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At Least 30 Killed in Twin Bombings in Afghanistan; Jordanians Focus on Israeli/Palestinian Question; Macron Scrambling to Save Iran Nuclear Deal; Trump Signals Summit with Kim Could Come in Weeks; New U.K. Home Secretary Pledges Fairness on Immigration; "Avengers: Infinity War" Smashes Box Office Records; Trump Host Nigerian President at the White House. Aired 11a-12n ET

Aired April 30, 2018 - 11:00   ET


[11:00:00] LYNDA KINKADE, CNN HOST: Hello and welcome to CONNECT THE WORLD. I'm Lynda Kinkade live in Atlanta filling in for Becky Anderson who

is out on assignment.

We start with our early morning rush hour once again turning into a blood bath in Afghanistan. It comes as the panicked moments after one of two

explosions tore into the capital of Kabul murdering at least 30 people. ISIS is bragging about carrying out the attacks.

The first went off near the American embassy and then with journalists rushing to the scene another suicide bomber disguised as a cameraman

dressed up to fit in next to them. Detonating his bomb killing at least nine journalists. Deliberate targets. Well, journalists like Ali Latifi,

who joins is now from Kabul and Skype. You must be quite shaken. Thank you so much for joining us. I know that some of those killed were your

colleagues, friends lost. What else can you tell us about these attacks?

ALI LATIFI, JOURNALIST (via Skype): One thing we have to make clear is that it was actually quite far from the U.S. embassy. And what this area

really is, is an area where the National Intelligence Service is. There's an Internet company there. There's stores there. There's homes there.

So, again, what we're finding is that as much as they want to say they targeted intelligence agencies, what ended up happening it was civilians

and journalists and, in this case, especially journalists that were targeted in an attack. This is something we really have to keep in mind.

KINKADE: Ali, I want to show our viewers a map of Afghanistan. On it they'll be able to see the areas of Taliban control and ISIS control

influence. The Taliban you can see there is in orange, ISIS in red. They clearly are over huge parts of the country. We know at least 41 killed

across Afghanistan. Three separate attacks. And Militants say were to act with impunity in Afghanistan?

LAFIFI: I think everyone is able to act with impunity in Afghanistan. Because if you're talking about 41 people killed today, for instance one of

them was a reporter for the BBC in the eastern province of Khost. And we have no idea who carried that attack out and we may never know. It may be

unidentified gunmen. And this is exactly the issue that we're constantly running into is that -- let's talk about journalists. Right? Attacks

against journalists. We have police. We have intelligence services that have created many problems, arresting and detaining journalists, you know,

an act of violence against them. We've had this with warlords in the area. We've had this with MPs, we practice with other government aligned

militias. And then you also have it with the Taliban and the so-called Islamic state group.

And so, this is a big problem throughout the country for everyone. The issue being that there's always impunity. That there's not just -- I mean,

impunity for these, you know, armed opposition groups, the so-called Islamic state, Taliban, that something separate. Because how do you really

hold them accountable? Right?

But we also had an incident in the last week, in the last few days of firing within the city by an MP on police that actually impacted people in

the city itself. A Parliamentarian was attacking, you know, in the city was shooting off his guns, him and his guards, and they were getting into a

fight with police. So, impunity is an issue all around.

KINKADE: It certainly is. All right, Ali Latifi, it was really good to get your perspective there from the capital. Thanks so much.

LATIFI: Thank you.

KINKADE: As Ali just mentioned within hours of those bombings we saw in Kabul an attack on another journalist, a BBC reporter, shot dead on his way

home from work here in Khost. In one day then at least ten journalists killed. They join a very long and grim list of people in our line of work

between 2001 and last year, 33 journalists have been killed there. Twelve caught in crossfire, 10 while out on dangerous assignments, others outright

murdered. Those numbers come from the Committee to Protect Journalists which is really the vanguard of press freedom. Steven Butler is an

executive there, Steven, is this the deadliest day for journalists in Afghanistan?

STEVEN BUTLER, ASIA PROGRAM COORDINATOR, COMMITTEE TO PROTECT JOURNALISTS: Yes, as far as we know, it's the single deadliest day in which the most

journalists were killed in one attack and the total of ten certainly would take it over the top of a grim and horrible record.

KINKADE: And Afghanistan Federation of Journalists is calling this a war crime, calling on the U.N. to investigate. What could come of that?

[11:05:00] BUTLER: Well, very little has come of this sort of thing in the past.

KINKADE: Steven, ten journalists were killed in a single day. I want to bring up the names of each of them now, each of those brave people, each

murdered today. Attacks like this one, we're just showing the names now, AFP photographer. We saw various cameramen, correspondents, reporters.

Attacks like this, are they impossible to stop? Given that we saw this blast in Kabul was in the green zone.

BUTLER: You know, I think worldwide we found that terrorism is difficult or impossible to stop. This is what -- if you're going on a training

course for how to handle yourself in these situations, one of the first things they say, and what you need to do is to plan your activities to try

to avoid being a target. You know, it's the militants have frequently used these secondary attacks to increase the death toll and it's something that

no matter how many times you tell journalists to avoid going into these areas, very often they simply have to because of their work. It's

extremely difficult to avoid.

KINKADE: Steven, it certainly is difficult to avoid. We've taken some numbers from your organization, groups then by region so we can show our

viewers the Middle East. So far, this year is the most dangerous part of the world for journalists, eight killed out of the global total of 14 prior

to today's attacks. And we are not even in May yet. Are things getting better or are they getting worse globally?

BUTLER: Well, last year things actually improved somewhat from previous years and it was because of the lack of active new war zones. But what's

been happening this year is very disturbing. Certainly Afghanistan, this is a real shocker. Last year we had four journalists murdered and we'll

likely -- we'll have to study this to see exactly, you know, who was killed and why. But this will lift the total very sharply. In the Middle East

we're seeing somewhat of a resurgence. In Mexico it's also been increasing. So, yes, the trend is not good.

KINKADE: We saw in that attack in Kabul that one of the killers pretended to be a journalist carrying a camera. What did you make of that? Have you

seen that before?

BUTLER: Oh, absolutely we've seen this sort of thing before. You know, if you look back to the early days of the attack on Takhar just before the

9/11, that's exactly what happened. So, a terrorist disguising themselves as a journalist entering the field is something we've seen before and we

need to continue to watch out for.

KINKADE: All right. Steven Butler for us. Good to have your perspective. Thanks for joining us.

BUTLER: Thank you.

KINKADE: Well, among the dead journalists is AFP's chief photographer in Kabul, Shah Mari. Later we're going to delve into his extraordinary life

and his tragic death and the legacy he leaves behind.

Still to come, America's chief diplomat wraps up his trip to the Middle East amid some worrying signs. We're live there and in Europe for much

more. Stay with us.


KINKADE: You're watching CNN, and this is CONNECT THE WORLD with me Lynda Kinkade. Welcome back. Well, America's top diplomat has wrapped up a

visit to one of the most unsettled regions of the world. Secretary of State, Mike Pompeo, is on his way back now from the Middle East. Much of

his focus there was Iran as the U.S. decides whether to stay in the nuclear deal. Pompeo promised the administration would work to stem Tehran's

influence especially in Syria.

Well, let's break it down for you. Melissa Bell is in Paris with Europe's view on the Iranian deal. Amir Daftari has the reaction from Tehran. Oren

Liebermann is in Jerusalem ahead of comments by the Israeli Prime Minister. But first, I want to go to ben in Jordan. Ben, Mr. Pompeo has just wrapped

up his trip, as I said. What struck you most about this whirlwind visit and the message that he sent to his regional partners?

BEN WEDEMAN, CNN SENIOR INTERNATIONAL CORRESPONDENT: Well, certainly, the message he sent is that the United States is going to take a serious look

at this Iran nuclear deal and perhaps rip it up. Certainly, what's striking about this trip is that apparently Secretary Pompeo never even got

a chance to go to his new office at the State Department. Now, what we have in the U.S. administration is a confluence of hawks around the

president. You've got John Bolton, the National Security Adviser. Mike Pompeo a hardliner on Iran. He's come out and he's met with others who

shared their view about Iran.

He's met with Benjamin Netanyahu, the Israeli Prime Minister, who long has been urging the United States to take a harder line against Iran. And he

met with the Saudis who are equally adamant about their opposition to Iran's growing influence in the region. And, of course, they are talking

about confronting a country more powerful than any foe the United States has confronted perhaps since the Korean War. And, therefore, we are at a

very dangerous point in this region.

Now what was interesting about his final stop was the Jordanians didn't seem to be buying into this Iranian narrative. We just received a

statement from the royal court after Secretary Pompeo met with Jordan's King Abdullah. The statement talks about their worries about the

Palestinian/Israeli crisis. Their worries about Syria. There is no mention of Iran. So, it's very much a sort of hardline narrative being

driven by the United States backed up by Israel and Saudi Arabia. But it's not a narrative that seems to be -- seems to have won a lot of support here

in Jordan at least.

KINKADE: It certainly isn't. Ben Wedeman, thank you. I want to go from Jordan to France now, Melissa Bell. The French President Macron has spoken

to both the Iranian and the Russian leaders over the past 24-hours. Is he leading the charge to salvage this deal or starting to cobble together

perhaps a new deal?

MELISSA BELL, CNN PARIS CORRESPONDENT: Oh, very much so, Lynda. Having been to the United States and said to Donald Trump let us look more widely

at a broader deal that would go some way to addressing the American president's worries. He's now set off this flurry of activity. Not only

speaking to Vladimir Putin and Benjamin Netanyahu today about this new deal that he's proposing. But also reaching out to his European colleagues to

make sure he has their backing as well. And they've come out with interesting statements, saying we'll stand by the first deal. We're in

favor of keeping the Iran deal but we're happy to talk about the wider issues.

[11:15:00] And Emmanuel Macron is really pursuing this gamble. Trying to get all of those around the table to at least consider with him the

possibility that this new deal, which would include four pillars of which the first would be the current deal. To get them to agree the idea of

talking about these extra issues. Things like Iran's nuclear weapons beyond 2025, things like Iran's role in the wider region, Lynda. And I

think that the idea behind this, let's try to get all of these parties talking until Donald Trump's position.

I think, by the way, what was interesting and what Mike Pompeo and John Bolton had said over the weekend is that they seem to be leaving the door

open at least for the possibility that this is still being negotiated. They both said clearly, we're negotiating with then Europeans and we'll see

if a deal can be struck before May 12th. If it cannot, Lynda, the French president will have least have won the idea there are ongoing negotiations.

Everyone continues to remain in this multilateral framework as a new deal is sought.

KINKADE: Yes, it certainly is coming down to the final weeks. Melissa Bell, thank you. I want to go to Amir Daftari next to get a sense of what

Iran is saying about all of this -- Amir.

AMIR DAFTARI, CNN SENIOR PRODUCER: Well, Lynda, there's actually been a direct response today from Iran regarding Mike Pompeo's visit to the

region. Especially his visit to Saudi Arabia. Iran's supreme leader, Ayatollah Ali Khamenei saying that the Americans are trying to provoke,

agitate, push the Saudis into confronting Iran. Which is creating more of a crisis for the region.

I want to redo an interesting line from his speech today. He said one of the ways to confront Iran is to provoke inexperienced rulers of the region.

Now the inexperienced leader he's talking about is evidently the 32-year- old Crown Prince of Saudi Arabia, Mohamed bin Salman. The supreme leader also said that the U.S. must be the ones to leave the region for they are

the ones doing more harm than good. This is our region. This is our home and, you know, it's the Americans who need leave not the Iranian's --


KINKADE: Amir, thank you very much. And finally, Oren is in Jerusalem. The Israeli Prime Minister there telegraphing what he says is some

significant developments.

OREN LIEBERMANN, CNN CORRESPONDENT: And that speech scheduled to start just under a couple hours. Interestingly it will be in Tel Aviv at the

defense ministry. That's fairly uncommon in a speech from the Prime Minister. Part of it will also be in English which means this isn't a

speech only meant for the Israeli audience, it's very much meant for the American audience and for President Donald Trump as well. As Ben pointed

out and has been clear over the previous months and even years Netanyahu has been the loudest, most outspoken critic of the Iran deal. He wants to

see Trump and other world leaders for that matter either change the deal or scrap it altogether.

This latest move, which is about the Iran nuclear deal, this speech which is supposed to be significant develops, is clearly a shot at the Iran deal.

He's not going to offer support for it this late hour. It's going to be one more attempt to try to convince the world to either scrap the deal or

change it significantly in some ways. So, that's very much what we expect from the Prime Minister in just a couple of hours here.

It's also worth noting, Lynda, that the U.S. and the Israelis have had a number of meetings both here and there over the past couple of weeks, here

and in Washington, between the defense leaders, between the leaders of the countries themselves. In fact, President Donald Trump and Netanyahu spoke

on the phone just a couple of days ago. Netanyahu has been all about Iran in the last few weeks here.

KINKADE: All right, Oren Liebermann in Jerusalem. I want to go back to Ben finally for the big picture on all of this, Ben. Because we are seeing

this frenzy of phone calls between world leaders right across the world from the Middle East, the U.S., Europe. Can you see a way forward in the

next 12 days or so that this Iran deal will stick perhaps with a slight amendment that will satisfy all involved?

WEDEMAN: Well, certainly if you take into account the rhetoric coming from Washington, coming from Israel, coming from Saudi Arabia, it does appear

that they are hellbent on some sort of confrontation with Iran. But I think there's a lot of reservations from the Europeans, for instance.

Emmanuel Macron and Angela Merkel both went to Washington, tried to convince President Trump not to take that course.

It's important to keep in mind that the Iranian nuclear deal as far as those bodies who are charged with making sure Iran complies with it have

found time and time again that the Iranians are complying with it and the problem the United States and Israel and Saudi Arabia have is with Iran's

ballistic missile program and its growing influence in the region. But certainly, the nuclear deal itself doesn't seem to have any major flaws in

terms of implementation until now.

[11:20:01] And I think the concern is growing that we may be heading to something very serious. Perhaps a regional war and there doesn't seem to

be much in terms of a break being put on the U.S. administration at the moment. President Trump did tell Macron and Merkel that he had made a

campaign promise to scrap the Iranian deal. The question is, did he also promised the American people a regional war that would send oil markets

into a panic and perhaps the stock market crashing. That's another thing to consider when it comes to political promises made on a domestic theater

when it comes to world peace.

KINKADE: Yes, certainly a lot to consider. Ben Wedeman for us. Melissa Bell, Amir Daftari, and Oren Liebermann, thank you all very much for your


Well, you can find out a lot more about the complexities in the Middle East on our website. You can see how President Donald Trump is changing some of

the dynamics and find out more about what Iran is saying in return. That is at

Well, another break on the Korean Peninsula. The South says North Korean leader, Kim Jong-un, will shut down his nuclear test site in May. And even

invite experts and journalists to ensure transparency of the closure. Meanwhile, we're getting a sense of how the Trump administration will be

approaching the upcoming negotiations with North Korea. New national security advisor, John Bolton, has been outlining the White House's road

map which has some experts worried.


JOHN BOLTON, U.S. NATIONAL SECURITY ADVISOR: We have very much in mind the Libya model from 2003/2004. There are obviously differences. The Libyan

program was much smaller. But that was basically the agreement that we made.


KINKADE: As diplomatic correspondent, Michelle Kosinski, joins us now from Washington. And as we just heard there, the Libyan plan is what is being

touted. But given what Libya is like right now and how unstable it is, that is certainly alarming quite a few people.

MICHELLE KOSINSKI, CNN SENIOR DIPLOMATIC CORRESPONDENT: Yes, this is sparking some debate of its own. Just that they would use this example

because of how it worked out. Yes, they did get Libya to end its nuclear program. For people to be able to go in and inspect and make sure that

happened. But years later, you know, Gadhafi, the Libyan dictator, was then toppled by rebels that were backed by the U.S. So, other leaders like

Kim Jong-un look at that example and we know that they've cited it in the past as being not a good deal for the dictator.

So, we know from prior Obama era administrators that when they were talking to, say, the Chinese, they had said that Kim Jong-un again, looked at that

and saw that as a really bad model. So, we know that the U.S., of course, is looking at the point that they got accomplished what they wanted to.

That they got a country to give up its nuclear weapons. Will Kim Jong-un, though, look at this kind of explanation and say, well, that ended very

badly for the leader of Libya years later. I mean, nobody really wants to use Gadhafi as an example to try to emulate and certainly, Kim Jong-un

isn't really looking at it from that perspective since he's talking now about peace.

But we know that that caused concern in the past. And also, some are saying, you know, when you look at what the U.S. is doing, in regard to the

Iran nuclear deal, you know, it was just established a few years ago. Now they're talking about ripping it up. That, too, might give Kim Jong-un

reason to be way more trepidatious about dealing with the U.S and join what the U.S would like it to do.

KINKADE: Yes, and of course, it is just 3 to 4 weeks away from this meeting we're expecting between President Trump and Kim Jong-un. But we

still don't have an ambassador appointed to South Korea. There still is a lack of a support team in that region. How is the President being prepared

for this meeting?

KOSINSKI: That's been a question for a month now. There is talk about shifting one ambassador nominee to another, so that they can get somebody

into the North Korean slot sooner. That it is somebody with a military background. There are questions over whether that is the best idea. There

are experts within the administration that have been working on this for some time. So, when the administration is questioned about this, who is

really working on it, who is making this happen? Obviously, the new Secretary of State, Mike Pompeo, has been there. He's the one who has sat

down already face-to-face with Kim Jong-un to try to work this out.

And also, some of the lower level State Department people have been working on this for a while. And that's who the administration cites as really the

energy behind making this move now.

[11:25:00] We know that the White House has felt like, sure, they'd like to get somebody in there, they had a nominee who then, you know, ended up not

being the nominee. We had a special appointee, and envoy for North Korea who retired. Those are big gaps and big losses. But we know the stance of

the administration has been, well, you know, it's being handled. President Trump has been the one to spear head these talks. He's the one who's going

to be making the decisions.

The attitude of the administration for many of the big issues is, well, President Trump is the one who matters and there are people in place. They

may not be the same people with the same kinds of experience that were there just a few months ago but obviously the Trump administration wants to

downplay those gaps.

KINKADE: And, Michelle, just finally, quickly. We heard those chants from his supporters, from President Trump's supporters over the weekend calling

for a Nobel Peace Prize for President Trump for his work there. And now we're hearing from the South Korean president that he supports that idea.

What's the sort of reaction your hearing from the State Department?

KOSINSKI: I mean, there's lots of talk about that in Washington. Could it be possible if this happens, if North Korea denuclearizes under President

Trump's watch and his pressure campaign, is that worthy of a Nobel Prize? I mean, there are people who feel, yes, absolutely. Because look at the

outcome and look at the way this was orchestrated. That it worked. It actually did work. If that is the final outcome. And others who are very

anti-President Trump and his other policies feel like, you know, just because of everything else that has gone on in this administration it would

not be deserved. So that is the current debate.

But it's funny to remember, too, just a couple months ago there were nominations for President Trump to win a Nobel Prize. But those were

forged. There were these, you know, people were using other people's identity to try to nominate Trump for a Nobel Prize. So, let's see what

happens first of all with these talks between Trump and Kim Jong-un.

ANDERSON: Yes, there is some time to go before we get to that.

All right, Michelle Kosinski, good to have you with us. Thanks so much.


KINKADE: We're live from the CNN center. This is CONNECT THE WORLD. Coming up a caravan of Central American migrants is on the doorstep of the

United States ready to seek asylum. But their biggest roadblock could be President Donald Trump. Also, ahead, a controversy over immigration claims

the job of Britain's Home Secretary, Amber Rudd. We'll be right back, stay with us.


KINKADE: You're watching CNN, and this is CONNECT THE WORLD with me Lynda Kinkade. Welcome back.

Well, a caravan of men, women and children from Central America has reached the U.S. border after an arduous journey. They're ready to seek asylum,

many of them fleeing violence and extreme poverty back home. But Donald Trump says they are not welcome in the United States. One of the migrants

says their message to him is we are not criminals. We are not terrorists. We just want the opportunity to live without fear.

Many of these migrants are afraid of being deported if they're not granted asylum. And mothers fear being separated from their children. Some of the

migrants have been admitted into a processing center at a point of entry in San Diego. Dozens more are waiting outside until authorities consider

their case. Our Leyla Santiago has more.


LEYLA SANTIAGO, CNN CORRESPONDENT: I've seen many people with tears, many people say we're excited to finally be here. But we come here with

excitement and a lot of anxiety. They are very anxious, very nervous especially the mothers and the grandmothers wondering what will happen when

they cross this border.

This has been weeks and weeks of walking, of riding on a train. On a train in which I watched as a pregnant mother of two sat on top of scrap metal

and trash for hours in the cold and through the night. They have slept on the floors of shelters to arrive at this very moment. Something that stuck

with me. One woman who said, I think a lot of people think we just woke up one day, and said, oh, I'm going to go to the U.S.

But this has been a very, very tough, tough journey for them. Many people sniffling, as well as coughing, many of them are sick because of the type

of environment in which they have traveled through to come here. This woman obviously in a wheelchair that quite frankly, looks very sort of beat

up. So, I can only imagine what that wheelchair, the story that that wheelchair would tell.

I want to sort of make sure you understand what's happening right now beyond the high emotion, the migrants said are very excited but also

anxious. We are right now not far -- within feet of the United States of America. So many of these migrants will tell you horrible stories of what

they left behind in Central America. So, what they see on the other side is hope and what they're hoping for is to seek asylum. This is the legal

way to do it. U.S. federal law says if you want to seek asylum you go to a port of entry. That is what they're doing.


KINKADE: That was our Leyla Santiago reporting there on the plight of those migrants.

Well, across the Atlantic the U.K.'s new home secretary says his top priority is treating British citizens who come from the Caribbean with

fairness and decency. Sajid Javid spoke to the House of Commons just a short time ago. Have a listen.


SAJID JAVID, BRITISH HOME SECRETARY: I want to start by making a pledge, a pledge to those from the Windrush generation who have been in this country

for decades and yet have struggled to navigate through the immigration system. This never should have been the case and I will do whatever it

takes to put it right.

Learning by the difficulties Windrush migrants have faced over the years has impacted me greatly. Particularly because I, myself, MA second-

generation migrant. Like the Caribbean Windrush generation my parents came to this country from the commonwealth in the 1960s.

[11:35:02] They, too, came to help rebuild this country and offer all that they had. So, when I heard that people who were long-standing pillars of

their community were being impacted for simply not having the right documents to prove their legal status in the U.K., I thought that it could

be my mom, my brother, my uncle, or even me.


KINKADE: There is the new Home Secretary you just heard speaking there, second generation immigrant. He is the son of a Pakistani bus driver.

And he is replacing this woman, Amber Rudd. Now she stepped down Sunday after saying she inadvertently misled a government committee about

deportation quotas for legal immigrants. Rudd had faced growing criticism over her handling of the so-called Windrush generation controversy.

Our Erin McLaughlin has been speaking with some of the people from the Windrush generation. One woman came to Britain from Jamaica in 1966 to

join her parents. Now, four decades later, she finds herself forced to fight to prove her own identity. A fight that left her life spiraling out

of control.


BARBARA ISAACS: We're not wanted here. That's the way they make me feel. I'm not wanted. I'm not valued. I'm not nobody. I have no identity as

far as they're concerned. I'm an alien.

ERIN MCLAUGHLIN, CNN INTERNATIONAL CORRESPONDENT (voice-over): Barbara Isaac says in 2008 her life forever changed. A mother of six struggling

with mental health issues and living on benefits, she applied to the British government to renew her welfare, something she received for

decades, only to suddenly be told there was no record she existed.

ISAACS: How can you throw away a whole generation of people that you invited to come here?

OLD NEW CLIP: This is the arrival of more than 400 happy Jamaicans.

MCLAUGHLIN: Barbara is part of what's known as the Windrush generation, a wave of migrants from the Caribbean encouraged to come rebuild the U.K.

after World War II. They were told they could stay for the rest of their lives. Many lived in the U.K. without paperwork. Decades later the

government would begin to demand documentation to prove their right to stay. Documentation many say they don't have. To make matters worse the

British government acknowledges it destroyed thousands of landing carts. As a result, some were threatened with deportation and deprived of badly

needed benefits.

AMBER RUDD, THEN-BRITISH HOME SECRETARY: I bitterly, deeply regret that I didn't see it as more than individual cases that had gone wrong that needed

addressing. I didn't see it as a systemic issue until very recently.

MCLAUGHLIN: Barbara is one of the lucky ones. She her old passport which shows she arrived when she was 6. Even so she had to prove she had the

right to remain in the United Kingdom.

ISAACS: They wanted 42 years' worth of information. They didn't even save their paperwork for 42 years let alone me.

MCLAUGHLIN: It took Isaacs three years to come up with the money and the paperwork necessary to apply. In the meantime, she says, she lost all

government support.

ISAACS: How could you have lived somewhere all of your life and 50 years later you're sleeping on the streets begging people for certain things.

MCLAUGHLIN (on camera): You're homeless?

ISAACS: Yes, totally. I was homeless destitute. It's so degrading.

MCLAUGHLIN: Isaacs was granted residency in 2011 the same year she applied. Something the home office points to in a statement responding to

CNN's request for comment. Adding that is looking into her case, quote, as a matter of urgency. Even though she once again receives government

support for Isaacs and so many others from the Windrush generation, the damage is deep and permanent.

ISAACS: I've cried me a river and I've almost drowned in it. A part of me has died, completely dead.

MCLAUGHLIN: Erin McLaughlin, CNN, London.


KINKADE: Well, the new home secretary says he will do whatever it takes to help the Windrush generation. He said I am so personally committed to an

invested in resolving the difficulties faced by the people of the Windrush generation who have built their lives here and have contributed so much.

Well, you're watching CONNECT THE WORLD. Still to come, it is a global box office smash. What film crashed opening weekend records? You can find out




MARVEL STUDIOS, MOVIE CLIP: In time you will know what it's like to lose. Grant it or dread it, run from it. The end is near.


KINKADE: That it is just the beginning for the "Avengers: Infinity War". It had a blockbuster opening weekend. The Marvel superhero mashup scored

the biggest ever global debut raking in $640 million. And it smashed another record, the biggest U.S. debut weekend ever earning $258 million.

Now that record was previously held by "Star Wars: The Force Awakens."

For all the details on this must-see movie I'm joined by CNNMoney's entertainment writer, Frank Pallotta. It's good to have with us Frank.

Massive numbers for the "Avengers". What is Disney's secret to success?

FRANK PALLOTTA, CNNMONEY ENTERTAINMENT WRITER: I mean, they have a really like five different brands, Disney. They have live action, they have

animation, Pixar, Star Wars and, of course Marvel. And they just spread that across the entire year and you know what you're getting with the

Marvel movie. You know you're going to get Spiderman, you know you're going to get Ironman, you know you're going to get a lot of action and a

lot of fun. So, they really are able to put that out there with this kind of pre-awareness. Where your kind of going into it already knowing what

the movie is going to kind of be like without really knowing what the movie is going to be about. That's how they can bring in the really big


But what Disney really does better than probably every other movie studio is they make these things events. At times when theater going is kind of

stagnated, you have to be there on the opening weekend or you'll going to miss out.

KINKADE: And they also have a huge cast, and amazing big names. Obviously, a box office record is one thing. What are the critics saying

about this movie? Is it a must-see or could it be a flop?

PALLOTTA: Here's the thing, most critics are happy with it. They gave it about an 84 percent score on reviews on Rotten Tomatoes. And over the

course of its history, over the last ten years, Marvel Studios has produced around 19 movies all of which have opened number one at the box office and

all of which have averaged around 85 percent on the review site.

[11:45:00] So, they're mostly good movies. Both critics and audiences really enjoy these movies. Some critics say they don't take a lot of risks

and they all kind of look the same. But when the recipe is really good, why change it?

KINKADE: Exactly, why change it? And it seems that it certainly is bringing in the big dollars for them. It's bringing in the big stars and

people are flocking to the movie theaters. Have you actually seen this film yet?

PALLOTTA: I saw the movie last week. I saw it at a press screening a few days before it opened. And it was an incredible experience. It was really

kind of like watching a series finale of a television show that you've been watching for the last ten years rather than a major motion picture.

Without giving anything away, at the end of this movie people were gasping. There was silence. I had one person not even like drink their Coca-Cola.

They were just so tense the entire time. This is a really great summer movie. And summer starts a little bit early since it's only April.

KINKADE: That does sound good. Frank, I want to see it now. Thanks, Frank Pallotta, appreciate it.

PALLOTTA: Thank you.

KINKADE: Well, another performance that people are talking about is comedienne Michelle Wolf who took to the podium at the weekend White House

correspondents dinner. But for some her jokes went too far especially those that centered on the White House press secretary. Take a listen.


MICHELLE WOLF, COMEDIAN: And of course, we have Sarah Huckabee Sanders. We are graced with Sarah's presence tonight. I have to say I'm a little

star struck. I love you as aunt Lydia in "The Hand Maid's Tale." I actually really like Sarah. I think she's very resourceful. Like she

burns fats and then she uses that is ash to create a perfect smoky eye. Like maybe she's born with it. Maybe it's lies.


KINKADE: Well, the U.S. President has responded writing on Twitter, the White House correspondent's dinner is dead as we know it. This was a total

disaster and an embarrassment for our great country.

The White House Correspondents Association, which hosts the annual charity event, put out a statement. Last night's program was meant to offer a

unifying message about our common commitment to a vigorous and free press while honoring civility, great reporting and scholarship winners, not to

divide people. Unfortunately, the entertainer's monologue was not in the spirit of that mission.

But the comedienne seems to be taking the criticism in her stride. Sarah Huckabee Sanders predecessor, as White House Press Secretary, Sean Spicer,

also called the dinner a disgrace. To which Miss Wolf responded, thank you! Within an exclamation mark.

Well, comments made by President Trump months ago could come back and haunt him as he welcomes his Nigerian counterpart to Washington. Muhammadu

Bihari is the first African leader to visit the White House since Mr. Trump made derogatory remarks about African nations. CNN's Eleni Giokos has



ELENI GIOKOS, CNNMONEY AFRICA CORRESPONDENT (voice-over): When it comes to Africa, the Trump administration's attitude has at times seemed more

hostile than harmonious.

DONALD TRUMP, PRESIDENT OF THE UNITED STATES: You have so many friends go into your countries trying to get rich.

GIOKOS: The continent has been the target of travel bans and derogatory comments.

WOLF BLITZER, CNN HOST: President Trump today tweeted a half-hearted denial that he denigrated immigrants coming from, and I won't use the slur,

let's leave it as S-hole countries.

GIOKOS: But on Monday, the administration hopes to take a more traditional, diplomatic approach when it welcomes Nigerian President

Muhammadu Bihari to Washington. The White House said the two presidents will discuss shared priorities of combatting terrorism, promoting economic

growth, and building on Nigeria's role as a democratic leader.

MALTE LIEWERSCHEIDT, WEST AFRICAN ANALYST, TENEO INTELLIGENCE: Now in the pre-Trump era that would have been a home run. But ever since President

Trump made his remarks about African countries it's actually quite controversial to meet him.

GIOKOS: For Buhari and Trump oil is likely to be near the top of the agenda. Last week Trump lambasted OPEC on Twitter for withholding supply

saying, oil prices are artificially very high. No good and will not be accepted.

Nigeria is an OPEC member, and it's been hurt by the growth of cheap U.S. shale oil. In 2017 Nigeria exported less than half as much oil to the

United States than it did in 2010. Given Trump's tough stance on trade Buhari might be walking a tightrope when it comes to strengthening economic

ties. In 2016 the United States had a $2.3 billion with Nigeria. And then there's the issue of fighting the Boko Haram insurgency which is in the

U.S. favor as well as Buhari's. Last year the State Department approved the sale of 12 military planes to Nigeria for nearly $600 million. It's

deals like these that will keep both sides of the Atlantic content.

[11:50:00] Eleni Giokos, CNN, Johannesburg.


KINKADE: Still to come, his wit, empathy and passion helped him uncover the most important stories in Afghanistan. Ten journalists lost their

lives in Afghanistan today. We look at the life and the legacy of one of them next.


KINKADE: Well, finally today we look at the life and work of one of ten journalists killed in today's violence in Afghanistan. Shah Marai was

AFP's chief photographer and he leaves behind his wife and six children. We spoke to his colleague Marc Lavine earlier about his work.


MARC LAVINE, AFP EDITOR-IN-CHIEF FOR ASIA AND THE PACIFIC: I was the former Kabul correspondent in the mid-1990s where I met Marai when he was a

teenager actually and became his first boss. But he joined us as a driver. He's a young man who's incredibly full of life, very smart. He didn't

speak a word of English at the time and probably had never seen a camera before. And within three years he had become a fluent English speaker,

became the linchpin of the AFP's Kabul bureau. One of the most incredibly smart and self-taught people that I've ever met. Who had an amazing eye,


He showed amazing empathy for his subjects. He really had empathy for those in front of the camera and for his people. He said on several

occasions how sad he was about the plight of Afghanistan being from civil war to various conflicts. And I think being a family man with many

children himself he really felt the plight of his fellow Afghans very intensely. And I think it showed in his work. He knew exactly what the

risks were and where they were. I think that all Afghanistan feel the weight of the risk. But Marai handled it extremely well.

I think he really wanted to tell the story of his country not only the plight, which I think was important to him but also the happier stories.

The stories of people who made his Afghanistan. He was excellent at drawing out those human stories from his subjects.

I think this unbelievable tragedy does underscore the importance of journalism and its difficult conditions which journalists in places like

Afghanistan and other places across the globe work.

[11:55:02] A feeling of numbness, of shock. I think Marai should be remembered as somebody who was eternally vital. Eternally searching for a

story and incredibly warm as a human being.


KINKADE: Well, let's take a moment to remember journalists everywhere who in chasing their enduring passion for telling the truth paid with their


This, of course, and many more like it, across the world tragic, happy, and always thought provoking can be found on our Facebook page. And go to

I'm Lynda Kinkade. That was CONNECT THE WORLD from the team here in Atlanta, in London, and in Abu Dhabi, thanks so much for joining us. We'll

see you tomorrow.