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Connect the World

Migrants Face Deportation after Journey to U.S. Border; Shares in Property Giant Evergrande Surge in HK; Haqqani: Recognition of Government is in Everyone's Best Interest; COP26 President Urges Nations to end "Unabated" Coal Power; Source: Hezbollah Threatened Judge in Beirut Port Blast Probe; Tight Race Ahead of Sunday's Vote. Aired 11a-12p ET

Aired September 23, 2019 - 11:00   ET




ANNOUNCER: Live from CNN Abu Dhabi. This is "Connect the World" with Becky Anderson.

BECKY ANDERSON, CNN HOST, CONNECT THE WORLD: Good to have you with us folks. Inhumane and deeply flawed the words of America's Special Envoy to

Haiti, Daniel Foote, telling his boss the U.S. Secretary of State why he is walking out of his job?

The Special Envoy putting his condemnation in black and white saying he will "Not be associated with the United States' inhumane counterproductive

decision to deport thousands of Haitian refugees from the U.S./Mexico border". And he knows the world is watching.

Well, that's because the refugees' route is staggering through vast areas of Latin America. Keep in mind thousands of Haitian families have made this

daunting trip with young kids. They are fleeing desperation and devastation including last month's earthquake only to find them in a different kind of

chaos at a small border town in Texas.

But that's when their nightmare really begins when they are told they are being taken back to the place they were so desperate to leave. Have a

listen to this.


EDDY TEVERME, DEPORTED BACK TO HAITI FROM THE U.S.: When we arrived in the U.S., the authorities put us on a bus and sent us to jail and said we would

be relieved in two days. They put chains on our feet around our stomachs and our hands. They put us in cars and took us to the airport.

There were Haitians working on the plane, who told us not to resist because there were many soldiers on the plane and the warrant that otherwise we

wouldn't be mistreated.


ANDERSON: Well, that gentlemen speaking to CNN after being deported back to Port-au-Prince. Melissa Bell is there and she is standing by for us. Joseph

Campbell is on the U.S. side of that border with Mexico in Del Rio, Texas and Matt Rivers connecting us to the Mexican sides.

Stand by chaps I want to get to Melissa first because you are in the Haitian capital, where so many of these migrants start and in many cases,

end their journey. And the U.S. Special Envoy there has just handed in his resignation. Set the scene for us what are people there telling you.

MELISSA BELL, CNN CORRESPONDENT: What we've been seeing over the course of the last couple of days Becky ever since they've closed off the tarmac to

journalists is that steady trickle of migrants making their way back through disheartened, full of despair and shock at the way they've been


The trauma also, as you say, of finding themselves in exactly the country they left for the most part many years ago without having had the

opportunity to claim the asylum they sought in the United States. Now, you mentioned a moment ago at the UN Special Envoys' letter absolutely scathing

of American policy regarding this and a reminder also what the reason why these migrants fled to begin with.

He speaks in his letter to Secretary of State Blinken announcing his resignation, Becky of the crippling poverty here. The violence that the

country is mired in the gangs that rule so much of the Haitian capital and the corrupt government that works in the lines with those gangs.

It is a damning indictment both of the way Haiti is run and the way the United States is running its migration policy. Even now as we speak Becky

there are four planes on their way here to Haiti from Texas, two heading here to - two heading to - in the north of the country.


BELL: And all of them carrying migrants with many again - once again, those horrible harrowing tales of many weeks spent traipsing across so many South

American countries only to find that at the last border, the one they had sought so desperately. They've been turned back without any due process at

all Becky.

ANDERSON: Melissa is in in Haiti. Matt, you're on the Mexican side of the border. And let's just talk about that journey that Melissa has just

alluded to. Just describe what you have been seeing and hearing from those who have made this harrowing trip.

MATT RIVERS, CNN CORRESPONDENT: Yes, I mean, at this point, Becky, I think all these Haitian migrants that Melissa was just talking about after months

and months of walking in many cases after leaving Haiti years ago, they essentially find themselves trapped between Mexico and the United States.

And this really thin strip of land where at least for now, law enforcement authorities are allowing people to stay. I'll just kind of set the scene

for you here a little bit. If you look towards the other side of the border, you can see there's a group of border patrol agents there.

There are also some Haitian migrants that were on the Mexico side, they recently just crossed over. They spent the night here in Mexico, cross the

border; enter now on the U.S. side. What we've essentially been seeing over the past two days or so is people even if they're staying on the U.S. side,

and then and camp met where thousands of people are, they're crossing back here to Mexico, because it's easier to get supplies, food, water diapers.

In one case, we spoke to one mom who came over to get some clothes for her kids; it's easy to get that even if they want to go back to the U.S. But

when they come over here, they essentially now have to make the choice. Do they go to the U.S. and stay there?

Or do they come to Mexico and stay here; Becky and essentially what you have is people having to make a choice, risk deportation by staying in

Mexico risk deportation by going to the United States.

One thing I do want to show you though is some video that we captured yesterday, which shows you what happens here in the Rio Grande is there's

dams further upstream, they regularly released water. These are migrants that are not used to this. And so during the day yesterday, we saw a lot

more people crossing at one point we saw a man with his daughter up on his shoulders.

And you can see in this video that they almost got swept away by the river. Three or four other migrants had to come out and actually help save that

child and her dad because they simply weren't prepared. He had come over to get his kid a meal. And they were going back across to the U.S. face that.

Later on in the day, we actually saw a grown man, a Haitian migrant, who obviously wasn't a good swimmer. He actually got swept downstream, and it

took the border patrol agents throwing him a lifeline from the shore and bringing him ashore to the U.S. to actually save his life.

So not only do they find the journey to get here has been dangerous, but just getting back and forth across this border. For many of them just

coming here to Mexico to get supplies. In times they've risked their lives to do so.

ANDERSON: Josh, inhumane and deeply flawed that is how Joe Biden's administration is - that's how they - that's the accusation thrown by one

of its own on U.S. policy at present. Just explain what it is that this U.S. policy states at this point? What's the position here as far as U.S.

authorities are concerned and what's going on behind the scenes to clean this up? This has escalated so quickly?

JOSH CAMPBELL, CNN SECURITY CORRESPONDENT: Well, we're getting to different sides of stories here. And as we show you these images of these buses that

have been coming and going these caravans bringing migrants out from this area underneath this international bridge.

The policy is really coming into question because initially, President Joe Biden said that his administration would expeditiously return all of these

migrants to their nations of origin. But what we're hearing now is that some of these migrants have been allowed to stay and I want to show you our

drone video live over the bridge right now you can see one of these buses there preparing to load up migrants that number have swelled over 14,000.

It's now at about 5000 migrants there.

And so it's a bit contradictory on the policy side, because Joe Biden said that these people would be quickly sent back. We're now learning that some

of them are being allowed to stay if they have a righteous claim of asylum, which is, of course part of U.S. law.

But as all this takes place for the president is actually getting a lot of criticism for him - from his own party, especially liberals in the

Democratic Party that want these expulsions to stop obviously, as we just heard from Melissa, as we heard this riveting reporting on the ground from

Matt Rivers, that these are treacherous conditions that these people have faced as they move from not only Haiti, but through Central and South

America, up here.

And this is being described as a humanitarian crisis. This is something that Joe Biden has to contend with. Now as this is happening we're also

getting additional criticism against the administration from the agents here at the border patrol responsible for guarding this border.


CAMPBLL: What we're learning is that back in June of this year, these Border Patrol agents began to see an uptick in the number of migrants

coming across the Rio Grande where Matt Rivers is right now. And these agents call out to their own bosses in Washington D.C., asking for more

resources, something as simple in one instance, as an iPad where they could quickly process people whenever they come over, we're told that they didn't

get the responses that they expected.

And in fact, in these email exchanges that were obtained by CNN, in one case, the border patrol agents write this way and getting these iPads we

can at least get part of the process finished before they even get to the station, instead of wasting that time, that time being gathered under this

bridge and these squalid conditions.

Now weeks went by without these agents receiving any type of response. They finally received a one sentence response, we're told the Border Patrol

telling these agents this is being explored, several other platforms are being considered, which are more efficient.

Bottom line, what we're hearing from these agents is that despite these calls to the federal government for more help more resources, they didn't

receive that what they did actually receive was a demand that they work more hours in the day, which shows you just how flat footed this agency has

been caught and the federal government has been caught here as they tried to deal with this humanitarian crisis.

Finally, I'll mention we've been here covering this area, obviously, interacting with the migrants, our team has an interviewing them hearing

they're really harrowing stories and seeing these treacherous conditions. Yet the Biden Administration still isn't calling this humanitarian crisis.

What the DHS secretary is calling it is very troubling and very heartbreaking. But he's not calling it what most of us see with our own

eyes is just how squalid these conditions are? How terrible these conditions are? And it's obviously a situation that I think that Biden

Administration will continue to receive criticism from as long as these migrants remain under this bridge, Becky.

ANDERSON: So many of these migrants Haitians, let me just get back to you briefly, Melissa. Kamala Harris has spent most of her time in this

administration, attempting to try and fix the problem of migration at its source spending a lot of time in Latin and South America and berating many

administrations in the south and saying this problem is not our problem. It is your problem, fix it at source.

What is the U.S. doing to try and help Haiti at this point? And what are Haitians telling you about what their choices are now?

BELL: Well, I'm going to go back to that resignation letter of the U.S. Special Envoy also extremely damning in terms of America's policy towards

Haiti, generally, Becky pointing out those international foreign interventions, including that in the United States, over the decades have

only brought catastrophic consequences.

So not only criticizing the current migration policy that is seeing these migrants send back without due process, but also fundamentally American

intervention in Haitian politics and mentioning the support the United States has given to the current government here, which he described as

being led by an unelected de facto prime minister, who took office after the assassination of the president here in Haiti.

So a lot of criticism there for the way the United States has handled this. And perhaps one of the most heartbreaking things we're seeing here as these

plane loads of migrants arrived back in --, is that as they come out of the gate, Becky carrying $100 they've been given a Styrofoam plate full of hot

food and a bag to carry their meager belongings is that then essentially, they walk out of the gates and are left to their own devices in a country

they had fled years ago, and where the situation has worsened greatly, Becky.

ANDERSON: To all of you, thank you very much indeed for your reporting. Well, it's the saga that has gripped the business world for weeks now and

has investors keeping a close eye on the shares of what was once one of China's largest real estate developers. Shares in Evergrande, leaping

nearly 18 percent in Hong Kong today after it struck an agreement with Chinese bond holders.

But a bigger challenge still lies ahead. Can the struggling giant make an interest payment on an overseas bond worth more than $80 million? Or will

it stumble closer to default now that global markets had tanked? At the start of the week fears of contagion are international creditors worried

about the potential fallout from a massive default.

This is how the DOW is doing right now. U.S. stocks opening higher as trading began less than two hours ago making up some of the ground loss at

the beginning of the week. David Culver is in Shenzhen, where Evergrande is headquartered and Clare Sebastian has reaction from New York.

Clare, I'm going to come to you. But I want to start in China because while this is a story of a - certainly a story of risky corporate behavior, a

company you know extending itself to the nth degree.


ANDERSON: David there is a domestic political leg to this if you will. Just explain what the Chinese government has been doing and what the impact has


DAVID CULVER, CNN CORRESPONDENT: You hit it right at it, Becky. There is a deeper strategy at play that cannot be ignored. So sure, on one hand, we

have Evergrande based here a massive property company. It's in a city that if you go back just 30 years or so, none of this behind me existed.

This skyline wasn't here, it was a rural land. It shows you how capitalism has played a role in building up quite literally, the skylines that we see

across China really. Evergrande one example in what is faltering here, but also facing a lot of pressure from Beijing we've noticed that Beijing has

been increasingly silent when it comes to rushing in to help a company like Evergrande.

But going even beyond that, putting a lot of pressure on companies like DD the ride hailing service, or even encouraging them, if you will, some

saying compelling them to donate billions of dollars Tencent also based here in Shenzhen, doing just that, donating to social welfare clauses that

are really important to President Xi Jinping.

And that gets us to that underlying strategy, Becky. It is heavily based on socialism with Chinese characteristics. It's something that we have heard

from President Xi, going back to when he took office in 2012. And he's likely to stay on even next year as we hit 10 years.

And he's pushing forward in the midst of this 100th anniversary of the founding of the Chinese Communist Party right here in China. And it is - it

is a common prosperity tone that he's been hitting no redistribution of wealth. But what does that mean?

It's not about necessarily making everybody rich, it's making people have the opportunities to be comfortable, but they are pushing back against any

sort of lavish living. And they're also making sure that folks who are running some of these major companies aren't going to be taking excessive


And this is going to be continuing for the foreseeable future. And the reason we know that it's coming straight from the top, and it's been said

publicly, Becky.

ANDERSON: And Clare, this is fascinating, isn't it? Because on the one hand, we have seen these shares, you know, all over the place this week,

fears of contagion, as I said, as international creditors worry about the potential fallout from a massive default by this company. But it goes

deeper, doesn't it?

Because the global investor has to be looking at the way that the Chinese government is dealing with capitalism, as it were? And has been real idea

where this is going to go? So what is the future for companies invested in Chinese companies in China and Chinese companies invested elsewhere around

the world?

This is a - this is a double edged sword for global investors and investors hate uncertainty, don't they?

CLARE SEBASTIAN, CNN CORRESPONDENT: Yes, Becky, you're absolutely right they're shrugging it off today, partly because of what we got from the Fed

yesterday, keeping the money tabs on for a little while longer. But this has been a question that has plagued investors for the last few months

since we've - since we saw that crack down on DD that David mentioned just days after their IPO.

Since the Chinese government has stepped up its regulation of education companies of companies in all different types of sectors for a variety of

different reasons. The question being asked on Wall Street is, is China now on investable? And that is a big deal, because for many, many years, we've

seen you know sort of the butterfly in China flaps its wings, the west - the Wall Street is heavily impacted.

These are very interconnected economies. So this is why we saw this volatility this week. This is why we saw stocks tank on Monday. They're

obviously coming back up right now. But people have been very concerned that this could not only impact the creditors of Evergrande. And we watch

closely to see what happens with that bond payment that was supposed to happen today.

We don't know yet what happened there? But in terms of what it could do to the Chinese economy, if we see growth slow in China as a result of this,

this could have real impact on the bottom lines of companies listed in New York. And that is why you see that that element of contagion that has

played out this week on the global markets.

ANDERSON: Clare Sebastian and David Culver, thank you both. Ahead on this show, you're watching "Connect World" keeping 1.5 alive. We'll speak with

the President of COP 26 those of the climate talks in Glasgow in November. Alok Sharma joining us to talk about how he is pushing fossil fuel

producing nations to get on board with what is this international goal?

Plus women's rights and international recognition so the new Afghan government CNN talks about this and more with a member of the Taliban

political commission that is just ahead.



ANDERSON: The United Nations warns a new class of hungry is emerging in Afghanistan's cities. It says staggering 95 percent, 95 percent of families

throughout the country do not have enough to eat. Meantime, the UN is freeing up $45 million dollars in emergency funds to boost Afghanistan's

healthcare system. It seems to be on the verge of collapsing as money dwindles for supplies and staff.

Well, CNN's Nic Robinson joins us now from Kabul with more. And Nic those numbers from the UN are horrifying, horrifying. 95 percent of people in

Afghanistan do not have enough to eat. Just explain what you are seeing and hearing on the ground while you are here? And what you've learned from

those that you've spoken to about how is interim Taliban government believes it can fix that?

NIC ROBERTSON, CNN INTERNATIONAL DIPLOMATIC EDITOR: Yes. I'm - I think at the moment they believe the fix is in the hands of the international

community. But I'm not sure that they're convinced that fix is going to come. And certainly that's what scares Afghans at the moment who as you

says live many of them living on albeit below the poverty level here.

What businesses are struggling with here remember, businesses here may not be huge and big employing thousands of people. But you know, even a

moderate sized business here will employ 30 or so people 40 people, 50 people, they cannot pay their employees because the day businesses unlike,

you know, the average man on the street who can get some cash, if he's got some in a bank from a cash machine, a small amount allowed every week.

Businesses here can't get their hands on cash, can't pay their employees. So people are being laid off. And that trickles down to the economy. So the

country really is at a potential crisis point. What will change that is if the international community unfreezes the international financial assets of

the Afghan government the Taliban?

But to do that they are under a lot of pressure from President Biden, who is speaking at the UN and other international leaders who say if the

Taliban is going to have this new relationship with this flow of money from the international community, they're going to have to live up to some of

the international expectations and inclusive government.

But the real key issue at the moment seems to be around whether or not women are going to have a real meaningful place in Afghan society?

Political voice economic and, you know, and their own individual economic strength and a social voice as well.

And it's not clear that the Taliban at the moment from the conversations I had with one of their political commission leaders that they're willing to

sort of make that compromise with the international community.


ROBERTSON: Here is how he explained that.


ANAS HAQQANI, TALIBAN POLITICAL COMMISSION: Those who raise this issue are the ones who don't want peace, unity and national unity in Afghanistan.

They make the excuse of woman and the rights of minorities to try to damage the system. We praise be to God have religious principles, as well as

national traditions. The rights Islam has given to women cannot be found in any religion or nations.

ROBERTSON (on camera): Is Afghanistan at risk over the issue of women of not getting its accounts unfrozen?

HAQQANI: The frozen money is the people's right. It doesn't have anything to do with the government and politics. It is the nation's right the poor

nation. With frozen money, they cannot make a copy and bring their culture here. It is in contradiction with our history, beliefs and traditions.

ROBERTSON (on camera): This is the coming big issue for the Afghan people. Is the money coming or is the money not coming?

HAQQANI: We will not give up on our people's rights. We will do our utmost effort for the rights of our people the same way we did in the past one two

years. This is the right of the people. This is not the right of Biden, or the right of the United States government. So they can seize it to freeze


ROBERTSON (on camera): How long do you have before the economy really starts to hurt?

HAQQANI: It's their own things that they can put a lot of pressure on us through this matter that we will accept what they wanted us to accept

during the war. This is a very wrong thinking of them. Sustenance is not in the hands of Biden, Europe, Russia or China. Thanks God, we are not

panicking about this hardship. This is an affair with God Almighty.

ROBERTSON (on camera): When will you consider the war with America to be over and finished?

HAQQANI: The policy of the Islamic Emirate is that we want positive diplomatic relations with the entire world including the United States. Now

it's up to them however, now the money freezing issue and other issues this is a citing war. This is breaking relations. The Islamic Emirate wants

positive relations with all.

Yesterday, we introduced an invite to the United Nations too Mr. Suhail Shaheen, it means that we are ready for every positive relation that

supports peace and security. And it is not in contradiction with our principles, religion, faith and national traditions.

ROBERTSON (on camera): How quickly do you need that international recognition of the Taliban government, weeks, months? How long?

HAQQANI: If the world wants peace and security, it can be achieved in one day. It is beneficial to them. It is beneficial to us too. If they don't

want peace and security and they want people here to face hardship and problem, then certainly, it may take time. However, this is in the best

interest of everyone can be achieved urgently.


ROBERTSON: Taliban's point here that he is making is that they enjoyed 20 years of war they didn't succumb to pressures from the United States, and

that they're willing to essentially forego that money for their principals at the moment. I think most Afghans here hope that doesn't happen. And of

course, that's what scares them into believing that the money doesn't come then the conflict will just continue here Becky.

ANDERSON: Nic Robertson is in Kabul. Nic, thank you! While Afghanistan is high on the UN General Assembly's priority list so too is climate change.

Ahead, we're going to speak with Britain's Alok Sharma.

He is the President of the upcoming COP 26 international climate talks in Glasgow. But Hezbollah threatens the judge leading the investigation into

last year's deadly force blast in Beirut. We're live in the Lebanese capital after this.



ANDERSON: There is perhaps no other issue facing the world today that impacts humanity as much as climate change. It is very high on the priority

list for leaders at the United Nations General Assembly this year.

With those they're urging everyone to step up to the plate and act. Prime Minister Boris Johnson of the UK told the assembly that humanity needs to

grow up and listen to the warnings of scientists.

He is drilling down on Britain as Britain prepares to host COP26 international climate talks in November in Glasgow and some other world

leaders also voicing their support for global climate change goals.


XI JINPING, CHINESE PRESIDENT: China will step up support for other developing countries in developing green and low carbon energy and will not

build new coal fired power projects abroad.

KING ABDULLAH, JORDAN: No country can combat climate change on its own. And that is a powerful reminder of the need to develop new ways to respond as

one world, one humanity.

IBRAHIM MOHAMED SOLIH, MALDIVES PRESIDENT: We are determined to not passively wait on the climate front. We aspire to be more than another

cautionary tale of what happens when nature and the disruptive forces she can unleash are not respected.


ANDERSON: Well, my next guest calling on all countries, especially the world's biggest economies to act, Britain's Alok Sharma is President of

COP26, he is also a Conservative MP joins me now live from Washington, DC. It's good to have you with us grow up.

That is the message from your prime minister to world leaders. And we have certainly seen what has been described by some as ambitious announcements,

not least, from China. You welcomed what Beijing announced why?

ALOK SHARMA, COP26 PRESIDENT: I welcome what Beijing announced because I think it is going to make a big difference. I've been speaking to two

colleagues in Beijing for some months now. I was in Beijing, not in Beijing rather in - a few weeks ago.

And the whole issue on ending International Co financing and indeed, ending domestic coal use was a central part of my agenda. So of course, I'm

pleased that this has come forward. And it builds on what has been announced by the G7 nations as well.

Earlier this year, what they said they will also end financing international call from this year and as it has done South Korea.

ANDERSON: Yes, this was about ending the financing of international projects by Beijing. When we crunched the numbers, we found that China's

coal projects abroad pale in comparison to its intention to bankroll projects at home.

Not to mention the fact that there were no details around this announcement. You have I have talked about this before the devil is in the

detail. And so often with climate ambitions, we get no detail, is this really the sort of bold climate commitment the world is seeking from one of

the world's top polluters?

SHARMA: Becky, you're absolutely right. The detail is key. And that was my message to colleagues in China when I visited, which is that, you know, I

have welcomed the fact that President Xi Jinping has said that China will peak its emissions before 2030. There will be carbon neutral before 2060

that when it comes to coal, they will start the face down the use of coal from 2026.


SHARMA: Those top line commitments are, of course, welcome. What we want to see. And this was my clear message to them is the detail around this, I

hope before COP26 will see further detail.

In addition to that, what we need from China is we need from every G20 nation which has not yet come forward, these ambitious commitments to cut

emissions by 2030. And that is a promise that was made by every G 20 nation when we met the climate and energy ministers met in July in Naples.

ANDERSON: Are you going to get a stated net zero emissions target from everyone at COP26?

SHARMA: Well, Becky, when we took on the presidency, less than 30 percent of the global economy was held by net target. We're now at 70 percent. And

of course, you know, I've been very clear in every conversation that I've had with countries around the world.

And I've spoken to well over 100 governments now visiting many countries as well. And my message has been clear that we need every country to step

forward with a net zero target as well as ambitious plans to cut emissions in the near term.

So those can be aligned with a NetZero future. For the first time we have key submissions align. We have a net zero G7. That's historic. But of

course, you're right. We need every country to step forward on this point as well.

ANDERSON: You have urged countries particularly developed nations to end the use of what you call unabated coal power to avoid the worst ravages of

this climate crisis. Over the summer, I interviewed Chuka Umunna, you will know him well. He was an MP, of course, in the opposition party in the UK.

He now heads the environmental governance department at JP Morgan, an organization some have labeled the dirty fossil fuel bank at its legacy of

investment in fossil fuels. I want you and our viewers to listen to what he told me about investments in coal going forward.


CHUKA UMUNNA, HEAD OF ENVIRONMENTAL, SOCIAL, GOVERNANCE PRACTICE, JPMORGAN CHASE: There won't be no fossil fuels. I don't believe that's the world

that we're going to end up in and the Paris agreement, which is what we've aligned you know, efforts to envisages -- which is envisaged is bringing

down overall greenhouse gas emissions, not just carbon emissions, the greenhouse gas emissions.

And so that we can keep temperature reductions to a minute to temperature reduction, to get it to the 1.5 degree maximum rise.


ANDERSON: Does what he says make sense? Is he ultimately the realist in all of this, what do you make of what he says?

SHARMA: Well, if you look at the IEA, the International Energy Agency put out a report which I asked him to do. And in that they have various

pathways to net zero by 2050. And a small element of coal and a big reduction in oil and gas is in what's being suggested.

So I think the IEA says that there may be some element of fossil fuel. But I think the point here, when a passivity comes to coal, is that actually

the market is voting with its feet. In a private sector, investors are shying away from coal, they can see they're going to end up with stranded


When I'm sitting here in the U.S., I'm about to go and meet people on the hill. And if you look at it in the U.S. itself, we have seen since 2007,

when there was a peak use of coal, there's been a reduction of around 60 percent.

And that, of course, was during a period when we had an administration that if I can put this with some British understatement wasn't particularly

focused on climate change. And so the market is playing its part.

And if you we talked about China earlier, if you look at what some of the big banks in China had been saying more recently, in recent months, they

have made the case that they want to have plans to phase out investing in coal. The market is driving this, Becky, and I think that is the way we're

going to see this going forward.

ANDERSON: Yes, it's fascinating. How are you going to measure success in Glasgow? And what is your worst fear? As we are, what 40 days out from what

you will obviously hope will be a super successful COP26 meeting?

SHARMA: Well, the whole aim of Glasgow as with all of these climate conferences, is that we limit the rise in global temperatures that we limit

global warming. And in the Paris Agreement you know, world leaders in 2015 set out the very clear ambition that they will do everything they could to

limit global temperature rises to well below two degrees aiming for 1.5.


SHARMA: And therefore what we want coming out of Glasgow is for us to be credibly able to say that we have kept that 1.5 limit within reach, kept

1.5 alive. And as part of that, of course, we need up all nations to come forward with ambitious plans to cut emissions, we need the G 20

particularly to step up the plate.

We want the finance in place to support developing countries. And of course, we had a good announcement yesterday as well from President Biden

in terms of U.S. commitment for further climate finance.

And then there are these complicated rules around the Paris Agreement that we still need to close off. So the overall message I think we want coming

out of Glasgow is that, you know, we have credibly played our part in limiting global temperature rises further.

And I just point out that actually, we're already at 1.2 degrees of global temperature rise on average compared to pre-industrial levels. Doesn't

sound like much, Becky.

But you know, you're seeing here in the U.S. we're seeing in China and Europe, across every part of the world what is happening, even at this

level of temperature rise, unfortunately, is just going to get far, far worse unless we take action and we act in this decisive decade.

ANDERSON: You already have briefly you already have some 100 leaders, as I understand it signed up in person for this meeting. How are you going to

offset their carbon footprint, sir and yours must be pretty large. I know that you have been literally on the move, drumming up support and to avoid

a climate crisis going forward. How are you doing that personally?

SHARMA: Well, I mean, in terms of COP, obviously, we've always said that we want this to be a carbon neutral event, sustainable event. And in my travel

that of my team will be the offset. We've signed up to that the various sort of international standards that we need to adhere to demonstrate that

this is a sustainable event.

And I'm confident that that will be delivered. As you said, we've got 100 world leaders who have already said they're coming in person. We will I

very much hope to have more than that. And to me, this is really key because people ask the question, why do you need people to come physically

to this event?

And the reason for that is that this is ultimately a negotiation amongst almost 200 countries. And it is absolutely vital that those developing

nations as climate vulnerable nations are able to sit at the same table as the big images, the big developed economies look them in the eye face to

face as part of this negotiation.

ANDERSON: 40 days and counting, Sir. Good luck. Alok Sharma in the house for you today, thank you, sir. Well, in Lebanon, the Iranian-backed

militant group Hezbollah has issued a threat to the lead judge investigating last year's deadly explosion at Beirut's port.

A source familiar with the matter tells CNN the judge was verbally warned he could be "usurped" if the case doesn't work out. Hezbollah has been

highly critical of the probe. Several politicians are being investigated for criminal neglect over the poorly stored ammonium nitrate that ignited

at the port.

Well, our senior digital Middle East Producer, Tamara Qiblawi joins us now live from Beirut. And by usurped, what was meant?

TAMARA QIBLAWI, CNN SENIOR DIGITAL MIDEAST PRODUCER: Well, Becky, we don't know. But it can't be anything good. But what we know is that this

conversation, which was first reported on local media two days ago has raised alarm bells around the country with many activists and many experts

saying that they now fear for the judge Tarek Bitar who was leading the spate of glass probes life.

We, however, don't know if Hezbollah meant that they want -- if Hezbollah rather threatened to usurp him from his from his role or from life.

Hezbollah has not commented it's not responded to our requests for comment and it's been radio silent for about two days.

Now it's - this is a conversation that's inspired many emotions in the country. Activists and you know regular people I have vociferously defended

taught it be taught.

The judge taught it be taught as a kind of a hero in a landscape full of villains or apparently full of villains be taught is someone who has

targeted some very high profile security and political officials in his investigation.


QIBLAWI: He is as a result rattled a political establishment that is, quite frankly very used to being above the law and has shielded itself from

accountability for decades. And especially for the last two years in which this country has seen a string of crises that repeatedly have been blamed

on the political establishment, Becky.

ANDERSON: Well, Tamara is in Beirut for you folks, thank you. We'll take a very short break at this point back after this.


ANDERSON: Well, today on "Call to Earth" Nigerian social entrepreneur and Rolex Awards Laureate, Nnaemeka Ikegwuonu is tackling a country's crippling

problem with food waste by harnessing the heat of the sun to power a system of cold storage rooms in markets and farms designed to help save food,

energy and livelihoods.


UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE (voice over): In this busy Nigerian market, the race is on to sell fresh produce early in the day.

NNAEMEKA IKEGWUONU, FOUNDER AND CEO, COLDHUBS: So you sell high quality very early in the morning. Then after 12 noon, on an intensity of the

Nigerian song spoilage is being accelerated.

UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE (voice over): Of all the food produced Nigeria loses and wastes around 40 percent per year according to the World Bank. Well

over 80 million people in the country face food insecurity.

It's a burning issue this man is trying to solve. Nnaemeka Ikegwuonu is taking a fresh approach to food waste with ColdHubs, food storage rooms

designed for markets and farms that are entirely powered by the sun using those very rays to cool the food down.

IKEGWUONU: The mission really is to reduce food spoilage due to lack of food storage at key points along with different supply chain.

UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE (voice over): Farmers and retailers can store a creative produce for around 25 cents per day, keeping it fresh for up to 21


IKEGWUONU: This cold room can take and cool down up to three pounds of food and it cools down from 35 degrees ambient temperature which is what the

food is coming in to wheat to about set temperature 10 degrees Celsius, if they can stay in this cold room for up to three weeks, still very fresh.

UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE (voice over): The U.N. tells us that food waste accounts for up to 10 percent of global greenhouse gas emissions. So

finding solutions could make a hefty contribution to the fight against climate change in more ways than one.


IKEGWUONU: Each of this cold room should run on approximately between 20 to 30 liters of diesel every day. And by using solar energy, we kick off the

diesel completely.

UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE (voice over): And Ikegwuonu once the ColdHubs to have social as well as environmental impact.

IKEGWUONU: We have been able to create about 66 new jobs for women. So many of these women have become empowered and change agents in their households

and communities.

UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE (voice over): Before ColdHubs, it could one who started a radio network reaching an estimated 2 million listeners to help farmers

share knowledge and learn effective farming practices.

IKEGWUONU: Crop protection is one of the oldest and most effective solving - strategies we have been.

UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE (voice over): Growing up on a farm himself, he knows the cost of losses can be devastating.

IKEGWUONU: In Nigeria, smallholder farmer goes through a lot is like climbing Kilimanjaro where it's very difficult to -- where you have to

produce food. And when you are unable to sell that commodity, or throw away that commodity.

Number one, the financial investment all has been eroded, the environmental resources are all lost, and the morale of the farmer is lost too. That is

why we need to make sure that if we produce food, we should as much as possible try to get the food on the plate of those people.

UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE (voice over): Ikegwuonu says that there are now 54 ColdHubs in 22 states across Nigeria with more being built.

IKEGWUONU: We were able to store 42,042 pounds of food in 2020. That is typically food that would have been thrown away, you know all sold out at

ridiculous prices. We're able to sign up 5250 smallholder farmers' retailers and wholesalers who are presently using quota of services, and

the number keeps on increasing every day.

But really the big dream for us is to solve the problem of food spoilage in Nigeria, and expand our technology and service to other African countries

that have this challenge within their country.


ANDERSON: And do let us know what you are doing to answer the call, use the #Call to Earth, of course we'll be right back.


ANDERSON: Well, this weekend, Germany goes to the polls and that will mark the end of an era. What do voters want the future to look like in a post?

Merkel Germany that is the question that voters are being asked the Green Party has become a serious contender in this race.

But politics there dominated by two parties that have governed in a coalition together for the past eight years. Fred Pleitgen brings us a look

at those two candidates.


FREDERIK PLEITGEN, CNN SENIOR INTERNATIONAL CORRESPONDENT (voice over): It might not look very exciting, but this is a rally for the front runner in

Germany's election campaign. Olaf Scholz speak softly has no catchy slogan and yet is ahead in the polls.

OLAF SCHOLZ, GERMAN SOCIAL DEMOCRATIC CANDIDATE: I'm a social democrat. The people know this, but they know that I'm a very pragmatic man, that I want

to rule the country with all the - having in mind what is necessary for such a big country in Europe.


PLEITGEN (voice over): After 16 years of Angela Merkel, Scholz, who is the Finance Minister in Merkel's cabinet, is trying to pull off a win by

appearing to be very similar to Angela Merkel. And he's no frills style seems to be resonating with voters.

PLEITGEN (on camera): Well, a couple of months ago, it seemed as though Olaf Scholz had no chance of winning the upcoming election. But now he is

firmly in the lead and could be well on his way to becoming Germany's next Chancellor.

PLEITGEN (voice over): Folks at this rally outside of Berlin say they believe Scholz would govern with a steady hand, just like Merkel has.

UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: He appears very confident and what he promises.

UNIDENTIFIED MALE: Well, one thing is his experience, certainly. And what he has achieved in the past.

PLEITGEN (voice over): But not everything Olaf Scholz has done in the past as Finance Minister is viewed positively. He faced criticism after failing

to detect the impending bankruptcy of electronic payment firm wire card.

And he was recently questioned by a parliamentary inquiry committee investigating about allegedly not following through on a money laundering

investigation, which he denies.

Scholz's main rival, Armin Laschet, who is actually from Angela Merkel's party accuses Scholz of wanting to move Germany to the left and possibly

cooperating with the Left Wing, Socialist Party.

You have to be clear because the people don't want the leftists and the federal government and tonight once again, you have not been willing to be

clear, Laschet said. But Scholz told me Germany would not seriously change its domestic or foreign policy if he wins.

SCHOLZ: The transatlantic partnership is important for us. And it's important for the United States. And I'm willing to make to work very hard

that this will be a strong base for our international politics.

PLEITGEN (voice over): Olaf Scholz is personal popularity is much higher than his party's popularity. And while his social democrats are currently

pulling in first place, the race to succeed Angela Merkel is far from decided Fred Pleitgen, CNN, Kleinmachnow, Germany.


ANDERSON: And my colleague Hala Gorani will have special coverage of Germany's election as the votes come through join us CNN on Sunday. That is

it from us. "One World" is next, wherever you are watching stay safe. Stay well. Good night.