30a ET
• Education Secretary Nominee Advances; Muddled Messaging on Obamacare; ACLU Lawsuit Against Travel Ban; Russia Charges Spies; Countdown to the Super Bowl. Aired 9:30-10:00a ET
• Report: 227,000 Jobs Created in January; Trump Administration Ramps up Rhetoric on Iran; Trump Adviser Cites Non-Existent "Massacre". Aired 9-9:30a ET

February 02, 2017
• Trump and Turnbull's Controversial Phone Call; Violent Protests in California Against Right Wing Speaker; Trump's Blunt Warning for Iran. Aired 3-4a ET
• Trump Blasts Australian Prime Minster over Refugees; U.S. Puts Iran on Notice over Missile Launches; Violent Riots at U.C. Berkley over Milo Speech; New U.S. Defense Secretary Travels to South Korea; Trump Blasts Australian Prime Minster over Refugees; U.S. Terror Attack Survivors Weigh in on Travel Ban; Plea of Christian Leaders to Trump on Travel Ban; World Leaders Call for Calm in Eastern Ukraine.. Aired 2-3a ET
• Sources: Trump Blasts Australia's PM Over Refugees; Sources: Trump Abruptly Ended Turnbull Call; Trump Offers To Help Mexico Knock Out Drug Cartels; White House: U.S. "Putting Iran On Notice"; U.S. Condemns Iranian Ballistic Missile Test; Protest At Berkeley Over Breitbart Editor's Speech; U.S. Defense Secretary Arrives In South Korea; Mattis Wants To Proceed With THAAD Missile Defense; North Korea May Be Restarting Nuclear Reactor;. Aired 1-2a ET
• Trump Blasts Australia's PM over Refugees; U.S. Condemns Iranian Ballistic Missile Test; Protest at UC-Berkeley over Breitbart Editor's Speech; Mattis Making First Trip as U.S. Defense Secretary; Pro-Russian Separatists Hope Trump Will Bring Peace; The Long and Not So Short of Trump Ties. Aired 12-1a ET
• Report: Trump at Prayer Breakfast -- Pray for Arnold; Berkeley Protest Shuts Down Breitbart Editor Speech; Travel Ban Ends Facebook Worker's Family Visits; Time Calls Bannon The Great Manipulator; Putin Blames Increased Fighting on Ukrainian Government. Aired 3:30-4p ET
• Trump vs. Australia; Trump Asks People to Pray for 'The Apprentice'; White House Defends Death of Navy SEAL in Yemen Raid. Aired 3-3:30p ET
• Trump at National Prayer Breakfast: Pray for Schwarzenegger Ratings; Trump Praises Senate Chaplain at Prayer Breakfast; White House Pushes Back on Easing Russian Sanctions; Trump's Education Secretary Pick Facing Opposition. Aired 2:30-3p ET
• McCain Reaches Out to Australia; Military Action Against Iran; Treasury Allows Minor Easing of Russian Sanctions; Yemen Raid Explanation. Aired 2-2:30p ET
• Tillerson Begins First Full Day of Secretary of State; Dem, GOP Tensions Erupt Over Trump Cabinet Picks; Trump Hits Schwarzenegger at National Prayer Breakfast; Goodell Addresses Relationship with Patriots; Aired 10:30-11a ET
• Trump Talks Tough at Prayer Breakfast; Soon: Secretary of State Tillerson Addresses State Department; Trump Slams "Dumb" Refugee Deal with Australia; Iran: Will "Vigorously Continue with Missile Activity"; "Tough Hombres" talk with Mexican President. Aired 10- 10:30a ET
• Trump Talks at Prayer Breakfast; Trump's Australian Call; Iran Response to Trump; Trump Talks about Navy SEAL Killed in Yemen; Trump's Joke At Prayer Breakfast; U.S. Diplomacy in the Age of Trump and Tillerson; Addressing the Iran Missile Tests. Aired 9:30-10a ET
• Rocky First Call between Trump and Australia's Prime Minister; Reports: High Civilian Casualties in Yemen Raid; Trump Speaks At National Prayer Breakfast; Trump: "Freedom Of Religion Is A Sacred Right"; Trump: U.S. Has "Most Generous Immigration System". Aired 9- 9:30a ET

February 01, 2017
• Trump Announces SCOTUS Nominee; Travel Ban Domino Effect; Mosque Shooter Arrested in Canada; Terrorism in Germany. Aired 3-4a ET
• President Trump Pick Neil Gorsuch As His Supreme Court Justice Nominee; 1.7 Million People Sign A Petition To Rescind The Invitation To President Trump For A State Visit; More Than 70 Former Federal Prosecutors Are Defending Former Acting Attorney General Sally Yates; Monitors Of Ukrainian Conflict Say Things Are Getting Worse; Who Will Replace Actor Peter Capaldi As The Next Doctor. Aired 2-3a ET
• Businessman's Life Upended By Trump's Travel Ban; Mosque Attacker Known For Far-right Views; Trump Nominates Neil Gorsuch For Supreme Court; U.S. Citizens Warned To Avoid Travel To Iraq; Democrats Threaten To Block Supreme Court Pick; Plagiarism Allegations Dog Education Secy. Nominee. Aired 1-2a ET
• Donald Trump Nominates Judge Neil Gorsuch for the Supreme Court; Polls Show Trump with Low Approval Ratings; Millions Signing Online Protest Against Trump; Trump Nominates Neil Gorsuch for Supreme Court; U.S. Travel Ban on Citizen from 7 Muslim Countries; ACLU Gets Help from Silicon Valley. Aired 12-1a ET
• Report: Senate Confirms Tillerson; Trump Makes Unannounced Visit to Honor Slain Navy SEAL; Trump Urges "Go Nuclear" If Dems Block Gorsuch. Aired 3:30-4p ET
• U.S. National Security Adviser Warns Iran; Rex Tillerson Confirmed as Secretary of State. Aired 3-3:30p ET
• White House Press Conference; Trouble for Trump's Education Department Nominee; Trump Administration Puts Iran "On Notice"; Sean Spicer Talks Navy SEAL's Death During Yemen Raid; 900-Plus State Department Employees File Dissent Cable on Travel Ban. Aired 2:30-3p ET
• Interview with Representative James Clyburn; Senate Judiciary Hearing on Jeff Sessions; Aired 10:30-11a ET
• GOP Bypasses Dems, Approve Price and Mnuchin; Trump holds Meeting Honoring Black History Month. Aired 10-10:30a ET
• Trump Travel Ban; Dems Lay Out Demands; Senate Committee Suspends Rules; HHS And Treasury Nominations go to Full Senate; Interview with Rep. Jim Jordan. Aired 9:30-10a ET
• Lawmakers Clash Over Trump Cabinet Picks. Aired 9:15-9:30a ET

January 31, 2017
• Trump Fires Acting U.S. Attorney General; Domino Effect on Travel Ban; Petition for U.K. Government to Ban Donald Trump; Keeping Loyal to Trump. Aired 3-4a ET
• White House Fires Acting U.S. Attorney General; Barak Obama Responds to Trump Travel Ban; Fareed Zakaria Talks Travel Ban; White House Fires Acting U.S. Attorney General; Trump Promotes Bannon to National Security Team; Pentagon Works on Waivers for Travel Ban for Iraqi Interpreters; Trump Supporters in Pennsylvania Support Travel Ban. Aired 2-3a ET
• New Acting Attorney General Vows To Defend Trump's Orders; Protests Grow Over Trump's Travel Ban; Trump: Democrats Have Nothing Going But To Obstruct; Zakaria: People Will Want More Stability, Competence; Students Fear They Can't Go Home Under Ban; White House Fires Acting U.S. Attorney General; Impact of Travel Ban on College Students; Washington Governor Speaks Out on Travel Ban; University Student Arrested in Canadian Mosque Shooting. Aired 1-2a ET
• Report: Sources Say Trump Supreme Court Finalists in DC; Steve Bannon Now on NSC; Some Christian Syrians Back Trump Travel Ban. Aired 3:30-4p ET
• Democrats Boycott Cabinet Votes; Furor Continues Over President Trump's Travel Ban. Aired 3-3:30p ET
• Trump Fires Acting Attorney General for "Betrayal"; Trump Brings in Giuliani for Cybersecurity; European Council: Trump Poses Threat to Europe. Aired 2:30-3p ET
• Argument over Term Ban; Kelly Briefed on Travel Ban; Fired Attorney General; Dems Boycott Votes; Hatch Calls Democrats Idiots; Supreme Court Nominees. Aired 2-2:30p ET
• Paul Ryan Speaks About Travel Ban; Senate Democrats Boycotting HHS, Treasury Nominees; Aired 10:30-11a ET
• Senate Committee Considers Attorney General Nominee Sessions; GOP Leaders Giving Weekly Address; Ryan: "The Rollout was Confusing" on Travel Ban. Aired 10-10:30a ET
• Senate Votes on Sessions; Grassley at Senator Sessions Hearing; Trump Meets with Pharmaceutical Execs; Feinstein at Senator Sessions Hearing. Aired 9:30-10a ET
• Trump to Announce Supreme Court Pick Tonight; Trump Fires Acting Attorney General Over Ban. Aired 9-9:30a ET

January 30, 2017
• Muslim Ban Creates Chaos; Terror Attack in a Mosque; Trump's Pick for Supreme Court; New Law on Land; Politics at the SAG Awards. Aired 3-4a ET
• Shooting Leaves 6 Dead, 8 Wounded at Quebec City Mosque; Trump Responds to Critics of Travel Ban; Middle East Leaders React to Trump's Travel Ban; World Leaders Step Up, Speak Out on Trump Travel Ban; Statement of Reassurance from White House to South Korea; Roger Federer Wins Australian Open. Aired 2-3a ET
• Shooting Leaves 6 Dead, 8 Wounded at Quebec City Mosque; Trump Defends Travel Ban As Thousands Protest; Confusion over Trump's Travel Ban; Trump Spoke With Putin By Phone Saturday; CNN's Freedom Project Uncovers International Sex Trafficking Ring; Santa Ana Winds Blow Through Southern California. Aired 1-2a ET
• Deadly Shooting at Quebec Mosque; Trump Defends Travel Ban as Thousands Protest; Some World Leaders Condemn Trump's Travel Ban; Trump's Immigration Ban Sparks Protests Across U.S.; Computer Glitch Grounds Delta Flights In U.S.; ACLU Lawyers Helped Draft An Emergency Stay Motion; U.S. & Saudi Arabia Agree To Support Safe Zones; Trump Spoke With Putin By Phone Saturday; Iranian Student in Limbo Due to U.S. Travel Ban. Aired 12-1a ET
• Report: Grandmother from Iran Held 9 Hours at LAX; Ford CEO Joins Companies Opposed to Travel Ban; Trump Travel Ban Unleashes Global Chaos. Aired 3:30-4p ET
• Trump's Travel Ban Sparks Outrage; Interview With Indiana Congressman Andre Carson. Aired 3-3:30p ET
• White House Press Conference on Travel Ban; Obama Puts Out 1st Public Statement After Leaving Office; Trump Adds Bannon to National Security Council Meetings; White House Defends Trump Holocaust Statement; State Department Officials Draft Dissent Memo over Travel Ban. Aired 2:30-3p ET
• Live Coverage of the White House Press Briefing. Aired 2-2:30p ET
• Trump to Announce Supreme Court Nominee; Syrian Refugee on Coming to the U.S.; Hollywood Takes on Trump's Ban at SAG Awards; Patriots and Falcons Gear Up for Super Bowl; Aired 10:30-11a ET
• Trump Dismisses Outcry Over Travel Ban; Iraq: U.S. Should Reconsider "Wrong" Decision; U.S. Diplomats Pen "Dissent" Memo over Travel Ban; Trump Signs Executive Order. Aired 10-10:30a ET
• Attorneys General Slam Travel Ban; Trump Talks Business Regulations; Trump Meets Small Business Leaders; Trump on Schumer Crying. Aired 9:30-10a ET
• Trump Dismisses Outcry over Travel Ban; World Leaders Condemn Trump's Travel Ban. Aired 9-9:30a ET

January 29, 2017
• U.S. Judge Blocks Deportation of Banned Travelers; 11 People Detained at Atlanta Airport; Yazidi Woman Left in Limbo After U.S. Travel Ban; Trump Speaks with Russian President Putin; Twitter Founder Visits Syrian Refugee. Aired 5-6a ET
• U.S. Judge Blocks Deportation of Banned Travelers; 11 People Detained at Atlanta Airport; Trump Speaks with Several More World Leaders; Yazidi Woman Left in Limbo After U.S. Travel Ban; Trump Speaks with Russian President Putin; Aired 4-5a ET
• Judge Blocks Deportation Of Banned Travelers; 109 People Denied of Entry to the U.S.; Protesters On Major Airports Across the Country; Travel Ban May Conflict With American Law And The American Constitution. Countries in Travel Ban List Might Still Add Up. Ared 3- 4a ET
• Stay Placed on Part of Trump Travel Ban. Aired 2-2:30a ET
• Judge Blocks Deportation Of Banned Travelers; Stay Includes Valid Visa-Holders In U.S. & In Transit; Protests Across U.S. Airports Against Trump's Travel Ban; How Do Syrian Refugees Get Into The U.S.?; British PM May Does Not Agree With U.S. Travel Ban; Twitter Founder Visits Syrian Refugee. Aired 1-1:30a ET
• Delta: Nationwide Ground Stop Over Computer Problems; Trump Defends Executive Order As Protests Spread; Ex-Breitbard Chief Bannon Put on Security Council; Canada To Give Stranded Travelers Temporary Residency; Detainees Released From Dallas Airport; Preibus on Travel Ban: We "Apologize For Nothing Here". Aired 9-10p ET
• Trump Offers Fresh Defense of His Travel Ban; Trump Reorganizes Natl Security Council; Protests Erupt Across U.S. Over Travel Ban; 16 Attorney General Vows to Fight Trump's Travel Ban; Delta: Nationwide Ground Stop Over Computer Problems; Fareed Zakaria's Take on Trump's Travel Ban; ACLU: $19.4 Million Raised Online This Weekend. Aired 8-9p ET
• Protesters Gathering in Major U.S. Cities; President Trump Defends Controversial Travel Ban; Sixteen State Attorney Generals Slam Executive Order as Un-American and Unlawful; Lawmakers Joining Protesters; Hollywood Blasts President Trump's Travel Ban Oscar Nominated Iranian Director Banned; President Trump Plans Supreme Court Nominee This Week. Aired 7-8p ET
• Trump's Travel Ban Ignites Protests Across U.S.; Crowds Nationwide Protest President's Travel Ban; Trump's Fresh Defense of New Travel Ban; American Muslim Group Agrees with Trump's Travel Ban; U.S. Service Member Killed in Raid on Al Qaeda; Susan Rice: Security Council Reshuffle is "Crazy". Aired 6-7p ET
• President Trump Defends Executive Order On Immigration Ban; Protests Across U.S Airports on Immigration Ban; President Trump Reorganizes National Security Council; Soldier Killed in Yemen; Hollywood's Reaction to President Trump's Travel Ban. Aired 5-6p ET
• Protests And Marches in Major Cities Against Travel Ban; Presidential Advisor Steve Bannon Will Now Sit In Top Secret National Secret Meetings; U.S. Service Member Killed In Raid On Al-Qaeda In Yemen; Trump and Saudi King Agreed Safe Zone in Syria; Trump New Statement On Extreme Vetting; Trump Blast McCain And Graham On Immigration In New Tweet. Aired 4-5p ET
• Protest Erupt Across U.S. Against Trump Immigration Ban; Pres. Trump Reorganizes National Security Council; U.S. Service Member Killed In Raid On Al Qaeda In Yemen; Federal Judges Block Part Of Trump's Immigration Order; Trump Expected To Announce Supreme Court Pick This Week. Aired 3-4p ET
• Protesters on the Streets Against President Trump's Travel Ban; Reshuffling Top Posts in the National Security Council; Cell Phone Screenings May Be Next; Judges Block Part Of Trump's Immigration Order; U.S. Service Member Killed In Raid On Al Qaeda In Yemen; Islamic Group To File Suit In Response To Trump's Travel Ban. Aired 2- 3p ET

January 28, 2017
• Trump Signs Sweeping Order On Refugees; "Extreme Vetting" Measures Being Put In Place; Google Advises Some Employees To Stay In U.S.; Trump Meets With First Foreign Leader; Trump, Pena Nieto Speaks By Phone; Donald Trump To Speak With Putin; Europeans Taking Stock Of New U.S. President; Actor John Hurt Dies At Age 77; Syrian Refugees Seeking New Life In The U.S.; Lunar New Year Celebrations Begin; Serena Williams Wins 23rd Major Final; Miss Sierra Leone Makes Miss Universe History. Aired 5-6a ET
• Trump Signs Sweeping Order On Refugees; Trump and May Meeting; Actor John Hurt Died At 77; Trump; Christian Refugees Should Have Priority; Syrian Family In The U.S. Reacts To Visa Ban; Trump and Putin To Talk About Terrorism; Williams Sisters Play For Aussie Open Title; Trump Cites Unverified Data In Election Fraud; Anti-Abortion Activists Rally In D.C.; Ringing In The Lunar New Year. Aired 4-5a ET
• Trump Signs Sweeping Order On Refugees; Google Advises Some Employees To Stay In U.S.; Trump Set to Speak With Putin; British PM: Trump Expresses Support For NATO; Trump's ISIS Strategy Takes Shape; Trump Cites Unverified Data In Election Fraud; British Actor John Hurt Dies At Age 77; Lunar New Year Celebrations Begin Around The World; Bigly Or Big League; Tennis Legends Face Off In Australian Open Finals. Aired 3-4a ET
• Trump Signs Sweeping Order on Refugees; Actor John Hurt Dies at 77. Aired 2-2:30a ET
• Trump Bans People Of Seven Countries; Trump Signs Sweeping Order on Refugees; Google Advises Some Employees To Stay In U.S.; British P.M.: Trump Expresses Support For NATO; President Trump, Mexican President Pena Nieto Speak By Phone; Donald Trump Set To Speak With Vladimir Putin; British Actor John Hurt Died At Age 77; Lunar New Year Celebrations Begin Around The World. Aired 1-1:30a ET
• Trump Bans Residents Of Seven Countries; Trump Signs Sweeping Order On Refugees; Trump And May's First Meeting; Year Of The Rooster; British P.M.: Trump Expresses Support For NATO; British Actor John Hurt Dies At Age 77; Serena Vs. Venus Williams In Women's Aussie Final. Aired 12-12:30a ET
• Second Iraqi Detainee at JFG Has Been Released; ACLU in Court This Hour, Challenging Travel Ban; Lawyers: "Dozens and Dozens" Detained At JFK Airport; ACLU Seeking Nationwide Stay against Travel Ban; Somali-Americans React to Travel Ban; Does Trump's Travel Ban Make U.S. Less Safe? Aired 8-9p ET
• Protests In Four Major Cities Tonight; New York, D.C., Denver and Chicago Airports Protesting Trump's Muslim Travel Ban; President Trump's Seven-Country Immigration Ban Hit With Federal Lawsuit. Aired 7-8p ET
• Trump Defends Controversial Travel Ban; Protesters at Airport Demonstrate Against Travel Ban; 11-Year-Old Syrian Refugee Reacts to Ban; Underground Smuggling Tunnels at U.S./Mexican Border; George Orwell's "1984" a Best Sellers Based on Trump Fears; Trump Chief Strategist Tells Media to Shut Up; What Kentucky Trump Supporters Think of Possible Voter Fraud Investigation. Aired 5-6p ET
• Travel Ban Affects Seven Muslim Majority Nations; Protests Against Ban at JFK Airport; Trump Signs Three New Executive Actions. Aired 4-5p ET
• Green Card Holders of 7 Nations Impacted by Trump Ban; Legal Challenges Filed Against Trump's Muslim Ban; Jarrod Nadler, Nydia Velazquez Speak Out on Muslim Ban; Mike Pence Previously Against Muslim Bans; New Orleans Fights Trump on Sanctuary Cities; What People Along the U.S./Mexican Border Think of Trump's Wall. Aired 3-4p ET
• President Trump's Ban on Immigrants from Terror Prone Countries Implemented; President Trump's Executive Order on Immigrant Ban Examined; An 11-Year-Old Syrian Refugee in U.S. Interviewed. Aired 2- 3p ET
• One Traveler Released from JFK Airport after Being Detained; Iran to Ban U.S. Citizens in Response to Trump Ban; Three Legal Challenges to Trump Muslim Ban; Green Card Holders of 7 Nations Impacted by Trump Ban; Trump Speaks to Putin in Phone Call. Aired 1-2p ET
• Lawsuit Filed After Travelers Detained At Airport; Trump Speaking With Putin This Hour; Iran Says It Will Ban U.S. Citizens In Response; Attorney; Trump Order "Wreaking Havoc" On Refugees; Rep. Nadler says There Are 12 People Being Held at JFK Airport; Using Music To Teach Math; One Man Released From JFK After Being Detained. Aired 12-1p ET
• 134 Million People Banned from the U.S.; Lawsuit Filed After Refugees Detained at Airport; Tech Companies Criticize Trump's Refugee Ban; Twitter Co-Founder: "We Benefit From Diversity"; Soon: Trump To Talk With Vladimir Putin; Trump Talks Military And Trade With Japan's Prime Minister. Aired 11a-12p ET
• President Trump to Have Phone Conversations with Foreign Leaders; President Trump's Ban on Immigrants from Terror Prone Countries Implemented; President Trump Signs Executive Order to Cut Federal Funding to Sanctuary Cities; President Trump's Plan to Build Wall on U.S.-Mexican Border Debated. Aired 10-11a ET

January 27, 2017
• Trump/Nieto Dispute Threatens Trade War; Trump Talks about Bringing Back Torture; NAACP Says Trump's Voter Fraud Investigation Step Towards Suppression; Theresa May Meets Republicans, Trump; Eight Reporters Charged with Rioting after U.S. Inauguration; Maria Bello Talks Women's March. Aired 2-3a ET
• Mexico Not Paying for the Wall; First Meeting with World Leader; Deadly Inferno; Leaving or Terminated; Crime in the Safest Country. Aired 3-4a ET
• Mexican President Cancels White House Trip; British Prime Minister Set To Meet Trump; Iceland Murder Shocks Nation; Trump Considers 20 percent Mexico To Pay For Border Wall; Trump: We're Fighting "Sneaky, Dirty Rats"; Trump: I Believe Torture Absolutely Works; NAACP Chief: We'll Push Back Against Voter Suppression; Manchester United Reach EFL Cup Final; Barce Cruise in Copa del Rey; Tiger's back on PGA Tour; Trump Pushes Protectionism, "America First"; Trump Withdraws from Trans-Pacific Partnership Deal; Journalists Under Fire. Aired 1-2a ET
• British PM May Arrives in U.S. for Trump Summit; Impact of Women's March on Trump Presidency; Family Fights Challenges In and Out of the Ring; Pena Nieto Cancels Trump Meeting Over Wall Feud; Trump: I Believe Torture Absolutely Works; "Sanctuary" Mayors Defiant Over New Directive. Aired 12-1a ET
• President Donald Trump is expected to sign an executive action limiting the flow of refugees into the United States; Vice president Mike Pence just became the first vice president to address the event in person during its 43-year history; Steve Bannon called the media the opposition party; Aired 3:30-4p ET
• White House Floats New Tax to Pay for Border Wall; Trump Meets with British Prime Minister. Aired 3-3:30p ET
• Winners, Losers of Trump's 20 Percent Mexico Tax; Is Cable News Shaping Trump's U.S. Policy; Interview with Cher at Women's March. Aired 2:30-3p ET
• Trump and May Talk NATO; Trump Talks Russia; U.S./Mexico Talks on Wall and Trade; Trump Meets with British PM; Trump on Torture; Haley Talks about U.N.; Lifting Russian Sanctions; Gabbard Meeting Assad; Anti-Abortion Rally in D.C. Aired 2-2:30p ET
• March for Life Demonstrations Gather in D.C.; Syrian Refugee Seek Safety in Small-town Georgia; Who Will Win the Golden Actor Statue?; Aired 10:30-11a ET
• Trump Hosts First Meeting with World Leader; White House Suggests 20% Tariff would Pay for Wall; May Praises "Great Victory" of Trump, GOP; Trump Calls for End to Sanctuary Cities; Miami-Dade Complies. Aired 10-10:30a ET
• Trump to Meet British PM; Trump Defends Waterboarding; Steve Bannon on Media; March for Life Demonstrators in DC. Aired 9:30-10a ET
• White House Suggests Tariff on Mexico to Pay for Wall; Trump Hosts First Meeting with World Leader. Aired 9-9:15a ET

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