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Donors Stress Over Path Forward After Biden's Debate Performance; Atlanta Journal Constitution, Chicago Tribune Editorial Boards Call On President Biden To Drop Out; Philadelphia Inquirer Calls On Trump To Drop Out Of Race; Biden And Family Heading To Camp David Today For Long-Planned Photo Shoot; Democrats Ignore Questions On Whether Biden Should Remain On Ticket; Hurricane Beryl Intensifying As It Approaches The Caribbean; Beryl Strengthens To A Category 2 Hurricane; Supreme Court To Rule On Trump Immunity Case On Monday; Polls Open In First Round Of France's Legislative Elections; Suspected Terror Attack In Serbia At Israeli Embassy; U.S. Proposes New Language To Revive Israel-Hamas Ceasefire Talks; Deliberations Resume Monday In Karen Read Murder Case; Florida Man Expected To Recover After Shark Bite. Aired 6-7a ET

Aired June 30, 2024 - 06:00   ET



VICTOR BLACKWELL, CNN ANCHOR: Good morning. Good morning. Welcome to CNN THIS MORNING. It's Sunday, June 30th. The last day of June already. Are you ready for July?

ISABEL ROSALES, CNN ANCHOR: I am so ready, and for the fourth.

BLACKWELL: Yes, it is coming. I'm Victor Blackwell.

ROSALES: And I'm Isabel Rosales in for Amara Walker. Here's what we're working on for you this morning. Pressure campaigns. The editorial boards of separate swing-state newspapers are calling on both President Biden and former President Trump to bow out of the 2024 race for the White House. We are going in depth on all of it straight ahead.

BLACKWELL: The first hurricane of the 2024 Atlantic season is now a Category 2 and closing in on the Caribbean. Meteorologist Elisa Raffa is here to track the life-threatening wind, the storm surge, and if we could see any impact here in the U.S.

ROSALES: And we are just a day away from a consequential Supreme Court ruling that could let former President Trump off the legal hook in his criminal cases. What are legal experts are watching out for in that case that could reshape presidencies.

BLACKWELL: And shark attacks have officials on both U.S. coasts on high alert. People are packing the beaches this summer. Be careful while experts say were seeing more of these attacks ahead.

Well today, President Biden and his family will be at Camp David for what sources tell us is a long-planned photo shoot. But of course, looming large over this family event is the president's poor performance at CNN's presidential debate. Multiple senior advisers insist the family gathering is not aimed at discussing whether or not the president will stay in the race.

ROSALES: This comes as Democrats are scrambling to reassure voters the president is up to the task, including former Democratic presidential candidate Howard Dean.


HOWARD DEAN (D), FORMER PRESIDENTIAL CANDIDATE: I've been in this business a long time. Patience and toughness is what you need to get through, and Biden has both of those.

Now, if he does this again, it's a major problem. But he is -- I don't think he will do it again. I don't know what went wrong with the preparation but something did. And I -- but, you know, this is one mistake five months before the election.

This is not the time to panic. We've got to buckle down, figure out what's going on, give the president time to make the right decision. And I think he will make the right decision. I suspect the right decision is to stay in.


ROSALES: The newspaper editorial boards, they are not convinced. Newspapers and some of the biggest cities in the country are sounding the alarm on both candidates.

On Saturday, the "Atlanta Journal-Constitution" and the "Chicago Tribune's" editorial boards called on Biden to leave the race. While the "Philadelphia Inquirer" called on Trump to back out. Saying simply, "To serve his country, Donald Trump should leave the race."

BLACKWELL: And despite the panic within the Democratic Party, the campaign says it raised $27 million on debate night and the day after. The campaign is using to tamper any unrest. CNN's Camila DeChalus is joining us now from Washington, D.C. Camila, what's the president saying?

CAMILA DECHALUS, CNN WHITE HOUSE REPORTER: President Biden has publicly acknowledged this weekend that he did not have a great debate night, and he even acknowledged the "New York Times'" editorial board that is calling for him to step down.

But the big message that he's putting out there, Victor and Isabel, is he's trying to say that voters should not compare him to former President Donald Trump. And he keeps reiterating how Trump would destroy democracy. And that at the end of the day, he is trying to put forth policies and enact legislation that has the best interests of the American people and that is what's important and what's at stake.

Now, as you mentioned, the campaign has reiterated that the campaign has raised $27 million. And this is coming at a time that after the debate, there was a lot of concerns among Democratic voters and donors about whether President Biden should step down and someone should take his place, and whether he should move forward.

But what he's trying to say on this weekend is he's really trying to reiterate this message that even though he did not have a good debate night, that it should not erase or diminish the work that he has done while being in the Oval Office. And that is really something that the American people should focus on.

So right now, his campaign and him are playing defense where they're acknowledging that the debate night was not the best, but saying that there is a path forward and he's going to continue to run this race.

BLACKWELL: Camila DeChalus in Washington, thank you.


Joining us now, Axios congressional reporter Stephen Neukam. Stephen, good morning to you. First, let's say this meeting that's happening today, it's a photo shoot. The White House says that it has been planned for some time. But if there is a change of path, the people who are with the president today will be the ones who can affect that change.

STEPHEN NEUKAM, CONGRESSIONAL REPORTER, AXIOS: Good morning. Yes, that's right. The people who he is with today and some of the most senior leaders in the Democratic Party includes folks like former House Speaker Nancy Pelosi, James Clyburn, obviously Senate Majority Leader Chuck Schumer. If these talks are to be taken seriously, the talks about moving on from Biden at the top of the ticket, it's going to have to come from, you know, these folks who actually talk to him and who have legitimate power in the party.

BLACKWELL: You have reporting that Senate Majority Leader Chuck Schumer was open to other options if the president performed poorly at the debate. Tell us about that because, obviously, there is broad acknowledgment that the performance was poor.

NEUKAM: Yes, Schumer, who is a top Biden ally, he might be outside of Biden himself responsible for getting Biden's agenda through Congress, through his first three-and-a-half years, was telling political allies in the run-up to the debate that the fact that it was held in June had two who political advantages. One of them was that if Biden bombed, that, he would have time to recover. There's four-and-a-half months to Election Day.

But also, perhaps most interestingly, he was telling them that it would give the Democratic Party an opportunity to find an alternative and find a different route if the performance was as bad maybe as it turned out to be. And I think it shows internally, some of the top sort of corridors of the party that there was an acknowledgement. One, that it could be this bad and that there is an acknowledgment that, look, we may have to go in another direction.

BLACKWELL: So, we know that Chuck Schumer is backing the president and his candidacy publicly. Is that what he's saying privately? Is he still full-throatedly behind the president? NEUKAM: Yes, that's what we're hearing. Look, he's not sort of plotting any scheme to get the president off the top of the ticket. But I think it tells us two important things.

One, again, there was even in the run-up to the debate itself, before the debate even happened there was acknowledgement within Democratic leadership that this could happen, and it could be a very poor performance. But two, I think it shows us that their worst fears, their worst nightmares were sort of realized on the debate stage on Thursday night.

And I think in front of Democratic leaders is an array of options. And I think it shows us that one of those options seriously is moving on from President Biden.

BLACKWELL: So, let's put leadership aside now and talk about rank-and- file members within the party. Our Manu Raju tried to catch up with some members of Congress to get their reaction to the president's performance. He heard from some, and then this was the reaction from a couple of members. Watch this.


MANU RAJU, CNN CHIEF CONGRESSIONAL CORRESPONDENT: Do you think there should be a new candidate?


UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: Are you committed to President Biden?



BLACKWELL: You know, no comment from several Democratic members. No comment is comment in this scenario. Is there concern about the down ballot impact for these other members of Congress?

NEUKAM: Yes. Well, the silence on Capitol Hill, Friday morning, was sort of deafening. Only the House was in -- we didn't get a chance to talk to any of the senators. But yes, of course, there is concerns about how this could affect down ballot races, talking to House Democrats.

But also -- look, when you talk about Senate Majority Leader Chuck Schumer, he's worried about protecting his majority. They have an incredibly tough map. They have seven, eight, nine races that they need to protect. And if you look at the battleground state polling right now, Chuck Schumer's candidates almost across the board are outrunning President Biden.

So, there's already an acknowledgment that they're doing better than the president in these states and fears that he could sort of affect those performances. And I think that that is only enhanced and intensified after the Thursday debate. BLACKWELL: Let's talk about some of these editorial boards. "New York Times," "Atlanta Journal-Constitution" now, "Chicago Tribune," all calling for the president to drop out of the race. It's hard to know, maybe at this point, if they will reach critical mass, or if there will be some detached background noise.


What's the significance today of these editorials piling up?

NEUKAM: Well, I think it sort of legitimizes the cause a little bit. Look, I think that some of this has subsided just a bit. And I think the reality is, look, we're going to have to wait two to three weeks to get actual serious polling back. The president was already down, as I said, in a number of these critical battleground states. Let's see what the polling says.

Look, if party leaders and the DNC and then folks who are in charge see that he's slipping even more, I think, that this conversation becomes more serious. And I think that the editorial boards across the country -- again, some of these papers are in the states that the president absolutely, you know, needs to win, and in cities where turnout will be key. But we're really going to have to wait to see, I think, a week -- a few weeks now -- from now to see what the polling looks like.

BLACKWELL: And we know the party and the campaign they are doing that work now to determine the damage done from Thursday night's debate. Stephen Neukam, thanks so much.

Right now, hurricane warnings are in effect for parts of the Caribbean, including Barbados, St. Lucia, the Windward Islands.

ROSALES: Emergency officials are urging everyone to get ready now as Beryl, the first hurricane of the season, approaches and gain strengths. CNN's Elisa Raffa joins us now. And, Elisa, I mean, we're -- granted it's the last day of June, but we're talking about a hurricane. That's not supposed to happen for another month.

ELISA RAFFA, CNN METEOROLOGIST: Yes. We are way ahead of schedule when it comes to a hurricane this far east too and it's intensifying rapidly. We're expecting additional rapid intensification as we go through the day today. Already rapid intensified yesterday from a tropical storm. It's already a Category 2 hurricane right now with winds at 100 miles per hour. Some gusts to 120 miles per hour as it continues to move West.

But way ahead of schedule to see a hurricane. Typically, our first or -- our second named storm of the year comes July 17th. The average first hurricane is in August. And the average first major hurricane, that hurricane that gets to Category 3 strength or higher, is September 1st.

So, way ahead of schedule because these oceans are just so warm. And we'll continue to find it rapidly intensify again could hit the Windward Islands as a Category 4 hurricane as it continues to trek through the Caribbean Sea. Some of that intensity could wane as it gets towards some of the other islands. But again, continuing to keep that intensity.

There have only been five other Category 4 hurricanes in July. So, this could be, again, one of the earliest Category 4 storms on record. Again, Dennis, Emily are some of the other ones that we've seen in this area. And it's because these sea surface temperatures are just incredibly warm, three to five degrees above average.

ROSALES: Water temps three to five degrees. That's crazy. And we're just, again, in June to think that that could go up even higher. All right. Elisa Raffa, thank you.

The Supreme Court is set to end this current session with a bang. Tomorrow, we will know whether former President Trump has any kind of immunity in the criminal cases against him. We are going in depth with legal expert Joey Jackson. That's straight ahead.

BLACKWELL: Plus, as an impasse in the Israel-Hamas war. Why Hamas says Israel's latest proposal for permanent ceasefire and complete withdrawal of Israeli forces from Gaza falls short.

ROSALES: And we are on verdict watch in the high-profile trial of a Massachusetts woman charged with murdering her police officer boyfriend. The judge's message to the jury a little later on CNN THIS MORNING.



ROSALES: The Supreme Court is saving its most anticipated ruling for last. On Monday, the final day of its term, the court will issue its decision on whether or not former President Donald Trump can be prosecuted for federal election subversion charges.


DONALD TRUMP, FORMER PRESIDENT OF THE UNITED STATES: We fight like hell. And if you don't fight like hell, you're not going to have a country anymore.

We're going to the Capitol. We're going to try and give our Republicans, the weak ones, because the strong ones don't need any of our help. We're going to try and give them the kind of pride and boldness that they need to take back our country.


ROSALES: That was January 6. Trump is accused of sparking the attack on the Capitol. He says he is immune from prosecution because he was president at the time. The court's ruling and the timing of it could have major implications for the presidential race.

Here to talk about it all is CNN legal analyst Joey Jackson. Joey, good morning to you. All right, Joey. JOEY JACKSON, CNN LEGAL ANALYST: Good morning, Isabel. Good to be with you.

ROSALES: Yes, thank you for coming on. And now, this is likely to be the most talked about ruling from the Supreme Court this year. How do you think the nation's highest court will decide tomorrow, if you have a crystal ball you're looking at? And also back in April, we had the oral arguments in front of the court. Were there any hints or clues there as to how they might go with this?

JACKSON: Yes, you know, Isabel, I think the clue was that they won't go the standard route and they'll do something a little different than we expect. And so, let me lay out what I perceive to be the path forward.

The one path would simply be to say that there's no immunity. And I think that there would be a legal basis for that. Remember, at the district court level, we have the trial judge to say that a president is not a king. There are rules, no one is above the law. That was really sustained by the district court.


Not only the district court, but the appellate court, that is the Court of Appeals, who said essentially the same thing that there is no immunity from the prosecution. And so, the Supreme Court could take that route as a balance and say, there's no immunity, nothing to see here, let's go. That probably won't happen.

The second thing that they could do is do something a little bit more nuanced. Remember that a significant decision the court needs to make, I think, is what's official and what's unofficial. And so, you could see this nuanced decision as it relates to the president's immunity as it relates to official act. But it's no immunity as it relates to unofficial act.

And if they did that, that gets to the third point, which is the Supreme Court can then remand it down to the trial court for further findings consistent with that opinion. Consistent how? Consistent with making there be a determination from the trial court as to what's official and what's not. I'll go a step further.

They could even layout a standard for what that means. And that standard could be a factual determination which would be a jury determination and not a judicial determination. And that would lead to even more confusion. So, there's a lot of options here, but the one option that I would say is that, and the one thing we should note is, yes, this is immediately about Trump.

But remember, Supreme Court speaks for the entirety of the country and it speaks not only to the issues that are presently before them but it speaks to future generations. And so, when you say, Isabel, that it's a significant ruling, wow, it is a very significant ruling that we all await on Monday.

ROSALES: Right. And the stakes couldn't be any higher. Certainly, impacting presidencies to come. And as you mention, Trump himself and these cases against him. What sort of implications could we be looking at?

JACKSON: Yes, I think, the most immediate implication in terms of, you know, we just saw him speaking as it relates to the insurrection and what occurred on that day, and as it relates to the election subversion case, we could see an outright dismissal of that. Because the court could really pronounce the fact that, hey, the president was acting in his official capacity.

I don't think though that's a Supreme Court determination. I think that, again, it's more nuance. I think there's a distinction between candidate Trump and President Trump. And I think that distinguishing between official and unofficial act is significant.

As it relates to the classified documents case, Isabel, those actions took place after his presidency. And so, I think we'll see none, but the issue in terms of implications of this decision.

But I think the major issue, though, is the delay, delay, delay. And what the court does here and we know there's an election pending, there's a Republican convention pending, that because the court even entertain this, we may not even get to any of these cases. And then, of course, if candidate Trump becomes President Trump again, of course, the cases will then be dismissed.

I think in large measure he'll just say, you know what? Department of Justice get rid of them. So, we'll see what happens.

ROSALES: Right. And if it is that more nuanced route, as you said, kicking it back to the lower courts that's a win for Trump because that would be delaying, delaying, delaying.

Let me ask you this, Joey, what part of January 6 and the attack on the Capitol is Trump arguing was official business?

JACKSON: So, what you can say is the conventional wisdom, or at least in Trump's team, is that listen as the president of the United States, I have an absolute obligation to ensure election integrity. And in that regard, it's all official.

I wasn't acting as a candidate. I was just saying, listen, people have a right to protest, people have a right to do what they do. You know, I may have said some things which are political speech and they are protected. But because I have an absolute right to ensure that this country runs smoothly, efficiently, and effectively, and I think that there could have been fraud then everything I did was official.

Of course, you get the other side, Isabel, which is nonsense. You're acting as a candidate. You're acting to contain power. And as a result of that, they were unofficial acts. So, that's the nuanced issue that has to be determined. And that's what could lead to the delay, the delay, and the delay.

ROSALES: And also, important to note that Trump's own attorney argued during oral arguments that many of his actions -- his client's actions that day were, in fact, private. So, we'll see how this decision comes down tomorrow. Joey Jackson, thank you for your time.

And be sure to tune in tomorrow. We'll have special coverage of the Trump immunity ruling. That is starting at 10:00 a.m. eastern right here on CNN.

BLACKWELL: Still to come, a police officer was shot at Israel's embassy in Serbia. We have the latest on the investigation.



BLACKWELL: Happening now in France, the first round of voting in a snap parliamentary election called by President Emmanuel Macron. It has the potential to force Macron into a partnership with hard-right leaders in the government.

Macron called for the snap election, the first since 1997, earlier this month after his party lost ground in European parliament to the far-right National Rally party. This first round of votes usually eliminates weaker candidates ahead of the second round next Sunday.

Police officer -- a police officer has been injured in a suspected terror attack at the Israeli embassy in Belgrade, Serbia.

ROSALES: Now, that officer was shot in the neck with an arrow. Authorities say the officer was able to fire back, shooting the suspect who later died. Serbia's interior minister says several people linked to the attack have been arrested. He also said there were indications those involved were known to police as part of an extremist Islamic group.

A source tells CNN the Biden administration has introduced new language to help bridge gaps in ceasefire negotiations between Israel and Hamas. The revised deal comes after Hamas' proposed amendments to the original three-part plan proposed by the Biden administration back in May.


BLACKWELL: Last week, Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu told Israel's Channel 14 that he was ready to make a "partial deal with Hamas to return only some hostages from Gaza" -- excuse me, which was at odds with the U.S. proposed deal. Netanyahu later walked back those comments after facing Fierce backlash from families of the hostages and several Israeli politicians.

Elliot Gotkine is live in London with the latest. So, what do we know about this new language?

ELLIOTT GOTKINE, JOURNALIST: Victor, we don't have a huge amount of details about the new -- the nature of the new language. All we do know is from this senior U.S. Administration official is that this language is designed to try to bridge the gaps between Israel and Hamas that have been preventing this deal from getting over the line. Now, it's been almost a month to the day since President Biden made that announcement to much fanfare about a ceasefire proposal that he said that Israel had already signed off on. Since then, there has been pressure from the U.S. on the mediators, the Egyptians and the Qataris to put pressure on Hamas to agree to this deal so that those hostages can be released, around 120 of them, about a third of whom are believed to be dead already, and also, of course, to get a ceasefire in Gaza.

But that just hasn't happened, and so we do seem to be going around in circles here. For months now, these conversations have been taking place. And then a month ago we had this plan announced by President Biden but we just don't seem to be getting over the line. Now, we heard from a Hamas spokesman on Saturday in Beirut saying that the proposals outlined by President Biden still don't meet their demands, and that any discussion that doesn't incorporate those demands, namely a complete cessation of hostilities and a full withdrawal of Israeli forces from the Gaza Strip, any discussions would be a waste of time if they don't include those demands.

Israel for its part even though it says it has signed up to the language and to the to the proposal that President Biden announced, still insists that that proposal doesn't preclude it from fulfilling its war objectives of destroying the military and governance capabilities of Hamas. And the problem right now really seems to be that Israel is sticking to its red line of still being able to uh destroy Hamas militarily and its governance capabilities. Hamas obviously doesn't want to be destroyed military -- or militarily or have its governance capabilities destroyed either.

And so, you have these kinds of mutually opposing red lines from either side. And as a result of that, we still are not seeing any sign of a breakthrough. The U.S. Administration will be hoping that some kind of revised language may be able to plug the gaps. But history shows that whenever we get optimistic about a deal being done, those hopes are very quickly dashed. Victor, Isabel?

BLACKWELL: Elliott, thank you so much.

Joining me now is CNN Global Affairs Analyst Kimberly Dozier. Good morning to you. So, let's talk about this new language. It focuses on the period during the first of three phases of the proposal where Israel and Hamas were expected to start more negotiations with the attention of active a second phase.

It sounds very complicated when the disagreement here is very clear and sharp. What's the promise of this new language finessing the words in the proposal when what they want it's very obvious that they're not going to at least at this phase get to that agreement?

KIMBERLY DOZIER, CNN GLOBAL AFFAIRS ANALYST: Well, this proposal does much like the Oslo Peace Accords did way back when in terms of Palestinian-Israeli peace. It leaves the hard stuff to the middle and later phase. And what Hamas is saying is they want some of that move to the first phase. Hamas is saying we want demilitarization, the IDF withdrawal from Gaza, and we want a permanent ceasefire. Israel is saying trust but verify, we want to see that you actually give more of those hostages back before we get into discussions about demilitarization and an eventual permanent ceasefire.

Plus, Netanyahu is still saying that he hasn't given up on the complete destruction of Hamas. What you've got are two sides each trying to make sure that they survive. Hamas needs the demilitarization and the permanent ceasefire so that every last one of its leaders doesn't get hunted down by the IDF. For Netanyahu's part, if he agrees to either a ceasefire permit permanently or a withdrawal, his government coalition will collapse. He's got hardline members who've said that's a nonstarter, if they pull out, that would trigger elections. And all the current opinion polls show that Netanyahu would lose those elections.

BLACKWELL: Let me ask you also about the rhetoric between Israel and Iran about a potential for a full-fledged war with Hezbollah. The Iranians have said that there would be obliterating war if Israel goes on this full-fledged attack against Hezbollah and Israel has said that a regime that threatens destruction deserves to be destroyed. Is a full-scale war between Israel and Hezbollah in Lebanon more likely, increasingly likely?


DOZIER: Possible but nobody wants it. The IDF is tired. It's run out of recruits. Right now, there's a move within the Israeli government to, as ordered by the Israeli high court, to even draft ultra- religious ready men who have been previously not -- allowed not to serve so what's happening is the IDF is not ready for another full- scale war. It's in a holding action against Hezbollah in the north even as it makes plans if a war is forced on it.

However, some members of the government want a full full-scale war against Hezbollah. Hezbollah meanwhile has something like 150,000 weapons, missiles, some of them very sophisticated, that could reach every major Israeli city. And as us officials have told CNN and Israeli officials previously said, too many missiles for Iron Dome to fight off and some of them, many of them would get through and cause many civilian casualties. So, that's why it's a war that nobody wants, but that's why Iran keeps threatening it.

BLACKWELL: Let me ask you about the domestic issue of the day and the impact on global politics. If President Biden were to decide that he is not going to run for reelection, what would be the impact globally of that announcement?

DOZIER: You know, it depends on who he anoints as a possible successor and what their election chances are. I've talked to diplomats for months who give me mixed reviews of what it's like to meet with Biden. Some say he is cogent on target in briefings, runs complicated meetings well. Others say that they've seen these lapses like we all saw on the debate and that sparks concern.

But they're even more afraid of a Donald Trump presidency, those that I've spoken to because of what it might mean for Ukraine. They're afraid that Donald Trump would be too close to Russia, maybe even do deals with China that would leave many of the U.S.'s Western allies holding the short end of the stick in charge of uh defending Ukraine themselves and possibly facing Trump strong-arming Ukraine into giving up territory to make peace with Russia.

BLACKWELL: All right, Kimberly Dozier, good to have you on a Sunday. Thank you.

ROSALES: And still to come, jurors in the Karen Read trial say they can't reach a verdict. What is next in this legal drama?

And be sure to watch "THE WHOLE STORY" with Anderson Cooper tonight on CNN. CNN's Boris Sanchez takes a deeper look at the conflict between fishermen and shark conservationists.


BORIS SANCHEZ, CNN CORRESPONDENT (voiceover): Cristina Zenato aims to heal those wounded by fishing hooks.

CRISTINA ZENATO, SHARK BEHAVIORIST: So, when a shark shows up with a hook, I try to see where the hook is lodged. If the shark is willing, I maybe stop the shark, try to grab the hook.

SANCHEZ: Do you think the shark knows you're trying to help it?

ZENATO: Yes, I do, otherwise, why was she keep coming back when it hurts? Because trying to remove a hook hurts. But she'll do a tight circle and come back in.

SANCHEZ (voiceover): In 30 years of removing more than 350 hooks, Zenato says, she's never been bitten by a shark.

ZENATO: They can be sometimes demanding, but the satisfaction of being able to relieve a shark of that presence is enormous.


ROSALES: Watch "DEEP DIVE: THE SHARK WARS" on "THE WHOLE STORY" with Anderson Cooper tonight at 8:00 p.m. Eastern and Pacific. Stick around.



ROSALES: The jury in the Karen Read murder trial will resume deliberations tomorrow morning. And it has been more than three days of jurors not able to come to a unanimous decision in this case.

BLACKWELL: Read is accused of being drunk when she backed over her police officer boyfriend John O'Keefe with a car and then driving off. His body was later found in the cold.

ROSALES: CNN's Legal Correspondent Jean Casarez has more on the circus-like scene outside of the courthouse, plus the starkly different theories being presented as to how O'Keefe ended up dead. JEAN CASAREZ, CNN LEGAL CORRESPONDENT: It was on Friday, a little bit

before the lunch hour that the jury submitted a note to the court saying despite our exhaustive review of the evidence we have been unable to reach a verdict. So, the judge told them, go back into the jury room and continue to deliberate. They did that until about at 4:30 on Friday, said they were finished for the week. The jury -- the judge said, go back home, have a good weekend, we'll see you back here on Monday morning.

But there are so many supporters of Karen Read here at the courthouse. They wear pink T-shirts. They have pictures of her. They brought their children who are out of school. They have pom poms. They chant that Karen Read should be freed. They also always yell out when they see her coming in and out of the courthouse. So, it -- the environment is very different from what we normally see at a trial.


But the prosecution is saying this was murder and they are alleging that Karen Read and her then-boyfriend John O'Keefe were at a party in January of 2022 and that they went to an afterparty which was filled with police officer friends and their spouses.

Now, the testimony showed that Karen Read was driving her car, John O'Keefe was in it. When they got to that house, Karen Read didn't get out but John O'Keefe did. And the prosecutors, through their witnesses and in argument, are saying that when John O'Keefe got out of the car and got to a certain position behind the car, that Karen Read put the car in reverse, and forensic testimony showed she went 24 miles hour backed into John O'Keefe, hitting him and leaving him out in the cold, and she drove away.

The defense is saying, she did leave. She didn't go into the party because she wasn't feeling well. But she didn't hit John O'Keefe. What happened was John O'Keefe went into the house of the afterparty and there began to be an altercation, a fight. Beyond that, a large dog in the house started to maul him. And it was people in the house that took his body and threw it out in the snow. Well, a blizzard started at that point and his body wasn't discovered until 6:00 the next morning.

But this jury has a lot of issues because the defense is saying that Karen Read was framed, framed by law enforcement, that she is innocent. The prosecution entirely different theory with second-degree murder, voluntary manslaughter, involuntary manslaughter, homicide by a vehicle, and also alleging that her alcohol level was well beyond the legal limit.

Jean Casarez, CNN Dedham, Massachusetts.

BLACKWELL: Still to come, a man in Florida is recovering after a shark attack. Why experts say we're hearing about more of these attacks?



BLACKWELL: A man in Florida is expected to recover after a shark bit his right arm. This happened off Florida's East Coast.

ROSALES: Now, according to Florida Fish and Wildlife Conservation, shark attacks peak in Florida waters from April to October. CNN's Ivan Rodriguez joins us now. And Ivan, it feels like we've been talking about shark attacks quite a bit lately.

IVAN RODRIGUEZ, CNN CORRESPONDENT: Victor, Isabel, shark attacks are characterized as unusual but have been occurring steadily this summer season. In the last month, we've actually reported on five different incidents involving shark attacks from Florida to California and Hawaii. Here's an overview of those latest incidents.

Last Sunday, on the North Shore of Oahu Hawaii, professional Surfer, lifeguard, and actor Tamayo Perry died following an apparent shark attack. That same day in North Carolina, a 14-year-old boy was bitten in the leg by a shark. About a month ago, a 46-year-old man required surgery after he was bitten multiple times by a shark while swimming off the coast of San Diego. Soon after, in Walton County, Florida, three people were injured in two separate shark attacks within just 90 minutes of each other at neighboring beaches.

Here's what officials had to say about the incident.


RYAN CRAWFORD, CHIEF, SOUTH WALTON FIRE DISTRICT: They're highly unusual. And it's extremely unusual for two to happen in the same afternoon within four miles of one another.


RODRIGUEZ: Despite natural fears though, experts still say the chance of getting bitten is extremely low. So low in fact that the Florida Fish and Wildlife Conservation Commission says humans are actually 30 times more likely to be struck by lightning than bitten by a shark in Florida.

The International Shark Attack File says last year there were 69 unprovoked shark attacks around the world. Of those, over half of them were in the U.S., two of which were fatal. The Florida Fish and Wild Conservation Commission says the increase we've seen in shark bites over the years is more related to an increase in human visitors than an increase in shark populations or activity.

Victor, Isabel, back to you.

ROSALES: And still to come, car dealerships and customers feel the effects of a massive cyberattack. It could take months if not years to recover.

BLACKWELL: Coral reefs are dying off at an alarming rate. In today's "START SMALL THINK BIG," we visit a farm on Grand Bahama that's working to restore the reef's benefits and the beneath the waves by growing coral on land.


SIMON DIXON, AQUACULTURE OPERATIONS MANAGER, CORAL VITA: Welcome to Coral Vita. We are a coral restoration facility. And our aim is to be the first for-profit company within restoration. We see that as leveraging a brand-new industry. We can generate Revenue by completing contracts and then that money can be put back into the business to push science forward.

What we'll do is we'll take one of these corals and then we turn them into micro-fragments. So, by cutting them, essentially what we're doing is we're encouraging faster growth than we would normally see from a larger parent colony. And we're looking for it to cover this plug before we then move it onto our next phase which is placing it onto a cookie. That way they'll communicate together and we'll actually fuse onto the cookie creating a much larger coral mass.

So, the benefit of a land-based farm is obviously the degree of control that we have over the environment so that we can provide the corals with exactly what they need to -- yes, to facilitate that fast growth that we're looking for. So, in a little under a year, this particular species of coral has gone from the ocean through the micro- fragmenting and is now ready to go back to the reef.

And our hope behind that is to obviously be able to push restoration forward and make a real difference in a much shorter time frame than we believe is currently possible.