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CNN Newsroom

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March 25, 2017
• Hundreds of Civilians Dead in West Mosul; New Details on Trump's Deal-Making Stumbles on Health Care; Trump Upset Kushner was Skiing as Health Bill Died; Interview with Representative Michelle Lujan Grisham; Laptop, Tablets Banned on Some Flights Headed to U.S.; Trump Says "I'm President, and You're Not". Aired 8-9p ET
• U.S. Military Looking Into Some Very Serious Allegations That American War Planes Targeting Isis Fighters In Iraq Dropped Bombs That May Have Killed Hundreds Of Civilian People In The Northern City Of Mosul; President Trump's Health Care Defeat On Capitol Hill; I'm President And You're Not, So Says President Trump; Uncertainty Over President Trump's Travel Ban Has Canada's Largest School System In Toronto Taking Drastic Measures. Aired 7:00-8:00p ET
• White House Grapples with Health Care Bill's Defeat; Dead This Week: Health Care Bill, Wiretapping Claims; Police in Armed Standoff on Vegas Strip; U.S.-Led Coalition to Investigate Reports of Civilian Deaths from Air Strikes; Ukraine Accuses Russia of Former Russian Lawmaker's Murder. Aired 5-6p ET
• President Trump's repeal and replace Obamacare failed in the legislation; One person we have learned is dead. One has been injured as well in a shooting on the Las Vegas strip; Senator Lindsey Graham faces fallout at a town hall in his home state; Republicans are blaming Paul Ryan in failing to approve the legislation; Aired 4-5p ET
• White House Grapples with Health Care Bill Defeat; Pence: Democrats, Handful of Republicans Stopped Trump on Obamacare Repeal & Replace; Graham Addresses Health Care at Town Hall; Ukraine Accuses Russia of Former Russian Lawmaker's Murder; U.S.-Led Coalition to Investigate Reports of Civilian Deaths from Air Strikes. Aired 3-4p ET
• Senator Lindsey Graham Holds Town Hall; Senator Lindsey Graham Calls for Sanctions on Russia for Attempts to Influence U.S. Election; Vice President Mike Pence Speaks in West Virginia; GOP Pulls House Health Care Reform Bill Before Vote; President Trump Tweets on Failure of Health Care Reform Bill. Aired 2-3p ET
• Graham Addresses Budget, Health Care, Trump/Russia Investigations; U.S.-Led Coalition to Investigate Reports of Civilian Deaths; WH Points Finger After Obamacare "Repeal & Replace" Failure; Schumer, Democrats to Oppose Gorsuch Supreme Court Nomination; Toronto Schools Ban Student Trips to U.S.. Aired 1-2p ET
• Putin Critic Gunned Down In Broad Daylight; GOP Senator Graham Addresses Voters At Town Hall; Graham: Trump Should Reach Out To Dems On Health Care; Graham Addresses Massive Cuts In Trump Budget; Graham: I Don't Support Trump's Budget; Graham: I Don't Support Proposed Cuts To State Department
• GOP Health Care Plan Collapses; Trump Blames Democrats, Says Obamacare Will Explode; Americans React to GOP Health Care Bill Failure; Aired 11a-Noon ET
• GOP Pulls Vote on House Health Care Reform Bill; President Trump Reaction to Failure of Health Care Vote Examined; Senator Lindsey Graham to Hold Town Hall; New Information Released on London Attacker; Critic of Vladimir Putin Killed in Ukraine. Aired 10-11a ET

March 24, 2017
• Another Lone Wolf Attacker; Make or Break Vote; Threat Sender Caught. Aired 3-4a ET
• Arrests Made in London Attack; Make-or-Break Vote on Obamacare Repeal Friday; House Intelligence Ranking Member: New Evidence of Trump Campaign/Russia Collusion; Putin, Kremlin Blamed for Kremlin Critic's Death in Ukraine; California State Senator Ed Hernandez Talks Health Care; Google, YouTube Face Boycott for Profiting from Terror. Aired 2-3a ET
• Police Identify Attacker As Briton Khalid Masood; Prime Minister: Masood Linked To Violent Extremism; U.S. House Set To Vote Friday On Republican Bill; Arrests Made in London Attack; Trump Defends Controversial Claims; Sunken South Korean Ferry Being Raised; Tribute to Slain British Police Officer. Aired 1-2a ET
• Londoners Pay Tribute to Westminster Victims; ISIS Claims Responsibility for London Terror Attack; Police Identify Attacker as Briton Khalid Masood; Advertisers Pull YouTube Ads Over Offensive Videos; Trump White House Says Negotiations Over, It's Time to Vote; Ukraine Further Encloses The Murder Of A Kremlin Critic, Israeli Teenager Is Under Arrest In Connection With The Series Of Bomb Threats; Reforming Health Care. Aired 12-1a ET
• Report: Health Care Billed Pulled At Trump's Request; Ryan Told Trump Health Bill Won't Pass. Aired 3:30-4p ET
• Interview With Alabama Congressman Bradley Byrne; Will Republican Health Care Bill Fail?. Aired 3-3:30p ET
• GOP Intel Chair Cancels Trump/Russia Hearing, Sparking Rift; Critical Vote on Health Care Bill Soon. Aired 2:30-3p ET
• Health Care Fight; GOP Repeal Pledge; Ryan Health Care Push; Ex-Trump Advisers to be Questioned; Nunes Cancels Hearings. Aired 2- 2:30p ET
• Paul Manafort Volunteers to Testify to House Intel Committee; Health Care Bill Vote Today. Aired 10:30-11a ET
• GOP Health Care Bill Heads for Showdown Vote; Trump Ultimatum: Vote "Yes" Today or Obamacare Stays; House Dem Leadership Hold Press Conference on Health Care Vote. Aired 10-10:30a ET
• Showdown Vote on Health Care; Rules Debate on Health Care Bill; CBO Score for Health Care Bill; What's In and Out of Health Bill; British Police Make Two Arrests. Aired 9:30-10a
• GOP Health Care Bill Heads for Showdown Vote; Rules Debate Underway On GOP Health Care Bill; GOP Health Care Bill Heads For Showdown Vote. Aired 9-9:30a ET

March 23, 2017
• Back to Normal; House Members at Odds; Moment Trump Waits; New Headache for Trump. Aired 3-4a ET
• 4 Killed, 40 Wounded in London Terror Attack; U.S. Officials: Info. Suggests Trump Associates May Have Coordinated with Russians; Republican Health Bill Faces Crucial Vote Thursday. Aired 2-3a ET
• Four Killed, 40 Wounded in London Terror Attack; Police: London Attack Likely Islamist-Related Terrorism; Attacker Stabbed Officer On Grounds Of Parliament; Injured Woman Pulled From River Thames After Attack; U.S. Officials: Info Suggests Trump Associates May Have Coordinated With Russians; AP: Manafort Linked To Russian With Close Ties To Putin; Intel. Chair Trump Communications Possibly Collected; Intel Chair: Surveillance Was Legal But Alarming; Intel Chair: Wrong To Say Trump Was Wiretapped; Trump Says He Feels "Somewhat" Vindicated. Aired 1-2a ET
• London Terror Attack; Details on FBI Probe; Health Care Insurance Bill. Aired 12-1a ET
• Report: Vote on Healthcare Bill Friday AM; 5 More Hours of Debate No Unity Among Republicans Yet. Aired 3:30-4p ET
• Interview With Evan McMullin; Trump Health Care Bill in Danger. Aired 3-3:30p ET
• White House Press Briefing Wraps Up; White House Delivers Final Offer to GOP Critics on Health Care; U.S. Officials: Info. Suggests Trump Associates May Have Coordinated with Russians. Aired 2:30-3p ET
• White House Briefing with Sean Spicer. Aired 2-2:30p ET
• Trump Associates Possible Coordination with Russians; ISIS Claims Responsibility For London Terror Attack; Interview with Representative Jackie Speier; Jason Day Quits in the Middle of Tournament; Aired 10:30-11a ET
• House Intel Committee just Met; GOP Struggles to Secure Votes on Health Bill; U.S. Officials: Info Suggests Trump Associates may have Coordinated with Russians. Aired 10-10:30a ET
• Teen Arrested in Bomb Threats; ISIS Claims Responsibility for London Attack; Trump on Credibility; Trump Pushed Debunked Theories; House Intel Committee Meeting. Aired 9:30-10a
• Health Care Vote Raising Questions About Tax Reform; U.S. Officials: Info Suggests Trump Associates May Have Coordinated With Russians; Nunes: Trump Intel May Have Been "Incidentally Collected"; House Intel Committee Holding Meeting. Aired 9-9:30a ET

March 22, 2017
• Brussels Commemorates Airport Atatck, Remembers Loved Ones; North Korea's Failed Test; Flight Alert; U.S. Bans Eelectronic devices From Some Flights; Three Years After Sewol Ferry Tragedy; Trump Deflecting from Investigations; Judge Gorsuch Grilled in Hearing; Connecting the Dots. Aired 3-4a ET
• U.S. and U.K. Restricting Electronics on Some Flights; Neil Gorsuch Faces Grilling in Confirmation Hearing; Trump, Republican Push to Gather Votes to Pass Healthcare Bill; North Korean Missile Launch Appears to Fail; South Korea Testing System to Raise Sewol Ferry; Aired 2-3a ET
• More Countries Banning Electronics on Flights; Concerns Over Trump's Former Campaign Manager; North Korean Missile Launch Appears to Fail; South Korea Attempts To Raise Sewol Ferry; White House Trump Optimistic Reform Bill Will Pass. Aired 1-2a ET
• S. Korea, U.S. Believe N. Korea Missile Launch Failed; South Korea Attempts to Raise Sewol Ferry; Gorsuch Faces Grilling; Health Care Battle; American Family Mourns Loss of Mother; U.S. & UK Restricting Electronics on Flights; Trump Administration is Identifying "Sanctuary Cities"; George Clooney Surprises 87-Year-Old Fan. Aired 12-1a ET
• CNN International - Terror Attack In London; Terror Attack in Westminster; Martin McGuinness Died; Islamic State Responsible For The Attack; British Police: We're Treating It As Terrorism Until We Know Otherwise; Barret: ISIS Is Not Going To Be Crushed By Military Means Alone; Westminster Terror Attack Linked To Brussels Terror Attack. Aired 3-4 ET
• CNN International - Police: Treating Parliament Incident As Terrorism; Police: One Attacker In U.K. Parliament Attack; MET Police: Attacker Kills Three, Wounds 20 In Parliament Attack; World Leaders React To The Attack In London. Aired 1:50-3p ET
• Report: Nunes Says Trump Communications Possibly Collected; 3 Dead, 20 Hurt in London Terror Attack. Aired 3:30-4p ET
• Four People Killed in London Terror Attack; GOP Congressman Defending Trump Wiretapping Claims?. Aired 3-3:30p ET
• White House Press Briefing; Rep. Devin Nunes "Alarmed" by Trump Communications Picked Up By Intelligence, Leaked; Republicans Working on Getting Necessary Votes on Eve of Obamacare Repeal; Westminster Attack Being Treated as Terrorist Incident. Aired 2:30-3p ET
• Sean Spicer Delivers the White House Briefing. Aired 2-2:30p ET
• Confirmation Hearing for Trump's Supreme Court Pick; GOP Scrambles for Health Bill Support as Vote Nears; Police Investigating Incident Outside UK Parliament; Aired 10:30-11a ET
• Live Coverage of Judge Neil Gorsuch's Confirmation Hearing; Emotional Gorsuch Talks about Right-to-Die Laws. Aired 10-10:30a ET
• Neil Gorsuch Confirmation Hearings. Aired 9:30-10a
• GOP Scrambles For Health Bill Support As Vote Nears; WSJ: Trump Falsehoods Eroding His Credibility; Trump To Skeptical GOP: I'll Have Your Back; Soon: Gorsuch Faces Another Grilling From Lawmakers. Aired 9-9:30a ET

March 21, 2017
• A Farewell to a Peacemaker: Martin McGuiness Dies; FBI Director James Comey Says No Wiretapping Evidence; Kremlin Distancing Itself from "Anti-Russia Hysteria"; No Gadgets Allowed on Direct Flights to U.S. From Middle East. Aired 3-4a ET
• FBI Confirms Probe of Trump Campaign/Russia Ties; Moscow's Reaction to Trump/Russia Probe; North Korea Advancing Nuclear Weapons Capability; Top 5 French Candidates Face Off in Fiery Debate; Northern Ireland's Martin McGuinness Dies. Aired 2-3a ET
• North Korea's Nuclear Program; Face-To-Face In France; Comey Confirms FBI Looking At Trump-Russia Links; Comey Won't Say If He Briefed Obama On Flynn; White House Tweets During House Intel Hearing. Aired 1-2a ET
• Comey Confirms FBI Looking at Trump-Russia Links; North Korean Threat; Electronics Banned from Cabin on Some Flights to the U.S.; Fiery French President Debate. Aired 12-1a ET
• Report: Confirmation Hearing for Trump's Supreme Court Pick; Trump Says to House GPO, Your Seats Are at Stake. Aired 3:30-4p ET
• Health Care Fight; Lawmakers Grill Trump's Supreme Court Pick. Aired 3-3:30p ET
• White House Briefing. Confirmation Hearing for Neil Gorsuch. Aired 2:30-3p ET
• Sean Spicer Gives White House Press Briefing. Aired 2-2:30p ET
• Continuing Live Coverage of Judge Neil Gorusch's Confirmation Hearing. Aired 10:30-11a ET
• Live Coverage of Judge Neil Gorsuch's Confirmation Hearing. Aired 10-10:30a ET
• Supreme Court Nominee Hearings. Aired 9:30-10:00a
• Trump Arrives On Hill To Recruit Health Care Votes; Soon: Lawmakers Grill Trump's Supreme Court Pick. Aired 9-9:30a ET

March 20, 2017
• Waiting for Answers; Threatening Actions; Raging Inferno; Another Terror Threat. Aired 3-4a ET
• Massive Blizzard Hitting Northeastern U.S.; Turkey/Netherlands Diplomatic Tensions Worsen; WH Officials Reshaping Trump Wiretapping Accusations; Ryan: CBO Report Confirms Plan Will Lower Premiums; Kremlin Denies Meddling in U.S. Election; Wildfire Rages in Colorado; Holocaust Survivor: Why Do People Hate?; "Beauty and the Beast" Record Box Office. Aired 2-3a ET
• U.S. Congress Investigation Russia; Trump's Wiretapping Claim; North Korea's Rocket Engine Test; FBI Director to Testify At Public Hearing; Timeline Of Moscow Meddling Allegations; Kremlin Denies Meddling In U.S. Election; U.K. Government Calls Trump Wiretap Claims "Ridiculous"; Probe Of Leaks Of Intelligence Information; Questions Expected On Trumps Wiretap Claim; North Korea Claims Successful Rocket Engine Test; NYPD, Palm Beach Ask for Reimbursement for Protecting President, Family. Aired 1-2a ET
• U.S. Congress Investigates Russia; Russian Reaction; Devastating Floods in Peru. Aired 12-1a ET
• Report: Comey Confirms FBI Looking into Trump-Russia Links; WH Refuses to Back Off Wiretap Claims. Aired 3:30-4p ET
• Russia Investigation Hearing Concludes; Comey Confirms FBI Looking at Trump-Russia Links. Aired 3-3:30p ET
• Russia Investigation Hearing Continues. Aired 2:30-3p ET
• White House Press Briefing; House Intelligence Committee Hearings. Aired 2-2:30p ET
• Live Coverage as NSA Director Rogers and FBI Director Comey Testify Before Congress. Aired 10:30-11a ET
• FBI, NSA Directors Testify on Russia, Wiretap Claims. Aired 10- 10:30a ET
• Supreme Court Pick Faces Confirmation; Peter King Talks Comey Hearing; Trump's Meeting with Merkel. Aired 9:30-10a
• Trump's Wiretapping Claims, Russian Contacts Set to Hit Dramatic Climax. Aired 9-9:30a ET

March 19, 2017
• Authorities Scramble after White House Bomb Threat; Trump Aides Had Contact with Russia; U.S. Secretary of State Meets with Chinese President; Rock Legend Chuck Berry Dies at 90; Airport Attacker Wanted to "Die for Allah". Aired 5-6aET
• Authorities Scramble after White House Bomb Threat; Trump Aides Had Contact with Russia; U.S. Secretary of State Meets with Chinese President; Rock Legend Chuck Berry Dies at 90; Famine Threatens Multiple African States; Millions of Children Living as Refugees; March Madness Consumes Basketball Fans. Aired 4-5a ET
• Authorities Scramble after White House Bomb Threat; Tillerson Says North Korea Military Option on the Table; Rock Legend Chuck Berry Dies at 90; Trump Aides Had Contact with Russia; Airport Attacker Wanted to "Die for Allah"; March Madness Consumes Basketball Fans. Aired 3-3:30a ET
• Authorities Scramble after White House Bomb Threat; Tillerson Says North Korea Military Option on the Table; Rock Legend Chuck Berry Dies at 90. Aired 2-2:30a ET
• Tomorrow: FBI Chief Testifies On Russia, Wiretap Claim; FBI Chief To Testify On Russia Investigation Tomorrow; Monday: FBI's Comey On Russia, Wiretapping Claims; House Intel Chair: "No Evidence Of Collusion"; Gorsuch Confirmation Hearing Begins Tomorrow; Senate Intel Panel Tells Stone To Keep Records; Judge Gorsuch To Testify At Sen. Confirmation Hearing; Dem Threatens Filibuster Of Trump's Pick; GOP Health Care Holdouts Spotted At Mar-a-Lago; House Votes On New Health Care Bill Thursday; The Battle To Repeal And Replace Obamacare; President: Health Care Bill Meetings "Going Well". Aired 8-9p ET
• President Trump's Pick For Supreme Court Justice Neil Gorsuch Will Be On Capitol Hill For The Start Of His Confirmation Hearing; Revised Healthcare Plan For Vote On Thursday; New York City Police Departments Demand To Be Reimbursed; President Trump Has Pushed Out Information Right After Hearing It On His Favorite Network; North Korea Touted What It Calls A Revolutionary Breakthrough In Its Rocket Program. Aired 7:00-8:00p ET
• Monday: FBI's Comey on Russia, Wiretapping Claims; All Eyes on Washington for FBI Director's Testimony. Aired 6-7p ET
• FBI Director Comey and National Security Agency Director Mike Rogers to testify on Monday; Congress to vote on Obamacare replacement; Secretary Rex Tillerson visit to Asia; North Korean carries out rocket engine tests; Doctors in Syria; Rust Belt, bring jobs back. Aired 5-6p ET
• President Trump's Pick For Supreme Court Justice Neil Gorsuch Will Be On Capitol Hill For The Start Of His Confirmation Hearing; Top Republicans Who Have Been Critical In The Past Of The President's Health Care Plan; Secret Service Investigating Another Security Scare At The White House; Revised Healthcare Plan For Vote on Thursday; White House Security Breaches. The Cost Of Protecting The First Family; British Wiretapping Claims. Chuck Berry, Dead at 90. Aired 4:00-5p ET
• Critical Week for Trump as Russia, Wiretapping Hearing Begins; Lawmakers Reject Trump's Wiretap Claims; Key Republicans Gather at Mar-a-Lago to Discuss Health Care; GOP Lawmakers Make Key Changes to Health Care Bill; Neil Gorsuch Confirmation Hearing Starts Tomorrow; 3 U.S. Soldiers Wounded in Afghanistan Attack; North Korea Tests New Rocket Engine; Tillerson Meets With Chinese President; Everyday Russians Growing Weary of U.S. Politics. Aired 3-4p ET.
• Critical Week For Trump As Russia Wiretapping Hearing Begins; Confirmation Hearing For Supreme Court Pick Begins Tomorrow; House Lawmakers To Vote On GOP Health Plan Thursday; Tracing Origin Of The False UK Wiretapping Claim; GOP Healthcare Holdouts Spotted At Mar-A- Lago; Japanese Town Prepares for North Korea Missile Attack. Aired 2- 3p ET

March 18, 2017
• Man Killed at Paris Airport Grabbing Soldier's Gun; Report Does Not Confirm Trump Spy Claim; Russia's Annexation of Crimea Three Years Old. Aired 5-6a ET
• Report Does Not Confirm Trump Spy Claim; Trump-Merkel Meeting Has Awkward Moments; U.S. Seeks Support Reining In North Korea; Russia's Annexation of Crimea Three Years Old; U.S. Denies Airstrike Hit Syrian Mosque; U.S. Top Diplomat and Chinese Foreign Minister Meet; Dozens Killed in Peruvian Flooding. Aired 4-5a ET
• Report Does Not Confirm Trump Spy Claim; Trump-Merkel Meeting Has Awkward Moments; U.S. Seeks Support Reining In North Korea; Russia's Annexation of Crimea Three Years Old; Famine, Drought Threaten Millions in Somalia; Google Street View Takes Users Inside Volcano. Aired 3-3:30a ET
• Report Does Not Confirm Trump Spy Claim; Trump-Merkel Meeting Has Awkward Moments; U.S. Seeks Support Reining In North Korea. Aired 2-2:30a ET
• Report Does Not Confirm Trump Spy Claim; Trump-Merkel Meeting Has Awkward Moments; U.S. Seeks Support Reining In North Korea; Famine, Drought Threaten Millions in Somalia. Aired 12-12:30a ET
• Trump's Pivotal Week: Wiretapping, SCOTUS, Health Care; North Korea Nuclear Threat; Rock 'n Roll Legend Chuck Berry Dead at 90; Sources: House GOP Leaders Set Health Care Vote for Thursday; Michigan Business Owners Welcome GOP Health Care Plan; Debunking 8 Years of Trump's Twitter Claims; Hackers Skewers Trump Via McDonald's. Aired 8- 9p ET
• What Will FBI Director James Comey Say About President Trump's Wiretapping Claims?; Chuck Berry Passed Away Today; U.S. Secretary of State Rex Tillerson in China; America's Closest Ally Dragged Into the President's Wiretapping Scandal. Aired 7-8p ET
• Trump's Wiretapping Claim to Be Scrutinized Monday; Comey to Testify Monday on Russia Election Meddling; White House and Trump: No Regrets For UK Spying Claim; Alan Dershowitz Talks Trump Travel Ban; Trump Reaches Out to Hispanics. Aired 5-6p ET
• White House Insisting It Has Apologized To The Uk; Vice President Mike Pence Hit The Road Today To Muster Support For The Gop's Health Care Plan; Secretary Of State Rex Tillerson Wading Into The Dicey Waters Of Asian Diplomacy And Putting North Korea On Notice; A Nationwide Manhunt Is Under Way Right Now For A Former Tennessee Teacher Wanted For The Aggravated Kidnapping Of A Female Student At The High School Where He Taught. The Tennessee Bureau Of Investigation Added 50-Year-Old Tad Cummins To Their Top Ten Most Wanted List. Aired 4:00-5:00p ET
• FBI Chief to Testify on Wiretap Claims as Trump Doubles Down; Secretary of State Talks North Korea with Chinese Officials; Incidents Put Secret Service in Spotlight; Interview with Patrick Murphy; Republicans to Vote to Replace Obamacare on Thursday. Aired 3-4p ET
• Man Arrested by Secret Service After Jumping Bike Rack on Pennsylvania Avenue; Investigations Continue into President Trump's Allegation that President Obama Wiretapped Trump Tower; Claims President Obama Used British Intelligence to Spy on Trump Campaign Criticized; Secretary of State Comments on Korean Peninsula Policy; Vice President Mike Pence Gives Speech in Florida; President Trump's Proposed Budget Cut for After School Programs Debated. Aired 2-3p ET
• FBI Chief to Testify on Wiretap Claims as Trump Doubles Down; Secretary of State Talks North Korea with Chinese Officials; Trump: Germany Owes Vast Sums of Money to NATO; GOP Congressmen: Trump Should Apologize to Obama; Intruder Breaches White House Property; Trump's Travel Ban Heads to Appeals Court. Aired 1-2p ET
• White House To Appeal Rulings Blocking Travel Ban; Manhunt Underway For Teacher Suspected Of Kidnapping; Good Samaritan With A Gun Saves State Trooper's Life; FBI Chief To Testify On Wiretap Claims As Trump Doubles Down; GOP Congressmen: Trump Must Apologize To Obama; Tillerson To Meet With China's President Tomorrow; Tillerson: Tensions Over North Korea At "Dangerous Level"; Vote On GOP Health Care Bill Set For Thursday. Aired Noon-1p ET
• FBI Chief To Testify On Wiretapping Claims As Trump Double Down; Trump Blames Fox News For U.K Wiretap Report; Trump's Supreme Court Nominee Gets Set To Testify; House Votes On Embattled Health Care Bill Thursday; GOP Congressmen: Trump Should Apologize To Obama; Secretary Of State Meets With Chinese Officials; Top Intel Leaders To Testify On Russia Meddling; Comey To Face Tough Questions On Russia At Intel Hearing; French Prosecutor Investigating Paris Airport Attack; Trump On U.K. Wiretapping Claims: "Talk To Fox". Aired 11a-12p
• President Trump Meets with German Chancellor Angela Merkel; Congress to Hold Hearings on Intelligence Concerning Russian Involvement in U.S. Election; Senate to Hold Hearings Supreme Court Nominee Neil Gorsuch; Secretary of State Comments on Korean Peninsula Policy; Some Criticize GOP Health Care Bill for Medicaid Cutbacks; Some Controversial Tweets by President Trump Reviewed. Aired 10-11a ET

March 17, 2017

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