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Nine People Injured In Shooting At Michigan Splash Pad; Suspect In Michigan Splash Pad Shooting Took His Own Life; Two People Killed In Shooting During Juneteenth Celebration; Israel Military: Two Reservist Soldiers Killed In Northern Gaza; IDF: Explosion Kills Eight Israeli Soldiers In Rafah; Israel Begins Tactical Pause To Allow Aid Into Southern Gaza; Biden Sets Fundraising Record, Trump Woos Black Voters In Michigan; Biden Warns Of A Second Trump Term, Criticizes Supreme Court At Fundraiser; Trump Pushes Economic Plans At Turning Point Action Convention; Speaker Johnson, Trump To Meet This Week; Southwest Flight Plunges Towards Ocean Near Hawaii; Sweltering Heat Wave To Grip Eastern Half Of The U.S.; New Technology To Prevent Runway Incidents; Violent Earth With Liev Schreiber Airs At 9PM ET. Aired 6-7a ET

Aired June 16, 2024 - 06:00   ET



AMARA WALKER, CNN ANCHOR: Hello and welcome, everyone, to CNN THIS MORNING. It is Sunday, June 16th. I'm Amara Walker.

VICTOR BLACKWELL, CNN ANCHOR: I'm Victor Blackwell. Thank you for joining us.

We are following several breaking stories for you this morning. First, police say the man who shot and injured nine people at a splash pad in Michigan is dead. We have new details this morning about how this happened and why police believed the shooter may have been planning a second attack.

WALKER: The Israeli military has announced what it's calling a quote, "tactical pause" in southern Gaza for humanitarian reasons. What that means for Israel's ongoing war with Hamas and refugees in desperate need of aid.

BLACKWELL: President Biden criticized the Supreme Court at a fundraiser last night after a string of high-profile decisions. What he is saying about the justices and the possibility of more vacancies on the court.

WALKER: And we're tracking a significant flood threat along the Gulf Coast with some areas in for nearly a foot of rain over the next several days. Your forecast just ahead.

BLACKWELL: We're starting in Michigan where nine people are recovering after a shooting at a splash pad. This happened in Rochester Hills. That's a suburb of Detroit. WALKER: Now, according to authorities, at least two of the victims are children. One of the victims, an eight-year-old boy who got a gunshot wound to his head and is now in critical condition. The suspect, a 42- year-old man whose name has not yet been released. He was found at a nearby home dead from an apparently self-inflicted gunshot wound.

Now, the mayor of Rochester Hills called the shooting heartbreaking and a tragedy in his community.


MAYOR BRYAN BARNETT, ROCHESTER HILLS, MICHIGAN: It's a mental reset. It's a reminder that we live in a fragile place with fragile people. And it's also a reminder to be grateful for professionals. There were 100 firefighters and sheriff's deputies out there today.


BLACKWELL: CNN's Rafael Romo is with us now. New details overnight. What are we learning?

RAFAEL ROMO, CNN NATIONAL CORRESPONDENT: Yes. The first call came in, Victor and Amara, at 5:11 p.m. local time. It was a joyous afternoon at the Brooklands Plaza Splash Pad in Rochester Hills, Michigan, a city of 75,000, located less than 30 miles north of Detroit.

According to Oakland County Sheriff Michael Bouchard, a 42-year-old man who drove himself to the park suddenly got out of his car, walked up to the splash pad and open fire. Bouchard said, the suspect fired 28 times, reloading several times before leaving the scene.

He would later say that thanks to evidence found at the scene, the suspect was contained in a home located about a half a mile away from the park. That was immediately surrounded by the sheriff's deputies. And we just learned that that suspect shot himself.

Among the nine people who were shot, there are two children, including an eight-year-old boy in critical condition after being shot in the head. This is how the sheriff described what happened.


SHERIFF MICHAEL BOUCHARD, OAKLAND COUNTY, MICHIGAN: The individual pulled up, exited a vehicle, approached the splash pad, opened fire, reloaded, opened fire, reloaded, left. So, it appears very random at this point. It appears random. No connectivity to the victims.


ROMO: And as you can imagine, an afternoon a fun for families at this splash pad became a terrifying episode in an instant. The Rochester Hills resident was reflecting about the fact that this happened the night before Father's Day.

(BEGIN VIDEO CLIP) KIRK CHIDESTER, ROCHESTER HILLS RESIDENT: You don't think it will happen in your neighborhood. And you think about Oxford -- you think about Oxford. You know, the tragedy that happened up here. Now, this is our tragedy here in Rochester Hills.


ROMO: We've also heard from Michigan Governor Gretchen Whitmer in a post published on X only hours after the shooting the governor said, quote, "I am heartbroken to learn about the shooting in Rochester Hills. We're monitoring the situation as updates continue to come in, and are in touch with local officials."

Authorities continue the investigation into the shooting. And so far, they haven't said anything about a motive. The Gun Violence Archive reports there have now been 223 mass shootings so far this year in the U.S. when four or more people were shot in a single incident, not including the shooter. That's more, Victor and Amara, than one mass shooting every single day.

BLACKWELL: The pattern we followed for years now in this country. All right. Thanks so much.

WALKER: Rafael, thank you.

BLACKWELL: Authorities in Texas are looking for the gunman behind a deadly shooting in a suburb of Austin. Round Rock, Texas, police say that two people were killed and four others were injured during a Juneteenth concert.


Two of the victims were children there as well. It started when two groups began fighting each other in the vendor area and one person pulled out a gun. Round Rock police are unsure if there were multiple people shooting during that incident.

WALKER: Two Israeli reservist soldiers were killed Saturday in northern Gaza. Israeli media reported the two were killed during an incident involving an explosive device on a tank. The IDF has not said who they believe is responsible for the attack.

BLACKWELL: Earlier, the Israeli military said that eight of their soldiers were killed in southern Gaza on Saturday in one of the deadliest single incidents involving its troops since October 7.

CNN's Paula Hancocks is live and Tel Aviv. So, what more are you learning about these incidents?

PAULA HANCOCKS, CNN CORRESPONDENT: Well, it has been a particularly deadly weekend for Israel in Gaza. We know that the eight soldiers killed we have had details from the IDF about that particular incident that happened in the Tal al-Sultan neighborhood in western Rafah where we have been hearing of some very intense fighting between the Israeli military and Hamas and other fighters over the past couple of days. Now, according to the IDF, they say that there was an armored vehicle with Israeli soldiers on board and it exploded. Now, they say they are in the preliminary part of their investigation. They believe it was either an explosive device that had been planted in the area or this vehicle may have been hit by an anti-tank missile. But they say they were explosives on board as well this particular vehicle which then detonated. They say that shouldn't have happened so they are investigating that particular incident.

Now, we heard from Hamas claiming responsibility. The IDF has not said who they believe is responsible at this point. But Hamas said that it was a complex ambush that they had staged. Saying that it was a military bulldozer that was then on fire and they attacked it and they attacked also the rescue crews coming in. So, we expect to hear more details from the Israeli military on that particular one.

But we do know that there has been, as I say, intense fighting in this area. We've heard from the Rafah -- Gaza civil defense officials saying that they have had calls from people asking for injured to be removed, asking for bodies to be retrieved from the area. But it is very difficult for them to get to that area because the fighting is ongoing.

They say that a family of five was killed. They managed to retrieve two of the bodies and came under fire themselves. So then have to withdraw.

Now, we've heard from the IDF that in this particular area they have uncovered a number of tunnels. They also say that they have uncovered passageways between the homes in this very densely populated, very cramped conditions of this area of Rafah. They say they believe that was created by Hamas to be able to move through this area undetected and easily.

So, we do know that fighting is ongoing in this particular area. Israel had said that they had to do this operation in Rafah given that is where the remaining Hamas battalions are. It had come under huge international condemnation though as, of course, this is also where much of the humanitarian aid comes through into Gaza. And around a million people already displaced have had to move elsewhere to try and find safety.

WALKER: Paula Hancocks, following the story for us in Tel Aviv. Thank you.

BLACKWELL: The Israeli military announced a tactical pause along one route in southern Gaza to allow for more humanitarian aid trucks to enter Gaza.

WALKER: The pause began on Saturday with aid trucks entering through the Kerem Shalom crossing, one of the two that are open entry points for aid coming into southern Gaza. Now, Israel says more than 1,000 aid trucks are on the Gazan side of the crossing waiting to be collected and distributed.

CNN's senior international correspondent Ben Wedeman is in -- live for us in -- in Beirut for us with more. What are we learning about this tactical pause in terms of, you know, how the aid distribution is going and how long it will last?

BEN WEDEMAN, CNN SENIOR INTERNATIONAL CORRESPONDENT: Well, according to this announcement, they came from the Israeli military. This is for an indefinite period.

Now, it begins at 8:00 in the morning every day and finishes at 7:00 at night. But it's very specific in terms of what -- where is covered by this tactical pause. It's between the Karm Abu Salem or the Kerem Shalom crossing from Israel into Gaza, linking it to the Salaheddin highway, which is the main artery linking the north to the south of Gaza.


Now, this is intended in coordination with the United Nations and other humanitarian organizations to get more aid into Gaza. Keep in mind that, for instance, just last week we're hearing from the United Nations they put out a report saying that they fear that by July, just next month, more than a million people could be in danger in Gaza from starvation and death as a result of the very little humanitarian aid getting into the Gaza Strip. Certainly, since the Israeli offensive began last month in Rafah, the main crossing from Egypt into Gaza has been shut down.

Now, what's interesting about this announcement, it seems to have taken many in the Israeli government itself by surprise. The finance minister and the national security minister, both who are sort of the extremist elements within the Netanyahu cabinet, have come out and condemned it. And we saw in Haaretz, the Israeli daily, that Yoav Gallant, the Israeli defense minister, himself was unaware of this.

And according to sources who spoke to Haaretz, the government didn't even approve this measure. So, it came as a bit of a surprise when the news was revealed this morning. And this really underscores just how much disarray there is in this current Israeli government. Victor Amara.

BLACKWELL: Ben Wedeman reporting for us this morning. Ben, thanks.

WALKER: All right. Let's turn now to the breaking news we've been following out of Michigan where nine people were injured in a shooting at a splash pad. Police later found the shooter dead at his home from a self-inflicted gunshot wound.

Joining me now is CNN senior national security analyst Juliette Kayyem. Good morning to you, Juliette. A couple of things stood out to me regarding the shooting, the fact that law enforcement deployed a drone into the home. And secondly, that they found -- or the images from that drone show that there was an AR-style rifle sitting on --


WALKER: -- a kitchen table. How common is it that the law enforcement deploys drones into homes? And what are your thoughts on whether or not, you know, a second attack may have been in the works?

KAYYEM: Yes. So, we would have suspicion that there was a second attack only because, you know, at least the police are referring to that possibility. The use -- and he's in -- he's in a home that he knows, or he might have gone back to try to get more weapons and then -- and then, you know, the event and -- so to speak.

So, the use of the drones is pretty familiar now because, essentially, they are not a target for the shooter because the police if they had entered the home don't actually know what they might encounter. It's not just the guns or the individual. There could be other individuals, especially in a home where you don't know what's going on.

Once they could get that visual, then they knew at least that the immediate threat was over. And now the investigation begins. But drones and other robotics and technology are often used to protect in those -- you know, those -- those high-stake incidents in law enforcement.

WALKER: The mayor referred to a mental break. We don't know much about the suspect except that he's 42-years-old, that he lived at that home. His mother wasn't there when police breached the home, but he lived at that home with his mother. Regarding the shooting, apparently, he had no connection to the people at the splash pad. You know, any thoughts on the profile of the shooter?

KAYYEM: Yes. Yes. So, I mean, mental break become shorthand for a lot of things. Obviously, someone who is willing to do this is not grounded in reality. And so, the question is, well, what do we mean by that mental break, right?

And so, what I can tell just from the situation so far is it's clearly premeditated. At least in some instance, he chooses a place with children. He knows that it's a Saturday night, the night before Father's Day.

It is a summer night. It's a warm summer night. He has the weaponry to wreak a lot of havoc, if not death. Although, we don't know the specifics of that yet. And he's -- he's picking a place with children. That is -- you know, that is like -- this is like a school shooting. I mean, everyone knows that a water park on this late Saturday afternoon is going to have a majority of people under 18.

And then he returns back home. It looks like he has an exit plan and then maybe planning another attack. So, the break isn't like he woke up one day and decided to do this.

WALKER: Right.

KAYYEM: There is at least some premeditated planning. And then -- and then the question is, how premeditated, in particular, the access to the weapon if it is an AR type weapon, you know, he had to purchase it, know that -- know that he was purchasing it and know that he was going to use it for a mass casualty event.

[06:15:06] WALKER: You know, while we're talking about security and, you know, whether or not people feel safe in their own communities, I do want to switch gears and talk about some recent CNN reporting that we have. And that is that national security officials have heightened concerns that ISIS-K could potentially carry out an attack on U.S. soil. What's behind that concern, Juliette?

KAYYEM: Yes, a couple of things. One is -- is simply we are very focused on domestic terrorism. So, I think part of this is a warning. Do not forget that this -- that the ISIS threat continues.

ISIS is very dispersed and therefore it is harder to find or -- and therefore harder to prevent attack and attack planning. And then we've seen the rise of ISIS-K and other ISIS attacks, at least we saw in Russia. There have been some arrests in Europe. And so, the worry is that, of course, they'll be able to enter the homeland and attack.

This -- some of this has to do with the Israeli-Hamas war and the radicalization, in particular, based on the imagery of that war, the results of that war, the ongoing nature of that war. And some of it just has to do with reasserting themselves at a time when, you know, basically the last we heard from them was in Russia earlier this year.

And so, the threat environment for both domestic terrorism and international terrorism is exceptionally high. I have to admit, I've never -- we're entering a summer where I have not seen sort of both lanes as elevated in terms of concern as I had this summer.

WALKER: Wow. OK. Good to note. And also concerning the fact that some of these Tajik nationals who were arrested with connections to ISIS, they came through a U.S. southern border. They were vetted by --


WALKER: -- immigration officials, and they were allowed in but they're back in custody. Juliette Kayyem, we'll leave it there. Thank you so much.

BLACKWELL: Still to come, President Joe Biden criticized -- it's really harsh criticism for the Supreme Court during this star-studded fundraiser in Los Angeles. We'll tell you what he said.

Plus, scorching temperatures. I know you're feeling them. And if you aren't, they are coming to parts of central and southern U.S. this week.

And CNN goes inside a plane equipped with new technology to prevent airplane collisions on runways. We'll show you how it works.



BLACKWELL: Busy day on the campaign trail, Saturday. President Joe Biden set another fundraising record. Donald Trump tried to hone in on a refined campaign strategy. Now, the former president made a fresh appeal to Black voters. He visited a community roundtable, sat down at a predominantly Black church in Detroit. He also spoke at a Turning Point Action convention. He wrapped up the night by announcing a new Black Americans for Trump coalition.

WALKER: Meanwhile, President Biden wooed celebrities at a more exclusive event in Los Angeles, attended by former President Barack Obama, as you in that selfie, and celebrities George Clooney, Julia Roberts, and Jimmy Kimmel to name a few. The event raked in 28 million

But his war chest isn't the only headline emerging from the event. He also harshly criticized the Supreme Court saying the justices are out of kilter, and warned of what may happen with a second Trump presidency.

Let's get to CNN's Camila DeChalus now in Washington, D.C., to break down the president's warning. Camila, what did he have to say?

CAMILA DECHALUS, CNN WHITE HOUSE REPORTER: President Biden reminded attendees at this event exactly what's at stake if Trump is reelected. And he focused on, as you mentioned, on the Supreme Court, and that is something that the American public has viewed to be more polarized in the recent years.

And some of the things that he talked about was how if Trump is reelected, then that can lead to more conservative judges being appointed to the bench. And also, could lead to more rulings being reconsidered. And that is something that he was just really driving home this point.

And you had former President Barack Obama when he had his conversation with Jimmy Kimmel at the event, he talked about this, and he talked about just -- not just focusing on the individual who could be reelected, but the certain agenda that they're trying to push. He said this at the event. Let me read it really quickly.

He said, "There are certain standards and values we stand for. Joe Biden has stood for those values and continues to and the other guy doesn't and that in and of itself is not something that we can ignore or pretend is a difference that doesn't exist."

And that is something in this quote Obama and also Biden just really reiterated at this event is really stressing that if Trump is reelected then he stands for being the leader of the United States and setting that term of what is acceptable and what is not. And that is something that they should be considered on all the minds is not just who we are voting for and why they should stand behind Biden, but what exactly is at stake and what rulings could potentially be overturned if Trump is reelected.

BLACKWELL: Camila DeChalus, thanks so much. At his event with Turning Point Action, former President Trump also pushed his economic plan.

WALKER: And as CNN's Eva McKend explains, he's taking a different approach from his 2020 campaign. [06:25:01]

EVA MCKEND, CNN NATIONAL POLITICS REPORTER: Victor, Amara, the former president telling this enthusiastic crowd that he believes he can win Michigan in November as he did in 2016. If elected, he pledged to address inflations, stand up to China and other nations. And also pledged to advance Maganomics, is what he's calling it. That of course, is a direct blow to Bidenomics.

And most consequentially, he is telling Michigan voters that they should have a plan to vote in November. Whether that's early or by mail, that this election, they should come armed with a plan. That is a departure from 2020 when he was casting doubt on early and mail in voting, an indication than he is not trying to leave any votes on the table this time around.

Trump also spending his time in Michigan, in Detroit at a traditionally Black church, trying to engage voters there. That's the latest from Detroit. Victor, Amara, back to you.

BLACKWELL: Eva McKend, Turning Point Action. Now, they love a live show, don't they? Wow, that was fantastic. All right. Thanks so much.

Let's bring in now Max Cohen, congressional reporter with "Punchbowl News." Max, good morning to you. So, Eva talked about Turning Point Action. I want to talk about the roundtable at the 180 Church in Detroit with the Black Voters for Trump coalition. Representative Byron Donalds is there. Former HUD secretary Dr. Carson, Ben Carson was there as well.

Former President Trump is not going the way of 2016 when he said, what do you had to lose to Black voters? There is a nuance, I think, for his nuances, his campaign is, approach to Black voters. What is the approach from Trump now to carve out just enough in Detroit, just enough in Philly, just enough in Atlanta to win these swing states?

MAX COHEN, CONGRESSIONAL REPORTER, PUNCHBOWL NEWS: I think it's a great point. I think the strategy has to first and foremost focus on economics. The Biden economy, Trump is going to claim, has hurt Black voters. And he's saying to them, you might have voted for Biden in 2020. That's OK. But look at inflation, look how much everyday prices have risen in your own communities.

And it's a very targeted message. As you mentioned, he's saying he might not have to win the majority of the Black vote. He won't get close to that. But if he can chip away the margins in swing states like Michigan, in swing states like Georgia with significant Black populations by making that economic message, that could be the difference in a very tight election come November.

BLACKWELL: You're the congressional reporter there for "Punchbowl." Let me ask you about Congress. Axios is reporting that Speaker Johnson, also the chair of the National Republican Congressional Campaign Committee, will be meeting with the president -- former president tomorrow at Mar-a-Lago. The president has really stood behind Speaker Johnson in the Marjorie Taylor Greene fight, other contentious moments. What are you expecting out of this meeting?

COHEN: I think what we're going to see is that President Trump is by far and away the most popular figure in the Republican Party. Every single Republican politician who wants to be successful, knows that, right?

So, Speaker Johnson might have had his differences with Trump a long time ago, but he's tying himself extremely closely to the former president. And he knows if he wants to stay in his job, he needs to be seen as the Trump speaker. Even with Marjorie Taylor Greene, who is also very closely associated with Trump, trying to take his job away. Speaker Johnson is going to do almost whatever Trump wants.

And what we're seeing playing on the Hill, in particular, is that House Republicans are trying to do everything they can within their own power to try to invalidate the investigations into the former president. And I'm sure that will be a big topic of conversation at Mar-a-Lago. Trump saying to the speaker, hey, can you defund Jack Smith? Can you try to investigate the people investigating me?

BLACKWELL: Is it possible or plausible, I should say, that in exchange for, as you say, doing whatever Trump wants, that former President Trump will lay off some of those incumbent Republicans who have been critical of him in the past? Johnson has the slimmest possible majority as he goes into November. Is that part of the exchange, at least part of the conversation for Johnson?

COHEN: I think that's another really good point. We've seen in some of these contested primaries President Donald Trump actually endorsed an incumbent Republican over a more right-wing MAGA challenger. And people close to Mike Johnson say, that's the calculus Mike Johnson made.

He went directly to Trump and said, hey, Mr. President, I know you might not like what this member said, but he's one of my guys. He's a House Republican. And if you want to be successful, if you elected, we need more House Republicans who are loyal to the team to come back to Washington.

So, I think that's definitely part of the calculus that Trump will do somewhat Johnson wants on endorsements, on protecting some of that Republican incumbents, and then that in exchange for Johnson saying to Trump, we will do what you want on the investigative front.

BLACKWELL: Let's talk about Dems and money. The president's campaign, they pulled in, they say $28 million at this fundraiser in Los Angeles last night. Ticket prices ranging from $250 up to a half million dollars for the most exclusive opportunities there. Is the fundraising gap between the Biden Campaign and the Trump Campaign that was yawning at the last time they had one of these events, is that narrowing at all?

COHEN: Republicans want to say yes. Republicans say the game has entirely changed since former President Trump was convicted in New York in May. I think Democrats still have the strong advantage and they will expect to have the strong advantage heading into November. But Republicans are closing this gap.

And at the recent visit that Trump had on Capitol Hill talking to House Republicans and Senate Republicans, a constant theme of those conversations was we've not seen donors on the GOP side more energized in a long time than since those 34 felony counts came down just a couple weeks ago. So, we have both bases very energized. But as you saw in L.A. last night, Democrats have access to huge amounts of money.

And there might not be the same energy on the Democratic side but there's a huge fear of what Trump could bring, as our previous guests were mentioning, and that's going to fuel Democratic fundraising. So, both sides are going to have a lot of money. We expect the Democrats to have the edge, but I think the Republicans are closing this a little bit.

BLACKWELL: Max Cohen, Punchbowl News, thanks so much.

And be sure to watch the CNN Presidential Debate moderated by Jake Tapper and Dana Bash on Thursday June 27th. It is coming up soon, 9:00 p.m. Eastern right here on CNN.

WALKER: All right, still to come, Louisiana and Texas are bracing for heavy rain and floods along the Gulf Coast this week. We will have a weather report when we come back.



WALKER: The Federal Aviation Administration is investigating a Southwest Airlines flight from Honolulu to Kauai that experienced a terrifying plunge towards the ocean. Now, the incident happened in April, but it only came to light last week when Bloomberg reported on an internal airline memo about it. And the memo indicated a newer first officer who was flying at the time accidentally pushed on the control column causing the rapid descent on a flight. And the Boeing 737 Max 8 dropped over 4,000 ft per minute, coming as close as 400 feet to the water before recovering. In a statement to CNN, Southwest acknowledge the incident but did not address the memo or why it happened. Yes, a little disturbing.

OK, so Summer officially begins this week. Extreme heat is already roasting half the country, offering a preview of what is in store.

BLACKWELL: I remember when we were asking Spring to fight back against Winter.

WALKER: Yes, right.

BLACKWELL: Summer is having no problems coming in strong. Tens of millions of people bracing for another round of scorching temperatures that will soar well into the 90s. CNN Meteorologist Allison Chinchar is here with us. Yesterday, you were with wearing a thermometer earrings. I'm always fascinated by this. Like, where do you find a sleep belt buckle? But in today, you've got a thermometer necklace.

WALKER: And the marker is rising.

ALLISON CHINCHAR, CNN METEOROLOGIST: It actually works, by the way. It is a working thermometer.

WALKER: Oh, does it really?

CHINCHAR: It does actually. Yes, yes. But we've also got some raindrops because we not only have the heat, but we also have some flooding to talk about. So, let's get right to it. Let's start with the heat because everybody's pretty much feeling it right now because it's pretty widespread. Areas of the South, the Midwest, the Northeast all going to be feeling that heat over the next several days. We also have severe thunderstorms in the Central U.S., the potential for flooding not only in the Midwest but also along the Gulf Coast.

But here we take a look at all of these temperatures. Again, it's not just five or 10 degrees above average. Most of these areas are looking at 15, even 20 degrees above normal. That means a lot of records. Over 170 of them possibly breaking those records over the next five to seven days.

Take a look at some of these. Now, places like Atlanta and St. Louis you're going to finally start to see those temperatures come back down by Wednesday. By that, I don't mean back to normal but at least maybe not as hot as it has been. But D.C., New York, Boston, those temperatures are just going to keep going up as we make our way through the week.

Look at Chicago for example. The average this time of year is only 81. You're going to spend more than half of the week in the 90s. So, you're talking 10 degrees above average there. Same thing, Philadelphia, Albany, well above where they would normally be this time of year. The few cool spots are really going to be along the Gulf Coast.

Take a look at this, watching not one but two separate potential tropical systems. This one just off the coast of Florida, only has about a 30 percent chance of developing into a tropical system in the next seven days. This one right here though just off the Yucatan Peninsula, 60 percent. But the intriguing part about this one is regardless of whether it gets an name, as it moves to the north, it's going to bring a tremendous amount of tropical moisture. So, you're talking about the potential for some flooding here not just one day but multiple.

Look at this, Sunday, Monday, Tuesday -- especially Tuesday, we get Houston back into a moderate risk for flooding. This could in turn be a lot of rain. And remember, just a month ago, we talked about how much rain Houston got from that previous system. Now, we're going to be adding even more rain on top of it, and a lot of it.

Take a look at this. This is just through Friday. You see the red color and the pink? You're talking six, 10, even a foot of rain in just the next five to seven days. And remember, a lot of these places are still trying to dry out from the previous system that we had a month ago. So, probably the last thing these areas need is a little bit more rain but they're likely going to get it every single day this week.

WALKER: A lot of extreme weather. All right, Allison, thank you.

So, you like to be by a beach.

BLACKWELL: I do love a beach.

WALKER: But is there a point at which you will not be laying out there. Like if the temperature is too high, you're like I'm not going to be by the water, I just want to be indoors by the air conditioning?


BLACKWELL: I'm out there for five hours.

WALKER: If it's 95 degrees you'll do it?

BLACKWELL: 97 degrees. Just keep me with a sunscreen, I'm staying out there.

WALKER: Not me.

BLACKWELL: You don't like -- you don't like heat?

WALKER: I don't like heat. I can't stand the heat. I mean, I'd rather be cold but that's another story. Next, we'll show you a demonstration of how new technology is helping airports prevent airplane collisions on runways.



BLACKWELL: CNN is getting an exclusive look at new technology designed to prevent airplane collision. And this comes after a series of runway incursions at U.S. airports. You've seen them happen over the last few years. They of course have alarmed a lot of people.

WALKER: It sure has. And now, the company Honeywell is developing and testing new flight technology that could help prevent those kinds of disasters in the future. Pete Muntean has more.


PETE MUNTEAN, CNN CORRESPONDENT (voiceover): I am boarding what looks like a normal commercial airliner, but instead of seats there are computers. The passengers are engineers and the flight plan is a midair crisis.

UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: Traffic on runway. MUNTEAN (voiceover): This is what's known officially as a runway

incursion. The dangerous near collisions rose sharply at airports nationwide in 2023 and keep happening. From JFK last year --

UNIDENTIFIED MALE: Cancel takeoff clearance.

MUNTEAN (voiceover): -- to Reagan National Airport just last month.

UNIDENTIFIED MALE: Super King Air zero alpha alpha, go around. Go around.

MUNTEAN (voiceover): Last fall, two private jets clipped one another on a Houston runway mere inches from disaster.

THEA FEYEREISEN, SENIOR TECHNICAL FELLOW, HONEYWELL: We're seeing near misses that are nearer and nearer from catastrophe.

MUNTEAN (voiceover): Inside this Boeing 757 is the first system alerting pilots to runway incursions that are about to unfold. It's a prototype from Honeywell which is giving us this TV exclusive. The best way to see it in action is by creating a runway incursion of our own.

This flight is taking us from Dallas International Airport to a smaller airport in Hagerstown, Maryland. Waiting for us on the ground, another Honeywell airplane that will purposefully be in the wrong place at the wrong time. In this case sitting idle on the runway as we're coming into land, very similar to a near collision between FedEx and Southwest flights in Austin last year.

UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: Traffic on runway. Traffic on runway.

UNIDENTIFIED MALE: We're going around.

MUNTEAN (voiceover): This is what that looked like from the outside.

MUNTEAN: The goal here is to put this into new airplanes but also existing airplanes. So this gives pilots the chance to stop these incidents that are unfolding in front of them.

MUNTEAN (voiceover): Now, we are on the runway as Honeywell's other plane taxies out in front of us just like last year's incident at JFK.

UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: Traffic on runway. Traffic on runway.

MUNTEAN (voiceover): Honeywell software pulls from technology already in most commercial airliners, combining the system that warns of collisions with the ground with the system that warns of collisions with other airplanes. Both have been mandated by the Federal Aviation Administration for years.

Joe Duval is our pilot and thinks Airlines won't act on new technology without another federal mandate.

JOE DUVAL, DIRECTOR OF FLIGHT TEST OPERATIONS, HONEYWELL: It does cost some money and that we've got to -- you know, it did something that got to pushes in to that point of accepting it and adopting the technology.

MUNTEAN (voiceover): The National Transportation Safety Board has been calling for runway incursion warnings in the cockpit for 24 years, a plea reiterated just last week by the agency's chair.

JENNIFER HOMENDY, NTSB CHAIRWOMAN: It's going to be technology that prevents any of this from reoccurring.

MUNTEAN (voiceover): FAA Chief Mike Whitaker insists there is no one cause of runway incursions but it will take more than one solution.

MIKE WHITAKER, ADMINISTRATOR, FAA: So, we're looking at those layers of safety. Are there other layers that we can insert?

MUNTEAN (voiceover): As new technology takes aim at avoiding disaster.

Pete Muntean, CNN Hagerstown, Maryland.


BLACKWELL: Still ahead, we continue to follow developments out of Michigan where nine people were shot at a recreation center. What we know about the victims and the investigation, that's coming up.



BLACKWELL: Well, history has taught us that a tsunami can destroy everything in sight in an instance.

WALKER: CNN's Elisa Raffa finds out if the U.S. is ready if one hits the country.


DR. HERMANN FRITZ, TSUNAMI RESEARCHER, GEORGIA INSTITUTE OF TECHNOLOGY: The Indian Ocean tsunami is a singular event in the sense that it changed everything.

ELISA RAFFA, CNN METEOROLOGIST (voiceover): December 26, 2004, destructive waves caused by a 9.1 magnitude earthquake claimed nearly a quarter million lives from Southeast Asia to the Horn of Africa, prompting a worldwide wakeup call.

FRITZ: It immediately made tsunami a household word. Everybody knows about tsunamis around the world now.

RAFFA (voiceover): Water heights reached an astonishing 167 feet in Sumatra, one of the locations closest to the earthquake. But devastation stretched from Asia to Africa with impacts felt in 17 countries. Tsunami Scientist Hermann Fritz deploys into the damage zone to learn from these disasters, hoping to put some sense into scientific simulations at his lab at the Georgia Institute of Technology in Atlanta. FRITZ: You can also think of this experiment here like a tsunami on a

treadmill, OK. So, essentially, we have this roller here that would be approaching the coastline and would essentially devastate the buildings, wash people away, drown people and clear everything in its path.

RAFFA (voiceover): The Indian Ocean Tsunami was the first of its kind in the digital age. Tourists with camera phones were able to capture the first quality color images of these rare waves.

FRITZ: It basically gave tsunami an image. It gave tsunami a video. It gave tsunami a face.

RAFFA (voiceover): It also gave tsunamis a more universal warning system. At the time, scientists were only focused on shaking along the Pacific Ocean rim.


FRITZ: There were no warnings issued. And that is really the big failure, that the world was not prepared for tsunamis in 2004.

RAFFA: Can we predict for tsunami?

FRITZ: Unfortunately, that is the billion-dollar question in geophysics is that we cannot predict the next earthquake.

RAFFA (voiceover): Only once the ground starts to shake and waves move can scientists then plug the observations into supercomputers to calculate the size and speed of the possible tsunami. A lot of science needs to happen really fast. Imagine not knowing where a hurricane will go until a couple of hours before landfall.

The National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration has significantly increased buoys to detect these deep ocean waves. There were only four deployed in 2000. Now, there are more than 70 stations monitoring tsunami activity worldwide.

FRITZ: A lot of new buildings go up along the coastlines. There are more and more people in harm's way.

RAFFA (voiceover): Simulating tsunami waves in a lab can help improve forecasts to better understand the impacts of damage and create more resilient building codes. But until we can pinpoint the next big earthquake --

FRITZ: If it shakes more than 30 seconds, evacuate inland or to high ground.

RAFFA (voiceover): Public education and awareness is key.

FRITZ: Spontaneous evacuation even in the age of technology is the most efficient at saving lives.

Elisa Raffa, CNN Atlanta.


BLACKWELL: A new episode of "VIOLENT EARTH WITH LIEV SCHREIBER" airs at 9:00 p.m. Eastern on CNN.