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Questions Remain After Trump Ends Family Separations; Babies and Toddlers Hels at "Tender Age" Facilities; Childhood, Marriage, and Murder in Sudan; Russia Wins First 2 Matches in World Cup; France Face Peru in Pivotal Match; OPEC to Discuss Supply Levels and Oil Prices; Turkey's President Erdogan Faces Election Test on Sundays. Aired 11-12n ET

Aired June 21, 2018 - 11:00   ET


[11:00:00] HALA GORANI, CNN ANCHOR: Hello and welcome. This is CONNECT THE WORLD. I'm Hala Gorani in London. Becky has the day off.

A dramatic show down is shaping up on Capitol Hill today, and the White House is on an all-out lobbying blitz to get comprehensive immigration

legislation passed. Even as President Donald Trump signed an executive order yesterday and in a crisis of his own making. He said congressional

action is still needed to overhaul immigration laws. The White House is set to vote on two bills today, but both face an uphill battle.

Now for days Mr. Trump had insisted that he could not stop a policy that separated children from their parents after they cross into the U.S.

illegally. But after heart-breaking images and audio of children in cages created an uproar, he abruptly reversed course. We'll hear from Mr. Trump

this hour. He is meeting with his cabinet. But he's already sounding off on Twitter, as usual, accusing Democrats on being weak on crime and border

security. Yesterday he had this warning.


DONALD TRUMP, PRESIDENT OF THE UNITED STATES: The dilemma is that if you are weak, if you are weak, which some people would like you to be, if you

are really, really pathetically weak, the country is going to be overrun with millions of people. And if you're strong, then you don't have any

heart. That's a tough dilemma. Perhaps I'd rather --


GORANI: All right, and there you have the President once again using familiar themes, telling Americans that they are under threat, sometimes

under attack by immigration. That the country will be overrun if you do not strengthen the border controls. There are still many questions over

what exactly Mr. Trump's executive order does and what will happen to the thousands of children who've already been separated from their parents.

Sarah Westwood is live at the White House. Any more clarity on whether or not parents separated from their kids in the last few weeks since this

zero-tolerance policy was instituted, what will happen to those families?

SARAH WESTWOOD, CNN WHITE HOUSE REPORTER: Well, Hala, there's still a lot of uncertainty surrounding President Trump's immigration policies,

particularly after the White House is signaling that the roughly 2,300 children who have already been separated from their families at the border

may not be reunited with their parents. The Trump administration insisting that the executive order Trump signed yesterday does not end his zero-

tolerance immigration policy.

And Trump is continuing to taut his toughness on immigration despite capitulating to the pressure that has been building against this White

House. Tweeting out this morning, Trump said, we shouldn't be hiring judges by the thousands as our ridiculous immigration laws demand. We

should be changing our laws, building the wall, hire border agents and ICE, and not let people come into our country based on the legal phrase they are

told to say as their password.

Now as you mentioned, this is all happening against the backdrop of a bitter fight among House Republicans over immigration legislation and

broader changes to the system. So, a lot of confusion still surrounding this policy. And it remains to be seen whether Congress will step in and

do what the Trump administration refuses to do on zero-tolerance -- Hala.

GORANI: Sarah Westwood, thanks for that update.

We know what's in the executive order. What's not in it, perhaps the biggest omission, there is no fix for those families who have already been

separated. Which means it's up to parents to try to find their own children. A lot of them can't afford, don't have legal representation.

There are almost 2,500 children separated from their families since just early May. And some of those kids are very young, some toddlers, even some

babies. So, the question many are left asking, what happens next? Our chief legal analyst, Jeffrey Toobin, joins me now. What happens also if

the President is saying we'll end family separation, which means that people crossing illegally into the country will be detailed with their

kids. But there's a time limit that is placed on the detention of children in America.

JEFFREY TOOBIN, CNN LEGAL ANALYST: Right. There are very many unanswered questions about what happens now. As you mentioned, there is absolutely

nothing in the executive order that addresses the fate of the 2,300 young people who are already in custody. That remains, frankly, a mystery at

this point, how the government plans to deal with them. But as for going forward, the President says in his executive order we are no longer going

to separate children and their parents.

[11:05:01] But there is a court decision on the books that says children cannot be held for longer than 20 days.


TOOBIN: So, the question now arises what happens when you hold parents and children for 20 days? Do they just release the children? Well, that

creates the problem that created this whole crisis, which is the separation of parents and children. Or do you keep them both in prison in violation

of the court order or get the court order changed? Or do you release them both? All of that remains unresolved at this point.

GORANI: What are the legal options for people? I mean, I know there are organizations trying to help these migrants, those specifically separated

from their children. In the U.S. system, are there any options for them, legally speaking?

TOOBIN: Well, in the American legal system, people held for immigration violations do not have the constitutional right to a lawyer appointed for

them. If you are arrested in the United States, there is -- you have a right to a lawyer to challenge your case. But if you are simply stopped at

the border, you do not have a lawyer. So there has been a major effort to try to get lawyers, especially to these young people who have been held in

custody. And the question now will be can lawyers get to these children. You know, one of the many complications here is no one knows precisely

where these children are, how to get access to them. The journalists have tried to get photographs of the conditions. We've been largely

unsuccessful in that regard. So, the logical problems are almost as great as the legal problems in the efforts to try to help these people.

GORANI: Well, the White House has spent days, by the way, insisting that Wednesday's move was not possible. Let's listen.



Congress can fix this tomorrow.

UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: Only Congress can fix this issue.

UNIDENTIFIED MALE: Fundamentally we are enforcing the law.

SARAH SANDERS, WHITE HOUSE PRESS SECRETARY: And we hope Congress will actually, do their parts.

HOGAN GIDLEY, DEPUTY PRESS SECRETARY: He won't take executive action that's unconstitutional. Congress makes the laws in this country, not the



TRUMP: Wait, wait. I can't do it through an executive order.


GORANI: Many, many members of the administration, Jeffrey, saying you cannot end this with an executive order. He ended it with an executive


TOOBIN: Well, it's a contradiction, Hala. I don't know what to say. I mean, it was quite clear that all those statements were false. I mean,

this has been within the power of the President from day one. He started this process of separating parents and children. He clearly could stop it.

He didn't even need to issue an executive order. He could have done it in a phone call.

The problem now is what to do once it's ended. As we've been discussing, how you release and to whom you release these children is not a simple

question. You know, many of them have been moved, hundreds or even thousands of miles away from where they were originally taken into custody.

The ability of parents and children simply to get in touch with each other is very unclear. So not only is it untrue that the President couldn't do

anything about it, that it was up to congress. Having created this mess, it is not clear how he can undo it. And he doesn't seem to be trying very

hard, at least as far as the 2,300 are concerned.

GORANI: Right. It is a crisis of the administration's own making. This is sort of a half resolution since the zero-tolerance policy is still in

effect. Jeffrey Toobin, thanks so much. Always appreciate your analysis. And by the way, I want to show you a cover, the cover of this week's "Time"

magazine. It uses few words, but it sends a pretty clear message. Donald Trump looking down on that little girl, that already now iconic picture of

that Honduran girl as her mother being frisked, separated from her parent. With the headline, "Welcome to America". This is already being shared

many, many thousands of times on line.

The government uses a gentle word to describe the detention of babies and toddlers. Saying they're being held and tender age facilities. Obviously,

it is trying to dampen criticism of the practice by releasing pictures like these. This footage comes from a facility outside Washington, D.C. It

shows a woman rocking a baby, you saw that it first.

[11:10:00] Brightly decorated rooms with stuffed animals on beds, on little beds. But is this a true picture of what these facilities really look

like? CNN's Nick Valencia is outside one of these detention centers in Texas. We saw a very different pictures from Texas of cages and chain link

fences inside that converted Walmart super store -- Nick.

NICK VALENCIA, CNN CORRESPONDENT: Hala, this is without a doubt these photos that we've received from the government are no doubt about are part

of a PR campaign by Health and Human Services to show that these facilities are in good condition and the children are being held in good conditions.

The question that we have, though, is if the children are being cared for the right way, then why not let our cameras in to see for ourselves and

show the world. We made repeated requests with the office of refugee resettlement. I reached out to them via e-mail, several phone calls. We

haven't gotten the courtesy of a no comment or denial for our request for a tour. We are, however, hearing today a third statement from the federal

government. This time from the U.S. Customs and Border Protection Each statement from the federal government seems to contradict the last one. I

just want to read part of this for you, Hala.

For those children still in border patrol custody, we are reuniting them with parents or legal guardians returned to Border Patrol custody following


They go on to say that they are taking immediate steps for the reunification process to reunite these 2,300 children that have been

separated from their parents because of the zero-tolerance policy that was implemented by the President. We are not clear of the specifics or really

the steps that they are going to take to make that happen -- Hala.

GORANI: And what happens next? I mean, I guess we're all trying to figure out because going forward what -- have you gotten any kind of clarity on

what happens if a parent is, you know, put in detention with their child? There is a legal limit of 20 days beyond which something -- you cannot keep

indefinitely a child in detention.

VALENCIA: That is part of the Flores Settlement, and it was meant to help unaccompanied minors, even though some of them showed up with their parents

at the border. I talked to one person who is currently in federal custody. He's a Honduran migrant who spoke to me about his child, his three-year-old

who was ripped away from him. He came across at a legal point of entry. He has no criminal history and even still he was separated from his child.

Now the Department of Homeland Security was telling us that that's not happening. Clearly, we are being told a different story. I asked his

father how he feels about being ripped apart from his child.


UNIDENTIFIED MALE MIGRANT (through translator): He wanted to go to the bathroom. So, they took him to the bathroom. But then they told me they

were taking him away. And I said he was going to the bathroom. But they told me they were taking him away. I asked where to, but they didn't tell



VALENCIA: Hala, there's a lot of confusion here on the ground, even among those in charge of these facilities. We understand they are scrambling to

try to figure out what this executive order means, and we are desperate to find answers ourselves -- Hala.

GORANI: Right, absolutely. And we're going to look into and with your reporting and our other correspondents on the ground what happens to the

separated kids. How long before they can be reunited with their families. Because plush toys and nice bedding does not replace your parents. When

you are a kid, you need your mom and your dad. Thanks very much, Nick Valencia.

To the Middle East before we get back to our top story later in the hour. The wife of the Israeli Prime Minister, Benjamin Netanyahu, has been

charged with fraud and breach of trust. Prosecutors say Sarah Netanyahu misused public funds to pay for meals and private chefs at the prime

minister's residence. She has repeatedly denied any wrongdoing. Today she is charged. Let's get more from Oren Liebermann in Jerusalem. So, what

more can you tell us about this case?

OREN LIEBERMANN, CNN CORRESPONDENT: Prosecutors say this all happened, Hala, between 2010 and 2013. That's shortly after Prime Minister Benjamin

Netanyahu became the prime minister and moved into the official Prime Minister's residence not far from where I'm sitting and talking to you

right now. Prosecutors say that over the course of those three years, Sarah Netanyahu repeatedly ordered expensive meals from some of Jerusalem's

most expensive restaurants and handpicked high-end waiters to use at her disposal for the family at the Prime Minister's residence.

That's illegal because according to Israeli law you are only allowed to order prepared food if there is no chef or no cook in the prime minister's

residence. Prosecutors say there was, and that Sarah Netanyahu tried to have it both ways, the cook and these prepared foods. We've looked at the

indictment sheet. According to prosecutors there were months where she ordered more than $7,000 of allegedly out prepared meals to the residence

here. This case is one of a number of cases swirling around, not only Sarah Netanyahu, but also of course, the prime minister. A legal team for

Sarah Netanyahu has denied any wrongdoing. They've called the indictment sheet false and hallucinatory. Here is a part of their statement.

[11:15:00] They say, it is the first time in Israel and in the world that the wife of a leader is put on trial for food entries. There was no fraud

or breach of trust or any other felonies.

So, Sarah Netanyahu's legal team making it very clear where she stands on this. She has been fighting this from the very beginning -- Hala.

GORANI: All right. Oren Liebermann in Jerusalem. Thanks very much.

Still ahead, an exclusive and disturbing report.


UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: I had no idea how I got there. I was still carrying the wife.


GORANI: In her own words, CNN hears the tale of the Sudanese teenager who faces death for fighting back after a forced marriage. We'll be right



GORANI: I want to take you to Sudan next of a story that set off a global outcry. Noura Hussein was just 15 when she was forced into marriage with a

much, much older man. Now the Sudanese teenager is on death row for killing that man who she says raped her. But as Nima Elbagir discovered

she is far from the only such case in Sudan. Take a look.


NOURA HUSSEIN, RE-ENACTMENT: I had no idea how I got there. I was still carrying the knife.

He told my parents that he wanted to marry me. The first time I even saw him was a week after he proposed the marriage to my uncle. I told them I

don't want to marry. I want to study. I was in the eighth grade. And they fooled me.

NIMA ELBAGIR, CNN SENIOR INTERNATIONAL CORRESPONDENT (voice-over): These are the words of a Sudanese teenager Noura Hussein. For her safety, this

is not her voice, but it is Noura's story in her own words.

HUSSEIN: They did all the usual rituals for the wedding I was overwhelmed with anger. I didn't want this man. I sat in the hairdressers

contemplating suicide.

ELBAGIR: This is Noura on her wedding day. Noura is on death row, convicted of the murder of her 35-year-old husband.

[11:20:02] Noura's case has caused controversy across Sudan. A controversy Sudan's government has refused to comment on. Noura's husband's family

have, we're told by activists, threatened violence against her supporters. They also refused CNN's request for comment.

The badly kept secret here is that more than a third of marriages in Sudan are child marriages, a number that is rising. Aggravated by the financial

realities in Sudan and a law that set it is legal age of marriage at ten. But some brave little girls are choosing to speak out.

(on camera) (through translator text): Are you ready? How old are you?


ELBAGIR: This is Amal's story and Amal's own voice. For her safety, we're not showing her face. Amal is seeking a divorce from her abusive husband.

AMAL: he treated me horribly, I went to my father, but he sent me back to him. Then when he beat me again, I fled to my father, but he sent me back

again. That last time he beat me, I went to the police station.

ELBAGIR: When it's all over, Amal wants to be a doctor. Beside her, her father wipes away tears. And like Noura, Amal's father is here in support

of her.

AMAL'S FATHER: Twice, she came to my home, twice and was terrified and frightened. I sent her back.

ELBAGIR (on camera): The man is 38 years old and wanted to be married to an 11-year-old girl. Shouldn't you have been suspicious?

AMAL'S FATHER: Well, I'm regretful, regretful.

ELBAGIR (voice-over): Her father promises only to think harder the next time a proposal for marriage comes to his underage daughter.

Nahed Jabrallah's office walls are adorned with art from rescued child victims. Her center SEEMA is one of the organizations fighting on Noura's

behalf. It works to combat violence against women and forced marriage is spite of a regular diet of threats.

ELBAGIR (on camera): Aren't you afraid when you talk about these cases?

NAHED JABRALLAH, SEEMA CENTER DIRECTOR (through translator): I think that we, at the SEEMA center and other organizations, do this as a conscious

choice. Noura is just one of the 37 percent of girls married in Sudan under the age of 18, just one of the cases that has reached us. There are

so many others that are similar, even down to the details.

NOURA HUSSEIN, RE-ENACTMENT: We arrived at the honeymoon flat. I locked myself inside one of the rooms. I refused to eat. I refused to leave my

room. On the ninth day, his relatives came. His uncle told me to go to the bedroom. I said no, so he dragged me by my arm into the bedroom. All

of them tore at my clothing. His uncle held me down by my legs and each of the other two held down my arm. He stripped and had me while I wept and

screamed. I was bleeding. I slept naked.

ELBAGIR (voice-over): A familiar childhood ritual, part and parcel of growing up. Women and girls across Sudan are fighting for the right to a

childhood against laws that legalize child marriage, laws that don't recognize marital rape, laws that empower their abusers.

Noura still had the knife in her hands when she fled to her parents' home. It was her own father who handed her to the police. And it's there that

she learned that she had killed her husband. She's now awaiting the results of her appeal.


GORANI: And Nima is in the studio here with me. What happens now to Noura? Her lawyers have appealed.

ELBAGIR: We are still awaiting the results of the appeal. And we understand that pressure is being exerted on her deceased husband's family.

Who unbelievably in this case, of course, is considered the victim to move on from their right and their claim that she be executed. But of course,

that doesn't solve the bigger problem.

[11:25:00] The hole in the center of Sudan's justice system which allowed this to happen in the first place.

GORANI: Yes. And is there the beginning -- obviously, I have never been to Sudan. I wonder what is public opinion? Where does it fall on this

child marriage issue?

ELBAGIR: Well, what is been really extraordinary is that I think for a lot of the women in the urban centers, this came as a huge shock to them. But

what has grown from that is that women, in spite of the government's pressure on them are speaking out. It is Sudanese women that are the

reason that we even know about Noura's case in the first place. Honestly, I met some extraordinarily brave women out there fighting on behalf of

Noura and other girls like her.

GORANI: And is the country ready for change?

ELBAGIR: It feels like Sudanese women are going to drag the country there whether we're ready or not.

GORANI: Yes, kicking and screaming maybe.

ELBAGIR: Kicking and screaming.

GORANI: Is it the same way in Sudan as it is in other parts of the Muslim world or, frankly, of not necessarily the Muslim world, parts of the

developing world where you have a huge, huge divide between the urban areas and the maybe more rural parts of the country.

ELBAGIR: It feels like as the economic situation continues to fall apart, that that is definitely what's happening. It's this chasm opening up. And

that's what's fueling so much of this child marriage problem.

GORANI: Nima Elbagir, thanks very much for joining us there with this incredible report. And we'll be airing it throughout the day as well on my

show a little bit later this evening. Thanks so much.

Now, some 40,000 girls are forced into marriage every day worldwide. Some as young as eight or nine years old. And here are the countries where it

is most common, 76 percent in Niger, 34 percent of girls married by the time they are 18 and Sudan. Bangladesh is the only non-African country in

that list. And you can see more of Nima's reporting and read Noura's account of what happened to her, on It's part of our #AsEquals

project. Which puts the spotlight on inequality and the fight against it around the world. We'll have a lot more after this. Stay with CNN.


GORANI: They're partying hard in Russia. Celebrating as the home team becomes one of the first clubs to get to the next round of the World Cup.

Uruguay has also advanced. The big question now is who will join them. Denmark has a chance to reach the knock-out round today, but Australia

prevented that. France and Peru are underway right now, and later today, Lionel Messi, and Argentina have a huge match with the strong Croatia team.

We've got to live reporters covering the World Cup for us today. Amanda Davis is in Red Square. But first Fred Pleitgen joins us from CNN's Moscow

bureau. The Russian team must be feelings pretty good now.

FREDERIK PLEITGEN, CNN SENIOR INTERNATIONAL CORRESPONDENT: I think they're feeling pretty good. Because they are also, Hala, the surprise team pretty

much of this World Cup. And you know, having been in this country and the run up to the World Cup, there are so many analysts and experts out there

who were saying, look, the mood here in Russia could be really bad if the Russian team doesn't get a single win or maybe doesn't even score a draw,

doesn't score a single goal. Well, now they scored eight goals and only conceded one. And we were at their training today and what we saw was an

extremely confident team. Here's what they did.


PLEITGEN (voice-over): It's not often that you see Russians this emotional. But the country has been in a football frenzy ever since the

World Cup started. Thanks to Russia's Cinderella squad, the team most experts thought would fail miserably but outscored opponents 8-1 so far.

Defender Andrei Semyonov told me the team always believed in itself.

ANDREY SEMENOV, RUSSIAN NATIONAL TEAM (through translator): Nobody believed in us, he says. Now everyone does, and they're starting to put

metals on us. But we don't look at it. We studied our opponents really well and we predicted everything.

PLEITGEN: But few observers could have predicted their success. Russia is the lowest ranked team at the World Cup. Wouldn't have even qualified if

they weren't the host nation and many feared the mood at the World Cup would sour if the home team performed poorly. Now the squad, led by

striker, Artion Zuba, is on a roll.

(on camera): Team Russia has already proved all of its critics wrong. Winning all of its matches. And already qualifying for the next round.

And now both this nation and this team believe they could do great things at the FIFA 2018 World Cup.

And with a successful squad, Russians are embracing their nations role as host of the tournament. Striker, Fedor Kudryashov, telling me home field

advantage has also helped elevate the team's performance.

FEDOR KUDRYASHOV, RUSSIA NATIONAL TEAM (through translator): The fans are the 12th player on the field for us, he says. We feel their overwhelming

support, and our team goes forward.

PLEITGEN: If there is a knock on the Russians, it's that they haven't played any of the really strong teams so far. But for now, Russia, is

enjoying the winning streak, hoping their World Cup fairy tale doesn't end any time soon.


PLEITGEN: Hala, of course, those tough tests are going to come for the Russians very soon. Their next match is against Uruguay and that's going

to determine who's going to be number one and number two in that group A. And then of course, the Russians are also -- like every other team -- going

to be in the knock out stage. And that's where we are really going to see whether this Russian team is as good as what we've been showing so far --


GORANI: I was going to say, yes, they're still in the group stages and so is France and so is Peru. And they're both playing right now, Amanda

Davis. And I'm being told it's still 0-0.

AMANDA DAVIS, CNN WORLD SPORT: It is, Hala. I know, again, you will have half an eye on a lot of pressure on this French side and Didier Deschamps

today. There's talk of a crisis meeting at the French camp on Monday after what many people saw was a really disappointing result in their first game.

Yes, they won, but only just after a late, late goal from Australia. But as things stand -- oh, I can see actually France.


DAVIS: It looks like France have just taken the lead. In fact, they have. So certainly, some of the pressure will be lifted. But we are still ten

minutes from halftime in their game against Peru. Peru, one of the most supported teams at this World Cup. Their first World Cup in 36 years. And

I have to tell you, Hala, I was speaking to some of their fans, having lunch, a little bit earlier here in Moscow and they are really confident as


[11:35:06] They are not going to give up this World Cup experience without a fight. Then later on, all the focus shifts to Lionel Messi and

Argentina. Messi, of course, looking really to give Cristiano Ronaldo a run for his money. Ronaldo has made such a fantastic start to this

competition with Portugal scoring four goals in his opening two games. Messi didn't make it on to the score sheet in Argentina's opener against

Iceland. He has put his hands up and said he felt he was responsible for the fact that the side could only get a draw in their opening game.

But it will be tough for them against a very dynamic quick midfield for Croatia. As you said, Australia, Denmark early on finished 1-1. We have a

pretty chappy Australian camera man, have to say. The fact that Australia are still in this World Cup. Fears of course, had they lost their second

game in a row that they would be knowing they were heading home already. But that is not the case.

And a big, big boost for Brazil fans, the other headline from today. Brazilian coach, Tite, has confirmed that despite limping off in practice

earlier this week, their PSG superstar, Neymar, will be starting their second match against Costa Rica on Friday. A match that they, again, needs

to step up and win having a draw in their opener -- Hala.

GORANI: And thank you very much. Very happy. 1-0 before halftime. I will be watching the rest of it after this program. And, Fred, you go to

Iran a lot. And Iran might have lost its game against Spain, but for women it appears it was something of a victory. Female fans were allowed to join

a watch party at Tehran's main Stadium I understand. And it's the first time since 1980 that Iranian women have been allowed to watch the World Cup

in the same stadium as the men. And there are some of the images. Talk to us about that.

PLEITGEN: Yes, it certainly is a big event. In one of the interesting things, I know a journalist who went down there. And she was saying that

apparently, originally when people turned up there to the Azadi Stadium, both men and women who wanted to then go in together. The authorities told

them that the public viewing had actually been canceled and they wouldn't be allowed to go in. And it was only after people then sat in and refused

to go that than the Stadium was opened, and this public viewing was able to take place.

We've seen those images, which are really quite remarkable for Iran. Of course, women being allowed into stadiums under that Islamic law that they

have, that is something that is not common and something that's highly debated there among the clergy and among regular folks as well.

One of the reasons the clergy has been giving over the years is that they believe that men might not have themselves under control if there were

women in the stadium. Certainly, last night seems to have shown that's not the case. Apparently, it was a completely decent affair. Men and women

having fun together, cheering on their team. Which by the way, played a very, very good game. I know they lost against Spain, but they certainly

did play very well. There are some who believe that Iran should have actually at least tied that game. But certainly, this was a big, big, big

thing for women in Iran and generally, I think also for sports viewing in Iran as well -- Hala.

GORANI: All right, Fred Pleitgen in Moscow. Thanks very much and also in Moscow, Amanda Davis. Thanks to both of you.

So, we mentioned France are playing Peru. Almost at the end of the first half. I'm looking at the screen there out of the corner of my eye. Now,

they may stay in the lead. Here's why. Take a look.


This is a real intriguing time between France and Peru. The talented but inexperienced French up against a team that plays football the way it

should be played. Which we are following here. It's Didier Deschamps boys name on the board.


GORANI: What is this? Is that a falcon choosing the winning team? Well, so far it looks like the falcon has got it right. Weird, kind of.

Before we move on, consider this whopper of a mistake. A Burger King Russia is having to say sorry for World Cup ad campaign, offering women the

chance to win $47,00 as well as free burgers. The catch, they have to get a World Cup player to get them pregnant. Giant sigh. Who still comes up

with this stuff? No prizes for guessing. There were many complaints. They apologized and took down the ad. But someone has to think of it and

it somehow got through a planning meeting.

Pretty straightforward, up next everything you do, eat, wear, need oil to get around. And right now, some very powerful men are getting together and

what they decide will impact how much we pay for it. Details ahead.


GORANI: All right. It's often called black gold for good reason. We see oil prices inching up recently. Just how much of it from rigs like these

get sold and how much the cost, are up for debate as oil producing nations get together in Vienna. And that's where we find John Defterios. He's

speaking exclusively to the key players. He interviews Saudi Arabia's energy minister about his goals for the meeting. An interview that was

closely watched and moved the markets, take a look.


KHALID AL-FALIH, SAUDI ENERGY MINISTER: We will not allow the glut to materialize again because we think that is bad for the collective industry,

interest of consumers and producers. But at the same time, we are not going to allow a shortage to materialize to the point where markets will be

squeezed, and consumers will be hurt.


GORANI: Well, CNN's John Defterios there, center stage at the conference with the energy minister of Saudi Arabia. And John joins me now live. So,

what are the main oil producing nations saying about production and prices?

JOHN DEFTERIOS, CNNMONEY EMERGING MARKETS EDITOR: Well, what you heard there from Minister Al-Falih, and why the market moved, Hala. As he said,

he wants to provide more crude back on to the market. They had this OPEC, non-OPEC commitment to take 1.8 million barrels a day off the market. But

that actually amounted to 2.7 million because of the collapse of production from Venezuela and Libya. So, there's quite an intense debate with Saudi

Arabia and Russia on one side, and Iran and Iraq on the other about how much oil to put back onto the market. Saudi Arabia saying they are

listening to the consumers complaining in the United States and the U.S. President Donald Trump, consumers in India, consumers in China.

In this boils down to the technicalities around a commitment. Iran came in with this idea of going back to the original agreement.

[11:45:00] just say, let's commit to that just 100 percent. Because of Venezuela and Libya, the commitment went from 114 percent and most recently

sources say to 130, 150 percent. Which means there's too much oil off the markets. So, Iran is saying let's go back to the basics and see if we can

work on a deal going back to the end of December 2016 and just live with it. Let's listen to him.


DEFTERIOS: You could have a solution by the end of business Friday and Saturday which just says let's go to 100 percent compliance. There is no

reason for arguments, no reason to start a new agreement. This could be the big compromise.


DEFTERIOS: How many barrels does that put back on to the market?

ZANGANEH That is up to discussion.


DEFTERIOS: Once again, Bijan Zanganeh, the Iranian oil minister, he's says it is up for discussion. And sources tell me on both sides of this debate

here, Hala, that's a difference between 200,000, 300,000 barrels a day. In OPEC talk that can be solved. But there is a political twist on the table

here. The Iranians are furious with Donald Trump sanctions back onto their country, the sanctions back on to Venezuela.

Sources again, in the Iranian camp and also at OPEC headquarters tell me they want the final communique to suggest they're against the idea of the

U.S. sanctions on both of those countries and they want all the members of OPEC, all 14 to agree to that. That's the political element here. I think

they can solve the production issue. They're at OPEC headquarters right now with a so-called compliance committee. The politics of the crunching

the numbers as a kind of olive branch to the Iranians. They invited them into the meeting with Saudi Arabia to iron out the details before the full

meeting tomorrow. Back to you.

GORANI: All right. Is it where you are? It sounds like there is some sort of music playing in the background. So obviously Iran wants in the

final communique -- Yes?

DEFTERIOS: No. I was going to say the music is because we have a kind of soft protest here, labor protest taking place in Vienna near the Hofburg

palace. The palace is where they have the OPEC seminar. Where we had the interview with Minister Al-Falih and where we saw Bijan Zanganeh of Iran

last night. That's where they kind of bridged the gap. They had sidebar meetings taking place here in the palace. Now they're at the OPEC


But to your point, yes, the Iranians are insisting in the background here, they want language against the United States for putting the sanctions back

on them and in Venezuela. They want the political backing of their fellow OPEC members. And you know the politics of the Middle East. Saudi Arabia

and the UAE are allies of the United States. We need to work this out. But I think for the sake of the oil market, one source, a senior source in

OPEC said it can be done.

GORANI: All right, John Defterios in Vienna. Thanks very much.

Coming up, as Turkish voters prepare to go to the polls, we look at what's at stake as they pick a president. Next.



RECEP TAYYIP ERDOGAN, TURKISH PRESIDENT (through translator): The West is looking at June 24. What is the West waiting for? How will Erdogan

collapse? I'll be able to give the appropriate lesson to the West as well.


GORANI: Turkish Prime Minister, Recep Tayyip Erdogan, speaking ahead of a crucial election on Sunday. He could be forced into a run off or even out

of office in the landmark balloting. But if he does win, he's likely to tighten his already firm grip on power. CNN's Jomana Karadsheh is in



JOMANA KARADSHEH, CNN CORRESPONDENT: It's election season and the race is heating up. The June 24th election is different to previous ones. For the

first time, voters will choose their president and parliament at the same time. And it's a critical vote.

It could either mean an end to the President's Recep Tayyip Erdogan's presidency if he loses or if re-elected, the president will have new

sweeping powers like the ability to issue decrees to hire and fire officials in key positions. And the office of the Prime Minister will be

eliminated under this new system, this executive presidency.

KARADSHEH (voice-over): While President Erdogan is leading the polls, a win the not guaranteed. If no one candidate gets more than 50 percent of

the vote, the top two runners face-off in a second round two weeks later. So, who are the President Erdogan's main rivals? His top challenger is

Muharrem ?nce the candidate for the main opposition center left Republican People's Party, the CHP. While best known for his fiery speeches, his

campaign effort has also been colorful, singing traditional songs and dancing at rallies. Former interior minister and veteran, nationalist

center right politician, Meral Aksener, the only woman running for President. And the candidate for the pro-Kurdish leftist party, the HDP,

Selahattin Demirtas, imprisoned on terrorism charges for alleged links to the Kurdish militant group the PKK, is running from his prison cell.

Turkey's Kurdish issue, the war in Syria and terrorism are some of the key issues this election. But one thing seems to be on the mind of most


UNIDENTIFIED MALE (through translator): I think the economy is finished. For example, we are now telling the Turkish bagel for 1.5 lira instead of

one. Because the prices for water, flour and electricity have increased significantly.

UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE (through translator): The prices are very different. When you go to the market, you see the difference. I hope the economy will

be fixed, especially after the elections. We want the prices to go down.

UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE (through translator): The Turkish lira is losing its value compared to the dollar and euro which is having a huge impact on our

economy as our salaries are in lira. But the rent, everything we eat, and drink and wear is based on those currencies.

KARADSHEH: People say they're really feeling the impact of Turkey's economic troubles with a rising inflation economy, and the Turkish lira

hitting record lows in recent months. The economy, once the President Erdogan's main strength, could prove to be his weakness this time around.

(on camera): There are concerns about how fair and free these elections will be. The country is still under a state of emergency since that failed

coup attempt in 2016. And with the media crackdown that followed, much of the air waves and newspapers are under the control of President Erdogan's

ruling party. But one thing is for certain. The candidates are not just names on the ballot paper. They are genuine competitors and what is

expected to be a tight race and an election that could seriously change Turkey's direction. Jomana Karadsheh, CNN, Istanbul.

GORANI: All right. And this -- make sure to join CONNECT THE WORLD on Sunday as we cover this election. Our reporters will keep you up-to-date

on the turnout and other developments. Special quests who will offer perspective on how the results might reshape Turkey's political landscape.

This will be at 7:00 p.m. Abu Dhabi time, on the program.

Who says you can't have it all? New Zealand's Prime Minister has given birth to a baby girl. The 37-year-old delivered daughter weighing 3.1

kilograms. She was quick to jump on Instagram with these photos, thanking everyone for their best wishes. She's only the second world leader ever to

give birth while running a country. The first was almost Benazir Bhutto almost 30 years ago in Pakistan.

[11:55:01] One last quick check of the World Cup match going on right now. France is leading Peru 1-0 at halftime. The victory by le blue would send

them through to the knock out stage and would also knock Peru out of the tournament. So, there you have it, 1-0. But there's still a whole other


I am Hala Gorani. Thanks for watching. That was CONNECT THE WORLD. There will be a lot more news on the side of the break. Including of course, the

very latest on the U.S. President's reversal on those family separations at the border with that executive order that he signed yesterday. All of that

and what could come next in this story. And also, my own show is up in a few hours, "HALA GORANI TONIGHT" at 9 p.m. Central European time. We'll

be right back on CNN after a break.