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E.U. Ministers Agree to Cut Gas Demand, Malta Exempted; Russia's War on Ukraine; Congress of Aboriginal Peoples Welcomes Pope's Apology; Griner's Hash Oil Requires "Further Study"; China Stepping Up Confrontations with U.S.; Jellyfish Cover Israel's Coast. Aired 10-11a ET

Aired July 26, 2022 - 10:00   ET




BECKY ANDERSON, CNN HOST (voice-over): E.U. ministers agree to slash energy consumption as Russia puts a further squeeze on gas supplies. We

will hear from one European country getting a carveout.

Plus, new missile attacks on Ukraine near the Black Sea renew concerns about whether Russia can be trusted to allow grain exports.


PAULA NEWTON, CNN ANCHOR AND CORRESPONDENT (voice-over): Sarah Mazerolle was 6, forced to stay until she was 14.

SARAH MAZEROLLE, RESIDENTIAL SCHOOL SURVIVOR: Bam! Every morning she did that to me.

ANDERSON (voice-over): Why a papal apology decades in the making is not enough for some Indigenous Canadians abused by the Catholic Church.


ANDERSON: Hello and welcome to CONNECT THE WORLD, I'm Becky Anderson in London.

This could be a long winter for some countries in Europe. The E.U. agreeing hours ago to voluntarily reduce natural gas consumption by 15 percent on

the eve of another supply cut by Russia. Starting tomorrow, Gazprom will slash output from the Nord Stream pipeline to just a fifth of capacity.

Does this paint a bleak picture for the months to come?

No, the E.U. says, just the opposite.


JOZEF SIKELA, CZECH INDUSTRY MINISTER: Regular saving during the following months will ensure that we have enough gas. We will not allow Russia to

threaten our security by deliberately disrupting gas deliveries and using gas as a political weapon.


ANDERSON: "A political weapon," as the E.U. sides with Ukraine, against Russia. Fears of gas shutoff have been causing economic jitters, putting

further pressure on an already fragile euro. Clare Sebastian joining me now, with the ripple effect that this is having on the economy.

Let's start with what we understand to have been agreed.

CLARE SEBASTIAN, CNN CORRESPONDENT: And first of all, 27 E.U. members took almost two months to agree on how to push through an oil embargo. This was

done in five days. So this is an extremely urgent situation.

This is a voluntary commitment by all members to reduce gas by 15 percent this winter, starting in August going through to March of next year. If

there is a gas emergency, that the E.U. triggers, then there are exemptions.

There are exemptions for countries like the Baltic states, which are not connected to Europe's electricity grid; for countries like Ireland, which

is not connected to Europe's gas pipeline system.

There's various other derogations (ph) which is what it is called when you consider reduce the target a little bit, you can negotiate that. For

countries which use gas a lot in industry, for example.

There are ways to water it down. But this was done extremely fast. Concern now with the Nord Stream cut back 20 percent from tomorrow, that, if there

is a very cold winter, the gas storage targets are going to be in question.

ANDERSON: Are there any regrets across the bloc about how quickly the swingeing sanctions have been imposed?

It's coming fast, isn't it?

SEBASTIAN: I think it's the Russian strategy, isn't it?

The reason why, certainly according to experts that I speak to, the reason they are doing this is because of technical issues. They want another

turbine to be sent out for repair.

But what E.U. leaders and experts feel is that they are doing this gradual incremental rolling back to try to sow this division, to weaken Europe's

resolve to support Ukraine. That is ultimately the weapon here.

You don't see them really doing that so much with oil; it's the E.U. that will embargo oil. They're doing it with gas, which suggests that they are

not so reliant on the revenues from gas. Certainly prices are very high, even higher at the moment because of this implicit disruption.


ANDERSON: The criticism is that the Russians are, of course, weaponizing energy supplies. This is already having a significant impact on the

European economy. Forecasts going forward are looking pretty grim.

SEBASTIAN: Yes, very grim. The euro is down at $1.01 today, it took a knock on gas supplies. Gas is one thing that is the major factor affecting

the euro at the moment. Even more so than the central banks.

But the IMF has just come out with its forecast for the global economy. They have cut the global economy from 6.1 percent growth down to 3.2

percent. And they are saying that if Russia cuts off the gas to Europe, it could go down even further to 2.6 percent. So major implications for Europe

and beyond.

ANDERSON: Clare Sebastian with us in the house, thank you very much.

Not all E.U. nations have to abide by the voluntary natural gas plan as Clare rightly pointed out. There are carve-outs and optouts. The Baltic

countries, as we have been reporting, are linked to Russia's electric grid, so they are exempt.

Island nations like Ireland and Malta that aren't hooked up to the E.U. gas networks will not have to participate. Malta is hugely reliant on gas to

generate its electric power. The energy minister joins us now from Brussels.

A voluntary agreement to reduce gas consumption; your country, exempt should there be an energy supply crisis?

How difficult was it to get to this decision, this point, where all 27 E.U. countries agreed in principle with this E.U. position?

MIRIAM DALLI, MALTESE ENERGY MINISTER: It wasn't easy. But as you mentioned earlier, as was mentioned, this was a decision that was taken in

around six days, which reflects and shows the urgency of the matter.

It's all about preparedness. The situation is what it is and when you are faced with such a challenging situation, I believe the options in front of

us are either to be prepared for what might happen or let things be.

And then you will find the situation in your hands, which might be major and more massive than you would have actually been able to cater for.

And I think what's the 27 E.U. member states realized and what we managed to achieve in this council, was that we are sending a strong signal as the

E.U., as a whole, that we are acting together, even though there are exemptions, as you mentioned earlier.

But such exemptions take into account the different specificities of the different member states. But it is showing that the E.U. is preparing

itself for any eventualities, even considering also that the next months are definitely not going to be easy.

ANDERSON: Let's be quite clear here: we are potentially looking at gas rationing. There is a threat of gas rationing because of the current

situation, as we move toward the winter.

And there are a number of countries, initially some 12 of 27 members, who simply didn't want the E.U. to own the mechanism to tell their residents

that this was what was going to happen. Let's talk about Malta, hugely reliant on gas to generate its electric power.

Just how concerned are you going forward into the winter months?

DALLI: Let's talk about Malta. For the majority of the E.U. member states, the toughest months would be the winter months. For Malta, the toughest

months would be the summer months, where you have more demand for electricity.

And as you rightly are pointing out, our electricity supply is highly dependent on gas. So yes, every time, even though we are not connected to

the European gas network, it doesn't mean that what happens in the E.U. and internationally does not have an impact.

Automatically, when you are speaking about disruptions in supply, that has a ripple effect on the price of electricity. And we are seeing also, the

price of gas, how it is going internationally and that is also an issue of concern.

So even though we are not connected to the E.U. gas grid, as Ireland as well, you mentioned Ireland earlier on, that doesn't mean that what happens

in the E.U. does not have a direct impact on us.


DALLI: So we are showing and we want to send the strong signal, solidarity and cooperation amongst all the E.U. member states. What happens in the

E.U. is of concern to all of the member states.

But this goes beyond the E.U. What happens internationally has a direct impact on each and every country. And my biggest concern is how we can make

sure that that impact doesn't resonate negatively on consumers and industries, because it will have an impact.

But we need to make sure that we approach and we try to push in as much as possible that impact.

ANDERSON: You are right to point out, it's individual consumers, small to medium sized enterprises and it's industry, which is a huge gas consumer.

I spoke to the Turkish president spokesman yesterday about Russia weaponizing energy. This was just after the Russians had announced that

they would further reduce gas supplies through the Nord Stream 1 pipeline.

And I asked whether he was concerned about being able to trust Russia in any way going forward. This is what he said.


IBRAHIM KALIN, TURKISH PRESIDENTIAL SPOKESPERSON: Russia is using the gas weapon, energy weapon, against European countries that impose sanctions on

it. And so vice versa. I mean, Europeans stopped, you know -- they sanctioned a lot of Russian entities, companies and products, et cetera.

They said they will no longer buy gas from Russia. And Russian response said, OK, let's see how far they can go with this. And then they cut it.

And I think we will see this play out in the months to come as long as this conflict continues.


ANDERSON: There is an argument there that says, Russia has been heavily sanctioned; perhaps we should have expected this, he says as a NATO member,

speaking of E.U. member states. Turkiye isn't one of those.

Is that an argument you understand?

DALLI: It is an argument that is being filtered for sure. That is why the E.U. needs to be prepared because, in such a situation, any eventuality is

a possibility.

Another thing that the E.U. is pushing for as much as possible is the fact that Russia is not the sole supplier of gas for the European Union. And the

E.U. as a whole and the individual member states are trying to limit as much as possible their reliance on Russian gas.

This means also that the E.U. is still going with negotiations, as the whole of the European Union but also the individual member states, to try

and get gas from different sources.

Another thing that has been promoted and will help in making sure that the European Union as a whole is less reliant on gas as a source of energy is

the fact that we are speaking now about moving away from gas. And the European Union has been speaking about this for quite some time.

But I think what is happening even now, is even making this process faster to move away from gas and to move to other sources.

But for me, it's imperative that, when we move away from gas and we move to other sources, we try and move as much as possible to cleaner sources,

considering gas is still fossil fuel, even though it is amongst the cleanest forms of fossil fuels.

So, yes, we are living in extraordinary times. And I think when you are living in extraordinary times, you need to look toward extraordinary


ANDERSON: That is certainly what Europe is facing at the moment. Thank you very much indeed, for joining us.

As Europe addresses what is its energy security crisis, southern Ukraine is in the process of Russian fire. Missiles and rockets and poor

infrastructure in Mykolaiv today. Mykolaiv close to the front lines in the neighboring Kherson region, where Ukrainian forces have been mounting a

counter attack.

Today the Ukrainian military chief in Donetsk says that entire region is under attack as Russian forces wish to take complete control of the Donbas

and fulfill one of Vladimir Putin's key objectives.

This video shows the aftermath of a weekend attack on a school in a gateway city to parts of Donetsk still controlled by Ukraine. Ivan Watson

connecting us from Odessa.

The area still facing Russian fire, you have some news on the grain exports on the back of that deal agreed at the beginning of the week. And we are

expecting those exports to resume in the days to come.


ANDERSON: What more do we know at this point?

IVAN WATSON, CNN SENIOR INTERNATIONAL CORRESPONDENT: We have an update from the Turkish defense ministry, which was integral in mediating the

talks that resulted in the export of grain agreement, that was signed in Istanbul on Friday.

They announced that the Joint Coordination Center, which is supposed to facilitate the movement of cargo ships from Odessa, where I am located

right now, and to other Ukrainian ports across the Black Sea to the Bosphorus Strait and out to international markets, that that Joint

Coordination Center would start its work on Wednesday.

The Russian ministry of defense has announced that a Russian rear admiral is leading a delegation of experts headed to Istanbul, presumably to join

in participation of that. The Ukrainians should also be sending their own representation to participate in this Joint Coordination Center.

It's not clear after soon after its establishment the actual movement of cargo vessels will begin. So watch this space.

In the meantime, you did talk about the attacks that are continuing. The Ukrainian president posting video of what looks like a village completely

shattered by missile strikes.

This is in the Odessa region, southwest of where I am right now, which seems to have been pounded hard. There is a coastal bridge there that the

Russians have struck in the past.

And that all leads toward the mouth of the Danube River, which the Ukranian government has already been preparing as an alternative route for the

exports of the grain that has been blockaded since Russia invaded this country.

That route can carry some grain on river barges to central Europe but not nearly the quantity that you could before this war from the deep water


There is also fierce fighting reported elsewhere. An interesting detail, worrisome, Ukrainian officials saying thousands of Ukrainians are being

held at the entry point to Ukrainian occupied territory in the Zaporizhzhya region, not allowed to enter.

And this is a pattern that we have seen in the past, where Russians will not allow Ukrainians at times to flee their own occupied territory, to

Ukrainian controlled territory. So we will be watching to see what happens there.

ANDERSON: Ivan Watson on the ground for you in Odessa.

Russia's strained ties with much of the world over Ukraine could extend into space. The new chief of Russia's space agency says Moscow will

withdraw from the International Space Station after 2024 and form a station of its own.

Russia and the U.S. have worked together on the ISS for more than 20 years. It has been touted as a symbol of post Cold War partnership.

You are watching CONNECT THE WORLD. Just ahead, the reaction to the pope's apology during his journey of penance in Canada.

Plus, the WNBA's Brittney Griner back at a Moscow court, wanting to testify that the drug she was carrying may need to be re-tested. More on that after






ANDERSON: Welcoming an historic apology and calling for concrete action: that is what the Congress of Aboriginal Peoples is saying. The group

describes Pope Francis' formal apology to the Indigenous peoples of Canada as a first step.

The pope is on what the Vatican calls a pilgrimage of penance, seeking forgiveness for decades of abuse at residential schools run by Christian

churches. For more than 150 years, Indigenous children in Canada were separated from their families and forced by the government into these


CNN's Paula Newton is covering the pope's visit.

And what it means to the survivors of those schools who you have been talking to, you join me live from Edmonton. I know you are in a stadium.

Explain why you are there and what we can expect.

NEWTON: (INAUDIBLE) a man who is 85 years old to come here to Canadian soil and his state of health right now is extraordinary. We are here at

Commonwealth Stadium in Edmonton; 65,000 people are expected to be in attendance.

As you can see, the stage is set for him to come and actually be at the mass. They are trying to keep things relatively calm for the pope, as his

health is a question mark. What is the highlight, though for, people here in the stadium, Becky, will be the Popemobile. It will come right where I

am right now.

It is expected to do a turn around the stadium and have the faithful receive him. You were talking about what this trip has meant to the

survivors of those residential institutions here in Canada. There were mixed reactions to the apology. You can see why in my report. Let's take a



NEWTON (voice-over): It has taken the high-tech tools of this century for Canadian soil to give up the torturous secrets of the last. Drones

hovering, swooping, mapping, ground penetrating radar peering into every layer.

UNIDENTIFIED MALE: We see if there's any disturbances in that soil structure.

NEWTON: Disturbances. These are soil anomalies that could lead to the unmarked graves of indigenous children. Those who were once students at Ft.

Alexander residential school in the first nation in the province of Manitoba.

UNIDENTIFIED MALE: When you have 190 anomalies, it has to be something.

NEWTON: The Catholic institution is no longer standing but its survivors want you to know what it stood for. Abuse of all kinds that a government

report found amounted to cultural genocide.

RITA GAMAN (ph), RESIDENTIAL SCHOOL SURVIVOR: That's where the priests stayed.

NEWTON: Rita Gaman (ph) was just 6 when she arrived. The abuse started soon after.

GAMAN: And he'd have us sit on his lap. And meanwhile, he had his hands under our skirts.

NEWTON: Patrick Bruyere was 7. He endured eight years.

PATRICK BRUYERE, RESIDENTIAL SCHOOL SURVIVOR: He got me drunk. I didn't know what the hell happened when I got up the next morning.

NEWTON: Sarah Mazerolle was 6, forced to stay until she was 14.

MAZEROLLE: Bam! Every morning, she did that to me.

NEWTON: Henry Bogart (ph) is 80 now, just 7 when the nightmare started.

HENRY BOGART (ph), RESIDENTIAL SCHOOL SURVIVOR: After what the priest did to me, sexually, you know, it changed everything.

MAZEROLLE: You had to survive if you were going to live. You had to find ways to get over everything that was being done to you.

BRUYERE: It was all prayer. It was all behave yourself. It was all don't speak your language because if you do you get punished and a lot of


BOGART: They told me to pray, to pray, to pray. But prayer, what is prayer?

You know, it means nothing to me. If you don't pray, you'll go to hell. I thought all these years I was living in hell in the residential school.

This is hell to me.

NEWTON: Hundreds of victims like these from one school. And there were dozens of these institutions across Canada, most run by the Catholic

Church. More than 150,000 indigenous children were forced to leave their families and were subjected to forced labor, neglect and sexual and

physical abuse.


NEWTON (voice-over): And thousands just went missing. In the past years, several indigenous communities have discovered hundreds of unmarked graves

and more searches are underway.

The survivors of Fort Alexander were too young to know where children went and why. There remain unmarked crosses in the cemetery made from the old

school pipes.

Who lays there?

So here, too, during the very week Pope Francis is on Canadian soil to apologize, they scour the land.

NEWTON: It is with these high tech tools that indigenous communities throughout Canada hope that they can get the spiritual homecoming that

their lost children deserve, something that no papal apology can give them.

NEWTON (voice-over): The pope arrives with a singular purpose, he says, that of penance. But for decades, there was impunity. Very few staff

members were ever prosecuted. And that inflicts further trauma, some survivors say.

Then there is the fact that this in-person apology took years.

JOE DANIELS, RESIDENTIAL SCHOOL SURVIVOR: This thing had to be dragged out of this person. Someone had to go to Rome, to go and practically beg this

guy to come here and apologize.

Why couldn't he have done it on his own?

NEWTON (voice-over): As extraordinary as the pope's pilgrimage to Canada may be, it stands diminished by the scope of the abuse that is already

known and the horrors still to be discovered.


NEWTON: The second full day of the pope's visit here, Becky, is all about healing, right?

You have seen how these communities have been so traumatized for decades and how that trauma is intergenerational.

The service will begin here within about an hour. The pope is going to great lengths, literally going across the country and having many events

each day. Today is another one, a religious pilgrimage later this afternoon, to try to begin that process of healing. Back to you.

ANDERSON: Paula, thank you. She is in Edmonton.

Up next on CONNECT THE WORLD, new expert testimony in the Russian trial of Brittney Griner. Her defense makes the case that the WNBA star may have had

good reason for carrying drugs.




ANDERSON: Welcome back, I'm Becky Anderson in London, the time is half past three, you are watching CONNECT THE WORLD. A crucial week for

basketball star Brittney Griner, in a courtroom in Moscow.


ANDERSON: Griner admits she brought a banned substance into Russia where she plays in the off-season. Today, her defense called on an expert witness

which focused on the type of hash oil she was carrying and why she had it.

Griner herself takes the stand on Wednesday. Fred Pleitgen has been following this trial since it began, joining us now.

What do we know at this point?

FREDERIK PLEITGEN, CNN SENIOR INTERNATIONAL CORRESPONDENT: It is a crucial week for Brittney Griner, kicking off with that expert witness in the

stand, who essentially told the court, in the United States, it is possible to have medical marijuana prescribed by a physician, even though that is

something that is illegal in Russia.

So essentially what that expert witness says is it's illegal in Russia and, of course, Brittney Griner has pled guilty to that already, saying that she

was not aware that it was illegal to take cannabis oil cartridges, vaping cartridges into the Russian Federation.

But saying that essentially it is very much possible that this was for medical use and not recreational use. That could be very important in front

of the court as well when it comes to the decision-making time.

Experts were also saying further analysis of those vaping cartridges is necessary, whether or not the concentration is really as high as the

prosecution was saying.

But tomorrow will be an important day for Brittney Griner, when she herself takes the stand. She herself will testify. Her defense lawyers have said

that there could be questioning of Brittney Griner.

It's up to her whether or not she will answer the questions. But definitely going to be a key day for her. Of course, the U.S. continues to say that

they believe that Brittney is unlawfully detained by the Russian Federation, there's a political element to the trial.

The charge d'affaires of the U.S. embassy in Moscow was at the trial again today. And here is what she had to say afterwards.


ELIZABETH ROOD, U.S. EMBASSY CHARGE D'AFFAIRES: During the time that we were in the courtroom, as usual, we were able to spend time with Ms.

Griner, talk to her, ask her about her welfare. And she confirms that she is doing OK, as well as can be expected under these circumstances.


PLEITGEN: Doing as well as possible under these circumstances, continuing to a very difficult and uncertain situation for Brittney Griner. But we do

see that the defense is really trying to build a case on multiple fronts, where, on the one hand they are saying, Brittney Griner made a mistake.

But at the same time she is someone who has done a lot for basketball within Russia and also that this was used for medical purposes. But one

thing we always have to point out, leniency is not something they are known for.

ANDERSON: She was brought in wearing handcuffs by a member of security wearing a balaclava and then put behind bars. This cannot be a pleasant

experience by any stretch of the imagination.

How long is this expected to last?

PLEITGEN: There is going to be another trial day tomorrow and then another scheduled for the 2nd of August as well, which is Tuesday of next week.

It's unclear how many hearings there will be after that.

There could be a verdict in the early stages of August. That could happen; completely unclear whether it actually will. The defense is saying they are

not sure how many trial dates there will be.

After that, all this will depend on whether there is a guilty or not guilty verdict. Then things could go into revision and things could drag on as

well. So that phase of uncertainty really does continue for Brittney Griner.

Even though we are able to map out the next few stages that will take place, with tomorrow being the key day and then August 2nd being the next

trial date.

ANDERSON: In Berlin, Fred, thank you.

A planned trip to Taiwan by U.S. House Speaker Nancy Pelosi is rapidly turning into a major source of contention between the United States and

China. U.S. officials told CNN they fear that China may try to establish a no-fly zone over Taiwan as a way of stopping Pelosi's planned visit.

China's ministry of foreign affairs warned Monday of a powerful response if the visit goes ahead. Pelosi would be the highest profile American

politician to visit Taiwan in decades. CNN correspondent Barbara Starr is with us.

America's top general says China's military has been more confrontational with the U.S. recently.

Is there a response to this planned trip, seen as an opportunity for posturing or is there something more?


BARBARA STARR, CNN PENTAGON CORRESPONDENT: As you say, Gen. Mark Milley, the Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff here at the Pentagon, has talked

publicly about the increased aggressive behavior by China. So has Defense Secretary Lloyd Austin.

They believe there has been an increase in Chinese aggressive flying and sailing incidents, interactions with U.S. and allied forces over the last

five years and that it may in fact being getting a bit worse though they offer no statistics.

So this is the backdrop for the potential Pelosi trip to Taiwan. The Chinese are very forceful in saying they do not want the trip to take

place. We know that Speaker Pelosi has been briefed by the Biden administration about the risks and benefits of traveling to Taiwan, about

the political risks, the rising tensions.

And would this be a good time?

According to the military, it would not be a good time for her to travel to Taiwan.

So here's the problem: the president says, not a good idea.

If Pelosi does not go, does suddenly the U.S. government look soft on Taiwan?

Are they somehow succumbing to Chinese demands?

And if they do go, will China live up to its promise of forceful response?

Nobody is saying at this point China is about to invade Taiwan but the most likely scenario could be that China would try to increase its efforts once

again to cut off access in the air and at sea to the Taiwan Strait.

ANDERSON: More on that as we get it. Barbara, thank you.

Up next, celebrations in South Africa as their champion footballers return home. More on that, after this.




ANDERSON: Israel's beautiful coastline has some unwanted tourists this summer: jellyfish, thousands and thousands of them. Climate change has

made the water warmer than usual, which attracts the translucent invertebrates, as Hadas Gold shows us. They are stinging more than just

beachgoers; they are costing Israel big money.


HADAS GOLD, CNN INTERNATIONAL CORRESPONDENT (voice-over): White specks dot the turquoise waters off the coast of Israel, each one, a translucent,

pulsating jellyfish, hundreds of millions of them.

Eye-catching but venomous, swarming the Mediterranean sea. While the region has always had a jellyfish season in the warm summer months, this year

rising water temperatures have caused an explosion in numbers.


GOLD (voice-over): Normally these beaches would be packed full of locals and tourists. But the lifeguards here tell me that the crowds are staying

away because of the jellyfish.

UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: I am afraid because it's very dangerous.

UNIDENTIFIED MALE: One of my sons was stung the other day.

UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: But mostly they're moving with currents.

GOLD (voice-over): Dr. Bella Galil is one of Israel's top jellyfish experts. She says the species is not native to the Mediterranean but in

recent years entered from the Red Sea through the Suez Canal. As the canal has expanded and waters continue to warm as part of climate change, she

warns that they can spread even further.

DR. BELLA GALIL, STEINHARDT MUSEUM OF NATURAL HISTORY: Since the sea kept warming, it spread with the warming sea and it now reaches Tunisia, Malta

and Sicily. And with the expected continued warming, it might reach the European coast.

GOLD (voice-over): Their sting is more painful than that of many jellyfish native to the Mediterranean, Galil says. In some cases, it can cause people

to go into anaphylactic shock and coma. But it's not just the harm that they can do to beachgoers that is a cause for concern.

GALIL: The most important is having a swarm, a juggernaut of very efficient predators, predators going through the sea and eating up the

local biota, that other species are at a loss.

GOLD (voice-over): Galil says short term solutions, like creating salt water barriers in the Suez Canal could help stem the numbers. And within a

week, this current wave is expected to subside. But as climate change continues to push temperatures upwards, these hauntingly beautiful yet

dangerous creatures will keep coming -- Hadas Gold, CNN, Tel Aviv.



