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Players Hope to Pave the Way for Equal Pay; Iran Demands Britain Release of Oil Tanker; Iran Says It has Exceeded Uranium Enrichment Threshold; U.K. Probes Ambassador's Leaked Cables Insulting Trump; Deutsche Bank to Cut 18,000 Jobs in Big Shake-Up; Coco Gauff Ousted by Simona Halep; U.S. Women's Team in Legal Battle for Equal Pay. Aired 11a-12p ET

Aired July 08, 2019 - 11:00   ET


[11:00:00] (BEGIN VIDEO CLIP)

MEGAN RAPINOE, CO-CAPTAIN, U.S. WOMEN'S NATIONAL SOCCER TEAM: It isn't even about that anymore. I think the federation is in a unique position to

kind of ride this wave of good fortune.


BECKY ANDERSON, CNN HOST: Good fortune for all sports fans, the U.S. women's World Cup win helps to smash television ratings, break

merchandising records, and create a crucial turning point in sport.

Plus, as Iran's uranium enrichment levels go up, hopes to save the International Nuclear Deal go down.

And to a mystery who leaked the British Ambassador's scathing memos on Donald Trump and why?

Hello and welcome, you're watching CONNECT THE WORLD with me Becky Anderson live from Abu Dhabi. Well if you thought the battle in the Women's World

Cup was over, you couldn't be more wrong. Team USA may have lifted the trophy Sunday but now they are kicking off conversations about women's pay

in the sport. After their win in Lyon France, fans started a thunderous chant in support of the cause.


CROWD CHANTING: Equal pay! Equal pay! Equal pay!


ANDERSON: Questions about revenue and ratings have swirled around the question of equality in the women's games. Let's break it down for you.

These women have been smashing ratings records every step of the way. You're looking at a huge turnout of U.S. fans in New York for Sunday's

final. And brand-new figures just coming into CNN show that in the U.S. 27 percent of all televisions in use during the game were tuned into it.

What about revenue then? The price of television ad space during the tournament has nearly tripled since the 2015 event. Nike says the 2019 USA

stadium home jersey is now the bestselling soccer jersey ever sold on its website in one season. So can the momentum of this win create a shock wave

through the sport? And I'm talking globally here and those numbers just into CNN. Amy Bass wrote that pay is supposed to drive results not the

other way around. She's the author of "One Goal" and joins me now from New York. One of the most active voices on equal pay is Megan Rapinoe, of

course. Here's what she had to say about her team's legal fight at this point. Have a listen.


RAPINOE: I think we have a case no matter what, obviously we've brought the lawsuit, but this just, you know, sort of blows it out of the water.

It's like is it even about that anymore? Or is it just kind of about doing the right thing? I think the federation is in a unique position to, you

know, kind of ride this wave of good fortune and get on board and hopefully set things right for the future.


ANDERSON: Amy, these figures are absolutely remarkable, 27 percent of televisions that were on during the game were tuned in to that football

match, those numbers just into CNN. I mean, we have to really sit back and consider now just how realistic is it to believe that this win will

actually now change the equal pay battle.

AMY BASS, AUTHOR, "ONE GOAL": I mean, it's absurd that the equal pay problem existed going into this match. It's not as if this win made this

team historic, made this team legend, made this team, you know, superior champions. They've won 50 percent of all women's World Cups. So the fact

that it was a question, you know, still hanging over their heads as they took to this final game is kind of amazing. Now it almost feels passe.

Just pay them.

ANDERSON: Just pay them you say, so the question is will they? Critics will argue that there isn't a pay gap. And there with me while I lay out

their argument here. They say that the Women's World Cup doesn't generate anywhere near as much money as the men. And asking Forbes, says the

Women's World Cup in 2015 brought in almost $73 million. The men's in 2010, 4 billion. Now, look, when you crunch the numbers, they say female

players got 13 percent of revenue generated, male players got 9 percent. These numbers take us back some years now. "The Washington Post" fact

checking crunched the numbers.

[11:05:00] They say the women's team contributed close or more than half of the U.S. Soccer Federation's revenue from games since 2016. So there has

been a significant change in the appeal of the game and the revenue that it generates. So the question is why? I mean, you say just pay them. But

they're not being paid. Are they going to get paid equal equally going forward?

BASS: There's two different things on the table. So what the World Cup revenues are in terms of FIFA is a separate issue from this lawsuit, which

is against the national federation of the team. So the pay gap that they are pinpointing right now is in terms of U.S. soccer, that that's where

this pay gap exists, and sort of the -- you know, the going mantra is that the men get paid more to lose than the women get paid to win.

In terms of Women's World Cup, you know, versus the World Cup and right there we already see a disparity, you know, FIFA needs to support the

women's game fully before it can really take it to task for what it is or isn't doing. Support needs to drive results. You don't wait for results

to then say, OK, we'll support you. So it's almost as if the equation is backwards at this point. Until we know what the women's game looks like,

when it is fully supported at its local levels, at its national levels, and at its international levels. You know, FIFA has some pretty big coffers to

open up and try to match or spread out some of the financial support, but also to create financial accountability.

Our federation is doing with the money what they need to be doing with the money. Are they building programs? It's no accident. The United States

has a much different setting for this to take place because it was policy driven. There's an amendment to the U.S. Constitution, Title 9, which

created a regulated, enforceable space for gender to be equalized within athletic programs in colleges and in schools. And that's not fully, you

know, supported and fully enforced and fully executed. Imagine what it would be like if Title 9 was completely adhered to. So I think that

there's a lot of different levels. And we tend to throw a lot of numbers around in answers to maybe the wrong questions.

ANDERSON: You know, and you make -- you make a really, really good point there. Look, tennis legend, Billie Jean King, fought for better pay in her

own sport, has thrown her own weight behind team USA's fight. Tweeting these athletes have brought more attention, support and pride to women's

sport than perhaps any other team in history. It's long past time to pay them what they rightly deserve.

I want to stick with tennis just for a moment. Because Andy Murray, the Scottish tennis player who sort of hung up his boots in singles but is

still playing doubles at the moment with Serena Williams at Wimbledon. Has been commended by many for his efforts in calling out sexism and

campaigning for equality across his career. At one time it has to be said he was rather a lone male voice there.

Just how important is it that -- I'm talking across the board here. Because you talk about policy in the U.S., which is one thing. I'm

thinking about for example in a very selfish way women's football, for example, in the U.K. where I played some decades ago. Quite a different

support for women's football now than there was back in the day when I was playing. And how important is it that we get men's support as well as

those women's voices?

BASS: Well, I think that one of the most important statistics that you cited was the sale of the U.S. home kit, those jerseys. Because one of the

phenomenon that we're seeing in the United States is it's not just girls who are wearing those jerseys. There are boys. There are men wearing

Rapinoe and Morgan on their backs, and that's -- you know, it feels -- well it's just clothes, but it's not just clothes. It's a financial investment.

When you commit to buying a kit and wearing it and being proud of it, then we see a tiny change in culture that can then lead to a conversation of

equality that perhaps wasn't going to take place before.

You know, you bring up Billy Jean. And when Billie Jean King and what we call the original nine, when they broke away from their tennis federation,

it was because they were paying the men 12 times more than the women, and they went it alone, right? And now we have the Women's Tennis Association.

That came out of that kind of change and part of that came out of a fan base that was created when Billie Jean King took on Bobby Rigs. You know,

getting that support of a community, not just an interest group.

ANDERSON: Sure, sure. Good points all of them, very well made as ever. Amy, thank you.

[11:10:00] It may be women versus women on the pitch, but off it it's a whole other story. U.S. teenage tennis sensation Corey Coco Gauff was

quick to tweet her support for team USA after their big win. She had her own fight on the courts today. The 15-year-old looking to extend her fairy

tale run at Wimbledon. How did she do? Well CNN's Christina Macfarlane outside Wimbledon right now. And how did she do?

CHRISTINA MACFARLANE, CNN WORLD SPORT: Well, Becky, I'm sorry to say to everyone really who has been watching this unfold that the fairy tale is

over for now, but obviously we have seen a star emerge this fortnight. She has just been defeated by a former world number one in French open

champions Simona Halep on court number one in straight sets, 6-3, 6-3. She will of course be bitterly disappointed, but she is still going to be the

one to watch in tennis.

To give you an idea of just how much interest there's been in this game, I was there about half an hour ago, and Anna Wintour was standing if one of

the side halls. She couldn't even get a seat to watch the game. We've heard so many legends talking about her this week. John McEnroe saying

that within the next five years he fully expects her to be the world number one. And that she has such a complete game, that she's better than half

the female pros out here on the circuit already. We've heard predictions she's going to be earning in excess of $1 million by the end of this year.

Just by reaching the fourth round here at Wimbledon she has earned herself $220,000.

This for a 15-year-old, Becky, who when I actually spoke to her at the start of the tournament was telling me that the eve before she qualified

for the tournament, she was taking a science test and that her teachers didn't even know she played tennis. Well now the entire world knows who

she is.

ANDERSON: I think -- I mean, this is wonderful sort of support system for these younger players I think after the legacy of a lot of these

youngsters' sort of burning out particularly the women. And I think I'm right in saying until she's 16 she can actually only play something like

five competitions. If she's going to win a million by the end of the year out of only something like five competitions, that is absolutely remarkable

isn't it?

I do want to stick with you for one moment. I know you're going to have a line on this Women's World Cup and the incredible display we've seen across

that tournament and the support that we've seen at Wimbledon. I've heard Serena Williams talk about it. I've also heard her talk about Cori as

well. We've heard Federer. I've seen these jerseys. These soccer jerseys being worn by many people in the audience at Wimbledon. Has it been a


MACFARLANE: Oh, there certainly has been a buzz. Not least because of course we've had the 15-year-old from the USA, another female inspiring

other females and Serena Williams who's been talking and tweeting about it here. I think one thing that has come out of this week and with the

Women's National Soccer Team as well, Becky is the importance of having role models.

You know, I was listening to Serena Williams press conference just within the last hour and she was talking about how she was inspired to be the best

she could be because she had role models. For her it was her sister Venus Williams. And we know for Coco Gauff it was actually the Williams sisters.

You know, Coco still to this day has a poster of Serena Williams on her wall at home. Sadly now they won't meet at Wimbledon.

But I think that is a testament to what it can do and how it can inspire when you have those figure heads to look up to. To prove how far you can

go. And on Serena Williams, just briefly, Becky, she is now becoming a bit of a force. It's not been an easy position for her. She's actually been

in the shadow of 15-year-old Coco Gauff for much of this tournament, but now she is stepping into the limelight. She's beginning to find her feet

here. She won in straight sets earlier this morning, and she's becoming once again a real force.

Remember, she's been out -- had been out of the game for some while. She'd only played five tournaments this year. She had withdrawn from three of

them. But now we're beginning to see the seeds of the Serena Williams who has won here on so many occasions and now is chasing that record equaling

24 grand slam titles here this fortnight.

ANDERSON: Yes, absolutely remarkable, and she's getting better and better and better. I think before she got to Wimbledon, she played something like

11 matches this year, which is nothing for somebody --

MACFARLANE: Only Serena could do that.

-- on that level. Exactly. She's just getting match fit. Isn't she? Every match she plays. Always a pleasure, Christina, thank you. And the

WORLD SPORT team along with Christina, will have a lot more and all things World Cup and Wimbledon just over a half an hour from now. So do stay

tuned for what is a very exciting day in sport.

Still to come this hour on CONNECT THE WORLD with Becky Anderson. An announcement from Iran that the world didn't want to hear. We're going to

tell you about Tehran's latest breach of an international nuclear deal and see how it's all about turning up the pressure on Europe.


ANDERSON: You're watching CNN, this is CONNECT THE WORLD with me Becky Anderson. Welcome back.

Little by little Iran is chipping away at an international deal meant to curb its nuclear program. And the latest announcement from Tehran is now

heightening concerns that the entire agreement risks collapse. Iran says it is enriching uranium past 4.5 percent higher than the level allowed

under the agreement, and it's threatening further breaches within 60 days if European powers don't shield it from crippling U.S. sanctions.

The EU is calling on Iran to stop and reverse all actions that violate the deal. In a separate dispute, Iran's Foreign Minister is accusing Britain

of quote, piracy pure and simple. He says the U.K.'s seizure of an Iranian oil tanker sets a dangerous precedent and must end now. CNN's Nic Robinson

off the coast of Gibraltar near that detained ship. And, Nic, you join us now. What have you got?

NIC ROBERTSON, CNN INTERNATIONAL DIPLOMATIC EDITOR: Well, you know the Gibraltar authorities along with the British government say the reason this

vessel, the Grey Swan, was brought, you know, into the waters here and is essentially seized and under investigation at the moment is because it was

taking oil to a Syrian oil refinery. And they say that Syrian oil refinery was under EU sanctions.

But Iran doesn't believe that. Iran believes that Britain and Gibraltar were asked by the United States to interdict this vessel because it had

Iranian oil on it. The Iranians, we've just heard from the Foreign Minister as you said calling this a dangerous precedent, calling it piracy.

Saying that the British must release this vessel immediately. He also said -- the last time I checked these were his words in a tweet. The last time

I checked Iran was not part of the EU, not part of the European Union and not subject to the sanctions on it or from it rather.

So what we are seeing here really is a challenge about this, what the British and Gibraltar authorities are saying about this vessel and what's

aboard it and where it was destined and what the Iranian authorities are saying. And very much the Iranians believe that this is part of the

maximum pressure campaign to economically squeeze Iran by the United States.

So right now it's a big diplomatic standoff. The British ambassador has been twice called in, in Tehran, and this vessel is still here, still

impounded. And I'm looking at a big British warship here that has been guarding it all day going up and down and all about it -- Becky.

[11:20:00] ANDERSON: Nic, I guess and I've got to guest coming up who I will also put this question to. What's the bigger story here? For many of

our viewers will feel like sort of almost tit for tat at present. What's the biggest story, do you think.

ROBERTSON: You know, I think the biggest story is clearly that Iran is feeling the pressure of international sanctions. It is particularly

feeling the additional squeeze of additional sanctions the United States is putting on, and it's trying to find a way out from that -- what is becoming

a more constricting vice like grip. They're trying to do that by abrogating in a small incremental, telegraphed way. You know, in 60 days

we're going to do this, in 60 days we're going to do that way of breaking that deal to draw attention to their plight.

But then there are other incidents happening like this vessel being impounded here in Gibraltar waters that complicate Iran's position and

their ability to find a way to diffuse it, to deescalate, and to not have the economic losses represented here. And the implications that other

Iranian oil vessels may be impounded once they leave the ports of Iran. That's a major, major concern. So how do they address this, what they feel

is an escalation of pressure? They're struggling to do it. And that's the worrying thing internationally -- diplomatically if you will.

The worrying thing is because the tensions get raised and no one's quite sure what could happen next. So I just take 30 seconds to give you one

tiny example. Over the weekend, a British vessel sailing through the Straits of Hormuz was arriving at its anchorage place earlier and it slowed

down. And that was enough to trigger concerns that it may have been caught if you will by Iranian forces and impounded in the same way as this vessel

because that's what the Iranian have threatened to do Friday. So it is tense and it is a worry about how this is going to deescalate.

ANDERSON: Nic Robertson there off the coast of Gibraltar. Thank you for that, Nic.

Let's talk more then about Iran's announcement that it's breached an Iranian enrichment cap, a key part as Nic was explaining of the

International Nuclear Deal. We're joined by Sanam Vakil, a senior research fellow at Chatham House's Middle East and North Africa Programme. She's

also a lecturer at Johns Hopkins School of Advanced International Studies. There's no doubt this maximum pressure campaign is squeezing the Iranian

economy. The Iranians call it economic terrorism. The Americans say this is what we told you we were going to do, and it's working. What do you

think, what do you believe the Iranian strategy is here in this uptick in enrichment? What's the intention?

SANAM VAKIL, CHATHAM HOUSE, MIDDLE EAST AND NORTH AFRICA PROGRAMME: Iran is playing one of its many cards that it's holding right now to push back

against the Trump administration's maximum pressure campaign. Really because they need sanctions relief and they need an offramp in order to get

back to the negotiating table in a face-saving way. What we don't know is when those negotiations will take place, with whom, and what are the

conditions of those negotiations.

ANDERSON: Well, you've written extensively about Iran's relations with the Gulf states. And say, Iran realizes that resolving regional tensions is

necessary for its own stability. So it's trying to establish a new regional security framework you say. Tell us more about that and whether

it plays into the escalating disputes that we are now seeing involving Tehran.

VAKIL: It does very much play into the escalating disputes. The Gulf states in particular lobbied President Trump in a very meaningful way to

withdraw from the Iran Nuclear Agreement. They saw an opportunity in him to pressure Iran and they were very much threatened by Iran's expanding

regional presence accusing Iran of controlling four capitals, Arab capitals in the Middle East. So Iran's tensions with its neighbors are very much at

the heart of this conflict.

Interestingly, though, we're talking about the nuclear issues where Iran was actually in compliance, and the problem with the Trump administration's

policy is it hasn't found a mechanism or a road map to also address the wider regional issues. Where Iran has not changed its behavior or drawn

down in its relationships in the region.

[11:25:00] ANDERSON: I spoke with a senior Emirati official earlier on today who insists that de-escalation is absolutely the number one priority

so far as the UAE is concerned. Also says that a -- that regional voices need a place at the table for any new potential discussions. Clearly as

you rightly point out, the Gulf states very upset that the JCPOA deal was cut without their voice and a seat at the table.

But we also discussed today whether there is any chance anytime soon of any sort of regional summit, and this official's line was simply this, look,

we've only just stopped talking about the U.S.'s response to one of its drones being shot out of the air by Iran. Don't think that a regional

summit is going to happen anytime soon. Do you buy this as a prospect at this point? We keep hearing talk of a political solution here, but the

question is what is that and when?

VAKIL: That's -- that is the principle problem. The Trump administration did indeed promise that it would degrees these regional issues. But it

doesn't seem to have the end game mapped out. It isn't developing or preparing its allies for the possibility of negotiations with Iran. In

fact, the Gulf reactions to any offer of diplomacy that the President offered on Twitter, that Secretary Pompeo also echoed, was met with

accusations on social media that President Trump was no different than President Obama.

So I think that there's serious problems here, that even if the President does indeed meet Iran at the negotiating table, it hasn't prepared its

allies and they're not ready for regional security, and it's the Iranians that keep talking about the bigger end game, that keep -- Javad Zarif,

Iran's Foreign Minister, keeps proposing regional security discussions and non-aggression pacts as a means to building trust and deescalating tensions

with the Gulf states. But they are refusing that at all ends, constantly rejecting his hand at diplomacy there.

ANDERSON: That same official, just to be clear today, confirmed to me that UAE troops will be redeployed from Yemen. They talk about that as a

strategic redeployment, and he said and I quote, you can't be blind to other geostrategic concerns. Speaking to the ratcheting up of tensions

with Iran. Although he said fundamentally this redeployment is really about Yemen, and I think secondarily it will be affected by other factors.

So I mean, it's a move around, geostrategic sort of repositioning on a lot of levels around this region at present. I'm going to leave you with one

question, and simply what does happen next to your mind?

VAKIL: To my mind right now, the ball rests with Europe, and particularly the E-3 companies, the U.K., Germany and France have invested in the

possibility of President Macron's diplomatic negotiations as an intermediary step to maybe wider negotiations between Tehran and

Washington. Macron is sort of dangling the possibility of being the interlocutor between both sides, and I think between now and June 15.

They're trying to define the terms of what those negotiations might be. Promising both Tehran and Washington that he can deliver both parties to

the table and perhaps freeze the current tensions which are really important right now.

ANDERSON: Good stuff. Thank you for that, fascinating insights, important to have you on. Thank you. The latest world news headlines are just


Plus, the President and the ambassador. Britain is in damage control mode after a top diplomat blasts Donald Trump in leaked memos, details on that

are just ahead.


ANDERSON: You're with CNN CONNECT THE WORLD, I'm Becky Anderson, 31 minutes past 7:00 here in the UAE. This is our Middle East programming

hub, the U.S. getting ready to welcome home a football team that just secured global dominance. But it seems the stunning World Cup win is only

the beginning. Right after their victory, the women's team released a statement saying and I quote, "At this moment of tremendous pride for

America, the sad equation remains all too clear, and Americans won't stand for it anymore. These athletes generate more revenue and garner higher TV

ratings, but they get paid less simply because they are women. It's time for the Federation to correct this disparity once and for all.

All 28 players are suing the U.S. Soccer Federation which denies gender bias.

A series of candid cables are creating an awkward situation between two allies at a sense time Britain says it's investigating leaked memos written

by its ambassador to the U.S., in which he uses rather undiplomatic language to describe Donald Trump. Kim Darroch calls the U.S. President

inept, insecure, and incompetent among other things. He describes conflicts in the White House's as knife fights, the cables leaked to and

were first published in "The Daily Mail" newspaper. President Trump lashed out on Sunday.


DONALD TRUMP, PRESIDENT OF THE UNITED STATES: We're not big fans of that man, and he has not served the U.K. well. So I can understand it, and I

can say things about him, but I won't bother.


[11:35:00] ANDERSON: A spokesman for Britain's Prime Minister says Theresa May has and I quote, "Full faith in the ambassador but she adds she does

not share his assessment of Mr. Trump." The incident comes at a vulnerable time for Britain as it selects a new Prime Minister to succeed May and

heads towards Brexit. Let's get to CNN's Erin McLaughlin in London, not only looking at a new Prime Minister, but also post-Brexit at least one of

those candidates for Prime Minister says that it's all about cutting a deal with the U.S. going forward. That's what Brexit's all about. Erin, the

big question is this, who leaked this document and why?

ERIN MCLAUGHLIN, CNN INTERNATIONAL CORRESPONDENT, LONDON BUREAU: Well, those are the key questions. At the heart of an investigation that's now

been launched by the U.K.'s Foreign Office. While they're working to establish facts, Becky, there's of course lots of speculation about a

possible political motive, especially when you consider who the ambassador Kim Darroch in question is and he's a former British perm rep to the EU

regarded by hard Brexiteers as a Europhile and as a remainer.

Some are speculating that perhaps these top-secret cables were leaked in order to push him out of the way to clear that post for someone who holds

more pro-Brexit views. That's one theory. But again, authorities are working to establish facts at this point, and it's going to be a rigorous

investigation, especially when you consider what's at stake. This is the second high profile leak involving the U.K. in about three months. You may

remember the Huawei leak, which saw the sacking of the defense secretary.

So authorities are going to be taking this very seriously, especially when you consider the diplomatic services have been compromised, a key function

of the U.K.'s top diplomats is to be able to share candid assessments with London. That's been compromised here, and it's a point made by British

Foreign Secretary Jeremy Hunt. Take a listen to what he had to say earlier today.


JEREMY HUNT, BRITISH FOREIGN SECRETARY: I made it clear that I don't share the ambassador's assessment of either the U.S. administration or relations

with the U.S. administration, but I do defend his right to make that frank assessment and it's very important that our diplomats all over the world

continue to be able to do so. What we will not allow to happen is any interruption in the superb relationship that we have with the United

States, which is our closest ally around the world.


MCLAUGHLIN: And to that point, in terms of mitigating or trying to mitigate any sort of damage to the special relationship, the Trade

Secretary Liam Fox says he plans to meet with Ivanka Trump later today to apologize. Becky.

ANDERSON: Very good. All right, Erin, thank you for that.

Let's get you up to speed on some of the other stories that were on our radar right now. In Greece, the era of left-wing populism is over. The

Kyriakos Mitsotakis was sworn in as prime minister earlier today after his center right New Democracy Party won snap elections. He is promising to

rebrand Greece and change its image as Europe's problem child.

The former general and rebel leader from Congo known as the terminator is being convicted of war crimes and crimes against humanity. Bosco Ntaganda

was found guilty on charges including murder, rape, and sexual slavery by the International Criminal Court. That was Monday, authorities say he

oversaw the killing of civilians in 2002 and 2003.

Federal prosecutors in New York had filed -- have filed new charges against a billionaire with extensive political connections including friendships

with President Donald Trump and former President Bill Clinton. Jeffrey Epstein is accused of operating a sex trafficking ring that victimized

dozens of young girls. Critics say he got off easy on similar charges a decade ago in Florida. Epstein avoided serious jail time thanks to a

secret plea deal he secured with federal prosecutors. CNN has reached out to his lawyers for comment.

We're live from Abu Dhabi. This is our Middle East broadcasting hub. You are watching CONNECT THE WORLD. I'm Becky Anderson. Coming up, pack up

your desk, pack up your bags, clear your desk and hit the road. Some workers at one of the most prominent banks in the world got the boot today.

Why? That's coming up.


ANDERSON: Twenty to eight here in the UAE. Welcome back, you're watching CNN, this is CONNECT THE WORLD with me. Becky Anderson. And if you just

joined us, you're more than welcome.

Across the globe, many employees of Deutsche Bank are cleaning out their drawers, clearing their desks and calling up headhunters a brutal round of

layoffs underway for the investment bank up to 18,000 workers, once a pillar of European finance, it's carrying out one of the biggest overhauls

since the 2008 financial crisis. One worker telling Reuters they were given a month's salary and asked to leave the premise. Anna Coren joins us

now with more on the shake-up. Why is this going on? What is this restructuring, and how might it, you know, how is it going to affect the

company going forward?

ANNA COREN, CNN INTERNATIONAL CORRESPONDENT: Well, this restructuring really has been a long time coming. In fact, it's something like the sixth

restructuring plan in just a few years, but this one promises to really overhaul the bank. As you said, 18,000 jobs being laid off, and that's

across their global operations. They started telling employees in Asia this morning. We believe it's going to really hit home hard in New York

and the U.S. and of course also in London. We've been hearing lots of reports here about people, as you said, taking all their things into boxes

and leaving with it.

Now this was all about really reducing its investment bank. Deutsche Bank in 1999 having been a very successful German bank decided to get into

investment banking, possibly a poor decision. Ten years later that is exactly what it's trying to reverse, so it's shrinking that bit. It's also

creating a bit bad bank for some $83 billion worth of assets and shrinking equity sales. Share price not performing well. It looks like investors

still want to see more possibly in the execution, Becky.

ANDERSON: Yes, Anna, thank you for that. The very latest on Deutsche Bank down, what, over 4 percent there on the markets. Right.

In PARTING SHOTS tonight. Take a look at this, a bright orange bird found on the side of a highway in the U.K., exotic golden color baffling his

rescuers, could this be a yet to be discovered fiery phoenix? Well, it turns out not really. He's just your plain old sea gull who had spiced up

his look by dousing himself in curry powder. After a good washing, the vets who rescued him say he'll soon be able to fly free for the time being.

They decided to call him Vinnie in ode to the vindaloo curry he covered himself in.

Just before we go, we'll leave you with this beautiful moment, Team USA lifting the trophy after their incredible World Cup win, truly an amazing

group of women. Their victory inspiring this advert from Nike.


[11:45:00] UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: I believe that we will make our voices heard and TV shows will be talking about us every single day and not just

once every four years, and that women will conquer more than just the soccer field, breaking every single glass ceiling and having their faces

carved on Mount Rushmore, and they'll be fighting not just to make history, but to change it forever!


ANDERSON: I've tweeted that full Nike ad, on my Twitter feed as well as some of the other stories we've been working for. You can find me

@BeckyCNN. I'm Becky Anderson, that was CONNECT THE WORLD. Thank you for watching.


ALEX THOMAS, CNN WORLD SPORT HOST: Hello, welcome to CNN WORLD SPORT. I'm Alex Thomas in London where manic Monday at the Wimbledon tennis

championship is living up to its name. World number one Ashleigh Barty is out of the women's singles. And In the last hour, the fairy tale run of

American teenager Cori Coco Gauff has ended, too. Let's get straight out to Christina Macfarlane who's at the All England Club in southwest London.

Chrissy, it took a former world number one to put a stop to Coco's extraordinary Wimbledon.

MACFARLANE: It did indeed. Much to the disappointment of everyone here at Wimbledon, it felt the fairy tale is over, but Alex, her story is just

beginning. It was always going to be a tough ask against the former world number one and last year's champion Simona Halep. Sadly, Gauff could not

do what she did in the third round which is to survive match point and come back to win the third set. But we really have witnessed a coming of age

story here over the past week.

Gauff started this tournament ranked 313th in the world. She is now up to the top 150 in the world by getting to the fourth round she's earned

herself $220,000. Forbes and many analysts are predicting she could go on to win $1 million by the end of this year. One of the greats of tennis,

John McEnroe, has been saying he fully expects her to be world number one within the next five years, and despite her success, despite the fact that

she's 15 years old, this has actually been a story in the making for many years.

You know, Coco Gauff was actually signed by Roger Federer's agency when she was 13 years old. She's been working with Serena William's coach, Patrick

Mouratoglou, since she was 10 years old, and her parents have been preparing her for this moment their entire lives because of course, they

are former sports people themselves. They've channeled everything into getting her to this moment. We know that she has that support network in

place and after this tournament, we know that she has the talent. She has the game, and she has the mental toughness to go far. We expect to see her

a lot more on the tennis circuit, especially coming up later this year.

[11:50:00] THOMAS: It's been thoroughly entertaining. What went wrong for women's number one Ash Barty earlier?

MACFARLANE: That's a good question, isn't it? This manic Monday the biggest upset, in fact one of the biggest upsets of the tournament so far

is the recently newly crowned number one Ash Barty who was knocked out by USA's Alison Riske who is ranked 89th in the world. She is a grass court

specialist. She actually pushed Barty to 13-11 in the third set before deposing her. Barty said she played her best game, but Riske just played

better. And she certainly has a blind to the best match of career. And this really sets up an intriguing quarter finals now.

It opens up the draw for Serena Williams because we were fully expecting to see the Australian facing Serena here in the quarter finals tomorrow.

Serena will now face Alison Riske, and she said after her match here earlier she was keeping one eye on that game, and she will be boosted to

see that because Serena is finally beginning to hit her stride here. She deposed Carla Suarez Navarro in straight sets earlier, 6-2, 6-2.

She hasn't played an awful lot of tournaments, just five tournaments, three she's withdrawn from, we know she hasn't had that much grass court play.

Now she is beginning to feel and look like the champion we know as she goes for that record equaling 24 grand slam titles. Another upset to tell you

about, Alex, here in the past half an hour. Another top seed, number 3, Karolina Pliskova has also been dumped out of the competition by Karolina

Muchova. Which now means that seven of the top ten women are now out of this tournament.

THOMAS: Including the top five. Unbelievable stuff, Christina. You talked at the start of the day to us about Rafael Nadal being the one to

watch in the men's singles and he proved you right with his fourth-round performance?

MACFARLANE: Yes, I mean, he had an incredibly impressive round here earlier defeating Joao Sousa again in straight sets with precision, with

control and with power. And in fact, the top three men, Federer, Novak Djokovic who's out on court as we speak against Humbert has taken the first

set, and Federer all in it at the moment to win it. But I still think Nadal is proving and looking to be the strongest as we head into this

second week. He's a two-time champion.

He hasn't won here since 2010 and if he can -- if Federer can survivor his match later today, up on center, then we are just one game away from seeing

a potential blockbuster here in the semifinals. It's been 11 years since Federer and Nadal faced each other. We could well see yet again here this

fortnight at Wimbledon.

THOMAS: Yes, Nadal dropping to six games winning in less than two hours, which for a men's best of five is pretty impressive stuff. Christina at

Wimbledon. Thanks for now. Chrissy, appreciate it.

Now the victorious Women's World Cup winners have left France for a victory parade in New York, and the player of the tournament had one last thing to

say about the sport's hot topic.


THOMAS: Hello again, welcome back to CNN WORLD SPORT as we say au revoir to the football tournament that has captivated so many of us over the last

four and a half weeks. Megan Rapinoe scoring the first goal as the USA successfully defended its Women's World Cup title with a 2-nil win over the

Netherlands. Rapinoe finishing as player of the match, player of the tournament and Golden Boot winner for her six goals across the competition.

And she said something to say before the team boarded its flight back to the United States earlier on Monday.

The players and coaching staff have a ticker tape parade to look forward to in New York on Wednesday, and Rapinoe told me at the airport that their

fourth World Cup title has surely guaranteed victory in the equal pay fight, too.


RAPINOE: Everybody's ready for it. Everybody wants it. Everybody's ready for the conversation to be moved to the next piece and to have something

like that and you know, obviously in the biggest match, that went so far beyond anything in sport. It was pretty incredible. We brought the

lawsuit but this just sort of blows it out of the water. It's like is it even about that anymore? It is just kind of about doing the right thing.

I think the Federation is in a unique position to, you know, kind of ride this wave of good fortune and get on board and hopefully set things right

for the future.


THOMAS: Loving the sunglasses. Long regarded as the spiritual home of football for the passion of the country's fans and the quality of its

players, Brazil is only now celebrating its first major trophy for 12 years after a victory in the Copa American Final.

Manchester City forward Gabriel Jesus making the biggest mark in a 3-1 victory over Peru. He made a goal, scored another, got sent off, setting

up Everton there for the opening goal, the tournament host taking the lead within a quarter of an hour.

Jesus got on the score sheet later in the first half. He was in tears after the break after picking up a second booking and getting sent off.

He'd already done enough to help his team lift the trophy for a ninth time and the first since 2007.

Joao Felix, the footballer who has been tagged the next Cristiano Ronaldo, says he hoping to create his own story lines after a record move to Spain.

The 19-year-old become the fourth most expensive player of all time after moving to Atletico de Madrid

for more than $140 million. Speaking to the media for the first since that signing went through, he says he's flattered by the comparisons to Ronaldo

but wants to do things his own way.


JOAO FELIX, ATLETICO DE MADRID FORWARD: We all know the great player Cristiano Ronaldo is currently the best player in the world and probably

the best ever. At the national squad he always talked about Madrid, that he spent most of his life here. He always spoke about Madrid that he

enjoyed it a lot. But I'm here to do my own story to be known as Joao Felix, of course the comparisons are good, but Cristiano is Cristiano and I

want to be myself.


THOMAS: Looks even younger than 19 doesn't he sometimes. Now Tyson Fury says a date for his rematch with Deontay Wilder has been agreed and claims

this time he'll knock the American out. When the pair fought last December it finished in a controversial draw. Fury says the rematch will take place

on February 22nd next year although yet to get confirmation from the Wilder camp. Arguably the most flamboyant character in heavy weight boxing

currently. Fury is due to have one more fight before facing Wilder for a second time.

The British boxer stopped German Tom Schwarz in two rounds last month. Wilder will defend his WBC belt against Luis Ortiz in September. We can't

wait. That's it for this edition of CNN WORLD SPORT. I'm Alex Thomas in London. Thanks for watching, see you soon, bye, bye.
