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Powerful hurricane Irma batters Caribbean islands; Puerto Rico braces for Irma's powerful landfall; Russia and China share borders with North Korea; Trump: Hurricane Irma not looking good; May under pressure ahead of crucial vote; U.N.: Syria Attacked civilians with Sarin Gas. Aired at 11-11:30p ET

Aired September 06, 2017 - 11:00   ET




[11:00:00] UNIDENTIFIED MALE: I want everybody to listen to the local officials. If they say you need to evacuate, evacuate.

BECKY ANDERSON, CNN CORRESPONDENT: Hurricane Irma slams the Caribbean, black outs, flooding, wreckage in its wake. Next where the powerful storm

has been and where it is heading.

Also force to flee violence driving Myanmar's Rohingya from their homes, ahead. What the international Red Cross is doing to help them.

And their future in balance, thousands of young immigrants in the U.S. could be deported if Congress doesn't act. I'll speak to one person

impacted by the White House's decision to end the program protecting him and many others from being kicked out of the country.


ANDERSON: Hello and welcome. You're watching Connect the World. I'm Becky Anderson for you in London. This is an enormous monster storm,

Hurricane Irma, category five, the highest on the hurricane scale.

Was it the strongest ever storms recorded in the Atlantic? It is so powerful that it looks enormous even from space, Irma, tearing through the

Caribbean with 300 kilometer per hour winds and flooding rains.

It's bringing down buildings and wiping out power, and communications to some of the tiny island nations in its path. Have a listen to this.


ANDERSON: On the island of Saint Maarten, Irma's wind and rain are so furious, they sound like back of a jet engine. The French interior

minister says those winds have already destroyed four of the strongest buildings on that island.


ANDERSON: Well, CNN is all along the path that this absolutely immense system of wind and rain is set to shreds to shred through, it will hit

America, Miami in a few days time.

Rosa Flores is there for us will get out to hear this out before it gets there, it will smash in to Cuba, our man in Havana, Patrick Oppmann with

his lowdown from there. But before those places is going to plow full force into Puerto Rico, CNN's Leyla Santiago braving that to send us this



LEYLA SANTIAGO, CNN CORRESPONDENT: Hurricane Irma is on its way to Puerto Rico and we can feel the effects of it. The wind is starting to pick up,

the water along the northern coast of the island is certainly becoming a bit more aggressive.

You can even start to hear shingles on the roof next door as they are moving a little bit and this is the beginning. The governor of Puerto Rico

has said he expects this to be a catastrophic event, one that has never before been seen here on the island.

Remember this is a Caribbean island that is used to tropical storm, even hurricanes this time of the year but the governor has said, Puerto Rico has

never dealt with a whether event of this magnitude in its recorded history.

So we heard a lot of fear on the island of what could be to come. Four hundred sixty shelters have been established, many of them already with

people inside seeking shelter.

Earlier this morning, the governor said at least seven hundred people were in shelters but that is actually a pretty small number given that this is

an island of 3.5 million people.

The National Guard was activated earlier trying to get people out of the flood prone areas but now, we are in a wait and see, not enough time left

at this point to make any preparations last minute.

Now Puerto Rico will wait to see what sort of damage could come from Hurricane Irma. Leyla Santiago, CNN, San Juan, Puerto Rico.


ANDERSON: That is a story there in Puerto Rico. Cuba is expecting siege, hit it shores in the next few days. Patrick Oppmann is in Havana for us

and this storm's eye and Patrick, bigger than the island of Barbuda.

[11:05:00] And as it pass according to one of CNN's meteorologist, packing winds up to about 185 miles per hour, making it one of the most powerful

Atlantic storms ever recorded.

Now residents in your part of the world not familiar with weather like this at this time of the year. But it's the signs it seems that this storm that

has residents really scared, correct?

PATRICK OPPMANN, CNN CORRESPONDENT: Cubans have generations of experience, Becky, with hurricanes but I don't think anybody here -- anybody in the

Caribbean, anybody alive has ever seen a storm quite like this.

You know, you're talking about Barbuda and Cuba is the largest in the Caribbean and yet, some of forecast, show this Island of Cuba being totally

enveloped by Irma.

So if you can leave as a people is this cruise ship behind planning to do, planning you trip a day short and getting out of Havana the next few hours,

get back to Florida and hopefully to safety, people are doing that, tourist are doing that.

Cubans are preparing to buckle down there is really not be anywhere to evacuate to. They will leave the coastal areas when the government tells

them to do that. Sometimes they go up in the caves, in the mountains or Cold War era bomb shelters.

But in essence, people here are under the (Inaudible), they know the storm is coming. It is going to hit them very, very hard regardless of the

glancing blow or direct strike and they're trying to get as ready as quickly as possible, Becky.

ANDERSON: Several deadly hurricanes that hit Cuba in recent years as you rightly point out, all of them reaching a category four storm. Let's just

take a look back, Patrick, at some of this, last year Hurricane Matthew made landfall killing four people after a bridge collapsed.

Hurricane Ike, 2008, barreled into the north east coast of Cuba twice, in fact, second time as a category one. And in 2005, Hurricane Dennis

recovered on the nation, it completely devastated the east central and eastern parts of the country and 16 people died.

You've talked about what residents and -- are ready for as it were, and clearly, you know, there is a lot of concerned about just how big this

hurricane will be.

So just explain -- you say that the people move away from the coastal areas in land. I mean, how do they cope, what sort of evacuation plans are in


OPPMANN: So for a very poor country of course you have a centralized, communist run government that has a lot of experience with this.

Deploys the army to get people out of the storm's path, stood up shelters that can I think -- so what are the other resources really of the United


They have a lot of organization here and people listen to the government at least when it comes to hurricane preparedness. Everybody has family or

themselves are going through some these major storms.

They know how deadly they can be. Towns of eastern Cuba are still recovering from hurricane Ivy which we covered last year. So people know

what these storms can do and yet, when you drive down the main avenue of Havana, there's absolutely windows boarded up because they don't have the


Stores were already there before the storm -- storm came here. So it's very concerning that people may not have enough of water.

They may not have enough of the items you need here to ride out a storm and if there is no running water, if there is no electricity for days or week,

it begin very ugly. Certainly most people are not ready for that, Becky.

ANDERSON: And it does seem remarkable but as you and I speak about U.S. on the right hand side of their screens, watch the storm as it barrels toward

you, you're a couple of days away and yet, the view as we look at you is absolutely beautiful. It must be quite disconcerting to know that this

powerful storm is on its way.

OPPMANN: It is. And it feels different. You have many sunny beautiful days in Havana. There is the silence you feel. There is a worry, people

asking if they are getting calls from relatives in Miami.

So people I know were getting money sent to them ahead with some -- from relatively in Miami to help them make whatever of preparations they can.

But unlike so many other places, Becky, you can't flee anywhere, impossible for most Cubans to travel abroad. They know they will be here from the

storm. The storm will hit them. It's going to hit them hard.

I think people are hoping and praying and yet, resigned perhaps through the worst. Cubans are hearty people, they will they will get through this.

You look at those pictures of some of some other places the storm has hit, when you hear descriptions of it being worse, (Inaudible), in the Bahamas,

absolutely terrible storm and it's going to have impact on agriculture, on tourism.

And (Inaudible), have immediate impacts, Becky, but it will go on I think for some time to come here as people recover from hurricane Irma.

ANDERSON: Yes, absolutely. All right, it's 10 minutes past 11 in the morning there and 10 minutes past 4 here in London. We are keeping an eye

on the twist and turns of Hurricane Irma's dangerous path.

[11:10:00] Meteorologist Allison Chinchar is at the CNN Weather Center for you. We've been in Puerto Rico this hour. We've been in Cuba. We'll get

to Miami a little later. Just how dangerous is this storm? Long is it likely to last?

ALLISON CHINCHAR, CNN METEOROLOGIST: Yes. So let's take a look. This track just got updated a top of the so we'll give you the latest on where

we expected to go and how strongly expect it to be.

Here you can see the current location right there just due east of Puerto Rico, as it continues off towards the west. Again, notice it maintains

really strong wind speeds.

Right now we're about 295 kilometers per hour, expected to say, really dropping to nearly down to about 280 in the next 24 hours and we do expect

some weakening as it goes overland, that typically happens.

It interacts especially with some of these countries that have very high mountainous regions. That can help weaken the storm as a hole. However,

it still over incredibly warm waters.

So thing isn't going to go from a category five to a category one quickly, it's still going to be able to maintain pretty good strength in the coming


The ultimate question is once it get stay around the Bahamas, when does it make the sharp right turn that we expected to do. Here is the look at its

current location.

Again, you can see that eye wall right there. Again, a huge storm as it makes its way towards the Virgin Islands and then eventually over towards

Puerto Rico.

Again we've talked about this. Winds right now about 295 kilometers per hour but they are gusting up to 360 kilometers per hour. It has a pretty

decent forward speed west, northwest about 26 kilometers per hour.

That has adjusted maybe by about 2 to 3 kilometers per hour of the last few hours, so not all that much but again look at the sheer size of this storm.

For comparison, this -- the storm at its size in terms of tropical storm force wind field, OK? That means the amounted area that is under tropical

storm force winds or higher is about the same from Washington D.C. to Charlotte North Carolina.

Just to give you some perspective, this is huge in terms of the strength of wind and how far it expands because of that, that's why we had so many of

these areas either under hurricane warnings or even tropical storm warnings because even some of the places that won't be directly near the eye of the

storm are still going to get incredibly strong winds.

And also storms surge, that's also going to be probably one of the bigger problems for some of these countries, especially if they're going to be on

the right-hand side of the storm. Here's a look where it is currently.

This is Irma. Were talking about 3 to 5 meters storm surge in the area that are dealing with the storm right now. Then as we go to the coming

days, were talking about 1 to 1/2 meters. But notice the Turks and Caicos, they are now 4 1/2 to 6 meters.

The main reason for this is as the storm comes through, they end up being what we refer to is the north right quadrant, OK? That is typically where

you end up getting some of the worst storm surge at a particular storm.

Especially because you have the winds that are pushing that water in towards the land and it's kind of helping to push even more water into some

of those locations.

Now here's the thing, in the short term, we are pretty confident that this is exactly where the storm is going to go because all of the models lineup,

it's after that.

We know it's going to make a sharp right hand turn. The question is where. Some of the models had it doing right over the Bahamas, others have it

doing right over the Florida Keys and over Miami.

So again, this is where the concern is. We feel very confident in the next three to four days. It's day five, day six, day seven, this is where you

may end up getting some variation because we're still very far out.

You also have to keep in mind. As it goes overland as to some of these islands, it may we weaken the storm and that may also adjust the course as


Here's a look as the tropical storm force wind timing. Here's what we expected to be Thursday, this general region Friday and this general region


So again, going forward, keep in mind, no matter where this storm ends up impacting in the U.S. or in some of those further islands do understand

that we are still expecting the storm to be at least a category three if not stronger of the storm over the coming days.

ANDERSON: That's remarkable stuff. Thank you for that and the analysis, absolutely fascinating and viewers stick with CNN. You know that she will

be as it were on the every part of this.

So we are all over the region. We will keep you up-to-date in exactly what is going on for those who are living in, what is the eye of the storm.

All right to the Korean Peninsula now, a day after predicting global catastrophe at North Korea's nuclear test, lead to anything other than



ANDERSON: Russian President Vladimir Putin says without diplomacy, the situation may be impossible to resolve. Mister Putin maybe somewhat

predictions on the sidelines of an economic form in Vladivostok, he spoke with the South Korean president.

He wants strong sanctions but said that wouldn't be enough and said don't push North Korea into a corner. Meanwhile, a few hours ago, the U.S. and

Chinese presidents are scheduled to have their first conversation since North Korea's recent nuclear test. Well, China and Russia both have a lot

at stake when it comes to North Korea.

[11:15:00] As you can see here, both countries boarder the country and the distance from Vladivostok to Pyongyang is just a few hundred meters.


ANDERSON: CNN's international correspondent Fred Pleitgen in Vladivostok, he is more in the regional place and what is this deepening crisis.


FRED PLEITGEN, CNN INTERNATIONAL CORRESPONDENT: Well, you know, Becky, the town of Vladivostok on Russian's Pacific Coast really very much at the

center of diplomatic efforts here to deal with this crisis on North Korea's both nuclear program and Afghanistan course its ballistic missile program

as well.

And today it was really a very important day with the South Korean president coming over and it was very interesting to see that the South

Korean president and Vladimir Putin, the Russian President say they do see eye to eye on large parts of this crisis.

But there are also covering opinions ahead. Both men says that they cannot accept a nuclear North Korea but the way to achieve that, that seems to be

something that still is very much in question.

The Russians for their part, are saying only dialogue can achieve a way forward, what the South Koreans are saying, they believe that there need to

be much stronger sanctions against North Korea to get North Korea to come back to the negotiating table.

The Russians believe that something that simply isn't going to happen. Vladimir Putin even a day earlier said that he believe that the North

Koreans would rather quote eat grass and bow down to any sort of pressures.

So certainly there are some issues between these two sides and of course for the South Koreans, we always have to keep in mind that they also have

to look towards the United States which is a very important partner for them in this crisis and also to see how to balance out that with the talks

after having here with the Russians.

Nevertheless Vladimir Putin really underlining his position as one of the key figures in the negotiations and diplomacy to try and come to grips with

this nuclear crisis involving North Korea.

Obviously those high-level talks in China, only a couple of days ago then meeting with the president of South Korea, and then of course with the

leader of Japan as well, really a flurry of diplomatic activity but the Russians hope will have the effects, Becky.


ANDERSON: Well turning now to stories on our radar today Indian Prime Minister Narendra Modi is visiting Myanmar and the Rohingya Muslim crisis,

125,000 Rohingya have fled to Bangladesh in the last two weeks, much more on this important story ahead for this hour.

Well, CNN has managed to get an early copy of Hillary Clintons new book out, and it called, What Happened, on congratulating President Trump for

his wins, she said it was without a doubt one of the strangest moment in her life.

She said it was mercifully brief. She was nominate as Also shocking. In an unprecedented move, two of the top fashion House are taking the

friendship bound and on ultra thin models worldwide.

And they won't hire anyone under 16. The Fashion House include brands such as Louis Vuitton, Christian Dior and Gucci amongst others. Well summer is

over and the days are getting cooler here as if they were ever warm in the first place.

And London though lawmakers in podium, that means the holidays are over, too, and they are back to work, back to business with a busy inbox.

Before we get to that, let's n just listen to the U.S. president on the powerful storm that is set to hit the Caribbean and the States.


DONALD TRUMP, PRESIDENT OF THE UNITED STATES: ... Florida and Puerto Rico and other places, we'll see what happens. We'll know over a very short

period of time but it looks like it could be something that will be not good, believe me not good.

We have many, many things that are on the plate. Hopefully we can solve them in a rational way and maybe we won't be able to. Probably know pretty

much at the end of this meeting.

The meeting so will be having over short a period of time but our country has a lot of great assets and we have some liabilities that we have to work


So we'll see if we can do that. I appreciate everybody being here. Thank you very much. Thank you very much Nancy, Jeff, appreciate it very much.

And thank you, thank you. Thank you very much.


TRUMP: Listen...


TRUMP: I hope they do. I certainly hope they do.


ANDERSON: That is President Trump who was meeting congressional leaders in just a few minutes ago speaking to reporters -- speaking about the

Hurricane Irma, which is one of if not the most powerful Atlantic storms ever recording -- recorded barreling towards Puerto Rico as we speak

onwards towards mainland U.S.

[11:20:00] Residents -- not unfamiliar of course with weather like this -- that at this time of the year in that region but it's the size of this

storm that residents really, really concerned about.

All right, let's get you back to the U.K then and Bianca Nobilo Downing Street for you. Summer is over, lawmakers are back in business, and

(Inaudible) even though they have enormous inbox as this time of the year as ever. There is one thing that we'll be discussing. What do we know?

BIANCA NOBILO, CNN PRODUCER: Hi Becky, that's right I've been talking to MPs today they've all said they feel extremely busy and that's just the

mood. They're all behind the prime minister in government and they feel like they have plenty to do.

But of course what's over shadowing this entire parliamentary session is going to be Brexit, it's the biggest political, legal challenge that the

U.K. has ever faced in peace time.

But the prime minister was undefined today and handled quite well in MPs considering. There's been a leak report from the home office which gives

us some indication of what post-Brexit immigration policy might look like.

And at (Inaudible) stock free movement from 2019 and make it harder for you're families to be together in the U.K. (Inaudible) also come out and

disagreed with the U.K.'s economic model.

And Becky, to top it all off, the Welsh first minister Carwyn Jones has come out against Theresa May's Brexit bill being debate tomorrow. So start

a lot on her plate for the first day that she is back behind this (Inaudible).

ANDERSON: Bianca, thank you. You are outside number 10 is the home of the British prime minister -- who were prime minister at sometimes has a lot to

deal with today back in business. Live from London, this is Connect the World.


ANDERSON: Coming up, details on a United Nations Commission investigation into the Sarin gas attack in Syria and they say evidence proves.

And later we speak to an undocumented immigrant who said he won't be paralyzed by fear after the U.S. White House' controversial decision to end

an amnesty program.



ANDERSON: Working with CNN. This is Connect the World. It is 24 minutes past 4, today out of London for you, I'm Becky Anderson.

The United Nations believes the Syrian regime is guilty of unleashing Sarin gas on its own people. The U.N. just finished an inquiry into an attack in

April and according to investigators.

There are reasonable grounds to believe that the government releases the lethal gas on civilians. Eighty-three people died and nearly 300 -- 300

others were wounded in that attack.

[11:25:00] Well CNN's Clarissa Ward has been monitoring these allegations from the beginning. She joined me now in London. Clarissa, what did this

report found?

CLARISSA WARD, CNN CORRESPONDENT: Well, I think the main thing it found was that the primary claim of the Russians and also the Syrian regime just

didn't stand out.

What they had maintained was essentially that the rebels had been stockpiling Sarin gad in a sort of warehouse barn and that an air strike

has hit that barn causing the gas to disperse.

The first that didn't match up was the timing. They have said it happen much later than the timing which was about 6:45 in the morning.

The second thing that didn't make sense to anyone who understands chemical weapons is that when you drop a bomb on a stockpile of Sarin gas, you

actually destroy the Sarin gas. You don't weaponize it.

To weaponized Sarin gas, which is to actively disperse it, requires a level of technical expertise, it requires a level of weaponry sophistication that

the rebels simply don't have.

So all in all, they looked at all these different various things. They have talked 43 different eyewitnesses, first responders look to overcome

through the videos, talk to people who were making those videos on the ground, saw the videos of these for Sukhoi SU-22 fighter jets that had been

dropping air strike in the region that morning.

And came to the only logical conclusion frankly that those of us who cover this closely could which is that it simply have to had been the work


ANDERSON: Some of images are just have been too graphic to show. This was an atrocious situation, very briefly, what happens next?

WARD: Well this is the real problem the world shocked, the world says never again, the U.N. releases this report but the U.N. Security Council is

hand strong.

As long as Russia has that veto power, it will do what it can to protect the regime with Bashar al-Assad which means it's unlikely that we'll see

any consequences for in human attack anytime soon.

ANDERSON: Clarissa Ward, thank you. Coming up, we are going to have more on what is this powerful hurricane, they headed for Cuba and soon impact

Florida residents. Do stay with us, that, up next.


ANDERSON: We are continuing to follow what is this breaking news this hour. The category five storm Hurricane Irma is packing 300 kilometer per

hour winds have completely battered the Caribbean islands and now the storm headed towards Cuba.

While path beyond, that is still unclear, one U.S. state that is sure to feel the wrath is a Florida, residents there, being evacuated and preparing

for the worst. Let's get the view from there. Our CNN's Rosa Flores joins me now from Miami in Florida. What are people being told there Rosa?

ROSA FLORES, CNN CORRESPONDENT: You know here in Florida the governor not mincing words saying that people need to be vigilant they need to prepare

and they need to listen to their local officials for guidance. Right now the County of Monroe which included the Florida keys is under evacuation

and that some of those evacuees are taking shelter at FIU Florida International University others are just traveling north are recommending

for people to go to other cities to go with family or friends rather than in shelters there will be a grid of shelters throughout the state but there

recommending for people to stay with family just north of us in Broward County there are 43 shelters that are set up to take in about 33 thousand


Out here in Miami-Dade you can see around me it is sunny, it is hot, it is the summer and the people are preparing a lot of them going to grocery

stores are very few items that in some grocery stores because people are hearing the warning they're getting at least three days' worth of food and

water supplies are also going to hardware stores to buy plywood to cover their homes to cover their window and when it comes to evacuation here in

Miami-Dade people with disabilities are being evacuated today, now we are waiting to hear at any moment from the mayor on the county to see if he

will issue more evacuation orders within this County, leading through several areas in the county. For example where I am standing, this is an

island, this part of zone B that could be evacuated. The mayor mentioned yesterday that he will issue evacuations for zone A and B either today or

tomorrow so we are looking at a lot of different moving parts, but the positive thing is that officials here are taking the storm very seriously

and there recommending that residents do the same, Becky.

ANDERSON: why do people evacuate too, let's be specific about this, I mean this is an enormous population that would have to be on the move.

FLORES: We are talking about millions of people, millions of people if you incorporate all of Miami-Dade County, Monroe County and Broward County, the

lower counties in south Florida. Now if the governor is recommending that people go with family or stay in hotels outside of the zone, away from the

areas that might be impacted by the storm and you mentioned the storm is still that is so big, of course would take people time to head out of this

zone and if you look at the geography of Florida all of the roads go in one direction, you have to go North you can't go east you can't go West.

And so it creates a potential problem and there's of course been a lot of learnings from different storms that have happened in the past whenever

evacuation orders are issued too late, because of the flow of vehicles going out in the same direction, so to your question, they are asking for

people to go with their family that's best for them with families outside to be in the with their family outside of the zone rather than in shelters.

There is a grid of shelters that is going to be open, there are 43 just north of here Broward County that the retake nearly 33,000 people but as

you mentioned when you are talking about millions of people in this zone that is a very good question, where to all this people go, will they have

the resources to pay for a hotel will they be able to go with friends and family, question that a lot of people in South Florida are asking

themselves as they prepare for the big storm.

ANDERSON: Well thank you Rosa. And on your right hand side of your screens are evidence of what a storm like this achieves as it makes land.

This are pictures from through the Caribbean as it heads toward mainland US is absolutely remarkable pictures. We are trying to contact and residence

on some of the other islands including that of Antigo we get through people we will of course put them on the phone and find out exactly what is going

on here, but this pictures just coming to us, in the last past hour also from one of the islands at where this storm has reach, absolute havoc as

you can see and this storm's path there on your right hands being that is that I live image of what always doing as it passes through the Caribbean.

[11:35:00] Meanwhile victims of hurricane Harvey are beginning to move forward from the disaster that hit Texas. U.S. lawmakers will vote on

Wednesday to approve the initial round of relief funds for those dealing with the Harvey's devastation. The White House requesting more than 7 1/2

billion dollars for immediate aid.

We will get back to this story of hurricane Irma as we get more on it. I want to move on just out for the time being up to the Trump administrations

of a pending protection of undocumented immigrants brought to America as kids protests spread in U.S. cities, the program was created under former

President Barack Obama, it protects some 800,000 young people from being deported many have stopped, families perceived careers will study the

University, but all of that could change now this is one man's story.


UNIDENTIFIED MALE: I was fearing face this rhetoric of you don't belong here, go back to where you came from. I have to live every single day with

the fear that my family is going to be taken away from us.

UNIDENTIFIED MALE: My name is Moises Serrano and we are undocumented and I am afraid.

UNIDENTIFIED MALE: I immigrated with my parents when I was 18 months old, they believe that if they came to this country and worked hard that I can

become anyone that I want to become.


ANDERSON: That was from the award-winning documentary forbidden, undocumented and quire in rural America and I'm pleased to say that Moises

Serrano joins us now from New York and thank you for being with us. Let us just be very clear. What is your status Moises at present?

MOISES SERRANO, UNDOCUMENTED IMMIGRANT: Currently I am still actually protected through deferred action until my work permit expires.

ANDERSON: It is clear yet how ending DACA will impact you?

SERRANO: Well of course I think there are immediate psychological ramifications were to losing all my ability to live without fear of

deportation on so we are thrusting again 800,000 undocumented youth back into the shadows back into constant fear of being deported under this

administration and two of course there are economic ramifications and impacts on the undocumented have contributed to this economy and are

getting better jobs. They are achieving their education and now all of these dreamers who have proceeded to have pursued their careers will no

longer be able to work, because their work permits are going to expire.

ANDERSON: Is the word fear, does this administration frighten you as a family as a man and as a family?

SERRANO: Well I think the curious thing is that we have lived in fear for two administrations now, right I think we have to really draw parallels

between the Obama administrations on the current administration we have now. The documentary I'm part of the documents in rural America was filmed

during an Obama presidency the terror that I felt was lived under an Obama presidency and now we just see a continuation of the Obama legacy under the

Trump administration.

ANDERSON: Just talk to me about how terror and fear manifest itself, how long have you been in the country, what is that feel like to conduct your

life day by day basis being concerned and worried about what happens next?

SERRANO: I'm 28 years old, I have been in this country for now over 26 1/2 years on, I don't think Americans really grasp their concepts that every

single part of our life on is affected by this, right just driving to work you can get caught through driver's license checkpoints and we have local

police departments - partners for partners on partnerships with immigration and customs enforcement officials so that means is that local police

officers connect device agents and not how a lot of undocumented immigrants are being caught so now imagine if you're dropping the kids off at school

or picking them up you have to live in constant fear of being ripped away from their children and also not being able to work and provide for them

ANDERSON: President Donald Trump giving Congress six months as I understand to find what he calls a long term solution to situation facing

people like you and here is what he had to say yesterday, have a listen.


DONALD TRUMP, PRESIDENT OF THE UNITED STATES: I have a love these people and hopefully now congress would be able help them and do it properly and I

can do tell you that members of Congress, they want to be able to do something to do it right and really we have no choice, we have to be able

to do something and I think it is going to work out very well and long term and giving you the right solutions.


ANDERSON: Moises he says he has a love for you. How calm are you for the President Trump or congress for that matter that will do the right thing?

SERRANO: He said wants to do things very well but no, no action is taken have actually ended up on positively for him so don't have much faith in

the president, and I also don't have much faith in Congress. Congress that has been gridlocked right now not just on immigration issues but on

healthcare, on tax reform.

[11:40:00] so we have no action is taken have actually ended up on positively for him so don't have much faith in the president and I also

don't have much faith in Congress. This is a Congress that is in gridlock right now not just on immigration issues but on healthcare on tax reform,

so we have to understand that the reason why the Obama administration on actually enacted the production was because congressmen were locked in

because undocumented students were still being persecuted and deported so I can advocate for an accessible pathway for citizenship for undocumented

immigrants also advocate this alongside DACA being kept in place.

ANDERSON: We hear what you are saying and we appreciate for joining us today thank you very much, all the best - that the film is excellent thank


SERRANO: Thank you.

ANDERSON: Let's get back to our breaking news coverage of hurricane Irma, we are join now on the phone by Kassim Jesse. As we speak riding out

hurricane Irma in Antigua and this one is powerful if not the most powerful storms to hit the Atlantic ever. Tell me where you are and what you are

seeing and hearing now?

UNIDENTIFIED MALE: I am presently at the media groups of studio in Antigua and we have spots of the storm and Irma has no path, Antigua however, Bob

Udall is still on the threat. We have lost all communication from the island we are we are not sure exactly what happen but we have been told

overnight that the damage over there has been expensive, the threat remains in Antigua, there are floods, we are on the flash flood warnings.

ANDERSON: Just explains to our viewers what it feels like to anticipate a storm like this. Once it pass, what is the fall out, because once it pass


UNIDENTIFIED MALE: you know for us the psychological impact I think was most felt because no one has ever had experience something like this,

especially in Antigua we have our last major hurricane of north was in 1995 through category five. People are calling in from a radio station

literally trying just for the fear of losing their lives. Or the psychological impact I think was most felt I think a lot of people agree

for is just the worst part of Irma as she pass.

We fear but we are hoping for the best as we wait for emergency officials to get over here and access the damage.

ANDERSON: That is bigger than the island of (inaudible) according to what is CNN Meteorologist, this is a storm with packing winds of more than 185

miles power with the 218 km an hour at one point making it one of the most powerful Atlantic storms ever recorded in great day this is now pass for

you guys and how people looking?

UNIDENTIFIED MALE: Well so far we have on the ground, a lot of people are calling in to the radio station just being grateful, there are a few that

had their roof torn off and a few damage, but I think in off the lower line areas they are trying to ensure that the time before you and others who are

confused by the passage --


ANDERSON: We will leave it there and are glad that you are safe. Thank you for joining us what is a very difficult time as you say for those on

your island and neighboring island. Best of luck and stay safe. We will take a very short break it is 44 minutes pass 4 four in London, that is

where we are with Connect The World, I am Becky Anderson, stay with us, after this.


[11:48:00] ANDERSON: All right, check this out, you and me, everyone you know this is us, our family photo. This tiny dot, this small speck of dust

caught in a sunbeam is our home, earth a freckle as peaceful as it looks here for more than 6 billion km away an image of life in the void, but if

you come closer and you'll see the all world spinning and spinning so fast it could almost spill totally out of control. This one group that wants to

fix it so that is the Red Cross and right now there ought to massive problems taking out a lot of their force, time and money firstly the

fighting between Israel and the Palestinians it seems as never-ending as it is violent and off-the-world away of man-made catastrophe in Myanmar more

than hundred thousand people were injured, Muslims fleeing their homes to get away from what is a brutal military crackdown just before the show

tonight Peter Moore the president of the Red Cross spoke to me about post flights. We began on the Rohingya with the simple question, what are you

doing to help?

PETER MOORE, PRESIDENT, RED CROSS: While we are of course concerned that we see you again a peek of displacements of violence we are particularly

concerned that is also a violence which is a kind of unstructured meaning that the communities are turning against communities this is a particularly

difficult environment unlike a situation where you have an armies confronting each other or structured group confronting each other it is as

also the character of intercommunity violence of a much more complex situation which is of a big concern to us, because we have seen emerging

the situation of course and we see the radicalization of the context the is saddens to see because we also know the international community and the

respective governments have over the last couple of months undertaken quite a lot of efforts including former secretary general of the UN (inaudible)

to make recommendations on how to defuse the tension and now obviously some of these measures have come too late and the tensions have erupted, so we

are very much concerned.

[11:50:27] ANDERSON: Let us get to where you are right now, before coming to CNN I used that meeting with the Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin

Netanyahu after you met the Palestinian authority President (inaudible) just yesterday at one day both sides any progress?

MOORE: Well it's very difficult to see progress on the one side we do have still the complex and complicated the situation with regard to all

humanitarian law or humanitarian principles to be respected but also the reality of people in Gaza in the West Bank which is a very difficult one

everybody agrees that it is complicated everybody agrees that he needs a political solution. My worry is that pending a political solution we need

the more sustained efforts yet again not to let the situation to turn even the more complex.

ANDERSON: Just 24 hours ago although only a few kilometers from where you are now you will all say quite a world away as we mentioning Gaza that

meeting the head of Hamas and it is being reported that you ask him about some Israeli soldiers he is believed to be holding, what they tell you that

and secondly you have to ask about that, is it a group that you are comfortable working with?

MOORE: In terms of engagement with all sides here in Palestine and Israel of course we are positive about the way we engage with the single parties

but it's difficult to make them amongst themselves to move together and come to concrete solutions. We don't judge the parties with whom we work,

we work with who is in control of territories and populations in order to see how we can negotiate how we can organize a humanitarian space and this

is true for Hamas like for the Palestinians and the end Israeli government.

ANDERSON: I understand I will just put it on screen right now, for CNN's viewers, where you the Red Cross on the ground, war comfort disasters, you

clearly have an enormous amount on your plate, obviously you can't stop natural catastrophes but all this fighting, all the networking you do,

perhaps no one can contain everything, not U.S. presidents not the ICRC are you -- do you think this is with respect, a little more useless on the

ground then you might like to conceive. I do ask you this with the greatest of respect it must be very frustrating on the work you do?

MOORE: Well if you work at the Red Cross with the numbers of conflict you need a high tolerance on frustration on the other side it's always the

glass half full and half empty I wanted to give also up or offer is a reflection we have some of the largest operations worldwide in some of the

most intractable conflicts which are unfolding today in Syria, Iraq, Yemen in Saddam in the lakes child regions here in Israel and Palestine and

nevertheless we are able to negotiate humanitarian space, we are able to assist and protect people, we are not able to assist and protect all the

people we would like and it's always incomplete and insufficient but the if you see our ability to negotiate humanitarian space is also something which

fills us with a lot of hope and when I talked to beneficiaries to make themselves as I have done over the last 48 hours here in Israel and

Palestine is also a lot of recognition coming for the continuous effort and not being discouraged by frustration and I think that's what's the Red

Cross stands for. We will not give up despite the difficulties neither here nor in any other of the conflicts in which we are active today.

ANDERSON: Or that we can leave it that, thank you very much indeed for joining us.

MOORE: Thank you very much.

ANDERSON: We will be back right after this.


[11:55:57] ANDERSON: UAE most iconic structures took a moment to support the social media pictures to the building, light up in the alley side, that

is because the King (inaudible) to next year's World Cup they beat Japan to qualify ahead of Australia. Australia are these guys probable football

fairytale theory unable to pay their own country in the playoffs. They have a game on Iran on Tuesday and fans in Damascus, they were pretty happy

about it and so they should be good for them. It is a moment in time. What can change the world, I am Beck Anderson and that was Connect the

World, thank you for watching.