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Connect the World

Fresh Evidence of January Massacre in Tigray; More Than 10 Million Australians under Lockdown; Delta Variant & Low Vaccination Rates Fuel Surge in South Africa; Miami Herald: Pool Contractor Noticed Damage; Polish Minister: We Should Copy Hungarian Law; Peruvians Reenact Ancient Inca "Festival of the Sun". Aired 11a-12p ET

Aired June 29, 2021 - 11:00   ET




ANNOUNCER: Live from CNN, Atlanta, this is "Connect the World".

LYNDA KINKADE, CNN HOST, CONNECT THE WORLD: Welcome back to "Connect the World". I'm Lynda Kinkade filling in for Becky Anderson.

We begin this hour with a stunning turn of events in a devastating conflict. After more than seven months of a brutal civil war in Ethiopia's

Northern Tigray region, the Ethiopian government has declared an immediate and unilateral ceasefire.

Now this comes as CNN's exclusive reporting reveals new information about the horrors taking place there. The U.S. has called for an open meeting of

the United Nations Security Council this Friday. The U.N. has been talking to us here at CNN telling us that Ethiopian troops have in fact withdrawn

from the Regional Capital Mekelle, but Tigrayan forces haven't accepted this cease fire bid.

You will of course know from watching "Connect the World" that the people of Tigray have suffered terribly since fighting broke out there back in

November. They've been cut off from supplies for much of that time and just days ago; the U.S. set up to 900,000 Tigrayans could face famine

conditions, more than doubling an earlier estimate from the United Nations.

Well, a CNN investigation in April in collaboration with Amnesty International exposed the horror of a massacre perpetrated by Ethiopian

soldiers in the mountains of the Tigray region. Well, CNN has obtained and verified new images, confirming not only the identity of the victims, but

the army unit of perpetrators.

Here is that report from CNN's Nima Elbagir, and we have to warn you the images you're about to see are disturbing but important to paint a picture

of what is happening there?


NIMA ELBAGIR, CNN SENIOR INTERNATIONAL CORRESPONDENT (voice over): One by one they enter the church carrying in sacks all that's left of loved ones

executed by Ethiopian soldiers, villages risking their lives to retrieve these remains. But this is not just about closure.

This is fresh evidence of a January massacre. Throughout the month long conflict in its Tigray region Ethiopia has promised to hold all who break

the law accountable, but they haven't. We must warn you what you're about to see and hear is horrifying.

This is how many saw their loved ones for the first time. Some beheaded, others burned beyond recognition. For six months families had been denied

access to the execution site by Ethiopian soldiers. The remains tell a grim story corroborating CNN original investigation in collaboration with

Amnesty International.

This is the old footage of the massacre first broadcast in April. We can't show you the moment of execution but in the aftermath. This soldier tosses

a jacket. Notice the black and gray color scheme and the bloodstain same jacket same bloodstain.

The man who took this picture confirmed this jacket belonged to his brother, which he found at the massacre site. This video of bullet casings

was also filmed at the site last week by family members and sent to CNN.

We asked forensic experts to analyze the casings they confirmed they were in line with bullets European soldiers would use. The video also reveals

the location the same location as the execution site. Notice the distinctive rage in this new footage and now in the footage shot by

soldiers during the execution.

We also verified the digital footprint. It's a match. Crucially local say they have collected 36 ID cards from the scene, but that 37 more people

remain missing, indicating the massacre could have been much larger than previously suspected.

They believe the desecration of the bodies was a deliberate attempt to destroy evidence in the aftermath of our investigation. And more video has

emerged to shed light on the perpetrators. Given to CNN by a pro Tigray organization based in the U.S. It reveals the nickname of the

whistleblower, but more importantly the rank and division of the unit committing these crimes.


ELBAGIR (voice over): That's the voice of the Ethiopian soldier turned whistleblower. He names himself in the video twice, and names his unit and

division, enough evidence for the Ethiopian government to pursue an investigation, but none has been confirmed.

The whistleblower gives his phone to another soldier, so he can also be filmed carrying out an execution. With this level of detail now revealed we

asked the Ethiopian government whether they have investigated and punished the perpetrators, we received no response.

After the ceremony at the church, the families gathered to bury the dead in a mass grave. Their grief, they say inflamed by their governments in

action. The identities of the victims are known. The division of the perpetrators is known. Hard to imagine how that inaction can be justified.

Nima Elbagir, CNN, London.


KINKADE: If you want to see more of Nima's ongoing and exclusive investigation just head to our website

Well, another country on the edge of war is Afghanistan. The violence there is surging as the Taliban move to gain more territory outside the southern

strongholds. The attacks come as peace talks in Qatar have stalled and U.S. and NATO forces plan to fully withdraw by September 11th.

Nic Robertson our International Senior Diplomatic Reporter reports on the Taliban offensive and a warning that some of the images are disturbing.


NIC ROBERTSON, CNN INTERNATIONAL DIPLOMATIC EDITOR (voice over): Days after seizing the strategic border town Shehon Bandar straddling the only highway

linking Afghanistan and Tajikistan, the Taliban have reopened it. Although CNN cannot independently verify the video the loss is not disputed by the

government and is a major first for the Taliban since losing power in 2001.

The Afghan border guards given sanctuary in Tajikistan, effectively becoming the first refugees the Taliban's northern offensive. For weeks a

steady stream of unverified victories is being pushed by the Taliban. This purports to be in Parwan Province, Central Afghanistan.

The district was under siege for two days now the commander says checking his watch as if every second counts. Over the past week, the Taliban

claiming to have taken 27 more districts totaling 117 since May.

A figure disputed by the U.N., the Afghan government in the U.S. military videos often highlight seizure of U.S. made military hardware, Humvees and


JOE BIDEN, PRESIDENT, UNITED STATES OF AMERICA: The partnership between Afghanistan and United States is not any it's going to be sustained.

ROBERTSON (voice over): At a meeting with Afghan leaders last week, President Biden promised ongoing military support, but no change to the

U.S. drawdown. Not an easy adjustment for the Afghans.

ASHRAF GHANI, AFGHAN PRESIDENT: It has made everybody recalculate and reconsider. We are here to respect it and support.

ROBERTSON (voice over): The Taliban's recalculation appears to be fight first taught later. Even so the government is still pushing for peace.

ABDULLAH ABDULLAH, CHAIRMAN, AFGHANISTAN HIGH COUNCIL FOR RECONCILIATION: I think we shouldn't shut the doors unless it's completely shut by the


ROBERTSON (voice over): Glimmers of hope Taliban gains can be quickly reversed are rare. This video government officials say is Taliban

surrender. 130 gunmen handing over their weapons are disputed by the Taliban, claiming the fighters were a local militia, not their loyal


What the Taliban don't dispute is that their fighters are getting killed. Their spokesman calling out government forces for the poor treatment of

their dead in this pro government video. The body's desecrated no sign of any calming in the near term. Nic Robertson, CNN, London.


KINKADE: Come talk to us that are the message from Israel's new foreign minister. Yair Lapid is on the first state visit by an Israeli Minister to

the United Arab Emirates. He cut the ribbon so to speak on the Israeli Embassy in Abu Dhabi. That is Israel's first embassy in the Persian Gulf.

Israel and the Emirates normalized relations last year in a landmark deal and today Lapid said Israel wants peace with its neighbors.


KINKADE: CNN's Hadas Gold joins us from Jerusalem with more on this historic visit. Take us through it.

HADAS GOLD, CNN CORRESPONDENT: Well, this is Lapid's first big formal visit as Foreign Minister after this new government was sworn in just a few weeks

ago. And as you noted, he is the first Israeli Minister to be officially welcome to the United Arab Emirates, just about nine months after those

historic normalization agreements were signed last year.

Now Lapid open the Embassy in Abu Dhabi and he's expected to also open a Consulate in Dubai. But he used this speech at the opening of the Embassy

to try to encourage other Middle Eastern countries to come to the table to sign peace agreement, saying that the Middle East is Israel's home, that

Israel is not going anywhere and trying to get these other countries to come and talk to them. Take a listen.


YAIR LAPID, ISRAELI FOREIGN MINISTER: This isn't a moment of complex or detailed agreement, it's a moment of simplicity, people looking at one

another and saying we prefer peace. Hate is not inevitable.

The people of the Middle East are invited to look around them and ask whose situation is better those who chose the path of peace, or those who chose

the path of war. Those who chose to invest in their people and their land, or those who chose to invest in the hatred of others?


GOLD: And Lapid also notably giving credit to now Former Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu called the architect of what these are known as

the Abraham Accords when that he worked tirelessly to bring them about, of course, Lapid was part a major part of the coalition that brought Netanyahu

down that brought him out of power after 12 years.

Lapid as we speak is meeting with the Emirati Foreign Minister and one of the topics that they are sure - for sure to be discussing is Iran. Both

Israel and the UAE oppose any sort of return to the 2015 Iranian nuclear deal and discussions for that deal are expected to start up again in Vienna

very soon, Lynda.

KINKADE: So tell us what else can we expect when those discussions start up again, because we saw obviously the U.S. President, welcoming the Israeli

President last night in the White House that is clearly a major talking point for the two leaders.

GOLD: Yes, it's been sort of a big diplomatic day for Israel. The outgoing Israeli President Reuven Rivlin has been in D.C. meeting with President Joe

Biden sort of a farewell tour, but he did express Israel reservations and their opposition to a return to the Iranian nuclear deal telling reporters

that he believes that Biden is a good friend of Israel and that Biden has listened them.

Biden vowed publicly to Rivlin that Iran will never get a nuclear weapon on my watch. But of course, the U.S. administration has said that that is

something they're interested in is a return a revamped Iranian nuclear deal. We haven't necessarily heard any major breakthrough on progress on

those talks.

Of course, Iran just elected a new hardline president, but those talks are expected to start up again in Vienna any day now, Lynda?

KINKADE: All right. Hadas Gold for us in Jerusalem we will continue to follow those talks as their resume thank you so much.

Meantime, Israel has bulldozed a butcher shop in East Jerusalem after the owner refused to. It's one of dozens of buildings Israel once raised.

Several people protesting the demolition were injured in clashes. And the move comes at a time of increased tensions, as you will recall attempts to

expel Palestinian families from another Jerusalem neighborhood triggered those violent protests last month.

Coming up Australia is trying to get more people vaccinated against COVID- 19 as the Delta variant forces millions of people into lockdown. Also ahead, we're going to speak with the man some call South Africa's Anthony

Fauci. I'll ask him how South Africa is going to tackle third wave of COVID-19.

And new details continue to surface about problems before that Florida condominium building collapse. We're going to have a live report coming up.



KINKADE: Welcome back. Australia is now expanding lockdowns with more than 10 million people being told to stay home due to the Delta variant of

COVID-19. Today multiple areas in Queensland began a three day lockdown after four new COVID cases of the virus were reported.

One was a hospital receptionist who wasn't vaccinated working in a COVID ward. The State's Premier said she was furious about it and quote for more

people to get vaccinated against the virus. After avoiding a severe outbreak for more than a year Australia's vaccine rollout has been

especially slow. Angus Watson reports from Sydney.

ANGUS WATSON, CNN PRODUCER: Around 10 million people across Australia now impacted by lockdowns in the states of New South Wales, Queensland and

Northern Territory and West Australia are the states worried about the spread to have this Delta variant which has crept through Australia's


Australia was famous around the world for using its border and its quarantine system to keep the virus out this more transmissible strain of

COVID-19 now getting through those defenses. People here in Australia know that the only way out of that is vaccination, but vaccination rates have

been slow.

Here at Sydney's Olympic Park, the mass vaccination hub, people are taking it upon themselves to do something about that. Here's what one mother and

daughter said to me about that today.


UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: She's aware of how privileged she is.


UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: --in relationship to the population--

UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: --especially with my age. I know a lot of people are going to wait a while but I'll be OK.


WATSON: Australia's vaccination roll out has been dangerously slow under 5 percent of the population here is fully vaccinated with two shots of any

Coronavirus vaccine and the government has come under scrutiny for its vaccination roll out. Prime Minister Scott Morrison has continually said

that it's not a race.

Well, many people here disagree and he changed that sentiment last night when he made vaccines available across the population if people

particularly under the age of 40 determine with their GP that it's safe enough for them to get an Astra Zeneca vaccine.

Australia's over reliance on that AstraZeneca vaccine, which comes with the very rare chance of blood clots, has stymied the vaccine rollout as

important vaccinations of namely, Pfizer have been slow. The Australian Government now wants to supercharge that and is telling people that work in

aged care or the Australian quarantine system that they must get vaccinated if they want to keep their jobs Angus Watson in Sydney Australia.

KINKADE: Well, a number of cases in Australia - in comparison to the number being reported by South Africa. The country of 57 million is seeing an

average of more than 15,000 cases a day. More contagious Delta variant and low vaccination rates are fueling the surge.

A chief executive and doctor at a hospital new Johannesburg tells AFP that during these wave patients are getting much sicker, and many of them never

leave hospital. Well, joining me now is Columbia University Professor and the Former Head of South Africa's Ministerial Advisory Committee on COVID-

19 Salim Abdool Karim.

He chaired the committee for a year before stepping down to refocus on his research and academic commitments and he joins us now live. And first I got

to say congratulations because although you've probably hear it all the time, you're described as the Dr. Fauci of South Africa, you actually won a

joint award with Dr. Fauci for standing up for science during this pandemic.


SALIM ABDOOL KARIM, INFECTIOUS DISEASES EPIDEMIOLOGIST: Thank you very much, Lynda. I appreciate it. I think you've captured very well, the real

challenge we facing with the Delta variant. The cases are rising rapidly, particularly in our, you know, economic heartland - and we anticipate it's

going to now spread to our other provinces. And so we are bracing and getting ready to deal with the onslaught of cases we are expecting.

KINKADE: Yes, if you could tell us a little bit more professor about what South Africa is going through right now? Because if I understand it, right,

it's currently under a two week pretty strict lockdown, and is facing a devastating third wave, which it looks to be higher than the previous two


KARIM: So it's no question right now that what we are seeing in this third wave is a much faster increase in the number of cases and many more people

becoming infected. It's described anecdotally and even from some of the outbreaks, I've been investigating myself that in the previous two waves,

we would occasionally see a member of a family and maybe one or two others.

Now when we see a member of the family, we are predicting that within a few days, we're going to see the whole family. So it's just a very much higher

infectiousness that we are seeing in this particular variant, the Delta variant.

The government strategy really involves around three things. The first is to increase vaccination. Currently, countries vaccinating about 1 percent

of the population each week and now that new stocks of both the Pfizer vaccine and the Johnson & Johnson vaccine have just arrived, the plans are

to increase that and probably double or even triple that over the coming weeks.

The second is to impose quite substantial restrictions, sort of a stay at home order. So there's no stay at home order. But there are substantial

restrictions in terms of curfew; non essential travel is no longer allowed any gatherings. So a lot of emphasis on restricting movement of people

while trying to keep most businesses still goes.

And then the third has been, you know, the focus on the health sector itself, preparing the healthcare services, ensuring adequate oxygen

supplies, making provision for beds, you know, and also restrictions on alcohol in order to reduce the burden that alcohol normally places on our

healthcare services.

KINKADE: And also, I wanted to ask you about any hostility you've faced in trying to fight disinformation, throughout the pandemic, because that has

been an issue right around the world, especially when it comes to the rollout of vaccines.

KARIM: Oh, it's a - it's a huge problem. I'm not sure whether it's, you know, that social media brings out these individuals, or that's the medium

that they choose. But it's really a major source of disinformation.

And what I have had to face, you know, personally, in each of the waves, is I've had to face this huge pressure from individuals who are promoting not

instant miracle cures. In the first wave, I have to deal with Hydroxychloroquine. In the second wave, I had to deal with Ivermectin.

And I'm not sure what's coming up next in this upcoming wave. But there seems to be, you know, just a huge push from people who want some kind of

cure. And they want to know, why are we not letting them habit? And then a lot of hostility that emanates from that.

KINKADE: Yes. I mean, it certainly probably didn't help that last year, at the height of the pandemic here in the United States. We had a president

who was also pushing some of those conspiracy theories. And no doubt the rest of the world was listening.

We also continue to have a problem with vaccine hesitancy here. Is it an issue there? Or is it more that you just haven't had the supply in South

Africa of vaccines?

KARIM: So right now, you know, this just queues of people wanting to be vaccinated. So vaccine hesitancy is not an issue for us at this time. But

there have been three studies that have been undertaken, the largest of them, gave us a pretty good idea about where we stand?

Roughly about 12 percent of South Africa's populations you know are quite vociferously anti vaccine, many of them don't even vaccinate their

children. And a lot of them you know are involved in sort of social media groups and so on that promote anti vaccine.


KARIM: They believe that the vaccines contain in microchips and all kinds of things. But there's a big group of around the 17 to 18 percent, that are

just hesitant they just not sure. They are concerned about the safety that you know; maybe the vaccines will fast track. They need to be convinced.

And then about 71 percent of the population, you know, our key one, the vaccine. So overall, if we can just get you know, that 71 percent to get

the vaccines, we will make a big difference. And then we'll focus and right now, there's already a campaign underway to provide information to address

some of the concerns around safety, and whether there are any shortcuts taken in COVID vaccines in South Africa.

KINKADE: And of course, professor there is a Covax program to help facilitate the distribution of vaccines among some of the poorer countries.

What needs to happen, in your view, to ensure that that's a success?

KARIM: I think it's been just unconscionable to look at the current situation where you know, something like seven countries have consumed.

Oops, can you hear me?


KARIM: Have consumed about 75 percent of all the vaccines. I think, you know, there's just no scenario in this world, where you know, one country

or a handful of countries can achieve high vaccination coverage while the virus is spreading rampantly in the rest of the world.

That scenario is - there's no, there's no end game that sees that can sign or scenario winning. The only way to deal with a pandemic is to ensure that

we are vaccinating the whole world at similar levels so that we are suppressing the virus in a very systematic way globally.

And so right now, the situation in Africa is that we have about 1/10, the vaccine coverage that is present in the rest of the world. So we really got

to do better. And the big problem has been not that, you know, we don't have the infrastructure. The problem is we can get hold of doses.

And that you know the big countries, the wealthier countries were able to buy up most of the doses and so Covax joined the end of the queue. And so

Covax doesn't have vaccines and Covax depended on India on the Serum Institute - India supplying them, and that, you know, provider was turned

off because of the needs in India.

So, Africa has taken a huge hit in terms of a lack of doses and we desperately because we're facing the third wave, you know, need something

like about a quarter of a billion doses just to try and get our populations up to about 20 percent coverage.

KINKADE: Wow, incredible statistics there. And I mean, as we continue to say on the program here, no country in a pandemic is safe, unless all

countries are safe. Professor Salim Abdool Karim really appreciate your time today. Thank you so much.

KARIM: Absolute pleasure. Thank you.

KINKADE: So could climate change have played a part in the collapse of the condominium in Florida? Coming up, we're going to ask an expert on the

subject to give us his take on what may have happened. Stay with us.



KINKADE: Welcome back. Well, grieving families are leaning on each other in Surfside, Florida six days after a deadly building collapse there as

rescuers begin their six day digging through debris hoping for any sign of life. So far, at least 11 people we know have been identified and 150

remain missing.

Well, CNN has obtained a letter to the residents of the Champlain Towers detailing decay in their building, which was sent just three months before

the collapse. The April letter warned that the concrete deterioration is accelerating that the roof situation got much worse.

Well, Nick Valencia joins us from Surfside, Florida with the very latest on all of that. I want to get to that report in just a moment. But Nick, first

I want to start with the families because obviously there are hundreds of families still waiting for any sort of answer 150 people still missing.

NICK VALENCIA, CNN CORRESPONDENT: That's right. And we've seen the evolution of emotions that hope that has faded that was so strong on

Thursday when we arrived here especially after news of a teenage boy was being pulled alive, miraculously pulled alive from the rubble.

Over the weekend many families and friends of the unaccounted believe that that miracle was a possibility for them. But now as we enter day six, some

who I've been speaking to have come to grips with the possibility and likelihood they say that they may never see their loved ones again.

Sergio Lozano's parents were in that building when it collapsed. He says he's been given the positive identification. Their bodies were discovered

together, which is giving him some comfort. But as you can hear, the emotion is still very much so raw.


SERGIO LOZANO, SON OF CHAMPLAIN TOWERS COLLAPSE VICTIMS: After dinner, I had - I woke early in the mornings and hug my mom, good night. Kiss my dad.

I thought it was a tornado outside my apartment. I opened the door. I told my wife. Oh, my God. She goes what do you mean? I was just praying to God

that they went--


VALENCIA: 11 people confirmed dead still 150 unaccounted for. And that hope is fading with every passing moment here. Some of the family members have

been moved to another hotel just a few miles up the road as more family members arrive in Miami to be part of that grieving here and that morning.

This is day six of the search and rescue that mission has not transferred over yet to recovery. The totality of the site, the scale of the disaster,

just making it too difficult and the protocols needed to reach that next phase of recovery just has not been reached yet.

According to local officials there was a briefing a short time ago, which we saw and at points was pretty contentious. There's a lot of anger here

and frustration at how slow this process has been. But those first responders have assured us they're doing everything they can in the safest

way possible, putting their own lives at risk to try to find any signs of life and that debris, Lynda?

KINKADE: Yes, it is certainly a mammoth task of trying to work through that debris, just looking at the pitches and those first responders trying to

find any sort of sign of life.

But I want to ask you about what else we're learning about the state of that building in the lead up to this collapse because day six, as you say,

we're already hearing from contractors and engineers that investigated that building in the lead up to this collapse. What can you tell us?

VALENCIA: That's right. We learned in November 2018 meeting between a Surfside Official and those residents that ensure them that the safety of

the building and there was no structural integrity problems with the building.


VALENCIA: However, we understand that same official was briefed and saw report that showed that just two days prior had seen a report that there

was major structural damage.

Now, the Miami Herald has also obtained photos from someone that had access to the basement of the building near the pool, which showed that there was

major structural damage there that there was deterioration.

And that is causing some concern. And certainly anger and outrage among the family members who at this point, as they've come to grips with never

seeing their family again, have turned now towards accountability wanting someone to be held responsible for the disaster that happened here last

week, Lynda?

KINKADE: Yes, certainly, so many questions. Hundreds of people grieving, trying to get those answers Nick Valencia for us in Surfside, Florida,

thank you.

Well, I want to stay on this stream, bring in an expert on that part of Florida and the geography of it. We're joined by Harold Wanless, Geology

Professor at the University of Miami, thanks for joining us.


KINKADE: What is hard to get my head around is when you look at the images of this building and the proximity of it to the beach, it literally looks

like it's being built on the sand right on the foreshore. And that certainly is not uncommon in the south of Florida; just explain where it's

failed and the position.

WANLESS: Well, this and hundreds of other buildings in Florida and around the world are built just behind the beach. Sometimes to close this is -

this area had had a beach renovation project back in the 80s and was able to hold a fair amount of beach in front of it.

So it wasn't like with the seawall right it with the waves lapping on it, but it is at the shore. And you know that that's - I am not sure that's a

risk from the current situation. But with the projected rising sea level, that is going to become a huge problem, not just for here, but for


KINKADE: There are certainly a lot of things that investigators are looking at. I saw one report that was done by a Professor at Florida International

University of Department of Earth and Environment that studied this particular building and found that the Champlain Towers South was shrinking

by two millimeters every year from 1993 to 1999.

But even that professor looking at that report was surprised at this particular collapse. When investigators are assessing how this may have

happened? In your mind, what should be top of the list?

WANLESS: Well, I - and this is so important for this building that the first question is, is this something unique to this building, the building

structure, the quality of this concrete and the rebar and so on the maintenance.

And then and I think those are turning out to be important in this case, because if it's some deficiency there, then this is site specific. What

Shimon Wdowinski, who you mentioned pointed out, was that this building was subsiding at only two millimeters a year.

But if that had been happening since it was built, that would be about, oh, six to eight centimeters, you know, three inches and that might be a

telltale. So that and it was the only place on the east side where the barrier islands side which is just sand over rock.

So you know, the west side, which he was focusing on was mangroves that were knocked down and mud filled over it. And that was subsiding because of

dewatering and decay of the organic matter. But as far as we know, this side was just on sand. So that's an important question what that is.

But it's really important to figure out for this and any other building, whether it was the deficiencies of the building or the maintenance or some

unique underlying substrate thing in the limestone that caused this or if this is a general problem of the building being subjected to salt spray and

so on that that might be weakening.

The building that sets the building was built this area's had about six inches of sea level rise. You wouldn't think that would be enough to really

change the nature of things if they build it responsibly.


WANLESS: But by the time we're 20, 30 years out, we could be looking globally at a further two to three feet of sea level rise, which is going

to probably have a dramatic effect on every coastal high rise and low rise building in low lying areas.

KINKADE: We know this building in particular was about 40 years old. And officials in South Florida are now looking at similar aged buildings to re-

assess how, how they're looking at this point in time?

You must understand that I guess a lot of people in high rises down there are quite anxious. Do you suspect that other buildings could have similar


WANLESS: Well, yes, I think that's very likely, because there's a great tendency when somebody points out something in the underlying structure in

the basement garage or something that the condo board or whatever it is, will say, oh, yes, yes, it is OK.

Because as you know, this thing was going to be a 9 to $15 million fix that they were planning to do, which they never got done till before it

collapse. But there is a great tendency because people don't have a lot of extra money you see.

And so I think there is a tendency to put this off. But I have to tell you, around South Florida now, everybody is looking at their, the structure of

the high rise they live in, in great detail and starting to move and from the interviews I've had elsewhere in the world that's happening elsewhere,


This is probably a very important wake up call for people to be more, more vigilant and they're maintaining their building.

KINKADE: Yes, certainly, certainly a major shock indeed. Professor Wanless from the University of Miami thanks so much for your time.

WANLESS: It was a pleasure. Thanks for having me.

KINKADE: When we come back anger over Hungary's anti LGBTQ laws spreading across Europe, but it cannot lead to a change in Hungary's leadership. I'm

going to speak to a politician who is campaigning to make that happen in just a moment. Stay with us.


KINKADE: Welcome back. Poland's Education Minister says his nation should copy Hungary's controversial law that bans schools from teaching anything

about homosexuality. The recently passed Hungarian law has been met by outrage in much of Western Europe, but some conservative Central European

politicians appraising it. He's more now from CNN's Isa Soares.



ISA SOARES, CNN INTERNATIONAL CORRESPONDENT (voice over): On the banks of the Danube River, the striking Hungarian Parliament was built more than a

century ago, another era that some say is better suited for a bill that just passed inside of it the bill which erodes gay rights in a country

whether already precious few passed with almost no objections inside the chamber, but plenty outside.

Last week, protesters filled the streets of Budapest to rally against the bill just signed into law by Prime Minister Viktor Orban. It outlaws any

content available to children which portrays diversion from gender identity assigned at birth, gender alteration or homosexuality, effectively barring

any discussion on the topic, inside classrooms, or even in advertising.

Like this 2019 coke ad which was controversial in Hungary, this was all added to a bill meant to better protect children from pedophiles, making it

difficult for lawmakers to vote against it. Leftist opposition parties boycotted the vote.

ATTILA KELEMEN, SCHOOL PSYCHOLOGIST: To mix up homosexuality with sexual crimes is disgusting.

SZEKERES ZSOLT, COORDINATOR, HUNGARIAN HELSINKI COMMITTEE: Each abused child who fears asking for help because of homophobic or transphobic hatred

will suffer because of those MPs who voted for this hate provoking law proposal.

SOARES (voice over): Prime Minister Orban says the law simply states clearly that only parents can decide on the sexual education of their

children and the ban does not place limits on the content adults can view.

European Union Commission President Ursula von der Leyen tweeted she was very concerned about the law saying she believes new Europe which embraces

diversity, not one which hides it from our children. The government says it's not going to apologize for protecting our children.

And Orban himself insists that criticism of the law reinforces the Central European conviction that today's liberals are in fact communists with


GRAEME REID, HUMAN RIGHTS WATCH: I think it's a continuation of what we've seen in the past. This is straight out of an autocrat's playbook. It's part

and parcel of the erosion of the rule of law and the sustained attack on human rights in Hungary.

SOARES (voice over): Gay people in Hungary already cannot marry or adopt children. But it's not just Hungary clamping down on gay rights. Last year,

some Polish towns declare themselves LGBT ideology free zones and a 2013 law in Russian banned so called gay propaganda.

REID: In Russia, we had groups that built themselves as anti pedophile groups who targeted young gay men would subject them to harassment and

torture, filmed that and then uploaded that onto social media. I expected it could have greater implications than the propaganda law in Russia.

SOARES (voice over): One more example of Hungary looking less and less like the rest of Europe. Isa Soares, CNN, London.


KINKADE: Well, I'm joined now by one of the leading politicians in Hungary campaigning against the homosexuality law. Klara Dobrev is a member of the

European Parliament who plans to run against the Hungarian Prime Minister Viktor Orban in next year's national elections, and joins us now live.

Thanks so much for your time.


KINKADE: So this bill was signed into parliament last week. It's been widely condemned by human rights organizations you've condemned it as well.

Just describe how it came about and why there was so little resistance amongst those voting.

DOBREV: Well, you have to understand that this is the basic of the politics of Viktor Orban, who is ruling the country since 2010. Every time then

there is an election coming, and then he's pointing the finger in one of the groups or one of the groups of people in order to hate them.

This time these are the gay and lesbian people, the LGBTQ community four years ago, that was the migrants and refugees then there was the European

Union, George Soros. We in Hungary, he always wants that people hate someone in order to divert the tide of the politics or the topic of the

politics from the real performance. What he's doing. His performance is very poor.

KINKADE: There's a great deal of backlash in Europe over this law. Some European leaders say Hungary should leave Europe because this law doesn't

fit because it doesn't fit in with Europe's ideals. The Dutch PM even suggested that Hungary's Prime Minister should trigger Article 50 to leave.

You say this could be a turning point. Just explain why?

DOBREV: Yes, Viktor Orban made a lot of steps in the last 10 years in order to leave out Hungary from the European Union. The only strong I have to say

reason for him to stay in the Union are the enough funds to subsidies he received from the European Union every year and this is really a few--


DOBREV: But now with the new regulation, the so called rule of the regulation, that those funds can be stopped, especially when the

government, the Hungarian government is simply not obeying with the rule of law or with human rights as in this case.

So even this tiny reason for him in order to expect or accept the European Union's regulation is going away. And it's clear that his focus, his

political focus is now towards Russia, towards China towards Turkey and not towards the Euro Atlantic community or towards the western democracies.

That is the reason why the opposition united itself in order to really put an end to this nightmare.

KINKADE: Having a little bit of difficult with the audio, but I just want to ask you a little bit more about that, so six opposition parties uniting

to run to defeat Prime Minister Orban in the next election. This is a huge moment; do you think this is your only way to defeat the Prime Minister?

DOBREV: Yes, definitely. You have to understand that the first step of Orban - in 2010, back in 2010 is to change the election law and to change

it in a unilateral way, so without discussing it with anyone. So we know exactly that the election standards were to be free, and they are not going

to be fair.

But still, the different parties, liberal social democrats, conservatives face that united themselves together, because this is the only way how we

can really defeat Orban and now the united opposition is leading by several percent, according to the polls, that means that you are going to make some


And well, it's not exactly the same like in the United States, because it's not going to be a primary within a party like we did the Democrats or the

Republicans. But this is going to be a primary among parties in order to choose one prime minister candidate among candidates for every


And this is the way technically how we can defeat Orban and I really feel the power of the people. I think the huge majority of the Hungarian is

simply fed up with Orban's government.

KINKADE: All right, Klara Dobrev, a candidate for Hungarian Prime Minister, good to have you with us, thanks for your time.

DOBREV: Thank you.

KINKADE: You are watching "Connect the World". I'm Lynda Kinkade. We are going to take a very short break much more news in just a moment. Stay with



KINKADE: Welcome back. If you looked up at the sky this past weekend, you might have caught a glimpse of the last Supermoon of 2021. This Strawberry

Full Moon got its name from indigenous people as it refers to the ripening of strawberries in late spring or early summer.

Here in the UAE it was lighting up the sky and these pictures showing the moon in all its glory over Abu Dhabi. Of course it was visible in other

iconic locations around the globe. And definitions of a Supermoon can of course vary but generally it means that the moon appears much bigger and

brighter since its closer to earth, some incredible shots there.


KINKADE: Well, from the moon to the sun Peruvians in Cusco reenacted the ancient Inca festival at the sun to mark the summer solstice.

The celebration known as the Inti Raymi takes place inside a traditional Incan. It's considered the most important Incan ceremony offerings are

given to Mother Earth and traditionally llamas would have been sacrificed to the Incan sun gone.

Reenactments have been taking place here since 1944. The original ceremony was banned in 1572 by a Spanish viceroy who claimed it was a pagan

ceremony, opposed to the Catholic faith.

It was one of the most iconic buildings in the world and now for the first time, visitors will get to see what lies underneath? Rome's 2000-year-old

Coliseum has opened its newly restored network of underground passenger's corridors that were placed by animals and gladiators as they're awaited in

an unknown fate in the arena above.

The restoration has been a huge undertaking by a fashion brand togs as well as volumes, Archaeological Heritage Department. And an engineering and

architectural model that to be shown.

Well, he is wishing you a wonderful day ahead or evening wherever you are watching. Hopefully we can all travel again sometime soon and head to that

Coliseum in Rome. Stay with CNN, I'm Lynda Kinkade. Up next is "One World" with Richard Quest.