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NATO Hosting Talks With Turkey, Finland And Sweden; Petro Becomes Colombia's First Leftist President; Mixed Messages From U.S. Officials On Saudi Prince Meeting. Aired 10-11a ET

Aired June 20, 2022 - 10:00:00   ET




UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE (voice over): Weeks after its application, Sweden's plans to join NATO remain in limbo. Thanks to Turkey, which claims the

Kurdish separatists operate from the shores.

BECKY ANDERSON, CNN INTERNATIONAL ANCHOR (voice over): NATO talks are ongoing as we go to air is Turkey likely to read length. Plus.

UNIDENTIFIED MALE: The government that will begin on August 7th is a government of life. It's a government that wants to build Colombia as a

global power of life.

ANDERSON: Big promises from Colombia's new president. Question is, can he keep them? We're live in Bogota. And.

VEDIKA SUD, CNN REPORTER (through translator): There is no way we can stay in a house, we're asking the government for relief and help.

ANDERSON: Millions across India and Bangladesh is stranded due to monsoon flooding. We'll have the forecast for the region and around the world.

It's 3:00 p.m. in London. I'm Becky Anderson. Hello and welcome to CONNECT THE WORLD. On the NATO front, well, talks front and center this hour at a

meeting aimed at breaking the deadlock over expanding the alliance. NATO Secretary General hosting diplomats from Sweden, Finland and Turkey in

Brussels. That issue, Turkey's staunch opposition to the bids by Sweden and Finland to join the alliance.

Now, Turkey's president accuses both nations of harboring members of the Kurdistan workers party or PKK. That's listed as a terrorist group by

Turkey and its western allies. Well, today's meeting happening just nine days before the NATO summit in Madrid which has heightened importance in

the midst of Russia's war on Ukraine. Nina Dos Santos connect us here in the studio in London, just back from Sweden, of course this weekend. Just

explain what's hoping to be achieved on these talks today.

NINA DOS SANTOS, CNN CORRESPONDENT: Well, what's significant, Becky, is that all three parties and are finally around the table with NATO urging

them to try and come together and at least talk about these so-called security issues that Turkey appears to have raised repeatedly ever since as

Sweden and Finland decided finally to sign up and join NATO. Remember that originally, earlier on this year, the opposition didn't actually appear to

be within NATO members.

That appear to be within these Nordic countries themselves. But they had a U-turn on the biggest foreign policy decision in generations. And now

Turkey is seen an opportunity for leverage on various fronts. But the real concern here that they continue to echo is they accused Sweden in

particular, but also Finland, of harboring some of these separatist Kurdish groups inside their borders.

Remember, there are large amounts of Kurds that live inside these countries. And many of them feel that they're being caught up as pawns in

the game, if you like that could also be Turkey trying to extract leverage on various other things, including arms because Turkey has become a big

maker of weaponry as at the moment. Sweden is one of those countries that has pushed for an arms embargo against Turkey over the recent times.

ANDERSON: Well, you were in Sweden this weekend. I know you talk to some from the Kurdish diaspora. What's their view on this?

DOS SANTOS: Yes. They're incredibly worried actually, Becky. And you can see this in this sort of silence that we're seeing from Stockholm on these

talks. Turkey has been very, very vocal about what they want here. But Sweden isn't publicly negotiating in the open air. And there's a reason for

that is because 100,000 people of Kurdish origin, many of whom have nothing to do with Turkey at all call Sweden, their home.

They're getting nervous that they could get caught up in these negotiations and sold out by Stockholm. Something that Sweden says they won't do. I've

been speaking to some of them just recently.


DOS SANTOS (voice over): At this Kurdish community center in Gothenburg, locals are uneasy. They've been dragged into Sweden's NATO negotiations.

Of course, we're scared says Nasad Bahir (ph). We're here we caught in the middle says Heather Kadoi (ph) and we're not being given a safe.

Weeks after its application, Sweden's plans to join NATO remain in limbo, thanks to Turkey, which claims that Kurdish separatists operate from the

shores. That's something Sweden denies. Yet Ankara is still trying to extradite dozens of people, including members of Sweden's own parliament,

most of whom have no links to Turkey at all, like the men in this room born in Iran and Iraq.

Edwin (ph) is saying if you're a Kurd and you want freedom, you're a terrorist says Kareem Rasuli (ph).


DOS SANTOS: That's not true, no matter where you come from if you're a Kurd, you're going to have problems with Turkey says Bahir.

PAUL LEVIN, DIRECTOR, STOCKHOLM UNIVERSITY INSTITUTE FOR TURKISH STUDY: From the Turkish perspective they're saying is look Sweden you want to join

a military alliance where we are one of the members we perceive of these groups as national security threats. They make the same demands on other

NATO member states, but they don't have the same leverage as they do now that Sweden is waiting to come in.

DOS SANTOS: Sweden is home to an estimated 100,000 Kurds. That's almost one percent of this country's entire population. And there's widespread

sympathy for their cause. That means that as Turkey continues to stall Sweden's NATO bit, there's a growing sense of indignation.

Swedes were almost split on NATO accession before the country decided to sign up. And among Kurds, there are differing views too.

At this anti NATO protest, Fousey Baban (ph) and Iraqi Kurd says that he's against NATO membership.

Look at what NATO members did in my country he said. They completely destroyed it. I'm strongly affected by this he says, since I've come here

as a prisoner of war.


DOS SANTOS: Turks fighting for Kurdish rights in Sweden are also stoking Ankara's ire.

ZARAKOLU: This is my Kurdish award they gave me when I was in the prison.

DOS SANTOS: Seventy-four-year old Turkish born, Nobel Peace Prize nominee, Ragip Zarakolu is now a Swedish citizen, but he's fighting off extradition

to Turkey for his writing in defense of minorities there.

ZARAKOLU: I feel harassed. I'm a Swedish citizen. And how can Swedish government can make a bargaining issue, I can't find the worst, define the

strangeness, this absurdity.

DOS SANTOS: Sweden decided to join NATO to make its population safer after Russia invaded Ukraine. For a part of its people, the process of accession

is making them feel anything but secure.


DOS SANTOS: So those are just some of the voices that you hear, Becky, in Sweden's second largest city. But right across the country, you're hearing

this ongoing debate about standing up for minorities and human rights, which is something that Sweden does not want to turn its back on, despite

the fact that it is obviously turning us back to a certain extent on non- military alignment, which has been a policy for 200 years.

ANDERSON: Nina, fascinating. Thank you very much indeed. One Swedish politician of Kurdish descent is championing greater support for Kurds, and

thanks to her, Sweden's government survived a no confidence vote earlier this month. But in return, she demanded a commitment that Sweden would not

bow to Turkish demands and that could potentially derail Stockholm's NATO bid addressing her fellow lawmakers she had this to say.

AMINEH KAKABAVEH, PRIME MINISTER OF SWEDEN: This is about how much Sweden should allow a foreign power to rule over our country. It is the Swedish

parliament that should decide over Swedish weapons export laws.


ANDERSON: Amineh Kakabaveh joins me now from Stockholm. It's good to have you. You have said that Sweden should withdraw its NATO application. If it

depends on giving in to the Turkish president's demands, you said and I quote, "it is embarrassing and disgusting." Now most Swedes and you will

have heard Nina's report there support NATO membership. So why do you believe this ordeal with Turkey warrants withdrawing?

KAKABAVEH: Hello, thank you very much for having me here. That is true. Unfortunately, the Swedish government and this -- and the European Union,

they want to, you know, have the security and protection from dictatorship like Turkey from a dictatorship, you know, like Putin to ally with a

dictatorship like Erdogan that is totally unbelievable. Unbelievable for a country. I have come, you know, tested 29 years ago, and many people's like

Zara Colo (ph) and others you have been talking with that -- we mean that this country is a human country -- humanitarian country and human humanity

is very important.

That is why I feel that we are losing, we are going to bound for to protect kids, seek protection from Friday censorship that is dangerous.

ANDERSON: Yes, I just wonder Nina's reporting suggesting, you know, to a certain extent that that Sweden has been really rather quiet on the issue

of Kurds. What do you think that is?


KAKABAVEH: Unfortunately as you know also every day -- the worldwide knows about that and when Turkey wants also having me extradited, but I'm not

from Turkey, but the government was totally silent. They were they were silent when they demand that. You know, I am a member of the parliament in

14 years. I have my background and Iranian Kurdistan. But Turkey have, you know, the president has actually opinion about, they have opinion about our


They are silent. They are quiet. They are Oprah's. And, unfortunately, we look like also conjunctions less. A country with his history of 200 years

of, you know, dignity, freedom, peace. And now --


ANDERSON: And you think that is at stake at this point, do you? Do you think that is at stake at this point.

KAKABAVEH: Yes. Unfortunately, right. Now, it feels like that. They don't - - they knew -- they need my voice to today about today's Wednesday, again, five times I actually fixed the government from fall. I helped them, I

support them, and now they need but they don't want you to talk to me because they are scared for Erdogan because Erdogan decide who the

government should talk with, or the social Democrat.

This is so disgusting. I mean, it is really dangerous, too. I mean, I'm not alone. A lot of a (INAUDIBLE) a lot of opposition's from Turkey. They feel

very fear and secure in this country with the human -- humanitarian country.

ANDERSON: Yes. You fled Iran at the end of 1992, where you had been fighting as a member of the Kurdish Peshmerga. In Sweden you've been an

M.P. for the past 14 years. Throughout that time, you've pushed the government to support Kurds and Kurdish rights, particularly in northern

Syria of late. Turkey, of course, considers these Kurds to be linked to the Kurdistan Workers Party, the PKK group.

It labels, not just Turkey, but others -- its other Western allies a label as a terrorist organization. Do you understand and do you accept that your

support can be viewed as antagonistic towards Ankara?

KAKABAVEH: No, to be honest, it is just an advanced propaganda. Every buddy's, according to him a terrorist. Everybody, they stay for human,

rights for the Kurdish right for the freedom of speech. Look at that (INAUDIBLE) the whole world has forget him. Everybody talks, for example,

about Alexei Navalny in Russia, but nobody talks about that he actually, according to the Turkish constitution, he's elected, like, as a M.P., as

you know, President Kennedy date was challenging Erdogan but he's in prison in five years.

And about the Kurdish support, as we know that the United States and many European countries, they support the Kurds in the north Syria because they

defend themselves and the whole world. They save the whole world from the dash, the (INAUDIBLE) now, the key 12,000 of them in the prison and Turkey

yield the dash, yield the dash.

So that is why the Turkish problem is not because the whole, United States in the, you know, there is the ally with the Kurds and they actually

cultivated some freedom in northern Syria.

ANDERSON: It's good to get your perspective as we have been reporting. Your position as an M.P. as an -- is an important one. Obviously, you have had a

deciding vote of late and so we continue to report on what is going on in swing as we continue to watch these NATO talks ahead of the big NATO Summit

Next week, Turkey, Sweden, Finland front and center at this point, thank you.

We are getting a firsthand look at the moment. Russian forces took over a city in eastern Ukraine. This body cam footage surfaced this weekend on

social media. It's from the city of Lyman in the Donetsk region and was reportedly shot late last month. You can see the devastation in the city

and seemingly no resistance from the Ukrainian military.

Well, Sam Kiley is in Kharkiv where he is seeing some of that devastation for himself, Sam. Just describe where you are and what you're seeing.


SAM KILEY, CNN SENIOR INTERNATIONAL CORRESPONDENT: Well, Becky, just in the last 24 hours President Zelenskyy of Ukraine has s aid that he expects an

increase in hostilities, if that's even possible to come from the Russians, as a consequence of, of course, the efforts by Ukraine and the possible --

possibility that they will become a formal candidate for European Union membership.

Now, you're joining me or I'm joining you rather from the Institute of Economics, the economics faculty at the National unit -- University of

Kharkiv. This is the consequence in the past, in the very recent past, of Ukraine's efforts, among other things, to join the European Union, because

arguably, of course, its membership of that multinational Democratic free trade organization that represents the real existential threat.

Far more so, the NATO weapons being based here to the regime of Vladimir Putin. It is an unstable and undemocratic regime here in Ukraine. That is

the only thing that he could properly countenance and as a consequence of that, President Zelenskyy's warning have been manifest here just 15, 20

miles north of where I am standing. There is now a knot reportedly, we've seen the evidence as presented by Ukrainian officials, particularly in

terms of satellite imagery and drone footage of a substantial Russian build up in terms of tanks and armor.

There is deep concerns that there's going to be another offensive against Ukraine, second city here in Kharkiv just as the offensive continues apace

further east in the country. There had been an assumption here, I think, among many people in the international community, Becky, that Kharkiv was

somehow safe, that it was as relieved of Russian pressure as a key. But that, frankly, is not the case bombardments continue on the outskirts of

the city.

And indeed, overnight, there has been a slight intensification of bombardments against the city itself. I have to say nothing like as bad as

it was when this place was hit at the beginning of March. But the threat remains extremely high, Becky.

ANDERSON: And I think back to you and I talking back end of January all the way through February really and I think you'd be the first to admit it,

nobody could conceive of what would happen next. And then of course, we hit February the 24th. We hear there's almost constant fighting in

Severodonetsk now, just remind us why this is such a strategic city for the Russians. And what is going on on the ground, as we understand it at


KILEY: It's both strategic as Severodonetsk. It's also symbolically important because the last major city in the Luhansk Oblast, the province

of the Luhansk, that is really holding out against the Russian attacks. Much or most of the rest of that province effectively was captured by

Russian-backed rebels back in 2014. And held and indeed, the same could be said of much of Donetsk province. So it's a key in a symbolic way.

It's also critical because it sits on the Donetsk River, which is the kind of main line of defense ultimately that the Ukrainians would fall back to

use if they get driven out ultimately, of that location. But it's part of a much longer front line, Becky, all around the country -- all around the

East of the country. But there, if they can capture that they can push on to Kramatorsk and that is their ultimate goal at least in the east.

ANDERSON: Sam Kiley is on the ground. As you can see there in Kharkiv in Ukraine. Thanks, Sam.

(INAUDIBLE) Colombia preparing to swear in a former guerilla as president. More on Gustavo Petro's plan to end violence in the country. More on that

after this



ANDERSON: Welcome back. Colombia preparing to swear in a new president. Gustavo Petro will soon become the country's first leftist president having

won over one of South America's most conservative countries. Here he is at his campaign's headquarters after they received the results Sunday

alongside his running mate Francia Marquez. She is the first Afro-Colombian to hold executive powers.

Stefano Pozzebon joins me now from the Colombian president. He is and he being the president-elect vowing to end violence in Colombia. How is he

reconciling that ambition with let's be quite frank, his rather checkered past as a guerrilla fighter?

STEFANO POZZEBON, CNN CORRESPONDENT: Yes, Becky. Petro speaks about his past as a guerrilla fighter. Often in his speech, he says he's a person who

abandoned armed struggle in the 30 years ago. He served in almost every public institution in Colombia. He was an alderman, he was a mayor of

Bogota. He was a congressman, a senator. And now president-elect, of course. So he says that he embodies the peace process in himself.

And that is why he wants to lead by example in bringing together a new era of peace. But why these, Becky, is a monumental change for the history of

Colombia. It also has the potential of opening a new chapter in the relationship between Washington and Colombia. Of course, Colombia is one of

the United States closest allies in South America. And Petro still wants to maintain that relationship.

But when we asked him if how he envisioned that renewed relationship with Joe Biden, here's what he told us, Becky.


POZZEBON: Would you renegotiate in a free trade agreement with U.S.?


PETRO: But under certain circumstances, but I propose President Biden, if I get elected, is a political dialogue around three issues, protecting the

Amazon, ending the war on drugs, and energy transition.


POZZEBON: So Petro probably knows that those three issues that he mentioned in our interview with him are good points to bring up to Joe Biden because

he knows that Biden is also in favor of an energy transition and phasing out fossil fuels. And Biden himself is very familiar with the drug

situation and security situation here in Colombia, having traveled a lot to the country in his days as a senator and vice president.

But of course, renegotiating a free trade agreement that really brings the two economies really close. It's a complete new matter, and Petro knows it.

And he says he's ready to open a new a new chapter in this relationship and says that, frankly, Latin America has changed. Becky?

ANDERSON: Stefano, he'll need all the help he can get because this is an economy which is extremely challenged. Just what is it that he is suggested

he can do to kicks tart this Colombian economy?

POZZEBON: Yes, what he proposed is a progressive package of subsidies towards domestic food production. He has campaigned a lot about food

production. Why is that? So, of course the world is in the middle of an inflationary wave. That wave is hitting South America hard. The inflation

rate here in Colombia is not the highest in the region. But the food prices have grown the most as a consequence of the war in Ukraine than anywhere

else in South America and Latin America, frankly, according to the World Food Program.

So Petro, identified food sovereignty, the fact that they want to produce more food here as the biggest -- the biggest -- the first priority for him

and he wants to support that with public subsidies and higher corporate taxes, Becky.

ANDERSON: Stefano Pozzebon on the story for you. Stefano, thank you.


ANDERSON: (INAUDIBLE) mission ahead. Up next. That introduces you to innovators tackling the world's biggest challenges. This week we are

looking at bold missions in science and technology to change the way that we move. My colleague Rachel Crane explores a quiet easy revolution taking

place on the shores of Stockholm.


RACHEL CRANE, CNN INNOVATION AND SPACE CORRESPONDENT (voice over): In the island suburbs of Stockholm, one startup is making waves in the boating

industry by making almost no waves at all.

GUSTAV HASSELSKOG, CHIEF EXECUTIVE OFFICER, CANDELA: (voice over): Since we don't make any waves, we can run the boat much faster.

CRANE: The man at the helm is Gustav Hasselskog. The 50-year-old drove gas powered boat for decades, locking up a series carbon footprint in the


HASSELSKOG: I realized that that boat cause seems like 50 times more fuel than our car.

CRANE: It's why in 2014 he decided to build a greener boat and founded his startup Candela.

HASSELSKOG: I didn't have any track record as an entrepreneur. I didn't have any track record as anyone working with boats before.

CRANE: He did have a master's in mechanical engineering though, and had learned about a century old technique, giving boats wings known as hydro

foils. A pair of computer-controlled hydrofoils lift the boat out of the water and make micro adjustments over 100 times a second. This creates a

smooth ride at top speeds of about 55 kilometers per hour Hasselskog says.

The electric engine releases no emissions and no noise. So it's better for marine life too.

CRANE (on camera): Candela has been called the Tesla of the Seas. You know, they sort of revolutionize the industry of electric vehicles. Do you see

Candela as -- having potentially the same kind of impact in the boating industry?

HASSELSKOG: We have found a lot of inspiration in Tesla. I think when I started Candela the hottest type of electric car you had at the time was

Toyota Prius. And what Tesla did was to also add a lot of style to electric cars.

CRANE: Candela isn't the only sort of looking to emulate Tesla's success on the water. Act sure a Swedish startup. An arc boat created by former SpaceX

employees are both developing high-end battery powered boats. While G.M. that Pure Watercraft is making electric boats as well as outboard motors to

install on existing vessels. However, leisure boats alone won't move the needle on ocean transport emissions experts say.


year. When we talk about global shipping the three largest producers are going to be the container ships, the bulk cargo and then the tankers.

Personal craft is usually the smallest.

CRANE: For Hasselskog, recreational boats are only the start. He's now developing city ferries. Stockholm will trial Candela's 30-seat model for

commuter routes in 2023 he says. Because the boat doesn't create a week, it can go faster through city waterways Hasselskog says.

He hopes this bonus will get more people on board with the mission of greener boating and leave a cleaner future for shipping in their wake.




ANDERSON: Welcome back. I'm Becky Anderson in London. You're watching CONNECT THE WORLD.

The White House appears to be bouncing around some relatively mixed messages ahead of us President Joe Biden's planned trip to Saudi Arabia

next month. There has been some back and forth over whether the president will meet directly with the Saudi crown prince. Mr. Biden himself said

Mohammed bin Salman will be part of group discussions but the U.S. Energy Secretary later told CNN it's her understanding there would be a one on one

session. Then we were told this by the National Security Council, there will be a bilateral meeting with King Salman and his team.

That meeting will include the crown prince and other Saudi officials. Well, as a viewer of this program you will know Joe Biden has pledged to make

Saudi Arabia a "pariah" for its role in the 2018 murder of Saudi journalist Jamal Khashoggi. U.S. intelligence concluded the crown prince was behind

that killing. But now Mr. Biden has to find a way to convince the Gulf states including Saudi Arabia to bring down soaring oil prices.

And that's just one of a number of issues that the Biden administration is clearly keen to discuss with the kingdom. I want to bring in CNN's U.S.

security correspondent Kylie Atwood in Washington, D.C. There are some conflicting messages around just whether or not Joe Biden will meet with

the de facto leader, let's call it. I mean, King Salman is the leader. But sort of on a day-to-day basis, much of what happens in Saudi goes through

the Crown Prince Mohammed bin Salman.

So, quite frankly, do we know what's going on as far as meetings are concerned?

KYLIE ATWOOD, CNN U.S. SECURITY CORRESPONDENT: Well, basically, what it looks like is there's some confusion over semantics here, right? The White

House doesn't want to come out and put a spotlight on this meeting that President Biden is going to have with the crown prince of Saudi Arabia

because of all the controversy surrounding him, because of what President Biden has said in the past.

What they want to do is cast this as a trip for President Biden to meet with leaders in the region. And that will include a meeting with MBS. But

fundamentally, as we know, the focus will really be on that meeting between these two leaders. It's clear that the Biden administration has now come to

acknowledge that they really need to revive and make better this relationship between the United States and Saudi Arabia.

And it's clear that they don't think that they can do it without this meeting between the two leaders. So they are going to be meeting one on one

as we understand it, according to U.S. officials. And the question is, what exactly will the topics of that discussion include? What exactly will

President Biden hone in on?

ANDERSON: Yes. And that's the big question. And that's surely at this stage, the question that people should be focusing on. I mean, this is a --

let's be quite frank, a U.S. partner of some 70 years now. And today, it's a very reliable partner, and not least on the energy and security files,

and those two files will be, won't they, front and center when Joe Biden meets leadership in the kingdom plus the leaders of Iraq, Jordan, and


What is it ultimately that the White House is hoping to achieve then with this visit?

ATWOOD: Well, I think that is the million-dollar question. Because as they're casting it right now, they're saying that energy is going to be

part of this discussion, but is not going to be the central, the focal point of the discussion. They are talking about trying to connect with all

leaders in the region around security, around energy, around human rights, just this wide swath of issues that they want to cover.

But when President Biden leaves the region, the question will be, what exactly did he accomplish? Did he go there and actually bring something

home? Or is it more of a trip to demonstrate that he still does want to have relationships. And one could argue that reviving these relationships

and just sort of getting them back on track is in and of itself a necessity but some others will argue that if he goes there and he doesn't bring

anything back in terms of accomplishments it will be a failure.


ATWOOD: And so, that is where the administration is up against a rock and a hard place here. But I do think is important that we push the

administration to lay out exactly what they want to accomplish at the end of this which they haven't been very clear on yet.

ANDERSON: No, absolutely. Important stuff. Thank you. Well, millions of people across India and Bangladesh are stranded due to the monsoon

flooding. Heavy rain, landslides and lightning strikes have killed dozens of people. CNN's Vedika Sud has the details for you.


SUD: Trudging through flooded streets with whatever they can carry. Authority say millions of people in Bangladesh in northeastern India have

been affected by some of the worst flooding in the region in nearly two decades.

This man says our house got flooded with waist level water. There is no way we can stay in a house, we're asking the government for relief and help. An

official in Bangladesh as Ministry of disaster management says homes and two of the worst affected areas, the districts of Sylhet and Sunamganj are

80 to 90 percent underwater. Highways look more like rivers, the rushing water times too fast and deep for people traveling in smaller vehicles.

There are so many people marooned by the floods, both India and Bangladesh have activated their militaries to help rescue them. Soldiers are using

speed boats and rafts to access submerged areas and ferry the stranded dry land. Many areas that are cut off are without power, and there is desperate

need for food and drinking water. Transportation using anything other than a boat is difficult.

Flights have been suspended for three days and Bangladesh loses money international airport, railways are deluged. And some hospitals are

inundated with water like this one. Its ambulances parked outside with water up to the tires.

Dozens of people have died, some by lightning strikes and landslides in Bangladesh, others from perilous conditions brought on by the floodwaters.

Officials say the situation could deteriorate even further with more rain in the forecast. Vedika Sud, CNN, New Delhi.


ANDERSON: So we will have a look at what the forecast is for the region. It's until recently of course being through a heatwave. Meteorologist Chad

Myers joins us now live. You've been looking specifically at this region for us. What have you found?

CHAD MYERS, CNN METEOROLOGIST: Well, we are right on time with monsoon. This is what we expect. Before the monsoon that's why it gets so hot.

There's just not a cloud in the sky. But when monsoon sets in like it did over the weekend and on Friday, that's what the problem was. Right here,

this red line that's June 20th. That's today. And right here, the white -- the white line, that's where the monsoon is right now.

So, very, very close. 50 kilometers one way or the other. We shouldn't be getting if we spread the rain all across the country about 11 millimeters

of rainfall in every square meter. But that doesn't happen because it falls in one spot doesn't fall on another. But over Friday, we had 30 millimeters

of rainfall over the entire region. We are 49 percent up right now on monsoon. And it still will be raining.

Now the next 48 hours, don't look too bad. But I went ahead and I looked at the European model for the next 10 days. Here's what the showers are going

to look like over the next two days. They're just showers. But when I turn this on, and you see these white areas up here, in some of the higher

elevations, but that water has to go downhill anyway, every white spot is 500 millimeters of rain in the next 10 days or it obviously in the middle.

Possibly even more than that, Becky. That's not only going to cause flooding. That's going to be raining on snow. That snow is going to melt.

That melted snow is going to even raise the river levels even higher. We are in a bad situation right now especially for the next two weeks. We'll

see how this goes. Becky?

ANDERSON: Chad Myers on the story for you. Chad, thank you. Up next, and historic day of golf in Brookline, Massachusetts. An epic three-way battle

ending with a debut major for one young Englishman.



ANDERSON: Scenes of joy and relief on the faces of Matt Fitzpatrick and his caddy yesterday. The English golfer won the U.S. Open by just one shot with

Scottie Scheffler and Will Zalatoris on his tail. It was an historic day at Brookline not least because it Fitzpatrick's first major win. He became

just the third Englishman in a half a century to pick up that prize at the same venue where he won the U.S. amateur open in 2013.

Well, in other sports news, the International Swimming Federation or FINA as it's known is voted to restrict most transgender athletes from competing

in elite women's competitions. This is a controversial decision. World Sport anchor Amanda Davies joining me now to explain what this new policy


AMANDA DAVIES, CNN WORLD SPORT ANCHOR: Yes, Becky. It's one of -- I think it's fair to say it's one of the most controversial divisive issues in

sport and one that every different sport is having to face at the moment in terms of where and what line they are drawing. And what FINA has decided to

introduce. They're calling it a gender inclusion policy. But essentially they're saying any athlete who has a male to female transgender athletes

who have gone past the age of 12 is unable to compete in the female category.

They want to start a new open category and we've got plenty of reaction coming up in World Sport in just a couple of minutes.

ANDERSON: Amanda Davies on the story for you and anchoring the show that comes up after this short break. That's World Sport. I'm Becky Anderson

back after that.