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Internal CDC Document Sounds Alarm On Variant's Threat; China Scrambles To Contain Growing Outbreak In Nanjing; Bhutan Vaccinates 90 Percent Of Eligible Adults; Japan Extends State Of Emergency As Cases Climb; U.N.: 400,000 People On Verge Of Famine In Tigray; Scarlett Johansson Suing Disney Over "Black Widow" Release"; South Africa's Schoenmaker Wins Gold In Record Fashion; Matty Lee Celebrates Diving Gold; G.B.'s Bethany Shriever Wins BNX Racing Gold. Aired 10-11a ET

Aired July 30, 2021 - 10:00:00   ET




BECKY ANDERSON, CNN ANCHOR: Chilling morning about how easily the Delta variant is spread. What we are learning from an internal U.S. CDC document.

The mixed picture for the host of Tokyo 2020. There is fear as COVID cases rise but also pride as the home team racks up its goals. And when hunger

turns to famine, the U.N.'s World Food Programme warns that Tigray's people are starving.

Welcome to the show. I'm Becky Anderson. It is 3:00 p.m. in London and you are watching "Connect The World". Well as contagious as the chickenpox,

more transmissible than Ebola and SARS and more deadly than the original strain, those chilling warnings in an alarming new CDC document on the

Delta variant of coronavirus that has implications not just in America, but of course around the world.

The internal document first reported in The Washington Post once (ph) the variant can cause more severe disease in unvaccinated people, and that

vaccinated individuals with breakthrough infections can carry just as much of the virus as the unvaccinated. But the document also emphasizes what

health officials have been saying for months, getting vaccinated makes it overwhelmingly less likely to experience severe illness, when we first saw

the impact of the Delta variant back in the spring devastating India. You'll remember those heart-wrenching scenes of funeral pyres for victims

of the disease. Well now as you can see, the variant has spread to many countries around the globe.

The CDC document coming to life is the agency's Director told CNN, "I think people need to understand that we are not crying wolf here. This is

serious. It's one of the most transmissible viruses that we know about". Well, the documents takeaway public health officials must acknowledge the

war against COVID has changed.

CNN's Medical Analyst Doctor Leana Wen joining me now via Skype from Maryland. And I want to show viewers your new book, "Lifelines: A Doctor's

Journey in the Fight for Public Health". Well worth a read. You have previously expressed frustration over the CDC's messaging around its mask

policy. So what does this new leaked document tell us? And how does it change things at this point?

DR. LEANA WEN, CNN MEDICAL ANALYST: Well, I'm still very frustrated by the CDC's messaging because I think we've lost the plot here. So there are two

key takeaways from the leaked documents and from what the CDC has been saying this week, at least this is how I would interpret it. First is, we

do know that delta is a whole different virus really, I mean, it is -- it resets our expectations for how to deal with COVID-19 because we are

dealing with something that's -- that is much more contagious, that spreads on the level of chickenpox. It's extremely contagious. It also makes people

sicker, and people get sicker faster. And so, it is something that we need to really be aware of.

The other thing too, that we have found out as a result of this is that people infected with the Delta variant and who are fully vaccinated can

still spread to others. And that's why individuals, for example, who live at home with unvaccinated children, or with immunocompromised people, they

should be wearing a mask in indoor public spaces because they don't want to be carrying coronavirus. Even if they will be by themselves, they don't

want to transmit it to their children.

But that said, the reason we need indoor masking overall as a policy is not because of the vaccinated, it's that the unvaccinated are the issue. The

unvaccinated are the problem. They are the reason we're in the position that we're in. They still constitute the vast majority of spread. And so, I

think that part of the messaging is getting lost. The vaccinated are not the problem, the unvaccinated remain the issue.

ANDERSON: So clearly, your message would be get vaccinated. And we are seeing, you know, many organizations saying, should you not get vaccinated,

don't bother coming back to work going forward. So there's a -- there was a big effort in those parts of the world where vaccines exist and are

accessible, that people actually get to take them when they are off with them.


What is all of this tell us about places where vaccines aren't as freely available? This worries people enormously, doesn't it?

WEN: Absolutely. I think there is something we need to say about American exceptionalism, and countries where there is plenty of vaccine, where we're

begging people to take the vaccine that is safe and effective and lifesaving. And on the other hand, we have many countries where healthcare

workers, vulnerable older people have not yet received the vaccine and whom there are people who are dying every single day because they don't have

access to the vaccine. So I do think that global vaccine equity is going to be really important.

The countries that have plenty of vaccine need to do better with sharing the vaccine with increasing manufacturing of the vaccine. But at the same

time, we also have to do a lot better with getting people to take the vaccine. And so, I do think that vaccine mandates, and also looking at what

Italy and France and other countries are doing with saying, you can stay unvaccinated if you want. But if you want to now be in bars, restaurants,

if you want to get on planes and trains, you got to get vaccinated or at least have proof of a negative test.

I hope that the U.S. and other countries start switching to this model, because we really need to get people more -- we need to get people

vaccinated or else where Delta is not going to be the last variant of concern that we see.

ANDERSON: Thank you for that. So this Delta COVID variant is testing many people's approach to keeping infection rates down, including that of China.

City wide testing being done in the city of Nanjing to contain a outbreak there. Official say at least 185 people have been infected there in the

past three weeks. And remember, there have been some really, really tough COVID protocols in China. The cases there rolling (ph) to cleaners at the

city's airport who worked on an inbound flight from Russia on July the 10th. But China's stringent methods are starting to fray somewhat. The

Nanjing airport cluster has spread to at least 15 cities in eight provinces.

Steven Jiang is joining us live from the capital of Beijing, which is also tracking new COVID cases for the first times in months. This is a fast-

moving situation both in Nanjing and elsewhere. Tell us what is happening and what authorities are doing to try to contain this highly infectious

Delta variant.

STEVEN JIANG, CNN SENIOR PRODUCER: That's right, Becky, you know, this latest clusters really shows no sign of abating with more cases cropping up

throughout the day. As you mentioned, now, they have traced the origin to that flight from Russia in early July that carried confirmed cases and they

say the airport's cleaning staff that cleaned that flight did not follow protocols. That's how they got infected and then contaminated their work

environment, which happens to be one of the country's busiest aviation hubs, leading to the spread of this virus among not only their co-workers,

but also travelers passing through the terminals.

So now, of course, the radius of this transmission, of this cluster is getting wider and wider. And that is very alarming one. This is the Delta

variant we are talking about. And then it really calls into question of the efficacy of China's homegrown vaccines because more than 90 percent of the

staff at the Nanjing airport actually hadn't been fully vaccinated. So, really a lot of unanswered questions about these breakthrough infections as

you were talking earlier in the show, Becky.

ANDERSON: Just what is the Chinese government doing in this? What's the messaging? What's the narrative?

JIANG: That's why, you know, they have of course, taken a page from their familiar playbook. Now we have seen, as you mentioned, multiple rounds of

mass testing throughout a country, and then extensive contact tracing is being done as well. And now, of course, increasingly, we're seeing local

authorities reimpose some of the more draconian measures we hadn't seen for months, including, for example, here in Beijing, locking down more than

41,000 people for just two cases.

And not only here, but also in other parts of the country in Zhangjiajie, for example, in central China, that city has now locked down the entire

population of more than 1.5 million residents and also they have closed down all the very popular tourist attractions in the middle of the summer

peak travel season, not to mention the Nanjing Airport has been closed down as well. So all of this, of course, is presenting the leadership here with

that question of how do they strike a balance between containing the virus and growing the economy. So far, Becky, we have not seen any signs they are

going to change this approach of zero tolerance towards locally transmitted cases. So do expect to see more lockdowns and a sharp drop in domestic

travel. Becky?

ANDERSON: Steven Jiang is your reporter in Beirut. Steven, thank you.

Well, unfortunately, the end may not be in sight soon either for Australia. The Prime Minister today saying the government there will continue imposing

lockdowns as needed until 70 percent of adults are fully vaccinated. Scott Morrison says he hopes that will happen this year. He says Australia will

begin to reopen its borders once that number hits 80 percent. So far, fewer than 20 percent of adults in Australia have received both shots.


Well, to what is being held now as a success story in the COVID battle, the tiny Asian nation of Bhutan has managed to fully vaccinate some 90 percent

of its eligible adults in a matter of days. Bhutan rolled out its second doses just 10 days ago, and according to UNICEF, it has already gotten

those second shots into nearly half a million arms, which unexperienced shortages this spring after India stopped vaccine exports. It then relied

on donations from the COVAX vaccine sharing program as well as from individual nations.

There are still challenges ahead. Bhutanese health minister says the country has a responsibility to protect the unvaccinated and she is

encouraging everyone to keep up good public health measures. She also tweeted, thanks to the government and people of America, which donated some

500,000 doses through the COVAX scheme.

So a small nation with big results, the health minister joining me now live on Skype. It's very good to have you with us. Firstly, just explain to us

how it is that you have been able to get as many people vaccinated as you have as quickly as you have. What's been the key to your success?

LYONPO DASHO DECHEN WANGMO, BHUTANESE HEALTH MINISTER: Thank you, Becky, for the opportunity to share our experience and our learnings. For us, of

course, our smallness, we are a small nation of 700,000 population, so I think the size does matter. The second one is, of course, the role of the

sovereign, the role of the sovereign in terms of the moral authority to mobilize public solidarity.

We have a huge support from the public who are coming forward to really get themselves vaccinated. And, of course, at the end of the day, the

multilateralism, the solidarity expressed by many countries who were willing to help us achieve what we have achieved so far. So we remain I

think these factors that has made possible for us to achieve 95 percent of our eligible population are inoculated as of today.

ANDERSON: Let's talk about the success story that is COVAX, at least for you. I just want our viewers to get a sense of what it was like working

with that scheme, because here on this show, we have been a supporter of and providing a platform for to a certain extent, the story of COVAX now

for months and months and months and it's sort of ebbed and flowed as far as its success is concerned. So just explain how the system worked for you.

WANGMO: I think for us, I mean, of course, the noble initiative of COVAX is to really address the inequity in access to vaccine. As you will

understand, many countries like Bhutan are struggling to inoculate their population. I think we have -- there is a huge disparity in terms of access

to vaccine at this point in time. So for us, accessing COVID, of course (ph) -- from COVAX, we had an allocation of only -- 20 percent of our

allocation would come from COVAX.

And as of today, we have received barely about 5,800 plus doses of vaccine from COVAX. The support that we have received, of course, is through

bilateral contribution through the door sharing within the COVAX facility. So many countries, Denmark, for example, India in early on during our first

dose rollout, and for the second dose, of course, U.S. government, Denmark, Russia (ph), Bulgaria, they all came towards to -- forward to help the

small nation of us.


WANGMO: So, I think this really shows the global solidarity that is needed to take the vaccine agenda forward.

ANDERSON: Couple of important questions to you. Are you seeing the Delta variant in Bhutan? If so, how concerned are you? And I know your goal is

herd immunity. You must be very close. So what's the next step to that end?

WANGMO: I think Delta variant, of course, it's a big concern. We did a serosurveillance and gene sequencing along our borders in the south and we

are actually experiencing outbreak as we speak.


And we found that 80 percent of the variant there is a Delta variant. So that's a huge concern for us. So we have relied heavily on non-

pharmaceutical intervention. And public health measures have been instituted long time back. And we have a very active surveillance system

along the borders where we have very close community with India.

For us, I look -- you know, as a small nation, where we do not have the capacity to really assess what kind of variants is currently in the

country, with this kind of limitation, it's very difficult for many nation like ours to actually understand and prepare ourselves against new variants

that are coming up. As we speak, there are four or five variants of interest at the moment, especially the Lambda, we are keeping a very close

eye on it as well. So I think I think the limitation of capacity in country to assess these variants and do gene sequencing, I think that's a huge

challenge for many country like us.

ANDERSON: Finally and very briefly, you say that you have been able to vaccinate now double dose 90 percent to 95 percent of the adult population,

will you be vaccinating children and young adults or adolescents?

WANGMO: Yes. Actually two days ago after approval from E.U. for Moderna vaccine to be administered for children between the ages of 12 and 17, we

have prioritized -- I know for our district that borders the Sun Belt, and we have started inoculation there and we have finished almost 50 --

children there. And now, of course, we are reaching out again to many countries to give us vaccines that are required for children that are

specifically -- so, for example, the mRNA vaccine, the Pfizer and the Moderna vaccine. So this is where we are reaching out.

Demographically, we are 30 percent of -- because of the demographic, 30 percent of our population still remains unvaccinated. And as you mentioned

earlier, I think that is our biggest fear, with the new variants coming in. And we have at least one-third of our population unvaccinated and the

health system in a very infant stage at the moment with not having many doctors. So this is our biggest fear. And this is where I think we are

reaching out to many countries to help us out in terms of really protecting our children.

ANDERSON: With that, we will leave it there. We wish you the best of Bhutan. Ofttimes tops out the list of happiest places in the world and we

do wish you the very best. Thank you.

Well, Japan has fully vaccinated less than a third of its population. And the country's largest doctor's group is warning the medical system could

collapse if the COVID surge continues.

We'll take you live to Tokyo as it continues to host the Olympic Games. And this had to hurt. An American BMX rider took a bad spill on the track

earlier. We'll have the details on that. Plus, the latest on star athlete, Simone Biles.

Plus, going green, a man makes his home zero waste and basically organic. We'll take a look inside after this.



ANDERSON: Well, Japanese Prime Minister has extended the state of emergency in Tokyo and Okinawa Jersey (ph) country tops 10,000 new COVID cases for

the first time. This week, Tokyo recorded three consecutive days of record case numbers and 3,300 were added on Friday.

Japan's largest medical association warns that if COVID cases continue to climb, the hospital system could collapse. Well, CNN Selina Wang has been

following the developments in Tokyo, surrounding not just the outbreak, of course, but also the Olympic Games themselves. And she joins us now. Is

this extended state of emergency? And if indeed it is instigated, going to affect the games themselves?

SELINA WANG, CNN CORRESPONDENT: Well, Becky, in short, no. The Prime Minister insists that the Olympics are not to blame for the surge in COVID-

19 cases. He maintains that the bubble between Olympic participants and the broader public has been maintained.

But Becky, for months now, experts has been warning that the Olympics would encourage people to go out more, gather more, celebrate and ignore the

government's calls urging people to stay at home. And despite the continued state of emergency in Tokyo, we're seeing COVID-19 cases continuing to


And nationwide on Thursday, COVID-19 cases top to 10,000 for the first time ever. And while Japan has avoided the massive explosion of cases we've seen

in some other parts of the world, Japan has struggled to contain the highly transmissible Delta variant. The Prime Minister saying that cases are

increasing at an unprecedented pace as a medical system comes under increasing strain.

And at the same time, cases are also increasing inside the Olympic bubble. Now, at least 225 COVID-19 cases in Japan linked to the games. This does

all cast a cloud over the incredible run Japan has had so far at these games reaching a record 17 gold medals already, topping Japan's previous

record of 16 gold medals.

Earlier I spoke to the CEO of the Olympic Broadcasting Services and he told me that 90 percent of Japan have watched at least some part of these games

since they started. A number that he says is much higher than what he expected. Take a listen to what else he told me.


YIANNIS EXARCHOS, CEO OLYMPIC BROADCASTING SERVICES: The vast majority of the population here has watched the games for the Japanese broadcasters. We

speak to them every day. I think they are excited. The Japanese people have connected with a games completely. Obviously, it's helped a lot the fact

that the Japanese team is doing so well, they are getting so many medals.


WANG: And Becky, when I speak to residents, there is growing excitement about the Olympics and how well their athletes are doing. There's national

pride for the great performance they're having, but also mixed feelings and concerns that only about a quarter of the Japanese population is fully

vaccinated and concern about these surges and COVID-19 cases, Becky.

ANDERSON: Selina Wang reporting for you.

Well facing a COVID surge may not make the Olympic Games any easier, but Japan's athletes do seem up to the task. It has to be said, the host

station is second in the gold medal count just behind China. The U.S. leads in overall medals, and medals in more than a dozen sports have been given

out today including rowing BMX racing and swimming. And speaking of swimming, South Africa's Star Tatjana Schoenmaker not only won the gold in

the women's 200 meter breaststroke, but also broke the world record.

The BMX races didn't go as planned, I'm afraid. U.S. rider Connor Fields had to be taken off the track on a stretcher after a very nasty crash.

Still no word if Simone Biles will compete in any more events in Tokyo. The American gymnast posted this then deleted an Instagram video earlier. They

show her practicing at a gym in Tokyo struggling with her dismounts. She writes, her mind and body are simply not in sync. Biles withdrew from two

events earlier this week citing mental health reasons.


CNN's Coy Wire is in Tokyo and he joins us now live. Where do you want to start, sir?

COY WIRE, CNN CORRESPONDENT: Well, Becky, I think this is really big what we're hearing from Simone Biles, you're showing that. We're used to seeing

Ms. Invincible, right, this girl and we know this woman who just -- is another level of excellence. And to see that video, it reminds of just how

dangerous gymnastics can be, especially at the mentals aren't there as Biles called it, Becky.

She said that she was petrified and that her mind and body, you know, weren't in sync, as you said. So, for her to not be able to tell up from

down, for her to say that she doesn't have an inch of control over her entire body, and we've heard other gymnast, former gymnast speak out in

regards to this situation. It's a reminder that if she's not right over these next couple of days before the four individual events start on

Sunday, we may not see Simone Biles in the Tokyo games ever again.

She's 24 years old. She's been the most dominant athlete on the planet, but she hurt her games, maybe her Olympic career. Becky could be over if she

doesn't get those mentals back to where she needs them to be.

ANDERSON: Yes. And it's interesting, isn't it, because I think she was -- she tweeted herself that the outpouring of support that she's got from what

has gone on, has made her realize she's bigger than just the gymnasts that she's been -- she's clearly become, which I think is extraordinary. Man,

it's -- and I'm sure that will give her a, you know, a great feeling of support as well as she gets herself through this.

Look, I mean, you've been attending some of these events. What stood out for you?

WIRE: Well, today when I went to the sunny beach volleyball venue, which I thought was what I would find, I got pouring rain, booming thunder, the

matches did go on. I couldn't use an umbrella. I learned out the hard way, they made me take my umbrella down. That stood out to me today as far as

seeing matches. But I also saw that Novak Djokovic, his quest for the golden slam, Becky, is over.

Thirty-four years old from Serbia, he lost in the semi-finals to Germany's Alex Zverev. He was trying to become that first man to ever win all four

majors and an Olympic gold medal in the same year. Steffi Graf remains the only person to ever do it. Djokovic can still get that traditional grand

slam, of course, if he wins the U.S. Open which begins next month. Becky?

ANDERSON: All right. Just a traditional grand slam. He'll have to aim for that then.

WIRE: Sight (ph) after that.

ANDERSON: All right, fantastic. Thank you very much, indeed.

We've got extensive coverage of the games, of course, on the website You'll find not only the Olympic news in the day but also analysis

on the most compelling stories coming out of Tokyo. And they really are compelling this year. Among those, we take a look into what makes Simone

Biles the greatest of all time and GOAT as they call that.

Well, just ahead on "Connect World", people are starving. That is U.N.'s stark declaration about what is happening in war-ravaged Tigray. A live

report is next.

And we'll talk with the U.S. lawmaker who says the Biden administration must do more to stop the power grab in Tunisia. That's next hour. Do stay

with us.



ANDERSON: Welcome back, I'm Becky Anderson. You're watching "Connect The World".

A frantic new warning about a dire situation that is now getting worse. The U.N.'s World Food Programme telling CNN, quote, 400,000 people are on the

verge of famine in the Ethiopian region of Tigray. And UNICEF says more than 100,000 of them are kids, confirming its worst fears about what is

happening to the most vulnerable of people in that region.

The WFP says no food convoys have been allowed into the war scarred area in two weeks. David Beasley runs the World Food Programme and you can probably

picture him looking beyond frantic when he tweeted this on Tuesday, "170 trucks bound for Tigray with food and other supplies are stuck right now in

Afar and can't leave. These trucks must be allowed to move now. People are starving." We're months of violence between Ethiopian government, Tigray

enforces has been catastrophic for the people in the region.

Let's get you to CNN's Larry Madowo who is in neighboring Kenya at this point. Humanitarian aid stuck, not getting through to the people who need

it most. And the U.N. is saying, flat out people are starving. What do we understand to be happening on the ground?

LARRY MADOWO, CNN CORRESPONDENT: Well, we know for sure, Becky, is that there is a blockade that humanitarian assistance is not getting the people

that need it. And in the middle of that, the Ethiopian government at the federal level and the Tigrayan People's Liberation Front are trading

accusations back and forth. The government says, no, we already left because we declared a unilateral ceasefire, and it is the TPLF that is

blocking aid to the people that need it and they need to respect this unilateral ceasefire that we declared.

But in the middle of that, there are people that World Food Programme saying 400,000 people are on the brink of famine. And even beyond that, the

majority of people in this northern part of Ethiopia need urgent humanitarian assistance. That is how bad it is. But the government's

position --


MADOWO: -- this is the spokesperson for the Ethiopian Prime Minister.

ANDERSON: OK, I thought we were going to hear from that spokesperson. Look, the food crisis comes against the backdrop of an intensifying war, Larry,

that spilling out of Tigray into other regions and this is deepening ethnic tensions and it is stoking real fear and concern. This is a quote from an

economist article. A few weeks ago, when the insurgents captured most of the Tigray region, including Mekelle, the capital, there may have been a

chance for a negotiated end to Ethiopia's civil war and accompanying humanitarian crisis. Instead, the war may be entering its most dangerous

phase yet/

Just explain why it is that this article is pointing that out, and just how worrying is this development.

MADOWO: This conflict has been raging since November, and we're now in the ninth month of this conflict and the TPLF feel victorious. They feel that

they have driven the Ethiopian government out of this region of Tigray and they're in control of that. And they have threatened that they're going to

pursue the region (ph) fighters, the region (ph) forces that were in this region, they're going to pursue them harder forces in the neighboring


And this is the spectrum of violence that has seen more than 2 million people displaced that have seen thousands and thousands of people killed.

And it doesn't seem to be coming to an end anytime soon. When you're talking about 70 percent, 80 percent of the population that is in dire need

of food and the -- it's kind of get to them. That's why you see a lot of people raising concerns.

Right now, the U.N.'s emergency relief chief is in a meeting with leaders there. Samantha Power, the head of USAID is also expected in Ethiopia next

week to try and push for access for humanitarian workers. But the international community, Becky, has been asking again and again and again

for succession (ph) authorities for access (ph) in humanitarian workers and for an independent investigation of all the atrocities that have been

reported there.

ANDERSON: Larry Madowo is in Kenya for you. Thank you, Larry.

Let's get you up to speed on some of the other stories that are on our radar right now. In state one Chinese media accusing Britain of stirring up

trouble in the disputed waters of the South China Sea. And they say that's on behalf of the United States.


A British aircraft carrier has been the center of attention this week, staging military exercises with U.S. jets in the contested waters. Beijing

has claimed most of the South China Sea for itself.

About 200 Afghans who risked their lives to help American soldiers and diplomats have now arrived in the United States. They are part of a

priority group of 700 interpreters, translators, and their families who were evacuated after applying for Special Immigrant Visas. Others are still

waiting in Afghanistan, fearing Taliban retaliation.

A scare in Earth's orbit after a Russian module misfired its thrusters while docked with the International Space Station. That cause what NASA

calls a tug of war, briefly nudging the space station out of position. NASA says no one was in danger and the problem was corrected after an hour.

Back on Earth you with "Connect World". Still ahead, flames and smoke. Looking like mountains, wildfires are still burning in southern Turkey.

We're live there next hour. Also had a blockbuster film release turns ugly. Why Scarlett Johansson is suing Disney.


ANDERSON: Scarlett Johansson is suing Disney. The actress is one of Marvel's biggest stars. She alleges Disney breached her contract when they

release the film "Black Widow" on its streaming service Disney Plus as well as in theaters at the same time. The actress claimed she was promised a

theatrical release. Disney says there is, quote, no merit whatsoever to this filing and not it's, quote, distressing in its callous disregard for

the COVID-19 pandemic.

CNN Business Media Writer Frank Pallotta joining me now to break this all down rule this is nasty. Why would Scarlett Johansson care that Disney

releases film in theaters and on its streaming platform?

FRANK PALLOTTA, CNN BUSINESS MEDIA WRITER: Money, it's that simple. It's money. So when you think about it this way, you know, in Hollywood, usually

you can get your money upfront and a big lump sum will pay a $20 million to be in the next Marvel movie. Or most likely for A-Listers like Scarlett

Johansson, you get your money on the back end, which means you get percentage of the box office receipts. So for some of the Scarlett

Johansson, she's claimed in this lawsuit that her salary was made up in large part of box office receipts.

The problem is, is that if a movie gets put on Disney Plus, she's arguing that cannibalize the box office, which then cannibalized her salary. So now

she is suing Disney to get back the money that she says Disney cost her by putting the movie on Disney Plus, their new streaming service.


ANDERSON: And Disney say and I, quote, again, because I just think it's quite a marvelous quote, distressing and it's callous disregard for the

COVID-19 pandemic, they said of her filing. Can you just pick that apart for us?

PALLOTTA: Yes, basically, Disney's not rolling over. Disney is pushing back in a big way, in a big public way to Scarlett Johansson and her

representation saying that she's using this pandemic as an opportunity to make more money because of what's been happening. But let's take a step

back for a second and really try to understand what's going on here. What's really going on here is that we're in a transformational time in Hollywood,

a pivotal time when we're trying to figure out how we're going to watch our entertainment, our movies or television, and also behind the scenes, how

creators and talents are going to be properly compensated for creating the content that we watch.

That is what's really happening here. Does this go to court? I'm a bit dubious of that, but there is a lot of spice going on between both sides

now. And this is just the beginning, I think, of more negotiations, more battles and more objections from talent and studios and how they get

properly paid as the streaming revolution continues.

ANDERSON: Thank you, sir. Well explains. We will keep an eye on that story. Thanks, Frank.

Tars of joy in Tokyo after a record setting performance in the pool. South African's Tatjana Schoenmaker setting the record and winning Olympic gold

in the women's 200 meter breaststroke. Her reaction, astonishment, followed by a cried, a group hug.

Amanda Davies here, another highly emotional moment of these games?

AMANDA DAVIES, CNN CORRESPONDENT: Yes, it was absolutely fantastic to watch this one, Becky. And indescribable was the word that she used to afterwards

to try and sum up her feelings. She was really not leading this one at all. It was the U.S.'s Lilly King who had the advantage up until about 150


So when Schoenmaker touched not only was she surprised that she'd won, she was perhaps more shocked, surprised herself that she had broken the world

record, a world record that had stood since 2013. It's the first individual world record that has been set in these games, a first gold medal for South

Africa. And you could see not only what it meant to her, but really fantastic to see the support --


DAVIES: -- that she got from her fellow competitors around the pool as well.

ANDERSON: Yes. So -- it's so good to see that. Briefly, what else you got coming up in world sport?

DAVIES: I have a gold medal winner joining us live, Becky. Matty Lee who was part of that team GB pair, of course, with Tom Daley who took gold in

the 10-meter synchronized --


DAVIES: -- diving on Monday. He's back in the U.K. already and fantastically will be joining me here in just a couple of minutes.

ANDERSON: Excellent. Stay with us, folks. Amanda's got that after the break in world sport. I'm back after that.



DAVIES: Hi, thanks for joining us. Welcome along to world sport live from London with me, Amanda Davies. It's incredible to believe we're reaching

the end of the first week of Tokyo 2020. For so many athletes, their games is over and they're back home already.

For Britain's Matty Lee, it's fair to say it was a successful games taking gold with partner Tom Daley in the 10-meter synchronized diving. It has

been quite a journey for Matty from being a young fan of Tom's asking for a photograph, to diving alongside him on his sports biggest stage claiming

the gold medal in a first Olympic Games to break the Chinese domination of the events which are dated back 21 years to the Sydney games in 2000. And

I'm delighted to say that Matty joins us live from Leeds now.

Congratulations. Fantastic to see the balloons in the background and the medal round your neck. I mean, how does it feel? Have you got used to it


MATTY LEE, SYNCHRONISED DIVING GOLD MEDALIST: No, not at all. I genuinely still feel like I'm dreaming. Like it's something I never thought actually

would happen. Like at the same time I became an Olympian, which was the biggest dream I've ever had. And then on the same day, I became an Olympic

gold medalist. So yes, so crazy and surreal.

DAVIES: And I can see you haven't only got your gold medal, but you've got a pretty special Olympic ring on your finger as well.

LEE: Yes, there it is. Star behind it.

DAVIES: Was it always going to be gold do you think?

LEE: Well, I -- think it was, yes. I think if Tom basically gave it to me after our competition, which was very sweet, so I think either way, you

still had this to either cheer me up or add to the amazing accolade that we got.

DAVIES: And how do you look back now on Monday, what is the moment that stands out for you?

LEE: It's when -- when we were waiting to find out the scores of the Chinese dive weekend (ph). You saw it on the TV (INAUDIBLE) was like this,

I was praying. And when we saw that we were number one, like that was the most incredible feeling I've ever had. Like I remember just like the

yelling, like, and just bear hugging Tom, picking him up like and then all the other teams would be athletes just came up -- like the divers came over

and hugged us and all the girls are crying and I was crying. And yes, it was just beautiful.

DAVIES: You have looked so incredibly calm and composed all the way through your dives. How are you actually feeling inside?

LEE: I was so scared. Because I knew we were up there like and usually I do like to know those sort of things. I knew we were either like one or two

going into the last round. And luckily I didn't know how tight was it. We were literally a point ahead of them going -- ahead of the Chinese going

into the last round. And like knowing that we actually performed in such high pressure, you know, environment, it's just something I almost still

can't get my head around.

DAVIES: And we saw the tears. You mentioned the tears. The emotions from so many people over the last few days have seemed heightened perhaps from what

we've seen before. Has it felt different as a competition given everything that's happened over the last 18 months or so do you think?

LEE: Yes, I truly believe so. Like I remember I watched -- me and Tom was sat together watching the first diving event starting which was the woman's

for me to synchro the day before ours and literally I looked over at Tom is literally just tired. I looked over at Tom is he's got a tear in his eye,

and I said, whoa bro, what was wrong? You're right. And he was like, I can't believe it's actually happening.

And I genuinely felt that too. And like -- I feel like everyone just -- it was just -- others say this boy is sometimes, there are stories where

people don't get the result they want but also when it when it goes right, everyone, I think is just more -- like I've seen more tears than I ever

have. Absolutely, yes.

DAVIES: And your relationship with Tom certainly is special. We've been showing that picture of when you initially met, you were just looking to

get a photo with him And an autograph, weren't you?

LEE: Yes, it literally was, exactly like I I'm. As a kid I used to look up to Tom, he was my idol. And I used to -- every time I'd see him which were

very rare. I'd run up to him and, you know, wait in the queue for a photo and autograph. But yes, it's so strange how it oh, like, within, I think,

what, nine, 12 years, I can't remember that -- from back then. And now, we get to share like the greatest achievement in sports together.


DAVIES: So what point did you switch from becoming a Tom Daley fan to seeing yourself as his teammate?

LEE: I guess the first time I ever went on a -- in a competition with him when was in 2012 at the Junior World Championships. So I was kind of like,

oh, well, I don't want to be that weird, like, kid who's fun still like as I need to try and be his friend, sort of thing. But it wasn't until, like,

obviously, like the past three years where we started doing synchro together, and I moved to London to train with him. That's when really like

our friendship flourished.

DAVIES: And how much did you use his story? I think even international viewers would remember the early days of Tom and as such a young boy

competing here, you know, a London 2012, how much did you use his story and everything that had happened at his previous games as motivation for your


LEE: Well, obvious -- like he, seeing what he's been through, and still, what he's achieved through all of that is incredible. And it kind of -- it

really does teach you that anything is possible, even if things don't always go right in other places. And also, like, I feel like everything

he's been through. He's, obviously had to deal with that and have to overcome that.

And in the past few years of literally training alongside of him, he's taught me so much from all that experience. He's been free (ph), because

this is my first Olympic Games like, usually you don't win at your first Olympic Games, like usually you go to experience it, enjoy it. So like for

me to actually deal with the pressure, a lot of it is like I have to give credit Tom for, like teaching me so much. And, you know, and being so calm

in some situations that really have rubbed off on me.

DAVIES: And you are the first Team G.B. gold medalist back on home soil. What was the -- I mean, you've missed out sadly on, you know, the team

playing home with all the medal winners that we've seen in years gone by, but what is the reception been like?

LEE: Yes, it's actually been really -- like really nice to come back kind of early. Like, obviously, that was good that we could all stay out and

then beyond the team plane or go to the closing ceremony. But it was really nice to come back. Like whilst it's still fresh. Do all this media be able

to talk to you guys and obviously, more importantly, see my mum and my dad and my brother and all my other family, my friends, like it's been honestly

so special.

I literally got off the flight and went into the arrivals, saw my parents were in there, my brother (ph), and I think I hugged my mom first, broke

down in tears.

DAVIES: What did your mom say to you?

LEE: I don't remember, I think --because she instantly is very similar to me. She instantly broke into tears as soon as we touched and we would --

she would just like make you like, not like that. But I was crying and I was kind of doing the same thing like laughing while I was crying.

DAVIES: Just finally you're going to be cheering Tom on?

LEE: Yes, no, absolutely. I've got my alarm set for whatever the day is. I'm also turn on the other divers as well and the rest of Team G.B. up. So

yes, and the jet lag kind of helps because then I can wake up early and watch them all.

DAVIES: Yes, stay on Tokyo time here --

LEE: Yes, right.

DAVIES: in the U.K. Matty Lee, it's been a real pleasure to speak to you. Congratulations, and enjoy all that comes next.

LEE: Thank you very much.

All right, Team USA women's football team are looking to win back to back World Cup and Olympic gold, but they certainly didn't have it all their own

way in their quarterfinal. Stay with us.



DAVIES: Welcome back. What a day of women's football quarterfinal action. It's been at Tokyo 2020 where the world champions the USA have booked their

place in the semi-finals. But boy, only just in a rematch of their 2019 World Cup final against the Netherlands it went to penalties after

finishing to a piece. It was Megan Rapinoe that delivered the decisive spot kick in the end to keep alive Team USA's hopes of becoming the first

women's team to win the World Cup and Olympic gold back to back.

Canada got past Brazil on penalties. Sweden knocked out host Japan 3-1. And Australia played out a cracking 4-3 victory over Team G.B.

Now there's a reason that only one person in history has completed the calendar golden slam in tennis. It is tough to do. And for all of Novak

Djokovic's dominance of the major tournament so far this year, his quest for Olympic Gold has come to an end. The men's world number one was beaten

in the semi-final in Tokyo by Germany's Alexander Zverev, the top seat who's won all three grand slams so far this year. Stopped in his tracks as

you can see, three sets 1,6, 6,3, 6,1.

Well the BMX riders are staking a claim to being some of the toughest athletes at the games. But the good news is that 2016 gold medal winner on

a field is awake and waiting for further medical evaluation after suffering this scary looking crash in the third round of the men's semi-final. The

28-year-old was taken off the course on a stretcher and left the venue in an ambulance. The good news, he's awake. We will of course update when we

hear any more news.

In the final, despite suffering from a fractured knee, during official training, it didn't stop former world champion Niek Kimmann from the

Netherlands winning gold. This the first Olympic gold medal for the Netherlands in BMX racing. Kye Whyte of Great Britain took the silver, but

then his day didn't stop there after he finished second. Whyte went over to cheer on his compatriot Bethany Shriever. She dethroned Colombia's Mariana

Pajon who won gold in London in 2012 and Rio in 2016.

Such a tight finish. There were some incredibly emotional scenes out the finish line as Whyte embrace Shriever picking her up, taking a load off her

legs. Shriever set up a crowdfunding account to pay for her journey to Tokyo. She worked as a teaching assistant to earn money when U.K. sports

stop the funding for the female athletes based on performance at previous games. But a very, very well deserved gold for her.

And the first gold medals being won in the athletic stadium as well. Ethiopia's Selemon Barega upsetting a world champion and world record

holder, Joshua Cheptegei to claim 10,000 meters gold.

It has been a busy day, a busy opening week at the Olympics. And that's it for myself and the team for now, Becky?

ANDERSON: And as far as the events are concerned, they've been absolutely cracking. Thank you. Thank you to your team. "Connect The World" is up
