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CNN Tonight

Panel Discusses Battle For The Senate; January 6 Committee Gives Trump More Time To Turn Over Subpoenaed Documents; Powerball Jackpot Set To Be World's Biggest Ever; Senate Made Daylight Saving Time Permanent, Why Hasn't The House? Aired 11p-12a ET

Aired November 04, 2022 - 23:00   ET




LAURA COATES, CNN HOST AND SENIOR LEGAL ANALYST: Midterms elections are coming down to the wire. Candidates have just four days now to make their very final pitch to voters before they head to the polls. Crying times.

ALISYN CAMEROTA, CNN HOST: And with control of the Senate and the House both up for grabs, both parties are barnstorming the critical battleground states.

So, let's check in with CNN senior data reporter Harry Enten. He is at the magic wall for us. So, Harry, where are we on the battle for the Senate?

HARRY ENTEN, CNN SENIOR DATA REPORTER: Hey, Alisyn. So, let's start off with an idea of what is at stake in this election, how close the balance of power in the United States Senate was going into election night. Look at this. We got a 50-50 Senate right now between Democrats and Republicans with Vice President Kamala Harris breaking that tie. So, any one seat, any one seat shift could make all the difference in the world.

So, what are some key states that we're watching? Here are some key Senate races that we're watching. Look, we got Wisconsin, we got Georgia, we got Pennsylvania, we got Nevada, we got Arizona. Not on here, also my favorite state, the place where I went to college, New Hampshire is another state that we're watching.

Let's dive in, dive in again an understanding of one of these key states. We're going to be looking at the Keystone State, Pennsylvania, the commonwealth of Pennsylvania. Take a look at how tight the polling is there right now. The choice for Pennsylvania Senate, it's within the margin of error. Democrat John Fetterman at 47%, Mehmet Oz at 47%. This race has been tightening this entire last few months.

And to give you an understanding of how important the Pennsylvania Senate race is to Democrats' chance of maintaining control, if Mehmet Oz wins the Republican, they have just an 18% chance of holding on to the chamber. if John Fetterman, the Democrat, wins, look at this, the Democrats' chances jump all the way up to 70%. So, Pennsylvania, a really key state. Back to you, Alisyn.

CAMEROTA: Okay, Harry, thank you very much. I think that that would be great for our dueling panel segment tonight.

COATES: I like it.

CAMEROTA: Okay. So, I'll take Pennsylvania. Set the clock, please, for four minutes, if you would. Thank you very much. And we're back with Scott Jennings, Keith Boykin, and also joining us is CNN presidential historian Tim Naftali. Great to have all of you.

Okay, spotlight on Pennsylvania. This weekend, tomorrow, former President Obama will be in Pittsburgh. President Biden will be in Philly. Former President Trump will be in Latrobe. Senator Susan Collins is going. Pennsylvania must mean a lot.

What do you see happening in Pennsylvania from your historical perspective, Tim?

TIMOTHY NAFTALI, CNN PRESIDENTIAL HISTORIAN: Well, I remember how Oprah changed everything when she come and supported Barack Obama in '08. And she has got magic. And she, I think, the fact that she chose Fetterman over Dr. Oz whose career, frankly, she created --

CAMEROTA: Absolutely.

NAFTALI: -- is a big deal. Now, whether that tips the balance, I don't know, but the Oprah factor is important.

CAMEROTA: Let's hear what Fetterman said today about that endorsement from Oprah.


UNKNOWN: We all know that Oprah is the creator of Dr. Oz' TV career, and she went for you instead. What does this mean to you and your campaign?

JOHN FETTERMAN, PENNSYLVANIA SENATORIAL CANDIDATE: I mean, she's an icon. I mean, it's unbelievable. It's an honor, and I'm so grateful. She understands what is at stake here in this race.


CAMEROTA: Do you -- Scott, do you think that tips the balance for Fetterman?

SCOTT JENNINGS, CNN POLITICAL COMMENTATOR, FORMER SPECIAL ASSISTANT TO PRESIDNET TO PRESIDENT GEORGE W. BUSH: No. I mean, I'm not really -- I think this race is incredibly close. The polling (INAUDIBLE) dead heat. I would rather, I think, be Oz than Fetterman just because of the trim lines on this thing.

I don't think Oprah is going to be any more determinative than Trump or Obama or Biden or any of these other surrogates that are going in. I think it's interesting. Both campaigns have real deficiencies in some ways. Oz has had a persistent image deficiency since the primary. Fetterman, obviously, has candidate deficiencies as well. So, I don't really know what's going to happen. Again, I think I'd rather be (INAUDIBLE), but we'll see.

CAMEROTA: Here is Oz's closing argument today. Let me play that for you.


MEHMET OZ, PENNSYLVANIA SENATORIAL CANDIDATE: So, I'm going to ask you to pose a question to 10 friends. Pick anyone you want. They can be conservatives, Democrats, independents, Republicans. But you got to ask 10 people. That's my pledge. Can you all do that?


UNKNOWN (voice-over): Right.

OZ: Here is the question: Are you happy with where the country is headed? Now, if they say, yes, you got to gently kick your car keys away. They shouldn't be driving.



CAMEROTA: It's funny. Charlotte Alter has a piece in "Time" magazine saying that Pennsylvania is the vibes election. And the way she describes the vibes is basically if a character's candidate is revealed by their choices, and their personality is observed through their public appearances, then their vibe is a vaporous mixture of both those things. The general impression they make on a normal person who isn't paying close attention.

And she is arguing that, you know, Fetterman is all about the vibes. You kind of know who he is at first blush.


Your thoughts about what is happening in Pennsylvania?

KEITH BOYKIN, CNN POLITICAL COMMENTATOR, DEMOCRATIC STRATEGIST, FORMER CLINTON WHITE HOUSE AIDE, AUTHOR: I think the vibes argument is dead on with Pennsylvania. This is the vibest election of them all in part because John Fetterman is a candidate who just reeks of sort of middle America, middle class, working class guy, and Mehmet Oz is this TV star, doctor, who doesn't even live in the state of Pennsylvania.

He had to move there from New Jersey. He has all these homes all over the place. He is a millionaire. And he just is not relatable. Every time he tries to be relatable, he goes to a grocery store, he does something -- it just never comes off as sincere. I think people can see well through that. CAMEROTA: So, Tim, does history say that you need relatability or, as Scott has pointed out, Fetterman also has deficiencies, particularly as we saw on the debate after his stroke?

NAFTALI: One of the things that we're seeing now is a push back against elites around the country. And you have to ask yourself, which of these two candidates smacks at being part of the elite?



CAMEROTA: I have to end -- that's the -- sorry, the bell just rang off. We have a lot more to say.

JENNINGS: There is nothing more elite than never having to work and being alive like John Fetterman.

CAMEROTA: That's over the -- over the --

JENNINGS: You let them beat on my guy. You let them beat on him.


CAMEROTA: -- tell you that.

COATES: Nothing more elite than trying to take our four-minute time away.


COATES: Thank you very much. So, this elitism will stop. Give me my four minutes. Kara Swisher, Liam Donovan, Maria Cardona are back. Maria, listen, you heard that question about tell 10 of your question, ask them, are they happy where the country is going. You don't like that?

MARIA CARDONA, CNN POLITICAL COMMENTATOR: I think it's a faulty question. And hopefully, that's what Republicans are banking on because if you ask me if the country is going in the right direction, you know, (INAUDIBLE) Democrat progressive, I would say no. And by no means does that mean I will ever vote for a Republican because I think Republicans and especially the Republican Party today is part and parcel of the problem.

They want to take away my rights. They want to destroy our democracy. They are absolutely all about election denial and no one has the backbone to stand up to the leader of their party right now, which is Donald Trump, who is about to announce for president. God forbid that he's going to take us into a completely continuing wrong direction.

So, I think that is the wrong arbiter for people and for people to try to understand where this country is going.

COATES: Since Maria has no passion at all, I feel like I just can't understand how you feel. I want to know what is arbiter in your mind? Is that the wrong question? What would be the right one?

LIAM DONOVAN, REPUBLICAN STRATEGIST, FORMER NATIONAL REPUBLICAN SENATORIAL COMMITTEE AIDE: The partisans. The partisans are going to get out. They're going to turn out in the way they normally do. The question is the independents. And in referendum election, a midterm election that is going to be about the party in power and how they're feeling, I think that cuts differently.

And the questions are: What's going on with the economy? How do they feel about inflation? How do they feel about how far their paychecks are going? That's not going to help the president.

I think the fundamental has prevailed. Political (INAUDIBLE) wins the day. The question is, can Republicans take advantage in time with all this early (INAUDIBLE)? I think they're catching up, the trajectory is right, but the question is, will they run out of time?

COATES: Is this the conversation that is actually happening?

KARA SWISHER, PODCAST HOST, OPINION CONTRIBUTING WRITER FOR THE NEW YORK TIMES: You know, I think everyone has become reductive. Online has made us all reductive. So, you know, Marjorie Taylor Greene is considered an intellectual, but she's not. You know, this is how you do it.

This sort of angry flash mob tweets and stuff like that are how people are talking in politics. But I do think people are actually more reflective in real life. I don't think everyone is on this thing just like all these political people are. I'm not a political tweeter a lot either.

I think people care about the economy, they can pay their jobs, their housing is expensive, and they do care about abortion, but that is in front of it. I think that's normal. I think a lot of people do think, if you press them like -- yeah, they seem a little extreme and crazy, but I have to deal with my house right now, I have to deal with my care, I have to deal with jobs.

COATES: So, the theoretical to the tangible is really the issue here?

CARDONA: Well, except for -- I would say yes, but I've talked to many women, and I kind of wish -- Laura Barron-Lopez earlier was here because she talked about conversations, various conversations she has had for people -- with people in Pennsylvania and in other battleground states. A lot of them -- a lot of the women are saying, people are saying the economy and yes, I care about the economy, but when I go into the booth, I think the economy is going to come back, my rights will not.

She talked to several Republican women who told her that they are going to vote for the Democrat because of abortion, and they are not telling their husbands. I think this is an underlying current that is not being measured in the current polls. As you know, newly registered women, newly registered people of color will never show up in these polls because pollster do not measure them.

COATES: Ticket splitting, is that what is going to happen?

DONOVAN: I think there should be some of that. I mean, people have shown a propensity to look at different races and different match-ups differently, but I think the thing is it's not it's not showing up in the polls, it's that it is baked in. This has been baked in since May and June. It's why the wheels have not fallen off. It is why Democrats are as competitive as they are.


It's why, even though we expect the House to go where it's going, they remain competitive across the Senate map. It's going be really close.

DONOVAN: I agree with that.

DONOVAN: It's going to be really close because of the dynamics that you are talking about. It's not hidden. It's right there.

COATES: So, what you're saying --

SWISHER: I have family in Pennsylvania. They're Republicans and they're going to vote for Oz. But Doug Mastriano, you know.




COATES: limit to the wire.


CAMEROTA: Well done. We were all listening with attention. That was a good panel you had right there.

CARDONA: No elitism here.

COATES: Just shakacon (ph).


CAMEROTA: We want to know what you all think about this. You can tweet us at @thelauracoates and @alisyncamerota. We will be right back.




COATES: New tonight, the January 6 Committee giving former President Trump more time to turn over subpoena documents after he missed the original deadline today, saying in a statement, Trump -- quote -- "must begin producing records no later than next week and he remains under subpoena for deposition testimony starting on November 14th."

That as sources tell CNN that Trump is eyeing that date, November 14th, to maybe potentially launch his 2024 presidential campaign.

Joining me now, former RNC communications director Doug Heye. Liam Donovan and Maria Cardona are still here with us. I just want to put this in because it reminds me of that book about no good probably bad day, whatever it is called. Here is what Trump had to say last night in Iowa when he was asked while having a dangling of a carrot on this moment. Here he is.


DONALD TRUMP, FORMER PRESIDENT OF THE UNITED STATES: In order to make our country successful and safe and glorious, I will very, very, very probably do it again. Okay?


TRUMP: Very, very, very probably.


TRUMP: Very, very, very probably.


COATES: Well, Doug, will he very, very, very probably run or is there some political aspect of why he might not be announcing? Do you have a sense?

DOUG HEYE, REPUBLICAN STRATEGIST, FORMER RNC COMMUNICATIONS DIRECTOR: Let me say something about Donald Trump I've never said before. He was very consistent in his messaging right there.

COATES: Very, very, very.

HEYE: Each time, it was three very. So, he has some message discipline which we don't always see with him. We know a few things about Donald Trump. One, he likes big pots of money that he can try and move around. If he formally announces, that changes. So, we have to think about that.

We also know that he likes playing the victim. All these things conflict. If he announces, he can play the victim better. They're coming after me because it's politics.

The other is Donald Trump loves attention. We were talking over the summer that he might announce around July 4th, and this goes back to one of the key things about Donald Trump. Everything he does is same bat time, same bat channel, we all tune in next week.

COATES: Listen, and on that point of the money --

HEYE: (INAUDIBLE) I don't know. COATES: It was very, very, very probably a good I don't know. I tell

you what, look at the screen for a second because here are the ways in terms of how it can move around a little bit. These pots of money that everyone really understand. So, if he were to announce a 2024 campaign, everyone, the RNC, by their own policy, not a lawful one, not based on legislative or otherwise or policy, they won't pay for his legal bills.

If he announces or limited raising $2,900 from individuals and $5,000 from PACS, you got the PAC not being able to underwrite campaign activities, no more personal fundraising with corporations and trade association.

So, I mean, Liam, there is a lot to just the announcement. It might be part of the idea of wanting to just get the attention of will he or won't he, but that -- that's a quite heftily list of reasons you don't have power over your purse any longer.

DONOVAN: He likes to have his pots of money. I think the thing that is striking fear in the hearts of Republican operatives right now is that timing. You mentioned mid-November. We might very well have a runoff in the state of Georgia in early December which is deja vu to how Republicans almost won then lost the Senate majority last time.

So, I think that might be another factor depending how things shake out on Tuesday is do -- you know, is Georgia going to run off and is Herschel going to be affected by what he does?

COATES: That's true. Maria, also, I mean, I think Mike Pence's book comes out the 15th, right? Not the same day, but there is something about the 14th. I don't know. What do you think?

CARDONA: I mean, I think he might look at this and say, this is going to be my opportunity to clear the field, right? If he saw Ron DeSantis's, he's probably not going to like it, right? And then Mike Pence, he might just do it as an ego thing to clear the field and to tell everyone, I'm the God, not you, Ron DeSantis. I'm God, and I'm doing this right now.

In terms of the RNC policy, if it's not law, the RNC can say, oh, we changed our mind. Even if you run, we're going to go ahead and pay your legal bills. They've done that before. And so, that might not be something that keeps him from doing it.

But one thing that could keep him on the track to doing it is perhaps he thinks it's protection from prosecution because then he'll say, I'm a candidate, and then, you know, maybe the DOJ will have to think twice about how they go about doing it and that's when they talk about the special counsel.

COATES: That's a good point because you mentioned, yeah, the special counsel had discussion whether or not to have the insulation of being able to say, look, we're not going after a political opponent, not a politicized department.

But then there is the almost exhaustion factor in a way. You guys are both Republican operatives who tries on these things. I mean, if you're going into an announcement knowing I'm going to have to pay the legal bills for you, that will probably be one of many, does that count against the enthusiasm, you think, or is the base that he has potentially enough to overshadow that?


DONOVAN: The victim hood that Doug mentioned is powerful and it is a financial driver. He taps into that, too, to replenish those. It's a self-licking ice cream cone in a sense. But I don't think it necessarily put a damper on it. I think you can be very clever and dance this line, but at a certain point, you have to jump. You either want the protection or you want to control your purse.

HEYE: Maria, actually -- I shouldn't say actually, very smartly --


HEYE: -- very smartly -- very smartly talked about RNC policy.

COATES: Maria obviously very smart.

HEYE: That is what I meant because you were talking about RNC policy, not DNC policy. One of the things that the RNC has is what is called Rule 11. Rule 11 is an ironclad thing that says they can't get involve in primaries. Even if Kevin McCarthy is running for reelection, they can't get involved in his congressional primary unless the state of California Republican Party files a Rule 11 letter declaring him the candidate.

Well, they can get rid of that rule whenever they want to, especially if Donald Trump tells them to.

CARDONA: That's right.

HEYE: They may be likely to do so in which case the other candidates are going to be out of luck.

COATES: So, rules are there ain't no rules.

CARDONA: We've seen Ronna McDaniel essentially come and kneel at Donald Trump, I'll do whatever you want, so yeah.

COATES: When you think about that and going forward, I mean, and you mentioned the idea of -- almost all of you are presuming that Trump would be the obvious RNC nominee. Do you think that is the case? DeSantis, his ad (INAUDIBLE), I think -- do you think he could actually overtake him?

DONOVAN: I think the fact that President Trump is down in Florida kind of planting his flag, the fact that he's even flirting with this very, very, very probably stuff means that he hears footsteps and he's trying to get out there to box out.

HEYE: And the party kind of breaks down like this. You got 10% that will never vote for Donald Trump in any fashion. You got 40% that will do anything Donald Trump wants to do, that's a marching order. About 50% voted for Trump. They sort of like him. Some of them are exhausted. They're looking at other people. But that core 40%, they are the most active in the primary process, and that gives Trump a huge leg up.

COATES: This has President Biden been talking about. Remember, he has himself said that it is his intention to run for reelection, but he has not been as noncommittal, but he also has not been as firm in saying, I absolutely will do so.

And the midterm election is really this clear mark, right? Put down this as the key marker. You got to wonder not just with who is in power, but what else will change going forward, talking 2024.

But Alisyn, I mean, Tuesday is almost here, and that will be the key date and the days following that. Of course, we mentioned the prospect may be even of a runoff or if it is close and as deadlocked as people are predicting. We have a long road.

CAMEROTA: Oh, we're going to have a long night, I can tell you that, on Tuesday, and I think the people are going to have to settle in and get comfortable because all of our experts have said we may not even know next week.


CAMEROTA: So, we'll see. All right, meanwhile, $1.6 billion, it's the biggest jackpot ever for the lottery. And before you start counting your money, it turns out the lottery is making it even harder for us to win.

COATES: Well shoot.




CAMEROTA: The Powerball jackpot is now $1.6 billion, breaking the record for the largest in lottery history. And If you think this billion-dollar jackpots are getting more frequent, you're right, excuse me. The jackpots are getting bigger but your chances of winning are getting slimmer.

Joining me now to explain is Harry Enten along with Keith Boykin and Tim Naftali. So, they're stacking the deck against us more since in the past few years, aren't they?

ENTEN: Yeah, they basically made a shift back in 2015 in which you have to match the white balls, all of them within the Powerball. They essentially made the white balls changed from 1 to 59, you could select to 1 to 69, and that essentially changed the odds.

So, you have a 1ittle bit there, you can see on the screen, a 1 in 175 million chance of winning you used to, and now it is a 1 in 292 million chance of winning.

I should point out, though, you have a better chance of winning the Powerball than the mega-million by a little bit, which is a little bit north of 1, and I think it is 1 in 303 million. So, look, the odds are better!

CAMEROTA: Yeah, so you're saying I have a chance. That's crazy. I mean, I don't think that many people know that. They've made it harder. Everybody has noticed that there is a bigger jackpot, but you just don't know that you don't stand a snowball chance in hell.

ENTEN: You really don't. I mean, if you line up the last few times that we got the largest jackpot, they all tend to be in the last few years. They made it significantly more difficult.

But, you know, to me, it's like okay, maybe some schools are getting some extra money, maybe some kids are now going to be able to go to high school and, you know, money shouldn't be free. It shouldn't be free. But, you know, also goes through my head of, what I would necessarily want with the millions of dollars?

CAMEROTA: Yes, what would you?

ENTEN: You know, I think that if I won, you know, the $1.6 billion, of course, it is a lump sum, I knew it would be like only a little less than $780 million, somewhere around the --

CAMEROTA: Rip off.

ENTEN: -- rip off, I think that I would probably buy myself a diet AMW cream soda factory, and I would have all the cream soda that I would want.

CAMEROTA: That's the cutest thing I've ever heard. Tim, have you ever bought a lottery ticket?

NAFTALI: A couple of times.

CAMEROTA: You have?

NAFTALI: Generally speaking, I bought lottery tickets for my mom. My mother likes to play the lottery. So, I'll go to the drugstore and pick it up for her.

CAMEROTA: Okay. Are you playing in this one?


NAFTALI: No, but, you know, look, for $2, it's a lot of fun. It's a bit of fantasy and, you know.

CAMEROTA: It's worth it.

NAFTALI: But as long as you know you're not going to win.

CAMEROTA: Well, I don't know that.

NAFTALI: You don't know --

CAMEROTA: Somebody has got to win. Why can't it be me?

NAFTALI: But then if you win a little something because, of course, there are ways of winning without winning the whole --

CAMEROTA: Why can't I win the whole jackpot?

NAFTALI: I hope you do.

CAMEROTA: Thank you, Tim. Thank you.

BOYKIN: Somebody has got to win. Eventually, somebody is going to win. The chances that one of us will win are very unlikely. But somebody in this country or in this universe is going to win this lottery.

CAMEROTA: And I think that fantasy is worth $2.

NAFTALI: It is worth $2.


NAFTALI: But just don't get disappointed.


ENTEN: I'm just hoping that if one of you win, you'll cut me in a little bit. All I'm asking is --

BOYKIN: (INAUDIBLE) is not there.


ENTEN: No question about that. But just give me thing right now for the cream soda.

CAMEROTA: For the lifetime supply of cream soda. Keith, do you play the lottery ever?

BOYKIN: I have played. Whenever it gets over about half a billion dollars, I will play.

CAMEROTA: Okay. What would you do with $1.6 billion?

BOYKIN: After I take care of other people around me, I will start a foundation and help at the causes that I believe in.

CAMEROTA: And that's the right answer because you can't possibly spend it. But wouldn't that be fun to be able to just dole it out at whatever cause you like?

BOYKIN: That's exactly what I would like to do. I care about so many issues and I can't do enough about this. I wouldn't give it to political candidates. You know that. Not that you shouldn't do that but --


BOYKIN: That was off message. I would give it out to causes that I believe in.

CAMEROTA: I feel -- that is my fantasy, actually. The Laurene Powell Jobs fantasy, which is you just have --

ENTEN: We are self-indulgent in this fantasy where we all live in.

CAMEROTA: With $1.6 billion, you can do both. You can have all your cream soda --

ENTEN: Yeah.

CAMEROTA: -- and --

ENTEN: How much cream soda do you think I can drink in a day?

CAMEROTA: You said a lifetime.

ENTEN: Right.

NAFTALI: You should be employing people, Harry. So, you're doing a good thing. Don't forget, you're going to be employing people.

ENTEN: How about owning a minor league baseball team? I could do that.


ENTEN: And I can employ some more people.

NAFTALI: Reconstituting the Montreal Expos. It is about time. There are a lot of thing that could be done with that money.

ENTEN: Bring a third baseball team back to New York. That's what I would do.


BOYKIN: Having lived in Harlem for like 20 years and now I live in Los Angeles, I see homeless people in the street. I feel like I just can't take all this money and use it for myself. I'll still use it for myself --

CAMEROTA: Of course.

BOYKIN: I feel like I have to use some of it to help other people. I feel like it would be really selfish of me to take this money I didn't even earn and not to try to spread it out to help others.

CAMEROTA: I also think it would make you sick. Aren't there stories of people who won the lottery and it ruined their lives? Yes, there are. ENTEN: There are those stories but they tend to be outliers. It's more of a myth than anything else. I will say with all these wonderful answers of giving back, I believe it is like 87% of Americans said that they would share the lottery winnings with friends and family. But also, of note, I believe 62% or 63% said that they would quit their current job. I will not say what I would do in this situation --


ENTEN: -- but I would want to hang out with you guys more. So --

NAFTALI: Oh, you're sweet.

CAMEROTA: Yes. And also, I mean, they do say that there are some secrets to -- if you win, you're not supposed to -- you're supposed to lawyer up, of course. As you said, take the lump sum. I think you're supposed to stay anonymous, for sure.

ENTEN: If you can.


ENTEN: Some states don't allow that.

CAMEROTA: Oh, they don't allow that, because that helps not ruin your life.

BOYKIN: I wouldn't accept it right away. I would take some time and think about it and talk to people before I actually accept the money.

NAFTALI: Don't forget that a lot of this money does go to the government in taxes and will fund all kinds of other things.

CAMEROTA: That was your point.

ENTEN: One piece of advice to the audience, if you want to win and get the biggest jackpot possible, not split the pie --


ENTEN: -- pick numbers above 31 because a lot of people play anniversaries and birthdays, and of course, no month has more than 31 days in it.

CAMEROTA: That's a good secret. Laura, you heard the altruistic and somewhat self-indulgent choices that we would make if winning $1.6 billion. What would you do?

COATES: I can tell you, I probably wouldn't have a cream soda factory.


COATES: I was going to tell you, the Montreal Expos. I'm sorry, Harry. I do love you, but I may have other -- I think I would be a little bit of like an angel-type investor. I would go around the world trying to find people who I think really needed it and surprise them with it. Almost like that undercover boss, but I wouldn't be so obvious like putting a mustache on and go, oh no, it's not Laura Coates, here is the money for you. I'd probably buy a couple things for myself. By a couple, I mean, one point billion.


CAMEROTA: I hope you win because that would be great watching you be undercover boss and going around and surprising people. That would be awesome.

COATES: Like a bad '80 movie when you're like, oh, the girl comes down and the glasses come off, and suddenly she's supposed to be someone different.

CAMEROTA: That's right.

COATES: That would be my version of it. Something like that.

CAMEROTA: I would love that. That would be great.


CAMEROTA: I have a ticket, so nobody else needs to buy one.

COATES: Loo, if we don't see you tomorrow, I know you'll be okay.


CAMEROTA: Okay, we'll see Saturday, but either way, I'll call and let you know.

COATES: Call me and split it. What do you mean let me know?


COATES: Don't tell me, I'm rich. Let me know and give me half of it.


COATES: There you go.

CAMEROTA: No problem.

COATES: Everyone, get ready to turn your clocks back an hour because you might need more time to think of a better way to spend the money because Sunday is the end of Daylight Saving Time. It's saving, not savings. Who knew? Does it have to be for math to correct? We'll talk about it, next.



(COMMERCIAL BREAK) COATES: All right, everyone, it's that time of year again. Alisyn, right now, we are currently in Daylight Saving Time, but come Sunday at 2:00 a.m., we will fall back and turn the clock back an hour. That means we'll gain one hour of sleeping, push sunrise and sunset earlier. And then come mid-March, we'll be springing forward into Daylight Saving Time, and we'll turn our clocks ahead an hour.

CAMEROTA: Now, I mean, I do like the extra hour of sleep, but I don't like that it gets dark at like 4:30 and 5:00 p.m. That's so depressing.

COATES: My kids don't care at all.

CAMEROTA: They don't?

COATES: They don't care, no matter what, but that's fine.

CAMEROTA: Well, earlier this year, the Senate passed a bill to make Daylight Saving Time permanent, but then it stalled in the House. So, the push for permanent Daylight Saving Time has gotten some mixed reviews. The golf industry, restaurants, and other businesses are in favor, because you can imagine, it stays late or longer.

COATES: That's amazing, the industry of golf. There are also parents who don't want their children waiting in the dark for the school bus. And sleep experts who say it harms our rhythms, they also object.

So back with us now here, Alisyn, to talk more about it, Kara Swisher, Liam Donovan, and Maria Cardona. First of all, there are the sort of those in favor of and arguments against. Does it surprise you that it hasn't gone anywhere? Do you expect this to be actually resolved? Do you have personal opinions? We're all probably sleep-deprived in our own way. Do you agree?

CARDONA: I do. I don't think we need it. But maybe we need to figure out which side of it we want, right? I think most people would want a longer day because they feel like they're more productive and more gets done. But I think we should just decide one way or the other.

I grew up in Puerto Rico. There is no Daylight Saving Time there. it is always the same time. When I was in school, when I was calling my parents, I had to figure out, wait a minute, is it the same time?

But I think in general, the reason why we had Daylight Saving Time originally, it's not really there, right? It comes from colonial times and most of the country was farming. So, it was a reason to do that. I don't think that exists anymore. But I think people are dug in into the ways that they like their days and why, so I kind of don't think it's going to go anywhere.

COATES: Many hadn't thought about the social reasons why. The idea of children at the school bus very early, going away to school in the darkness, coming back in the darkness. I'm from Minnesota, it was kind of that way.

Certain industries want it. It's very telling. It's the idea of trying to consume more, more time to buy, more time to play, more time to spend maybe time and money. That correlation can't possibly be a reason to influence Congress, right? There is no lobbying.



SWISHER: I hardly think about this topic at all whatsoever. I just do whatever my Apple watch tells me to.

COATES: It's time to stand up, Kara.

SWISHER: Exactly. I tell everyone, some sort of technology says, put that donut down (INAUDIBLE) rhythm or whatever. I don't care.

COATES: I wonder, do you care? I know I care about this, thinking about --

SWISHER: I think he does care.

DONOVAN: I want to know who I go to talk to get that extra hour of sleep because in my house, that's not how it works.

SWISHER: Exactly. We both have a lot of kids.

DONOVAN: Eight between us. But the funny thing is this wasn't supposed to get this far. It was (INAUDIBLE) in the Senate. Nobody objected. (INAUDIBLE) assume someone would, so the fact that it even got halfway there is just a funny fluke of procedure. I think now we actually have to grapple with this seriously in a way we haven't done in four years.

COATES: The House says that they haven't acted yet because they are overwhelmed by voters with split opinions and warnings from sleep specialists. It is kind of interesting because, I wonder, I mean, are there no other areas that they can overwhelm by split opinions from voters? This is the one hang-up, this is the one hurdle?

CARDONA: You know what? Local governments can change it. There is a place in Indiana, I believe, that doesn't have it.


CARDONA: And so, it is not really keeping. If you have like a locality and the majority of the people there don't want it, they can get rid of it. If a place in Indiana can do it --

COATES: I wonder, though, I mean, thinking about this, when I think back to the safety aspect of it, and I think about the way in which we've had all these studies now, time and time again, about the importance of sleep, the idea of thinking about mental health as an overall society now, really appreciating it in different ways, this does sort of tapping to maybe a level of evolving as a society.

Is there a reason other than commerce, a reason other than something that is just a inertia where we actually change things based on those studies, based on the social -- I mean, we don't always see this. It is usually a big fight. And now, doesn't seem to be.


CARDONA: I think it's something that -- and you're probably right, Kara, I don't think very many people think about this that much.


CARDONA: Which is probably why it won't go anywhere. But this issue of sleep deprivation is a big one, especially here in the United

States, right?


I think we are probably the country maybe next to Japan that is the most sleep-deprived in the world. And sleep is such a benefit to mental health, to your physical health, to so many things. I mean, I'm lucky because I can sleep whenever, however, and whichever way. I am very lucky in that because a lot of people suffer from insomnia and not getting a good night sleep.

SWISHER: It has to do with screen time. That's been the entry of that with kids and everybody else, how much screen time you have, using it very late at night. Those are the really interesting studies.

In China, they're cutting -- people have to -- the teens have to put them down and they like -- not legislate, it's not a legislature. They say stop. And so, the question is, what do we do about that? It is the addictive element of lighting element and screen time. During the pandemic, everybody, adults and children, got worse. That's one thing that I think is very interesting to study, what that is.

COATES: Sleep-deprived, screen time. Alisyn, I want you to come in to this panel as well.


CAMEROTA: I don't know anything about sleep deprivation.

COATES: What time is it right now?

CAMEROTA: Exactly. I'm like Maria. I'm a sleep champion. I pride myself on that. Thank goodness. I'd also like to hear more about the eight children that --


COATES: They snuck that in, didn't they?

SWISHER: Later, we're going to get married even though we're already married, and I'm gay. (INAUDIBLE) TV show.


SWISHER: Watch out, Kardashians.


CAMEROTA: There is a lot happening there.

CARDONA: There is a show there, Alisyn.


CARDONA: I see it. Discovery Plus.

CAMEROTA: They share children, but they're married to other people. It's all very fascinating.

SWISHER: It's going to be good.

CAMEROTA: It's fascinating to me.

COATES: Isn't that a wife swap? Maybe it is just (INAUDIBLE) swap. I don't know. You know what? Maybe if we had that extra hour, you'd be in the sort of leap year program, only available for Daylight Saving Time.



SWISHER: If we go to leap year, I have to leave this panel immediately.

COATES: We're not doing leap year. Kara is like, I'm done with this.

CAMEROTA: We'll talk about Elon. Things are running off the rails there. So, I think --

COATES: We are sleep-deprived. We would like to go to sleep. We want them to sign off. That's why, Alisyn, I need the hour at 2:00 a.m. on Sunday. I will be there with bells on in flannels, in fact. Don't even span down in this camera. I'm already asleep.

CAMEROTA: It's either that or Kara has something else in that mug. I'm not sure.


CAMEROTA: But in any event, it is time for all of our viewers to sound off. We'll read your tweets, next.




COATES: All right, everyone, it's time to sound off. Let's see what you have been saying tonight. There's one on daylight saving. Here you go. It is from (INAUDIBLE). It says, no, we shouldn't. We need more sun in the morning so it makes perfect sense to revert to standard time. Nice to have extra sun in the evening during spring and summer when the weather is nice. Leave it alone, cancel something else.

CAMEROTA: Okay. This one is from (INAUDIBLE). No, it's too dark in the morning for kids to walk to school. That's your point, Laura.

COATES: It is. I mean, you ever see -- you try to get your kid to the bus stop at the school. I mean, it's awful to see them in the darkness. it's just too dark for me. We have from Bob Smith. It says, didn't realize it has been in place to reduce energy consumption. It definitely reduces my energy when I lose an hour of sleep, so it's time for it to go. Who knew? People care, see?

CAMEROTA: It affects everybody except that sliver in Indiana. You know where to find us, at @alisyncamerota and @thelauracoates.

COATES: Now, everyone, on to some people who are making good and good news. The top CNN Heroes of 2022, they've been announced. One of whom will be named the CNN Hero of the Year by you, our viewers. We will be introducing each of you to our top 10 as you vote for your favorite in the next five weeks.

And as the Russian war in Ukraine rages on, more than 7.5 million people have fled the country, creating the world's fastest growing refugee crisis since World War II.

CAMEROTA: So, top 10 CNN hero Teresa Gray is doing all she can to help. A paramedic and a nurse from Alaska, she sends small self- sufficient medical teams to natural and humanitarian disasters. Since February, she and her volunteers have travelled to Romania three times.


TERESA GRAY, CNN HERO (voice-over): What we were expecting to see was large groups of people housed in tent cities. And actually, they're housing these refugees in individual dorm rooms. They've got food, they've got shelter, but the trauma is the same.

UNKNOWN: They've lost almost everything.

GRAY (voice-over): This is filled with women, children, and elderly. There is a flu outbreak currently that obviously affects the children. We also have pre-existing conditions. It isn't just about fixing the broken arm or giving you medicine. It's making that human connection. Sometimes, you need to hold their hand and walk them down the hallway and listen to them. We try to meet the needs of whatever presents to us.


UNKNOWN: Smile, everybody.

GRAY (voice-over): Human suffering has no borders. People are people, and love is love.


CAMEROTA: Teresa and her volunteers have provided care and comfort to more than 1,000 Ukrainian refugees in need.

COATES: Everyone, go to right now to vote for her, for CNN Hero of the Year, or any of your favorite top 10 heroes. You can vote for any or all of them up to 10 times a day every day.

Everyone, thanks so much for watching.

CAMEROTA: Have a great weekend. Our coverage continues.


ANDERSON COOPER, CNN HOST: Good evening. For the first time since her husband was savagely attacked by an assailant who allegedly intended to hold and harm her, House Speaker Nancy Pelosi has spoken on camera about the ordeal.
