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Democrats Dismiss Trump's Offer As A Non-Starter; Police Suspect Real IRA In Northern Ireland Car Bombing; Boris Johnson Outlines Vision For Britain Outside E.U.; Kentucky Catholic Diocese Condemns Actions Of Teens; Chase Iron Eyes: At Least 79 People Killed In Mexico Pipeline Blast; Lebanese Campaign Looking To Change Attitudes To Victims. Aired 10-11a ET

Aired January 20, 2019 - 10:00   ET


[10:00:00] JAKE TAPPER, CNN HOST: Thank you so much for spending your Sunday with us in our great panel and our amazing guests. Fareed Zakaria

starts right now.

LYNDA KINKADE, CNN INTERNATIONAL ANCHOR: Dozen dead and injured in an oil pipeline explosion in Mexico. An investigation is underway. Also, it's

week five of the government shutdown and there are small signs of progress. President Trump due to make an announcement later Saturday. Also, just

hours after White House announces the second U.S.-North Korea summit. I have details of the talks between the two sides.

Well, hopes of U.S. President Donald Trump ending the deal of the partial government shutdown have been dashed. He's offered to extend protections

for undocumented immigrants who arrived in the country as children in exchange for border wall funding. Democrats aren't having any of that.

They have caught it a non-starter and say the government must first be reopened before talks can proceed.

President Trump is responding on Twitter calling out House Speaker Nancy Pelosi for turning down the offer before it was formally announced. Well,

he's also denying claims from some immigration hardliners that this amounts to amnesty for illegal immigrants. Well, for more on all of this, I want

to bring that Kristen Holmes who joins me now from the White House. Kristen, there was a lot of fanfare leading up to the President's

announcement on this but clearly, Democrats were not having a bar of it denying it before it was even -- before he even spoke.

KRISTEN HOLMES, CNN WHITE HOUSE PRODUCER: That's right. So President Trump now finds themselves in essentially the worst of both worlds.

Democrats not agreeing to this, the shutdown not ending and his own base really turning against him. So I want to start with exactly what was in

that proposal and I want to look at it like a negotiation which basically means who gets what. Now, President Trump would get an additional almost

3,000 border agents and law enforcement professionals. He would also get money 75 -- money for 75 new immigration judges. But what's still on there

is that $5.77 billion for the border wall.

Take a look at what Democrats will get. OK, well, they will get some funding for drug detection, technology, as well as a three-year extension

for DREAMers and those who are under the temporary protected status. But Democrats say this is not enough. There were actually many of them enraged

because President Trump was the one who ended the programs for both DACA and TPS.

So now it seems as though we're again at an impasse. Now Democrats will bring bills to the floor next week as well Senator Schumer. He's going to

bring this proposal to the floor. What happens next, we don't know. Democrats could block this vote from even happening or this could open the

door to negotiations but we're going to have to wait and see.

KINKADE: Yes. We certainly will. We heard from Republican Mitt Romney who basically said that this was a good-faith proposal. But when you

listen to what the Senate Minority Leader Chuck Schumer has to say and you look at his Twitter account, he tweeted this saying it was President Trump

who single-handedly took away DACA and TPS protections in the first place, offering some protections back in exchange for the wall is not a compromise

but more hostage-taking. How much money have the Dems offered towards border security?

HOLMES: Well, Linda, it depends on when you're talking about. Since they've been in the majority, they've offered about $1.6 billion. Now we

are hearing that Nancy Pelosi is going to give yet another $1 billion towards border security in a bill proposal next week. But if you're

talking about last year, this is why Democrats are wary in general, they offered a $20 billion for the border wall in exchange for a permanent path

to citizenship for these DREAMers and President Trump walked away.

So that's why you're seeing them really not coming to the negotiating table. And I want to mention that Mitt Romney tweet that. You're seeing a

lot of Republicans standing by the President on this proposal. Republicans really want this shutdown to be over. Of course, everyone wants to shut

down to be over but specifically Republicans. New polls are coming out showing that Americans blame President Trump much more than they blame

Democrats for this shutdown.

And of course, we know all about that trickle-down effect. There are elections that are coming up. I know that 2020 November seems very far

away, but it's really not and there's a lot of senators Republican senators in vulnerable elections who just want to see the end of this. They want it

to be over and they certainly don't want to be looking at poll numbers in which President Trump continued to be blamed for something like this.

KINKADE: All right, Kristen Holmes, good to have you with us from outside the White House. Thanks so much. We're going to stay on this story

because my next guest calls the current shutdown a national emergency. He writes that we have become accustomed to the unconventional developments of

the White House but the current national emergency should be a turning point. Congress needs to recognize that the presidency is in the hands of

someone who is incapable of keeping the government functioning.

CNN Political Analyst and friend of the show Julian Zelizer joins us now from New York. Good to have you with us as always, Julian.

[10:05:17] JULIAN ZELIZER, CNN POLITICAL ANALYST: Thank you. Thanks for having me.

KINKADE: This is a record-breaking shutdown now entering its fifth week, started before Christmas. And you have to wonder why it keeps dragging on.

The announcement we heard yesterday from Donald Trump was the first real public offer he had made to the Democrats. But as we've heard from the

Democrats and we just heard from Kristen, it wasn't much of an offer. It was pretty much-offering things that he had already taken off the table.'

ZELIZER: That's exactly right. He basically offered a partial restoration of a program, the DREAMers program that he himself dismantled. There's

little indication House Republicans would even accept that. And many Democrats A, don't trust that he would follow through with it, but just as

importantly don't believe this is a legitimate way to negotiate something like the border wall. Meaning shut down the government and insist on the

money before the government reopened. So the standstill really didn't move forward yesterday.

KINKADE: We know from the majority of polls were saying that most Americans don't want to shut down, that they do blame the U.S. president

for what we're seeing unfold. Obviously, this affects 800,000 federal government employees and we have been hearing some of their complaints. I

just want to play for our viewers some sound that we've got.


UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: I have nothing. And I need to know when is he going to open things back up because I'm about to be evicted.

UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: I'm about to lose my car. My car is too much behind. I'm about to lose my Medicaid, my car insurance, I'm about to lose my

driver's license.

UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: (INAUDIBLE) like the small people, the people, you know, the people that struggle everyday work paycheck to paycheck to pay

their bills.


KINKADE: These are real people with real problems being used as leverage in these negotiations over border wall funding. At what point are we going

to see the U.S. president have a sense of urgency when it comes to ending this shutdown?

ZELIZER: Well, in his speech yesterday he didn't even mention the government worker. So it's unclear that sense of urgency will come soon

but it might come with Republicans in Congress. If Republicans join Democrats in passing a spending bill, the President really can't do much

about it. They can override his veto. So what I'm paying more attention to is the Republican caucus in the Senate and the House, are they hearing

these kinds of stories.

And also the effects of other people who don't work for the government when government services are not provided from inspecting food to make sure it's

safe to inspecting airplanes that people fly on. All of those might start to really resonate in red states not just blue states and change the


KINKADE: And Julian, of course, there has been so much discussion about this BuzzFeed report. The Special Counsel Robert Mueller disputing aspects

of that report that claimed that Donald Trump had directed his then personal attorney Michael Cohen to lie to Congress. Earlier President

Trump's lawyer, his current lawyer Rudy Giuliani spoke to CNN's Jake Tapper. He called their report scandalous. Let's just play a little bit

of that sound.


RUDY GIULIANI, LAWYER OF DONALD TRUMP: Yesterday, BuzzFeed published a story that was scandalous, it was horrible. They should be under -- they

should be sued. They should be under investigation. They said the President of the United States counsel someone to lie and the Special

Counsel did an extraordinary act --

TAPPER: I'm trying to get to the bottom. Let's get to the bottom. I want to find the truth.

GIULIANI: That's because you have a hysteria, that's because you've got a hysteria going on in the media that interprets everything against Donald


TAPPER: There's no hysteria here, sir. I want to get to the bottom of it.

GIULIANI: All should be careful.


GIULIANI: What they did yesterday is truly fake news and disgusting.


KINKAID: So it's pretty rare, Julian, that the Special Counsel will come out and comment on any report related to their investigation yet they did

in this case. Why?

ZELIZER: We don't know exactly. And that's just as important as the response to the initial story. It seems they are arguing that parts are

not accurate in terms of what they have about the President instructing directly Michael Cohen to lie. They didn't challenge a lot of the rest of

the story and we don't even know exactly the grounds for the challenge. So it remains a bit of a mystery and in that interview, Giuliani almost

confirmed you know, the possibility that Cohen was instructed so it's a fog.

What's important to remember is the BuzzFeed story is one story. The case about President Trump rests on many convictions, guilty pleas, many other

news stories. And this shouldn't all the sudden become the symbol of whether all the accusations are right or wrong.

[10:10:11] KINKADE: All right, Julian Zelizer, good to have you on all the elements by following as always. Thanks so much.

ZELIZER: Thank you.

KINKADE: Well, the comedy skits show Saturday Night Live has returned for the first time this year here in the states and with all the new offering -

- the news offering fresh material, of course, they did come out swinging. Alec Baldwin returned as President Trump to play the game show Deal or No

Deal, but this time it was a deal to end the government shut down. Take a look.


UNIDENTIFIED MALE: In your briefcase here, you got the deal that Congress offered you in December.

ALEC BALDWIN, COMEDIAN: And I said no deal.

UNIDENTIFIED MALE: Yes. Nobody is excited about that. What was your counteroffer today?

BALDWIN: I want five billion for my border ball and in exchange, I'll DACA and I'll release the kids from cages so they can be free range kids.

UNIDENTIFIED MALE: OK, my offer is what do you want?

UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: Chuck, we're not doing that anymore. Remember we're not caving in?

UNIDENTIFIED MALE: Oh right. Right, yes, projecting strength. OK. Let me put on my fiery red cheetahs. OK, my new offer is $15.00 in a pastrami

on rye, yes.

UNIDENTIFIED MALE: OK, deal or no deal Mr. President. Remember, every time you choose no deal, half a million federal employees work another day

without getting paid.

BALDWIN: Cool story, bro, no deal.


KINKADE: Saturday Night Live there having a lot of fun. Well, still to come in Northern Ireland, a bomb blasts sparks familiar fears and new

concerns that failed Brexit talks could reignite violence. And later on, a weekend dedicated in the U.S. to a man of peace, a man of peace stands

confronted. We're going to have much more on that story when we come back. Stay with us.


KINKADE: You're watching CNN and this is CONNECT THE WORLD, I'm Linda Kincaid in Atlanta. Welcome back. Well, police in Northern Ireland have

arrested two suspects for a car bomb attack in Londonderry, also known as Derry on Saturday night. They suspect it was orchestrated by the dissident

Republican group known as the New IRA. Authorities say the bomb was placed hijacked car and no one was injured in the blast. It was, however, has

raised fears of a return to violence as failing Brexit talks threatened to unravel Irish border arrangements.

CNN's International Diplomatic Editor Nic Robertson is on the scene for us. And Nick I understand two suspects are now in custody. What can you tell

us about how this unfolded?

[10:15:34] NIC ROBERTSON, CNN INTERNATIONAL DIPLOMATIC EDITOR: Well, the police have described a situation where a piece of delivery driver was

called to a house in the city about 6:00 p.m. yesterday evening. Two armed men took his vehicle from him. He was then held in a garden at a property

in the city. The vehicle the police say was driven away somewhere else in the city not far away. By 7:30, a bomb had been put in the vehicle and the

vehicle driven up outside the courthouse just behind me.

But what the police say happened next is a huge concern to them because a warning was called in but the warning went to a Samaritans group in the

mainland at the U.K. Then that phone message got relayed to London before the police received the warning here and could act on it. So they say you

know, ten minutes later, it took ten minutes for that warning to get through to them. They've begun evacuating people. They've already seen

that there was a suspicious vehicle.

But how they described this bomb as crude, as highly unstable, driving it through the community, putting it outside here without a warning left many

people at the risk of being killed. They believed that this was a very clear effort to kill.

KINKADE: Absolutely. Very fortunate that no one was injured or killed. We heard from Ireland's Deputy Prime Minister who tweeted that there is no

place and no justification possible for such acts of terror which seek to drag Northern Ireland back to violence and conflict. Just give us a sense,

Nic, of the fears that we could see a return to violence especially amid these Brexit negotiations failing.

ROBERTSON: Well, there's been widespread political condemnation across the political spectrum. The concerns that we've heard from people when we were

talking to them over the past few days here before the bomb attack, you know, we've been talking to people about Brexit. 80 percent of people in

this city of about 100,000 people that's a couple of miles from the border voted to remain as part of the Brexit deal. And they're concerned that the

deal isn't going well. They're concerned that they feel that the deal at the vote last week was blocked in part by Northern Irish MPs. They're

concerned about what that means for the border. Does it mean a return of potential return to border posts and their concern leads on to the

possibility of an increase in violence?

When we talk to people last night about the bomb, they said they weren't afraid but they were angry. Even though they voted to remain part of the

European Union, they here would have been willing to go along with Theresa May's deal last week but they feel that was blocked by Northern Irish

politicians. So in this context, you open up the divide again here between those who aspire to a united Ireland and those who aspire to a Northern

Ireland remaining a strong part of the United Kingdom. And that's the old divide so the violence this discussion coming to the floor again.

You know -- and I talked to a politician here earlier today who said whose message was to Theresa May is you need to get on with a political deal over

Brexit because the hesitation, the delays, the uncertainty leave the potential for space to be exploited by anyone and potentially in this case

by a you know, by a car bomb. It's no one's making a claim that it's linked to Brexit but it's creating a space where terror groups can exploit

those fears that exist and create the divisions as they've always tried to do here.

KINKADE: All right, Nic Robertson for us on the scene. Good to get that perspective from you. Thanks so much. Well, as British Prime Minister

Theresa May prepares to unveil her Brexit Plan B on Monday, she finds herself furiously fighting a plot by lawmakers to wrest control of Brexit

from the battle which centers around a measure which would block a deal exit, a no deal exit rather, by extending Article 50. Downing Street

called the initiative deeply concerning while a Cabinet Minister Liam Fox accused Parliament of trying to "hijack the Brexit process."

Well, stay tuned for the showdown in Westminster tomorrow when the cross- party group plans to introduce the bill. Well, for once the Prime Minister has the backing of her former foreign secretary and sometimes foe Boris

Johnson, a champion of Brexit is not happy with the way things are going in Parliament. He spoke with our Matthew Chance.


[10:20:07] MATTHEW CHANCE, CNN SENIOR INTERNATIONAL CORRESPONDENT: He's been dubbed Britain's own Donald Trump, only better hair. Now, this

leading Brexiter is setting out his vision of a post Brexit Britain. Nothing he told us at all to do with his own leadership ambitions.

I listened to your to your -- to your pitch. No new taxes and the united Britain. This is a naked and naked leadership picture on your part.

BORIS JOHNSON, FORMER FOREIGN SECRETARY, UNITED KINGDOM: No, it's actually what I was trying to say is that there are things you can do now to address

the reasons that people voted to leave the E.U. but also you to exploit the opportunities of leaving the E.U.

CHANCE: You want the country to unite behind you on this issue.

JOHNSON: I want the country -- I want the -- I want us to go ahead on this on this model.

CHANCE: You're such a divisive figure though. Is it even going to be possible for you to even unite your party let alone the country?

JOHNSON: Yes, but you know, this is with great sadness and humility, I'm going to say this isn't about isn't about me. This is about -- it is not

my agenda, this is an agenda of loads of people who share the same basic view of leaving the E.U. There's no point in -- the E.U. is not a -- it's

not a hostile body to us. It's not -- it's not -- it's in many ways it's an inspirational -- the point in leaving the EU --

CHANCE: Do you realize any leadership ambitions in this country? You don't want to be prime minister?

JOHNSON: There is no vacancy for that post.

CHANCE: But these are chaotic weeks in Britain. Parliament, protesters and the nation divided on what the next Brexit steps should be. But not


Let's talk about where Brexit will go at -- will go because you know, there's a lot of confusion around the world about whether Britain will

indeed leave the European Union. Will it be confident that we will definitely, Britain will definitely be leaving the European Union.


CHANCE: Even without a deal?


CHANCE: That would be catastrophic wouldn't it for --

JOHNSON: No. Well, that's the interesting thing because if you talk -- that's one of the points I wanted to make today. I don't particularly want

that as the starting point in in March or April this year. I think we can -- we can we can do better than that. What we should have is a standstill.

So you keep the existing arrangements zero times zero quota, zero regulatory checks. You keep the existing mutual recognition, but you use

the period of the standstill or the transition to negotiate the free trade deal. That is -- that's the way to do it. If you don't do that --

CHANCE: Are there any circumstances you could foresee in which Britain would end up staying, staying in the European Union. That's what a lot of

people want in this country.

JOHNSON: I don't think that is going to happen.

CHANCE: Could it happen?

JOHNSON: And the only way it could would be if there was -- if parliaments now voted to put a proposal from the government if Parliament now voted to

cancel Article 50.

CHANCE: It is a toxic idea according to Johnson that would be a betrayal of the Brexit vote. But in these poisonous times, not even he is ruling it

out. Matthew Chance, CNN near Stoke-on-Trent in the English Midlands.


KINKADE: Well, British police have warned Prince Philip to buckle up not an anticipation of another wake of Brexit drama but in response to these

photographs which seemed to show him driving without a seat belt less than 48 hours after crashing his car. Police said suitable words of advice had

been dispensed to the 97-year-old who was breaking the law by driving without one. The Queen's husband who passed in eye test Saturday was

driving a new Land Rover. Buckingham Palace has refused to comment on these stories.

Well, live from Atlanta, this is CONNECT THE WORLD. Still to come, Mexico launches an investigation into Friday's pipeline explosion as the death

toll rises. What officials say likely caused the deadly blast. Also, a viral video showing intense confrontation has many people feeling outraged.

We'll have the story behind this moment with a special guest coming up next. Stay with us. You're watching CNN.


KINKADE: Welcome back to CONNECT THE WORLD. A Native American elder and a Vietnam War veteran is speaking to CNN after a disturbing viral video shows

a group of teenagers harassing and mocking him in Washington D.C. Take a look at this video sparking outrage on social media. Nathan Phillips was

attending the indigenous peoples March Friday. That's him on the right beating a drum and singing a Native American song of the peace on the steps

of the Lincoln Memorial.

He says he saw a clash brewing between a group of teenage students and four young African American men preaching about the Bible and oppression.

Phillips says he immediately sensed danger.

NATHAN PHILLIPS, NATIVE AMERICAN ELDER: When I was there and I was standing there and I've seen that group of people in front of me and I've

seen the angry faces and all of that, I realized I had put myself in a really dangerous situation, you know. It was like here's a group of people

who were angry at somebody else and I put myself in front of that and all of a sudden I'm the one who's -- all that anger and all that wanting to

have the freedom to just rip me apart, you know. That was scary. That -- and I'm a Vietnam times veteran and I know that mentality of there's enough

of us, we can do this.


[10:30:17] KINKADE: Well, then, Phillips went on to describe the tense moments when a young man got right up into his face. Take a listen.


PHILLIPS: When I started going forward, and that mass of groups of people started separating in and, and separating and moving aside to allow me to

move out of the way or proceed, this young feller put himself in front of me and wouldn't move.

And so, I could -- if I took another step, I would be putting my person into his presence into his face. And I would have touched him. And that

would have been the thing that the group of people would have needed to spring on me.


KINKADE: Well, CNN Sarah Sidner asked Phillips what bothered him the most about Friday's confrontation.


PHILLIPS: Fear not for myself but fear for the next generations, fear where this country is going. Fear for those youth. Fear for their future,

fear for their souls, their spirit, their -- what they're going to do to this country. What they were doing wasn't making American great. It was

just carrying down to fabric that was -- that the whole idea, the spirit of America that wasn't it, you know?


KINKADE: Well, the students in that video attend Covington Catholic High School in the state of Kentucky. Now the school is part of the Roman

Catholic Diocese of Covington and they released this statement which said, "We condemn the actions of the Covington Catholic High School students

towards Nathan Phillips specifically, and Native Americans in general. We extend our deepest apologies to Mr. Phillips. This behavior is opposed to

the church's teaching on the dignity and respect of the human person. The matter is being investigated and we will take appropriate action up to and

including expulsion."

With Chase Iron Eyes from -- is joining us now from Washington. He is the spokesman for the Indigenous Peoples March. Thanks so much for joining us



KINKADE: This video has now gone viral online. More than 3 million people have seen it and shared it on YouTube. And you see the young teenager in

the red hat standing in Mr. Phillips way. And obviously, a lot of other students around egging him on. What do you feel seeing this?

IRON EYES: Well, I was there. I was probably about 50 feet away from Nathan, Raymond Kingfisher, Marcus (INAUDIBLE), at some of our elders, and

people who were closing the ceremony. And they did see this young angry mob of MAGA hat-wearing children.

Know, these are young men, but they're also children. They're young impressionable minds. And what was happening there was a potential

tinderbox. It was very tense, they had gotten right up in Nathan's face, came right up into his face.

And Nathan was trying to offer his song and his prayer to defuse a potentially tense situation. And he was met with ridicule, scorn, a

collective jeering. And just a contempt for who we are as Native American people when we're offering our peace and our conciliation.

And clearly, with the Make America Great hats -- Make America Great Again hats, and the Trump rhetoric that was being used such as build that wall, I

looked for a chaperon amongst the Covington Catholic Academy and I couldn't find an adult. Because we wanted to defuse a potentially dangerous


Luckily, Nathan Phillips made it out unscathed and we're going to honor him today in Washington, D.C. And he exemplifies the peace and the dignity

that we as native people, as indigenous nations, the original civilizers of this hemisphere who have internationally binding treaty agreements with the

United States, we have to stand in the power of our peace.

But that doesn't allow us to be passive. If you noticed, Nathan didn't turn cheek. He didn't retreat, he did not aggress. He stood his ground

and offered his peace and his prayer. And it was received with unfortunate jeering and in ridicule. But, you know, he made it out of there. And here

we are we have a teachable moment. It's time for truth in this country.

You know, the real history of indigenous nations is denied to our entire educational institutions. And we have young people ready to learn. Ready

to seek a truth and a conciliation in the first instance.

We are encouraged by the archdiocese saying that there will be repercussions. And we want those repercussions to be positive to have a

net positive impact on the state of our social and race relations in this country. We are being challenged that the heart and soul of our country is

up for grabs right now.

[10:35:44] KINKADE: I want to ask you more about race relations in this country. Because you did point out that most of those teenage boys were

wearing the Make America Great Again hats of the Donald Trump campaign. We have heard the president speak about white nationalists, Mexicans, and

immigrants. And we know all the sorts of words that he uses to describe different groups of people. How does his words and his actions impact

people, especially, young people like this?

IRON EYES: He is the leader of the free world right now. Donald Trump sets the tone for all of our youth in this country. So, he has some of our

people fearing, hate, division, and the rhetoric that he uses criminalizing and vilifying indigenous nations that are now -- you know, subject to the

colonially imposed borders.

Children are being separated from their mothers. They're being called rapists, gang members, and they're in private prison camps. These are

indigenous children who have a prior right to cross these colonially imposed borders.

Donald Trump is using Pocahontas, vilifying, dehumanizing, and objectifying not only indigenous women who face epidemics of murdering -- missing and

murdered indigenous women. But he is also very flippantly using our genocide as a punch line to continuously attack and promote his agenda.

He's attacking us in the process and trying to stoke those long-held prejudices. The fear, the hate, and the division, the bigotry. That is

our legacy as a country. We don't have to beat around the bush about the genocide, the slavery, and the contentious history that we share. But this

is our country and we need to be truthful about it. That's the only way to healing. We have a moment here.

KINKADE: You said you want these boys to kind of move on from this and get some sort of positive -- I guess -- I guess you want to say something

positive come from such a horrible experience that we saw or unfold.

This was a planned march on Friday for indigenous people. Do we know why those boys were there they were there?

IRON EYES: They were there for an anti-abortion or anti-choice rally. And that is for -- the Indigenous Peoples March is inclusive of everybody. If

everybody goes back far enough, you will see that you descend from indigenous roots. You should have the choice to support or not support the

right to -- in abortion, or how are you want to look at that.

But you should have the right to express that freely without fear of retribution and harm. And what happened there was a legal, legally defined

assault and apprehension of an impending, offensive, physical contact or harm.

Nathan Phillips was objectively in fear for his safety as was I. I backed away from that crowd because it was a throng of angry or aggressive young

men who are -- who are capable of exerting physical force, but who are still young children who are expressing their energy around them.


KINKADE: Yes, still very impressionable as you say. Chase Iron Eyes, we'll have to leave it there for now. But, really good to get your

perspective. Thanks so much for joining us.

IRON EYES: Thank you.

KINKADE: Well, let's get you up to speed on some other stories on our radar right now. Tens of thousands of people have gathered outside the

Greek parliament. Protesting the naming of the country's neighbor as Northern Macedonia.

Police was seen using tear gas to some demonstrators held projectiles. An agreement was reached by Greece and Macedonia to resolve the dispute over

the former Yugoslav Republic's name. Polls show that two-thirds of Greeks opposed the deal.

Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu, says diplomatic relations with Chad have been restored following on historic visit there. Mr. Netanyahu

called the visit part of a revolution in Israel's relations with the Muslim world. The two countries severed ties some 47 years ago.

The U.S. says it has killed more than 50 militants in Somalia on Saturday. U.S. Africa Command says it targeted al-Shabaab fighters with an airstrike

in the south of the country and that no civilians were hurt or killed. Al- Shabaab is linked with al-Qaeda.

Well, the death toll from Friday's pipeline explosion, Mexico is now risen to 79. Officials say it happened as people were trying to steal fuel from

the line, and it may have been sparked by static electricity from people's clothing.

With the explosion, and is highlighting the issue of fuel theft in Mexico. For more, he's our Raphael Romo.


[10:40:37] RAFAEL ROMO, CNN SENIOR LATIN AMERICAN AFFAIRS EDITOR: Firefighters stand by helplessly as a giant fireball engulfs a pipeline in

Mexico. Dozens are dead in the place in the State of Hidalgo, just 120 kilometers north of Mexico City.

Officials say the cause of the fire is under investigation. But it happened after a raid by fuel thieves who drill illegal taps into the

pipelines. It's a crime that's become widespread in Mexico. And one, President Andres Manuel Lopez Obrador has vowed to stop.

ANDRES MANUEL LOPEZ OBRADOR, PRESIDENT OF MEXICO (through translator): We will eradicate this gas black market. It not only causes material damages

or damages to our nation but the risk, the danger and the loss of human lives.

ROMO: In December, Lopez Obrador launched a crackdown on fuel theft saying it cost the country around $3 billion last year with some estimates saying,

the pipelines were rated an average of 42 times a day.

The government has since deployed additional troops and federal police to protect refineries and shut down some of the pipelines. Delivering some of

the fuel by tanker trucks instead. Authorities say this latest fire was extremely deadly because several hundred local residents were on the scene

siphoning up the spilling gas.

Lopez Obrador, says he will work closely with investigators to prevent incidents like this from happening again.

OBRADOR: We are saddened by what is happened, by this tragedy. And we want before anything else to give our deepest condolences to the families

of the victims.

ROMO: Rafael Ramo, CNN.


KINKADE: Well, live from Atlanta, you're watching CONNECT THE WORLD. Still, to come, a powerful new campaign in Lebanon wants to challenge the

blame and shame often felt by victims of sexual violence. We'll tell you how when we come back. Stay with us.



UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: This is what democracy looks like. This is what democracy looks like.


UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: We are not the same women we were two years ago.


[10:44:59] KINKADE: Well, injustice anywhere is a threat to justice everywhere. So, expanded Martin Luther King Jr. And so, from London to

L.A., Berlin to Louisiana, huge swells of people around the world coming together with a single simple message. Equality and respect for all women


But, of course, that's far from the reality of the world in which we live. Any woman in any country can be at risk. Take right here in the United

States. Eight in 10 women suffering some form of sexual harassment or assault in their lifetime. Shocking enough, right?

Well, in parts of Egypt, a U.N. report discovering that 99 women out of 100 enduring some type of sexual harassment. And that there are a lot of

factors in that part of the world that forced women to stay quiet.

Well, the CNN's Ben Wedeman, found out that's even the case in what are often thought to be more progressive places like Lebanon's vibrant buzzing



BEN WEDEMAN, CNN SENIOR INTERNATIONAL CORRESPONDENT: Terrified and in tears, a young woman is alone in the streets of Beirut.

UNIDENTIFIED MALE: What happened? Do you have anyone to call?

UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: I don't have anything! He took everything!.


WEDEMAN: She struggles to tell passers-by, she's been raped.

UNIDENTIFIED MALE: Did someone do something to you?

UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: I'm in pain. He kept following me. He raped me. I don't want my parents to know.

UNIDENTIFIED MALE: Here, put this on.

WEDEMAN: She gets a bit of sympathy and a lot of shame.

UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: Are you drunk? Don't be afraid.

UNIDENTIFIED MALE: She goes from guy to guy.

WEDEMAN: No one calls the police. The woman is an actress. Everyone else, just ordinary citizens unaware they're being filmed. It's part of an

effort by the Lebanese NGO, ABAAD to change attitudes toward the victims of sexual violence. The campaign in Arabic is called, Min El Felten.

UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: The Min El Felten or Shame On Who? was the campaign that is trying to shed the light on the rapist. Shedding the light on the

laws that needs to be reformed. And mainly, triggering the public debate around blaming and shaming of the survivors.

WEDEMAN: The group ABAAD has painted on the walls of Beirut, stylized depictions based upon descriptions provided by victims of her actual sexual


This woman who requested we not name her or show her face recount show she reconnected with an old boyfriend.

UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: One day he just asked me out and we went to a hotel. And we had the sexual relation that I called love. Lovemaking to him it

was a simple sex relation. I then, I figured out -- I found out that he was taping the whole thing on his cell phone without my consent.

WEDEMAN: Angry she wanted out of the relationship.

UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: Just at the moment that I asked out, she said I have a video, and I'm going to send to your work, to your family, to your ex.

I'm going to send it to the whole society to see that you're a bad person. This I considered as I said, a rape of my rights.

WEDEMAN: With the help of a friend, she was able to erase the footage from her blackmailer's phone but she didn't go to the police.

UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: They would say that, "That's your fault, you went with him to the hotels."

WEDEMAN: The Lebanese police now received training and how to deal with the victims of sexual assault. Another part of the campaign is an

interactive retelling by actors of the stories of real-life victims of sexual violence. For Heba Sleeman, it was a hard roll.

UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: I played the story of Reham, a woman who was sexually assaulted from the age of eight to the age of 28. 20 years of assault by

her brother, by her own brother.

WEDEMAN: It's a first step to putting the blame and shame where it belongs on the predator, not the prey. Ben Wedeman, CNN, Beirut.


KINKADE: Well, still to come, dozens of dead or injured sea turtles have been washing up on Israel's beaches and nobody is quite sure why. CNN

visits the marine rescue workers who are trying to help.

Also a legendary great white shark makes a rare appearance. And we'll hear from a diver who made a daring swim with her, next.


[10:51:48] KINKADE: you're watching CNN, and this is CONNECT THE WORLD. I'm Lynda Kinkade in Atlanta. Welcome back.

Well, the group in Israel is dealing with the troubling mystery. Sea turtles are washing ashore either dead or injured, and no one knows why.

Animal rescuers are doing what they can to get the sea turtles back in swimming shape so they can be released back into the sea. Our Oren

Liebermann has more.


OREN LIEBERMANN, CNN JERUSALEM CORRESPONDENT: They called her, Haya, when she arrived stranded on the beach of Ashdod. It means alive. It was both

a name and a hope.

The 80-kilogram loggerhead turtle was bleeding from her head, from the staff of the Israel Sea Turtle Rescue Center. Didn't know what kind of

internal injuries she had. Haya was the fourth turtle of the day to wash up on the shores of Israel and the 50th in two weeks.

YANIV LEVY, MANAGER, SEA TURTLE RESCUE CENTER, ISRAEL: I hope we will be able to treat all of them in a maximum -- possible -- of the best possible

way we can.

LIEBERMANN: It's not uncommon for strong storms to strand sea turtles on the shores of the Eastern Mediterranean. What is uncommon is the injuries

they now have.

Of the dozens of turtles found in the last week, more than 20 were already dead. Some of those found alive have fresh chips on their shell. Others

are bleeding. Often, there is internal damage too. It's difficult to know why.

LEVY: They all suffered from soft tissue trauma. That's coming from some kind of a shock wave. It could happen from either say some surveys or

explosives underwater. If it's for military reasons or fishing, but it's not common.

LIEBERMANN: The Center calls this their intensive care unit. Turtles are brought here for their first checks and treatments. The tanks here are

full, the tables already taken. The Center has moved Turtles to find space for more turtles. They are beyond capacity but they will not leave the

turtle stranded.

In six months, they hope the stranded turtles are healthy once again to release into the ocean.

LEVY: Turtles are kind of a mirror for what we're doing. We get Turtles with hooks, and with the motor injuries, and with plastics and sacks of

food that are entangled into. And it's our garbage, and we just throw it to the sea.

LIEBERMANN: Before they were done treating Haya, the Center got the call. One more stranded turtle had already been found. Oren Liebermann, CNN,

Central Israel.


KINKADE: Well, now to our "PARTING SHOTS", a team of divers has just had a very close encounter with a legendary shark. Well, the shark's name is

Deep Blue. She's more than six meters long and believed to be one of the biggest great whites in the world.

The video was shots on Tuesday near Hawaii. My colleague, Cyril Vanier, spoke with a diver you see swimming with the shark. Her name is Ocean

Ramsey, and she's a marine biologist and the co-founder of One Ocean Diving.


[10:54:59] OCEAN RAMSEY, CO-FOUNDER, ONE OCEAN DIVING: I look for something called a dynastic territorial body language or threat displays

and specifics and patterns. When she swam up, she was even swimming towards us. Wasn't even interested yet. Was just interested in brushing

up against the boat.

And then she swam over in the distance, please look over there, we see it, but there's a dead whale. We actually followed her over there. Again, I

was aging people in the water, and I do record her feeding on that whale.

So, she may be pregnant or she might just be really full, and that strikes wrong it does it's done to pick up the dead dying, weak, wounded, injured,

sick. And they've -- I mean, you have to give them some credit, it's like these -- swimmers, surfers, and divers, all day every day.

And then, (INAUDIBLE) globally, annually. It's really impressive if you think about it. Yet, sharks don't -- you shouldn't -- some credit when

they make the new. So, I'm glad that this would be able to make worldwide headlines in a positive way.


KINKADE: Incredible. Incredible pictures, as well. Well, you can also follow the stories our team is working on throughout the day by going to

our Facebook page. That is

I'm Lynda Kinkade. That was CONNECT THE WORLD. Thanks so much for joining us. Have a good rest of the weekend.