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ISIS Defending the Last Bit of Its Caliphate; Algerian President to Run for Fifth Term Despite Protests; U.S. Consulate in Jerusalem Merging with U.S. Embassy; Film Reveals Alleged Michael Jackson Sex Abuse; EU Departure Set to Lead to More Customs Regulations; Juan Guaido Plans to Join Protests, Risking Arrest; Family Says U.S-Saudi citizen has been Tortured in a Saudi Prison; Some Republicans Join Democrats, Shun Trump's Emergency; Democrats to Look into White House Security Clearances; Unlocking a Stonehenge Mystery. Aired 10-11a ET

Aired March 04, 2019 - 10:00   ET


[10:00:00] BECKY ANDERSON, CNN HOST: It is 7:00 in Abu Dhabi. Hello and welcome. This is CONNECT THE WORLD with me Becky Anderson live from our

Middle East programming hub for you.

Well, bombings, beheadings and other brutalities over the past few years, the terror group known at ISIS brought new meaning to the term atrocity,

didn't it? Well now, ISIS barely hanging on to a town in eastern Syria. The last sliver of its self-proclaimed caliphate, after days of fierce

battles, defeat to U.S.-backed fighters could be imminent. CNN's Ben Wedeman has been bringing us the latest from the frontlines, he has more

now on the group's last stand.


BEN WEDEMAN, CNN SENIOR INTERNATIONAL CORRESPONDENT (voice-over): Hell in a very small place. Air strikes, artillery, and mortar rounds rain down

upon the so-called Islamic state's miserable realm. Reduced to a ragged cluster of tents, wrecked cars, and trucks, perhaps just a half square


Despite the onslaught, people, men it appears, can be seen walking between the tents. U.S.-backed Syrian Democratic Forces have given up trying to

estimate how many people, or fighters as they say, are still there.

Some of them want to surrender. They're suicidal. And some want to escape. But we won't let them says, Khan, the commander on this roof.

They can either surrender or die.

They're surrounded, outnumbered and outgunned. Final defeat seems imminent. Yet they fight on, convinced, perhaps, that divine intervention

will allow them to snatch victory from the jaws of defeat.

(on camera): All indications are that this battle will not be over today or tomorrow. As President Trump says. One commander told us, maybe it

will be done in four or five days.

(voice-over): In the evening, SDF troops prepare their weapons for battle. The pounding carries on around the clock. There is no rest for the last

holdouts. Midnight, and the earth shakes. Night into day, the onslaught continues. ISIS lived by the bullet and the bomb, and by the bullet and

the bomb, it is dying.

Ben Wedeman, CNN, Baghouz, Eastern Syria.


ANDERSON: In the meantime the case of so-called ISIS bride, heads to a U.S. courtroom in the next hour. The government says Hoda Muthana is not

an American citizen. She left the U.S. for Syria four years ago to marry an ISIS fighter. She was just 20 at the time. Now, in a refugee camp,

Muthana says she regrets her move, and wants to go back to America with her young son.

And the husband of another ISIS bride speaking out, the 19-year-old Shamima Begum is stripped of her British citizenship. Her husband, who is Dutch,

told the BBC she is not a risk and should return to the Netherlands with him.


YAGO RIEDIJK, HUSBAND OF SHAMIMA BEGUM: She is -- I don't understand how she would in any form be a danger. All she did was she sat in the house

for three years, took care of me, took care of my children, she never had anything to do.


ANDERSON: Well, Begun and her newborn son, are also in a refugee camp in Syria while their future gets sorted out.

To Algeria now, where the country's aging President is defying protesters by announcing his bid for re-election next month. 82-year-old Abdelaziz

Bouteflika has rarely been seen in public since suffering a stroke in 2013. Demonstrators demanding he withdraws from the race and allow a new era of

fresh faces take power. But it appears the ailing leader has other plans.


ANDERSON: Public fires, armored vehicles in the street. A sea of protesters. It was a weekend of one of the largest displays of public

descent in Algeria in half a century. Since the war of independence from France. Protesters demonstrated across the country, and in France, in

opposition to President Abdelaziz Bouteflika.

[10:05:00] UNIDENTIFIED MALE: (through translator): I am happy and emotional, that the Algerian people are doing everything to try and put an

end to 20 years of this masquerade, and to understand that this power is useless and only looking out for itself.

ANDERSON: But in a show of defiance on Sunday, the President's campaign manager announced he would be running for a fifth term despite being rarely

seen in public since he suffered a stroke in 2013. The ailing 82-year-old has held office since 1999. Enraged by his continued two-decade rule, some

Algerians have called for Parliament to be dissolved to make way for a new government.

UNIDENTIFIED MALE: A free and Democratic Algeria, this will, God willing, mark a second independence for Algeria.

ANDERSON: But the only change Bouteflika has promised is in election timing. Saying he'll look at amending the constitution to set a date for

early elections. That's only if he's re-elected first in April.

UNIDENTIFIED MALE (through translator): The fifth term is not acceptable because our President did what he could, and now, he can't do anything

else. So we have to move on.

ANDERSON: Bouteflika has vowed not to run, if he calls an early election.


ANDERSON: Well Merian Saidani is a member of the Algerian Opposition Party, Abdallah Djaballah, and she joins us now from Algiers. Thank you.

Explain why so many protesters have taken to the streets and cities across the country now. What has prompted these mass demonstrations at this


MERIAN SAIDANI, ALGERIAN OPPOSITION PARTY (via phone): Algeria is living an historical moment, as you know. Because the President decided to go to

a fifth term. So people are demonstrating in the streets to show that they are not happy. They don't accept this facts, they don't accept to be

managed by someone who is sick, who don't speak to people. Since 2012, he didn't speak to the nation. We don't know who is managing Algeria. The

President is favored by his family and some people around him. So people are demonstrating to say no, we don't know, we don't want to follow this

way, Algeria is a younger, with young people, Algeria is the biggest country in Africa, and we deserve more than this. People are requesting,

questioning the system, with all the political system.

ANDERSON: OK, well, Bouteflika -- or at least his spokesman, has promised that he'll look at amending the constitution to set a date for early

elections, if he is re-elected in April, and he says he wouldn't run again. You don't believe that is sufficient compromise. Why?

SAIDANI: Because he did the same, he did the same in 2011, he said that his generation did what we could do, and we will give the chance to the new

generation. But he changed the constitution. He amended the constitution. He run for the fourth term. And now he is doing the same thing. He is

telling the same thing. Why should he go back after the re-election? People are demanding for him to go right now. Because they don't want him

as the President. We don't know -- we don't want to have him.

ANDERSON: OK. So the complaint, the protests are that he is, what, mismanaging the economy? Just step back for a moment and talk about

conditions for the average Algerian. What are the problems?

SAIDANI: The problem is that for the fifth mandate, he will win the election. The political gate is closed. So he will use all the tools of

the state to be the President and we don't want this to happen.

ANDERSON: OK. So what's the opposition's next move?

SAIDANI: Yes, the opposition is governing -- he's governing himself, so we can work all together. We, today, Algeria, is not in a condition to have

elections. So even people who wanted to run for the presidency.

[10:10:00] They did step back yesterday, and they don't want to participate in elections. And today, Algeria is in a political situation. We are not

in a climate to do elections. And we want to have a transition period to prepare the election with warranties of transparency, so people in Algeria

will elect someone they will choose freely.

ANDERSON: OK. We're looking at pictures, images from Friday, as I talked to Merian Saidani in Algeria, thank you very much, indeed for joining us.

Palestinian leaders call it the last nail in the coffin of the Trump administration's role in attempting to broker Middle East peace. The

United States, formally merging its consulates in Jerusalem today with the U.S. embassy there. Now the consulate has acted as a de facto embassy to

the Palestinians for decades. The U.S. ambassador to Israel, a longtime supporter of the settlor movement, will now oversee diplomatic relations

with the Palestinians.

Let me bring in CNN's Oren Liebermann tonight out of Jerusalem for you. The State Department, Oren, calling this a merger and says it doesn't

signal a change in policy. Many people will say this is less a merger and more a takeover, correct?

OREN LIEBERMANN, CNN CORRESPONDENT: And that's very much how it is being interpreted. You're absolutely right. The U.S. State Department is trying

to play this off as nothing new. Same old mission, same old job and the U.S. Consulate General which was the diplomatic mission to the Palestinians

is now the Palestinian Affairs Unit under the embassy.

But there is a significant difference here. It used to that if you wanted to contact the American administration, the Palestinians would go through

the counsel-general to the State Department. Israelis would go through the ambassador to the State Department. Now, both tracks, both the Israelis

and Palestinians will go through Ambassador David Freedman, the U.S. ambassador to Israel. Who you rightly pointed out as blatantly and proudly

pro-Israel and pro-Israeli settlements in the West Bank. The Palestinians have never trusted him in this certainly isn't going to help. We saw that

reflected in the Palestinian response to this. Hanan Ashrawi, a member of the PLO executive committee called this, another hostile act from the U.S.

toward the Palestinians. The Palestinians once again saying, there's no reason to trust the U.S. here and there's no reason to consider engaging on

the peace plan which is supposed to come out right after the Israeli elections in just over a month.

ANDERSON: Yes, and they are just over a month. And polling, since the Attorney General's announcement that he intends to indict the Prime

Minister, showing that Netanyahu is in a lot weaker a position going into these elections than he had been before that announcement. That decision

by the Attorney General then, a potential game changer?

LIEBERMANN: Very much so. But the Attorney General made it clear from the beginning he would announce his decision when he felt he was ready. And he

also made it clear that Benjamin Netanyahu is entitled to his hearing. But you're absolutely right to point out two big significant developments from

those polls. The first to come out since the AG's decision here.

First, the challenger to Benjamin Netanyahu, former. Former IDF chief of staff, Benny Ganz, has a six to eight seat lead depending on the poll over

Benjamin Netanyahu. But more importantly, Netanyahu will be unable to form -- at least with the right-wing parties -- a governing coalition. He has

59 seats in both poles in that coalition, as opposed to the 61 seats you need. That is a major development, a major blow to Netanyahu, and his

response so far has simply been to increase the attacks on Ganz, and to increase the calls on him as a weak leftist. So that is something I

suspect we'll hear quite a lot every day until the elections.

ANDERSON: Yes, and those elections, as you say, just about a month or so out. April 9, the official date. Oren, thank you. Oren Liebermann is in

Jerusalem for you today. On what is a busy news day, particularly from this region.

We've covered that regional stuff for you in the first 12, 13 minutes in the show. Still to come this hour, fresh protests in Venezuela. Called

for by the country's self-declared President. Juan Guaido says he will join these demonstrators, despite the risk of arrest. That is coming up.

And the dark side of the king of pop. A new documentary presents a shocking look at singer Michael Jackson, and allegations of horrible child

sex abuse. That up next.



UNIDENTIFIED MALE: He was one of the kindest, most gentle, loving, caring people I knew. He helped me tremendously. He helped me with my career.

He helped me with my creativity. With all of those sorts of things. And he also sexually abused me. For seven years.


ANDERSON: Well, the entertainment world is buzzing about an explosive documentary that aired Sunday night on HBO, "Leaving Neverland," details

the stories of two men who say they were sexually abused by singer Michael Jackson when they were young boys. Now, the allegations were made By Wade

Robson and James Safechuck, who -- they are horrifying, these allegation, including stories of Jackson engaging in sexual acts with boys under the

age of ten. Jackson's estate vehemently denies the allegations and has sued HBO for $100 million. CNN's chief media correspondent, Brian Stelter,

has been following this story and he joins us now live. Can you give us a little bit more on what we learned out of this documentary -- Brian?

BRIAN STELTER, CNN CHIEF MEDIA CORRESPONDENT: It is a devastating documentary. And Wade and James, the two accusers, the power they have is

in the details. The reason why their stories appear to be so credible is because they have so much detail, revolting detail about, alleged childhood

sexual abuse. They say that Jackson repeatedly groped and engaged in sex acts with them, when they were children. And they go through this in

tremendous grotesque detail in this two-part film. Part one aired in the United States last night. Part two aired in a few hours. It's also airing

on channel four, in the United Kingdom and other networks around the world.

And frankly, some of this had been reportedly years ago, there had been a trial of course, and many, many years ago, I think it is different now,

Becky, it is different, people seem more ready, more able to list ton these account, more willing to take them seriously and it is forcing a real

reexamination of Jackson's legacy and artistry in light of these grotesque allegations.

ANDERSON: Yes, no, I mean, the atmosphere has clearly changed. Although you're right to point out that many of these allegations have indeed been

made over the years. And I'm sure our viewers will say what's new here? Just explain what the Jackson estate has done and said or said and done.

STELTER: It is notable that they did sue HBO for $100 million or when they acquired this film. That lawsuit did not stop the film from airing. As I

mentioned, part one has already aired here in the United States. But the lawsuit did draw more attention to the film. I'm sure that wasn't the

intent but it has drawn more attention to the film.

They're suing for $100 million accusing HBO for breach of contract due to a contract that Jackson had with HBO two decades ago.

[10:20:00] That's kind of neither here nor there. But the Jackson family is also saying this is a public lynching, they are arguing that the two

accusers are known liars. Because in the past these two accusers denied any sexual activity with Jackson, denied that he was a pedophile. What the

accusers say now, is that they were under his spell, in some ways neverland was a spell. Jackson cast a spell. And this film in some ways breaks that

spell. These accusers say they were groomed by Jackson, abused by Jackson and they're now finally able to speak to it. Their wives are also

interviewed in the film. And what I find so remarkable about the film, it goes into so much depth.

There was a review in "Time" magazine that said, sometimes we focus so much on believing the accusers, we don't actually listen to them anymore. You

know, in this me-too age we hear often times about misconduct by power people but the power of this film is actually listening to how this

affected their lives. And so, the Jackson family is denying their accounts but there is tremendous power from hearing in their own words in this


ANDERSON: Thank you, Brian. And there's a whole lot more on this story on, including a look at the reaction of the "Leaving Neverland"

documentary. Members of Jackson's family chime in there with the defense of king of pop worth having a look at.

Brexit bribery, that's what the British opposition Labour Party are calling Prime Minister Theresa May's newest initiative. It's a $2 billion plan to

send cash to economically deprived and mainly Brexit-backing towns, Mrs. May says the stronger towns fund will boost, there is that don't get a fair

share of the country's prosperity. Well critics say it's a cynical bid to buy lawmakers' vote for her deal. Remember that's her Brexit deal, which

she needs to get over the line by March 12. The leaving date of course, for the U.K. to exit the EU, as things stand, still March 29. Yup, the end

of this month.

While Mrs. May tries to win over her MP's, in London, we are learning about how creatures great and small could be hit hard if Britain crashes

out of the EU. What's known as a no deal. CNN's Jim Bittermann reports on how a no-deal exit could affect pets and their owners.


JIM BITTERMANN, CNN SENIOR INTERNATIONAL CORRESPONDENT (voice-over): Oscar, the Yorkie, may not look too worried about Brexit but his caretaker

certainly is. Paul Anderson runs a business called Pets2Go2, regularly transporting thousands of pets a year to Europe and Britain and back again.

And like other animals, Oscar travels back and forth easily with a pet passport. But potentially after Brexit, more paperwork will be needed and

perhaps even a new blood test before he can re-enter into France.

PAUL ANDERSON, PETS2GO2: It doesn't seem to be any clarity on what is going to happen to our business, or transporting as a general, it is a bit

of a mess.

BITTERMANN: With as many as 2,000 pets crossing the English Channel each day, according to animal control inspectors, any change in the rules means

added expenses and headaches for pet owners. For the three dogs of Ian Squirrell and Debby Lansley, this may be the last trip for a while.

DEBBIE LANSLEY, PET OWNER: Until we know what's happening. I mean, some are saying that they're going to be needing rabies injections. I mean,

obviously, they've gotten that. But they say they need blood tests.

IAN SQUIRRELL, PET OWNER: And the English are charging 260 pounds for the blood test. Which is quite a lot of money.

LANSLEY: When you've got three dogs.

SQUIRRELL: When you've got three dogs.

BITTERMANN: Even without a clear idea of which direction Brexit may take, it's already costing a lot of money. French customs say it is spending

more than $68 million constructing new customs facilities, hiring 700 more customs agents, and hundreds more veterinarian inspectors.

(on camera): Customs officials here say they've been planning for the worst-case scenario for years and that means going back to the bad old days

of customs declaration, health and sanitary inspections, screening of animals for diseases and fruit and vegetables, for pesticides and weed

killers. In short, re-establishing controls that haven't existed here for 25 years.

(voice-over): In the time since, under European Union rules, customs inspections have been carried out on a random basis. Sometimes quite

literally looking for the needle in the hay stack. But after Brexit, French customs inspectors are expected to be much more thorough.

The French produced a video, hoping to explain to people how they can avoid delays crossing by ferry or euro tunnel by going online in advance of their

trip. But those new facilities include expanded customs and parking areas, for any of the 8 million trucks crossing the channel which have not

completed proper paperwork in advance according to the customs director for northern France.

THIBAUT ROUGELOT, CUSTOMS DIRECTOR FOR NORTHERN FRANCE (through translator): It's possible that with the customs formalities, there will

be an added cost to transport. I don't know how the companies will react to this extra cost and restrictions on the circulations of merchandise.

[10:25:00] BITTERMANN: Merchandise like fresh produce, for instance. At the moment the French import about 55 percent of the lamb they consume,

much of it from Britain according to agricultural statistics. And most has been slaughtered. Customs delays could mean fresh lamb would have to be

frozen. Putting British lamb in direct competition with countries as far away as New Zealand.

TOM BUCKLE, SHEEP FARMER: This is no direct link. Things will get complicated. And anything can happen. No one knows what will happen,


BITTERMANN: Some though are already making decisions without waiting. At STC Transport, which regularly moves thoroughbreds back and forth across

the channel for racing and breeding, one recent client canceled his horse's trip. The company believes others will follow.

SIMON BROSELETTE, STC TRANSPORT: The owners are reticent to travel at the moment. Said the mares will stay registered in the United Kingdom. How

would they return, how would be the return in France?

BITTERMANN: And so in spite, or perhaps because of, the political dither on the other side of the channel, over in France, some are already voting

on Brexit, with their feet. Jim Bittermann, CNN, Calais France.


ANDERSON: We're watching CONNECT THE WORLD. I'm Becky Anderson. We are live for you out of Abu Dhabi in the UAE, where it is just after 25 past

7:00. Busy day of news.

Coming up, Venezuela's self-declared President, Juan Guaido, calls for people to take to the streets again, saying he will lead them in protest.

Likely is, he'll be arrested. For that we are live for that in Caracas, and across the border up next. Do stay with us. These are live pictures

for you out of Venezuela this hour.


ANDERSON: You are watching CNN, this is CONNECT THE WORLD, with me Becky Anderson, half past 7:00 in the UAE. This a shared broadcast from our

Middle East programming hub.

A new week, it brings a new wave of protests in Venezuela. And self- declared President Juan Guaido has tweeted an audio message saying he is on route, home, where he is expected to join the Venezuela people on the

streets. You see live pictures here. Risking arrest. In a Facebook address on Sunday, Guaido said he will lead the protests on his return from

a tour of Latin America. And warned President Nicolas Maduro's regime that if they dare to kidnap him, if will be the last mistake they make, he said.

Well, the United States has weighed in saying, if Guaido's safety is compromised, the response will be strong and significant. In a moment,

we'll hear from Patrick Oppmann in the Venezuelan capital. Before we get to Caracas though, I want to bring in Nick Payton Walsh, who joins us from

Bogota in Iran Columbia. You spoke to Juan Guaido, very recently, Nick, what chance we will see him in Caracas today?

NICK PATON WALSH, CNN INTERNATIONAL CORRESPONDENT: I think very high. And I think the smart money is that despite the enormous amount of smoke we've

seen around his movements in the past 48 hours, that he may in fact already be inside Venezuela. May be headed towards that stage central Caracas.

The question is, how likely is he to be arrested? Now President Nicolas Maduro in an interview last week said that, quote, Guaido would face

justice. And pointed towards a travel ban imposed by the Supreme Court against the self-declared President and opposition leader. He said the

courts would decide. It wasn't an explicit threat of arrest but quite clearly, when I spoke to Juan Guaido last Wednesday, this was his answer

about the risks he faced on returning.


WALSH: Do you not accept that there is a strong chance you will be arrested on your arrival?

JUAN GUAIDO, VENEZUELAN SELF-DECLARED INTERIM PRESIDENT (through translator): Yes, there is no doubt, no doubt, but remember, that the

exercise of politics in Venezuela is criminalized. Not only towards me. Today there are 1,000 political prisoners in Venezuela. Today, there are

political assassinations in Venezuela.


WALSH: Now, you have to work out the balance of thinking possibly in Maduro's mind right now. Here you have a man who has just flown around the

continent declaring himself President, meeting regional ally, shoring up opposition against Maduro, Maduro does look a bit weak if he turns up on

the stage now and starts leading protests, calling for further protests. Perhaps setting further deadlines.

But on the other side too, we have the European Union who have been not as strong as they could be so far in terms of sanctions against Maduro.

Warning that if his movement, freedom of movement is compromised, there will be a forceful response. As from the United States, too. There are

some opposition activists, frankly, who are waiting for this moment for him to be arrested to kind of goat on to the next phase, they say, in the

opposition against Maduro.

Regardless, though, I think if we do see Guaido on the stage in the next hours, it will show that he has played this incredibly smartly. Getting

back into the country, without Maduro's forces stopping him. Shows their weakness. Shows his lack of control on his own borders. We saw

themselves. They were slipping over the weekend. And it will make many possibly listen to his message that increasing numbers of parts of the

bureaucracy are on Guaido's side -- Becky.

ANDERSON: Stand by, Nick. I want to get to Patrick who is in and amongst that crowd in Caracas. And the concern, Patrick, that Guaido could or will

be arrested, and that would be with the world watching, of course. What is the mood amongst the crowd there with you expecting Guaido to get to that

stage, at some point in the next hour or so, and demanding the end of Maduro's regime?

PATRICK OPPMANN, CNN CORRESPONDENT: You can hear people chanting right now around me, Becky, saying (INAUDIBLE) were going well. Once again, Juan

Guaido has managed to breathe new life into the opposition. The opposition, before he declared himself as the interim President of

Venezuela, was very much fractured. I have been talking to people in the crowd and they really said they have come out today because they feel it is

the last chance to oust the government here, to oust Chavez socialism. But they've been fighting it for so many years. Of course, this is a very

divided country. There are people who still support Nicolas Maduro by the hundreds of thousands, if not millions. But people say the economy here

has just gotten so bad here, over the last several months, and years, that the option they have now is to stay and fight or to leave.

[10:35:00] So people here are staying and fighting and they're very much expecting Juan Guaido to arrive here, to speak to them, and once again,

tell them how he's -- in his own words -- going to save Venezuela.

ANDERSON: Is there any sense of fatigue in all of this, at this point, Patrick?

OPPMANN: Oh, very much so. You know, it's been years since I've been Caracas, probably a decade now. And going around the city the last few

days, I mean, the city is falling apart, people, their families have left. The markets, and there is no food, and just so expensive, most Venezuelans

couldn't hope to afford it. It so the majority of Venezuelans that I've talked to, are just exhausted. They live this day and day out. Other

members of the opposition do feel that there is no new wind in their sails, that Juan Guaido has done something that no other leader has been able to

do here which is unite the very fractured opposition. But, you know, this is the long game. Both sides know that this is not going to change today

or tomorrow. But Juan Guaido coming back is certainly the next step.

ANDERSON: Nick Payton Walsh, still standing by in Bogota. As Patrick rightly points out, you know, this is the long game, that a lot of these

protesters feel is being played at this point. The United States, as you rightly point out, has weighed in. Saying that if Guaido's safety is

compromised, the response will be strong and significant. Which means what, Nick? Is it clear?

WALSH: Probably more sanctions, to be honest. I don't think that the U.S. possibly internally, after trying to bring the wars in Afghanistan and Iraq

to an end sees within the allies of Guaido that much of an appetite for a military intervention. And frankly it will be months in the planning. We

might possibly see assistance, with opposition groups, maybe. They might target greater individuals. The problem with sanctions is you essentially

look at possibly damage can the economic life -- that Patrick was already talking about -- inside Venezuela for ordinary people. If you hit the oil

company, maybe petrol starts running out -- gas inside Venezuela itself. That could interrupt already meager food supplies so it is a delicate

balance between making Maduro suffer and making the people who he's making suffer, suffer yet further. And I think that's the calculation they have

to make if you give John Bolton, National Security Adviser -- he seems to be running a lot of this -- credit enough for understanding some of that


But we will be in a very different phase if Juan Guaido's liberty is compromised certainly. And I think possibly, those inside the Miraflores

Presidential Palace, may realize that. Unless we necessarily see Juan Guaido today ask for a sea change in how the opposition movement functions.

Well, he's left the country, and he's come back, and not a lot frankly has changed, apart from those opponents of Maduro outside of probably a little

bit more unified with him than they were before. So Nicolas Maduro must be surely weighing whether at worse making this man a sort of symbolic figure

of his repression and courting further international fury against him. A very delicate few hours ahead.

Now my percent personal money is he'll appear on the stage, he'll set further deadline, call possibly for more opposition actions in the week

ahead, but we're unlikely to see a massive showdown in the week ahead, because I think as you say, there is a long game here, but the clock that's

ticking, is that of the humanitarian crisis, with ordinary Venezuelans. Apart from the word socialism, the geopolitical, the Russia, the Moscow

versus Washington and all of this. People are running out of food. It's getting worse on a daily basis and that makes this crisis so different to

the other geopolitical, kind of neo-cold war things we're seeing around the world. People are running out of food, and I think that's what finally

what will decide how this plays out -- Becky.

ANDERSON: Yes, fascinating. To Patrick, and Nick, on the story, from two sides of the border, thank you.

And I just want to bring up that tweet from John Bolton once again. This is the very latest.

Venezuelan Interim President Juan Guaido has announced his planned return to Venezuela. Any threats or acts against his safe return will be met with

a strong and significant response from the United States and the international community, he says.

If and when we see Juan Guaido on that stage, of course, you will see it first here on CNN.

Well, to Saudi Arabia now, where a dual U.S./Saudi citizen is being held and allegedly tortured. Walid Fitaihi, a medical doctor, he was taken into

custody during a business trip to Riyadh more than a year ago. He was brought in during what authorities called a crackdown on corruption.

Although, there still hasn't been any public charges. His family says he has been beaten. Saudi officials haven't returned our request for comment,

although in a statement, to "The New York Times," they denied any mistreatment. CNN's international diplomatic editor, Nic Robertson, on the

story, tonight, out of Islamabad -- Nic.

NIC ROBERTSON, CNN INTERNATIONAL DIPLOMATIC EDITOR: Yes, Becky, his family says that they feel that his sort of deteriorating psychologically in jail,

that he doesn't feel safe in jail. They say that he has not been given due process. He hasn't been charged with anything, doesn't know why he is

being held.

[10:40:00] They get sporadic phone access to him. His lawyer of course has written to the U.S. State Department. We've heard from John Bolton,

National Security Adviser, speaking on this issue, saying that the State Department was getting some consular access. But the lawyer wrote that

letter in January this year. And Walid Fitaihi was picked up late 2017. So that's been a whole -- more than a year period of his period of concern

by his family, by his lawyer.

And also, we should note here, the concern that was expressed by Jamal Khashoggi, we all remember him being killed by Saudi officials in the

Turkish consulate in the beginning of October last year, well back when he was still a reporting journalist, he flagged his concern about Fitaihi in a

tweet in 2017. This is what he said, let me read it to you here.

What happened to us? How can someone like Dr. Walid Fitaihi get detained? What are the reasons for that? Of course, everyone is helpless and

confused. There is no one to plead to. No prosecutor general that responds. So can we confirm. God help us, he says.

So this is the level of concern that was being expressed for a long time. The State Department is saying now, they are having consular access with

him in jail. He studied medicine in the United States. Practiced it there for many years before going back in 2006 to set up a hospital in Jeda that

was built by his family. So this was a real project to bring and help to the community in Saudi Arabia. He was known as a motivational speaker and

has spoken out on issues such as, you know, citizens' rights, civil rights, these sorts of issues. But again, at this time, it is just not clear why

he's being held, or what's going to happen to him -- Becky.

ANDERSON: Nic Robertson, on the story for you tonight, out of Islamabad, where he is on assignment. Thank you.

Let's get you up to speed on some other stories that are on our radar right now. And at least 23 people are dead, after several tornadoes hit the

Southern United States on Sunday. The youngest victim just six years old. Beauregard, Alabama was hit by two tornadoes in the span of an hour.

Officials say multiple people injured, and as many as 20 are still unaccounted for.

19 separate wildfires scorching Southeastern Australia, some 2,000 firefighters are battling the blazes, and thousands of people have been

evacuated. Lightning strikes started the fire. Rain forecast for the area on Wednesday which should help get those fires under control.

One of the best-known faces of British electronic music has died. Keith Flint, front man of the pioneering band, Prodigy, was found unresponsive at

his home in Essex in England. A bandmates said Flint took his own life, adding, he's, quote, confused and heart broken. Flint was 49 years old.

We will take a very short break for you. Back after this.


ANDERSON: Well it appears U.S. President, Donald Trump, is headed for a big showdown with Congress over his declaration of a national emergency. A

growing number of Senate Republicans, Republicans now siding with Democrats calling the order executive overreach. CNN's Lauren Fox tells us what

could happen next.


LAUREN FOX, CNNCONGRESSIONAL REPORTER (voice-over): Senator Rand Paul announcing that he supports a resolution to block President Trump's

declaration of a national emergency to build a wall on the southern border.

Writing in a new op-ed, quote, I think he's wrong. Not on policy but in seeking to expand the powers of the presidency. Beyond their

constitutional limits.

Paul joins three other Republicans, in opposing Trump's move, despite warnings from the President.

DONALD TRUMP, PRESIDENT OF THE UNITED STATES: I think that really, it is a very dangerous thing for people to be voting against border security, for

anybody, including Republicans.

FOX: Paul's opposition to the emergency declaration, likely giving Democrats the support they need to pass the measure and send it to the

President's desk.

TRUMP: Will I veto it? 100 percent. 100 percent. And I don't think it survives a veto.

FOX: Pressure also growing on the President from Democrats in the House. With the chairman of the House Judiciary Committee, Jerry Nadler,

announcing that he plans to request documents from more than 60 people and entities with ties to the President.

REP. JERROLD NADLER (D), NEW YORK: We are going to initiate investigations into abuses of power, into corruption of justice -- into corruption, and

into obstruction of justice.

FOX: Nadler is seeking information from the President's son, Donald Trump Jr., and the CFO of the Trump organization, Allen Weisselberg, who Mr.

Trump's former lawyer Michael Cohen repeatedly referred to during his congressional testimony, when discussing potentially criminal behavior.

Including alleged hush money payments to Stormy Daniels.

MICHAEL COHEN, TRUMP'S FORMER ATTORNEY: Allen Weisselberg made the decision that it should be paid over the 12 months so that it would look

like a retainer.

FOX: President Trump again denying wrongdoing and railing against the investigations he's facing.

TRUMP: There's no collusion so now they go and morph into, let's inspect every deal he's ever done. We are going to go into his finances, we're

going to check his deals, we are going to check, these people are sick.

FOX (on camera): And today a deadline for the House Oversight Committee, they've requested documents related to how the White House handles security

clearances. The deadline for the White House for interviews and for documents comes today, so we will be watching to see if the White House

complies with that deadline. And Michael Cohen, back on Capitol Hill, on Wednesday, for a closed-door meeting with the House Intelligence Committee.


ANDERSON: That was Lauren Fox reporting.

Live from Abu Dhabi, this is CONNECT THE WORLD. I'm Becky Anderson for you. Just before 10:00 ten to 8:00 here in the UAE.

Coming up, rock solid evidence coming up. New findings chip away at the mystery of Stonehenge, revealing the origin of some of these massive

megaliths, will be revealed, after this.


ANDERSON: Just before five to the hour here in Abu Dhabi. You're watching CONNECT THE WORLD with me Becky Anderson. A couple of minutes left. So

let's do this.

After U.S. President Donald Trump's former lawyer testified to Congress last week, viewers were left with a burning question. What on earth would

you have your lawyer threaten your school to keep your grades a secret? Jeanne Moos tries to find out.


JEANNE MOOS, CNN NATIONAL CORRESPONDENT (voice-over): Why would a guy with such a high IQ --

TRUMP: I know I have an IQ better than all of them.

I guarantee, you my IQ is much better than any of these people.

MOOS: Lower himself to this.

COHEN: When I say con man, I'm talking about a man who declares himself brilliant.

TRUMP: I know words, I have the best words.

Cohen: But directed me to threaten his high school, his colleges, and the college board to never release his grades or SAT scores.

MOOS: The President's former fixer, produced a letter to Fordham University, that warned of substantial fines, penalties, and even the

potential loss of government aid, if Trump grades were released, the criminality will lead to jail time.

TREVOR NOAH, COMEDY CENTRAL, THE DAILY SHOW: I swear to God, if you tell anything I got a g minus in math, I will destroy you.

MOOS: Is making threats any way to treat schools you brag about?

TRUMP: I went to an ivy league college.

Wharton School of Finance. Number one business school.

MOOS: Knowing President Trump wanted to hide his academic record made critics salivate. I kind of want to see Trump's SATs more than his taxes.

Someone else borrowed the Russian's own words.

TRUMP: Russia, if you're listening.

MOOS: Russia, if you're listening, I hope that you are able to find Trump's SAT scores are that are missing.

But Donald Trump definitely deserves an "A" in irony or maybe it's hypocrisy, earned for badgering Barack Obama to releasing his academic


TRUMP: If Barack Obama opens up and gives his college records --

MOOS: And passport records. Trump vowed to give a check to charity.

TRUMP: For $5 million.

MOOS: Obama who graduated with honors from Harvard Law, didn't bite. Trump continued to boast about attending Wharton.

TRUMP: You got to be very smart to get into that school. Very smart.

MOOS: So smart, you don't want anyone to know your grades. Jeannie Moos, CNN --

TRUMP: Because I have a very good brain.

MOOS: -- New York.


ANDERSON: All right, just time for tonight's "Parting Shots" for you. Chipping away at the mystery of Stonehenge. We know what it is. A

prehistoric stone of circle.

[10:55:00] We know when it was built, 5,000 years ago. And now, we know where it came from. Scientists have traced the stone slabs to two quarries

in Western Wales. And that gives us some of the how it got there. The location means, the stones were moved by humans to their current position

150 miles away. And not carried by glacial movement as some theories suggest. Now only two questions remain. Who moved them there? And why?

Researchers continue to work on getting the answer to those questions.

Lots of answers to lots of questions with regard to the news, on our Facebook site, you can always follow the stories that the team is working

on throughout the day. That is

I'm Becky Anderson. That was CONNECT THE WORLD. See you same time, same place, tomorrow. From the team working with me here in Abu Dhabi and those

working with us around the world, it is a very good evening.