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CNN This Morning

Rep. Melanie Stansbury (D-NM) is Interviewed about DOGE; Senators Vote on Hegseth Today; Michael Smerconish is Interviewed about Trump's First Week. Aired 6:30-7a ET

Aired January 24, 2025 - 06:30   ET





DONALD TRUMP, PRESIDENT OF THE UNITED STATES: To restore competence and effectiveness to our federal government. My administration will establish the brand new Department of Government Efficiency.


KASIE HUNT, CNN ANCHOR: President Donald Trump's new Department of Government Efficiency, or DOGE for short, officially established earlier this week after a first day executive order. The new entity, which plans to try to slash billions in government spending, will operate as part of the executive branch, and they will have a congressional arm, the House Subcommittee on DOGE.

My next guest, Ccongresswoman Melanie Stansbury, has been named the top Democrat on that committee. She tells "Axios" she'll, quote, "fight back against efforts to dismantle federal agencies to take away critical programs like Social Security and Medicaid and Medicare, and we'll fight back the dismantling - against the dismantling of environmental programs."

The man tapped to lead DOGE, Elon Musk, has shared little so far about his intentions for those programs.


MANU RAJU, CNN CHIEF CONGRESSIONAL CORRESPONDENT: Elon, is Social Security, and Medicare, is it off the table? Is it off the table?

UNIDENTIFIED MALE: Do you have any concerns about your (INAUDIBLE).


HUNT: And joining us now is Democratic Congresswoman Melanie Stansbury of New Mexico.

Congresswoman, thanks for being here.

REP. MELANIE STANSBURY (D-NM): It's great to be here.

HUNT: I want to talk a little bit about this - this subcommittee and how you think it is actually going to work. We have seen, in the initial kind of onslaught of executive orders, right, in this first week that a huge focus for President Trump is the federal workforce and trying to make impacts there.

You have started to talk to some of your Republican counterparts on this subcommittee. What's your understanding of what they're going to try to do?

STANSBURY: Well, at this point, we don't know what exactly they're up to, but my sense is, it's not good, whatever it's going to be.

You know, immediately after the election in November, the very first committee hearing that the Oversight Committee had was on DEI initiatives. And here we are this week, Donald Trump, of course, put on leave all of the federal employees who work on diversity initiatives. We believe that they're going to use the DOGE subcommittee to eviscerate the federal workforce. We think they're going to go after federal departments, agency heads. We think they're going to go after the retirement benefits and use it also to restructure the government as a way to be essentially a personal piggy bank for Elon Musk.

I mean, I think none of us really understand why Elon Musk is even interested in restructuring the government, except for that he has billions of dollars in federal contracts. And I think it's notable that up until the inauguration, he was operating his arm of DOGE out of SpaceX, which is the company that he has billions of dollars in front of the federal government with.

HUNT: Congresswoman, you mentioned retirement benefits and other ways to eviscerate the federal workforce. What's your understanding? I mean a lot of these employees are protected by unions. Is it possible for Republicans in Congress to take away federal retirement benefits?

STANSBURY: Oh, absolutely. I mean the entire Schedule F executive order that was signed by President Trump on Monday is designed to take away the protections that federal employees actually have. So, our unions have told us that actually there is - there is much less to fight back on in the way that the Schedule F order has been structured. But Congress essentially is the arm of our government that passes laws, that regulates everything from your benefits to how the federal workforce is structured. And so that's why there is a congressional arm.


So, this is intended to provide the congressional heft, if you will.

Now, I think it's notable that they put Marjorie Taylor Greene in charge of it on the Republican side. So, you have to ask, how serious are they or is this really a political stunt just to generate interest amongst their base in the nefarious stuff that they're about to do? HUNT: Let me ask you about Elon Musk as well, because, obviously, I

mean you mentioned SpaceX. He has all sorts of interests. He's also - came in, in the last 24 hours for criticism from the Anti-Defamation League, because he seemed to be joking about the Holocaust and -

STANSBURY: Shocking.

HUNT: And - and they wrote about - they put this up on - on Musk's platform, "making inappropriate, highly offensive jokes that trivialize the Holocaust, served to minimize the evil and inhumanity of Nazi crimes, denigrate the suffering of both victims and survivors, and insult the memory of the 6 million Jews murdered in the Shoah." And that's, of course, Jonathan Greenblatt as their leader. And, he says, Elon Musk, "the Holocaust is not a joke."

Are - are there going to be any recriminations for this from Republicans in Congress?

STANSBURY: Well, I mean, I think we have seen time and time again that Republicans do not hold members of their own allies accountable for their actions. I mean, look, they put Donald Trump back in the White House.

But, you know, I - if you actually look at the tweet that Elon Musk put out yesterday, I mean, it's - it's shocking. When I saw it, I just - I couldn't believe it.

But, on the other hand, you know, in addition to supporting Donald Trump, he's been endorsing and supporting these ultra-right wing fascist, Nazi, pseudo Nazi government entities across the world, including in Germany itself, where it's very clear even the arm gesture that he made in the inauguration ceremony that the German government says that is a Nazi salute.

So, I mean, I don't see my Republican colleagues turning their backs on him unless it becomes politically toxic for them. But they've clearly mobilized and allied themselves with the far right. And so there seems to be a level of comfort amongst my Republican colleagues that is frightening. And I think this is the kind of stuff that we warn the American people on as we were heading into this election, and we're seeing it play out now.

HUNT: All right, Congresswoman Melanie Stansbury, thanks very much for spending some time with us this morning. I appreciate it.

STANSBURY: Yes. Thank you.

HUNT: All right, coming up next here on CNN THIS MORNING, a flurry of executive orders. A sweeping pardon for all the January 6th rioters. And a speech on the world stage. Michael Smerconish here to discuss week one, and it was a whirlwind week, President Trump's second term.

Plus, fulfilling a campaign promise. President Trump orders the declassification of the JFK assassination files.

(BEGIN VIDEO CLIP) JIMMY KIMMEL, HOST, "JIMMY KIMMEL LIVE": JFK, RFK, Martin Luther King - he's also planning to declassify the KFC files. I finally get to the bottom of those secret herbs and spices.





MANU RAJU, CNN CHIEF CONGRESSIONAL CORRESPONDENT: Do you feel like you've gotten enough information about Mr. Hegseth?

SEN. LISA MURKOWSKI (R-AK): Yes, I - I actually feel I do.


HUNT: Alaska Senator Lisa Murkowski says she's seen enough about President Trump's choice to lead the Pentagon, Pete Hegseth.

On Thursday, Hegseth cleared a procedural vote in the Senate, setting up a final confirmation vote on his nomination as defense secretary for later on today. Murkowski was one of two Republican senators joining Susan Collins of Maine to break ranks with their party and vote against Hegseth's nomination.


SEN. SUSAN COLLINS (R-ME): In general, I do believe the president deserves deference, but, obviously, I take seriously the advice and consent role assigned to the Senate.


HUNT: In separate statements, both of these women senators called Hegseth's character and experience into questions. Senator Collins saying, quote, "he does not have the experience and perspective necessary to succeed in the job." And Senator Murkowski saying of Hegseth, quote, "he lacks that strength of character and good judgment that in all departments we need to have, but most particularly in the Department of Defense."

Hegseth has faced allegations of sexual assault and excessive drinking that he denies. But two more Republicans would have to join Murkowski and Collins, in addition to every Democrat, to sink his nomination.


SEN. THOM TILLIS (R-NC): Now I'm going through this last allegation. But unless I can point to specific, first-hand corroborated testimony, I'm not going to cave to pressure. I'm going to vote for his confirmation.

(END VIDEO CLIP) HUNT: All right, our panel is back.

Mike Dubke, this seems like it's on a glide path here. There were some eleventh hour pieces of new information.


HUNT: A former family member of Hegseth submitting an affidavit claiming she was told that if she were to come forward, there would be Republicans who would vote against Hegseth. It doesn't seem to be the case.

DUBKE: No, I think we saw that the two senators, Collins and Murkowski - look, for both of them this is on brand. So, I am not surprised by that one. One - one thing if I - if I thought this was going to be derailed on that procedural vote. You know, we've got Mitch McConnell out there. We've got Todd Young. We've got John Curtis. There are several other senators who may choose -

HUNT: And Thom Tillis there too.

DUBKE: Well, I - I think Tillis may be a little less. I - I - you know, I take Tillis at his word. I think he's voting for this.

HUNT: Yes.

DUBKE: But I kind of view Hegseth probably going forward.

What will be interesting is when we get to some of the other nominees. But this Hegseth vote tonight seems to be on a glide path, to quote somebody else.

ELLIOT WILLIAMS, CNN LEGAL ANALYST: Yes, and I'd also - I would also note, Thom Tillis is up for re-election in 2026.

DUBKE: So is Susan Collins - Susan Collins.

WILLIAMS: Yes. Right. If he's not scared by it, if it's not -


WILLIAMS: You know what I mean?


WILLIAMS: If it does not appear that all of the Republicans who are in tougher races are breaking one way, I just don't think they're that concerned about the nomination getting sunk.

DUBKE: Right.

ALEX THOMPSON, CNN POLITICAL ANALYST: Well, Thom Tillis is probably a little bit -

HUNT: Yes.


THOMPSON: He might be more concerned about his right than -

HUNT: Yes, exactly.



THOMPSON: And Susan Collins is worried about the middle because Maine versus North Carolina Republican primary.


THOMPSON: So, I mean, I take your point, though -


THOMPSON: That, like, this seems to be going forward.

The other interesting thing is, like, Peter - you know, Hegseth has no experience doing this job. And so, you know, now the hard part starts, as they say.

HUNT: Yes.

WILLIAMS: Yes, you know, so much - so much of the debate has been over the personal misconduct or alleged personal misconduct, and not the fact that you're talking about 3 million employees and an $800 billion budget.

HUNT: Well, that's hard enough to do sober, I think is the issue.

WILLIMAS: It's - well -

HUNT: I think the question is like, is he - is he - can he pick up the phone at three in the morning, right?

WILLIAMS: And we - and we forget that these are massive management roles.

HUNT: Right.

WILLIAMS: And is this person competent to do it?

KATE BEDINGFIELD, CNN POLITICAL COMMENTATOR: And he's - right. And he has struggled - I mean we've seen evidence that he has struggled to manage much, much, much smaller, less complicated organizations than the Department of Defense. So, this is one of those things where, you know, I agree with Mike, it seems very much like it's - it's on a glide path at this point, but it also means Republicans are going to own Secretary of Defense Pete Hegseth and the things that he does in that job. And that's where Democrats, I think, will - will start to focus their attention when it comes to - to Hegseth himself.

HUNT: Mike, who do you think is actually in trouble? Because I keep hearing - Tulsi Gabbard is the name that I keep hearing.

DUBKE: Yes, that's the name - I - I think that's the name that you're going to keep hearing.

HUNT: Yes.

DUBKE: It sounds like Senator McConnell is already a no vote. I mean, again, they have to get to - they have to get to - to four Republicans, assuming all the Democrats say - what was interesting in the Hegseth vote, actually, was that Fetterman voted against, which there had been some chatter that he was going to support Hegseth. So, I - you know -

HUNT: I think you could potentially see him support some Trump nominees that other Democrats have.


HUNT: Yes.

DUBKE: So, I - you know, is it four? Is it five? But Tulsi Gabbard, you know, Kash Patel, but I - I think he's all - I think he's going to be OK. I think RFK Jr. is going to be OK. It's really - it comes down to Tulsi Gabbard.

HUNT: That might come down to a hearing too depending on how that - how that one goes.

DUBKE: Yes, it may. It may.

HUNT: All right, let's turn now to the big picture of what we have seen from the second Trump administration. They have only been in office for a full - very busy full days. Already the president has issued a double digit blitz of executive orders as he ticks through a laundry list of campaign promises.


DONALD TRUMP, PRESIDENT OF THE UNITED STATES: Tonight, I'm going to be signing on the J-6 hostages, pardons.

UNIDENTIFIED MALE: Protecting women from radical gender ideologies.

TRUMP: Ooh, they'll have 100 percent tariff if they so much as even think about doing what they thought.

UNIDENTIFIED MALE: This next order relates to the definition of birthright citizenship under the 14th Amendment of the United States.

TRUMP: OK, that's a good one.

This is, to me, a very big thing, $500 billion Stargate project.

They didn't want the Kennedy stuff released, but I'm going to release them immediately.

I'm also taking swift action to stop the invasion at our southern border.

I signed an executive order to stop all government censorship.

I'm also going to ask all NATO nations to increase defense spending to 5 percent of GDP.

My team negotiated a ceasefire agreement in the Middle East.


HUNT: And it's worth noting, guys, that Friday has barely begun.

What does this first week tell us about the term ahead? Michael Smerconish is here to discuss. He's CNN political commentator, host of CNN's "SMERCONISH," and, of course, the star of Smerconish Friday's here on CNN THIS MORNING.

Michael, good morning.

This has been quite a week.

MICHAEL SMERCONISH, CNN POLITICAL COMMENTATOR: Kasie, first of all, congratulations to you on your upcoming move. I hope I'm allowed to say that.

HUNT: Oh, thank you.

SMERCONISH: It's much deserved, and looking forward to seeing you in the - in the afternoon. Yes, that's really wonderful, wonderful news.

So, it's been a fire hose of information thus far. And yes, the day is young. Who knows what today brings.

But what occurs to me is very few surprises. In other words, the things that are getting so much attention for those who paid attention, obviously, you and the panel did to the campaign, he told us about DEI, he told us about birthright citizenship, he told us his definition of two genders.

For me, the big surprise, the item on the agenda that causes the most risk of any blowback from his base, the J-6ers. I thought that the - the breath of the clemency that was granted to the J-6ers, in the end, if you believe the news accounts, he just said, f it, I'm going to take care of them all, instead of going through a case by case basis. And I think it carries real political risk, as borne out by the fact that the largest police union in the country, which supported him in the past three elections, drew a line in the sand on that.

And you look at those personalities who were just released from prison this week, they're not going quietly into the night. They want to be players. I think it's going to come back to bite him. I think there will be recidivism from some of the 1,500 or 1,600 who've been released. And what worries me most about that move is the message that it sends not only to those individuals, but the people who support them, that Trump has their back.

So, for me on this Friday morning, that's the headline of the week.


HUNT: Yes. I mean, Michael, I have to say, if you watched the press conference that was given by members of the Capitol Police force, and we - we played quite a bit of it yesterday where, you know, we heard from Officer Daniel Hodges, who talked about - and he's in some of that best known footage from the day where he's jammed in the door, you know, literally screaming for help, you know, and he talked about how the rioters tried to gouge out his eyes. And at the end of his comments, he simply said, you know, I don't understand.

And I think, you know, for me, I've covered the Republican Party for a long time and, you know, the sort of trajectory it has taken in the age of Trump. But even with Trump and the difference that, you know, he - I started covering Mitt Romney's campaign, right. I'm not sure there could be two different people, let alone, you know, Republican politicians. But I never imagined, even as that transition was happening, that we would see a Republican Party that - that was pardoning people who were specifically violent against police officers.


HUNT: Is that the piece of it that you think is ultimately going to be a problem here? There's Officer Hodges, by the way.

SMERCONISH: Well, that's what I find to be - that's what I find to be the biggest shock, because if I go back to the days when I cut my teeth politically in the Reagan '80s, as a Republican, one who served, albeit in a lower level position in the Bush 41 administration, but that's my pedigree, like, this is totally at odds with the Republican Party of my younger days.

It was always the Republicans. I can think of so many different RNCs, so many different Republican National Conventions, where law enforcement was a critical part of it. And - and they would always tout the fact that, you know, they were the party that had the back of the men, largely men then, in blue. And this is totally at odds.

But I - I don't know that - that President Trump thought it through. When you - when you look at those two personalities, the Proud Boys and the Oath Keepers, the guys who were released this week, I hate to even give them more heft by naming them, and the things that they said to the media upon their release, you know, somehow I would think that Trump wants to get the message to them, like, hey, guys, I cut you some slack, but, please, that's it, go quietly into the night. They show no interest in doing so. That's going to come back in the future.

HUNT: I mean is it -- I mean, I remember at the time the sort of stand back and stand by line in the midst of Trump fighting to not have to leave the White House after the election. Is - is it an even more aggressive version of that message to those - and you're right to point them out as well, the leaders of these groups.

SMERCONISH: Well, he meant what he said. HUNT: Yes.

SMERCONISH: I mean he - yes, I mean, he meant what he said all along. He's - he's been consistent if - if nothing else.

Look, I'm - I'm trying to give him - to be fair and to give him the benefit of the doubt. I made sure that I started my comments today by saying, if you paid attention, he's doing that which he said he would do.

The shocker for me is the approach to the J-6ers.. I mean, I'm not the only one shocked. J.D. Vance, Vice President Vance is apparently among those shocked because of the comments that he made just a week ago. But I - it's like everybody has lost their voice on it. I draw the line at - at just giving a blank slate to those that I watched, that we all watched, being violent with cops and breaching the Capitol. My own standard is, if you were violent on that day, if you breached the perimeter of the building itself, then we're giving you no quarter. If there were others who were overcharged, who have paid their debt to society and three and a half years behind bars, OK, let's have that conversation. Maybe three and a half years was enough. So, that's what I think.

HUNT: Yes, no, it's - it's fair enough. And - and I was - I found it jarring also, our - my colleague, Donie O'Sullivan, did an interview with the woman who became - she had a pink hat on and she used an axe to break a window. And then he interviewed her outside the D.C. jail because, of course, she's now been released.

So, Michael Smerconish, I'm always grateful to have you.

SMERCONISH: You too. Thank you.

HUNT: If it's Friday, it's a Smerconish Friday. So, see you soon.


HUNT: And do, all of you at home, remember to tune in to "SMERCONISH." It's tomorrow morning at 9:00 a.m. Eastern. It's right here on CNN.

All right, 53 minutes past the hour. Here's your morning roundup.

Tomorrow, four more Israeli hostages set to be released by Hamas. Sources say the fate of the other hostages expected to be released over the coming weeks could also come into focus tomorrow.

Although President Donald Trump says he hasn't met or spoken to any of the January 6th rioters to whom he granted clemency earlier this week, he said he's not opposed to hosting them at the White House.


DONALD TRUMP, PRESIDENT OF THE UNITED STATES: I don't know. I'm sure that they probably would like to. I did - I did them something important. But what they did is they were protesting a crooked election. I mean, people understand that also. And they were treated very badly. Nobody's been treated like that. So, I'd be open to it, certainly.


HUNT: The president pardoned more than a thousand people charged in the January 6th attack on the Capitol and commuted the sentences of an additional 14 people.

Today, President Trump is traveling to California to survey the damage from those intense wildfires. The governor, Gavin Newsom, says the White House hasn't formally reached out to him, but he does plan to be there when the president lands.



GOV. GAVIN NEWSOM (D-CA): And I look forward to being there on the tarmac to thank the president, welcome him. And - and we're making sure that all the resources he needs for a successful briefing are provided to him.


HUNT: President Trump has, of course, heavily criticized the governor over his handling of these wildfires.

Kate Bedingfield, are they going to let him onto the tarmac?

BEDINGFIELD: Well, it's their prerogative. I mean, he's not going to be able to get close to Trump if they don't allow it. So, we'll see.

But I think the loss of - or the potential loss of these kinds of bipartisan moments, especially in the wake of - of natural disasters is so - is actually such a profound loss for our country. I mean, the idea that even the response to something that has devastated the lives of - of, you know, people all over - all over southern California is about partisan politics is just - it's so demoralizing. I think it does so much to undermine people's faith in government. I think the idea that institutions have no longer - people don't trust institutions is in part driven by exactly this kind of thing. A Democratic governor and a Republican president should be able to greet each other on the tarmac when the president is coming out to survey damage and talk about what the federal government can do to help. I just - I think - it's a small thing, but it's actually not a small thing.

WILLIAMS: I'm going to put on my MAGA hat for a second. And the argument in response is, well, Gavin Newsom has viciously attacked Donald Trump for his entire career. Why should Donald Trump pay him back?

BEDINGFIELD: All the more reason Donald Trump should look like the bigger person, I would argue.

WILLIAMS: And - no, no, no - right. And - but I would say -

BEDINGFIELD: Even from a political perspective.

WILLIAMS: But would say, people can be political opponents, but still, in times of crisis, come together.

The one that comes to mind for me, from my great home state of New Jersey, was Barack Obama and Chris Christie, in the time of Hurricane Sandy.

BEDINGFIELD: Of course. Of course.

HUNT: Yes, that's for sure. Although Mitt Romney has still not forgiven Chris Christie for that.

DUBKE: Which - which destroyed Chris Christie's career. But -

HUNT: Yes.


DUBKE: But -

WILLIAMS: But - but - but political success versus taking care of the people in your state who are suffering, I mean, at a certain point you've go -

DUBKE: Absolutely. And the other part, though, what I do want to draw attention to here is that the president is going to California. One of the - one of the reasons you move the president around the country when there is a time of natural disaster or - or other times of strife is that he can show a spotlight on these California fires that have been going on for weeks now.

I dare say, I think some of the American people are kind of like, I don't want to say they're over the fires, but they're - it's not at the top of the news the way it is. And it will be again because Trump is going out - out there.

I also expect that Newsom will make it onto the tarmac. And good for him for saying, look, we're going to give all the resources we can to give the briefing to the president. It is important for these folks to come together. We can agree on that. But I think going out there was something that most people probably did not expect Donald Trump to do, and I'm glad he's doing it.

HUNT: All right, President Trump is burning through the Sharpie budget in his first week in office. Among the executive orders, he signed a call to declassify and release the remaining files on the assassinations of JFK, RFK, AND MLK Jr.


DONALD TRUMP, PRESIDENT OF THE UNITED STATES: That's a big one, huh? A lot of people are waiting for this for a long - for years, for decades. And everything will be revealed. OK.

Give that to RFK Jr. UNIDENTIFIED MALE: Yes, sir.



HUNT: Give that to RFK Jr. It should be noted, that according to the National Archives, 99 percent of the JFK assassination files are already publicly available.

I got to say, I want to see the rest. I mean, this seems like a political winner.

THOMPSON: Well, absolutely. Well, and he said, we've been waiting for decades.

DUBKE: You want the 1 percent. You want the 1 percent.

THOMPSON: Yes. Well, why not release 100 percent? I mean, we've waited decades. But, unfortunately, if you actually look at the fine - the fine print, they have 15 days to create a plan, then 45 days to create another plan in order to finally release that last 1 percent. So, people that, you know, when I was a journalist, I would like just to see it all -

HUNT: I mean, yes.

THOMPSON: Because - because that 1 percent also feeds the conspiracy theories. And like, as long as not all of them are revealed, people are going to keep speculating.

HUNT: Yes.

WILLIAMS: Well, do the moon landing next, because that faked moon landing, we need to know what happened in 1969. The American people are calling.

HUNT: Yes, we landed on the moon.

DUBKE: So, the crazy side of the desk today is over there.

WILLIAMS: Oh, we did? Oh.


HUNT: You know what, this side is like, you know -


DUBKE: We're reasonable.

HUNT: All right. Well, look, guys, since its Friday, I did want to end on this. I just - I needed something cute for the end of the week. And, yes, it's pandemonium in southwest China. Twenty-five giant panda cubs. Look at them. Oh, my gosh. All the cubs were born in 2024 at two separate breeding centers. Two of those pandas, Bao Li and Qing Bao, made their big public debut - oh, these are different pandas - at the Smithsonian National Zoo in D.C. So, that's here. There - you can go see them starting today if you live here in Washington. They loved the snow that we got a couple of weeks ago.


And just because you can also see a picture of me from a very long time ago holding a baby panda in southwest China. I'm like nearly 20 years younger in those photographs. But, you know, the fact that I still have them should tell you how much I love them because we love pandas here.

Look at this. I mean we should just play this on a loop, guys, right?

DUBKE: I will say this. For the senators that aren't used to spending their weekends in Washington, like they will be for the next several weekends, they should go see the pandas.

WILLIAMS: Change the show, Pandas this morning with Kasie Hunt.


DUBKE: Right.

HUNT: I can support that.

Thank you, guys, for being here.

Thanks to all of you at home for joining us as well. Have a wonderful weekend. I'm Kasie Hunt.