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Connect the World

General Colin Powell Dies at 84 of COVID-19 Complications; Notorious Gang Believed behind Mass Kidnapping in Haiti; The Space Race: Weighing Collaboration versus Competition; China's Economy Expanding at Slowest Pace in a Year; Braves leave it Late Again, Take 2-0 Lead on Dodgers; Roy McIlroy Takes CJ Cup for 20th Career Victory. Aired 11a-12p ET

Aired October 18, 2021 - 11:00   ET




ANNOUNCER: Live from CNN Dubai. This is "Connect the World" with Becky Anderson.

BECKY ANDERSON, CNN HOST, CONNECT THE WORLD: Welcome back. U.S and world leaders are paying tribute to General Colin Powell. His family says he died

early Monday from COVID-19 complications. Powell was 84 years old. The family added that he was fully vaccinated.

CNN has learned that Powell suffered from cancer of his blood cells, which compromised his immune system. Well, power blazed many trails in American

political life and his leadership in Republican administrations helped shape American foreign policy from the late 1980s into the early 2000s.

CNN's Wolf Blitzer spoke with Secretary Powell, many times he takes a look back now at his extraordinary life.



WOLF BLITZER, CNN CORRESPONDENT (voice over): Colin Powell, a soldier turn statesman made history on many fronts, the first African American and

youngest Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, and later, the first African American Secretary of State.

POWELL: So I've always felt strongly that you should try to solve conflicts in this world through negotiations through diplomacy. Anytime we can solve

a problem that way and not use force and satisfy our objectives. Let's push for that.

BLITZER (voice over): Powell grew up in the Bronx, New York. His parents emigrated from Jamaica. By his own admission, he was not an outstanding


POWELL: It's been amusing over the years to have people come with me say well, General Powell; you're Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff. When

did you go? When did you graduate from West Point? It couldn't have gotten in.

BLITZER (voice over): He enrolled in the City College of New York. Geology was his major, but the ROTC became his passion. Powell flourished as a

cadet, and after graduating, excelled as a soldier, he served two tours of Vietnam before earning a prestigious fellowship, working for the Office of

Management and Budget during the Nixon era in 1972.

Afterwards, Powell returned to his troops, eventually becoming a general and went back to the White House in 1987, as President Reagan's National

Security Adviser, then, in 1989, the General became the highest ranking officer in the U.S. military when President George H. W. Bush named him

Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff.

POWELL: Our strategy to go after this army is very, very simple. First, we're going to cut it off, and then we're going to kill it.

BLITZER (voice over): Powell became a household name during the first Gulf War. His policy of overwhelming force against Iraq became known as the

Powell Doctrine.

POWELL: I express my sincere thanks to each and every one of you for being here to share my final day in uniform.

BLITZER (voice over): After a distinguished 35 year career, Powell retired from the army in 1993. Ten years later, the United States would become

involved in another Gulf War and Powell again played a key role.

POWELL: My colleagues, every statement I make today is backed up by sources, solid sources. These are not assertions. What we're giving you are

facts and conclusions based on solid intelligence.

BLITZER (voice over): Then Secretary of State Powell made a case in front of the UN Security Council, arguing that Iraq posed a grave threat to the

world because he said they had weapons of mass destruction. The following month, the U.S. invasion began. The war lasted more than eight years, no

weapons of mass destruction ever turned up.

POWELL: I regret it now because the information was wrong.

BLITZER (voice over): After four years as President George W. Bush's Secretary of State, Powell returned to private life, he spent his civilian

years empowering you through his projects, America's Promise Alliance, and the Colin Powell School for Civic and Global Leadership.

POWELL: We're going to go and educate the kids who are most in need. And when I heard their stories, I said I got to get this is where I belong. I'm

home again.

BLITZER (voice over): General Colin Powell, a leader and a patriot who devoted a lifetime to service.


ANDERSON: Well, CNN's Chief International Anchor, Christiane Amanpour, joining me now from London. And Christiane he was at one stage considered a

leading contender to become the first Black President of the United States but then that now infamous faulty Intel on Iraq that he pushed out the UN

stained his reputation appeared he would describe later as a "Blot" on his record.

You knew Colin Powell, you interviewed him a number of times, and you asked him about that period. What were his reflections?

CHRISTIANE AMANPOUR, CNN CHIEF INTERNATIONAL CORRESPONDENT: Well Becky, look, he has said it over and again and you heard him in the in the report

there where Wolf fits into various CNN hosts and many others.


AMANPOUR: He said that you know this faulty intelligence that I posted the UN will be the first line of my obituary. He said, as you put it, it was a

blot on his copybook. He said, he would forever sort of, unfortunately be known for that. And he did in later years say that he blamed himself for

not smelling trouble at the time, he said that his instincts failed me.

And certainly it was faulty intelligence that was being pushed and that, as we know, because certainly I covered the wall, CNN covered it extensively.

There were no mass weapons of mass destruction found at that time.

And therefore, it was, you know, sort of black mark on a very, very distinguished career. He was a patriot, he was somebody who gave all his

life and service to the United States and he was somebody who was very, very attentive to the well-being of the American forces deployed around the


That in turn led to some of the weaknesses that different administrations and different wars and different global crises, called for, for instance, I

was, you know, my first big story as a foreign correspondent, and there's a war reporter was the first Gulf War, where Colin Powell made his name on

the battlefield, so to speak.

As Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, the youngest ever the first black Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, appointed by George H. W. Bush. And

before that, he had been the first black National Security Adviser appointed by Ronald Reagan.

So his star was very, very high. You know, he went into that first not wanting to deploy U.S. forces. And at the time, Defense Secretary, you know

Dick Cheney said, basically, he said, you've got to get with the program; this is what we're going to do. At the time Colin Powell's instinct when

Saddam Hussein invaded Kuwait was to say, let's sanctions work.

But that wasn't the appetite of the U.S. or the western Alliance, or indeed neighboring countries in the Arab world, not least Saudi Arabia, Kuwait,

the UAE, all those countries that felt threatened by Iraq. So long story short, the U.S. gathered again, under Colin Powell, military leadership, a

massive coalition.

500,000 forces gathered in the sands of Saudi Arabia, and eventually pushed Saddam Hussein out of Kuwait. Now, this was Colin Powell's doctrine of

overwhelming force. And this is what he said would be necessary to win wars.

But that came back to haunt the United States, when Powell, still Chairman of the Joint Chiefs, under President Bill Clinton, really did not want and

advise against for years, any involvement in the Bosnia war, which was a smaller real estate, and it would have required not U.S. ground forces, but

targeted airstrikes.

Colin Powell, basically, you know, directed the Clinton Administration away from that, and of course, his Clinton Administration did. And this led to

the untrammeled ethnic cleansing and genocide in Bosnia. And this was a big black mark on international security on the U.S. moral leadership and its

physical leadership in the world at that time. So his record is mixed when it comes to those kinds of interventions.

And Becky, there's a very famous and I think, really telling story, Madeleine Albright, who was President Clinton's UN Ambassador at the time,

basically said in a meeting of national security advisors, that what is the point of having this great army that we're hearing about all the time if we

can deploy it?

And Powell later said I nearly had an aneurysm. American forces are not to be deployed around the world as if they were toy soldiers on a global game

board. So that was his position, extreme caution, which, in these instances, led to a failure of leadership and the perpetuation of genocide,

certainly in Bosnia and an untrammeled, he was no longer in, you know, top of the ministry but I'm travel genocide in Rwanda as well, when the Clinton

Administration did not respond.

ANDERSON: Christiane, I'm just reading as you speak, I've been reading some of the tributes that are coming in and one is from congressman who is an

Iraq war vet. He says incredibly sad news. General Powell was a rarity in the modern age, a true soldier, and statesman. I'm grateful for his decades

of service to the nation.

And I just want to very briefly, you'll have spoken to many soldiers who serve beneath him ultimately, in the roles that he had. What was he like as

a man for those that he served with and ultimately led?

AMANPOUR: Well look, I'm certainly those who he served with were way before my time those who he lead had huge respect for him. Basically the whole

world had huge respect for him.


AMANPOUR: And certainly in the United States for a while he was the most popular person in public service at one time. And you mentioned about his,

you know, people considered him running for office, but he never seriously did.

And he said, this is something I actually have found out, I have no passion for the politics of a presidential run. My passion is for my people, in

other words, soldiers, people in uniform, and he was very concerned when they were deployed, it must be for achievable gains.

And what I'm saying is that his record will be mixed because in some occasions, it was a massive success, the first Gulf War, the deployment of

overwhelming force, but in some situations, the caution led to a failure of leadership. And that was Bosnia and then onwards, Rwanda and elsewhere.

So and then, as you've all mentioned, in the second Iraq war, but the man was very well respected. He blazed a trail in certainly the black community

in the United States. He was of immigrant parents from Jamaica. And even though by his own admission, he wasn't a great student. He became top, top

in terms of domestic leadership and influence and respect inside the United States.

And certainly he was somebody who believed in negotiation, who was believed in coalitions, and he was very well respected by allies in the rest of the

world as well.

ANDERSON: Christiane it's always a pleasure. Thank you very much indeed, Christiane Amanpour there reflecting on the life of Colin Powell. Well, we

are learning more about who could be behind a mass kidnapping in Haiti.

The U.S. State Department says 16 Americans and one Canadian were abducted on Saturday, outside Port-au-Prince, Haitian security forces believe it's

the latest attack by a notorious gang a gang notorious for taking large groups of victims and holding them for ransom.

This group of 17 was doing missionary work for Christian and aid ministries based in the U.S. and had just left an orphanage when it's believed the

kidnappers stopped their vehicle at gunpoint. The organization says five children are among those victims. U.S. officials had warned citizens to

stay out of Haiti because of the risk.

CNN's Melissa Bell, just back from a recent trip to Haiti following the very latest developments from Paris where she is based and Melissa, what

more do we know about this gang at this point?

MELISSA BELL, CNN CORRESPONDENT: It is called "400 Mawozo" Becky, it is blamed not only for this latest kidnapping of those 17, the Canadian and

American missionaries, but also back in April of a group of missionaries that included some French citizens taken from that very same neighborhood

held for a couple of weeks before being released.

So it is a well-known modus operandi, as you say, it is a hallmark of their work, taking large groups. And a reminder really that the insecurity on the

streets of Port-au-Prince is such that you're right, the State Department only in August, recommended the U.S. citizens didn't travel there, partly

because of that risk of kidnapping with even convoys coming under attack.

And it is of course, a problem that Haitians face day after day we've seen since the month of July, when the Haitian President was assassinated in his

sleep Becky 300 percent rise in kidnappings in the Haitian Capital; it gives you an idea of that insecurity on the streets of Port-au-Prince. Have

a listen to what the Head of this Haitian NGO specializing in human rights had to say.


PIERRE ESPERANCE, EXECUITVE DIRECTOR, NATIONAL HUMAN RIGHTS DEFENSE NETWORK: Haitian people live with the day by day they are traumatized with

kidnapping and insecurity in the capital in Port-au-Prince at least four or five people killed a day by gangs. And well the police will not be able -

cannot do anything because they are not equipped. And then also - there is the most of the gang they work for the - they work for the government.


BELL: Becky, it is a reminder that whilst this particular case will garner a great deal of attention that growing in security nation capital, of

course, a huge problem for Haitians who is trying to go about their daily lives Becky.

ANDERSON: Melissa Bell on the story for us. Thank you, Melissa! You're watching "Connect the World" live today from the Dubai Expo. Still ahead

China's new mission into outer space as it looks to become a global powerhouse in the space race. And China might be up in its space game but

its economy is dragging. We'll tell you what's behind its most recent slowdown?



ANDERSON: I'm Becky Anderson at Dubai Expo during what is space week this week. And this hour, we are looking at the global space race dozens of

countries now vying to get a leg up on the rest of the world with increasingly ambitious plans.

Here in this country of the UAE he ambitions to colonize the planet Mars by the year 2117. It's "Hope Probe" now orbiting the red planet. The space

race has become increasingly competitive among nations. Does it also reflect the geopolitical tensions down here on earth?

Well, that question thrust front and center over the weekend. When reports surfaced that China had launched a nuclear capable hypersonic missile with

advanced space technology Beijing claims the August launch was a spacecraft launch missile. Whatever the case, China is blazing its own space trail as

it works to catch up on the U.S. and Russia more now from CNN's Beijing Bureau Chief Steven Jiang.

STEVEN JIANG, CNN BEIJING BUREAU CHIEF: Becky, now with a three Chinese astronauts inside the core module of the country's soon to be completed

first space station, the real test has begun because their mission obviously is to stay there for six months. And that's China's longest yet

manned space mission.

Now, they're not setting any world record here. But this is still a major step forward in this country's fast growing and increasingly ambitious

space program. Now when we were at the launch site in the Gobi Desert last week, both the officials there and the astronauts themselves sounded very

confident with the astronauts themselves already talking about how much they were looking forward to celebrating their first Lunar New Year in

space And that falls in February 2022.

Now China's actually a late comer in the space race behind the Russia and the United States, but they have been catching up very rapidly. Just within

last year, they have returned samples from the moon and also like the U.S. put a rover on Mars.

There's a lot of talk about this increasingly heated rivalry between Beijing and Washington in their space programs. But a senior space program

official from China last week told me they didn't view their progress this way. They have always been developing their own program based on their own

goals and path.


JIANG: But he did acknowledge that with the U.S. government effectively banning any space cooperation between the two countries. It may have

actually prompted China to quirking its pace of development. And that may not be a bad thing according to even American experts who say this kind of

competition may actually few more innovation in space exploration and scientific probes, Becky?

ANDERSON: Well, my next guest tweeted earlier, and I quote, Beijing increasingly uses nefarious and coercive economic practices that threaten

our partners in the Indo-Pacific and our own national security and economic well-being.

Today, I'm introducing legislation to deter these actions and hold China accountable. Ami Bera is U.S. Democratic Congressman and serves on a

subcommittee on space and aeronautics joining me now via Skype from the California State Capitol.

And I do want to talk about the U.S.'s space ambitions and its great foe, Beijing at this point. But just explain this legislation for us, if you

will. And what exactly you are hoping to achieve with it?

REP. AMI BERA (D-CA): Yes, thanks for having me on, Becky. You know, we've seen China use its economic coercion with retaliation towards Australia

towards Korea when we had deployed those batteries in defensive Korea. You've seen how they use economic cores in some of the Southeast Asian


And it was really less targeted towards space but more targeted towards how do we better understand the tools of economic version in the China FISA?

ANDERSON: Well, let's talk about space because you have a narrow focus on that on the subcommittee that you sit on. Let's start with this.

China, denying multiple reports that it tested a nuclear capable hypersonic missile in August that circled the globe before speeding towards its

targets these reports suggest, also saying that this demonstrates an advanced space capability that caught U.S. intelligence by surprise. So

what do you know about that? And did it catch U.S. intelligence by surprise?

BERA: You know, I can't comment on whether the intelligence agencies had prior knowledge to this or not. But yes, it is concerning, you know, the

Outer Space Treaty, going back to the 1960s, 1970s talks about not militarizing space; this should be a place of common humanity working


And you know it's a dangerous precedent, if you're starting to think about Military missiles, capabilities in space, that that is a bit scary.

ANDERSON: Right. Well, what is the latest on the development and role of U.S. hypersonic weapons, and how will they fit into the new global

superpowers racer?

BERA: You know, certainly the United States is exploring hypersonic capabilities. Obviously, we've known China's been looking at hypersonic

capabilities as well. Again, the hope is with regards to space that as opposed to being pure competitors that we could actually find a place to


The United States in the Soviet Union at one time were competitors in space. But they also were able to come together around Apollo Soyuz around

the International Space Station. So it's not a given that the United States and China can't work together, as we try to go back to the moon as we try

to go to Mars. Take all of humanity.

ANDERSON: Let's talk about where the race is, at this point. Then China only the second country to land and operate a rover on Mars after the U.S.

very reminiscent of the Cold War, when Moscow and Washington was scrambling to put the first man in space and land on the moon.

How would you describe this space competition at present, sir, is it healthy? Is it productive? Is there something more nefarious about it at

this point?

BERA: You know, certainly I think there's competition between Chinese advancement and the United States. You know, you already talked about the

UAE sending a probe to Mars. Competition is not necessarily a bad thing, because it does bring out innovation.

But again, if we're going to go to Mars, it probably will take all the countries working together. And we've got real issues in low Earth orbit as

you have more satellites up there, as you have space junk.

We've got to figure out a global way to navigate for lack of a better way of describing an air traffic control so things don't crash into each other

as well.

ANDERSON: What does the private sector fit into your mind because space has become highly commercial with a lot of non-state actors playing an

increasingly important role, of course?

And, we've seen the likes of Elon Musk and Jeff Bezos and Richard Branson with their project so to name but a few. Is that; is that to your mind,

important when we talk about collaboration in space?

BERA: Certainly the innovation that's coming out of the commercial space sector now what you're saying with Elon Musk and Virgin Galactic as well as

Blue Origin and Jeff Bezos Casper innovation in the economy of space.


BERA: What we have to do, though, is much like air travel, we've got to figure out who's managing this, who's navigating what lanes folks are

flying into when they're flying, et cetera. And I think those are things we have to do at a global level.

It can't be one country or another country. So, you know, I think it does require maybe a UN convention or something of that sort.

ANDERSON: The house on Thursday pass the annual defense policy bill with some near, what was it $23.9 billion increase to the defense top line. A

member of the House Armed Services Committee, said in his statement, and I quote, through this strength, the United States will be able to project

force and deter conflict as we work to secure peace throughout the world and check China's malign influence.

Our viewers will be fascinated to hear how the U.S. space force seat sixth force fits into all of this. And how does the U.S.'s space policy carve a

space in its future fight against China?

BERA: Yes, said, I mean, a lot characterizing this power competition with China. You know, some of China's more aggressive actions are enforcing

countries to work together. Yes. You see the quad coalition coming together, United States, Japan, India and Australia.

You see more multilateral cooperation amongst countries. When it comes to space, the hope would be it's a place where the United States and China

could collaborate. Yes, that's not the direction we're headed right now.

But now, again, the future is not written and the hope would be we all will find a way to work together to advance these advanced humanity all


ANDERSON: You want to see the U.S. work together with China and indeed, Russia when it comes to the future of research and development and space.

BERA: I think it's an area that the United States and Russia historically have worked together. Yes, again, we started out as competitors in the Cold

War and came together as collaborators around space.

And this is an area where, you know, if you take the best and brightest minds, we don't know how we're going to go to Mars or come back. It'll take

all of us working together.

ANDERSON: Ami Bera, it's a pleasure having you on. Thank you. Your insight and analysis is important. As we this week, take a look at the future for

space. We are here at the Expo. I'm going to take a very short break at this point.

And then the British Prime Minister paying tribute to a much loved lawmaker who was killed, doing his duty in the community he represented and love

more on that after this.



ANDERSON: Britain's parliament is remembering a much loved lawmaker colleague and friend. A short time ago British Prime Minister Boris Johnson

led the tributes in the House of Commons to MP David Amos.

The UK lawmaker was brutally killed as he talked to voters on Friday in Leigh-on-Sea, which is a town not far from London, the community he had

served for decades. Here is Mr. Johnson.


BORIS JOHNSON, BRITISH PRIME MINISTER: So David was taken from us in a contemptible act of violence. Striking at the core of what it is to be a

member of this house and violating the sanctity both of the church in which he was killed and the constituency surgery that is so essential to our

representative democracy.


ANDERSON: Well, Britain's opposition leader, the Labor leader added his own condolences and praise.


KEIR STARMER, BRITISH LABOUR PARTY LEADER: This Parliament that David loves so much has lost one of its finest advocates. His colleagues have lost a

dear friend. And the people of South End have lost one of their own.


ANDERSON: Reporting few from London is CNN's Fred Pleitgen, Fred?

FREDERIK PLEITGEN, CNN SENIOR INTERNATIONAL CORRESPONDENT: Hi there, Becky and of course, a very somber day here in London, especially in Central and

as that service remembrance continues inside the House of Commons. Later on, we're going to have of course, the church service in just a couple of

hours at St. Margaret's church at Westminster Abbey.

And of course there are several things that are at play right now. Of course, right now, today is a very somber day.

But at the same time, you do also have of course, the big question that's being asked here, right now is, and a fundamental thing to democracy here

in this country is how do you keep the democratic process upright of politicians being able to visit their constituencies in a safe way at the

same time, of course, keeping those members of parliament safe as well as they do so, Becky.

ANDERSON: Yes, Fred Pleitgen on the story for you. Thank you, Fred. Well, the world's second largest economy is growing. But it is growing at its

slowest pace in a year.

China's GDP expanded by just 4.9 percent in the third quarter that is compared to the same period a year ago and you can see just how much slower

that is than the first two quarters of 2021. For more on what's buying is going to call it a slump. But it's certainly a significant slowdown.

I'm joined by CNN's global Economic Analyst Rana Foroohar; she's also a Global Business Columnist and Associate Editor for The Financial Times.

It's good to have you have you with us today.

And I was looking at these numbers and they really do reveal some quite surprising information. Just why it is, do we believe that these numbers

have slowed down so significantly in China?

RANA FOROOHAR, CNN GLOBAL ECONOMIST ANALYST: Well, you know, China is in the midst of a major real estate crisis. You know, the ever grand

situation, the meltdown of the country's largest private real estate company, is really indicative of larger systemic problems that have been in

the Chinese economy.

For some time now growth model that is really built on taking individual savers money, putting it into state institutions, then funneling that into

big building projects, real estate projects, many of which, you know, some of us have thought would go bust for some time.

Now, the government is trying to manage this by letting a little air out of the balloon. But if it goes out too quickly and growth slows as it appears

to be doing. That's bad news, not just for China, but for the rest of the world, you know, because between about 2013 and 2019, China represented 28

percent of global growth biggest single largest chunk. So what happens in China really, really matters.

ANDERSON: The Central Bank Governor in China's suggesting that the country the economy is and I quote him here doing well. There are though, others

who say there are headwinds that the country faces that suggest the possibility of a deeper downturn.

Should that be a case? What would the consequences be as you rightly point out I mean, we've seen the Asian share, sell off today, what happens in

China, no longer stays in China.


FOROOHAR: Indeed, you know, there used to be an adage in economic circles that when America sneezes, the world gets a cold. Well, now if China

sneezes the world, you know, I don't want to say gets COVID. But it's a serious situation.

I mean, this is not just even about growth number slowing in China, it's about supply chains. You know, you look at what's happened with supply

chain backups and imports across Europe and North America.

This is about China, the world is interconnected, we are beginning to realize that the last 20 to 40 years of globalization in which China has

really become the factory of the world. These have big implications for everyone's economy.

ANDERSON: And going forward, yes, and you're right to point out the global supply crisis. I was talking to somebody here recently, the Chairman and

CEO of DP World, who said, you know, the issue is that this could go on for some time.

He said China has stopped to all intents and purposes. And when you're running 10 percent of world trade as DP World is, that is a real challenge.

For the likes of you and me, we can talk the big macro picture here and we can take a look and see what the markets do in response.

And you're right to point out that you know, where once it was when America sneezes, the rest of the world catches a cold. That's very much the story

for China these days. But for you and me ultimately, what is going on in China matter?

FOROOHAR: Well, it matters because again, this is the largest single chunk of global growth. China has really become the engine along with the U.S.

but really at this moment, particularly because of supply chain fiascos, China is the world's engine.

And what's happening really really matters. And China is going through a major political economic shift too. You know, Xi Jinping, China, the state

run pressures, the sort of ring fencing of the economy in new ways.

These are going to have profound effects they're going to be with us not just for weeks and months, but for years. And we don't know where things

are going to land yet.

ANDERSON: Yes, fascinating. It's good to have you with us and come again, you are always welcome. Thank you coming up.


UNIDENTIFIED MALE: We want our country back says - we want our rights, we want to live like everyone else.


ANDERSON: Well, the demands are much the same, but the crowds very much smaller than the massive protests two years ago in Lebanon. We'll look at

why hope for change may be fading.



ANDERSON: Saudi Arabia is asking its citizens not to travel to Lebanon because of security concerns. Sectarian tensions are sky high in the wake

of last week's deadly street battles in Beirut Hezbollah, accusing a powerful Christian political party of stoking divisions and even trying to

start a new Civil War. Christian Lebanese Forces party denies it was behind the violence.

Hezbollah's leader, Nasser Hassan Nasrallah is planning to deliver a speech just a couple of hours from now about local and regional developments.

Well, fear of more street violence was quite simply the reason that some people decided to stay at home on Sunday.

Turnout was low for what were demonstrations marking two years since the start of Lebanon's protest movement. Our Ben Wedeman reports, another

reason for the small crowds was an apparent loss of hope.


BEN WEDEMAN, CNN SENIOR INTERNATIONAL CORRESPONDENT (voice over): The chance, the flags are out again on Beirut's Martyrs Square to mark the

second anniversary of the mass uprising against political elite that is ruled many say misruled Lebanon since the Civil War. But were two years ago

there were tens of thousands on this day, just a few 100.

The demands however haven't changed. We want our country back says - we want our rights. We want to live like everyone else. And they want

accountability for the catastrophes this country has suffered in recent years.

He lost his job as an interior designer. Now he has the time to construct a model of the fate he hopes for Lebanon's politicians. What matter he says

is that people need to wake up and rise up and arrest all the murderers and crooks to put them in an iron cage and set them on fire.

At dusk they gathered near the city's port, a symbol of the fatal negligence and corruption that have plagued Lebanon for decades and the

impunity of a ruling class that is yet to be brought to account.

WEDEMAN (on camera): Two years ago there was the sense that something was changing. But since then, the Lebanese economy has collapsed. The country

has been ravaged by the Coronavirus pandemic. There was an explosion in the Beirut port in August of 2020 that killed more than 200 people.

And most recently, there were clashes in Beirut, reminiscent of the Lebanese Civil War. Whatever hope there was two years ago, much of it has

faded. Ben Wedeman, CNN, Beirut.


ANDERSON: Well, that's Ben Wedeman and thank you for joining us wherever you are watching in the world. World Sport with Alex Thomas tonight is up



ALEX THOMAS, CNN WORLD SPORTS: Hello, welcome to CNN World Sport. I'm Alex Thomas in London. There's something special happening in baseball playoffs

and it involves an Atlanta Braves team defying its reputation for reaching the playoffs before stumbling in the spotlight.


THOMAS: That narrative being turned on its head as the Braves take a two to nothing leads in their National League Championship Series against the Los

Angeles Dodgers. Let's get out to Andy Scholes who's at CNN Center. Andy, the Braves even doing this without their best player.

ANDY SCHOLES, CNN SPORTS: They are Alex. You know, Ronald Acuna Jr., one of the best young players in baseball. And when he was lost for the season in

July, the break season it looked to be over.

They had a losing record at the time, but the team they still decided to go for it trading for four outfielders and since then, they've become just a

special team. They just know how to grind out wins and the Dodgers were up two to nothing in the fourth inning of Game 2 of this series.

And one of those outfielders, The Braves traded for, Joc Pederson coming through again, says a two run home run to tie the game, Pederson now with

three postseason home runs.

One of the reasons they're calling it Joc-tober in Atlanta, the Braves they won Game 1 of this series with a walk off hit by Austin Riley. And on

Sunday night they were down for three in the eighth and Riley coming through again hit that one deep in the center.

It'd be an RBI double game now tied at four heading to the ninth inning fast forward to the bottom and I two outs runner on second Eddie Rosario a

missile up the middle off Kenley Jansen.

It got through to centerfield Dansby Swanson scores. Braves win, five to four to take a 2-0 lead in the national championship series. The Braves

just the fourth team in baseball history to win game one and two of a postseason series via walk off game three of that series will be Tuesday in

Los Angeles.

We also had a thrilling finish in the WNBA Finals. After playing 13 seasons for the Los Angeles Sparks Candace Parker decided to go home to play for

the Chicago Sky and Parker, former MVP.

She's won a championship before. One of the greatest MNBA players ever and now she's won a championship for her hometown team. The Game 4 was in

Chicago the mercury actually had an 11 point lead in the fourth quarter with the Sky going on a run under two to go Parker they huge three to tie

the game at 72.

Then moments later, Stefanie Dolson the layup caps off at 11-0 Chicago run, Sky would go on to win 80 to 74 Kahlean Copper named the Finals MVP, the

Sky this 16 in the playoffs, the lowest seed ever to win a WNBA championship.

And you see Parker just overcome with emotion hugs for family, including her daughter, just an incredible moment for her bringing a championship to

our hometown.


CANDACE PARKER, 2-TIME WNBA CHAMPION: I mean it feels amazing. I mean my high school coaches are now here watching, I mean, I got the whole city

here. We got the whole city here. And it's amazing how Chicago supports, I mean, we're champions for life now.


SCHOLES: Alex that was such a cool moment. You know, 35 years old, as I mentioned one of the best W NBA players ever to go back home and win a

championship the way they did. It's pretty special.

THOMAS: Yes, fabulous scenes but elsewhere in Chicago, the mood far less celebrated after the bears came up against NFL arch rivals, Aaron Rodgers

and the Green Bay Packers.

SCHOLES: Yes, you know, good thing for the sky because it was another rough game for the Chicago Bears against the packers and Aaron Rodgers just has

their number. He got his 22nd win against Chicago in 27 meetings and Roger sealing it with a six yard touchdown runs right here.

Then he started yelling to the Soldier Field crowd. I still own you. He was asked after the game why he was yelling that.


AARON RODGERS, GREEN BAY PACKERS QUARTERBACK: Sometimes he blacked out on the field. I've definitely blacked out from a concussion which isn't a good

way, but I looked up in the stands in front row so it was a woman didn't -- . I'm not sure exactly what came out of my mouth next.


SCHOLES: Sound good. Oh, we had three overtime games yesterday including the Patriots Cowboys, fourth quarter of this one Trevon Diggs added again

taking off Mac Jones kicks back for a touchdown. That was big seventh interception of the season.

The Cowboys up by five but on the very next play, Kendrick Bourne would blow by Diggs and the rest of the Cowboys secondary; he goes 75 yards for

the touchdown. So the Pats go up by three.

Cowboys would hit a field goal to send the game to overtime the Dak Prescott finding CeeDee Lamb for the walk off touchdown, Cowboys winning

35-29 their first one in New England since 1987. There is now 5-1 on the season.

Steelers hosting the Seahawks in a very scary moment, this one late in the fourth quarter, Darell Taylor went down on this plane. He stayed down on

the ground for quite a while until he was taken off on a stretcher and taken to the hospital.

Seahawks coach Pete Carroll saying after the game, the Taylor's preliminary CT scans were clear. The team said Taylor had feelings in all of his



SCHOLES: And the 24 year old rookie was expected to fly home with the team. Now this game would end up going to overtime and in the extra period

Steelers deep ends coming up big, T.J. Watt going to get the strip sack of Geno Smith.

Steelers would recover inside the 20. It would set up a crisp Boswell game winning field goal from 37 yards out. Steelers get the win 23 and Seahawks

fall to two and four on the year.

Russell Wilson still out of action with that injured hand. At the NFL's only unbeaten team remaining perfect on Sundays the Cardinals easily beat

the browns. If the season ended today quarterback Kyler Murray likely is your league MVP.

He had four more touchdown passes his Arizona beat Cleveland in 37-14, Cardinals now 6-0, only the third time in their 99 year history. Finally

the Jaguars on NFL game for the first time in 399 days rookie Trevor Lawrence his best game of his career so far was 300 yards a touchdown to

Marvin Jones Jr. there to close out the first half against the dolphins.

In the fourth quarter it was Matthew Wright playing hero hit the game winning 53 yard field goal the team running on the field to celebrate the

20 game losing streaks Alex finally over.

Unfortunately though, for the fans, they're in Jacksonville, this was a home game in London, so they didn't get to celebrate jumping up and down

but hey, it's a long season. Maybe the Jags are going to win there at home in Florida for those fans.

THOMAS: Yes, shame about the fans. But hey, London baby had a positive influence.

SCHOLES: It's their second home now.

THOMAS: At the Jaguars, Andy Scholes, appreciate it as always. Now only last month he was in tears after a miserable Ryder Cup experience. But Rory

McIlroy's mood is very different now after another golfing milestone.



RORY MCILROY, PART OF EUROPE'S LOSING RYDER CUP TEAM IN WISCONSIN: It's been a tough week and the more and more I plan on this event I realized

that it's the best event in golf bar none. And I love being a part of it. I can't wait to be a part of many more. Yes, that's the best.


THOMAS: Hello, again World Sports back with Rory McIlroy in tears at Gold's Ryder Cup only three weeks ago feeling like he'd let down his teammates

after scoring only a single point of their heavy defeat for Europe.

Now he's back in the Winner's Circle after notching up a landmark 20 years PGA Tour title at the CJ Cup. McIlroy carding a final round a 66 in Las

Vegas on Sunday, reaching 25 on the par for the tournament, enough for a one stroke victory over world number three Collin Morikawa did his best to

catch the northern Irishman with a score of 62 on the last day.

McIlroy revealing afterwards that it was only his singles win at the Ryder Cup that convinced him to compete here and earlier this week he said he

still believes that as best he can beat anyone. McIlroy back into the top 10 of the world rankings for the first time since May's PGA Championship.

MCILROY: There was a lot of reflection the last couple of weeks and you know, this is what I need to do. I just need to play golf. I need to

simplify it. I need to just be me. I think for the last few months I was maybe trying to be someone else to try to get better.

And, you know I sort of realize that being me is enough and being me you know I can do things like this.


THOMAS: Cameron Norrie has moved into the top 15 in the world tennis rankings after becoming the first Brit to win the Men's Singles at the

prestigious master's 1000 tournament in Indian Wells over the last couple of decades.

Tim Henman, Greg Rusedski and even Andy Murray have all reached the final but fail to lift the trophy. Norrie was up against Nikoloz Basilashvili of

Georgia in the championship match on Sunday and he went to set down in this best to three contests.

However, Norrie heading back to take the victory, clinching his second win of the year and his biggest of his career since turning four or five years

ago. Norrie was actually born in South Africa to a Scottish dad and a Welsh mum but he plays for the UK is the British number 1, 2021 a breakthrough

year for him.

He's reached six finals and claimed his first two ATP tour titles and his ranking has risen from 74 to 15th in the world. - a surprise winner of the

Women's Singles of Indian Wells, Paula Badosa becoming the first Spaniard to win the title after beating veteran Victoria Azarenka in three hard

fought sets. Azarenka actually got to within a couple of points of victory, but she made mistakes at key moments.

You can see what it meant to Badosa who went on to win it in a tie break in the third set. She's up to 13th in the world rankings. 108 days out from

the Beijing Winter Games and the Olympic flame has been lit in Athens amid protests about China's human rights record.

As is traditional the lighting ceremony took place at the Acropolis monuments earlier on Monday, human rights activists have been removed by

Greek Police before it even started. But during the event a banner was unfold which read no genocide games.

There have been calls to boycott Beijing. China's Capital is the first city to host both the winter and summer games when the Olympics take place there

next February. And that's all you're seeing in World Sport for now. Thanks for watching. Bye, bye!