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Sexual Misconduct And Abuse Among Aid Workers Revealed; Families: 100 Girls Missing After Boko Haram Attack; Refugee Chefs Find Welcome In Foreign Kitchens. Aired 10-11a ET

Aired February 25, 2018 - 10:00   ET


[10:00:05] BECKY ANDERSON, CNN ANCHOR: All right, tonight, a world where almost everything is the opposite of what you expect like a small country

wiping the floor with everyone else at the Winter Olympics where they're to ask how do the pull that off? Plus, guns in the classrooms. The American

president insisting arming teachers makes sense. We are at a gun range to see for ourselves what that would really mean for staff. And abuses from

(INAUDIBLE) sent to help as aid agencies say sorry we'll do better. We wonder why they weren't doing better in the first place. The world is one

of (INAUDIBLE) carnage and confusion. We are here to connect it. I'm Becky Anderson, let's get going.

Well, the Pyeongchang Winter Olympics which were full of playing politics come to a close. President Trump's daughter Ivanka led the U.S. delegation

at the closing ceremony. And many wondered if she would give North Korea the cold shoulder like Vice President Mike Pence did. Well she was standing

one row in front of the leader of the North Korean delegation, the former spy master Kim Jong-chul, he's the one wearing a furry hat. But there was

no visible interaction between them. All of this is happening against backdoor of a sporting controversy. International Olympics Committee has

decided to uphold Russia's suspension for state-sponsored doping so the Russian athlete were not allowed to march with their national colors or

flags during the closing ceremony. CNN's Will Ripley joining us now from Pyeongchang. And it wouldn't be a modern-day Olympic competition without

controversy at (INAUDIBLE). Let's start will with Russia and allegations of doping. When all is said and done in the closing ceremony, over how big

a stain was that on these games?

WILL RIPLEY, CNN CORRESPONDENT: It was humiliating certainly for more than 160 Russian athletes who participated, Becky, because they walked in with

the opening ceremonies after having to prove that they were clean, that they didn't dope wearing those generic gray uniforms flying the Olympic

flag the hope -- the hope that if they played by the rules, if they showed the face of a new clean Russia, that in the closing ceremonies they could

perhaps have the honor like all of the other athletes of marching flying the Russian flag, hearing the Russian anthem play. But that was just not

be after these doping cases which were confirmed. That ended for Russia. And so, they go down officially having a zero medal count and their

athletes in this experience didn't have the chance to ever actually march under their own flag.

ANDERSON: Yes, if doping then was allowed, would it be fair to say that diplomacy between North and South Korea turned out to be one of the highs

of this competition?

RIPLEY: Well, it certainly was a win for South Korean President Moon Jae- in that he and his administration had been wanting to engage with North Korea. They branded this the Peace Olympics. And just within the last

couple hours, Becky, word from the blue house that the North Korean delegation on the ground right now has agreed to hold talks with the United

States as soon as possible. They say they're ready for a dialogue with Washington. They acknowledge that in order for relations with South Korea

to improve, that North Korea also needs to improve its relations with the North. Now there is still huge differences in what North Korea and South

Korea and of course the United States expect to get out of this. The U.S. and South Korea are demanding full denuclearization. North Korea has

consistently and vastly said that will never give up their nuclear weapons. That stands repeated by North Korean Leader Kim Jong-un in state media and

in many conversations over the years that I've had with North Korean officials. But nonetheless, talks, dialogue, that is an important first

step and this is coming from a North Korean government that didn't feel for quite a long time that they could even engage with the Trump

administration. Now they're saying that that will be possible. So we're really going to have to watch and see what happens after the Olympics.

ANDERSON: So how big an impact was Ivanka Trump's attendance at this closing ceremony within the biggest scheme of things?

RIPLEY: Well, it was certainly important for South Koreans to see her stand and clap when the unified North and South Korean team walked out and

both carrying their respective flags because remember, there was a lot of controversy here when the U.S. Vice President Mike Pence chose to sit --

stay seated when the unified team walked out. A lot of people thought that that was undignified, that it was taking the low road. The Vice President

blasted by both the North and South Korean media for some of the things that happened but whereas, Ivanka Trump, it was photo ops and you know,

waving and smiling at athletes, taking pictures, cheering on athletes and at the same time he had crucial backchannel discussions. She briefed South

Korea's President Moon Jae-in about the United States maximum pressure approach towards North Korea including these new round of sanctions, the

heaviest sanctions ever imposed on North Korea targeting all of the ships that the U.S. says they're using to conduct these illicit transfers of raw

materials out on the high seas that North Korea sells to pay for its nuclear program.

ANDERSON: Will Ripley with what is a fantastic vista behind him and what is the end of the Olympic game, the Winter Games competition there in

Seoul. Thank you. But before we move on, let's bring you the final medal table. Norway breaking the record for winning the most medals ever in a

single Winter Olympics, some 39 but they tied with Germany for gold both nabbing 14. Well, Ivanka Trump there in Pyeongchang supporting U.S.

Olympians but normally, well, she's back in the states supporting her dad and President Trump. There's a lot on his plate at the moment. Some more

details emerging about a shooting at a Florida high school that left 17 people dead. The President of Mexico has canceled his visit to the White

House after a heated call with Mr. Trump over his proposed border wall. Plus, partisan back and forth on Capitol Hill, Democrats have released a

memo defending FBI surveillance of an ex-Trump campaign aide. As I said, a lot going on in the U.S. We begin them with the school shooting in Florida

and some law enforcement official being criticized for how they responded. Sources tell CNN it appears four Broward County Deputies were outside the

school soon after the shooting begun but did not go in and instead took cover. Surveillance tapes still under review but Sheriff Scott Israel says

only one officer was on campus at the time of the attack and that the deputy has now resigned. A short time ago, my colleague Jake Tapper spoke

to Sheriff Israel. Have a listen.


SCOTT ISRAEL, SHERIFF, BROWARD COUNTY, FLORIDA: Well, let me be perfectly clear. Our investigation to this point shows that during this horrific

attack, while this killer was inside the school, there was only one law enforcement person period, and that was our former Deputy Scot Peterson.

Coral Springs Arrive, a group of Coral Springs officers went in. Within I think about four minutes we're projecting after the killer left the campus.

The -- I understand that they're going to give statements to us regarding the other three, four, five deputies. At this point, we have no reason to

believe that anyone acted incorrectly, all correctly. That's what an investigation is. Everybody is entitled to their own opinion but nobody is

entitled to their own set of facts. We do know, Jake, that Deputy Peterson at the time uttered -- he disseminated information over the police radio.

We don't know why those -- what those deputies heard. Perhaps they did something by what they heard Peterson and that will be you know, outlined

in interviews. We'll get to the truth. But at point, one deputy was remiss dereliction of duty and he's now no longer with this agency, that's



ANDERSON: The exchange with my colleague Jake Tapper. Meanwhile, Mr. Trump doubling down on his idea to arm some teachers. Have a listen to


DONALD TRUMP, PRESIDENT OF THE UNITED STATES: We would have had some great teachers that were gun adapt, meaning really understood weaponry and guns

and if they had concealed permits, you wouldn't have this problem today. You just wouldn't have it.


ANDERSON: Well, Saturday he tweeted "Armed educators and trusted people who work within a school love our students and will protect them very smart

-- very smart people -- sorry -- but must be firearms adept and have annual training, should get yearly bonus. Shootings will not happen again." Many

educators and teachers are against the idea. There were many students that are instead calling for tougher gun laws. So whatever you think the very

idea of the teachers strapping guns themselves, you got to also consider actually getting it to work. Looking after loading, aiming and firing a

gun, well, won't surprise you is actually very hard. It takes a lot of training. CNN's Sam Kirby is a military trained marksman. He went to a

gun range here in Abu Dhabi to show us what it takes.


[10:10:10] SAM KILEY, CNN SENIOR INTERNATIONAL CORRESPONDENT: Donald Trump has suggested that it's a good idea perhaps to arm teachers, to give them

something like this weapon, a Glock to carry on their side ready to deal with some kind of gunman that might arrive in their classroom. Well,

imagine a situation in which I'm trying to teach the wonders of trigonometry, I'm standing at the white board and I've got my glock and in

walks a man or a woman armed with an AK-47 or AR-15. I've to load the weapon, caulk the weapon, aim. Now that is at a target, not a human being

and there are no other people around that location. This is a completely safe environment. My heart is absolutely racing. This is a terrifying

idea. I can see actually from my target, I've managed to score a bull's eye. That is nothing short of a miracle. And it's going to take lot more

than miracles to stop the phenomenon of school shooting. And professionals here tell me that in order to be able to do that, what is tactical shooting

rather than target shooting, I would need to practice some four hours a day. British Special Forces do this for up to eight hours a day, firing

hundreds of rounds of ammunition every week, indeed, every day, just in order to do what Donald Trump is suggesting, the math teacher with the

Glock on his side could do.


ANDERSON: That's Sam Kiley for you to help show that point in the real world. Let me share this with you, as well, about how inaccurate even

police officers can be. Between 1998 and 2006, a report found that New York's police -- New York's police had an average hit rate of just 18

percent during gun fights. Meaning, 82 out of every 100 bullets they fired went somewhere they weren't supposed to. And so it's perhaps no surprise

that a teacher who helped shelter student in Florida questioned whether she should be armed while trying to do her job. Here's that from CNN's town



ASHLEY KURTH, TEACHER, STONEMAN DOUGLAS HIGH SCHOOL: When I had those hundreds of terrified children that were running at me, my question to that

is am I supposed to get extra training now to serve and protect on top of educate these children on how to be these eloquent speakers that are coming

up and presenting issues to you? I mean, am I supposed to have a Kevlar vest? Am I supposed to strap it to my leg or put it in my desk? How am I

supposed to go on that way?


ANDERSON: How am I supposed to go on that way, she said. New CNN polls suggest the Florida massacre has shifted public opinion on gun laws in the

U.S. in a way no other recent mass shooting has. Support for stricter gun control has spiked to 70 percent. That is the highest level in 25 years in

the States, just 27 percent of Americans oppose tighter gun laws. To the uneasy relationship now between the Presidents of Mexico and the United

States, President Enrique Pena Nieto will not be making a plan visit to the White House. Now, this comes after what is confrontational phone call with

Mr. Trump it seems on Tuesday. The Washington Post first reported the story. The Mexican President wanted the U.S. President to acknowledge

publicly that Mexico does not want to pay for a border wall. Mr. Trump refused. He was reportedly frustrated that the -- his Mexican counterpart

expected him to back off from one of his main campaign promises.


TRUMP: We get these people and then you'll have like the incident we had on the West Side Highway where this guy comes in through chain migration

and Visa lottery runs over and kills eight people and he came in through the system. Well, I don't want that. I want people to come in ultimately.

We want people to come in through merit.


ANDERSON: On Capitol Hill, House Democrats are defending the FBI's handling of the Russia investigation. Busy times in Washington, they

released their own memo on Saturday directly refuting a central premise of a Republican memo made public earlier this month. Now, in the middle is

this man, Carter Page. He was a Foreign Policy Advisor to then-Candidate Donald Trump until September 2016. The following month, the FBI obtained a

warrant to conduct surveillance on him. Republican memo alleges the warrant was based on an anti-Trump dossier written by Christopher Steele

funded by the Democrats. Democrats dispute that in their memo, they say the FBI being interested in Page long before they got their hands on the

Steele dossier. Just a little time ago, again, my colleague Jake Tapper speaking to U.S. Representative Adam Schiff. He's a Democrat and the

author of the newly released memo.


[10:15:35] REP. ADAM SCHIFF (D-CA), RANKING DEMOCRAT, HOUSE INTELLIGENCE COMMITTEE: At first it's ironic that the Republican would attack the FBI

for following the procedures which require that they minimize the names of U.S. persons and U.S. entities that are not the subject of a warrant. So

even Hillary Clinton and Donald Trump are referred to as candidate one and candidate two, they're supposed to mask the identities of people. The

second point, Jake, that's very important for people to know is the issue is what did Christopher Steele know? What did he know that might influence

him that may bias him? Christopher Steele did not kn0w who was paying, who the client was, who was paying the freight. And so what the FBI properly

reported is what they suspected, what Christopher Steele may have suspected and they masked appropriately. That's what they are supposed to do. And

to suggest otherwise, to take issue with frank and I have been on the committee now for ten years, Jake, this is the first time the Republicans

have ever taken an issue with any FISA application. I don't think it's a coincidence that it serves the President's interest to do so here.


ANDERSON: Right, well, as I said, busy times in Washington in just into -- just to give you some visibility on the new CNN poll that shows President

Trump's (AUDIO GAP) stands at 35 percent down five points over the last month. That number also matches a December poll which marked the lowest

ratings, approval ratings of his presidency. Well this is CNN, I'm Becky Anderson. You're watching CONNECT THE WORLD. Still to come tonight, a

deadly d,j. vu. The world watches once more as video emerges from Syria showing an unbroken cycle of death and destruction despite a truce. A

heart-rending report after this.


[10:20:02] ANDERSON: Well, the ceasefire that exists on paper according to activists in the east Ghouta on place they say air strikes and even a

ground offense is far underway in the rebel-held part of Syria. That's despite the United Nations resolution that agreed on a 30-day truce. A

desperate search for shelter, shortages of food and medicine, parents kissing families good-bye for what could be the last time. This appears to

be the reality on the ground in the east of Ghouta, the siege area near the Syrian capital of Damascus where activists tell CNN a ground offensive is

underway. U.N. estimates of up to 400,000 people are trapped inside. CNN International Correspondent Arwa Damon has filed this report. In one note,

the following video was taken by activist. Due to the siege and perilous situation on the ground, CNN has no way of verifying what's in it.


ARWA DAMON, CNN SENIOR INTERNATIONAL CORRESPONDENT: It's known as the double tap, a deliberate heartless exercise. The dust from the first bomb

had barely settled before the second one landed. Children panicked, cry out to their father. But there's no time to wait, no time to look. Only

time to run and try and stay alive. With the intensity of the recent bombing, most spend their time underground in makeshift shelters. It's

disgusting, suffocating. Children get sick, but the hospitals are all getting bombed. Childhood is not even a reflection of what it should be.

And yet these kids' giggles reverberate almost surreally. The tunnels carved out in the ground. Play games familiar to most of us under

circumstances we cannot even pretend to imagine.

We wish we wish for aid, for help here in Ghouta. We're hungry. Let them understand this. This little girl pleads.

In another reality in what may as well be a world away, the powers that control Syria's fate finally found mercy. The U.N. Security Council passed

a resolution calling for a 30-day cease-fire for humanitarian aid to be allowed in. And while perhaps it might allow these children to breathe

fresh air, it's hardly a lasting solution more if it guaranteed. This is Syria story, one that is on a grizzly repeat. A mother bids her son good-

bye. She's already been through this. Say hi to your brother (INAUDIBLE), she tells his bloodied corpse. Tell him you died the same way he did. The

civil defense team posted this video to Twitter, begging people to try to put themselves in the shoes of the father whose son they are looking for.

You hear sort of an anguished low cry and the question, is he alive? Miraculously, the child is. There are no words for this or perhaps new

ones will need to be created that can describe the magnitude of the death, despair, heartbreak and how we allowed Syria to reach this stage. Arwa

Damon, CNN, Istanbul.


ANDERSON: For the latest, CNN's Jomana Karadsheh joining us live from Amman, a neighboring Jordan. What these residents need is something much

bigger, broader, and more long-term than a 30 day cease-fire that may or may not hold, correct?

JOMANA KARADSHEH, CNN CORRESPONDENT: Absolutely and Becky, keeping in mind that eastern Ghouta was one of those de-escalation zones that was agreed on

between Iran, Turkey, and Russia. And we can all see how that ended up you know, after that vote at the U.N. You know, there was this hope that maybe

this would stop this relentless bombing campaign that they have been living through for this past week. People describing the situation as hell on

earth but really it seems like nothing has changed. As you mentioned earlier, activists are telling us it seems that this resolution is nothing

but ink on paper right now. There's absolutely no signs of a ceasefire. They're describing these constant air strikes, areal artillery shelling of

the different neighborhoods of eastern Ghouta. And as you mentioned, also, we saw these reports coming out from various activists on the ground of a

push they say by regime forces on the different fronts trying to push forward with a ground offensive as they're describing into eastern Ghouta.

There have been reports of possibly up to 12 people at least killed in these fresh strikes today. Again, a devastating death toll that we have

seen over the past week, more than 500 people killed, more than 2,000 others wounded according to doctors without borders. And, you know, Becky,

in the past, when it comes to ceasefires, we've seen when there is an agreement on that, the regime comes out and it specifies, it announces when

a cession of hostilities is will to go into effect and we have not seen that yet.

[10:25:16] ANDERSON: Yes, I mean, perhaps one of the most horrifying things about this is that it's all too familiar. Is what we are seeing in

eastern Ghouta now similar to what we saw in Aleppo very briefly?

KARADSHEH: That's exactly what people there feel is coming, really, Becky. They say that they feel that the worst is yet to come. They are really

concerned about a ground offensive and it would seem that the regime is determined to recapture eastern Ghouta at all cost. And everyone is

drilling these similarities to what we saw in the past in places especially eastern Aleppo where this will end up with people being bussed out on those

(INAUDIBLE) to somewhere else after they really can't you know, they can't put up with this anymore.

ANDERSON: Jomana is Amman, Jordan just across the border. Jomana, thank you for that. A Syrian activist at eastern Ghouta says it is actually

worse than Aleppo. I talked with Nour Adam on Thursday during what was perhaps the height of the bombing. Have a listen to what he told me then.


ANDERSON: You are hiding from the bombing and the warplanes. Just explain exactly what you're witnessing. What is going on in eastern Ghouta at


NOUR ADAM, SYRIAN ACTIVIST: Actually they're like humanity end by the Russian warplanes and the Assad government. In the last 24 hours, there

were more than 100 people killed, most of them children and women.

ANDERSON: Have you been living in eastern Ghouta for some time?

ADAM: Yes, I am a -- I grow up in eastern Ghouta, and I'm from eastern Ghouta like I am here (INAUDIBLE), more than seven years.

ANDERSON: So over those seven years, over those seven years, clearly, there has been bombing in the past. It's been a very, very difficult life.

Just how have things changed over the past few days? How much worse has it got?

ADAM: Actually they got more than wars in Aleppo. The warplanes are actually right now in the sky up -- from Sunday night. Until this moment,

the warplanes did not leave the sky in Ghouta and did (INAUDIBLE) did not stop hitting every neighborhood in eastern Ghouta, every town, every


ANDERSON: And Nour, things getting worse as far as you're concerned? You've talked about bombings since Sunday, continuous bombings. It's now

Thursday morning. Does it feel like things are getting worse?

ADAM: Yes, actually, everyone -- every minute getting more than worse. l mean, one minute, we are alive the next minute we don't know if we are

still alive or we die.

ANDERSON: Just one last question. Just tell me, you know, how are people? What is their mood?

ADAM: They are scared today. The people, women, and children sit in the basement and they kiss the children because they don't know how much he

will stay with him. He then don't know what second the war planes will target the basement and all of them killed. I mean, like it's the worst

kind of living right here.


ANDERSON: That's Nour Adam speaking to me on Thursday. Right after we spoke, he left his hiding place and went out 0nto a rooftop. Listen

carefully and you'll be able to hear those fighter jets above and this is life in eastern Ghouta.


ADAM: Since 24 hours until this bomb, they are like more than 100 people killed by the government and the Russia warplanes. They hit every building

and every town and every village in eastern Ghouta. Right now the warplanes are in the sky. You can hear the sound of this warplanes hit the

buildings and the village in eastern Ghouta. Today like they are like more than 24 people killed, more than -- more than 20 people killed by the

Russian warplanes in (INAUDIBLE) city. And the worst of that, the warplanes target the hospital and make a mini hospital out of service

completely out of service.


ANDERSON: Nour Adams speaking to me and giving us the sense of just how difficult life is. In another side of just how conflicts, the entire war

in Syria is. Syrian Kurdish leader Saleh Muslim has been arrested in the Czech Republic at the request of the Turkish government. Turkey's state-

run news agency announced the arrest of the 67-year-old. He's the former co-leader of a Kurdish political party in Syria called the Democratic Union

Party or PYD. (INAUDIBLE) views that as part of a terrorist group, but the armed wing of the party has been the main ground force in the fight against

ISIS in Syria.

[10:30:08] Just ahead, the wave of sexual abuse in international aid grows as yet another organization reveals sexual misconduct. We take a dive into

the scandal up next.


ANDERSON: This was the aftermath of the earthquake in Haiti in 2010. Much of the country reduced to rubble as people desperate for help. Aid

agencies rushed to the scene, but it turns out they weren't all that just to do good work. So, for Oxfam, it now seems were found to have used

prostitutes and that also accused of coercing sex and exchange for aid.

Among other allegations, well, assumedly paying clear that misconduct was not just limited to Haiti, and Oxfam numerous aid groups have now come

forward to admit breaches of trust. Now, the International Committee of the Red Cross joins that list. It is revealing that 21 staff members were

dismissed or resigned for paying for sexual services since 2015. And two other members -- two other staff member suspected of sexual misconduct

didn't have their contracts renewed.

Matthew Green has written about what he calls the Dark Side of the Aid Industry for The Financial Times. He writes, "The only thing that seemed

to surprise anybody was that these kinds of lurid tales had not surfaced any sooner." Matthew joins me now from London. And that a dummy

indictment on the industry, and it is an industry, and those who work alongside including the international media, is it not?

[10:35:26] MATTHEW GREEN, AUTHOR, THE DARK SIDE OF THE AID INDUSTRY: Well, that's true. Whenever you go to one of this crisis zones, you'll see a

very familiar cast of characters turning out, hard-charging journalists, diplomats, security types, and of course aid workers who tend to be the

first to in and the last two leave, and they very much shape the narrative that we understand of each crisis. But of course, now, it's the aid

industry itself which is come under the spotlight.

ANDERSON: 22 of some of the world's largest aid organizations coming together in an open letter writing, and I quote, "We are truly sorry that

our at times our sector has failed, we must and will do better." It seems that this was more addressed into the addressing sexual issues, Matthew.

But, you seem to argue there's a much wider systemic issue of play where, whereby, agencies rely on disaster effectively to justify their existence.

Explain what you mean on the one offer decrying the Oxfam abuse scandals being built on the aid industry's white savior mentality.

GREEN: Yes. Well, that's right, I think, it's important as you say to go beyond the allegations of sexual exploitation and look at the much bigger

questions that the aid agents -- aid agencies are confronting. Haiti, of course, is where the Oxfam scandal occurred but it's also a case study of

how billions of dollars of pledges for aid and reconstruction were spent with actually very little effect on the ground. This huge question mark

about the amount of money that's wasted by these organizations and in some cases where interventions are poorly conceived that can actually end up

making the situation or worse.

ANDERSON: Could do better, they say in this open letter. Will they do better than this?

GREEN: That's a good question. I mean, anyone who's ever work in any of these crisis zones will know that this kind of stuff has been going on for

years and years and one of the things that struck me is talking to a lot of friends who work in the relief organizations, they have really come forward

almost in a kind of equivalent to the Harvey Weinstein scandal in Hollywood. They've come forward with thousands and thousands of this kind

of reports that might never have made their way into kind of official investigations.

So really, be maybe we may just be looking at the tip of the iceberg of what's been going on, and the question that we have to really pose to the

people who run these organizations, is why haven't they been doing something about this sooner?

This kind of a misconduct has been happening in plain sight now for years. There is numerous internal reports, numerous whistleblowers who raised

these problems. It's only now that they've come to light publicly in the media that these organizations are pledging to crack down.

ANDERSON: So, you been doing the (INAUDIBLE). Why do you think that is? What do you think it is? And this is only come to light now.

GREEN: Well, I think it's -- I think it's complacency, I think for a long time there's been a culture in a lot of these organizations of simply

turning a blind eye to the kind of misconduct that we've been reading about over the past few weeks. I mean, I've spoken to friends who very much

attest that it's almost assumed in some of these relief organizations that men, in particular, may misbehave when they're in hardship postings, and we

shouldn't ask too many questions about that. That's obviously wrong, but it's an assumption that's going unchallenged for too long.

And really, the question is in a year's time, if we revisit this story, will we have seen a genuine change or will we be back to business as usual?

ANDERSON: You win your article with this, "This Oxfam scandal dispiriting as it is for many humanitarians could be -- could be a chance for the

industry to move a step closer to achieving what all relief agencies claim they want, to be so successful in helping people that they put themselves

out of business." By which you mean, what?

GREEN: Well, I think it's time really to use this moment to ask much bigger questions about the future of the aid industry. In a way it's been

working on the same model for 50 years, big organizations based in the developed world coming in as saviors, helping people in developing

countries at times of crisis.

But I think it's time we look to many more ways in which we can really help to boost local organizations on the ground to divert more funding to filled

more capacity in the countries that are actually suffering from this crisis. And rather than relying on this huge industrial complex which

oversea has many vested interest and conflicts as well. So, I think it's time to really open the debate much more broadly to think about how we can

really build a 21st century model of aid.

[10:40:35] ANDERSON: Matthew Green is journalist and author, had looking at allegations of abuse in the aid industry joining us here on "CNN TODAY".

Matthew, thank you.

GREEN: Thank you.

ANDERSON: We'll not just keeping an eye on this story here on television, our colleagues at as you will expect to also investigating and

reporting on it. Head to for more on this latest revelations, and what is being done. That's the digital paged, CNN, live from Abu Dhabi,

you're watching CONNECT THE WORLD. I'm Becky Anderson.

Coming up, it is the nightmare, no parent wants to experience and now it's happened again. Families say, suspected militants have taken more than 100

girls from a school in Nigeria and understandably they want answers. That's next.


ANDERSON: Well, distraught parents in Northeast Nigeria, had desperate for information about their missing daughters. The parents say, more than 100

girls are missing after suspected Boko Haram militants raided a girl's school on Monday.

The government has not released an official list of those missing and some agencies have giving contradictory information. Nigeria's president called

the situation a national disaster. You'll recall Boko Haram militants previously kidnapped some 300 girls in Northeast Nigeria in 2014, setting

off global outrage.

It was been a week of confusion and mixed messages in Nigeria. Let's get you to our CNN Digital Editor Stephanie Busari, who is in Lagos for us.

What the government official saying about this specific incident? How many girls? From where? Do they have any idea where they are at this point?

STEPHANIE BUSARI, CNN DIGITAL EDITOR: So, Becky, the latest information we have is that they've around 105 girls missing. And that number is likely

to rise because parents, could are telling us that some parents are still coming forward to report their daughter is missing. And we've been

speaking to parents also on the ground, and who told us a little bit of information about what happened on the day that their daughters were taken.

Let's have a listen to this interview that we did with one of the parents, Becky.


[10:45:00] KACHALLA BUKAR, FATHER OF MISSING GIRL (via translator): When we went to check for those missing and present on the day that they wanted

to shut down the school, I found out my daughter was among the missing girls when her friend gave me her belongings. Her friends confirmed to me

that she was among those taken away in a vehicle.


BUSARI: Yes, so these parents have really mobilized, they formed an association. And they're telling us that they're angry, they have no

concrete information about where they're daughters are. At first, they were told that the girls were not kidnapped, then, they were told that they

were rescued, then, an embarrassing reaction -- attraction from the government that followed, where they were told that the rescued girls were

not actually rescued at all.

So, you can probably imagine there is a lot of confusion and lot of anger from the parents. So, President Buhari has apologized and he's talked

about how sadden he is about this latest incident. But the parents are telling us that is too little too late. Lessons still seem to have been

learned from the Chibok girls who were taken four years ago. In fact, it seems they have borrowed from the playbook of the aftermath of the Chibok

girls in dealing with this latest incident. So that the parents could be mobilized trying to find that information from themselves. And --


ANDERSON: Are you making a very good point Stephanie?

Yes, and you're making a really good point.


ANDERSON: I'm sure -- I'm sure the president of Nigeria is very saddened, and I'm sure he is very sorry. But that is no good so far for this

parents. How can this have been allowed to happen? Just describe the environment this girls would have been in, and how this could possibly are

being allowed to happen giving the total outrage about what happened last year.

BUSARI: This is a -- you know, we're here again and no one can quite believe it, Becky. You know, it's -- the girls were taken from a school in

a town called Dapchi, in Northeast Nigeria. We learned that there's about -- they were about 926 of them. So, it gives you an idea what kind of

chaos that would have ensued when this armed men turned up in trucks, dressed in military gear, in (INAUDIBLE) kind of echoes of Chibok girls,

because that's the same thing that happened then.

And these girls were jumping over walls, they were crawling into the bushes, hiding with their teachers. You know, so totally chaotic kind of

environment. No one inside, no armed forces, no armed security to help them. They were effectively sitting ducks waiting for suspected Boko Haram

militants to just turn up and pick them up, Beckey.

ANDERSON: Stephanie Busari, and the story out of Lagos for you. Stephanie, thank you. When she thinks of people chained into the most

awful conditions. Know that we are working to help. CNN team met with people around the world for a student-led day of action against modern-day

slavery. Ahead of my Freedom day, on March 14th, we are asking as many people as possible for their definition of freedom.

Queen Silvia of Sweden is a high profile advocate to several international children's charities. She's the country's longest-serving queen and told

CNN, what freedom means to her.


QUEEN SILVIA, QUEEN CONSORT, SWEDEN: To have your freedom in your hearth, you have to know that all your family members, your country, and the

children that they are happy, but you haven't been doing what you can to give them freedom. And then, you may have an enough freedom I saw. That's

for me, (INAUDIBLE) --


ANDERSON: Well, we want to know what freedom means to you. I'll be asking that here in Abu Dhabi and around the world. We'd love to hear your

answer, do share your story, this is a hashtag, My Freedom Day. This is student lead day of action against modern-day slavery on March 14th. Happy

day for anybody, but any of you out there if your students get involved, if you're a parent, get your kids involved. If you're not a parent, you got

nephews and siblings, nieces, get involved. Hashtag My Freedom Day, it's so important.

It's still ahead, refugees play warm persecution who found a new home in foreign kitchen, it seems. Will he able the stomachs of France with their

traditional meals? That is still ahead here on CNN.


[10:51:39] ANDERSON: Well, early in the show, unfortunately, we took you inside life of a -- inside life in -- what is in pretty difficult part of

Syria are present, a place many refugees in the millions come from there are often vilified and indiscriminate to begins based on their nationality

and -- or migrant status. But some refugees in France are overcome on this prejudice is by cooking up meals from their homeland. Jim Bitterman dishes

the story for you from France.

JIM BITTERMAN, CNN SENIOR INTERNATIONAL CORRESPONDENT: There have been times over the past two years, when Syrian refugee Mohammad El Khaldy, did

not know where his next meal was coming from. But after fleeing the conflict in his homeland, to Egypt, crossing the Mediterranean to Italy,

and eventually making his way to France, a well-known television chef is finally back doing what he loves most, preparing meals for others.

Khaldy and his kitchen partner, Louis Jacquot, who also fled from Syria are part of a flourishing drive by French food entrepreneurs to employ refugees

who have worked in the food industry. Away to win over prejudices perhaps, one by of the time.


MOHAMMAD EL KHALDY, REFUGEE CHEF FROM SYRIA: They try the food, they try the culture. You know -- you're not make your culture, I have this. I'm

all the sensitive from your country and put in the food and he will understand you.

BITTERMAN: It's no secret that here as elsewhere in Europe, as refugees have flooded in over the past few years, they haven't exactly been greeted

with open arms. So, in a food-conscious country like France, talent in the kitchen counts for a lot. And some believe could even catch through some


At least that's the thinking behind an even more ambitious project here, the kitchen of a catering company called Migratory Cooks. At any given

day, you might find refugee chefs from Iran, Nepal, Ethiopia or Syria. Saucing and slicing and otherwise fine-tuning and made ambitious. And

that's part of the idea, to encourage authentic reproductions of what the refugees used to cooked up at their homeland, rather than fuse their dishes

with French cuisine. Other creators of Migratory Cooks, also points out that this is not some kind of charity project. It is to emphasize a

catering business intended to make money.

LOUIS JACQUOT, CO-FOUNDER, MIGRATORY COOKS: We are company and we are trying to build a brand around a French (INAUDIBLE) that will empower

refugees and to show that they have something to bring for the French society.

BITTERMAN: The young company it seems has found a way of, at the same time, doing good, and doing well, or in this case, eating well. Because

two years after it was founded, Migratory Cooks has a full agenda of catering events. The asylum seeking chefs sometimes going along to prepare

and explain their dishes to curious customers.

JACQUOT: Many people was surprised, I mean, they asked that, where are the refugees? Because what they have in mind are the people in the (INAUDIBLE)

or on the roads, or under the -- living under the subway. And they realize that they were like us.

BITTERMAN: This refugee is at least, have managed to put their insecure days behind them. Jim Bitterman, CNN, Paris.


[10:54:55] ANDERSON: We'll keep on in shock this evening. We remember the life, of a Bollywood megastar. The sudden death of Sridevi has shocked the

fans, millions of fans across the world. The press trust of India says, she suffered cardiac arrest not far from here while in Dubai, where she was

for a family wedding. The beloved and prolific actress starring in dozens of films during a nearly four-decade-long career, she was just 54 years


You can check out all of the stories there from our show today in front here by going to our Facebook page, that's I'm

Becky Anderson. That was CONNECT THE WORLD. Thank you for watching. CNN continues after this short break.