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CNN This Morning

McCarthy Speakership At Risk Following Bipartisan Vote; Bowman Claims He Accidentally Pulled The Capitol Fire Alarm; Biden Signs Short-term Stopgap Bill To Keep Gov't Open For 45 Days; Trump Organization Civil Trial Begins Tomorrow; Trump Could Face $250 Million Fine, Dissolution Of Businesses; New Aid For Ukraine Axed As U.S. Gov't Avoids A Shutdown; U.S. Government Prevents A Shutdown, Help To Ukraine Cut; Russia's War On Ukraine; Zelenskyy Remembers The Fallen Ukrainian Soldiers; Migration Wave Deemed A Humanitarian Crisis By San Diego County; Inside The FBI's Surge To Solve Violent Crime On Tribal Lands; Possible Record-Breaking Heat Expected In Plains And Midwest; FDA Updates Ozempic Label After Reports Of Blocked Intestines. Aired 7-8a ET

Aired October 01, 2023 - 07:00   ET




AMARA WALKER, CNN HOST: Good morning, everyone. Welcome to CNN This Morning. It is Sunday, October 1st. I'm Amara Walker.

OMAR JIMENEZ, CNN HOST: And I'm Omar Jimenez. Good to be with you.

Here's what we're watching this morning. The shutdown may have been averted, but now the threats to Kevin McCarthy's speakership are only growing. How a temporary victory could cost McCarthy the gavel.

Plus, former President Donald Trump says he plans to attend his civil fraud trial, which starts tomorrow in New York. We'll show you what's at stake for him and his organization.

WALKER: Plus Ozempic has been called a miracle drug for weight loss, but now it is an updated warning label. We're going to have the details on that.

And how lucky are you feeling? Sorry to tell you, Omar, but there was no winner for the Powerball overnight. Sorry, I should say, great for us, right?

JIMENEZ: I know. This is good.

WALKER: Yes, I'm going to play for sure. The new record breaking jackpot and your odds, we don't -- do we really have to talk about the odds of winning? Let's just play it.

It came down to the wire, but a shutdown has been avoided, at the last hour, at least for now. With just hours left on the clock, House Speaker Kevin McCarthy got a bipartisan deal together that would fund the government, but for 45 days. And with support from both sides of the aisle, both the House and the Senate passed the bill before sending it off to the President's desk for his signature.

JIMENEZ: Now the question of the hour is, will this come back to bite McCarthy politically. Next week when the House isn't -- is back in session, will those Republicans who vowed to have McCarthy ousted actually put forward a motion to have him vacated and will others back it? Some of them say it's still too early to tell.


REP. RALPH NORMAN (R), SOUTH CAROLINA: Very disappointing. Spinning as usual up there. No border control, very disappointing But we'll live to fight another day.

MANU RAJU, CNN CHIEF CONGRESSIONAL CORRESPONDENT: So if there's a vote to vacate, would you vote for it?

NORMAN: Look, we got our hands full. We'll see. We'll see what he does. We'll see how he -- I'm disappointed. I wish we had fought. We just didn't fight.

REP. WESLEY HUNT (R), TEXAS: And look, this is a done deal. OK? Let's move on and let's make sure that next year we talk about being fiscally conservative so we can save our future and save our children and our children's children.

RAJU: Would you vote to vacate the chair?

HUNT: That's a conversation that I might willing to have right now.


JIMENEZ: And the House has gaveled out until tomorrow, which is why our team is following all of these developments in D.C. for us this morning. CNN's Priscilla Alvarez is at the White House. But first, let's start with CNN Capitol Hill Reporter Annie Grayer. So, Annie, obviously, there was a move here that he did, Kevin McCarthy did, to get a temporary solution to a potential shutdown, but obviously some political implications, too. What is McCarthy saying about all of this?

ANNIE GRAYER, CNN CAPITOL HILL REPORTER: Well, Omar, McCarthy is digging in and daring his detractors to try and oust him because he feels like he has the majority of the conference behind him. Going into Saturday, it seemed like the government was going to shut down.

And that's because Kevin McCarthy, up until that point, was only willing to work within his own conference to try and keep the government open. And there just wasn't the votes to do that. So Saturday morning, House Republicans met, and McCarthy and his leadership team started to prepare House Republicans for what a shutdown would look like.

But then a number of McCarthy's allies stood up and talked about how a shutdown would not only be detrimental to the country, but detrimental to Republicans politically. And McCarthy felt like he had enough groundswell of support from that meeting to do the only thing he could do to keep the government open, which was work with Democrats.

And that's exactly what he did. And that's how we got to where we are today, which is not in a government shutdown. But by keeping the government open, McCarthy is daring his detractors to vote against him because Republicans like Matt Gaetz have said if McCarthy worked with Democrats, they would try and make a vote to oust him.

But take a listen to how confident McCarthy is in his position right now.


REP. KEVIN MCCARTHY (R), HOUSE SPEAKER: If somebody wants to make a motion against me, bring it. There has to be an adult in the room. I am going to govern with what is best for this country.


GRAYER: So that's McCarthy's position right now. The House returns tomorrow at noon. We're going to have to see what Republicans like Matt Gaetz are going to do.

WALKER: And if that drama wasn't enough, you had this New York Congressman Jamaal Bowman reportedly pulling the Capitol's fire alarm shortly before the vote. He is saying that it was an accident. But, of course, a lot of criticism aimed at him by Republicans. What do we know what happened?


GRAYER: Well, Amara, the situation is still developing. But as you mentioned, Congressman Bowman said he has done nothing wrong here. The alarm was pulled as House -- the House was being called to votes. Let me take -- let me walk you through what Bowman's latest statement is.

He said, "Today, as I was rushing to make a vote, I came to a door that is usually open for votes, but today would not open. I'm embarrassed to admit that I activated the fire alarm mistakenly thinking it would open the door. I regret this and sincerely apologize for any confusion this caused. But I want to be very clear, this was not me, in any way, trying to delay any vote".

Republicans, though, are accusing Bowman of delaying an official proceeding because the House was open and about to vote. Bowman said that he has met with Capitol Police and officials involved to explain his side of the story. Republicans are going to keep focusing on this. We're just going to have to see how this investigation plays out.

JIMENEZ: And I want to bring Priscilla Alvarez into the conversation here. Obviously, President Biden got this continuing resolution signed pretty close to the deadline here. How is the White House reacting to the spending deal that actually got done?

PRISCILLA ALVAREZ, CNN WHITE HOUSE REPORTER: Well, the White House sees this as largely a win for a couple of reasons. It includes funding for disaster relief that puts FEMA back on track to fund recovery efforts as well as work on their lifesaving missions. It also provides funds for the Federal Aviation Authority and there are no steep cuts to government programs as well as no border policies that Republicans had proposed that were nonstarters to Democrats.

What it doesn't include, though, is that Ukraine funding and that is something that officials warned could cause disruption. But a White House official tells me that they fully anticipate House Speaker Kevin McCarthy will include that funding or at least has introduced a standalone bill with Ukraine funding in the future, providing perhaps some hope on the horizon for what is a very important issue for this White House.

But let me read you a statement from President Biden yesterday evening when this was signed. He said, quote, "Tonight, bipartisan majorities in the House and Senate voted to keep the government open, preventing an unnecessary crisis that would have inflicted needless pain on millions of hardworking Americans."

He later went on to slam Republicans for the last minute scramble saying, quote, "We should never have been in this position in the first place"

Now, of course, White House officials had been in touch with both sides over the course of the day yesterday, including in direct conversation with House Speaker Kevin McCarthy. White House officials on also been briefing President Biden over the course of the day as all of these fast-moving developments were unfolding.

But going into today, there is a sigh of relief, as you mentioned that the government is not shutting down, at least for now, and that these millions of federal workers that President Biden mentioned in his statement will be able to go to work tomorrow and get paid for it.

WALKER: All right, Priscilla Alvarez at the White House, thank you very much. Annie Grayer, thank you as well.

Let's talk more about all these events. Joining me now is Mychael Schnell, a congressional reporter for The Hill. Michael, good to see you this morning. Thank you so much for joining us.

First off, take us through this whiplash day on Saturday. Because, you know, what you -- it was a surprise change, of course, for House Speaker Kevin McCarthy, who first said he didn't want a clean bill. He was adamant about relying on Democrats to pass this bill, and those things happened.

MYCHAEL SCHNELL, CONGRESSIONAL REPORTER, THE HILL: Yes, look, Amara, I think that going into yesterday, entering the Capitol yesterday, most folks, most lawmakers were thinking that at that point of government shutdown was inevitable. There was no path on the table, clear path on the table to avert that shutdown that would have gone into effect at midnight on Saturday.

But yesterday morning, House Republicans huddled behind closed doors for a little under two hours, and emerging from that meeting, the news was that Kevin McCarthy would put this clean stopgap bill on the floor.

This was a very large departure from what he's been saying in the past. The Speaker has been very adamant that he wanted deep spending cuts and border security provisions in any government funding bill that the House passed. But, nonetheless, look, Congress was coming up on that looming deadline.

Just one day earlier, Kevin McCarthy was unable to get his conference to coalesce around a conservative stopgap bill. We saw that fell on the floor after 21 conservative Republicans voted against it. So essentially what happened was that that deadline was coming up.

The threat of a shutdown was looming. Kevin McCarthy decided to put a clean continuing resolution on the floor and that got wide bipartisan majority in both chambers. There, again, averting a shutdown.

WALKER: For now, right? I mean, this just kicks the can down the road for 45 days. This is a temporary bill, right? And it doesn't address those two big issues that, you know, number one, the Democrats wanted funding for Ukraine that was left out the Republicans, especially the hard right flank were adamant about keeping funding for border security. That was left out.


I mean, something fundamentally needs to change here, right, because this is an issue. This is the drama that happens every year. We know that the fiscal year always starts October 1st. Everyone knows this deadline, especially those lawmakers. How are they going to work out their differences within 45 days?

SCHNELL: Yes, look, it's key that you say that it's a shutdown for now. I had one individual tell me that this is essentially a band aid on the issue because it's just kicking the deadline now to November 17th.

And look, these conservatives are still dug in on their demands for those deep spending cuts and for those border security provisions. In fact, 90 Republicans voted against this continuing resolution.

So conventional wisdom would bring you to the understanding that these conservatives are going to dig in even more, bring the heat when it comes to this next funding deadline and push Kevin McCarthy and the rest of his conference to go to the mat to, again, get these spending cuts and get these border security provisions.

But look, as you mentioned, this just kicks the deadline to November 17th. A lot of lawmakers are also pushing for the regular order appropriations process to continue, which right now is still going to be a heavy lift to hash out full year funding for fiscal year 2024.

So while yesterday was an accomplishment for Congress averting that shutdown, again it was just short term and challenges and uphill battles are very much so looming on Capitol Hill.

WALKER: You know, it's one of the most basic jobs for lawmakers, right, to fund the government. I mean, it's pretty pathetic to see this kind of play out over and over again. And look, I know in Washington, I'm sure on the Hill, the talk is, OK, well, what happens to Kevin McCarthy next? Is he going to lose his position? Is he going to be voted out?

I think that people at home are probably wondering, OK, that's one position. That's one person. What about the big picture here. If he is voted out, let's say, because it seems like that's the way things are going, who would be the replacement? Because people at home want to know, well, is there going to be someone in that position who is going to allow the House to govern?

SCHNELL: Amara, that has been the key question here. These conversations about a potential motion to vacate the chair, which would oust -- hold a vote on ousting McCarthy as speaker and who his successor would be have sort of been whisper conversations in the Capitol for recent weeks in the past year.

But in recent weeks, those conversations have really picked up as those conservatives heightened their threats to oust McCarthy. And even just this week, McCarthy actually daring his detractors saying, if you want to bring a motion to vacate against me, if you want to try to oust me, bring it. Essentially daring them to try and take him out of his position.

But the question of who would succeed McCarthy, that's key here, especially as these conversations ramp up. Look, there have been a couple names floated out there. Majority Whip Tom Emmer, has been one of them. But Emmer has responded saying that he stands firmly behind McCarthy. He's in support of McCarthy.

Conventional wisdom would have you think that House Majority Leader Steve Scalise would be the next person in line for that job, but he is right now going through treatment for cancer. So that's putting into question whether or not he's the right person for this moment.

But I think that's something that's also important to note is that if an effort to oust McCarthy is successful whether or not that's with the help of Democrats or enough conservatives turn against him, Kevin McCarthy has been a man who has consistently said that he doesn't give up. He likes a challenge and he will never turn back on the American people.

So I don't think it would be outside the realm of possibility to see Kevin McCarthy actually put himself on the ballot to try to be his own successor in the circumstances where he's ousted from the position.

WALKER: Wow. OK. Just quickly, because we have 30 seconds, I do have to ask you about Congressman Jamaal Bowman. I mean, he thought that the alarm, as he said, would open the door. I don't know that I've ever confused an alarm and a door but what's your take on this situation? This alarm being -- this fire alarm being pulled by him right before the vote.

SCHNELL: It was a fascinating day on Capitol Hill yesterday. First, there was a deal to avert a shutdown that people thought was virtually impossible. And then we found out that Jamaal Bowman pulled the fire alarm.

So look, as Annie mentioned, he came out and he had a statement saying that he pulled it by accident. He was trying to get to a vote and he thought that would help unlock the door.

Capitol police has said it is looking into this situation and a congresswoman from New York, Nicole Malliotakis, she's working on a resolution to try to expel Jamaal Bowman from Congress. Very unlikely that would be a successful effort for a member that Democrats have tried repeatedly to expel George Santos from Congress.

So I don't think we're going to see any movement on that Bowman resolution. But nonetheless, a lot of coverage of this very odd story that, you know, wouldn't be expected on a day when we're working on funding the government at the last minute.

WALKER: Two very different alleged offenses by George Santos versus Jamaal Bowman.

Mychael Schnell, very good to see you. Thank you.


JIMENEZ: Still ahead, former President Trump's New York civil fraud trial is set to start tomorrow. We'll discuss with the former Manhattan prosecutor about what we're watching for.

Plus, many states are dealing with the fallout from the latest migrant surge. CNN traveled to the border and met with a migrant family attempting the dangerous journey to the United States. That's next.


JIMENEZ: Will he show? The civil fraud trial begins tomorrow for former President Donald Trump's namesake organization. Here's what he told reporters about a potential appearance.


UNIDENTIFIED MALE: Are you going go to your trial on Monday?


UNIDENTIFIED MALE: Are you going to go to your trial on Monday?

TRUMP: I may, I may, yes.

UNIDENTIFIED MALE: Do you plan to testify?

TRUMP: It's a disgrace.

UNIDENTIFIED MALE: Do you plan to testify?

TRUMP: It's a rig. Everything about this city is rigged.

UNIDENTIFIED MALE: You said that you'd like to -- TRUMP: It's all rigged. This whole country is rigged out.


JIMENEZ: Of course, offering the familiar response that he has too many of these things, saying it's all rigged. Well, we'll see what the New York judge thinks. The judge already canceled the Trump Organization's business certification, and much more of Trump's business dealings could be at risk.


So, joining us now is former Manhattan Prosecutor Jeremy Saland. Good to see you. Thanks for waking up with us. For those keeping track like you and me --


JIMENEZ: -- this is separate from the four criminal indictments Trump faces out of Florida, Georgia, D.C. and New York. This one is in New York, but on the civil side. And what's interesting, to me at least, is the New York Supreme Court judge has already ruled Trump and his co-defendants are liable for fraud. How does that impact the coming trial, if at all?

SALAND: Well, we know the judge has also sanctioned his attorneys for making some arguments that that the judge has basically said are bogus, for lack of a better term. So, we also know that this judge, remember it's a bench trial, not a jury trial, has a view of what the evidence is and has made this conclusion.

So, it's an uphill battle out of the gate and some of the issues, such as the pervasive fraud that's alleged, though there are some outstanding issues left, has already been determined by the court with that summary judgment motion. So, this is an uphill battle out of the gate.

JIMENEZ: Yes, at the very least, it's not good omen ahead of the official start of a trial. And now look, I think a lot of people are familiar with proof beyond a reasonable doubt in criminal cases, but what is the standard in civil cases? Is it an easier one to prove?

SALAND: It's a much lower bar. We call it a preponderance of the evidence, and it's 50 percent plus a hair, if you will. It doesn't have to be 51 percent. And even though it's that numerically identified, it's more than a half, we'll call it.

Whereas, proof beyond a reasonable doubt, as opposed to preponderance of the evidence, as much more of a stricter, a real firm based in fact, and based in evidence determination that this person is guilty. So it's a much lower threshold, a much easier threshold.

And when we think of some of the most famous cases, if you recall from years and years ago, O.J. Simpson was acquitted at trial for criminally killing somebody and killing his ex-wife. But at the same time, he was found civilly liable. So it's a lesser standard, two totally different proceedings, two totally different courts.

JIMENEZ: And what is the obligation here for the people at the center of this? For example, will Trump and his kids have to appear in court for these proceedings?

SALAND: So again, very different than a criminal trial. If they are being prosecuted, you need to be there to proceed. In New York State, what sometimes happens is something called Parker warnings. And they tell the accused, if you do not show up, the case can continue in your absence, but they have to be notified of that.

In a civil case, it is different. He has a right not to show. Will he want to avoid the biggest stage? I don't think so. He's already said that he's going to be there, although you have to sometimes take what he says with a grain of salt. But again, criminal and civil, two different things.

JIMENEZ: Yes. And look, we know he's used some of these legal proceedings as part of his ongoing campaign and fundraised millions of dollars, as we understand after even he put out his mugshot from Georgia.

I want to just mention a little bit of what his defense team has argued in part saying -- they've argued in part, that the financial statements were not fraudulent because they contain disclaimers or a, quote, worthless clause warning lenders and others that they shouldn't be relied on.

The judge, as you mentioned before, has called their arguments bogus. So I guess my question is despite what I can't imagine is good posturing leading up to this trial, what is at stake with this trial? What could be lost and what sort of damages potentially are we looking at here?

Parker Warnings So first, you are correct. This clause is worthless because the judge is called worthless and there's no defense saying no harm, no foul. I defrauded, but everyone made money so it's OK.

I can subjectively view and measure my apartment and therefore that's my defense. What's at stake is a lot here. We already know that his business abilities have been canceled for lack of a better term. His business certificates. We also know that there's potentially $250 million, which is very real dollars, even to someone who proclaims to be worth billions of dollars in potential fines.

We also know that this applies not just to Donald Trump, but to Don Jr. and his other son, Eric. Additionally, what can happen is the court can say for the next five years, you cannot do business or part of me use banks in the state of New York and going forward. You could be precluded from operating a business and owning a business in New York.

And this is the heart of Trump's, you know, trumped on, if you will, is New York City (INAUDIBLE) expands outwards. So this could be crushing, devastating, obliterating to Trump, his family, his future and his holdings. JIMENEZ: Yes, I mean, look, this could have a real impact. We will see what happens. It's a lot to keep track of. But when we got people like you on board, I am not worried.

Jeremy Saland, thank you so much.

WALKER: Still ahead, Ukraine aid takes a major hit in a move that avoided a U.S. government shutdown. We'll have more on that next.



WALKER: So lawmakers on both sides of Capitol Hill are promising to revisit aid for Ukraine. This after additional money for the war torn country was stripped out of yesterday's 45-day continuing resolution.

JIMENEZ: Yes, the hit comes after Zelenskyy's visit to Washington last month, making a pitch for America's continued support. According to several government agencies, Congress has approved about $113 billion in aid to Ukraine, but no new funds will be sent until an agreement is reached. And we know that those funds were left out of a recent stopgap agreement.

CNN's Fred Pleitgen joins us now from Eastern Ukraine. So Fred, point blank, what does this mean for Ukraine?

FREDERIK PLEITGEN, CNN SENIOR INTERNATIONAL: Well, I think for now, the Ukrainians can certainly continue to fight. They have ammunition, they have spare parts, but they are, of course, very concerned about some of the things that have been going on in the U.S. and what it could mean for them potentially in the -- not even the long run, but in the medium term as well.

One of the things that we have to keep in mind is that Ukraine uses a lot of U.S. weapons. And it pretty much transcends everything that they do on the battlefield. But also, for instance, an air defense as well. It comes from everything from rifles to bullets to hummer armored vehicles, Bradley infantry fighting vehicles, tanks now, of course, as well, and air defense systems. So, really pretty much everything that the Ukraine does is very difficult to do or would be very difficult to sustain without the United States.


There are really two elements to this, Omar, that I think are really important. On the one hand, it's Ukraine's staying in the fight on the battlefield and being able to put pressure on the Russians. We were actually on the battlefield recently as a massive attack by the Ukrainians ensued, and they were firing a lot of ammo. So, they're going to need a lot of ammo to keep that going.

But the second thing they're concerned about is the possible chilling effect that all of this could have on the U.S.'s allies, Ukraine's other partners to stay in the fight as well. A lot of countries -- Ukraine military aid really only doing that because the U.S. does it as well, Omar.

WALKER: Yes. And, Fred, I mean, Ukrainian President Zelenskyy, he paid tribute to Ukraine's fallen soldiers. And this morning you have a story about a Ukrainian soldier, he lost his leg fighting.

PLEITGEN: Yes, you are absolutely right, Amara. And you know, I think it kind of ties in with some of the things that the Ukrainians are seeing out of the Washington right now. Where one of the things that the Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelenskyy has said is that, yes, of course, he understands that giving aid to Ukraine military aid is a strain on a lot of these countries, but he said the Ukrainians are paying in blood. And they have people who have got severely wounded on the battlefield but are still returning. Here's what we saw.


PLEITGEN (voiceover): It was a race against time after Danilo stepped on a landmine while on a mission behind enemy lines.

DANILO, UKRAINIAN ARMED FORCES MEMBER (through translator): The mine blew me up and my brothers carried me for seven and half kilometers. They gave me first-aid and carried me.

PLEITGEN (voiceover): They saved his life, but his injuries were catastrophic.

DANILO (through translator): One leg was gone, it was blown away, and the other one was hanging, all broken.

PLEITGEN (voiceover): But that isn't holding Danilo back. He is hiding his face for safety reasons, but his story is remarkable. After the incident, he recovered, traveled all the way to Mexico to get an artificial limb, learned to walk again, and is now back on the battlefield.

DANILO (through translator): I can't just sit at home and just watch what's happening. In a country under attack, every man has to stand up from the couch and defend his home. I have to do it, and I am good at it.

PLEITGEN (voiceover): His contributing to Ukraine's massive counteroffensive in the south where Kyiv says its forces have been making increasing progress. Danilo right on the frontlines.

DANILO (through translator): I'm in charge of mortar grenade launcher and anti-tank squads. The platoon commander and I choose the right positions, targets, and plan the operations.

PLEITGEN (voiceover): Russian minefields and artillery are causing a lot of casualties on the Ukrainian side. And while Kyiv won't disclose exact numbers, they acknowledge the going is tough. Combat medics gave us this video showing the trauma they deal with every day. Medic Vlad tells me sometimes they simply can't save their comrades' limbs or even their lives because the wounds are too severe.

VLAD, COMBAT MEDIC, UKRAINIAN ARMED FORCES (through translator): We had ten cases where the limb was traumatically amputated and there was no chance to save it. Compared to the number of people in the brigade, it's not much but it is a terrible sacrifice.

PLEITGEN (voiceover): A sacrifice that changed Danilo's life, but he's adapted. Learning to move and fight effectively even though his artificial limb limits his mobility.

DANILO (through translator): We don't have a choice. We can't lose this war. This counteroffensive can't fail. We don't have this right. We are defending our home. It is victory or death for us.


PLEITGEN (voiceover): Victory or death, he says there. And that really goes to show the mood among many of the Ukrainian fighters, the Ukrainian soldiers here on the ground who said they badly need those weapons from the U.S. but they're going to have to keep fighting no matter what, guys.

JIMENEZ: Yes, as decisions made here in Washington, of course, real- life effects happening on the ground. Fred Pleitgen, thank you so much for the -- for that report.

Meanwhile, in California, San Diego County has declared a humanitarian crisis because of a huge surge of migrants flooding across the border in recent weeks.

WALKER: Yes, CNN's Camila Bernal went there and saw firsthand the gaps in fencing and the lucrative and sometimes dangerous business of moving migrants.


CAMILA BERNAL, CNN NATIONAL CORRESPONDENT (voiceover): A dramatic increase.


BERNAL (voiceover): Hundreds of migrants almost constantly arriving in waves into the California border.



BERNAL (voiceover): Sometimes 50 or 100 or just five. Many with the help of a so-called coyote (ph) or smuggler. We ran into one operating openly at the border.


He asked us not to show his face and distort his voice for fear of being killed.

BERNAL: He says to get to the U.S. you need at least $2,500. BERNAL (voiceover): The illegal trafficking of people operating almost like a travel agency. The coyotes (ph) arrange the trip, starting in the Middle East, Asia, South or Central America, then they buy plane tickets and tell migrants exactly where to go.

With each paying a few thousand dollars or between $9,000 to $12,000 for Mexican nationals, the business is lucrative.

BERNAL: He says they're at war with another cartel. And so, the only way they can get money is by bringing people in.


BERNAL (voiceover): People like Alexander.

BERNAL: He says he came here because of the violence that you live in Colombia.

JACQUELINE ARELLANO, BORDER KINDNESS: The number of hundreds of people being here at any given time over the last couple of weeks is not normal.

BERNAL: Behind me is Mexico. This is an area in Boulevard, California where there is a gap in the border wall, so a lot of the migrants are able to just walk into the United States. They continue this walk along the border wall and eventually turn themselves into border patrol. This is where that asylum process begins.

ARELLANO: They don't have food and they don't have water and they don't have supplies on them.

BERNAL: Jacqueline Arellano with the nonprofit Border Kindness says there's not enough to address the need.

ARELLANO: It's just regular folks patching up together in a humanitarian response to a huge crisis is not sustainable.

BERNAL (voiceover): This week, the County of San Diego with a bipartisan vote unanimously declared a humanitarian crisis.

NORA VARGAS, SAN DIEGO COUNTY SUPERVISOR: The reason why we're advocating that the federal government get engaged in this process is because this is a federal issue. You're talking about asylum seekers that, you know, legally, have a right to be here and to be processed and to get to their final destination.

BERNAL (voiceover): The hope is that the federal government provides for migrants like Mayra, and thousands of others who, after being processed by customs and border protection, will eventually be released in the streets of San Diego.

BERNAL: She says she wants to work, be honorable, and have a good job.

BERNAL (voiceover): But first, they wait in the desert. These makeshift shelters, their only protection. Camila Bernal, CNN, Boulevard, California.


WALKER: Incredible reporting. Thank you so much, Camila.

Still ahead, FBI agents have surged to Native American lands in recent months to help understaffed tribal police agencies solve hundreds of violent crime cold cases, that's next.



WALKER: The FBI is announcing the results of a months-long surge in personnel to help solve violent crimes and cold cases impacting indigenous Americans.

JIMENEZ: Yes, the agency has dedicated additional investigative resources in Operation Not Forgotten that disproportionately affected women and children. CNN's Josh Campbell reports.


JOSH CAMPBELL, CNN SECURITY CORRESPONDENT: The FBI announcing the results of a months-long surge of personnel to help solve violent crimes and cold cases impacting Native Americans. The bureau said Operation Not Forgotten focused on crimes occurring on tribal lands across 10 FBI divisions, with dozens of FBI personnel conducting victim and witness interviews and launching more than 40 arrests in search operations. Now, I spoke exclusively with an FBI agent overseeing the operation.

JONATHAN TAPP, FBI SECTION CHIEF: The main focus of our cases were death investigations and sexual abuse crimes. Those agents respond to scenes. They process evidence. They arrest subjects and interview witnesses. Simultaneously, our intelligence personnel are locating information, processing leads, and determining locations of additional victims.

CAMPBELL (voiceover): The agency said that list of personnel surging to tribal lands included FBI victims' specialists, working to care for those impacted by violent crime. Now, prior to the launch of Operation Not Forgotten, CNN went inside the FBI's efforts to locate missing Native Americans in New Mexico and Arizona. Seeing firsthand the difficult nature of this work.

UNIDENTIFIED MALE: You got to be able to learn the land. You got to be able to learn the cultural norms. Our number one challenge is access. For certain crimes out here, it will be some sort of family-on-family crime. And they may not want the individual to go to jail.

CAMPBELL: But to you, this is more than just data?

UNIDENTIFIED MALE: It is more than just date. These are individuals. And these are individuals that are either in pain or missing or in trouble. UNIDENTIFIED MALE: Most people you know don't know an FBI agent. But we're out here and working.

UNIDENTIFIED MALE: We've all joined the FBI to kind of answer that call, and I would say that call comes in a lot more frequently out here.

CAMPBELL (on camera): Now, to help investigators solve the numerous unresolved cases of missing and murdered indigenous persons on tribal lands, the FBI is appealing to the public to visit, scan the faces of the missing and contact law enforcement if you have information on the whereabouts of these victims.

Josh Campbell, CNN, Los Angeles.


WALKER: And now for your "Headlines This Morning," a suspect has been arrested in Texas in connection to the death of a former assistant to the Duchess of York. Dallas police say 46-year-old Jenean Chapman's body was found on Monday. Officials have ruled her death a homicide. She worked as Sarah Ferguson's assistant many years ago. Police say they arrested 48-year-old James Patrick in Austin. He is being held at the Travis County Jail on $100,000 bond.


JIMENEZ: About 500 residents of a South-Central Illinois neighborhood are being allowed to return home this morning after a deadly ammonia spill on Friday. Fire officials in Effingham County say, testing shows it's now safe to go back after a semi-truck tanker crashed, spilling more than half of its 7,500-gallon load. Five people were killed in the crash and numerous others hurt. The tanker has been drained and taken to a secure location.

WALKER: A police chief in Kansas suspended after he raided the office and home of a newspaper publisher last month. It comes following a lawsuit filed by Marion County Record Reporter Debbie Gruver. She accuses Marion Police Chief Gideon Cody of conducting a search and seizure of her property that violated her constitutional rights. She also accuses Cody of targeting her because she was investigating allegations of misconduct against him.

JIMENEZ: All right. So, 45 past the hour. The calendar says it's fall, I mean, I just checked to make sure. October 1st, OK? It's October. But, look, parts of the Plains and Midwest are going to feel like summer. They can't let go.

WALKER: Yes, it's funny because my daughter was just asking me that in the car. She's like, is it summer still? And I was like, that's a great question. It felt warm --

JIMENEZ: It depends where you are.

WALKER: It depends on where you are. Here in the south, it is quite warm. CNN's Allison Chinchar joining us now from the CNN Center. So -- well, I see a lot of red and orange behind you. What kind of heat are we talking about?

ALLISON CHINCHAR, CNN METEOROLOGIST: Yes, record-breaking heat. And that's the thing, it's going to stretch for several different areas. You have 50, that's right, 50 potential locations that could end up having record temperatures. Some of these locations, including Texas, breaking them for three or even four days in a row. And again, we are not just talking five or 10 degrees above average for some of these places, you're talking 15 or even 20 degrees above normal. The 90- degree temperature stretches far north as Omaha, Nebraska.

Again, remember, folks, this is October, not July when they would normally maybe have some temperatures in the upper 80s to lower 90s. But that heat is going to start to spread off to the east. So, it may not be that warm right now in the northeast but it is going to change in the coming days. That heat will begin to retreat from the Central U.S. as colder temperatures move in and then the bulk of the above- average temperatures focuses more over the Great Lakes region and specifically in the northeast.

But you can clearly see that drop in the Central U.S. Take a look at Sioux Falls, going from a high on Monday of 92, down to only 69 on Wednesday. Minneapolis is similar drop, 87 for the high on Monday, dropping back down to 68 on Wednesday. And even farther south, take Dallas for example, 90s for the next several days, dropping all the way back into the upper 70s by the time we get to the end of the week.

And we talked about those temperatures shifting. So, it is going to get a little bit warmer into the northeast. Not necessarily widespread temperatures, but even still. Albany looking at about 10 degrees above average. Same thing with Philadelphia, topping out at 83 by the time we get to Tuesday.

JIMENEZ: All right. Well, maybe summer's last hurrah. We will see, because that changes pretty quick over a few days.


JIMENEZ: Yes, we will see. Allison Chinchar, thank you so much.

WALKER: Thanks, Alli.

JIMENEZ: Still ahead, serious new warnings from the FDA about Ozempic after reports of blocked intestines by some users. We'll explain next.



JIMENEZ: The U.S. Food and Drug Administration has issued a new warning for the popular drug Ozempic, typically used for diabetes but also approved for weight loss.

WALKER: Yes, this comes after reports of blocked intestines in some patients who are currently using the medication. CNN's Health Reporter Jacqueline Howard has more.


JACQUELIN HOWARD, CNN HEALTH REPORTER: Some people using Ozempic have reported that they are experiencing blockages in their intestines. And now, the label on the medication has been updated to acknowledge that specifically. This gastrointestinal disorder called ileus or having blocked intestines may be related to how semaglutide drugs like Ozempic and Wegovy work.

You see, they mimic a hormone that the body naturally makes to slow down the passing of food through your digestive system, so that's what helps make people feel full longer, leading to weight loss. But it also could be related to these reports of having blocked intestines or possibly even stomach paralysis, which also is rare but has been reported previously in some people using these medications.

Now, the company Novo Nordisk, which manufactures Ozempic and Wegovy, told CNN in a statement it's working closely with the FDA to continuously monitor the safety profile of its medications. And it, "Stands behind the safety and efficacy of Ozempic and all of its medicines when used consistent with the product labeling and the approved indications." Back to you.


JIMENEZ: Jacquelin Howard, thank you.

Now, Chef Jose Andres and family discover the roots of Spain cuisine in Andalusia or Andalusia. "Jose Andres & Family in Spain" airs tonight, here's a preview.


JOSE ANDRES, CHEF AND HOST, "JOSE ANDRES & FAMILY IN SPAIN": I will use half to quickly raid Maruja's (ph) garden. She won't mind.

They have a garden back there with everything.

UNIDENTIFIED MALE: (Speaking in a foreign language).

ANDRES: (Speaking in a foreign language).

UNIDENTIFIED MALE: (Speaking in a foreign language).

CROWD: (Speaking in a foreign language).

ANDRES: I'm going to break them like that. I never created a dish in my life.


ANDRES: Look at it.

UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: That's so -- that is so unique.

ANDRES: And now I'm going to get --


ANDRES: -- some of the onion I had in my own eggs and I'm going to put them right on top. But now, we grab a flower.


ANDRES (voiceover): First, some of the orange nasturtium.

ANDRES: Now, the egg yolk is saying, oh, my God, I've never been with something orange before. And the egg yolk is getting excited. And you are like, oh, my God, this is so beautiful.

ANDRES (voiceover): Then some of the red nasturtium.

ANDRES: And now the egg white is happy, too. Why? Because happiness happen when you mix different people and different colors and different places all in one plate.


JIMENEZ: I want to be sitting at that table. But the closest I'm going to get is "Jose Andres & Family in Spain" airs tonight at 9:00 on CNN. We will be right back.