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CNN Tonight

Political Heavyhitter Are All Out On The Campaign Trail; CNN Interviews Transportation Secretary Pete Buttigieg; Sen. Ron Johnson Won't Commit To Accepting Midterm Election Results; Democrats Losing Latino Voters; Winning The Latino Vote; Barack Obama Gets Heckled And Shuts Them Down; DOJ Considering Special Counsel Of Donald Trump Runs In 2024; Brooklyn Nets Guard Kyrie Irving Suspended. Aired 10-11p ET

Aired November 03, 2022 - 22:00   ET



JAKE TAPPER, CNN HOST: The midterms are now just five days away. Tomorrow, it will be four days, that's tomorrow at 9:00 p.m. Eastern. Our coverage now continues with luminous Laura Coates and awesome Alisyn Camerota.

Laura and Alisyn, I deleted the TikTok. I did it and I did it because National Security experts kept coming on the show and saying delete the TikTok, the communist Chinese government controls it. They have access to everything, so I did.

ALISYN CAMEROTA, CNN HOST: Where will you be lip-syncing and dancing from now on?

LAURA COATES, CNN HOST: Yes, because --

TAPPER: I don't do that. I never did that anyway.

COATES: Aw, me thinks the lady doth protest too much, didn't you, Jake?

CAMEROTA: Love it.

COATES: I'm just kidding. I know you did not.


COATES: I never had TikTok but I was up on the TikTok, so I was looking at it and I would see it but I never actually did anything with it. And I don't feel that bad any longer if it's going to be going away any time soon.

TAPPER: I mean it's kind of -- it's kind of dumb because -- I mean they can -- I just feel like everybody is surveilling me on my phone now anyway. that's why the whole thing about chips and the vaccines is so stupid. You know, that's why the whole thing about chips in the vaccine is so stupid. Bill Gates doesn't need to put chips in your body, he can just -- all these people follow you around on your phone. But that said, National Security people kept saying delete it, delete it, deleted it, so I deleted it. COATES: Are we having a paranoia segment on the show today or no?

CAMEROTA: Well, I mean if -- if Jake has a feeling that lots of people are watching him, it's because it's true, right now.

TAPPER: Nice, very nice.

CAMEROTA: But your -- I don't know, Jake, you're thrusting me into a moral conundrum as usual because now maybe I should do that, so.

TAPPER: Well, yes, I'm not telling you what to do. I just wanted to explain to anybody watching as to why I no longer say you can follow me on the TikTok.


TAPPER: Because I don't got the TikTok no more.

COATES: Maybe you've also lost please (Ph) English.


COATES: I think that may got into (Ph). Well, interesting.

CAMEROTA: All right, well, I do whatever you do as you know, so I guess by the end of this show I might do that, too. OK, bye Jake. Have a good night.

TAPPER: Bye awesome, ladies, see you.

COATES: See you later and good evening, everyone. I'm Laura Coates in Washington.

CAMEROTA: And I'm Alisyn Camerota in New york. This is "CNN Tonight."

COATES: Look political heavyhitters from President Biden to Hillary Clinton to the former President Donald Trump, they are all out on the campaign trail as we speak tonight. And the election deniers, they're also out there. Senator Ron Johnson says that he will not commit to accepting the results of his own race. He says he wants to see how it all plays out. I mean is it 2020 all over again, Alisyn?

CAMEROTA: It's never stopped being 2020 unfortunately, plus in a moment, Laura, I'm going to interview Transportation Secretary Pete Buttigieg about whether President Biden's closing argument about democracy in danger is working.


JOE BIDEN, PRESIDENT OF THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA: In five days, five days to go and until the most important elections in our lifetime. And I -- that's not hyperbole, it's going to shape what the next two generations look like. Not a joke because so much is changing, so much. It's clear this is not a referendum. This is a choice, a choice between two vastly different visions of America.


CAMEROTA: Joining me now is Transportation Secretary Pete Buttigieg. Mr. Secretary, thank you so much for being with us. Great to see you tonight.


CAMEROTA: So mid-terms less than a week away as you know. The Republicans message seems to be crime is bad, inflation is high and those are, I think, simple for voters to get their heads around. President Biden's closing message is basically that democracy is in peril, which is powerful but less tangible. Do you think that's the most effective message for President Biden?

BUTTIGIEG: Look, we're walking and chewing gum at the same time in this administration. And you know, from a policy perspective we've got to -- and we want to talk about the economy as well as our democracy. It is incredibly important to defend our democracy because democracy is what makes America, America. If we lose it, we're just another country. But it's also important to do the right thing for our economy, especially with inflation and prices as high as they are.

CAMEROTA: Well, I hear you but in terms of messaging I think that President Biden by our count mentioned the economy and inflation once last night but mentioned democracy, and democracy being in peril and possibly losing it many, many times. So, just in terms of messaging, should he be saying more of what you just said?

BUTTIGIEG: Again, we're doing both. The President decided to give a speech about democracy which is a very important topic. And most of the time when you see him speak, you'll be seeing him talk a lot about the economy because that's an important topic. I mean the idea that you have to pick one when, you know, we're at a moment where the American people strongly believe in the things we're doing is -- I don't think it makes any sense to say we have to do one to the exclusion of the others. Well, we are passionate about an economic policy that is focused on cutting costs for every day families. We're also passionate about democracy, which shouldn't be a partisan issue.


It shouldn't require being a Democrat or a Republican to say if you're running in an election that you ought to be prepared to abide by the results of the election. Just like there should be nothing partisan about universal, swift condemnation and nothing else when it comes to an assassination attempt on a member of a family of a political figure in this country, no matter what party they come from.

CAMEROTA: But given everything you just laid out, all the accomplishments of the Biden administration that he can be proud of and you all can be proud of from infrastructure to the Inflation Reduction Act, why aren't Democrats polling better?.

BUTTIGIEG: Look, I think we're a country that's facing a lot of headwinds, and I don't get up in the morning and study what the polls are. We get up in the morning and go out there to solve problems for the American people. But what we have found in terms of public satisfaction and public expectations is that the American people agree with us and disagree with Republicans when it comes to the Congressional Republican agenda to go after Social Security and Medicare.

Americans agree with us that allowing Medicare to negotiate prescription drug prices was the right thing to do. They disagree with Congressional Republicans who voted with big pharma on social issues. The American people agree with us that Roe versus Wade was the right framework or at least the best framework that we had and disagree with the effort, the increasingly successful effort by Congressional Republicans and their appointees to take away a woman's right to choose.

And you know, on issue after issue, this administration and our actions, and our policies is better aligned with the American people than anything we're seeing put forward by the other side. And I do think it is important for us to be leaning in on the issues that a lot of our critics raised, whether it's inflation, immigration or safety. Because if you take one moment to get to -- cut through the rhetoric, it turns out they're not really putting forward any solutions or ideas.

CAMEROTA: OK, let's talk Thanksgiving travel. So in this just released data, airline passenger complaints were up 320 percent in just the month of August. That's compared to pre-pandemic levels. So, what's the problem and what's being done to fix it?

BUTTIGIEG: That's right. We had terrible cancellations and delays across the system over the summer which led to our offices receiving record numbers of complaints from travelers who had been stuck, stranded, cancelled or delayed. By the way, several times this summer that included me, sometimes the day after having an engagement with airline leaders on how they were dealing with this issue. The next morning we get up and find my own flight delayed or cancelled.

The good news is we had seen a dramatic drop in cancellations and delays since the summer. I think a lot of that is because of steps that we had been urging airlines to take, like more realistic scheduling and continuing to push on hiring and staffing. We're better off than we were this summer. I am concerned as we head into Thanksgiving travel that we're not completely out of the woods and really need to keep pushing to ensure that we have an aviation system that can handle all of this demand.

I would add our department has created a dashboard because we found that transparency is one of the things that seems to have a very powerful effect on the airline's behavior and their choices. So, you can go and see side by side, comparisons of how the different airlines will respond, how they will treat you. If you do have an issue, will they get you a voucher for a hotel or meal, will they offer to put you on another airline in order to get you on your way. You can go to our website to see what they will do. And if they don't follow the rules, especially on things like refunds, you can also go to our website to file a complaint and we will have your back.

CAMEROTA: Transportation Secretary Pete Buttigieg, thanks so much for your time tonight.

BUTTIGIEG: Thank you.

COATES: Really interesting interview, Alisyn. The idea -- I mean first of all, thank God, I'll be home for Thanksgiving but that -- I mean the travel troubles, they continue. Everyone is thinking about this, especially because people have spent, well, the better part of two years and more waiting for a chance to truly reunite. And last year was part of it but now you have this again.

CAMEROTA: Well, it sounds like they're on top of it.


CAMEROTA: It sounds like they're actually already dealing with the airlines about how to speed things up and they're aware of the problem. But in terms of what he's saying about the mid-terms, I thought it was interesting to hear his message versus President Biden's message. Because what Secretary Buttigieg says -- are demonstrably true, I mean Democrats have done all those things. But for voters, as we know, from our voter panels and everyone we talked to, the idea of crime is just more visceral and I guess in their real lives and in their imaginations more tangible and intense.


CAMEROTA: So, it's just, you know, everything he's saying is true. I just don't know if infrastructure people feel as strongly about.

COATES: I mean certainly you can only make so many attack ads about infrastructure that are going to resonate as opposed to, of course, thinking about crime.


And people have a visceral reaction to the idea of not feeling safe. And as much as we talk about the theoretical which is, is democracy safe, people are more concerned with what they see, time and time again. I want to talk to my panel about this, see what they think about it as well Alisyn.

We got CNN's John Berman here, also CNN Political Commentator Ashley Allison and Brendan Buck, a former top aide to Paul Ryan and John Boehner. On that point, I mean she mentioned the idea of where things stand in terms of the messaging. Listen to what President Biden had to say when he was asked whether or not his message was actually getting through Democrats, just a quick one, listen.


UNKNOWN: Mr. President, is your message getting through to the American voters?


(END VIDEO CLIP) COATES: Is it that simple? I mean he said yes and thumbs up. Is that it, are we done, no conversation?

BRENDAN BUCK, FORMER TOP AIDE TO PAUL RYAN AND JOHN BOEHNER: The problem -- the problem is he doesn't have one message, he has like four or five messages. And this is basic political, politics communication 101. You have to hammer a message over and over again. And in the final weeks, he's talking about democracy, he's talking about Republicans are going to cut Social Security just sort of out of nowhere, he's talking about abortion.

You have to focus on one thing or maybe two things and say it over and over again and he's all over the place. They don't have thinking (Ph) what he's not talking about as much is the economy, the by far number one issue. And so you're not even on the playing field on the one issue that most people have said this is what I'm going to vote about.

COATES: But he's out of nowhere, I mean you got Senator Rick Scott and Senator Ron Johnson talking about the prospect of having to vote on these issues time in time in the year and after a year. He's talking about that.

BUCK: Joe Biden hasn't talked about Social Security in months. That came out over the summer. We talked about it for a little bit and it went away, and now he's trying to revive it in the last minute. Any political operative will tell you it can take a month or two to move voters based on message penetration. You need to talk about it for a long time and they haven't done that.

Yes, this is out of nowhere at the last minute but I'm more surprised that he hasn't figured out a good economic message overall because that is what people have said, I am voting on the economy. And right now they're saying they are going to -- they trust Republicans more than Democrats on this issue.

COATES: But John, he said yes.

JOHN BERMAN, CNN ANCHOR: Yes. What -- what else is he going to say? I mean is he going to say, I don't know if they're here (Ph) or maybe or gosh, I hope --- look, I -- Pete Buttigieg was interesting to me for -- one thing, it was a weary Pete Buttigieg there. He looked a bit sleepy now, maybe because he has twins, he has young twins. As a parent with --


COATES: He's a tired parent.

BERMAN: I know and as a parent what (Ph) I can tell you I get that. But I think he -- he seemed as if he was tired trying to make the case that the administration is talking about the economy. Did you see how he got that word economy in? Within the first 10 words, the question is about democracy and then -- and Secretary Buttigieg is, yeah, but we're also doing the economy. He's trying and Biden has tried to get that economic message out there. They're trying to wedge it in whenever they can because it is by far the number one issue. But I will say this with the democracy thing, I don't think it should surprise any of us, that Joe Biden is finishing up an election going back to democracy. It is absolutely the issue which got him into the presidential race to begin with, right. It was Charlottesville which he says and I fundamentally do believe that is what pushed him over the edge to run in 2020.

COATES: The statement about battling for the soul of the nation.

BERMAN: Battling for the soul of the nation. You're battling for democracy. That's what got him in, that's why I think he may run for re-election. If Trump runs again, I think Biden will run again because he sees himself as that last barrier between trump coming back he sees himself as that last barrier between Trump coming back. He thinks he's, you know, the (inaudible) of Donald Trump.

COATES: But not just -- not just Trump, I mean just listen to what Senator -- I mean Ron Johnson had to say today. He's fighting for the notion that not everyone running is saying, you know what, the results be they as they -- be them as they may, I'm going to standby them. Listen to what Senator Johnson said, it was pretty iffy as they say.


SEN. RON JOHNSON, (R-WI): I sure hope I can but I can't predict what the Democrats might have planned. You know, we're not trying to do anything to gain partisan advantage. We're just doing whatever we can to restore confidence. It sure seems like there's an awful lot -- in the past a lot of attempt on the part of Democrats to make it easier to cheat. We want to make it easier to vote but very hard to cheat.


COATES: So, Ashley, I'm mad (Ph), I mean given statements like this, is that more of a persuasive reason for President Biden to be focusing on democracy in peril over say highlighting the economy, maybe crime, this is Roevember as they say?

ASHLEY ALLISON, CNN POLITICAL COMMENTATOR: I think President Biden is talking about it all. And I think he should because I don't think -- I think we are beyond the single issue voter days of our country. And I think that people want to talk about multiple issues because people have multiple things going on in their lives. I do think because of what a Kari Lake, a Ron Johnson, you name the two-thirds of Republicans on the ballot that are election-deniers, it is a requirement for the President to talk about the state of our democracy.

That is not a -- that is not a -- should not be a Republican issue or a Democratic issue, it is -- we just need to speak facts.


The people who are guarding drop boxes are not Democrats, they're Proud Boys, they're Oath Keepers, they are people who identify as MAGA Republicans. And we need to name a thing a thing, and regardless of what letter you have by your name or what person you want to vote for, we cannot stand for the crumbling of our democracy. And what could potentially happen in 2020, what happened on January 6 in 20, excuse me, 2022, what happened on January 6th in 2021.

COATES: You know, Alisyn, as we're sitting here it occurs to me we had this conversation before about the idea of -- the thought that it's just Democrats who are concerned about a democracy in peril. But we've talked about this in the past and it really it seems to be that both Republicans and Democrats, according to the way it's been structured, are fearful of democracy being in challenge and being in peril but for different reasons.


COATES: You got Democrats saying, look, I'm concerned some are going (Ph) to be election deniers, you've got some Republicans saying, no, no, I'm concerned you're going to steal the election. And so, the same sort of end result conclusion but from very different perspectives. You wonder though, is this hitting it with voters? Is that what they're thinking about before election day or are they thinking that's what to worry about next Wednesday?

CAMEROTA: I mean -- but you're so right. They do define it differently.

COATES: They do.

CAMEROTA: As you just heard from Senator Ron Johnson or my big question is what's Berman doing in D.C.? Is he just avoiding me? I mean what's -- what is he doing in D.C.?

COATES: I didn't want to say it to you. He was talking offline. Do you want to tell her?

BERMAN: There's this big election I'm told that -- that's happening. I don't know when it is, five days, four days? We keep doing the count down like every 10 minutes, five days, four say, there's an election. I'm down here to get ready for the election.

CAMEROTA: Wow, OK, you're getting in position really early.

BERMAN: I'm not choosing between Laura and you. It's not -- it's not, you know, it's not a --


COATES: And yet --


BERMAN: It's a referendum. It's not a choice.


COATES: I don't know I realized -- (CROSSTALK)

BERMAN: It's a referendum on you.


COATES: I think your friendship is in peril.

CAMEROTA: I think -- you're right, Laura, because there he is. There he is in D.C.

COATES: I don't even know how to put it.

CAMEROTA: All right. Well, more on that later but meanwhile as Democrats nervously eye election day, are they losing Latino voters? That's next.



COATES: Politicians in battleground states across this country are competing for the Latino vote. Here's what some of those key voters have been telling CNN reporters who have been out on the trail.


UNKNOWN: I think Latinos, we don't care really much what you say. It's what are you going to do, right? So -- so many people are tired of politicians that just speak but don't act.

CARLOS GOMEZ: Either they talked to their base, they talked to the right or they talked to the left but they don't come in and talk to us. They don't see what we're doing on a daily basis.

MARIA MELGOZA (through translator): Biden promised many things but I feel like he hasn't delivered, and the other party, I don't know much about it.


COATES: I want to bring in Ruy Teixeira. He's the author of "The Emerging Democratic Majority", which predicted that demographic trends would lead to Democrats dominating American politics. Ruy, I'm glad you're here. Listen, you just heard from just a few people on these issues but it seemed as though there was enough criticism to go between both parties. It wasn't as if it was centered, focused or solely on Democrats or Republicans but you say even in spite of that, Republicans might have a decisive advantage in enveloping more Latino voters under their big tent. Why?

RUY TEIXEIRA, CO-EDITOR, THE LIBERAL PATRIOT SUBSTACK: Well, I think -- I think really what's happening is something that I think some of the people you interviewed got at and sit, I think Hispanic voters are tired of, you know, the Democrats in a sense taking them for granted, thinking of them as people of color or thinking of them as immigration voters or thinking of them as sort of automatic Democrats.

And, you know, their attitude definitely is at this point what have you done for me lately? You know, from the polling data led by 2 to 1, they don't think Biden had the right priorities for the country. They disapproved of his economic management by about 30 points and on and on. It just seems like the Biden administration may have passed a bunch of legislation.

But in terms of the actual day to day lives that Hispanic voters lead, they don't feel he's produced much and they also feel he's at the helm of a party that's moved to the left culturally in a way that isn't really consistent with the way these voters are coming from, who are moderate to conservative on social issues. And it seems like Democrats are the party of the liberal college educated these days and I don't think that sits well with a lot of these voters.

COATES: You know, it might seem counterintuitive to people when you say Latino voters are discouraged being considered people of color because, well, they are people of color as mostly defined in the United States of America, and yet it's the idea, I think you're getting at, is the notion of being treated as a monolith. As in, hey, I know by virtue of your culture exactly how you're going to vote and what issues are the most prioritized by you.

And that's where you say Democrats are failing in particular. Look, I'm a black woman voter from the Midwest originally. I understand the idea of being treated as a monolith and the presumptions being made. Why do you think Democrats have done or failed to acknowledge the nuance in a way that would resonate with more voters?

TEIXEIRA: Well, I think in some ways it's just very comforting to think of things that way. I mean I think there was a theory of the case Democrats have had for a number of years. And I think some people blamed it on my book with John Judis, so it isn't exactly what we said but we definitely did think the growth of the non-white population was a -- was a boon for the Democrats in electoral terms. Though, we always cautioned that you couldn't take it for granted and also there are other important parts of the electoral like the white working class.

You had to continue to do well on but I do think it was a -- it was a bit of a lazy assumption and a comforting assumption that Hispanics no matter what, come hell or high-water would continue to vote Democrats because they have done so for a long time because the other party is so awful. I think we're now seeing that assumption is -- it wasn't as valid as people thought. I mean look, Donald Trump ran for the second time for President in 2020 after an administration that many people thought would totally disqualify him in the eyes of Hispanic voters.


And yet, you know, the Democrats advantage among those voters declined by 16 points relative to 2016. In other words, there's a huge move, a huge move toward Trump among these voters despite having experienced Trump's first term. So, that just tells you a little something about where -- where Hispanic voters are coming from these days. They don't want to be thought of as automatic Democrats. They're ordinary, patriotic --



TEIXEIRA: -- hardworking Americans for whose vote you have to work hard and they don't feel like --


COATES: Well --

TEIXEIRA: -- the Democrats have produced for them.

COATES: Well, Ruy, we'll see how that pans out next week. There's quite a few questions to be answered and asked by both Republicans and Democrats on this very point. Thank you for your insight. I appreciate it.

TEIXEIRA: Thank you for having me.

COATES: I mean Alisyn, the word that sticks out in my mind is the assumption, the assumptions that are made and being taken for granted. The idea that, oh, you know what, I need not go to your state or that fly over country or this particular (inaudible) you got focus on because I got it in the bag. If that's what's happening from Republicans or Democrats or anyone, it might be a rude awakening next week on both sides.

CAMEROTA: Well, let's dive into that a little further. We have the perfect panel to discuss this. So, let's bring in CNN Political Commentators, Scott Jennings, David Axelrod, and Ana Navarro. Great to have you guys here. OK, so in addition to what Ruy just said, Tim Alberta of "The Atlantic" has jusst written a long piece on this, and I want to just read one passage of it and then Ana, get you to respond.

"In the past few years Hispanics have begun abandoning the Democratic Party, defying generations of political patterns and causing varying degrees of panic on the left. In the 2018 mid-term elections, when Democrats regained control of the U.S. House of Representatives, they won the Hispanic vote by 40 points nationally. This summer numerous polls showed Hispanics splitting in a statistical tie between the two parties. Even if such findings are exaggerated, it's evident the Republicans are poised next week to win their biggest share of Hispanics in the modern era." What has happened in the past four years?

ANA NAVARRO, CNN POLITICAL COMMENTATOR: Well, I really appreciate being among the whitest people in the world to discuss this issue. But look, it's a very complex answer and as part of the reason it's a complex answer is because the Hispanic community in the United States is a complex community. And people have a really hard time understanding that the priorities and interests of the Cuban American community is very different from the Chicano community, is very different in the Puerto Rican community, it's very different in a (inaudible) immigrants.

They want us all to care about immigration. They want to define us all as a homogenous blob, and Hispanics resent that. We're not Latinx, we're not this, we're not that. We are all different because we live in different parts of a country. We come from different countries in Latin America. We have different interests. We are different people. And for some reason politicians have a really hard time understanding that.

Look, Hispanics pay taxes, too. Hispanics suffer through inflation too. Hispanics care about foreign relations too. Hispanics care about Afghanistan. It's not just immigration. It's not just English only. It's not just those narrow issues that people want to define Hispanics as.

CAMEROTA: David, how did Democrats screw this up?

DAVID AXELROD, CNN SENIOR POLITICAL COMMENTATOR: Well, I think arrogance. I think the word assumption is the -- the right word. I mean I don't think -- Laura said, you know, talked about ignoring. I don't think you should ignore parts of the country where you think people are not going to support you or ignore constituencies because you take them for granted. I also think that the nuances, you know, we say the Hispanic community, there are Hispanic Communities, and they're distinct and different.

And one of the things about that Tim Alberta piece that was so important was that he was in South Florida, he was in South Texas, he was in Arizona. There -- and there are commonalities about working class sensibilities, social moderation and so on but there are also differences, you know, anti-communism for example in South -- South Florida. These are nuances that should be understood. And the big word to me is --


NAVARRO: And they -- something that the Obama administration, the Obama campaign did very well when you were running it because, look, I'm old enough to remember when they would have somebody with a Dominican accent narrating --



NAVARRO: -- radio ads in South Florida which would be like having somebody from Kentucky narrating a radio ad in Massachusetts. That's, you know, that's the --

AXELROD: Nobody wants (inaudible).


NAVARRO: -- biggest (Ph)difference is.

SCOTT JENNINGS,CNN POLITICAL COMMENTATOR: I would just say I spent a lot of time in Massachusetts and they find my accent to be extremely charming.


AXELROD: Yes, they're clamouring for you --


JENNINGS: They love my colloquialism.

AXELROD: They're clamouring for you. No, I used to make ads and -- and, you know, actually it's interesting I -- I started -- I cut my teeth in Chicago politics and I used to have to use a Colombian voice- over because if i used someone with a Mexican accent --



AXELROD: -- it would offend the Puerto Rican population. If I used someone with a Puerto Rican population --



CAMEROTA: What you're saying.

AXELROD: -- it would offend the Mexicans. So, I mean, but there's a word I would like to throw out here that I think is important for Democrats --

NAVARRO: Is it is Spanish.

AXELROD: -- which is respect. You can translate it. Respect. And I think that is true in terms of how Democrats relate to friendly constituencies or constituencies that they think are friendly, but also how they relate to white working-class voters around the country. People want to feel respected.

CAMEROTA: But what are Republicans doing that's making them feel respected?

JENNINGS: Well, there was a quote in the Alberta piece that stuck with me and one if the Hispanic Democrats that he interviews said these immigrants came here to make money and keep their families safe. What is the Republican message in this election, you know? You're being economically disadvantaged by the Biden administration and they're not keeping your neighborhoods safe because of the national crime wave.

So, the two things that person was speaking to is essentially the Republican campaign. I think, Ana, though laid out a powerful concept in politics and as you can't treat people like they're only allowed to care about one thing. I mean, if told you, you can care about one thing and one thing only and if you disagree with me, then I'd disregard you, you wouldn't feel very kindly towards my political party. So, if that's what the Democrats have done to Hispanics, whatever

community they are in, I can see why they are gravitating. And I also think the other night we were on and you talk about the outreach the National Republican Committee has done, just going and talking to people and trying to be present in the community, you're seeing that in a lot of different states and I think it's been quite successful. So, economy and crime, the Republican campaign speaks to where these --

NAVARRO: I'll tell you something. The Biden administration sucks at tooting their own horn. I told them this to their own face. Look, they've done things like issued temporary protective status for Venezuelans, which is a very big deal for the Hispanic community. But they don't toot their own horn. Donald Trump did very little things. A lot of it was smoke and mirrors, but every time anything was done, they'd be down in Miami and there'd be a big event and they'd be at the Freedom Tower and they'd be all these people clapping like trained seals, but those things matter.

AXELROD: And I agree that that's what the Republican message is, Scott, but I also agree with you. I mean, the fact is helping people, making health care accessible is a real tangible thing. That actually improves -- helps improve people's lives, making higher education more available.

CAMEROTA: But do they have to protect (ph) it to Ana's --

AXELROD: Well, I mean, yes. No, I think you have to make that case. But I mean it's not enough to say the Biden administration has made your life worse.

NAVARRO: This much I can tell you, the answer of what's happening with the Latino vote is not going to be determined in an eight-minute segment on CNN. It is a very difficult, complex --

AXELROD: We need another segment.

NAVARRO: -- nuanced answer.

CAMEROTA: Yes, I can see that. I can see what you guys are aiming for and that is like -- and I think we're going to get one so far. Alright, thank you.

JENNINGS: I (inaudible).

CAMEROTA: Yeah, so far. So far you are. You're behaving. Alright, former President Obama was heckled last night and on Saturday, twice. In fact, he's been heckled a lot, but he's turning the heckling back on the hecklers. He's making a political point, of course, at the same time. We'll explain why he's getting heckled so much and how he's dealing with it.


[22:35:00] LAURA COATES, CNN HOST: Former President Obama is hitting the trail hard this midterm season and he's getting right back with multiple hecklers at his rallies. But Obama's not letting hecklers have the last word. Just listen.


BARACK OBAMA, FORMER PRESIDENT OF THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA: Sir, sir, this is -- this is what I'm saying. Look, we got -- we got a -- there's a process that we setup in our democracy. Right now, I'm talking. You'll have a chance to talk sometime and this is part of the point that I want to make. Just basic civility and courtesy works. And that's what we want to try to encourage.

Do we have another person yelling at me? Is that -- is that what -- is that what you're doing?


OBAMA: No, no, we don't have to chant. It will be all right. Where was I? See, cause they're -- wait, wait, wait. I was getting to a good part here and you're about to be distracted again. Remember what I said now, don't be like that dog in "Up" squirrel, squirrel. Don't be distracted. Because I was making an important point here.

Hold up. Hold up. Hey, young man, young man, just listen for a second. You know, you have to be polite and civil when people are talking then other people are talking and then you get a chance to talk. Setup your own rally. A lot of people worked hard for this. Come on, man.


LAURA COATES, CNN HOST: Back with us, John Berman, Ashley Allison, and Brandon Buck. I mean, this is the president of the -- former president of the United States. He's getting heckled this way. Is he handling it effectively? Is the larger issue translating?

BRENDAN BUCK, FORMER TOP AIDE TO PAUL RYAN AND JOHN BOEHNER: I thought it was quaint, like throwback to when -- that's what incivility used to look like. He's a pro. He's handling it well. He turns his back on people.


I feel like -- it reminds me -- I spent most of my years on Capitol Hill trying to give Barack Obama a hard time, but that reminds of a time when things were simpler. And it wasn't that long ago when we had fights over calling people bad names and now, we're talking about storming the capitol. So, I think he handled it well.

COATES: Well, what do you guys think? Ashley?

ASLEY ALLISON, CNN POLITICAL COMMENTATOR: He knows how to handle a crowd and I think it is important to -- for a former president. I wish all of them would rise to the occasion and try and bring civility back into this country. We follow our leaders. Young people are looking -- a whole new generation is being introduced to Barack Obama on this campaign trail, and how you show up matters and I think he did the best possible.

JOHN BERMAN, CNN ANCHOR: Well, it beats telling other people in the crowd to beat the guy up, which is, you know, the likes of which we've seen before. So, certainly handling that from the stage is better. I will say the larger point he was making, he wanted to talk about it more is don't get distracted by the anger.

And that's where he may run into a problem there. I mean, I think Obama doesn't want people to focus on mean tweets, doesn't want to focus on some of the anger that's out there in this way and sort of look maybe above it and talk about bigger things. But if you ignore it, you sometimes let it fester.

COATES: I mean tell a baby not to cry, right, Alisyn. And the idea in the world we live in right now, instantly call my son squirrel every time he gets distracted. Keeps me about that dog in "up" and I'm just telling you, he's like -- squirrel. So, I do get this as a parent perspective, but John's right. The notion of I don't know that people can just be told to focus when there are so many obvious distractions intended to muddy the waters.

CAMEROTA: I just like the message, setup your own rally. I feel like that's a good motto for all of us. Oh, yeah, setup your own rally. So, yeah, I mean, it's very signature Obama as Branden was saying. Quaint, you know. Imagine civility, politeness and courtesy. I mean --

COATES: What is this era you speak of? What is that? Is Jimmy Stewart coming soon?

CAMEROTA: That's right. But I think that it's a good aspiration for all of us. Alright, meanwhile, new tonight, the Justice Department deciding whether they'll need a special council if Donald Trump runs for president again. Laura is going to tell us what that means, next.



CAMEROTA: We have a CNN exclusive now. Justice Department officials are discussing whether a Donald Trump run in 2024 would require a special council to oversee the two big federal investigations involving Trump. We've also learned that the Justice Department is staffing up so they can be prepared for whatever decisions come after the midterms including whether or not to indict a former president.

But why would a special council be necessary? If only we had someone we could ask, Laura. Oh, it turns out that the Laura Coates worked in the Justice Department as a federal prosecutor. So, Laura, help us understand why -- what would a special prosecutor do?

COATES: Well, really it would essentially try to insulate the DOJ from having accusations they were trying to if Trump were to run and assuming that President Biden runs for re-election, to try to tape down and tamper down the accusation of trying to investigate his main political rival, right?

The idea of the politicization of the Department of Justice is part of what the credibility hits have been about year after year. And so, this idea of a special council being someone who could be removed from the politics of it that's the theory and be judged as a truly neutral being. But of course, we all lived through the claims against a special counsel, Muller, for example. And the idea is that they believe some but it was a political witch hunt. And so, it's not guaranteed it would totally insulate them from criticism.

CAMEROTA: Who would choose that special counsel? I mean, who is that mythical person gnat has no political ties or, you know, back story whatsoever?

COATES: Well, it's a unicorn that have to come in, Alisyn, who have no political ties essentially to talk about this. It would be really part of the many questions that Merrick Garland would have to answer to. Remember the idea he'd be the one -- he is the chief prosecutor in the land.

And so, the decision to try to essentially outsource the responsibility of overseeing it in this way would come from somebody having to, one, acknowledge that, look, the perception might be king, that people might view this in a way that gives them not enough cover and so having to outsource it that way.

And also, to say, look, fine, I want this to be a truly transparent process, having that decision be made. It's not set in stone yet, Alisyn, but can you imagine if you've got the same arguments rehashed, we've had for, oh, about four years about witch hunts, and this is a way to weaponize the DOJ. They're hoping to avoid that. I don't know that it can be done and un-ring the bell, but that would be one step forward.

CAMEROTA: I feel like regardless of who they choose or what path they go down, there will be accusations of witch hunts.

COATES: Of course.

CAMEROTA: If I know our history. Alright, Laura, thanks for helping us understand that. Okay, next, Kyrie Irving now suspended without pay from the Brooklyn Nets for tweeting a link to an anti-Semitic film. But, wait, there's much more tonight.




COATES: Kyrie Irving suspended from the Brooklyn Nets tonight for a minimum of five games. This is days after he tweeted a link to a documentary that has been criticized as anti-Semitic, and then defended his decision to do so. Here's what he had to say today.

(BEGIN VIDEO CLIP) UNKNOWN: Adam Silver wanted to hear the word I apologize. In your mind, you said I didn't mean to cause any harm. Were you apologizing or were you not apologizing?

KYRIE IRVING, NBA PLAYER: I didn't mean to cause any harm. I'm not the one that made the documentary.


CAMEROTA: The Nets issuing a statement saying in part, quote, "such failure to disavow anti-Semitism when given a clear opportunity to do so is deeply disturbing, is against the values of our organization, and constitutes conduct detrimental to the team."

COATES: Yesterday Kyrie Irving and the Anti-Defamation League, you may remember, released a joint statement saying the Irving and the Nets will each donate a half a million bucks to organizations that work to eradicate hate.

CAMEROTA: And now, tonight the ADL is saying no thank you. The ADL president, Jonathan Greenblatt saying tonight, quote, "ADL cannot in good conscience accept his donation." It's interesting, Laura, I mean, returning a half million-dollar donation certainly makes a statement. And it's just interesting, I mean, basically he said, in addition to what we just played there, I take full responsibility. Again, I'll repeat it, for posting something on my Instagram or Twitter that may have had some unfortunate falsehoods in it.


He was saying that he takes responsibility, but he couldn't say, basically I denounce anti-Semitism.

COATES: That had some unfortunate falsehoods. I mean, you could pick a part literally every part of that pseudo-apology. It has the airing of a, I'm sorry you feel that way. I'm sorry you're upset by what I said tonight. And the opportunity to simply say I apologize, it wasn't just the words I'm sorry. It would have also been the sentiment to demonstrate that you actually believe that this was wrong.

And it's unfortunate because, you know, my nine-year-old boy, he loves basketball. He loves to watch because all the players, studies them, and he is watching it and he's asking me questions about anti- Semitism, learning about these social issues, these horrors and tragedies because they are so loosely coming off of the mouths of those who so many idolize.

And so, imagine the opportunity, Alisyn, to have the platform to say something and denounce what is horrible, and you just say, I didn't mean any harm by it. I don't know what one thinks. I wouldn't watch (ph) him any either

CAMEROTA: Well, a teachable moment for our children as you point out there. Let us know what you think about this whole situation, and anything else that we have been talking out about tonight. You can tweet us at @thelauracoates and @AlisynCamerota. We'll be right back. (COMMERCIAL BREAK)