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Connect the World

Top African Union Official in Ethiopia to Defuse Tensions; Poland Braces as Migrants Try to Forcefully Cross Border; India says it's a Victim of Global Warning, not Contributor; U.S. now Open to Fully Vaccinated Foreign Visitors; Investigation into Deadly Crowd Surge at Houston Concert; Mexico's Sergio Perez Takes 3rd in Mexico City F1. Aired 11a-12p ET

Aired November 08, 2021 - 11:00   ET



BECKY ANDERSON, CNNI HOST: I'm Becky Anderson. This is "Connect the World". You are more than welcome wherever you are watching, if you've just joined

is a very good evening.

An urgent question looms over this region of the world today who tried to assassinate the prime minister of Iraq who has been no claim of

responsibility for deadly drones that targeted the residents of Mustafa al- Kadhimi in Baghdad fortified Green Zone on Sunday.

The U.S. and UK condemning the attack and the White House is offering to help with the investigation. Prime Minister wasn't injured but members of

his security detail work. You'll know from watching these program Iranian backed groups have threatened the Iraqi leader in the past.

CNN's Jomana Karadsheh tracking developments for us, joining me now live from Istanbul in Turkey. And what more do we know at this point? Jomana,

can you hear me?


ANDERSON: Can we run Jomana's report? All right, well, let's I tell you what we're going to move on and I'll come back to Jomana. She clearly can't

hear us at the moment. Well, you sign that the situation in Ethiopia may be growing even direr, the country's Human Rights Commission warns the

government appears to be rounding up and detaining people based on their ethnicity, mostly ethnic Tigrayans.

Well, today the African Union is holding an emergency meeting to focus on a way out of Ethiopia's crisis, while envoy calls the mood at the meeting

resolute. Capitol in support of the government, Prime Minister Abiy Ahmed is encouraging the nation to remain strong.

He's called on Military Veterans to rejoin the army to stop Tigray's fighters from advancing on the Capital, Addis Ababa. David McKenzie is

joining us now from Johannesburg, with the details.

And David, are we hoping that this meeting with the AU envoy will produce tangible results and ramp down this conflict? I mean, I'm sure that's

though, I mean, quite frankly, is that ultimately what we believe will happen?

DAVID MCKENZIE, CNN CORRESPONDENT: We don't know what's going to happen, Becky, to be frank. But the chance is, you know, former President Obasanjo

of Nigeria, certainly a hardened negotiator and very senior level diplomats, former leader to try and bring these sides together.

I don't think we are at that point yet, what would be the first step is de- escalating the tension. And over the last few days, as you said, Becky, the Human Rights Commission in Ethiopia, saying that people have been rounded

up under that reinstated declaration of an emergency from the homes from the streets, from the streets of the capital, even other parts of Ethiopia,

according to reports.

And it shows the continued crackdown by the government on who they say are those supporting the TPLF, the Tigrayan party and rebel group. But human

rights group says at times just an indiscriminate targeting of those who are ethnically Tigrayan.

Those meetings though over the last few days could be crucial. You had the U.S. envoy for the region in play, also the African Union, trying to have

some kind of effect on de-escalating the situation, as the rebels have kind of paused at this point, though unclear where the frontline is in Ethiopia

because of the difficulty of communications. Becky?

ANDERSON: David is it - is it clear what sort of leverage at this point the international community has? I've talked to a number of key stakeholders

who say ultimately, this is for Ethiopians, to sort out.

This, as I have suggested that, you know, rights groups have been complaining for months and months that not enough discussion and diplomacy

has happened on this on this conflict by the - by outside stakeholders. What's the situation here?

MCKENZIE: Well, I think it's ultimately with this kind of conflict and especially in the Ethiopian context, it will be up to the Ethiopian

leadership and those rebel groups to kind of figure out a solution if that is the way that it ends up happening.

There is a threat given the conflict of the last year and the allegations of atrocities on all sides that it doesn't get to that point.


MCKENZIE: And the fear is this could lead to a large conflict. And ultimately the fear is to the breakup of Ethiopia itself. Now, the

government has called that kind of statement alarming, but you see they're preparing for a worst case scenario.

Something worth mentioning, Becky, you saw those tens of thousands of people on Sunday, protesting in support of the government, a lot of their

signs and signage was written in English, directly at the U.S. at CNN and other broadcasters.

The feeling from the government and I've seen this many times before in these sort of scenarios is that outside is -- should back out. And so it

might end up being the African Union and the Ethiopians themselves to kind of get an off ramp to this.

But at this stage, it's just hard to tell where that happens. Much of the demands from the rebels include Abbey stepping down as Prime Minister or

leaving the scene, something he clearly is not willing to do at this point.

ANDERSON: David McKenzie's reporting on the story. Thank you, David. Well, who tried to assassinate the prime minister of Iraq, there has been no

claim of responsibility for the deadly drone attack over the weekend.

CNN's Jomana Karadsheh's tracking developments for us. You and I couldn't hear each other a little earlier on. I think as I understand it, you can

hear me now what do we know at this point?

KARADSHEH: Well, Becky, the Iraqi government says it is investigating this attack. Certainly one of the most brazen attacks we have ever seen to

target an Iraqi official. Now the Iraqi Governments being officials are being very measured, very cautious and not to point the finger at Iranian

back Shia militias in the country.

But if you talk to Iraqis, that is who people blame for this attack, these sort of drone attacks have been the tactic, a tactic of choice for these

Iranian backed militias when they have targeted the green zone when they have targeted U.S. Military bases in Iraq and Syria in the past.

But what we have seen, Becky, is that these various groups have come out with these statements on Sunday, one after the other denying that they were

involved in this attack and blaming this on some sort of a foreign conspiracy and attempt to implicate them in this attack.

But if you look at the context, Becky of what has been going on in Iraq, over the past few weeks, tensions have been really building between these

Iranian backed groups and the government there.

I mean these the Iranian backed militias in the October 10 elections, the parties representing them in that vote emerged as the biggest losers in

that election. And since then, they have really refused to accept the result of that elections claiming fraud.

Their supporters have been on the streets of Baghdad, protesting and we saw those protests turned violent on Friday, as they tried to storm the green

zone in Baghdad and at least one protester was killed. Militia leaders Becky blamed this on the Iraqi prime minister in the Iraqi government.

And they threatened to respond to the killing of a protester. And less than 48 hours after that you had that attack targeting the Iraqi Prime

Minister's residence in the heavily fortified green zone.

Look, the Iraqi Government in the past has really tried to avoid any sort of escalation or confrontation with these powerful, heavily armed Iranian

backed groups. But right now, that may not be an option, Becky; very dangerous line has been crossed in Iraq.

And they're going to have to respond all eyes are right now on the Iraqi Prime Minister Mustafa Al-Kadhimi how is he going to handle this? He's

vowed to bring those responsible to justice. How exactly is he going to do this?

There is so much at stake right now. And especially it's Iraq's democracy and the constitutional process when you look at what has been going on and

these groups threatening to use violence, refusing to accept the results of democratic elections.

ANDERSON: Jomana, thank you. That's the story in Iraq. Poland is in the grips of a crisis situation as migrants are masked along its border with

Belarus. Poland's Interior Ministry released aerial footage showing the migrants facing a wall and Polish forces trying to stop them from entering

the country.

Our senior international correspondent Fred Pleitgen is in Berlin. And just explain where are these migrants coming from? And what is led to the sort

of images that we have just seen on our screens?


FREDERIK PLEITGEN, CNN SENIOR INTERNATIONAL CORRESPONDENT: Hi, there, Becky. Well, the European Union squarely says that they blame a Belarusian

strong man Alexandra Lukashenko for some of the images that we've been seeing.

They say essentially what's going on is that the Belarusian government, Alexander Lukashenko himself is essentially luring these people, many of

which are from the Middle East, a lot of them from Iraq, especially Iraqi Kurdistan, a lot of Syrians as well.

A lot of Syrians are actually coming from Lebanon and essentially saying that they can then go to the border. In fact, in a lot of cases, there have

been people who have been brought to the border by Belarusian border forces. And those border forces have even cut through the barbed wire that

was - that is at that border to try and get them to come through.

Now, the big escalation that happened today, and this is really something that's been unprecedented that even though that situation Becky has been

going on for a while, is that this time, it was a very, very large group of migrants that came to that border, the Polish border force was saying that

it was several thousand to try to push through that border.

Now the polls are saying that they're going to remain steadfast. They have more than they have around 12,000 border police and military now amassed at

that border, and they've also called out an emergency code as well saying that further troops are supposed to make them ready if the situation


They said so far, they have prevented people from getting through. But they also say obviously that situation there remains tense as hundreds, if not

thousands now remain camped out at that border.

Now that you say that they blame Alexander Lukashenko for this, the Belarusians obviously are saying that they are not behind what's going on.

They don't want the blame on themselves. But this certainly looks like a situation that will continue to escalate. And it's not going to go away

anytime soon, Becky.

ANDERSON: Thank you, sir. Still ahead, our planet has been wounded by humankind's actions. Former U.S. President Barack Obama makes an

impassioned plea at the Climate Summit in Glasgow.

A live report and that is just ahead. Plus India is the world's third largest contributor to global warming. And important conversation with the

country's environment minister is coming up. And the U.S. finally lifts pandemic travel restrictions after nearly two years as quite a backlog

isn't it; we'll check in and see how smoothly things are going on day one.


ANDERSON: A stark warning from a former U.S. president has the climate conference in Glasgow, and as its final week. Barack Obama says the world

has been wounded by the actions of humankind as he described it and it needs to be healed. Mr. Obama transitioning to clean energy, he said comes

with costs.



BARACK OBAMA, 44TH U.S. PRESIDENT: There are workers and communities that still depend on coal for power and jobs. And they - yes, they are concerned

about maintaining their wages. That's not a reasonable for them to be concerned about that.

And the fact is the truth is that transitioning from dirty energy to clean energy does have a cost. And it is not unreasonable for people who often

are already economically vulnerable. And maybe don't feel particularly politically powerful.

It's not unreasonable for them to think that for all the highfalutin talk, some of those costs of transition will be borne by them not by the more

powerful and the privilege.


ANDERSON: Well, past weeks all nations inching closer towards climate action. For instance, dozens of nations have pledged to phase out coal/

slash methane emissions and stop public financing for fossil fuel projects abroad. But many issues do remain unresolved.

Phil Black joins me now live from the COP26 summit in Glasgow. Let's just talk about what President Obama specifically said to an audience who were

clearly very happy to see him on the podium once again.

I mean, they're talking about the cost of this transition. And he's bang on there; you hear this talked about again, and again, and again. Has enough

been discussed and agreed on, for people to feel confident that there is enough of an economic story as it was a positive economic story in this

transition. I mean, if people are going to lose their jobs, what sort of jobs that get, they're going to go to?

PHIL BLACK, CNN CORRESPONDENT: I mean, there's no doubt Becky that is one of the challenges if the energy transition in the short term, some

communities, some towns suffer, there are social costs. And of course, what that means is they're often short term political costs as well.

And so these are reasons why some countries are not motivated to move very quickly. And President Obama spoke very honestly about some of those

challenges today. He spoke very bluntly in general, but his overall message while on one hand, reminding us all of the optimism and the hope that came

with the signing of the Paris Agreement in 2015.

And the fundamental promise of that document, which is for the world to work together to limit, global average temperature increase to 1.5 degrees,

his fundamental message was that countries individually and collectively are failing to live up to that promise.

And he did talk about some of the reasons and about how some of those reasons are reasonable and require careful management. But at the same

time, he said, basically, countries simply aren't being ambitious enough.

They are not doing anywhere near what is required, according to the science, and what is required, according to the Paris Agreement, to get a

handle on climate change this century, which is what all of this is about.

He spoke specifically about a couple of countries he named checks, China and Russia as big polluters, whose leaders couldn't, did not travel to

Glasgow to be part of this. And he talked about that as being discouraging.

He talked about their alarming absence of urgency. He talked about fossil fuel companies often being a big part of the opposition, because they're

keen to make a buck. But he also said put simply that a lot more needs to be done.

He did not say anything that the people in this conference center aren't already aware of. But what Barack Obama will hope and perhaps what other

people will hope is that his words, the story that he told very eloquently, as always, will help guide the negotiations in these closing days, to at

least close the gaps somewhat enough to keep this process alive so that it can to some degree, be called a success and can at least point to

opportunities for further progress to be made in the near future. Becky.

ANDERSON: Phil, thank you. Phil Black is in Glasgow. Well, India, the world's third largest emitter of greenhouse gases after the U.S. and China

says historical blame for the climate crisis lies with developed nations.

South Asian nation calls itself a victim of global warming, not a contributor, India's manufacturing Capitol, Chennai came to a standstill

last week after heavy rainfall those rains were the heaviest since 2015.

Another testament they said to global warming. Well, at the Climate Conference, India, said its target to reach net zero carbon emissions

decades later than other pollutants. The Prime Minister is defending his nation's actions saying India's contribution to emissions is just 5 percent

despite accounting for 17 percent of the world's population.


ANDERSON: Well, for more on India's perspective, let's get to the country's secretary for the environment and for climate change. Thank you for joining



ANDERSON: Your country did not sign the global methane pledge, why not?

GUPTA: See, our - always been that when we are talking about that total emissions, let us not talk about the sectorial emissions, particularly on

methane, our population about 50 percent of population is dependent on agriculture and cattle rearing. Now, that sector we will tackle at a time

when it is more appropriate for us to do it. So that is why we did not sign - we did not sign --.

ANDERSON: OK, you've explained that. Your country accounts for 6.6 percent of global co2 emissions and you've opted out of committing to phase out

coal. Your country, as we've discussed, also didn't sign the global methane pledge.

I'm wondering just what sort of message you believe our viewers will take away from your lack of commitment as it were to the same sort of pledges

that other countries have made.

GUPTA: It does not matter what message is viewed, what - should be viewed as they are. We are one of those one of those countries which have

fulfilled their commitments which were made at Paris, we are others have not that fact should be clear to everybody. As far as methane and coal is

concerned, I have already explained we will be tackling them and taking them as appropriate for us at a particular time when we find that to be

more convenient.

Having said that, we are already when we have committed for reduction of our emission intensity, it covers the whole economy, why should we worry

about particular sectors? If we are so worried about it, then why not was talking about the guests and the while also.

I am wondering why gas and oil is being a left out. We see every country has its own strength and its own resources. Depending on that it will

decide its own course of Exxon, but we will remain within our overall commitment.

ANDERSON: Prime Minister Modi has called on developed nations to commit a trillion dollars to help developing countries to go green. How much would

your country need? How much would you ask for and how would you use that money?

GUPTA: See, green development is always a costly development at present. And that is where the support is needed. Out of 1 trillion which he called

out for giving to developing countries annually, what we require up to 2030 is about a trillion.

So that means out of about nine to 10 trillion which should come about 1 trillion as required by us. And it will help us in setting up different

power plants which are green, taking up making our industry green and also a tackling the myth in which you are talking about.

ANDERSON: Sir, it's good to have you on, we thank you very much indeed for joining us. Well, a long standing pandemic travel bans being lifted today

in the United States as travelers flock to the airports. We'll see how one of Europe's busiest cities is handling the change. And an evening of fun

turned into a night of terror and now the lawsuits have begun. We'll be live in Houston with details of the investigation into Astroworld.



ANDERSON: Welcome back, I'm Becky Anderson in Dubai, you're watching "Connect the World". Starting today the U.S. is opening its doors once

again to fully vaccinate international visitors ending a ban that's been in effect since early 2020. You're looking at to the U.S. bound flights taking

off simultaneously from London's Heathrow Airport earlier today, the first to depart the UK since that ban was lifted.

Well, it's a welcome change for families separated by the Pandemic and a sign of hope for the battered travel industry though American officials

warn tourists could face longer wait times at U.S. ports and entry at airports while the reopening of the U.S. also comes as COVID cases surge

across much of Europe.

The Coronavirus infection rate has just hit a record high in Germany with more than 15,500 new infections recorded in the past 24 hours cases on the

rise in Russia in Ukraine and in Greece as well.

Despite the surge the airlines across Europe are reporting full or nearly full flight. CNN's Melissa Bell with a view from Paris and you has been at

Charles de Gaulle airport today. And what's the story there?

MELISSA BELL, CNN PARIS CORRESPONDENT: Well, Becky, right a great deal of excitement, not least because although American travelers have been able to

come those who are vaccinated at least to Europe, for many months now Europeans have had to wait for that reciprocity.

They'd been so clear they wanted from the beginning. Finally, they're able to travel. And as you say they've been booking their flights as soon as the

announcement was made, that those borders are going to be open. With so many of those flights now full the big question how long this will last?


BELL (on camera): For the first time in more than a year and a half the United States finally opening its borders to foreign vaccinated travelers.

And what that means this Monday morning here in Charles de Gaulle airport here in Paris and the 2E terminal is a much busier terminal than I've seen

in a long time.

And a lot more flights up on the boards to Atlanta, Los Angeles, New York, Miami, and some pretty excited travelers.

HENRI DE PEYRELONGUE, EXECUTIVE VICE PRESIDENT, COMMERCIAL SALES AIR FRANCE-KLM: We are happy because of the weather especially. We can call it

freedom, yes. I hope it continues after because we hesitate about the - you know, the fourth waiver was upcoming. And I don't know if the borders will

be closed again one time.

So we have very strong demand on the short term for November for the Christmas period before COVID transatlantic, for the good - represented of

40 percent of the total long goal turnover.

BELL (voice over): But some of these passengers waiting at the gate to fly to New York are still getting used to the return to the skies.

UNIDENTIFIED MALE: It's kind of strange as appealing because it seems that's the whole thing, the whole COVID situation didn't happen at all.

Yes, just like a snap. It's strange, but it feels good.

BELL (on camera): This flight headed to New York is just one of the 15 Air France flights due to go to the United States this Monday. But for all the

excitement here at Paris has made the airport Charles de Gaulle, there is some fear that is going to take a while for the industry to get back to

where it was.


BELL (on camera): Air France says that by March of next year, its traffic to the United States will still only be 90 percent of what it was in 2019.

BELL (voice over): And yet, the return to something like normality should be palpable on the other side of the Atlantic as well. This will be just

one of 253 flights to land either at JFK, or Newark Liberty airport this Monday.


BELL: Now, Becky, that is great news, of course, for a beleaguered American travel industry, which has seen hundreds of billions of dollars, lost as a

result of these travel restrictions.

But as you mentioned a moment ago, it comes at a particularly worrying time with the World Health Organization warning that Europe is once again at the

heart of the Pandemic.

Germany this week, seeing its highest seven day incidence rates since the Pandemic began here in France. The French president is due to make an

announcement on French TV on Tuesday night and that tends to mean that there could be more restrictions. It's certainly what's happened in the

past Becky.

ANDERSON: Yes, fascinating. All right, we'll wait to find out. Thank you. Well, for more on the reopening tune into Quest Means Business in the

coming hours. Richard Quest will be live from the Empire State Building as America welcomes back international travelers.

Well, Houston, Texas Police say they are in the early stages of investigating the crowd surge at a concert the left eight people dead and

dozens injured. The York Times reports the Houston Police Chief told rapper Travis Scott that he was concerned about the crowd prior to the concert


Concert goers searched for when Scott took to the stage leaving some people crushed and trampled upon. Scott paused several times during the show to

ask the crowd to calm down.

One of the injured concert goers has filed a lawsuit against Travis Scott and the concept concert promoter. CNNs Rosa Flores joins us now live from

the site of the concept. What are people saying there?

ROSA FLORES, CNN CORRESPONDENT: You know, Becky, I've talked to multiple concert goers and some of them described just the horror of being in that

crowd. Some of them saying that they're still traumatized, just thinking about what they experienced because at moments they say that they couldn't

get oxygen they couldn't breathe.

They also couldn't move. They didn't have control over their bodies because they were just swayed by this wave. Well now investigators are hoping to

talk to as many people as possible as they piece this puzzle that is now a criminal investigation.


FLORES (voice over): A criminal investigation is underway in Houston searching for reasons why the Astroworld Festival turn deadly Friday night,

those attending the concert headlined by Travis Scott, describing how the event devolved into chaos.

VALENCIA WHITE, ATTENDED ASTROWORLD MUSIC FESTIVAL: I've never been in such chaos like so unorganized and just so many people like slamming into me

like there was it was just - it was really hell. It was really hell.

FLORES (voice over): At least eight people died and scores more were injured. Videos posted on social media showing the crowd of about 50,000

surging toward the stage. This clip is showing two people even trying to flag a cameraman to help stop the concert.

MADELINE ESKINS, ATTENDED ASTROWORLD MUSIC FESTIVAL: I could feel you know myself losing the ability to breathe. It was really hard with the amount of

people around me.

FLORES (voice over): Hours before the deadly surge a crowd rush through a VIP entry gate breaking through barricades along with the trampling at the

concert. Houston policing, they are looking into a report saying a security guard was pricked with a needle.

TROY FINNER, HOUSTON, TEXAS POLICE CHIEF: He went unconscious. The Administer Narcan, he was revived and the medical staff did notice a prick

that was similar to a brick that you would get if somebody is trying to --.

FLORES (voice over): Scott indicating he was not aware of what was happening in the audience, and then continuing his performance. The rapper

posted a video to his Instagram page Saturday night.

TRAVIS SCOTT, RAPPER: Anytime I can make out you know anything that's going on. You know, I stopped the show and you know help them get the help they


FLORES (voice over): Some attendees telling me what unfolded at the event will be difficult to forget.

FLORES (on camera): So you've been to many concerts you told me will you go to another Travis Scott concert?

JOYA MELVIN, ATTENDED ASTROWORLD MUSIC FESTIVAL: Absolutely, not, absolutely not, no, I will go to any - not despite, not just Travis Scott,

I'm really scared to even be around people and to be around full capacity situations.

FLORES (voice over): Meanwhile, a memorial growing outside the NRG Park honoring the eight people who died in the tragedy. Among the victims Briana

Rodriguez, a 16 year old high school junior who loved to dance.


Jacob Gerenuk study journalism at Southern Illinois University Carbondale. He was 20 years old. 21 year old Franco Patino also lost his life that

night. His family, describing him as loved by so many because of the loyal, loving, selfless, protective, funny and caring person he was.

TERESITA PATINO, FRANCO PATINO'S MOTHER: We will always celebrate you. You're in heaven, Mijo.

FLORES (voice over): As the community mourns the lives lost. Houston Mayor Sylvester Turner saying it could take investigators weeks to analyze what

went wrong.

SYLVESTER TURNER, HOUSTON, TEXAS MAYOR: We don't want to leave any detail un-reviewed; we owe it to the families and everyone else to have all of the

details as it relates to this incident.


FLORES: Now, Becky, on Friday night, according to authorities, 25 people was transported to the hospital. I talked to the Houston Fire Chief today.

And he says that six people are still in the hospital. Five of them are in the intensive care unit. Becky?

ANDERSON: What I think people will find really frightening is that, as you reported officials in Houston worried about crowd control before Travis

Scott went onstage and yet this concert carried on is it clear? Why?

FLORES: You know it's not very clear. And I have been asking the Houston Police Department about that. I'm hoping - I was hoping that they could

confirm this reporting by the New York Times and the Houston Police Department is not commenting.

They won't tell me if it's true or not. They won't expand on anything. Further, you know, it raises the question, was there a conflict of interest


Because according to The New York Times, the Houston Police chief knows Travis Scott personally he was in his trailer prior to his performance

worried about the energy of the crowd. So it really raises many, many questions, Becky that is still unanswered. Becky?

ANDERSON: Rosa Flores is on the story for you, Rosa, thank you. Let's get you up to speed on some of the other stories that are on our radar right

now. And the Nicaraguan vote counters say President Daniel Ortega has won 70 percent of the ballots counted so far in Sunday's national election.

International observers say the election was a sham, because Mr. Ortega arrested most of his political rivals and prevented them from appearing on

the ballot. And they say most people did not vote.

China's ruling Communist Party is kicking off a four day plenary session. President Xi Jinping is expected to tighten his grip on power during closed

door session of the 300 plus member committee.

Parties expected to adopt document that will likely place him on the same level as --. Still ahead, they say the winner takes it all but this man

didn't win the race. So who is he and why is the crowd going so crazy answers after this.



FLORES: The TV character Big Bird, help generations of children build self- confidence confront fear, deal with loss stuff that's really important and it's not about to stop the yellow feathered giant bird put out a tweet.

Yep, a tweet after getting the COVID vaccine since it is now available for kids aged five through 11. And that prompted a sarcastic response from U.S.

Senator Ted Cruz, he called Big Birds tweet, government propaganda for your five year old amongst other things. What many people might not realize is

that Big Bird has been talking about the importance of childhood vaccines since Senator Ted Cruz was to.


UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: Well, it's all kinds of people and they're all in a line and they don't look like they're buying candy. And there's a sign that

says, don't wait, vaccinate.


ANDERSON: Big Bird is an excellent company and shall we say a long time ago in a galaxy far, far away. You need a little rewiring; the children need to

be fully immunized. And the last, so many are not immunize your children, please. And may the force be with you. And if this were not enough, another

American legend who did his best to send the vaccination message to kids was Muhammad Ali.


UNIDENTIFIED MALE: Well, - says if your kids don't have insurance for dangerous diseases like mumps, measles and polio, they aren't getting in

the school. The law also says they must go to school so you have no choice get your kids their shots.


ANDERSON: Well, that's pretty impressive list of American icons throughout the ages, isn't it and all of them have one thing in common. They are

trying to help kids grow and help them keep healthy.

Well, there was jubilation on the field and in the stands at Sunday's Formula One race in Mexican, Mexico City and in fact, not for the winner.

But for the driver who came third. Sergio Perez became the first Mexican reset to a podium finish in his home country.

He said the crowd was so loud he could hear them over the roar of his racecar engine. I love a story like this. World Sports Amanda Davis joining

us with more. Amanda?

AMANDA DAVIES, CNN SPORTS CORRESPONDENT: Hi, Becky. Yes, the focus of the international public, perhaps on the title race between Max and Stafford

and Lewis Hamilton but these scenes from the track in Mexico City really were pretty special. This is actually a baseball stadium.

It's one of the most famous series of corners on the calendar because of the incredible atmosphere. But what is already good was ramped up to a

whole new level with - podium finished yesterday. We've got more on that coming up in a couple of minutes.

ANDERSON: Lovely, that is World Sports. And for us that is it this evening. See you same place tomorrow.


