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Biden To Shield Undocumented Spouses From Deportation; Soon: Vladimir Putin Visits Kim Jong Un's North Korea; Western Wildfires, Eastern Heat, Potential Storm In Gulf. Aired 5-5:30a ET

Aired June 18, 2024 - 05:00   ET



MANU RAJU, CNN ANCHOR: It's Tuesday, June 18th.

Right now on CNN THIS MORNING:

A sweeping new immigration policy from President Biden that will protect hundreds of thousands of undocumented immigrants from deportation.

Plus, GOP infighting in Virginia today as House Freedom Caucus Chairman Bob Good tries to prevail over his Trump-backed opponent.

And Vladimir Putin visiting North Korea for the first time in over two decades, raising concerns about their deepening ties.


RAJU: It's 5:00 a.m. here Washington, but here's a live look at the Statue of Liberty.

Good morning, everyone. I'm Manu Raju, in for Kasie Hunt.

Today, President Biden is expected to use his executive power to reshape U.S. immigration policy. CNN has learned Biden will announce a sweeping executive action that would shield some undocumented spouses of U.S. citizens from deportation, allowing them to work legally in the country as they seek citizenship.

Now, the policy would apply to people who have been living in the United States for ten years, and would utilize an existing legal authority known as, quote, parole in place.

Altogether, the moves could affect hundreds of thousands of people. And this would be the federal government's biggest relief program for immigration since the Obama era Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals program, or known as DACA.

But perhaps not so coincidentally, Obama announced DACA in mid June of 2012, less than five months before his reelection as president and this is the second executive action Biden will make on immigration just in the last couple of weeks. Earlier this month, he made the decision to deny a silent and most of migrants entering the U.S. illegally and offered a preview of what were likely to see today.


JOE BIDEN, PRESIDENT OF THE UNITED STATES: I believe that immigration has always been on lifeboat of America. We're constantly renewed by an infusion of people, and new talent. Statue of liberty is not some relic of American history. It stands for who we are as United States.

In the weeks ahead, and I mean, the weeks ahead, I'll speak to how we can make our immigration system more fair and more just.


RAJU: All right. I'm joined by CNN great political analyst Jackie Kucinich on this Tuesday morning.

Good morning very early.


RAJU: So, just to -- just to spell out exactly what's in this executive order. So this would -- this would shield spouses of citizens, U.S. citizens from deportation, allow them to work legally in the United States.

It would apply to people living in the United States for 10-plus years, and this is an existing legal authority known as parole in place. It could affect in their sum estimates and several hundred thousand, maybe 409,000 people.

The politics though --


RAJU: -- so interesting. So, how do you see it?

KUCINICH: He's really trying -- the president here is really trying to strike a balance.

There were a lot of folks on the left two were very upset about the changes to the asylum process, that he made just a few weeks ago. And this sort of kicks it back in the other direction by -- by creating a program that would allow sort of like DACA the -- which had been a young people who had been brought into the country without -- through any fault of their own, who were allowed to stay in the country under the Obama administration.

So, this kind of creates that pathway for legal residencies for those who meet those very specific criteria.

Now, it's already being attacked on the right as an amnesty, as all sorts of things that we've heard.

RAJU: Although there always be attack for amnesty, right?

KUCINICH: Of course. RAJU: So that's probably why he's saying, let's just do this because I want to be attacked in the right anyways.

KUCINICH: Exactly. And this is an issue that we're seeing people in swing states really weigh in on on both sides of the coin. But particularly, you would imagine this would appeal to voters in places like Arizona, places like Nevada, places like Georgia.

So, we'll have to see how this ends up shaking out in terms of the finer details. But, certainly a move by Biden to really put things on the other side of the ledger after all of the criticism he received from the asylum?

RAJU: Yeah. It's interesting. You just basically make no one happy --

KUCINICH: Oh, no, not on immigration.

RAJU: -- especially when it comes to immigration. It's such a complicated issue. It's why Congress has not been able to deal with this for so long.

KUCINICH: Well, exactly. And this is -- Biden has been criticizing Congress for not being able to pass anything, particularly that immigration bill that you covered that that really went further than a lot of Democratic presidents would have.

RAJU: Yeah, absolutely. It's interesting, you look at just the numbers. This is break down a little bit about first, it's -- how do Biden supporters and Trump supporters look at the idea of whether undocumented people who are undocumented be allowed to stay in the country if certain circumstances are met?


Biden supporters versus Trumps supporters, 85 percent of Biden supporters compared to 32 percent of Trump supporters. That isn't calling to Pew survey that was from April, but it did come out recently. That is such a significant difference.

And then you look at the about deporting all migrants, which is pretty much undocumented immigrants, which is pretty much Trump's policies. They're going to have a roundup. There's deportation system favor 62 percent, 38 percent oppose this idea, generally deporting all undocumented immigrants, according to CBS News poll.

The politics are just so divided, particularly on the left, on the right, the question of course, is how to independent voters do this?

KUCINICH: And that is the question what Biden needs is this -- a very similar coalition to get them across the finish line because we know this, this is going to be an election, and we said this over and over again. It's going to be decided on the margins.

RAJU: Yeah. In the Hispanic voters would be a key -- are key part of the coalition as well. You look at how Biden has been -- did with Hispanic voters in 2020 versus now, there is some slippage if you believe the public polling here.

Sixty-five percent supported Biden back in 2020 compared to 32 for Trump, that his dropped in that is not consistent. But what we are seeing in other public polling, 52-47, according to a recent Quinnipiac poll.

Is this the type of action though that obviously you can't, it's hard -- you can't campaign Hispanic voters are a problem.

KUCINICH: Well, it's definitely --

RAJU: They vote on a lot of different issues. But how do you think this works in place like Nevada and Arizona, where there are significant number of Hispanic voters who will be critical for Biden here?

KUCINICH: I think we'll have to wait and see honestly on which is the absolute worst answer. But it -- but it's true because you're absolutely right, Hispanic voters are like a lot of others. They vote on a lot of different things, that things like the economy, if things like reproductive rights.

RAJU: That as economy's not doing so well.

KUCINICH: Exactly. And so that -- we're going to have to wait and see, but certainly something like this when it comes to rhetoric tends to appeal more than maybe some of the things you hear coming from the Trump campaign, both previously and now.

RAJU: Yeah. And speaking of Trump, I -- we will see -- he'll be speaking in Racine, Wisconsin.


RAJU: -- just outside of Milwaukee, of course.

KUCINICH: The most horrible city.

RAJU: Well, yeah, it depends on who you listen to -- about last week, as you may remember, Trump was on Capitol Hill. He was talking to House Republicans. He used the word "horrible" city, and when referring to Milwaukee, of course, the state -- city where they're having the Republican convention and also a pivotal swing state that could determine the next president.

Now since then, there's been -- once a word linked data use those words, Republicans have been trying to make clear, oh, he was not referring to the city. He was referring to the crime rates and there's how Trump himself put it when he was asked about him were making these remarks.


DONALD TRUMP, FORMER U.S. PRESIDENT & 2024 PRESIDENTIAL CANDIDATE: I think it was very clear what I meant. I said we're very concerned with crime. I love Milwaukee. I have great friends in Milwaukee. I was referring to also the election.


RAJU: So does that -- how does that -- obviously, the Biden team is jumping all over those.

KUCINICH: Also, I'm glad we settled on what he was talking about because immediately after that, there are lots of different explanations. He was talking about the back-and-forth with the city. He was talking about the crime which is actually down. And he was talking about a whole realm of things. Anyway, I don't know that this is good.

The Biden campaign is definitely taking advantage of this. There's merch -- there's all sorts of things. Will this impact the margins in Wisconsin? I don't think so.

But it's certainly, this is the purplest of purple states. It's right down the middle. I dont have to tell you that.

RAJU: Yes.

KUCINICH: So, maybe everything does matter.

RAJU: And, look, Racine is outside of the city, is not in Milwaukee, then Trump has to win the suburbs. And may not do as well in Milwaukee, and some people in the suburbs may not view Milwaukee all that favorably, too.

KUCINICH: That's right. I do think though. I mean, who knows? Maybe -- there's someone like a Paul Ryan who recently came out and said he's not voting for Trump, son of Janesville.

RAJU: Yes.

KUCINICH: So if you have --

RAJU: Not too far away.

KUCINICH: Yeah, but if you have voters, like someone who was born and raised in Wisconsin, like a Paul Ryan who is looking at what Trumps doing. It doesn't like what see you know, perhaps saying that the city next door isn't great. Who knows?

RAJU: Yes. All right. We'll see how long that story line last or if Trump addresses it later today.

All right. Jack Kucinich, thanks for that.

KUCINICH: Thanks, Manu.

RAJU: Up next, an anti-West alignment deepens as Vladimir Putin makes a rare visit to North Korea.

Plus, Senator Chuck Schumer trying to revive a Trump era ban.

And fast-moving wildfires scorching the west.



RAJU: All right. In just a few hours, Russian President Vladimir Putin arrives in Pyongyang for a two-day visit to North Korea. The goal: to strengthen military ties between the two countries. But the trip is raising concerns for the U.S. and its allies, both in Europe and the Pacific about Kim Jong-un support from Moscow and its war on Ukraine.

CNN's Will Ripley has more from Taipei.


RIPLEY (voice-over): The North Korean capital Pyongyang preparing a supersized socialist's welcome for Russian President Vladimir Putin, a pariah in the free world, in Kim Jong-un's world, an invincible comrade in arms.


North Korean propaganda praising Putin's first Pyongyang trip in 24 years. He met Kim's father in 2000, months after becoming president. Kim Jong-un was still a teenager.

Moscow-Pyongyang ties today, the strongest since the Cold War, a grave and growing threat, say Seoul and Washington. They accused Kim of supplying weapons to Putin's army in Ukraine, in exchange for advanced military technology, possibly boosting Kim's ballistic missile and spy satellite programs, which could make Kim's growing nuclear arsenal more accurate, experts warn.

For years, North Korea has been threatening to use nukes against the U.S. in and the event of war. In April, Kim was quoted in state media. Now is the time to be more thoroughly prepared for a war than ever before.

SCOTT SNYDER, PRESIDENT AND CEO, KOREA ECONOMIC INSTITUTE OF AMERICA: The relationship really is built on a transactional relationship, not on mutual trust.

RIPLEY: The North Korean leader's lavish armored limousine, a gift from the Russian strongman, a symbol of Kim's strategic pivot away from failed U.S. diplomacy with former President Donald Trump, which experts say left Kim furious and humiliated.

SNYDER: So far, it seems like the doors shut and I would say that for North Korea and for Kim Jong-un, the real message is beware betrayal.

RIPLEY: Leaving President Joe Biden with very little leverage to pursue the fading prospect of North Korean denuclearization.

Satellite images of Pyongyang in recent days show possible preparations for a massive celebration. The Kremlin, unfazed by Western warnings, claiming it has every right to create closer kinship with neighbors.

The stakes are high. The symbolism powerful observers say Putin and Kim's dangerous alliance is bigger than politics, a defiant message from two leaders determined to take down on the U.S.


RIPLEY (on camera): And that is why the White House has saying it is deeply troubled by this deepening relationship between Russia and North Korea. The Kremlin saying that Kim and Putin are expected to sign a new strategic partnership agreement replacing previous documents signed in 1961, 2000, 2001. And the power dynamic between the two leaders has changed so much over the last 24 years since Putin visited Pyongyang.

Kim is no longer an accessory or an afterthought like his father or his grandfather were to the Russian leaders. He is vital to Putin's strategic mission in Ukraine, and he knows it.

Will Ripley, CNN, Taipei.

RAJU: All right. Ahead, a dangerous heatwave impacting millions this week from Dallas to Boston.

Pus, why McDonald is pulling the plugs -- pulling the plug on the voice order A.I. at its drive-thru.


RAJU: All right. Twenty-one minutes past the hour. And here's your morning roundup.

Democrats are trying to pass a ban on bump stocks as soon as today, less than a week after the Supreme Court invalidated an existing ban. Republicans are expected to block the measure even though the ban was originally Donald Trump's idea.

McDonald's pulling A.I.-powered voice ordering from drive-through and leaving it to humans for now. Testing was launched in 2021, but some customers complain the tech got even the simplest orders wrong.

Now, two fast-moving wildfires near tribal land in south central New Mexico forcing the evacuation involving 5,000 residents from a small village. Fire officials say nearly 7,000 acres have burned.

And also this morning, record-breaking heat in the east and a potential storm brewing in the Gulf of Mexico.

Meteorologist Allison Chinchar is tracking it all.

Allison, what are you seeing?

ALLISON CHINCHAR, CNN METEOROLOGIST: All right. So let's take a look at this video from New Mexico yesterday. Again, you can see how close some of those flames came to the city itself. That's why a lot of those folks were evacuated, still zero percent containment for the South Fork Fire for those who are unfamiliar with where does. You can see its kind of dislocation of southern New Mexico.

Now for today, there is still a forecast for some potential fire weather today, elevated risk and a lot of these areas. You've got those strong winds, above average temperatures and those very low humidities kind of creating that perfect, those perfect combination of ingredients for the potential for fire spread. The other story were watching is yes, the heat because of how many people are affected by this.

Over 80 percent of the U.S. population is expecting to have a temperature at or above 90 degrees at some point this week. Now, the bulk of those folks that are expecting the records are going to be focused into the Northeast and the Midwest. But you'll notice we still have some dots in the southeast. We still have some out west.

So a lot of areas could end up seeing some records, more than 150 of them, potentially setting some high temperature records over the next five to seven days. Here's a look at today's heat index. So that's the combination of both the temperature and the humidity.

It's going to feel like 100 today in Cincinnati, 97 in Chicago, 103 for that feels like all the way up in Syracuse, New York, looking at about 96 in Nashville.

Pittsburgh, the concern here is the prolonged nature of this heatwave average, this time of year, right about 80, every single one of the next seven days will be well above that. But for a lot of them, you're talking 10 to 15 degrees above that, not to mention those overnight low temperatures really wont have a chance to cool back down.

And yes, keeping an eye on this potential tropical cyclone. One is it continues to develop likely into a tropical storm in the next 24 to 48 hours.


But the main concern here is the amount of heavy rain it will bring to Texas.

RAJU: Brutal temperatures ahead. Let's hope some relief is coming in the days ahead.

Allison Chinchar, thanks for that.

And just ahead for us, GOP primary in Virginia putting the power of a Trump endorsement to the test.

Plus, why Vladimir Putin's visit to North Korea has the White House and so concerned.


JIMMY FALLON, COMEDIAN: In response to Putin get together with Kim Jong Un, President Biden said: This meeting between two dictators should be closely monitored, while Trump was like "FOMO!"