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Nevada Democratic Senate Candidate Catherine Cortez Masto Projected to Win Reelection and Provide Democrats with Majority in Senate; Republican Party Likely to Win Majority in House of Representatives; Democrat Katie Hobbs Leading Republican Kari Lake in Arizona Gubernatorial Election; Senate Majority Leader Chuck Schumer Interviewed on Democrats Maintaining Senate Majority; Interview with Sen. Chuck Schumer (D-NY). Aired 8-8:30a ET

Aired November 14, 2022 - 08:00   ET




JOE BIDEN, (D) PRESIDENT OF THE UNITED STATES: because our two countries have so much that we have an opportunity to deal with.

XI JINPING, PRESIDENT OF CHINA (through translator): A statesman should think about and know where to lead his country. He should think about and know how to get along with other countries and the wider world.


DON LEMON, CNN ANCHOR: Good morning, everyone. It is Monday, November 14th. That is what's happening overseas. The president is traveling. That was President Joe Biden and Chinese President Xi Jinping this morning in Bali, Indonesia, at the G-20 summit. The two leaders briefly spoke about what they hoped to get out of the meeting. And we just learned that the meeting has just ended. So it lasted about three hours. And in just a few minutes, President Joe Biden will answer questions from reporters on the high-stakes sit-down. We're going to take you there live.

POPPY HARLOW, CNN ANCHOR: Also, a manhunt is underway this morning at the University of Virginia. This is after a gunman killed three people at the campus in Charlottesville. What police are now looking for.

KAITLAN COLLINS, CNN CHIEF WHITE HOUSE CORRESPONDENT: And Democrats officially locked down control of the Senate. Once again, big wins in Arizona and Nevada. That means Chuck Schumer is going to remain the Senate majority leader. He is going to join us live in studio in just a few minutes to talk about how Democrats defied historical odds with that win.

But first, let's go to the magic wall because there are key races that have still not been called when it comes to the House. Don?

LEMON: Yes, over at the magic wall with Mr. John Berman. John, hello. Good morning to you. Where do things stand right now?

JOHN BERMAN, CNN ANCHOR: This is where things stand, Don, right now in the House of Representatives. Republicans, we've call 212 for them, 204 for Democrats. You need 218 to control the House of Representatives. The Republicans only need six more wins here, Democrats would need 14. These are the uncalled races right now.

Let me show you where the uncalled races are. The ones that have colors on them are uncalled. There are 19. Republicans lead in 10, Democrats lead in nine. If Democrats want to maintain control of the House, they have to flip five of these red seats to blue. I'll just write this number here. Five of these red districts would have to be blue. And right now it's between California and Arizona, and Arizona is making Democrats' job very difficult, daunting, maybe next to impossible at this point.

What happened overnight. There were new votes released here in Arizona's sixth county, and this looks close. It is close, but Juan Ciscomani expanded his lead ever so much against Kirsten Engel and 93 percent reporting. The one that may be the dagger for Democrats is here, Arizona's first congressional district where you see now David Schweikert 894 votes ahead. Going into the weekend it was the Democrat, Jevin Hodge, who Washington actually ahead by some 4,000 votes. But there have been vote releases in Maricopa County which have now given the Republican the edge there, which brings it to where it is right now.

While I'm talking about Arizona, because this is important, the governor's race --

LEMON: That's where I wanted to go.

BERMAN: The governor's race in Arizona has yet to be called, right. Katie Hobbs is 26,000 votes ahead of Kari Lake. I'm going to do some math here for you. There are -- hang on, let me get this out of the way. There are 175,000 votes remaining in Arizona, 175,000 votes. If Kari Lake, the Republican, was able to win 57 percent, let's call it 58 percent, if she was able to win 58 percent, question mark, she would net, and I have this written down here, she would net 27,200 votes, OK, 27,200, which is more than 26,000. So her target is 58 percent.

The problem, Don, for her -- let me swipe this out -- is that the votes have been released over the last day in Maricopa County here, she got 55 percent, Kari Lake did. And in Pima County, we'll go down here, Pima County, she actually only got 40 percent, Kari Lake did. This is a Democratic plus-18 county. Kari Lake got 40 percent there. There's some 40,000 votes left to count in Pima County here. I kept this up. So again, Kari Lake needs -- I'll put 58 percent, 58 percent of the remaining 175,000 votes in Maricopa, the last count she got 55. And in Pima county only 40. It's a tall order for Kari Lake right now.

LEMON: Yes, it's underperforming the percentage she needs.

BERMAN: Underperforming the percentage she would need to overtake Katie Hobbs. LEMON: I want you to stick here with me, John, because joining us now

is the election director from Pima County, and that's Constance Hargrove. Pima County is Arizona's second most populous county and home to the city of Tucson.


Thank you so much for joining us. We really appreciate it. So how many votes left to count?

CONSTANCE HARGROVE, ELECTIONS DIRECTOR, PIMA COUNTY, ARIZONA: We have about 40,000 votes left to count, about 38,000.

LEMON: And the question is how long will it take to count those remaining ballots?

HARGROVE: We should be able to complete what we have in our office, which is about 35,000, by end of day on Tuesday. However, we have about 750 ballots that the recorder will probably not be able to turn over to us until maybe possibly Thursday because they have until Thursday at 5:00 p.m. to cure those ballots because of the holiday.

LEMON: Do you have a question?

BERMAN: I'm looking at the numbers. You say about 40,000 left, so that would mean about 20,000 released today, 20,000 released tomorrow. Is that correct?

HARGROVE: We've been able to process about 20,000 a day, so yes.

BERMAN: In terms of where in the county they're from, are they all mixed together roughly? And again, I'm not telling you to tell me the percentage of Democrat or Republicans, but every day that's come back, it's been roughly 60-40 for Katie Hobbs, Kari Lake. Is there any reason to think they'd be coming from a different part of the county today and tomorrow than they have up until this point?

HARGROVE: No. So basically, what we're probably going to be counting now are ballots that were dropped off on Election Day, they were dropped off, so they could go either way. Katie Hobbs, of course, was still leading with the count yesterday, but it switched a little bit for Ciscomani. So Ciscomani actually got more votes yesterday than Engel did.

LEMON: Since we're talking about Kari Lake, I want to play this from Kari Lake and get your response to it. Here it is.


KARI LAKE, (R) ARIZONA GUBERNATORIAL NOMINEE: I consider someone's vote their voice. I think of it as a sacred vote. And it's being trampled the way we run our elections in Arizona. I've been sounding the alarm for two years. Nothing got done. Very little got down the last legislative session. And we need to get in there and restore faith in our elections. We can't be the laughingstock of elections anymore. We need people who are competent running our elections. This

incompetency or maladministration is outrageous. And I think the good thing is that more people are waking up to the fact that Arizona has real troubles when it comes to elections.


LEMON: What's your response, Ms. Hargrove?

HARGROVE: Well, in Arizona it's a process. It's a pretty slow process because we're trying to check every ballot and make sure that the information is accurate, make sure that we have the right ballot for the current election. And it's a process that's in place in Arizona to make the elections secure. So I don't think it's incompetent. I think that it is a process. And yes, we could probably change the process, but I don't think anybody is incompetent because it's going just a little bit slower than people expect.

LEMON: Constance Hargrove is the director of elections for Pima County. We thank you very much for that. John, we'll check back in with you shortly. Kaitlan?

COLLINS: Thanks, John.

As we await the further results out of those states, Arizona and California, we do know what's happening in the Senate. CNN has projected Democrats will retain control of the Senate, defying GOP expectations of a red wave.

Joining us now is Senate majority leader Chuck Schumer of New York who won his election and is now set to become New York's longest serving senator in his fifth term. You are maintaining that title of Senate majority leader. You were facing historical odds where typically the president in power's party does not do well in the midterm elections. Inflation is at a high, Biden's approval rating is not. How did Democrats defy those expectations?

SEN. CHUCK SCHUMER, (D-NY) SENATE MAJORITY LEADER: I'd say there were three reasons that we defied all the expectations. First, we had great candidates. Our candidates cared about people, were effective, talked directly to everyday Americans' concerns, and they ran against a whole bunch of flawed candidates who were interested in tossing firebombs across the wall but not really getting things done for average families.

The second reason we won was our record of accomplishment. We accomplished so much for average folks. They never thought we would be able to take on pharma and get prescription drug prices lowered. They never thought we could do anything on climate change. We did the most effective thing we've ever done on climate change.

And on difficult issues, even like guns, gun safety, we came together with Republicans on a bipartisan compromise and moved the ball forward for the first time in 30 years. So Democrats got a lot done. And to average voters, they care about that. I know there's a lot of Sturm and Drang here when this allegation is thrown or that one, but they cared.


But third, and maybe the most important, the American people saw that democracy was at risk. They saw that there were these MAGA Republicans who denied the election. That's one of the fundamentals of a democracy. When you lose an election, you don't say the election was a fraud and you call it off, who either ignored violence or even encouraged it when the MAGA Republicans did it. The Republican leadership is to blame here because they didn't push back.

The average American saw this. They saw that autocracy was eroding the edge of our democracy, and we got votes from Republicans who said this new MAGA Republican Party led by Trump is not -- I'm a Reagan Republican, I'm a Bush Republican, I'm not this type of Republican. And that made a huge difference as well.

And if you look finally at the closing arguments, say in Nevada, one of the two closing arguments for Catherine Cortez Masto was this idea that her opponent was an election denier and was not rebutting all these assaults on democracy. The second, of course, was choice, which was an important issue both in itself. American people do not want to see rights eroded. My children, my daughters will have fewer rights than my wife or my mom did under this. But it also showed how far right this Republican Party had moved, and the Republican leadership was letting it happen.

COLLINS: And we want to break down the GOP aspect of this with you, but you have a lot to do -- I know you're going back to Washington after this interview.

SCHUMER: I am. Getting in the car.

COLLINS: You have a lot on your agenda. Are you going to talk to Mitch McConnell? What does that look like?

SCHUMER: Let me just say this. The American people are yearning for us to get things done. And the American people, first they believe in democracy. I just want to finish that last point. The roots of democracy are much deeper than a lot worriers, people who worried about the election give it credit for. And they understood democracy was being eroded.

But they also are practical. They want us to get something done for them. They don't expect us to do everything at once, but they want us to get something done. And that's why I think so many of them chose Democrats over Republicans because we were focusing on what they cared about and what they needed as opposed to just tossing these hand grenades across the wall.

But, so I will say to my party, we're not going to get everything we want, like on the guns bill, we didn't get everything we want. But let's try to sit down with the Republicans and get something done. And just as importantly, I am going to say to the Republicans in the Senate who are not the MAGA Republicans, stop letting them lead your party. Work with us to get things done. And I intend to sit down with Mitch McConnell and express that --

LEMON: You've been saying that. You've been asking -- go ahead.

COLLINS: Just quickly. You're sitting down with Mitch McConnell this week?

SCHUMER: No. I'm going to -- I intend -- I've said this yesterday and the day before, too. I intend to sit down with him and say we should be working together. You're not going to get the extremists in your party to work with anybody, but the rest of us can work together and get some real things done for the American people. And in answer to your question, Don, we got plenty --

LEMON: You think it's going to work this time?

SCHUMER: Well, in the last Senate where we got so much credit in June, July and August for getting so much done and it helped change the election around, five of those six bills were bipartisan. The guns bill was bipartisan. The bill to help our veterans who were exposed to the toxins that came out of the burn pits was bipartisan. The most major industrial policy bill ever, or in a very long time, the chips and science bill was bipartisan. We did most of our -- I tried to do things in a bipartisan way, and we've had --

LEMON: I understand what you're saying. You have had lots of success. But I'm wondering what is different? Do you think there's going to be -- what is going to be different this time with the MAGA Republicans? Because you said that before, please work with us. Why is it different this time?

SCHUMER: It's different this time because they lost. They all expected to win. The red wave proved to be a red mirage. And one if not the main reason, but one of the main reasons for sure was that average American folks, even those in the middle, even those who tended to be Republican, said I'm afraid of this MAGA. They're trying to ruin our democracy. It's not -- if you look at the numbers, if you look at the results, House and Senate, the MAGA Republican way didn't work. The MAGA Republican candidates across the board, you just showed some of them, lost. So if you're a good leader of a Republican Party, you say continuing to follow them is a path to disaster.

LEMON: Just one more follow-up to that.



LEMON: OK, so listen, the messaging. People were very critical of the messaging, as you saw in the media. I talked to a couple of folks in the Democratic Party this weekend, and they said, one of them is an advisor to the president. He said I was telling the POTUS the entire time that the streets were not saying what the polls were saying, and that young people are coming out. They're also telling me that rather than having these big events and people were saying, well, the President is not going here, and they're not going there, that you actually had Democrats in the trenches, in areas, working with people talking about the accomplishments, asking them what they were going to do, and that the pundits and the media did not understand this direction.

SCHUMER: Exactly. Great point.

If you would have looked at what actually was happening, as opposed to the day to day, "Oh what's the latest," you know, firebomb they are throwing over the wall, you would have seen just what you said that we were talking to average people.

You know what one of our most successful commercials and arguments was? Prescription drugs. We were getting the cost of prescription drugs low.

When you poll the American people over the last five, ten years, what's one of the number one or two or three things they want? Get the cost of those drugs down. We did it. We did it in the IRA bill. When you talked about young people I predicted the young people were going to vote for us, why? We focused on climate, which they really care about and we got more done for climate than ever in history, and we talked about student debt.

And you know, again, a lot of the pundits said -- the young people, when I would go to a group of young people, when I would go to a Black church, the number one thing I'd be asked is, "What about student debt?" We did something about it.

HARLOW: Fair, but now a Federal Judge has said you overstepped constitutionally, so let's see if it -- no, but that matters, so many millions of -- it matters for the millions of people who bet on this administration, and the fact that you didn't do it legislatively, you did it through executive order.

SCHUMER: It is a Trump MAGA Republican Judge and what we have done -- wait, let me just finish -- in this Senate is we passed a record amount of Judges at the District Court where this Judge was.

HARLOW: Yes, you have. There has been a lot of movement and that's why --

SCHUMER: And in the Court -- let me -- and in the Court of Appeals, to counterbalance these MAGA Judges, which the public doesn't like. And now that we have the majority, we will be able to keep doing it.

HARLOW: So you'll like my next question, because it's about the power that comes with the majority, which is critical, including, you know, confirming -- nominating and confirming Judges.

But you want 51. You don't just want 50. You want Georgia.

So, I just wonder what your message is to voters in Georgia this morning, who may be feeling a little more at ease -- Democratic voters -- saying, "Whew. We've got Arizona and Nevada. You know, it's not a crisis for us now." What's your message to them?

SCHUMER: The message is, who is going to best help Georgia? And Raphael Warnock is the person who will. Let's go over the record.

First, he is a man of service. First in service -- he did his service as a member of the cloth, and was a great leader of one of the most famous pulpits in America, the Ebenezer Baptist Church. But second, when he got to the Senate, he got real things done for Georgia.

I mentioned the cost of drugs. One of the things we have now for Medicare is a cap on insulin, $35.00 is the cap. It used to cost people six, seven hundred dollars. Average families, working families who had -- who were older and had diabetes, what am I going to do when it becomes six, seven hundred dollars?

Black Farmers for decades, maybe centuries, Black farmers were neglected when they gave out all the agricultural help and subsidies. He got $4 billion in the budget for it.

The message that Raphael Warnock will have that will carry him to victory as he can help Georgia much better than anybody else.

LEMON: But to Poppy's question there. Fear is a great motivator, and you don't have the fear that you're not going to win the Senate now, the majority.

And so people may say, "Well, look, we have the majority." Sir, to her question, so how do you motivate people to come out who may feel like we don't have to because we've already won the Senate.

SCHUMER: If I believe that the kinds of things that Raphael Warnock is talking about that benefit Georgians are motivation. And this is how we did it by the way.

LEMON: Will we see the President come out? The former President Obama is -- I mean --?

SCHUMER: You know, I think this is a race that is a Georgia race, and I think that Raphael Warnock is the right guy for Georgia. Another thing he helped work on is expand healthcare benefits.

ACA is now affecting millions more people, tens of thousands, maybe hundreds of thousands of Georgians working class and others, and now it's cheaper and covers more people.

Doing my argument, which has been all along and as you said, the pundits and some of the others didn't go for it, but it prevailed is actually making the government work for people. Even if you can't get everything you want, you get some of what you want is what was the message -- the message in this election, as well as no more of this assault on democracy, no more toleration of these really far -- you know, people who don't believe in democracy and just want to win at any cost.

HARLOW: I thought it was striking when Speaker Pelosi told Anderson, our colleague a few last week, she wants to see a strong Republican Party. I mean, you talk about working together, meaning with McConnell getting things done. Do you also want to see a strong Republican Party? And what does that look like to you in the Senate? [08:20:02]

SCHUMER: I want to see us get things done. We're going to not violate our principles. We never have and never will.

But the best way to get things done, as we showed this summer is do what you can on a bipartisan basis, and we will. When you can't do it on a bipartisan basis, we try to do it on our own, and that was the IRA bill, which is a very significant bill, which had the prescription drugs, Republicans were not willing to go against pharma; which had climate, Republicans were not willing to go against the oil and gas industry.

But what changed in reference to Don's question, maybe, I hope, and I'm willing to give it a chance, is they lost on going along with all this MAGA stuff.

LEMON: You didn't mention abortion and anything --

SCHUMER: Abortion is a key issue. I mentioned a little bit earlier, at the very beginning, it was a key issue to so many, so many women. And even though you know, it was high polling in the summer and then if you look again, at our closing arguments in many of the races where we won, including just Nevada, abortion was one of the two top arguments we made.

If people would look at sort of what messages we were sending out in our campaigning, as you mentioned, by knocking on the doors, but also in the commercials, they were a lot different than what you might have read in the newspaper day to day.

COLLINS: Two quick questions for you, lightning round before we let you go.

SCHUMER: Lightning round.

COLLINS: Every reporter in Washington...

SCHUMER: I am a Yankee fan.

COLLINS: ... wants to know -- yes, I know.

SCHUMER: And New York Giants.

COLLINS: More serious than that, but every reporter in Washington wants to know, are you going to extend the debt ceiling during this lame duck period?

SCHUMER: It is something -- that is a very good question. It's something we would like to do. It's best done on a bipartisan basis. I'm going to go back and talk to my caucus and the leadership on the other side of the aisle to see what we can get done.

COLLINS: My last question, does the outcome of what happened in the Midterm Elections strongly signify that Biden should run for reelection? SCHUMER: Look, he'll make that decision himself. If he runs, I'll

support him.

LEMON: I'll tell you, every Democrat I spoke to or have been speaking to says that they believe Biden is going to run, that he should run and they want him to make that call and not -- they don't believe that they should be the ones to say it.

SCHUMER: As I said, if he wants to run, I will support him.

LEMON: I have a question -- really questions from a very smart, young lady, an older lady who said to me. She says, "Why do Democrats -- we're talking about messaging -- why the Democrats and you folks in the media, you keep saying, democracy is under, you know, assault? An assault on democracy. Why don't you say what it really is, an assault on America?"

SCHUMER: Well, it is.

LEMON: Is that a more potent message, do you believe?

SCHUMER: Oh, I think the two are sort of the same. America is the greatest democracy ever. When the Founding Fathers created our country --

LEMON: But branding that.

SCHUMER: They called it God's noble experiment and it is an assault on democracy and America. I think most people tie the two together.

HARLOW: Before you go, just on -- I'm going to add to Kaitlan's a third on the lightning round, quickly, because marriage equality -- now, this matters to a lot of folks and it is somewhere where it seems like you guys can get it done together.


HARLOW: Do you have the votes? Will marriage equality get passed in the lame duck session?

SCHUMER: There is a great example of the bipartisanship we were talking about. So, it passed the House, marriage equality, unexpectedly, it got 35 Republican votes. That was great.

So some people said, put it on the floor right away, but we didn't have it. We need 60. So you need 10 Republicans, we didn't have it. The two leaders that I appointed to help get this done, Tammy Baldwin, Senator of Wisconsin, and Kyrsten Sinema, Senator of Arizona, went and said, they've talked to Republicans, and if we wait till after the election, they will vote for it.

And so instead of just having a show vote where we would lose, because I believe in getting things done is the most important thing. I said, I'll wait, and now we'll go back to our caucuses and see where we're at. But it's one of the -- it's a long with debt ceiling, and we have to fund the government. That's probably the most important thing. COLLINS: It's the most important thing.

HARLOW: That'd be nice.

SCHUMER: Yes. It's one of the most important things I'd like to get done this lame duck session.

HARLOW: All right.

COLLINS: All right, Senate Majority Leader Chuck Schumer.

LEMON: Important to me.

SCHUMER: Me, too. My daughter has a beautiful wife.

LEMON: Another question for you -- I'm kidding. There are some more questions.

HARLOW: Thank you.

SCHUMER: Thank you.

COLLINS: Senate Majority Leader Chuck Schumer, thank you for spending so much time with us. These are really important questions and our audience appreciate it.

SCHUMER: It was fun. Thank you. I enjoyed it and --

LEMON: You'll be back. Early and often.

SCHUMER: Thank you

COLLINS: Have a safe drive back to Washington. Go Bills.

SCHUMER: Go Bills. Go Giants.

HARLOW: Go Vikings. What is going on here?

COLLINS: All right.

LEMON: They lost.

HARLOW: They did.

COLLINS: All right, former Vice President Mike Pence is calling out his former boss' actions on January 6th. There is a new interview that we will show you.

HARLOW: Also, former First Lady Michelle Obama weighing in on President Biden's political future.

LEMON: Here we go again.


ROBIN ROBERTS, ABC NEWS: Do you hope that President Biden will run again in 2024?


HARLOW: Her answer is next.

And at any moment, President Biden will hold a significant news conference, take questions from reporters after this three-hour meeting, for three hours with Xi Jinping.

LEMON: It just finished.

HARLOW: We'll bring it to your live.


LEMON: Are you watching this stuff unfolding in Ukraine right now?

HARLOW: Amazing. Amazing.



LEMON: So the former Vice President Mike Pence is putting more distance between himself and his former boss, finally sharing his thoughts in a new interview. On a tweet, Trump sent out attacking Pence for not overturning the 2020 election, a tweet that he sent just minutes after rioters breached the Capitol on January 6th.

Listen to this.


DAVID MUIR, ABC NEWS: 2:24 PM. The President tweets, "Mike Pence didn't have the courage to do what should have been done.

MIKE PENCE, FORMER VICE PRESIDENT OF THE UNITED STATES: It angered me, but I turned to my daughter who was standing nearby, and I said, it doesn't take courage to break the law, it takes courage to uphold the law.

I mean, the President's words were reckless. It is clear he decided to be part of the problem.


LEMON: And the former Vice President is going to join Jake Tapper for a live CNN Town Hall Wednesday at 9:00 PM.

HARLOW: A growing number of Republicans are calling out Donald Trump, blaming him for the GOP's underwhelming Midterm Elections. Watch this.


GOV. LARRY HOGAN (R-MD): It should have been a huge red wave. It should have been one of the biggest red waves we've ever had. People who tried to relitigate the 2020 election and focused on

conspiracy theories and talked about things the voters didn't care about, they were almost universally rejected. And I think it's basically the third election in a row that Donald Trump has cost us the race and it's like, you know, three strikes you're out.

DANA BASH, CNN ANCHOR AND POLITICAL CORRESPONDENT: Well, do you think that's true? Because we've heard that after one strike and two strikes, to keep your analogy going --

HOGAN: You know, the definition of insanity is doing the same thing over and over again expecting a different result, and Donald Trump kept saying, "We're going to be winning so much, we'll get tired of winning." I'm tired of losing. I mean, it's all he's done.


HARLOW: Joining us this morning, CNN chief political correspondent, co-anchor of "State of the Union," Dana Bash.

Dana, I texted you in real time.


HARLOW: I was like on the treadmill. And I was like, this is such a great interview. I mean, the Hogan interview, the Pelosi interview.

LEMON: She just texted us about our Schumer interview if you haven't read your text.

BASH: Yes, we all do love each other, America.

HARLOW: I'm trying to figure out where to look at you, okay, but let's start on Larry Hogan because I think your follow up to him was so perfect. He said, three strikes you're out, Trump. And you're like, "Are you sure?" Which is what Maureen Dowd was saying yesterday, too, right, in "The New York Times." She is like, "Are we sure?" Or is this going to reverse just like it has over and over again?
