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CNN Newsroom

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March 25, 2017

March 24, 2017
• Another Lone Wolf Attacker; Make or Break Vote; Threat Sender Caught. Aired 3-4a ET
• Arrests Made in London Attack; Make-or-Break Vote on Obamacare Repeal Friday; House Intelligence Ranking Member: New Evidence of Trump Campaign/Russia Collusion; Putin, Kremlin Blamed for Kremlin Critic's Death in Ukraine; California State Senator Ed Hernandez Talks Health Care; Google, YouTube Face Boycott for Profiting from Terror. Aired 2-3a ET
• Police Identify Attacker As Briton Khalid Masood; Prime Minister: Masood Linked To Violent Extremism; U.S. House Set To Vote Friday On Republican Bill; Arrests Made in London Attack; Trump Defends Controversial Claims; Sunken South Korean Ferry Being Raised; Tribute to Slain British Police Officer. Aired 1-2a ET
• Londoners Pay Tribute to Westminster Victims; ISIS Claims Responsibility for London Terror Attack; Police Identify Attacker as Briton Khalid Masood; Advertisers Pull YouTube Ads Over Offensive Videos; Trump White House Says Negotiations Over, It's Time to Vote; Ukraine Further Encloses The Murder Of A Kremlin Critic, Israeli Teenager Is Under Arrest In Connection With The Series Of Bomb Threats; Reforming Health Care. Aired 12-1a ET
• Report: Health Care Billed Pulled At Trump's Request; Ryan Told Trump Health Bill Won't Pass. Aired 3:30-4p ET
• Interview With Alabama Congressman Bradley Byrne; Will Republican Health Care Bill Fail?. Aired 3-3:30p ET
• GOP Intel Chair Cancels Trump/Russia Hearing, Sparking Rift; Critical Vote on Health Care Bill Soon. Aired 2:30-3p ET
• Health Care Fight; GOP Repeal Pledge; Ryan Health Care Push; Ex-Trump Advisers to be Questioned; Nunes Cancels Hearings. Aired 2- 2:30p ET
• Paul Manafort Volunteers to Testify to House Intel Committee; Health Care Bill Vote Today. Aired 10:30-11a ET
• GOP Health Care Bill Heads for Showdown Vote; Trump Ultimatum: Vote "Yes" Today or Obamacare Stays; House Dem Leadership Hold Press Conference on Health Care Vote. Aired 10-10:30a ET
• Showdown Vote on Health Care; Rules Debate on Health Care Bill; CBO Score for Health Care Bill; What's In and Out of Health Bill; British Police Make Two Arrests. Aired 9:30-10a
• GOP Health Care Bill Heads for Showdown Vote; Rules Debate Underway On GOP Health Care Bill; GOP Health Care Bill Heads For Showdown Vote. Aired 9-9:30a ET

March 23, 2017
• Back to Normal; House Members at Odds; Moment Trump Waits; New Headache for Trump. Aired 3-4a ET
• 4 Killed, 40 Wounded in London Terror Attack; U.S. Officials: Info. Suggests Trump Associates May Have Coordinated with Russians; Republican Health Bill Faces Crucial Vote Thursday. Aired 2-3a ET
• Four Killed, 40 Wounded in London Terror Attack; Police: London Attack Likely Islamist-Related Terrorism; Attacker Stabbed Officer On Grounds Of Parliament; Injured Woman Pulled From River Thames After Attack; U.S. Officials: Info Suggests Trump Associates May Have Coordinated With Russians; AP: Manafort Linked To Russian With Close Ties To Putin; Intel. Chair Trump Communications Possibly Collected; Intel Chair: Surveillance Was Legal But Alarming; Intel Chair: Wrong To Say Trump Was Wiretapped; Trump Says He Feels "Somewhat" Vindicated. Aired 1-2a ET
• London Terror Attack; Details on FBI Probe; Health Care Insurance Bill. Aired 12-1a ET
• Report: Vote on Healthcare Bill Friday AM; 5 More Hours of Debate No Unity Among Republicans Yet. Aired 3:30-4p ET
• Interview With Evan McMullin; Trump Health Care Bill in Danger. Aired 3-3:30p ET
• White House Press Briefing Wraps Up; White House Delivers Final Offer to GOP Critics on Health Care; U.S. Officials: Info. Suggests Trump Associates May Have Coordinated with Russians. Aired 2:30-3p ET
• White House Briefing with Sean Spicer. Aired 2-2:30p ET
• Trump Associates Possible Coordination with Russians; ISIS Claims Responsibility For London Terror Attack; Interview with Representative Jackie Speier; Jason Day Quits in the Middle of Tournament; Aired 10:30-11a ET
• House Intel Committee just Met; GOP Struggles to Secure Votes on Health Bill; U.S. Officials: Info Suggests Trump Associates may have Coordinated with Russians. Aired 10-10:30a ET
• Teen Arrested in Bomb Threats; ISIS Claims Responsibility for London Attack; Trump on Credibility; Trump Pushed Debunked Theories; House Intel Committee Meeting. Aired 9:30-10a
• Health Care Vote Raising Questions About Tax Reform; U.S. Officials: Info Suggests Trump Associates May Have Coordinated With Russians; Nunes: Trump Intel May Have Been "Incidentally Collected"; House Intel Committee Holding Meeting. Aired 9-9:30a ET

March 22, 2017
• Brussels Commemorates Airport Atatck, Remembers Loved Ones; North Korea's Failed Test; Flight Alert; U.S. Bans Eelectronic devices From Some Flights; Three Years After Sewol Ferry Tragedy; Trump Deflecting from Investigations; Judge Gorsuch Grilled in Hearing; Connecting the Dots. Aired 3-4a ET
• U.S. and U.K. Restricting Electronics on Some Flights; Neil Gorsuch Faces Grilling in Confirmation Hearing; Trump, Republican Push to Gather Votes to Pass Healthcare Bill; North Korean Missile Launch Appears to Fail; South Korea Testing System to Raise Sewol Ferry; Aired 2-3a ET
• More Countries Banning Electronics on Flights; Concerns Over Trump's Former Campaign Manager; North Korean Missile Launch Appears to Fail; South Korea Attempts To Raise Sewol Ferry; White House Trump Optimistic Reform Bill Will Pass. Aired 1-2a ET
• S. Korea, U.S. Believe N. Korea Missile Launch Failed; South Korea Attempts to Raise Sewol Ferry; Gorsuch Faces Grilling; Health Care Battle; American Family Mourns Loss of Mother; U.S. & UK Restricting Electronics on Flights; Trump Administration is Identifying "Sanctuary Cities"; George Clooney Surprises 87-Year-Old Fan. Aired 12-1a ET
• CNN International - Terror Attack In London; Terror Attack in Westminster; Martin McGuinness Died; Islamic State Responsible For The Attack; British Police: We're Treating It As Terrorism Until We Know Otherwise; Barret: ISIS Is Not Going To Be Crushed By Military Means Alone; Westminster Terror Attack Linked To Brussels Terror Attack. Aired 3-4 ET
• CNN International - Police: Treating Parliament Incident As Terrorism; Police: One Attacker In U.K. Parliament Attack; MET Police: Attacker Kills Three, Wounds 20 In Parliament Attack; World Leaders React To The Attack In London. Aired 1:50-3p ET
• Report: Nunes Says Trump Communications Possibly Collected; 3 Dead, 20 Hurt in London Terror Attack. Aired 3:30-4p ET
• Four People Killed in London Terror Attack; GOP Congressman Defending Trump Wiretapping Claims?. Aired 3-3:30p ET
• White House Press Briefing; Rep. Devin Nunes "Alarmed" by Trump Communications Picked Up By Intelligence, Leaked; Republicans Working on Getting Necessary Votes on Eve of Obamacare Repeal; Westminster Attack Being Treated as Terrorist Incident. Aired 2:30-3p ET
• Sean Spicer Delivers the White House Briefing. Aired 2-2:30p ET
• Confirmation Hearing for Trump's Supreme Court Pick; GOP Scrambles for Health Bill Support as Vote Nears; Police Investigating Incident Outside UK Parliament; Aired 10:30-11a ET
• Live Coverage of Judge Neil Gorsuch's Confirmation Hearing; Emotional Gorsuch Talks about Right-to-Die Laws. Aired 10-10:30a ET
• Neil Gorsuch Confirmation Hearings. Aired 9:30-10a
• GOP Scrambles For Health Bill Support As Vote Nears; WSJ: Trump Falsehoods Eroding His Credibility; Trump To Skeptical GOP: I'll Have Your Back; Soon: Gorsuch Faces Another Grilling From Lawmakers. Aired 9-9:30a ET

March 21, 2017
• A Farewell to a Peacemaker: Martin McGuiness Dies; FBI Director James Comey Says No Wiretapping Evidence; Kremlin Distancing Itself from "Anti-Russia Hysteria"; No Gadgets Allowed on Direct Flights to U.S. From Middle East. Aired 3-4a ET
• FBI Confirms Probe of Trump Campaign/Russia Ties; Moscow's Reaction to Trump/Russia Probe; North Korea Advancing Nuclear Weapons Capability; Top 5 French Candidates Face Off in Fiery Debate; Northern Ireland's Martin McGuinness Dies. Aired 2-3a ET
• North Korea's Nuclear Program; Face-To-Face In France; Comey Confirms FBI Looking At Trump-Russia Links; Comey Won't Say If He Briefed Obama On Flynn; White House Tweets During House Intel Hearing. Aired 1-2a ET
• Comey Confirms FBI Looking at Trump-Russia Links; North Korean Threat; Electronics Banned from Cabin on Some Flights to the U.S.; Fiery French President Debate. Aired 12-1a ET
• Report: Confirmation Hearing for Trump's Supreme Court Pick; Trump Says to House GPO, Your Seats Are at Stake. Aired 3:30-4p ET
• Health Care Fight; Lawmakers Grill Trump's Supreme Court Pick. Aired 3-3:30p ET
• White House Briefing. Confirmation Hearing for Neil Gorsuch. Aired 2:30-3p ET
• Sean Spicer Gives White House Press Briefing. Aired 2-2:30p ET
• Continuing Live Coverage of Judge Neil Gorusch's Confirmation Hearing. Aired 10:30-11a ET
• Live Coverage of Judge Neil Gorsuch's Confirmation Hearing. Aired 10-10:30a ET
• Supreme Court Nominee Hearings. Aired 9:30-10:00a
• Trump Arrives On Hill To Recruit Health Care Votes; Soon: Lawmakers Grill Trump's Supreme Court Pick. Aired 9-9:30a ET

March 20, 2017
• Waiting for Answers; Threatening Actions; Raging Inferno; Another Terror Threat. Aired 3-4a ET
• Massive Blizzard Hitting Northeastern U.S.; Turkey/Netherlands Diplomatic Tensions Worsen; WH Officials Reshaping Trump Wiretapping Accusations; Ryan: CBO Report Confirms Plan Will Lower Premiums; Kremlin Denies Meddling in U.S. Election; Wildfire Rages in Colorado; Holocaust Survivor: Why Do People Hate?; "Beauty and the Beast" Record Box Office. Aired 2-3a ET
• U.S. Congress Investigation Russia; Trump's Wiretapping Claim; North Korea's Rocket Engine Test; FBI Director to Testify At Public Hearing; Timeline Of Moscow Meddling Allegations; Kremlin Denies Meddling In U.S. Election; U.K. Government Calls Trump Wiretap Claims "Ridiculous"; Probe Of Leaks Of Intelligence Information; Questions Expected On Trumps Wiretap Claim; North Korea Claims Successful Rocket Engine Test; NYPD, Palm Beach Ask for Reimbursement for Protecting President, Family. Aired 1-2a ET
• U.S. Congress Investigates Russia; Russian Reaction; Devastating Floods in Peru. Aired 12-1a ET
• Report: Comey Confirms FBI Looking into Trump-Russia Links; WH Refuses to Back Off Wiretap Claims. Aired 3:30-4p ET
• Russia Investigation Hearing Concludes; Comey Confirms FBI Looking at Trump-Russia Links. Aired 3-3:30p ET
• Russia Investigation Hearing Continues. Aired 2:30-3p ET
• White House Press Briefing; House Intelligence Committee Hearings. Aired 2-2:30p ET
• Live Coverage as NSA Director Rogers and FBI Director Comey Testify Before Congress. Aired 10:30-11a ET
• FBI, NSA Directors Testify on Russia, Wiretap Claims. Aired 10- 10:30a ET
• Supreme Court Pick Faces Confirmation; Peter King Talks Comey Hearing; Trump's Meeting with Merkel. Aired 9:30-10a
• Trump's Wiretapping Claims, Russian Contacts Set to Hit Dramatic Climax. Aired 9-9:30a ET

March 19, 2017
• Authorities Scramble after White House Bomb Threat; Trump Aides Had Contact with Russia; U.S. Secretary of State Meets with Chinese President; Rock Legend Chuck Berry Dies at 90; Airport Attacker Wanted to "Die for Allah". Aired 5-6aET
• Authorities Scramble after White House Bomb Threat; Trump Aides Had Contact with Russia; U.S. Secretary of State Meets with Chinese President; Rock Legend Chuck Berry Dies at 90; Famine Threatens Multiple African States; Millions of Children Living as Refugees; March Madness Consumes Basketball Fans. Aired 4-5a ET
• Authorities Scramble after White House Bomb Threat; Tillerson Says North Korea Military Option on the Table; Rock Legend Chuck Berry Dies at 90; Trump Aides Had Contact with Russia; Airport Attacker Wanted to "Die for Allah"; March Madness Consumes Basketball Fans. Aired 3-3:30a ET
• Authorities Scramble after White House Bomb Threat; Tillerson Says North Korea Military Option on the Table; Rock Legend Chuck Berry Dies at 90. Aired 2-2:30a ET
• Tomorrow: FBI Chief Testifies On Russia, Wiretap Claim; FBI Chief To Testify On Russia Investigation Tomorrow; Monday: FBI's Comey On Russia, Wiretapping Claims; House Intel Chair: "No Evidence Of Collusion"; Gorsuch Confirmation Hearing Begins Tomorrow; Senate Intel Panel Tells Stone To Keep Records; Judge Gorsuch To Testify At Sen. Confirmation Hearing; Dem Threatens Filibuster Of Trump's Pick; GOP Health Care Holdouts Spotted At Mar-a-Lago; House Votes On New Health Care Bill Thursday; The Battle To Repeal And Replace Obamacare; President: Health Care Bill Meetings "Going Well". Aired 8-9p ET
• President Trump's Pick For Supreme Court Justice Neil Gorsuch Will Be On Capitol Hill For The Start Of His Confirmation Hearing; Revised Healthcare Plan For Vote On Thursday; New York City Police Departments Demand To Be Reimbursed; President Trump Has Pushed Out Information Right After Hearing It On His Favorite Network; North Korea Touted What It Calls A Revolutionary Breakthrough In Its Rocket Program. Aired 7:00-8:00p ET
• Monday: FBI's Comey on Russia, Wiretapping Claims; All Eyes on Washington for FBI Director's Testimony. Aired 6-7p ET
• FBI Director Comey and National Security Agency Director Mike Rogers to testify on Monday; Congress to vote on Obamacare replacement; Secretary Rex Tillerson visit to Asia; North Korean carries out rocket engine tests; Doctors in Syria; Rust Belt, bring jobs back. Aired 5-6p ET
• President Trump's Pick For Supreme Court Justice Neil Gorsuch Will Be On Capitol Hill For The Start Of His Confirmation Hearing; Top Republicans Who Have Been Critical In The Past Of The President's Health Care Plan; Secret Service Investigating Another Security Scare At The White House; Revised Healthcare Plan For Vote on Thursday; White House Security Breaches. The Cost Of Protecting The First Family; British Wiretapping Claims. Chuck Berry, Dead at 90. Aired 4:00-5p ET
• Critical Week for Trump as Russia, Wiretapping Hearing Begins; Lawmakers Reject Trump's Wiretap Claims; Key Republicans Gather at Mar-a-Lago to Discuss Health Care; GOP Lawmakers Make Key Changes to Health Care Bill; Neil Gorsuch Confirmation Hearing Starts Tomorrow; 3 U.S. Soldiers Wounded in Afghanistan Attack; North Korea Tests New Rocket Engine; Tillerson Meets With Chinese President; Everyday Russians Growing Weary of U.S. Politics. Aired 3-4p ET.
• Critical Week For Trump As Russia Wiretapping Hearing Begins; Confirmation Hearing For Supreme Court Pick Begins Tomorrow; House Lawmakers To Vote On GOP Health Plan Thursday; Tracing Origin Of The False UK Wiretapping Claim; GOP Healthcare Holdouts Spotted At Mar-A- Lago; Japanese Town Prepares for North Korea Missile Attack. Aired 2- 3p ET

March 18, 2017
• Man Killed at Paris Airport Grabbing Soldier's Gun; Report Does Not Confirm Trump Spy Claim; Russia's Annexation of Crimea Three Years Old. Aired 5-6a ET
• Report Does Not Confirm Trump Spy Claim; Trump-Merkel Meeting Has Awkward Moments; U.S. Seeks Support Reining In North Korea; Russia's Annexation of Crimea Three Years Old; U.S. Denies Airstrike Hit Syrian Mosque; U.S. Top Diplomat and Chinese Foreign Minister Meet; Dozens Killed in Peruvian Flooding. Aired 4-5a ET
• Report Does Not Confirm Trump Spy Claim; Trump-Merkel Meeting Has Awkward Moments; U.S. Seeks Support Reining In North Korea; Russia's Annexation of Crimea Three Years Old; Famine, Drought Threaten Millions in Somalia; Google Street View Takes Users Inside Volcano. Aired 3-3:30a ET
• Report Does Not Confirm Trump Spy Claim; Trump-Merkel Meeting Has Awkward Moments; U.S. Seeks Support Reining In North Korea. Aired 2-2:30a ET
• Report Does Not Confirm Trump Spy Claim; Trump-Merkel Meeting Has Awkward Moments; U.S. Seeks Support Reining In North Korea; Famine, Drought Threaten Millions in Somalia. Aired 12-12:30a ET
• Trump's Pivotal Week: Wiretapping, SCOTUS, Health Care; North Korea Nuclear Threat; Rock 'n Roll Legend Chuck Berry Dead at 90; Sources: House GOP Leaders Set Health Care Vote for Thursday; Michigan Business Owners Welcome GOP Health Care Plan; Debunking 8 Years of Trump's Twitter Claims; Hackers Skewers Trump Via McDonald's. Aired 8- 9p ET
• What Will FBI Director James Comey Say About President Trump's Wiretapping Claims?; Chuck Berry Passed Away Today; U.S. Secretary of State Rex Tillerson in China; America's Closest Ally Dragged Into the President's Wiretapping Scandal. Aired 7-8p ET
• Trump's Wiretapping Claim to Be Scrutinized Monday; Comey to Testify Monday on Russia Election Meddling; White House and Trump: No Regrets For UK Spying Claim; Alan Dershowitz Talks Trump Travel Ban; Trump Reaches Out to Hispanics. Aired 5-6p ET
• White House Insisting It Has Apologized To The Uk; Vice President Mike Pence Hit The Road Today To Muster Support For The Gop's Health Care Plan; Secretary Of State Rex Tillerson Wading Into The Dicey Waters Of Asian Diplomacy And Putting North Korea On Notice; A Nationwide Manhunt Is Under Way Right Now For A Former Tennessee Teacher Wanted For The Aggravated Kidnapping Of A Female Student At The High School Where He Taught. The Tennessee Bureau Of Investigation Added 50-Year-Old Tad Cummins To Their Top Ten Most Wanted List. Aired 4:00-5:00p ET
• FBI Chief to Testify on Wiretap Claims as Trump Doubles Down; Secretary of State Talks North Korea with Chinese Officials; Incidents Put Secret Service in Spotlight; Interview with Patrick Murphy; Republicans to Vote to Replace Obamacare on Thursday. Aired 3-4p ET
• Man Arrested by Secret Service After Jumping Bike Rack on Pennsylvania Avenue; Investigations Continue into President Trump's Allegation that President Obama Wiretapped Trump Tower; Claims President Obama Used British Intelligence to Spy on Trump Campaign Criticized; Secretary of State Comments on Korean Peninsula Policy; Vice President Mike Pence Gives Speech in Florida; President Trump's Proposed Budget Cut for After School Programs Debated. Aired 2-3p ET
• FBI Chief to Testify on Wiretap Claims as Trump Doubles Down; Secretary of State Talks North Korea with Chinese Officials; Trump: Germany Owes Vast Sums of Money to NATO; GOP Congressmen: Trump Should Apologize to Obama; Intruder Breaches White House Property; Trump's Travel Ban Heads to Appeals Court. Aired 1-2p ET
• White House To Appeal Rulings Blocking Travel Ban; Manhunt Underway For Teacher Suspected Of Kidnapping; Good Samaritan With A Gun Saves State Trooper's Life; FBI Chief To Testify On Wiretap Claims As Trump Doubles Down; GOP Congressmen: Trump Must Apologize To Obama; Tillerson To Meet With China's President Tomorrow; Tillerson: Tensions Over North Korea At "Dangerous Level"; Vote On GOP Health Care Bill Set For Thursday. Aired Noon-1p ET
• FBI Chief To Testify On Wiretapping Claims As Trump Double Down; Trump Blames Fox News For U.K Wiretap Report; Trump's Supreme Court Nominee Gets Set To Testify; House Votes On Embattled Health Care Bill Thursday; GOP Congressmen: Trump Should Apologize To Obama; Secretary Of State Meets With Chinese Officials; Top Intel Leaders To Testify On Russia Meddling; Comey To Face Tough Questions On Russia At Intel Hearing; French Prosecutor Investigating Paris Airport Attack; Trump On U.K. Wiretapping Claims: "Talk To Fox". Aired 11a-12p
• President Trump Meets with German Chancellor Angela Merkel; Congress to Hold Hearings on Intelligence Concerning Russian Involvement in U.S. Election; Senate to Hold Hearings Supreme Court Nominee Neil Gorsuch; Secretary of State Comments on Korean Peninsula Policy; Some Criticize GOP Health Care Bill for Medicaid Cutbacks; Some Controversial Tweets by President Trump Reviewed. Aired 10-11a ET

March 17, 2017
• No Proof on Allegations; Crucial Visit; Not to Budget Cuts; Fake News Not Allowed. Aired 3-4a ET
• White House Refuses to Back Down on Trump Wiretapping Claims; White House to Cut Social Programs to Increase Military Budget, Build Wall; Tillerson Arrives in South Korea During Tensions; Merkel to Meet with Trump in Washington. Aired 2-3a ET
• Merkel to Meet Trump in Washington; Travel Ban Blocks Syrian Doctor's Return to U.S.; Fight Against ISIS Comes at Considerable Cost to Mosul People; Venezuelans Scavenge Garbage Looking for Food; White House to Defund PBS, NEA to Increase Military Spending. Aired 1-2a ET
• President Stands Alone on Surveillance Accusations; Trump Guts Agencies in New Hard Power Budget; U.S. Secretary of State Visits Korean DMZ; Merkel and Trump Set to Meet for the First Time; Russia Launches Effort to Right "Fake News"; Key Suspect in Brussels Attacks Still at Large; Trump Insulted in McDonald's Big Hack Attack. Aired Midnight-1a ET
• Tillerson Talks Action against North Korea; Trump and Merkel Meeting; NYPD Reacts to Budget Cuts; U.S. Military Confirms Syrian Bombing. Aired 9:30-10:00a ET
• Report: WH Jumper on Grounds For 15 Minutes; Trump's Wiretap Chaos Becomes International Incident; Fox News Responds to Trump's Spying Remark. Aired 3:30-4p ET
• Trump Stands By Unsubstantiated Wiretapping Claims; Trump Meets With Merkel. Aired 3-3:30p ET
• Trump/Merkel Press Event Concludes; Discussion of Press Event. Aired 2:30-3p ET
• Stakes High for German/U.S. Relations; Germany's View of U.S. Relationship; Trump/Merkel News Conference. Aired 2-2:30p ET
• White House Apologizes for UK Surveillance Claim; Tillerson: "All Options on the Table" for Noth Korea; Trump Meets with Republicans Study Committee. Aired 10-10:30a ET
• Trump Says He's Behind GOP Health Care Plan 100 Percent; Trump Holds Listening on Veterans Affairs; Angela Merkel Arrives at the White House for High Stakes Meeting; Aired 10:30-11a ET

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