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Greek PM Says More Time, Not Money, Is Needed; "Robin Hood" Spanish Mayor Stages Symbolic Protests Against Austerity

Aired August 22, 2012 - 16:00   ET


FIONNUALA SWEENEY, HOST: Greece's survival within the EuroZone is in the spotlight yet again. Tonight, more evidence of how this crisis is spreading to Spain and causing one local mayor to take drastic measures.

Also tonight, lighting the spark to the Paralympics flame at the summit of one of Britain's biggest mountains.

And he is known as the party prince, but these pictures of him naked in Las Vegas are raising questions about the young royal's judgment and privacy. PR expert Max Cliffords (ph) and royal biographer Mark Saunders discuss the implications.

We don't need more cash, we just need more time, that was the argument Greek prime minister Antonis Samaras told to the Euro group chief Jean- Claude Juncker as they met in Athens today. The Greek PM is floating the idea of a two year extension to meet bailout targets.

Elinda Labropoulou in Athens has more.


ELINDA LABROPOULOU, CNN INTERNATIONAL CORRESPONDENT: Greece has received cautious support from the head of the euro group Jean-Claude Juncker about the country's future in the EuroZone. Though Mr. Juncker said that he wants Greece to stay in the euro, he restrained from expressing opinion on the possibility of allowing Greece more time to repay its debts. The Greek premier Antonis Samaras has raised the issue in an interview published in the German newspaper Der Bilt and said Greece needs what he described as breathing space in order to push through a series of painful cuts that must be implemented in order to meet the country's creditors requirements.

Mr. Juncker, after his meeting with the Greek Premier Antonis Samaras, said that this decision would be made later following a progress report that is expected in the coming weeks by Greek lenders, the EU and the IMF, or what is collectively known as the troika.

Mr. Juncker's presence in Athens is of particular significance at this point as it signals what has been dubbed as the Greek prime minister's charm offensive, if you like, that will include talks with the German chancellor Angela Merkel on Friday and the French president Francois Hollande on Saturday.

During the talks, the Greek prime minister will try to convince the European leaders that Greece is determined to stick and to meet its lenders requirements despite delays in implementing measures. And this is something that he needs to do if Greece is to receive the last tranche of a bailout loan without which the country would default on its debt.

He will then argue that this breathing space is essential for Greece to meet its targets, because recession has been deeper than expected. And so he is going to argue that more time is really what Greece needs in order to kick start its economy.

Ahead of the meeting with Angela Merkel, the German Chancellor has played down expectations of any solid pleasures from the meeting on Friday with Mr. Samaras saying that all decisions will come after the next troika report on Greece next month.

Elinda Labropoulou in Athens for CNN.


SWEENEY: And in the last couple of hours, the deputy CEO of Greece's national bank told CNN's Richard Quest that he's confident Greece won't be asking for more money.


PETROS CHRISTODOULOU, DEPUTY CEO, NATIONAL BANK OF GREECE: I think that our prime minister has made it very clear today in advance before he travel abroad that asking for more time credit does not mean money credit. So he's not going to look for extra money. And I think that in order not to be misunderstood he has put that forward up front.

RICHARD QUEST, CNN INTERNATIONAL CORRESPONDENT: Private economists still say the mathematics don't add up, that even if all this plays out as the troika hopes and you'd admit, surely, that the -- that the reform and restructuring is not on track as much as you would like, but the mathematics doesn't add up.

CHRISTODOULOU: Well, look, you have to appreciate -- we are two years into the program. We have -- which is usually at the bottom, at the trough of the, if you like -- the people are very tired. There is fatigue in the system. And also we are -- the program is off track because of the extended election season that we have had and now we are racing to catch up.

QUEST: If we pull the strands together, we've got Juncker, we've got Merkel, we've got all these talks coming together. And then in the midst of it last week we have the Finnish foreign minister saying the preparations need to be made, or were being made, or should be made for a Greek exit from the euro.

Now I suspect you're going to tell me that, you know, Greece is in it and in it for good, but you'd accept, too, that everybody needs to make preparations in case something goes wrong.

CHRISTODOULOU: I can understand why some people abroad are making statements along the lines of making preparations or a plan B, or if you like. I see these as of course there is their own prerogative to make any preparations they feel that are fit, but I think that -- I see them more as a shot across the bow of Greece to make sure the Greece delivers on what we have promised.


SWEENEY: Well, the Greek prime minister may be playing for time, but he's got a busy few weeks ahead as Elinda mentioned. On Friday, he'll face the German Chancellor Angela Merkel who is coming under heavy pressure from her own government not to give the Greeks any more leeway.

On Saturday, he meets the French president Francois Hollande who is perhaps more sympathetic since his country is also having to implement austerity cuts.

Well, the troika are back in town to inspect Greece's books in just over a week before European finance ministers meet in Cyprus on September 14. A full troika review is expected by the end of September. And only then will a decision be made on Greece.

Well, the bigger worry for EuroZone leaders is the effect a Greek exit would have on other member countries. Many countries that use the euro are already struggling to stave off a bailout of their own. Spain's embattled banks have had to go cap in hand for aid. And the country's cost cutting measures have been met by mass anti-austerity protests.

Well, some Spanish regions have become so desperate that one mayor have even resorted to what he called Robin Hood style tactics to keep his community going.


AL GOODMAN, CNN CORRESPONDENT: He's known as Spain's Robin Hood. And now he has quite a following. Juan Manuel Sanchez Gordillo, a leftist village mayor and regional politician, is leading this march against the Spanish government's austerity cuts.

JUAN MANUEL SANCHEZ GORDILLO, PROTEST LEADER (through translator): In the 19th Century, local bandits stole from the rich to give to the poor, a kind of collective Robin Hood. In this economic crisis, capitalists and governments do just the opposite rob from the poor and give to the rich.

GOODMAN: Sanchez Gordillo gained notoriety earlier this month for leading raids on two supermarkets in nearby towns.

GORDILLO (through translator): We did it in an organized way, he says, taking basic food stuff to deliver to an NGO, but we hit the powers right where it hurts the most. And that's why the authorities are nervous.

GOODMAN: Most of the people taking part in this march are unemployed farm workers, union leaders say. And dozens of them took part in the recent supermarket incidents.

Like Andres Amaro, a jobless farm worker with a wife and daughter.

ANDRES AMARO, SUPERMARKET PROSTER (through translator): I took part like the others in a symbolic protest against the crisis we are suffering, above all the working class.

GOODMAN: He and six others were arrested at a supermarket. They're charged with robbery. Sanchez Gordillo has political immunity.

The conservative government blasted him for flouting the law, but he says these are desperate times.

The jobless rate in Spain is more than 24 percent, but here in southern Andilocia (ph) it's 33 percent. For months, there have been large protests across Spain against the cutbacks and tax hikes that the government says are needed to reduce the deficit and revive the economy. But prime minister Mariano Rajoy has vowed to stay the course.

GORDILLO (through translator): Right now, we see no sign he's going to change. All we see are police, arrests, repression.

GOODMAN: This day, civil guards protect a wealthy farming estate as marchers pass by. The marchers take a break and plot their next move.

Suddenly, they rush onto the estate through a hole in the fence before the civil guards can stop them.

The protesters hope to keep the pressure on the authorities with what they say are a series of symbolic actions like occupying this land.

A standoff ensues with some protesters deep inside the estate refusing to leave. For these followers of a man now seen as a modern day Robin Hood, this is just one of the first stops in the three week long march aimed at getting the world's attention.

Al Goodman, CNN, Spain.


SWEENEY: And still to come tonight, it was his one wish to die. British man Tony Nicklinson passes away just days after losing a legal battle for his right to assisted suicide.

A U.S. Republican remains adamant he'll keep up the fight for a Senate seat despite party leaders personally asking him to bow out of the race.

Representing his country in recent months, we've seen Prince Harry on his best behavior, but new photos are raising questions about the young royal's judgment and right to privacy. Coming up later in the program, PR expert Max Cliffords and royal biographer Mark Saunders give us their very different take.


SWEENEY: You're watching CNN. And this is Connect the World. Welcome back.

A British man who was a prisoner in his own body has died just days after a court ruled against giving him the right to an assisted suicide. The family of 58 year old Tony Nicklinson announced on Twitter that he died of natural causes. The former rugby player was devastated last week after losing his legal battle to end what he called a living nightmare.

CNN's Atika Schubert has this report.


TONY NICKLINSON: My name is Tony Nicklinson and I have locked in syndrome. This means that most of my body is paralyzed, but my mind is as it was before the stroke.

ATIKA SCHUBERT, CNN INTERNATIONAL CORRESPONDENT: Tony Nicklinson lived the good life for many years: an avid rugby player described as the life and soul of the party, he traveled the world with his family. But he will be remembered for his fight to die.

After a paralyzing stroke at the age of 51 seven years ago, Tony Nicklinson suffered locked in syndrome.

NICLKLINSON: All I can move is my head. And the stroke took away my power of speech. Now I talk to people with spelling board or a computer operated by my eye blinks.

SCHUBERT: Nicklinson fought to change Britain's laws barring assisted suicide.

NICKLINSON: I say where a person has the mental ability he should have the choice of his own life or death.

SCHUBERT: Britain's high court ruled against changing the law to the deep disappointment to the Nicklinson family.

JANE NICKLINSON, WIFE OF TONY NICKLINSON: It was a huge thing we were asking for, but we hope that we had a chance of winning.

Can Tony just spell something out? Letter W, letter We -- letter, T, H -- we thought -- letter, D -- we thought common sense would prevail. Is that what we were going to say? Yes, it's what we hoped.

30 years ago Tony probably would have died, you know, when he had the stroke. You know, they fought to keep him alive and for what?

SCHUBERT: the family lawyer told reporters Nicklinson had contracted pneumonia and had refused any life sustaining treatment. After the court decision he began to refuse food as well.

SAIMO CHAHAL, NICKLINSON FAMILY LAWYER: After Tony received the draft judgment on 12 August refusing his claim, the fight seemed to out of him. He said that he was heartbroken by the high courts decision that he could not end his life at a time of his choosing with the help of a doctor.

SCHUBERT: He died with his family by his side. He was described as a gutsy fighter to the end. And though his own battle has come to a close, he led the way for others to continue his controversial fight.

Atika Schubert, CNN, London.


SWEENEY: Well, here's a look now at some of the other stories connecting our world tonight.

Opposition activists in the Syrian capital Damascus say they've suffered the heaviest day of bombardment by government forces this month. The activists accuse government forces of firing from tanks and helicopters and say at least 80 people were killed across Syria today.

The violence comes as UN military observers left the region after their failed peace mission. UN humanitarian chief Valerie Amos gave a grim account of what she saw during her visit last week.


VALERIE AMOS, UNHCR: This conflict has taken on a particularly brutal and violent character. We have all seen distressing images on our television screens. And it is ordinary women, men and children who are caught in the midst of it. I repeat my call to all those engaged in the conflict to respect civilians and abide by international humanitarian law.


SWEENEY: Well, the final hours of the Japanese journalist killed in Syria this week have been shared by her colleagues. These are the last images of Mika Yamamoto filmed before she died in Aleppo. The 45 year old award winning journalist was killed in a gun battle on Monday. Her employer, the Japan Press News Agency released this footage earlier in the day.

Egypt formally requested $4.8 billion in loans today from the International Monetary Fund. IMF head Christine LeGarde met Prime Minister Hesham Kandil in Cairo. The terms of the loan are still to be negotiated, but the IMF wants Egypt to outline plans to cut its deficit.

The U.S. Republican representative who cause a furor with comments on rape and abortion is refusing to budge. The latest calls for Todd Akin to quit the senate race came via a personal phone call from the vice presidential hopeful Paul Ryan. Despite the increasing fascia, Akin is adamant he'll carry on.


REP. TODD AKIN, (R) U.S. SENATE CANDIDATE: Yes, Paul Ryan did give me a call and he felt that I had to make a decision, but he advised me that it would be good for me to step down.

UNIDENTIFIED MALE: And what did you say to him?

AKIN: Well, I told him that I was going to be looking at this very seriously trying to weigh all of the different points on this and that I would make the decision, because it's not about me, it's about trying to do the right thing and standing in principle.


SWEENEY: Well, let's get the latest now from CNN's Dana Bash in Washington.

So one day later a call from Mitt Romney and a call from Paul Ryan. And he's still standing firm.

DANA BASH, CNN CORRESPONDENT: He's still standing firm. And Republican officials today believe that he's going to stand firm for some time. In fact, one top official told me earlier that they are just bracing to, quote, grind it out for awhile and that maybe if he sees that money dries up, if he sees that he doesn't quite have the support in terms of the votes that he thinks he might -- he has in his home state of Missouri, maybe he will voluntarily quit between now and the next deadline. And that deadline is September 25, but they're not holding out a lot of hope.

And I should say that September 25 deadline is a lot more difficult, because it will require legal hurdles and financial hurdles in order to get his name off the ballot if he chooses to do so. And it's a big if.

SWEENEY: It is a big if. And in the latest CNN polls of polls Obama is at 47 percent and Mitt Romney is at 43 percent.

Now as the fallout from this in any way, Dana, likely to affect the Republicans, or at least how is it likely to impact them going into the presidential race? And is it likely to change the discussion, the debate?

BASH: Well, you know, it already has changed the discussion and the debate. And that is why Republican officials who I'm talking to across the board a very concerned about it. They're concerned about it for their prospects for taking over the United States Senate. And most importantly they're concerned about it for what it means for Mitt Romney and Paul Ryan in their bid to take over the White House, especially in those key swing states here in the U.S. because we're talking about -- specifically we're talking about the questions of abortion, questions of rape, and these comments talking about legitimate rape.

The concern is whether or not it will repel swing women voters. And you mentioned that the latest poll effectively has Mitt Romney and Barack Obama in a neck and neck race, well that's not the case for women. With women, there is a 10 point difference. Republicans have a 10 point deficit with women. And that is one of the main reasons why they're so concerned. I talked to a couple of top women in the Republican Party today, one who is for abortion rights, one is anti-abortion rights and they agreed that this is very problematic in their quest to get women voters to go to the Republican side.

SWEENEY: All right, a story that's going to continue for at least a number of weeks. Thank you very much indeed Dana Bash.

The South African president Jacob Zuma has met striking workers from the Lonmin Marikana mine site in an effort to sooth tensions. The president told workers the country is mourning with them after police shot and killed 34 miners last week. Demonstrations at the site continue with miners calling for better pay and living conditions. Memorial services are planned for Thursday.

It has taken 18 years of negotiations, but Russia is finally part of the World Trade Organization. The country's entry into the WTO paves the way for better access to international markets and economic growth. But some smaller businesses have raised concerns that a flood of foreign goods will wipe them out.

Well, we're going to take a short break now, but when we come back the Italian champions will begin the defense of their title without their coach. He's lost another crucial round in his bid to get back on the pitch sooner rather than later.


SWEENEY: You're watching Connect the World. Welcome back. I'm Fionnuala Sweeney.

Now Antonio Conte may be the coach of a championship team, but right now he is zero for two in his fight to overturn his 10 month ban. Don Riddell joins me now with the details and to explain what it's all about.

DON RIDDELL, CNN SPORTS CORREPSONDENT: Yeah, he's going to try again in September. He's going to appeal this 10 month ban again. But it looks as though Juventus are going to have to do without him in Serie A. And he was so influential for that team last season, Fionnuala. They were seventh in Serie A the year before he joined, then he joined they won the championship and they went unbeaten. But he's paying the price for what -- he is alleged to have done the season before when he was at Siena which was that he supposedly knew of two attempts to fix matches which he didn't report to the authorities. He says he knew nothing about it, but that's why he's now in this mess.

And I think the question really is how are Juventus going to be able to do without him, because he actually can still coach the team during the week, it's just that he can't be on the touchline during the games.

SWEENEY: And how -- just briefly how influential is the coach on the touchlines during the games. They can communicate directly with the players, or no?

RIDDELL: Well, of course. I mean, the players can see him.

SWEENEY: He can shout at them, yeah.

RIDDELL: I mean, every coach has a different style. His style is that he's very demonstrative. He really imposes himself. And he really inspires the players. And the players respond to him. And so I think this is the problem Juventus are going to have is that he's going to be completely absent. He's not even allowed to communicate with the coaching staff that are on the bench. So he will be persona non grata on match days. He won't have any part of it. So he's going to have to do all the hard week during the week. And it may be that he can overcome the problem.

But I think his players are going to miss him.

SWEENEY: I'm sure they will on the day and after.

But let me ask you about another subject now, the Paralympics. Everyone gearing up for that. It's due to start shortly. And it seems that these used to be many years ago, not even that too long ago.

RIDDELL: Four years ago.

SWEENEY: Well, yeah, it's the different countries I think have different images and different ideas about the Paralympics. But they really have become extremely popular with these games. Why?

RIDDELL: Well, I think so. I mean, we've seen the lighting of the flame at various locations around Great Britain on Wednesday, Fionnuala. But yeah I agree with you, I think the Paralympics really are becoming a big deal.

I mean, they used to be pretty much an afterthought following the Olympics, but in London next week I think we're going to see the Paralympics pretty much sold out. I think that's -- there's a lot of factors at play here. I think there are some high profile Paralympic athletes like Oscar Pistorius who of course competed in the able-bodied games. I think the fact that it's in London is a big help. And there was such an Olympic fever in London that I think, you know, people that couldn't get tickets for the Olympics want to go see this now.

And I think perhaps our attitudes are finally changing and we're realizing that these competitors are just as inspiring, in fact frankly if not more inspiring than the athletes we see in action at the Olympics.

SWEENEY: That's what's been a long time coming...

RIDDELL: And their stories are fantastic. I'm really looking forward to seeing it.

SWEENEY: All right. And so we thank you very much Don Riddell.

And join Don for World Sport in about an hour's time. We'll have the results of Chelsea's Premier League match with Reading. Chelsea have just gone ahead 3-2 in the second half. There you go.

Now still to come on Connect the World a young woman in the prime of her life murdered by a close relative. This is a case that shook Palestinian society. It's the latest in our special series highlighting so-called honor murders.

Pirates and robbers on the high seas, the Indonesian coast guard battle to keep the country's shipping safe.

And a naked Prince Harry caught on camera causes a stir. We ask if a person in his public position deserves a bit of privacy.


SWEENEY: A warm welcome to our viewers across Europe and around the world. I'm Fionnuala Sweeney, and these are the latest world headlines from CNN.

Greek prime minister Antonis Samaras met the head of the euro group looking for an extension on his country's austerity goals. Jean-Claude Juncker says no decision will be made before the troika finishes its report on Greece at the end of September.

A safari plane has crashed in Kenya killing two German tourists and two pilots. It happened in the world-famous Masai Mara Wildlife Preserve. There's no word yet on what caused the crash.

An opposition group in Syria now says at least 175 people have been killed today across the country. These internet images seem to show government tanks rolling through smoky streets in the capital.

The UN humanitarian chief has just returned from a visit to Syria. Valerie Amos says she's, quote, "extremely concerned" that all parties are failing to comply with international humanitarian law.

A British man who suffered from locked-in syndrome has died. Tony Nicklinson recently lost a major legal battle over assisted suicide. A stroke had left Nicklinson unable to move or speak. A family lawyer says he developed pneumonia over the weekend and was refusing food. Police will not be investigating his death.

A young life, so full of promise, extinguished at the bottom of a well. The murder of a university student by her own uncle shocked Palestinian society last year. West Bank leaders vowed to crack down on so-called honor murders liked this one, but has anything really changed since? Here's Diana Magnay.


DIANA MAGNAY, CNN INTERNATIONAL CORRESPONDENT (voice-over): Aya Baradiya was buried in May last year, her funeral attended by hundreds of Palestinians from Hebron and the villages around. They came to mourn and show their outrage at the unspeakable way in which this spirited young student's life was taken from her.

She died after being thrown down this well by her uncle. In a chilling interview to Palestine TV, showing no signs of remorse, he confessed how, with the help of two colleagues, he'd left her there, bound and beaten, but still alive.

IQAB BARADIYA, CONFESSED TO HONOR KILLING (through translator): We kidnapped her and took a car up 205 and parked the car by the well, threw the girl inside the well, and then left.

MAGNAY: Her remains were discovered by a shepherd more than a year later. The uncle told police he'd killed her to protect the family honor, saying she had engaged in improper sexual relations, although they found no evidence to back up those claims.

The case sparked such an outcry that Palestinian president Mahmoud Abbas promised a crackdown on so-called honor killings. Aya's confessed killer is still awaiting trial. But critics charge not much has changed.

MAGNAY (on camera): Crimes committed in the name of family honor no longer command any special leniency under Palestinian law, but in Ramadan alone, three women were killed by family members. This is a society where many men still believe that violence against women can be justified.

MAGNAY (voice-over): Maha Abu-Dayyeh runs a women's center for counseling and legal aid in the West Bank.

MAHA ABU-DAYYEH, WOMEN'S CENTER FOR LEGAL AID AND COUNSELING: The articles that judges base their judgments on are two articles, 99 -- 98 and 99, which allows for mitigating circumstances for a crime committed in a moment of anger.

MAGNAY (on camera): So, honor is no excuse anymore, but anger is.

ABU-DAYYEH: Anger is, right.

MAGNAY (voice-over): Crimes of passion dealt with differently in a place where passions run high, where the violence of years of inter- fighting and the stress of occupation can manifest itself in ugly ways, even at home. The government's position is that it's doing what it can.

RABIHA DIAB, PALESTINIAN MINISTER FOR WOMEN'S AFFAIRS (through translator): The issue is not the laws only. Laws are important, but what is more important and should be paired to the laws is empowerment, raising awareness about rights and practice. Because these are hundreds of years of customs and traditions and a prevalent culture that gave the man the right to be the master, and she is the follower.

MAGNAY: Aya's case threw light on those traditions, but 11 women have died already this year at the hands of their relatives, 7 in Gaza, 4 in the West Bank. And those are just the deaths that have been reported. Many more may never come to light.

Diana Magnay, CNN, Ramallah.


SWEENEY: And Diana's report is part of our special week-long series highlighting the despicable practice of murdering a relative believed to have brought shame on the family. Sadly, it happens all over the world.

On Monday, we brought you a story from Britain where two parents sentenced to life in prison for the murder of their teenage daughter. Prosecutors said they suffocated Shafilea Ahmed with a plastic bag, killing her over her desire to live a westernized lifestyle.

And we shared the chilling account of a Pakistani man who killed three members of his family. His apparent lack of remorse was startling.


MUHAMMAD ISMAIL, CONFESSED TO KILLING WIFE (through translator): I don't remember how many times I shot my wife. The gun was loaded. I stopped when I was sure all the bullets were gone. I am proud of what I did, that's why I turned myself over to the police. That's why I turned myself over to the police. My wife never made me happy. She was just like a prostitute.


SWEENEY: Well, just to be clear, honor murders are not confined to one country, one culture or, indeed, one religion. But understanding the common thread that runs through these cases can help combat the violence.

I'm joined now by Unni Wikan. She's a professor of social anthropology at the University of Oslo, and she's also author of the book "In Honor of Fadime: Murder and Shame," the story of a Kurdish immigrant woman living in Sweden who was killed by her own father.

Thank you for joining us. First of all, we say that honor murders aren't confined to one country, but how prevalent across the world are honor murders?

UNNI WIKAN, PROFESSOR, UNIVERSITY OF OSLO: They have been over large parts of the world. To my knowledge, we have not found them to exist in China or Japan or Indonesia, in that part of the world. But in Europe, North Africa, the Middle East, South and Central Asia, honor killings are - - are found many times.

SWEENEY: And what do you think of the term "honor killings" in itself? Is that an appropriate term when one is trying to reeducate parts of a population or many populations?

WIKAN: Yes, I think it's adequate. We use it to emphasize that honor killing is a special kind of murder. It is not murder committed by an individual out of jealousy or passion. It is murder committed by persons on behalf of a collectivity in order to gain or reap honor for a group, for a clan, a tribe, or a family.

And also, honor killings are usually not committed by a husband or a lover, like jealousy killings in the West. They are committed by the girl's own family, most usually a brother or a father or an uncle.

SWEENEY: And do --

WIKAN: And the community -- the community gives the family, then, honor for the murder.

SWEENEY: Well, that's exactly what I was going to ask you. Do you find that there has been any kind of change socially in terms of how the immediate community reacts to an honor killing because of education, increased publicity, et cetera?

WIKAN: Oh, yes, absolutely. In parts of Europe, in places like Iraqi Kurdistan, when I've been myself trying to educate some people, we do find that we're increasing awareness, international awareness, of the atrocities that these crimes represent, there is increasing support within communities for changing these conceptions of honor that require that you might murder -- may have to murder your own child.

SWEENEY: And when you look at a map of the world and you know where attempts are being made to counter honor killings, where are you most hopeful, and what has given you cause for that hope?

WIKAN: Well, I'm -- very hopeful in Europe, where there are -- have been many such murders, as we know, and where there are groups within the communities that are doing a lot of work to -- as I say, change the awareness to try to make people agree to have a different conception of honor, one that is in accordance with human rights.

But I've also seen in places like Pakistan, in places like Jordan, in Iraqi Kurdistan, in Northern Africa, a lot of good work being done by individuals, by NGOs, and by state authorities to combat honor killings.

SWEENEY: Well, on that optimistic note, we shall end. Thank you very much for joining us form Oslo in Norway. Unni Wikan, professor of social anthropology at the University of Oslo, thank you.

Now coming up after the break, fighting for safer seas. We head to Indonesia and meet the coast guard battling for armed -- battling, rather, the armed robbers in Jakarta's very busy port.


SWEENEY: Last year, there were 46 pirate attacks in the Indonesian waters, but there's an even greater threat to the country's shipping trade: armed robbery on boats moored in its ports. Sara Sidner headed to Jakarta's Tanjung Priok to find a captain dedicated to making it a safe port of call.


SARA SIDNER, CNN INTERNATIONAL CORRESPONDENT (voice-over): On patrol with Indonesia's coast guard, headed to Jakarta's port of Tanjung Priok. Nowhere is the country's booming economic growth more visible than here. The annual volume of cargo in and out of the port has almost doubled since 2009. But until a planned expansion is complete in 2023, space will be at a premium.

ERRY HARDIANTO, MAERSK LINE: I wish the expansion actually took place about five years ago, even ten years go. We do not have space, basically. And if you look at the economy, it's actually growing at 6.5 and 7 percent per annum. That's despite Europe having a huge -- basically a crisis.

SIDNER: The result? The port's harbor looks more like a parking lot, and coast guard captain Ni Putu Cahyani's job takes on greater importance.

SIDNER (on camera): So the small ships you're looking for -- because they're not supposed to be here.

SIDNER (voice-over): "When conducting patrol, we have to pay attention to any suspicious-looking boats," she tells me.

SIDNER (on camera): A busy port is great for the economy, but bad for security, because it means these massive cargo ships that are loaded up are simply sitting here for up to 24 hours, making them targets for robbery.

SIDNER (voice-over): According to the International Maritime Bureau, there have been 32 armed robberies in Indonesia's waters this year alone, a six-year high, 90 percent of which occurred on ships anchored or berthed.

So, while piracy grabs the headlines, Cahyani says it's armed robber close to the port that concerns her the most.

SIDNER (on camera): What do you look for when you're out on patrol?

SIDNER (voice-over): "Usually we can identify any suspicious boats by looking at the way they move," she says. "Sometimes they speed up instantly."

Of the more than 400 Indonesian ports the coast guard is charged with protecting, Tanjung Priok is its crown jewel. Her crew stops and questions five to ten boats daily, but more often than not, it's simply about being seen.

"Once we're on patrol, our presence will automatically scare the small boats, and it will prevent them from approaching the big ships," she says. A watchful eye over Indonesia's largest gateway.

Sara Sidner, CNN, Jakarta.


SWENNEY: You're watching CONNECT THE WORLD. When we come back, risque pictures of Prince Harry are an internet hit, but should they have been published in the first place, and does he deserve some privacy?


SWEENEY: They say what happens in Vegas stays in Vegas, but not, it seems, if you're Prince Harry. His Royal Highness was snapped cavorting naked with a scantily-clad woman in his hotel suite at the weekend, and now there is a debate over whether or not showing the picture is in the public interest.

CNN has said, "The photo of Prince Harry was in the public domain when CNN decided to show it. It has generated huge debate worldwide about a person who is one of the most recognizable men in the world, and whose judgment has been questioned.

"We recognize he was in a private hotel room at the time, but there are implications for Prince Harry and the British royal family from the publication of this photo that are being discussed worldwide."

Well, earlier I spoke to PR expert Max Clifford and royal biographer Mark Saunders to get their reactions to the photograph, and I began by asking if Prince Harry should have known better.


MAX CLIFFORD, PR CONSULTANT: He should obviously have been aware that, unfortunately, anywhere he goes, no matter when it's meant to be private, there's going to be people out there that will look to make money out of him.

Yes, of course he should have been aware of that, and I'm sure he will become more aware. But I think the British public are proud of Prince Harry and have got every reason to be.

SWEENEY: And with respect, would you, perhaps a few years ago, have been looking, if you had come across these pictures, to profit from them, to sell them to the British newspapers?

CLIFFORD: No. No, I wouldn't. I've had -- vast amount of pictures of all kinds of very famous people from all over the world put in front of me, but I think you have to look at every situation at its own merits.

If it's someone that is pretending to be something they're not, if it's someone that is holding themselves up as the epitome of virtue, et cetera, when they're doing all kinds of things, maybe they're married, et cetera. This is a young, single man who has never pretended to be anything other than the person he actually is.

SWEENEY: Mark Saunders, a young man who's never pretended to be anything other than the person that he is and is not holding him up to any epitome of standards, do you agree?

MARK SAUNDERS, ROYAL BIOGRAPHER: A young man who just happens to be the heir presumptive. That means that if something was to tragically happen to Prince William, at the moment, as things stand, Prince Harry would be the next in line to the throne.

And it's all very well having this lovable image. We've enjoyed it. Like Max, I've watched Harry grow up. I've seen all his adventures when he was young. We've seen his adventures when he was a relatively young man as well. But the time really now has come to stop, because he is, as I say, a senior member of the British royal family.

And these pictures -- this is not some paparazzi who's climbed up the side of the wall and taken a picture through a toilet window or something. In the way those pictures are taken, Max has got enough experience, he would know this as well, that's a group of people having fun. That's not a hidden camera.

Now, a lot of people are saying, well, his detective should have made sure there were no mobile phones in the room. It's not really their job to do that. They can protect him so far. But I think that the whole scenario of what is going on in that room is just wrong for a senior member of the British royal family.

SWEENEY: Isn't it the case that the British royal family, particularly since the death of Diana, has worked very hard to craft its public image and has worked very hard full stop? Had this happened, perhaps, in the early 90s, there might have been more of a backlash, would you agree?

SAUNDERS: Well, let's be honest, we never thought it could get any worse than Fergie. I mean, she was outrageous in some of her antics, but they seem to have cut out her by simply getting rid of her. Obviously, you can't do that with Harry.

Harry's wild youth, what was, I think, tremendous fun to many tabloid readers. But there just comes a point where it has to end, and I think, going back to the question of whether this had happened in England, it's regardless of where it happened. The fact is, it took place.

And this isn't somebody who's out trying to make money out of the royals by secretly filming them. That was a photograph that was taken from a group of young people obviously enjoying themselves.

But I think that there is no carefully-crafted image of Harry. If they attempted to do one, they've failed miserably. He created his own image as the maverick, the rebel royal, and it was all great fun. But I just think it's time it should come to an end.

And these pictures -- it's all very well what Max says about William and Harry and how great they are for the country. I've championed the cause of William and Harry for many years, now, and I think they are an asset to this country.

But the thing is, Max, what if it had been drugs, not just a young girl? What if it had been wild booze and all of that sort of thing? At what point do you say, well, it's not fun, this is serious, now?

CLIFFORD: You've got to look at every situation on its own merits. I agree. If it had been young girls, if it had been the kind of things that everyone would find offensive in terms of -- then that's a different matter. But it wasn't.

You talk to young people out there, and I've spoken to plenty in the last few hours on this, and they're attitude, most of them, is good on him. It shows that he's human.

It shows that he's one of us, as opposed to a million miles above, looking down, which was so damaging to the perception and popularity of the monarchy. It's changed, and they've made a big part in that change, which is why they are so popular now --


CLIFFORD: -- mainly because of the queen, but in no small part because of William and Harry.

SWEENEY: But surely, if this were to happen again or something similar in the next 12 months, the appetite for tolerating it, do you think, in Britain, Max Clifford, might dissipate somewhat?

CLIFFORD: It depends on what it is. I think if you talk to people out there -- and I have spoken to loads in the last few hours -- the attitude is, well good on him. He does a lot for us, he puts a lot back, surely he's allowed to let his hair down in privacy.

SWEENEY: What would you be saying to Prince Harry if you had a chance to talk to him now that he's back on British shores?

SAUNDERS: I would say to Prince Harry that the time really has come - -


CLIFFORD: Have a nice --

SAUNDERS: -- to just calm down a bit.

SWEENEY: And Max Clifford?

CLIFFORD: I would say, you've got to follow the example of other famous British monarchs and be better protected and be a bit more aware and a bit more careful.


SWEENEY: Max Clifford, there, and Mark Saunders. Well, those pictures of Prince Harry have caused a firestorm of debate online. Should the pictures have been made public or not? Well, we've had over 1,000 comments on and hundreds more on our Facebook pages.

Genevieve Oku wrote that, quote, "He was in the privacy of a hotel room, not an open field, so he deserves his privacy. Whether royal or a commoner, everyone deserves this right."

Latoya Gibson wrote, "Everyone has a right to have privacy unless they or their activities are a threat to society. Leave Harry alone!"

EastCoast wrote on, "Leave the kid alone. He's in a hotel room, not in a public place. He deserves as much privacy as anyone else in a hotel room."

And finally, Joseph Mamah wrote, however, "He enjoys privileges as a royal, and that comes with responsibilities. Sad, but he ought to know his position, and that by his position, he can't behave like any other person."

Well, from one heated eruption to another. In tonight's Parting Shots, huffing and puffing. Incredible pictures of this volcano south of Quito, Ecuador has erupted and is spewing lava. It also sent up an enormous plume of gas and ash, and dozens of families have fled the area. The volcano has been active since 1999.

I'm Fionnuala Sweeney, and that was CONNECT THE WORLD. Thank you for watching. The world headlines are up next after this short break.