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Upset primary in New York Discussed; Immigration Discussion on Returning Children to Parents; Trump Supporters in South Texas; Italian Interior Minister on Thoughts of Immigration; War in Yemen; 13 People Trapped In Thailand Cave; Sudan Overturns Death Sentence For Teen Who Killed Her Husband. Aired 11-12p ET

Aired June 27, 2018 - 11:59   ET



IVAN WATSON, CNN SENIOR INTERNATIONAL CORRESPONDENT: Hello and welcome to Connect the World. I'm Ivan Watson at CNN's Worldwide Headquarters sitting

in for Becky Anderson today. I've got a lot of news to bring you starting with a potential political earthquake. There are political shockers and

then there are political shockers so shocking that even the winner is totally stunned. Take a look.


(UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE): I want to grab her. She's right here. I can't let you go. She's looking at herself on television right now.


WATSON: Look at that. That's 28 year old political newcomer Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez and she just pulled off a stunning upset in the state of New

York. Ousting Congressman Joe Crowley, a very Senior Democrat, who's won the last 10, yes 10 races he ran. The victor Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez is a

self-described Democratic socialist and my colleague Poppy Harlow spoke to Ocasio-Cortez a short time ago.


ALEXANDRIA OCASIO-CORTEZ, NEW YORK DEMOCRATIC CONGRESSMAN NOMINEE: We won because we organized. We won because I think we had a very clear winning

message. And we took that message to doors that had never been knocked on before. We spoke to communities that had typically, I think, dismissed and

they responded. The Democratic party is a big 10 and they are so many ways to be a Democrat and I'm proud to bring to Congress a - - an additional

perspective and a lens towards what the future of the Democratic party may be.


WATSON: Now joining me to talk about what Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez's victory means is Caitlin Huey-Burns. She's a national political reporter

for Real Clear Politics. Good to see you Caitlin. So the results of these primaries, can you explain to our international audience why could this be

so potentially seismic for this 28 year old Ocasio-Cortez to knock out a 10 term Democratic Congressman?

CAITLIN HUEY-BURNS, POLITICAL REPORTER FOR REAL CLEAR POLITICS: Right. Well this is a shocking development for many people who have been covering

the enthusiasm on the Democratic side but the idea that it is reaching within the Democratic party itself is pretty striking. It kinds of shows

the way in which the energy within the party, within the Democratic party base is very much focused on towards the left.

What's really interesting in terms of the broader picture here is that this kind of race shows that there is a very - - the - - the Donald Trump

Presidency has encouraged a lot of candidates to run for office. And those candidates are not just running against Republicans, there are lots of

candidates coming up who are trying to challenge the overall status quo and be kind of - - the party establishment if you will within their own party.

WATSON: But Caitlin, on the other side of the political spectrum, you've got another primary result where you have Mitt Romney, the former

Republican candidate for President 2012. A representative, a symbol of the old Republican establishment who won a primary for Senate to challenge the

new Trump era Republican establishment. What could that mean?

HUEY-BURNS: Well Utah is a unique state and so far as it is a very red state but it is also one where Donald Trump is not very popular. And so

Mitt Romney in running for Senate has had to walk kind of a fine line in terms of saying when he agrees with the President and also saying when he

doesn't. And we've seen him weigh in a few times over the course of this campaign about the President's rhetoric. What's interesting about Utah

though is it's - - Mitt Romney was not - - didn't really have a big challenge there and he is expected to really coast through this race.

So the big question becomes how he operates as a Senator, whether and if he pushes back on the Administration in any way. We've seen lawmakers who do

push back on the President within the Republican party. Many of them are not running again for re-election which kind of shows that you have to kind

of endear yourself to Trump in most states and districts in order to be successful with the Republican party base. Utah is a - - is a different


WATSON: Yes. Except apparently in Utah. Caitlin, let's move to another big story from the last 24 hours here in the U.S. and that is the Supreme

Court's ruling that upheld Mr. Trump's travel ban. The third version of it I might add. A signature policy of his Presidency and it affects people in

five majority Muslim countries as well as North Korea and government officials from Venezuela. Mr. Trump repeatedly said during his campaign

that he wanted a complete shutdown of Muslims entering the United States. But after lower courts forced him to revise his travel ban several times,

the Supreme Court yesterday ruled it did not discriminate on religious grounds. Take a listen to the President.


PRESIDENT DONALD TRUMP: This is a great victory for our Constitution. We have - -


TRUMP: - - to be tough and we have to be safe and we have to be secure. At a minimum we have to make sure that we vet people coming into the

country. We know who's coming in. We know where they're coming from. We just have to know who's coming here.


IVAN WATSON: Now, what does this kind of ruling mean right now Caitlin for the Trump Administration? Do you expect more hard line policies moving

forward especially on immigration?

CAITLIN HUEY-BURNS: A few different things to look at politically in regards to this ruling. One, it raises the question of what this could

embolden the President to do on the - - on the issue of immigration but also in terms of rhetoric. Because we know the court did not factor in his

past statements that you just mentioned about the intent of this - - the expressed intent of this particular ban. And so I wouldn't be surprised if

the President ramps up his rhetoric going forward. I think there's another political implication to look at with this ruling given how narrow it was


Another ruling yesterday on abortion rights, 5-4 and a ruling today that just this morning another close ruling on unions. The way in which the

courts and the shaping of the Supreme Court and Federal courts really drive Republican voters. It was very much a - - a way to coalesce voters who

were reluctant to support Trump to rally them to his side. So I think Republicans in general now, are feeling a little bit emboldened heading

into the mid-term election because they see this as a way to galvanize folks and kind of remind them the power the majority has in shaping the

court system which is a generational type of - - of deal.

WATSON: Just highlights how important the Supreme Court justice appointments really are. Caitlin Huey-Burns from Real Clear Politics,

thanks so much for contributing here.

HUEY-BURNS: Thank you.

WATSON: Now while Mr. Trump is claiming victory over his travel ban. His Administration has been dealt a set-back over the controversial policy of

separating migrant families at the U.S.-Mexican border. A Federal judge has ordered a halt to that policy with a few exceptions and critically for

the first time since these separations began the government is now facing a deadline to reunite thousands of children with their parents. Children

under 5 years old must be reunited within 14 days. While children 5 and older must be reunited within a month. And an - - an attorney who argued

the case on behalf of two children said quote, "Tears will be flowing in detention centers across the country when families learn they will be

together again."

So to explain more on this we've got CNN Reporter Laura Jarrett and she's live at the U.S. Justice Department in Washington. Great to see you Laura.

So, you know, we've been hearing these reports Laura about dysfunction and disorganization when it comes to the implementation of the Trump

Administration's new Zero Tolerance Policy. But now we seem to have confirmation from a district court judge who's denounced this lack of

disorganization. He wrote quote, "The government readily keeps track of personal property of detainees and criminal and immigration proceedings.

The unfortunate reality is that under the President's system migrant children are not accounted for with the same efficiency and accuracy as

property." Children not being kept track of the same way as property. What more can you tell me about this ruling?

LAURA JARRETT, CNN REPORTER: Well that's right Ivan. Some very strong words from that judge out in California. But it appears as though he was

really disturbed about how this entire process is gone over the last couple of weeks calling it a crisis. Saying it's chaotic. Saying there's really

been no plan from the Trump Administration on how to reunify these parents and their children as we know as we've been reporting over the last several

days. At least 2,000 children that we know of are still separated from their parents at this time. And as you explained, the judge as now set

forth a pretty aggressive timetable for reunification especially for children under the age of 5.

They now have to be reunited with their parents within 14 days. But I just want to read to you some of the other language in this order. It is - - it

is quite striking. I think we should read it out loud here. So he says, "The practice of separating these families with implemented without any

effective system of procedure for one tracking the children after they were separated from their parents. Two, enabling communication between the

parents and their children after separation and three reuniting the parents and children after the parents are returned to immigration custody

following completion of their criminal sentences is a startling reality." He says there Ivan.

Of course, he's not saying that the Trump Administration cannot - -


JARRETT: - - prosecute people who illegally cross the border. He's just saying you have to keep the families together. But the big question of

course is what will the Trump Administration do with this. Will they immediately begin complying with it? Will they try to challenge it in some

way? We'll have to wait and see Ivan.

WATSON: All right. Laura Jarrett with that important update from the Justice Department. Thank you very, very much.

JARRETT: Thanks.

WATSON: Now the heartbreaking images of migrant children separated from their parents has led to an international outcry. It may be the last thing

you'd think someone would joke about. Especially the top U.S. law enforcement official but listen to Attorney General Jeff Sessions as he

defended the government's Zero Tolerance Immigration Policy before a friendly crowd.


ATTORNEY GENERAL JEFF SESSIONS: So the rhetoric we hear from the other side on this issue as on many others has become radicalized. We hear views

on television today and that are on the lunatic fringe frankly and what is perhaps more galling is the hypocrisy. These same people live in gated

communities many of them and our featured at events where you have to have an ID to even come in and hear them speak. I like a little security around

themselves and if you try to scale the fence, believe me, they'll be even too happy to have you arrested and separated from your children I bet would

like to see that.



IVAN WATSON: OK. I'm going to interrupt the program with some breaking news. U.S. and Russian officials say that details of a summit between

Donald Trump and Vladimir Putin will be announced on Thursday. This comes after U.S. National Security Advisor John Bolton met with Mr. Putin today

in Moscow to discuss that meeting. Bolton said, even when the two countries don't see eye to eye, they should meet. Take a listen.


NATIONAL SECURITY ADVISOR JOHN BOLTON: Even in earlier days when - - when our countries had differences. Our leaders and their advisors met and I

think that was good for both countries. Good for stability in the world and President Trump feels very strongly on the subject.


WATSON: Now while President's Trump and Putin have met at Global forums in the past, a one on one summit could be controversial with Special Council

Robert Mueller still investigating ties between Russia and the Trump campaign. Now, CNN's Matthew Chance, he's monitoring Bolton's visit to

Moscow and joins me now. Thank you very much Matthew. You know, I'm struck by one of the statements coming out from Vladimir Putin in the

aftermath of this meeting saying that the sorry state of ties between Moscow and Washington are quote, "The result of the acute internal

political battle in the U.S." I mean, he's seems to be twisting the knife there and - - and - - and drawing in the - - the kind of really heated

debates underway right now in the U.S.

MATTHEW CHANCE, CNN CORRESPONDENT: He - - he does. And - - and of course this is a common refrain for the Russians. Blaming the sanctions that - -

that have been imposed on - - on the country by the United States and others in the international community on this sort of internal, domestic,

political atmosphere in the United States. And refusing to acknowledge at all that they may be related to - - to some of the actual issues, been

since the annexation of Crimea in 2014 all the backing by Russia of Bashar al-Assad which is in Syria which has extended the Syrian conflict. The

more recently of course the poisoning of the Skripals aimed at Wilkshire in Britain.

These are the reasons why the United States and the European Union and others have - - have sanctioned Russia. But - - but Vladimir Putin time

and again saying that look, it's actually really about sort of anti-Russian witch hunt that has taken grip inside U.S. politics domestically and that's

what's - - that's what's been driving it. It's - - it's what he says to the outside world and more importantly it's what he says to the domestic

audience here in Russia. What's amazing or what's incredible today is that there has been disagreements that's been announced that there will be a

summit. A one on one summit between President Trump and Vladimir Putin like you mentioned there have been meetings in the past but this one on one

summit is highly controversial.

Not least because Russia has not changed any of the behavior for which it has been sanctioned by the United States mainly the Ukrainian and the

Syrian situation. Not to mention the U.S. meddling in the - - in the election there. Something which John Bolton before he was U.S. National

Security Advisor described himself as an act of war. And so, you know, these are very unusual times that we're witnessing here. We haven't got an

exact date yet on - - on when this meeting will take - - take place or indeed where it will take place. But we understand from the Kremlin it

will be in a third country. It won't be in Russia. It won't be in the United States. And we understand as well from the Kremlin, that it will

take place only after the NATO summit as - -


CHANCE: - - as - - has taken place on the 11th and 12th of July. And so it's a couple of weeks yet. We're going to have this joint announcement

tomorrow according to the Kremlin and according to U.S. officials as well about the exact time and place for this, you know, this - - this highly

anticipated and very controversial summit Ivan.

WATSON: And - - and the extraordinary times are all the more striking Matthew because we've seen this shift that the Trump Administration has

brought to U.S. foreign policy where President Trump has been at odds with traditional Democratic western allies. The Canadian Prime Minister for

instance, he - - he recently backed out of an agreement to - - to - - to sign on to a joint statement at a G7 summit in Canada while at the same

time making this outreach to Russia which is accused in meddling in the U.S. 2016 Presidential election. I mean, my question to you, what does the

Trump Administration potentially get out from improving relations with Russia as opposed to the European Union? Which is a much more important

trading partner for the U.S. What does Washington get from Russia?

CHANCE: Well I - - I think you've hit the nail on the head Ivan in terms of what the question is that many, many observers around the world are

asking in the United States and elsewhere. About why - - why is it that President Trump is so consistently been praising Vladimir Putin, his

Russian counterpart, even during his election campaign? The idea that he could make relations better. Wouldn't it be great to get along with Russia

he said time and again. It was one of the most consistent platforms of his election campaign. And you mentioned the G7 which took place recently.

Before that started, Donald Trump came out, he was like, you know, we should - - we should, you know, bringing Russia back into this group of

industrialized nations and reforming the G8 again much to the alarm to all those other countries that are part of that grouping. And much to the

alarm of NATO allies as well that who they see Donald Trump criticizing them while at the same time cozying up to this person that many allies of

the United States want to see isolated, not brought in from the cold. But isolated more and more and until the behavior from Russia changes and

Donald Trump seems to be turning that whole thing upside down.

WATSON: All right. Matthew Chance, live from Moscow. Thanks very much for that update on this breaking news. Again, a - - an apparently

successful meeting between National Security Advisor John Bolton and Vladimir Putin in Moscow and we expect an announcement on Thursday about

the first upcoming summit between the Russian and American Presidents. Stay with CNN.


[11:20:40] IVAN WATSON: Welcome back to the program. I'd like to circle back to one of our top stories this hour and that is the immigration crisis

in the U.S. because immigration has been a big rallying point for Trump supporters since day one of his campaign. And CNN's Ed Lavandera, he went

to the U.S-Mexican border and he found some of those supporters who are very much standing by their President.



ED LAVANDERA, CNN CORRESPONDENT: With that kind of introduction it's no surprise immigration is the hot topic for Sergio Sanchez's radio show in

the South Texas Rio Grande Valley.


LAVANDERA: He's a staunch Trump Republican and credit's the President with taking a tough approach to border security.

SERGIO SANCHEZ, RADIO HOST: With President Trump we have someone who is making a serious attempt to enforce rule of law and enforce border law and

enforce our sovereign border with Mexico and get hold of the situation.

LAVANDERA: Cristina Garfield has lived along the border all her life. She comes from a family of Democrats but she like Trump sees a threat in the

flow of illegal immigration.

CRISTINA GARFIELD: My biggest concern with the people that are coming over our borders is safety. Safety is a huge deal down here.

LAVANDERA: Trump is far from popular here in Hidalgo County, Texas where much of the Zero Tolerance Policy attention has been focused. He only won

28 percent of the vote. But there is an undercurrent of conservative Latino voters who kind of defy conventional political wisdom. They're

unphased by Trump's rhetoric that undocumented immigrants are, in using Trump's words here, invading the country.

CRISTINA GARFIELD: He doesn't sugar coat anything. I think the people of the United States appreciate that also. I - - I don't think it's a bad


LAVANDERA: When you hear people talk about that the way he talks about this issue that it comes off as racist to them. What do you say to them?

SERGIO SANCHEZ: Well that's their problem. They hear what they want to hear. And they say what they want to say. Hey, it's a free country. They

- - they can believe in that.

LAVANDERA: Lacine Hernandez is President of the county's Young Republicans Chapter. He walks us through the produce distribution warehouse where he

works as the Human Resources Director. He says the President needs to compromise on immigration.

LACINE HERNANDEZ: When you hear about, you know, families being separated, the Zero Tolerance - - Zero Tolerance Policy, you know, we're the family

of, you know, we're the party of the family, family, faith and freedom. And - - and you think about families being separated it - - it - - it

doesn't look very civil.

LAVANDERA: But Hernandez is also exhausted by Trump's divisiveness.

HERNANDEZ: There are some things that he said that sometimes you got to cringe and be like, oh, how am I going to defend that.

LAVANDERA: You're tired of sticking up for him.

HERNANDEZ: Yes. Yes. Yes. I - - I - - I don't get anything but having to stick up for him.

(UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE): For Mr. Donald J. Trump. And - -

LAVANDERA: There are plenty of Trump supporters willing to fight that fight even in South Texas where there aren't many around. Ed Lavandera,

CNN, McAllen, Texas.


IVAN WATSON: (inaudible) Of course immigration isn't just the hot button issue here in the U.S. but it's also one in Europe right now. Italy's

radical new interior minister, he has emerged as one of the continent's most visible and outspoken figures especially after stopping migrant ships

from reaching his country's shores and adopting a so called Italian's First ideology. Where have heard that before? This is what he told CNN's

Melissa Bell earlier in his first interview with an international journalist since his government began refusing ships full of migrants from

landing on Italian shores.


MATTEO SALINI, ITALIAN INTERIOR MINISTER (THROUGH TRANSLATOR): We'll find a solution. I'm optimistic. I am absolutely fed up with 5,000 deaths in

the Mediterranean and the fact that other countries are not doing what Italy has been doing all over these years. And this I will be saying to

European countries that haven't even done even half of what we've done. Italy cannot be left alone. The Spanish, the French are always talking

about generosity. Now let them put that in practice.


WATSON: Still to come tonight, the war in Yemen and the people at risk.

(UNIDENTIFIED MALE): One mother must prepare one meal in the dust with one tomato and nine mouths.

WATSON: In a conflict where food is scarce and a small child dies every 10 minutes, things could get even worse. We'll have a report from the front



[11:28:54] IVAN WATSON: This is Yemen where a pivotal battle is shaping up. You're looking at Gulf backed forces as they took control of the

airport in Hadada. Hadada is Yemen's main port. It sits along the Red Sea and food and other aid for more than 20 million people come in through the

city. Now if the offensive becomes a full blown battle in the city's center, the United Nations warns they could be cut off and at least 250,000

of those men, women and children could die. CNN's Nick Paton Walsh gives us a rare look inside Hadada.


NICK PATON WALSH, CNN SENIOR INTERNATIONAL CORRESPONDENT: This is the race to the front of the least visible yet it's the most vital wall in the world

now. Fight to the port down the road here is part of what could be the deadliest chapter yet in the battle for Yemen. Powerful Gulf armies are

trying to put the ousted Yemeni government back in power and defeat the rebel militia the Houthis backed by Iran. The airport down the road here

in the port city of Hadada was the latest prize and Houthis were kicked out just hours earlier and face a huge blow if they lose Hadada all together to

this rag tag - -


[11:30:01] NICK PATON WALSH, CNN SENIOR INTERNATIONAL CORRESPONDENT: The airport down the road here in the port city of Hodeida was the latest

prize. And the Houthis were kicked out just hours earlier and face a huge blow if they lose Hodeida altogether to this rank tank Gulf backed army.

And the biggest losers though remain ordinary Yemenis, 20 million relying on aid shipments that come mostly through the Hodeida port that could be

cut off as the fight intensifies.

There were previous warnings, he says, to civilians and the clashes at just on out outskirts of the city, so people can stay in their homes and remain

safe. This war is part Yemini chaos and part high-tech.

The U.S. military has helped its Gulf allies with fuel and intelligence for air strikes and top end U.S. designed armored vehicles are driven by

Emirati troops here. But the Pentagon publicly backed out of the Hodeida fight because so many civilians were at risk. Yet regardless, this is

already the world's worst humanitarian crisis killing a child under five needlessly every 10 minutes says the U.N.

Amidst the impish innocence is the fact food is a weapon of war haunting every childhood. Majeed (ph) fled Hodeida with his family two days ago. I

am fisherman, he says, and we can't go and do our jobs, at any moment rockets or mortar could strike and our homes are made of simple material.

Our escape from Hodeida should have taken two hours, but it took two days through the mountains and valleys because the direct road was full of


Olla (ph) led her family to safety, albeit homelessness five days ago. It's been three days, she says, without any sleep because of the constant

sound of explosions over the house. When the fighting stops, we'll go back.

But that isn't close and even if Hodeida is a closing chapter, it is one which the U.N. has warned could kill 250,000 people. Yet, the numbers

right here are smaller. One mother must prepare one meal in the dust with one tomato and nine mouths to feed. So the tomato serves as a source to

make the old bread appetizing before milk is added.

Every mouthful here is a struggle. One that is barely seen by the world despite the huge powers and consequences involved. Every child on the line

as the world rumbles through their lives.

Nick Paton Walsh, CNN, London.


IVAN WATSON, CNN ANCHOR: For more on this crisis, I want to bring in Saleem Al-Shamiri. He is the Hodeidah Coordinator for the Norwegian

Refugee Council and he joins us via Skype from Sana'a. Thank you for joining Mr. Al-Shamiri.

You know, from your position there, are you starting to see a trickle of people fleeing Hodeidah and if they're arriving, do you have any resources

to help them, to help feed them and house them?

SALEEM AL-SHAMIRI, FIELD OFFICE COORDINATOR, NRC: (INAUDIBLE) -- and try to move for other location and then move by (INAUDIBLE) was then collecting

the numbers and we are trying to support them (INAUDIBLE) through our office (INAUDIBLE).

WATSON: Mr. Al-Shamiri, I'm so sorry, in going to have to interrupt. It's very difficult to understand you. We have to take into account that you

are speaking to us from a conflict zone. So I apologize. We have to move on.

But before doing so, I want to take a closer look just how urgent the crisis in Yemen is. As we heard from Nick Paton Walsh's early report, it

has killed around 10,000 people, 17 million people faced food shortages with 8 million on the brink of famine. More than half of the countries

medical facilities are closed. There are nearly a million suspected cases of cholera with more than 2,000 deaths.

Now, we're going to move to another story here. The U.S. is sending experts to help search for a group of 12 boys and a man thought to be

trapped in the cave in Thailand. The group made up of 11 to 16-year-old football players and their 25-year-old coach went missing in Northern

Thailand near the border with Myanmar. Their bags, shoes, and bikes were found at the entrance of a cave system on Saturday.

[11:35:00] Tulip Maxim Pablo (ph) from our affiliate Spring T.V. is on the scene.


TULIP MAXIM PABLO (PH), CNN CORRESPONDENT: So the latest situation I have for you is that all 13 people still missing and the SEAL team still unable

to call for have been (ph) deploy, they went yesterday which is one kilometer away from the dry area -- the last dry area in the cave, but

official able to find opening holes which six of them actually, and the third one they find yesterday will give them the best chance that they

might be able to lift up all 13 people off from the cave.

And also, U.K. we have experts flying from U.K. today that will help in the search and rescue operation. They are all technical divers and they helped

in this kind of operation before. U.S. government also just announced that they will send in an expert on the cave search as well.

And the big question everybody ask why Thailand still so hopeful about all these 12 kids and their coach is because they have been in h cave before so

many times. Actually, one of their friends able to draw the cave map for the media just to show how well they know the place.

And for their family, of course, it's very, very stressful situation. They wait patently and anxiously that they are so stressful that they have to be

closely monitored by psychiatrist.

And that's the latest situation for now. I am Tulip Maxim Pablo (ph), Mae Sai, Chiang Rai.


WATSON: A desperate visual over there in Thailand searching for those youngsters.

Now, let's move to a story in Malaysia because that's where a raid on a former prime minister's home reveals a trove of luxury goods, large enough

to be the biggest seizure in Malaysian history. Malaysian police say they found the hole when they raided Najib Razak's multiple properties.


UNIDENTIFIED MALE: The total cost of all the items, the retail price will be touching 910 to 1.1 billion ringgit. The total value of items seized.


WATSON: Now, look at this, official say, those items included up to $29 million in 26 foreign currencies cash. Jewelry worth over 100 million and

567 designer bags that would give Imelda Marcos and her intimate shoe collection quite have run for her money. Razak is accused of siphoning

billions from the state fund, but he denies any wrongdoing.

Just ahead, a horrendous case that shined a stark light on issues of child marriage and marital rape, up next, we have news on the verdict, that's

part of the conversion.

Stay with CNN.


[11:40:06]WATSON: Welcome back to CONNECT THE WORLD. And now, a glamour of hope in the midst of tragedy, a teenager in Sudan was facing death for

killing the husband she says raped her as members of his family held her down.

But on Tuesday, a glimpse of hope, Noura Hussein is no longer counting down the last days of her life. But while her death sentence has been

overturned, the 19-year-old still faces five years in jail and her family has been ordered to pay restitution. Her lawyer say, they planned to

appeal that. Her case sparked fury in her own country and across the globe.

CNN's Nima Elbagir has been at the forefront of bringing that tale to light. And before we come to Nima, we want to show our viewers some of her

reporting and how CNN took Noura story and spread it to the world.


NOURA HUSSEIN, SUDANESE TEENAGER: I had no idea how I got there. I was still carrying the knife. He told my parents that he wanted to marry me.

The first time I even saw him was a week after he proposed a marriage to my uncle. I told him, I don't want to marry, I want to study. I was in the

eighth grade. And they fooled me.

We arrived at the honeymoon flat. I locked myself inside one of the rooms. I refused to eat. I refused to leave my room. On the ninth day his

relatives came. His uncle told me to go to the bedroom. I said no, so he dragged me by my arm into the bedroom. All of them tore my clothing. His

uncle held me down by my legs and each of the other two held down my arm. He stripped and had me while I wept and screamed.


WATSON: And that's a chilling account there. Now, activists in Sudan have thanks CNN for bringing attention to Noura's case and Nima Elbagir joins me

now from London. Good to see you Nima. Now, explain what these verdict means for Noura and for her family? And what it might mean for other women

who might be caught in very difficult situations in Sudan as well.

NIMA ELBAGIR, CNN RESPONDENT: It is a pretty unprecedented climb down for the Sudanese government. This is after a law that they board into place as

part of the Islamization push in 1991. They low it the legal age of consent in Sudan which pretty unheard off across Africa to bring it down to

10, the lowest on the continent.

So what they says to many of the activist we've spoken to is that the voices of the people around the word who spoke out against this. And those

bravely who did inside Sudan that their voices count, that their voices mattered. And for Noura, it saves her life. But of course, what they

haven't done is change the law that put Noura there in the first place.

That legal age of consent at only 10, the fact that marital rape is not illegal in Sudan. What her lawyers are trying to do now, Ivan, is they're

trying to push for her sentence to be committed even further for it to be turned into a case of self-defense. And in that will be an implicit

acknowledgment that she had the rights to fight back when her husband raped her as you heard there with the help of his relatives.

And that is what is lacking out for women and girls across Sudan. The belief that they have the right, that they have the agency to control what

is done to them by the men in their lives.

WATSON: Nima, you know, this is just one case but it's thought that there are some 40,000 girls who are forced into marriage everyday worldwide, some

as young as 8 or 9 years old. Here are the countries where it is most common from 76 percent in Niger to 34 percent of girls married by the time

they were 18 in Sudan. Bangladesh is the only non-African country in that list.

I guess our question to you then, when you see those numbers and you're close encounter with this just a very devastating case, what are your

reactions? I mean what it is a message then to bring to other countries that or dealing with this, just frankly disturbing dilemma?

ELBAGIR: I'll be honest. I'm from Sudan and I was shocked. I was shocked to discover that the legal age of consent is 10. And so it really helped

understand that this is something that has grown out of. And this isn't excuse, but it is grown out of the financial realities. And because women,

girls especially are not given worth. They're not seen as providing worth to the family.

[11:45:09] And so, the only thing of worth that they can do is to be married of and bring in whether it's a dowry or track a rich husband to

help support the board of the family. So first and foremost, you have to tackle that and allow communities to understand that women are of worth.

And then if you educate girls, then may be that will generate value for the family. It is extraordinary to me to look at the statistics and to know

that for example in Sudan, those statistics are only rising. That 34 percent is the national average. But there is one state in Sudan, Blue

Nile State where it's at 62 percent, 62 percent of marriages are child marriage, under 18 in just one state in Sudan.

And then you look at the poverty figures, and it is about women not being seen as of value. See, you have to tackle that. Then you also have to

acknowledge that when a family has nothing suddenly bartering their daughters, looks like a viable option and that incredibly sad.

WATSON: I mean little girls being used as a commodity for an exchange. It's just chilling.

Nima Elbagir, thank you so much for bringing attention to this just very disturbing issue. Thank you very much for your reporting. We're going to

go to a break now and come out to that with the first report from Moscow on World Cup action. Stay with us.





WATSON: Oh men look at that, an absolute meltdown as Argentina salvaged a last 16 spot at the expense of Nigeria Tuesday. It looked like they could

have been going out. But Lionel Messi helped lead the charge to send Argentina into the knockout stages of the World Cup.

Germany and Brazil entered today hoping to emulate Argentina as the two traditional power houses fight to advance. Running champion Germany versus

South Korea, that's just about to wrap up. Germany needs a win. It's scoreless in the winning moments. And then just a couple of hours, pre-

tournament favorite, Brazil could lock in their spot in the next round by earning a point against Serbia.

CNN World Sports Amanda Davies has been following at all for us. And she's live in Moscow in front of lovely Saint Basil Cathedral. What a shock, you

know, you've got the defending champions Germany, they could be going out of the World Cup, how did all go so wrong for them?

[11:50:03] AMANDA DAVIES, CNN SPORTS CORRESPONDENT: Ivan, I have to tell you, it's very difficult to drag my eyes away from the television screen at

the moment. There are six minutes of added time going on.

WATSON: You bring us an update --

DAVIES: Basically, Germany have 6 minutes to score -- yes absolutely Germany have 6 minutes to score and stay -- oh, I can tell you, South Korea

have just scored --

WATSON: Oh, boy.

DAVIES: And now the flag has gone up.


DAVIES: It looks like it might be going to -- looks like it might be going to the video assistant referee, a little bit of hazard as you can tell

doing live coverage for you like this in the final minutes of final World Cup group stage. But yes this is pretty epic. Germany are looking to

avoid going out to the World Cup in the first round --


WATSON: Amanda, let me just interrupt, it sounds like South Korea has just scored a goal. And you know, this isn't the first this has happened in

this World Cup in these rounds. Lots of last minute points. Is this unusual?

DAVIES: Not at all. I think I'm -- the VAR actually the video assistant referee is just having a look whether or not this goal is going to be

awarded to South Korea. But no this is desperate times. We call for desperate measures. So both sides pushing to keep their World Cup dreams

alive, which means spaces open up and that obviously gives more opportunities for people to score.

But it has been a long, long time since we have seen Germany fans which faces like they have at the moment. You know, this is the side that

qualifies for this World Cup unbeaten, they set new goal -- goal scoring record. They reach the semi final of all five last major tournaments. And

where many people kind of join favorite heading into this World Cup but it's just such a different German side that we've seen.

They haven't been taking their chances. They haven't been stringing passes together. It's quite incredible but interestingly when you look at the

history books, Ivan, the last three for Germany would be the third defending champion to go out at the group stage.

It is very, very difficult to defend it, this is the beauty of the World Cup, I can't tell you that the South Korean goal has just been awarded. So

now, it looks very, very difficult to -- for Germany to make it out over this group stage and that because of what is also going on in the other

game which is Mexico against Sweden.

Sweden had said, they wanted to go into the game with the points approve. They were beaten very late on by Germany just on Saturday. And they three

nail-up into the final stages of them.

So as thing stand, it is Mexico and Sweden heading out of this group and a massive, massive shock, Ivan. It looks like Germany the defending

champions will be heading home.

WATSON: And Amanda, just so our viewers know -- Amanda just so our viewers know, we're looking at live images of some of those German fans and wow,

they don't look very happy right now. To say the least, well I mean, remarkable to kind of --

DAVIES: They're not used to if, Ivan --


DAVIES: -- this is something they're not used to. They have been so dominant for such a long time. And they have -- one of the things we were

talking about in the build up for this tournament was that have such a depths of players that actually manager Joachim Low, didn't know which

players to pick. He had such strength in scores.

He'd mixed it around. And actually, that might be one of the things that people look about -- look at moving forward. Arguably, they've got too

many players to choose from. He's mixed it up too much.

And players have looked up, they've been on this pitch looking very unlike the German style of play that we have come to know and expect. They

haven't had that confidence, they haven't had that supreme belief in themselves.

Interestingly Thomas Muller after that late-late win against Costa Rica in their last game -- against Sweden in their last game said, this is where

our tournament begins. I think sadly for Germany and their fans, it looks like it's ending much, much earlier than they would have wanted.

WATSON: That's right. With South Korea up one point against defending champions Germany. And it's not just this kind of nail-biter of a game.

You have other big games underway, Mexico versus Sweden. And I don't think everything straights forward for the soccer power house. Brazil going

forward, can you tell me about that?

DAVIES: No, it's a fantastic day here, I'll tell you. Coming up later is Brazil. They know that they need draw in their final game against the very

massive group of Serbia fans have actually been -- Ivan, Germany are definitely not going through --

[11:55:12] WATSON: Yes.

DAVIES: -- on this World Cup. South Korean have just scored for the second time.

IVAN: Oh boy.

DAVIES: The Korean fans absolute jubilation particularly given. They've spent probably 85 minutes. So it's not just South Korea looking like they

were never going to score. But Germany are being pushing forward this such in extent. They knew it was desperate times and desperate measures.

South Korea are absolutely taking advantage. And the German fans as you can see absolute devastation here as we can see from the fans there in

Berlin. The -- those fans there look they're on the fan mile.

IVAN: Oh men.

DAVIES: That has being the scene of so much German jubilation in recent time.

IVAN: Amanda, I'm going to have to wrap it there. We're running out of time. Thank you. This has been a nail-biter of a game and I can just

imagine the celebrations in the South Korean Capital today. Thank you, Amanda Davies in Moscow.

I'm Ivan Watson. That was CONNECT THE WORLD. Thanks so much for watching.