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Far-Right Coalition Claims Victory In Italian Elections; U.S. Warns of "Catastrophic" Consequences if Russia Uses Nukes; Finland: Record Number of Russians Crossing Border; Iran Unrest: Anti-Government Protest Continue Despite Crackdown. Aired 10-11a ET

Aired September 26, 2022 - 10:00   ET




GIORGIA MELONI, MEMBER OF ITALIAN CHAMBER OF DEPUTIES (through translator): We are not at the end point. We are at the starting point. It is from

tomorrow that we must prove our worth.

The far-right leader Giorgia Meloni looks set to become Italy's next prime minister.

And the Kremlin admitting mistakes in its mobilization efforts after a weekend of widespread protests and people rushing to get out.

Plus, internet dissent, silence, hundreds of people arrested and deaths mounting in street clashes in Iran as the country cracks down against


BECKY ANDERSON, CNN HOST, CONNECT THE WORLD: I'm Becky Anderson in Abu Dhabi. Hello, and welcome to "CONNECT THE WORLD."

We begin with a history making election. Italy, the birthplace of fascism looks set to usher in its most far-right government since the era of Benito

Mussolini. A coalition led by Giorgia Meloni and her Brothers of Italy party is claiming victory in general elections there. Meloni on track to

become Italy's first female prime minister.

Deeply conservative, 45-year-old mother from Rome told supporters that she is ready to unite the country.


MELONI (through translator): It's important to understand that if we are called to govern this nation, we will do it for everyone. We will do it for

every Italian, we will do it with a goal of uniting these people, to highlight what unites them rather than what divides them. Because the major

objective we've always given ourselves in life, and that we've given ourselves as a political force is to ensure that Italians could once again

be proud to be Italian.


ANDERSON: Well, final results are still coming in. The incoming prime minister, as expected, will be the sixth in just eight years. Barbie Nadeau

is in Rome with the very latest. On average, Italy has had a government a year as it were, since the Second World II. But this is the most far-right

government since the second World War. Just give us a sense of who Giorgia Meloni is, and what this coalition will look like.

BARBIE NADEAU, CNN CONTRIBUTOR: You know, she's an interesting woman. You have to look back to the last election, that was 2018, that was before the

pandemic, before the war in Ukraine.

Giorgia Meloni's party got just 4.5 percent of the vote. Now she's up to what's looking like 26 percent of the vote. That's a big number for Italy,

where there are so many different political parties.

Now her coalition partners are Matteo Salvini, the Donald Trump loving, anti-immigration Italy First leader of the Lega. He only got 8 points - 8

percentage points, which is really down far from what how he did back in 2018. And her other partner, Silvio Berlusconi, the three time prime

minister, often thought of as a sort of a political caricature here in the country, and especially abroad, they make up this interesting coalition

that has gotten a really a bigger mandate than we've seen in recent history, which means they'll probably be able to govern for the next five

years if infighting doesn't tear them apart, Becky?

ANDERSON: What forces are driving this shift to the right in Italy? Is it clear?

NADEAU: Well, I think it is - we talked to so many people today, and one of the things that's really glaring about this election is the low voter

turnout. 64 percent of the population voted that means there's a large chunk of people who didn't felt disillusioned or for whatever reason didn't

come out to vote.

But so many people we talked to said they didn't vote for Meloni so much as they voted against the left or voted against the Five Star Movement. They

just didn't see anyone else that had something to offer. And the Giorgia Meloni's party, her campaign, her social media, in the last five years she

has dedicated herself to making herself known.

She considers herself to be a traditional family person. She speaks to the Christian population in this country. She really, really is - has worked

towards, and successfully as we've seen it, in convincing people that they need a woman and they need a woman like her to bring and lead together and

to make some of these campaign promises come true.

ANDERSON: Barbie is seriously for you. Thank you, Barbie. Barbie is in Rome. There has been mixed reaction to how these election results are

shaping up.

For more let's bring in former Italian Prime Minister Matteo Renzi. He is now a Senator for Florence and the leader of the Liberal Italia Viva party.

It's good to have you, sir. While it's not the first time the "far-right" has been in government in modern Italian history.


This is the first government led by the far-right since World War II. The Brothers of Italy Party and its coalition partners, as Barbie suggested,

came in well ahead of the center left, why, sir?

MATTEO RENZI, FORMER ITALIAN PRIME MINISTER: Good evening. But I think in Italy, as you said very clearly, before we changed the Prime Minister every

year, unfortunately, because this is too much, and in 75 years, we change more or less 68-69 government. So we need a change of rules to give a

guarantee stability.

But personally, frankly, speaking, I was against Giorgia Meloni. So I'm not the best friend. We grew up together in politics, but we were we, we are,

and will be rival always. At the same time, I think that is not a danger for Italian democracy. She's the my rival, I am rival, and we will continue

to fight each other.

But the ideas are now there is a risk of fascism in Italy is absolutely a fake news. She won an election, particularly because of populism, a lot of

times won in Italy. She has a majority's government - majority's coalition and probably she will be, I think, next month the next prime minister.

And - but I think there is not a risk for Western alliance, there is not a risk for democracy, there is not a risk for everything. That is very

important, because I fought against her. But at the same time, I think there is not a danger for fascism in Italy.

ANDERSON: Well, your analysis and insight is really important, because many people are concerned that there is a road towards fascism at this point. So

let's just discuss what a government led or government made up of this coalition and led by a Meloni might look like.

Voter turnout was down about 10 percent from last election. So let's be quite clear, those who did vote, voted for change. Voted from the sort of

continuity that you and others have represented in the recent past. So what does this vote, what does this change mean practically speaking? And for

the benefit of our international audience, let's talk specifically with regard Italy's position, for example, within Europe.

RENZI: I think that, first of all, there is not the change in the position of Italy about Russian crisis and the Ukrainian war, please, that is the

first point. Giorgia Meloni was the first who support the position of Prime Minister Draghi in a very strong alliances with President Biden and others

a member of Alliance.

About Europe, yes, I attacked her in electoral campaigning Giorgia Meloni for her position about Europe. She used to say we have to change everything

in Europe, but that is a very good position only for social media, for TikTok, for Instagram and for Twitter. Then when she will be prime

minister, when she will understand that there is in the wallet of Italian family, Italian community EUR 209 billion will come from next generation

EU, the plan for resilience of the European Union, she will change your idea.

So I believe, unfortunately, we have to change Italian legislation to guarantee more stability to government. But - and I'm very - I was very

aggressive and she was aggressive about the position in economy, because you know that everywhere there is problem for inflation, cost of energy,

situation of families, you know in Italy its particularly true because our companies pay for energy 10 times the American companies. That is a

historical problem of energy in Italy.

But I don't believe our - the International alliance in Europe and NATO will be - will worried for what could happen. Not problem from Italy. Of

course, I'm sad, because she became a prime minister. But I defend Italian democracy that is very important.


ANDERSON: OK. That's interesting. So what you're saying is that, you, personally, don't see a risk to Italy's position with regard the EU and

certainly not with regard Russia, because the outgoing Prime Minister Mario Draghi, of course took a strong stand against the Russian invasion and

helped craft EU sanctions in the fallout. You're saying you do not expect Meloni or you expect Meloni to continue this stance, correct?

RENZI: Absolutely, yes. Absolutely, yes. Also, because I think--


RENZI: Mario Draghi will be - was very strong in the inter - in the foreign policies, but also in the economy recovery. So I believe that the legacy of

Mario is so, so important for everyone.

Of course, frankly, speaking, I think she's worse than Mario Draghi. I think Mario Draghi was absolutely better than Giorgia Meloni and the older

people. But unfortunately, The Five Star Movement decided to go to - against confidence with - for Draghi.

ANDERSON: OK. Let me move you on. Because just a couple of days ahead of this election, Ursula von der Leyen commented on the prospect of a Meloni-

Salvini government. This is the head of the European Commission, of course. And she said this, and I want to get your response to this. "If things go

in the difficult direction in Italy, I've spoken about Hungary and Poland earlier, the European Commission has the tools needed."

Now those who are in support of Meloni and her coalition have frankly criticized the Commission and Ursula von der Leyen, for sort of threatening

Italy were the results of the election to be what we expect it to be. What do you make of that intervention from Ursula von der Leyen?

RENZI: I think that intervention wasn't - this is the before election. But frankly speaking, you know, I'm not very diplomatic, and I speak very

frankly. I think that was a wrong statement from Ursula von der Leyen.

Let me be very - more clear, stupid decision, of Ursula von der Leyen to enter two days before election in a debate who belong to Italian people. So

I believe in the United States of Europe, I believe in the direct election of President of European Commission. I have a dream that families and the

parties around the Europe with the same ideals, the same flag.

So I'm very supporter of United States of Europe, exactly the opposite of Giorgia Meloni because she's a sovereignist and I'm pro Europe - pro-Euro.

But exactly for that, I think the decision of Ursula von der Leyen as President of Commission enter inside the debate in Italian politics, that

was a mistake. I think that mistake was crucial for victory of Giorgia Meloni. But it's not a crime, it's a mistake as an ancient French diplomat

said some centuries ago. It's not a crime it's a mistake.

ANDERSON: Many years ago. Thank you for that. It's good to have you on, sir. And just to remind people, the Italian economy is in worrying shape -

sky debt and the 10 year bond yield is widening. Previous governments have left Italy in this position. It is yet to be seen how Meloni will cope with

that. We'll have you back on, sir, as we move into what is a new era for Italy.

You can get more at You get more about why conditions are perfect effectively for a populace resurgence in Europe and how Giorgia

Meloni and her far-right party became a driving force in Italian politics. That is CNN Digital.

Well, the saber rattling out of Russia has entered an ominous new phase. Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelenskyy says he doesn't think Vladimir

Putin's recent threat of using nuclear weapons is a bluff. And now the U.S. National Security Adviser and Secretary of State are warning Russia of

catastrophic consequences if it crosses the nuclear line in Ukraine.

Antony Blinken adding that Washington and Moscow have communicated privately about the situation. Well, the Kremlin says it is in contact with

the U.S. on nuclear weapons, but calls those communications quote "sporadic."

Well, the Kremlin admits mistakes have been made as it calls up 1,000s of men for the war in Ukraine. The partial mobilization is about more protests

in Russia's ethnic minority regions. This video from the largely Muslim region of Dagestan. Activists claimed minorities are being unfairly

targeted for conscription.


An independent group says more than 2,300 people have been detained across Russia since the mobilization announcement. Meantime, some officials in

Ukraine say Russia is using the so called secession referenda in occupied areas as an excuse to draft Ukrainians into fighting against their own

countrymen, and more Russians fleeing the country to avoid being forced into Military service. This video showing long lines of traffic at the

border with Georgia waiting to cross.

CNNs, Clare Sebastian, keeping an eye on all of these developments, so joining us now. What more do we know then about these mobilization efforts,


CLARE SEBASTIAN, CNN CORRESPONDENT: Well, Becky, I think it's fair to say that it's not going 100 percent to plan. The Kremlin as you say, admitting

that there have been some mistakes in some regions where people who do not fit to the official criteria for conscription have been called up.

The Kremlin spokesman Dmitry Peskov saying today on his regular call with journalists that he hopes those mistakes will be corrected. Still, though

the Minister of Defense has just put up a Telegram posts where it seems to suggest that some people are willingly presenting recruitment officers,

even before receiving conscription papers. That is in stark contrast to the protests that we're seeing that seemed growing in momentum.

And significantly, not just in the big cities of Moscow and St. Petersburg, where we know from the monitoring group OVD-Info that the arrests so far

have been concentrated. But we are increasingly seeing protests in, as you noted, regions where there are ethnic minorities like Dagestan.

There was even today, Becky, a shooting at a recruitment office in the Irkutsk region in Siberia where a recruitment officer was actually shot,

and according to state media in a critical condition. A 25 year old man apparently arrested. So there seems to be - even though it is still - it

does still seem to be relatively small numbers, there is still Russian patriotism at play in this in terms of support for the special military


But we are definitely seeing cracks appearing in terms of how the Kremlin has managed to control information around this and control public opinion

around this war now that people are seeing that it is going to affect their everyday lives.

ANDERSON: We do seem to be seeing more and more people attempting to get out. What do we know?

SEBASTIAN: Yes, so initially, the focus last week was on the flight bookings, surging prices, that of flights selling out. Now the focus is on

the land borders. The Finnish border guard, for example, reported that there were almost 17,000 people crossing into Finland over the weekend. On

Sunday that number was double what it was the previous Sunday.

What you're looking at now is lines at the Georgian border where we're seeing evermore social media videos showing these long queues of cars. And

one person who crossed, Becky, have a listen, even suggested that had had to pay to jump the queue. Take a listen.


UNIDENTIFIED MALE (through translator): We've paid $1,200 to be escorted to the point which is three kilometers before the Russian checkpoint on the

Russia-Georgia border. Because if you just honestly wait in line, leaving Russia could take at least 72 hours. Paying our fee we made it in 30 hours.

UNIDENTIFIED MALE (through translator): Our president having declared war to an adjacent state having illegitimately annexed a part of their

territory is now trying to drag the population into the fratricidal war.


SEBASTIAN: So there were even, Becky, several social media that is today showing Russian tanks arriving at the border with Georgia. Still it does

seem to be open. The Kremlin saying that there has been no decision yet made on whether to close the borders or even to declare a martial law. But

a steady tide of people does seem to be going through them, and that I think is something that the Kremlin is clearly noticing and clearly bearing

in mind as it continues with this mobilization.

ANDERSON: It's always good to have you Clare, thank you. Well, investigators are looking at whether a man who opened fire at a school in

western Russia had Neo fascist ties. 11 children had four adults were killed in the school in this western city. Investigators say that gunman

also wounded 22 children before killing himself. They're saying he was born in 1988. He had graduated from the school and his shirt had Nazi symbols on


You're watching "CONNECT THE WORLD" with me, Becky Anderson. 20 past 6 here in the UAE. This show broadcast from our Middle East programming hub.

Of course, still ahead, the growing protests in Iran after the death of a young woman in police custody. We look at what has become a violent

struggle to crush dissent.



ANDERSON: Welcome back. I'm Becky Anderson for you. This is "CONNECT THE WORLD."

Nationwide protests are still rocking Iran more than a week after the death of an Iranian woman in police custody. The demonstrations happening despite

a crackdown by security forces that has led to hundreds of arrests and two internet blackouts.

Now dozens of people are said to have died in the protests since the death of 22 year old Mahsa Amini who was detained by Iran's morality police,

accused of violating the country's conservative dress code.

Iranian state media report, the Islamic Revolutionary Guard Corps targeted Kurdish groups in northern Iraq with artillery and with drone strikes

earlier today. Teheran accuses the Kurdish groups of destabilizing Iran by supporting these protesters, Jomana Karadsheh tracking developments for us

from Istanbul. And we are a week - over a week into these protests, Jomana, where is this headed?

JOMANA KARADSHEH, CNN CORRESPONDENT: You know, Becky, it's very hard for us to really know what is going on, on the ground in Iran right now in real

time because the government is restricting the internet, the most severe restrictions we have seen since the 2019 protests. Making it very, very

hard for us to communicate with people on the ground, making it difficult for the protesters and the activists to get information out to the world,

get the video out to the world.

The biggest concern right now is that the crackdown that has been going on, that this is only going to intensify. That we haven't yet seen the full

force of the Islamic Republic unleashed to try and crush these protests.


KARADSHEH (voice over): Regime supporters out on mass. These organized pro- government rallies a show of unity against the so called rioters, they say. Iran's leadership is dismissing the 1,000s of protesters across the country

as a handful of mercenaries. They claim it's all a foreign plot to destabilize the Islamic Republic that is only just beginning to unleash its

brutal force to crush the rising voices of dissent.

It's throttling the internet, blocking social media sites, dragging protesters off the streets and using lethal force to silence those rising

up for their rights. No one really knows how many lives have been lost. But the gut wrenching scenes of those grieving their loved ones are slowly

trickling out. The heart ache, the agony and families burying their dead need no words to explain.


Jawad Haidari was 36, shot at a protest last week. His family says he bled to death. Amir Fouladi was only 15, one of several children killed

according to Amnesty International. Her name is Hadis Najafi, one of countless women who said enough to tyranny and repression. Hadis never made

it back from a protest. Her family says she was shot six times.

Her Instagram posts tell the story of a young woman who loved her country, loved life, music, dressing up and dancing. Her devastated sister mourning

her in this Instagram post. She writes, "Sis, how did they have the heart to shoot you? My tears have dried up. I can't breathe. Forgive me. I wasn't

there to defend you." Hadis was 23.

The threat of bullets, of prison, of flogging, Hadis stopped the protest. Nightfall brought hundreds back on the streets. They are daring chance of

Death to the dictator echoing through the dark streets of Iran. A defining generation risking it all for freedoms they've never known.


KARADSHEH: And, Becky, it is very difficult for us to verify this death toll. CNN can't independently verify these claims of deaths and the numbers

that are coming out. It's impossible for anyone outside the Iranian government to confirm an exact death toll. And the numbers that we're

getting right now vary.

They're coming from different opposition groups as well as human rights organizations. And I can tell you so many Iranians outside the country,

activist watching what is going on right now are really bracing, very concerned to see what comes out after an internet lock is lifted off the

country. They're very worried about a bloody crackdown, as we've seen with protests past.

ANDERSON: We've seen this form in protest past, you're absolutely right. I mean the Iranian government seems playing by the book here and it hasn't

turned out well for protesters in the past. Thank you, Jomana, more on this story next our - second hour of "CONNECT THE WORLD," just ahead.

This hour, the U.K.'s new mini budget is doing a major number on the British pound. Why the Bank of England is now paying close attention, that

is up next.



ANDERSON: Half past 6 in Abu Dhabi. Welcome back. I'm Becky Anderson, and you are watching "CONNECT THE WORLD."

Well, a record new low earlier for the British pound. It fell against the U.S. dollar to 1.035, Monday, before recovering somewhat. Let's bring it up

for you. Actually higher at the moment at 1.08. The slump, though, on the back of the U.K.'s biggest tax cutting plan in 50 years.

And U.K. Finance Minister Kwasi Kwarteng has been hinting at more tax cuts to come, saying Friday's measures are "just the start as the government

goes all out for growth." CNN's Anna Stewart watching all of this from London. She joins us now live.

This has been described as one of the biggest gambles in modern political history. And we are certainly seeing volatility off the back of it. Just

explain what's going on here.

ANNA STEWART, CNN REPORTER: Well, what's really going on here is just a massive credibility gap between what the government wants to do, and the

huge amounts of spending that will be needed to implement the biggest tax cuts for 50 years and a huge spending program at the same time to freeze

people's energy bills and for businesses as well. And what Investors think is sustainable in terms of the government's borrowing.

And so what we're seeing is a huge sell off since Friday in U.K. government bonds. I think the performance of the five year bond was the worst we've

seen since 1985. And similarly, terrible record lows for the British pound as well. As you see it there is back from where it was, but it was $1.03 in

the early hours of this morning.

The dollar is strong. That is the other side to this story. We're seeing lots of currency crosses - lots of currencies lower against the dollar this

morning, but the moves on the British pound are really significant. And here we have huge investor confidence lacking as it were.

So for the U.K., it relies heavily on foreign inflows, it's got on the biggest current account deficits of major developed nations. It needs the

money. It's going to need to borrow even more money, given the latest government's plans. And yet, it looks like investors are really shying away

from it.

So the big question for Becky is, who's going to move? Is the new U.K. Government going to say actually we'll roll back those plans and perhaps

investor competence will improve somewhat? Or are we going to have to wait to see the Bank of England take some sort of action?

ANDERSON: Yes. And that's - that's literally the next question, because, you know, 200 billion is an awful lot of money to borrow certainly for a

conservative government when money is becoming more expensive, when interest rates are going higher. They're going for broke, it seems, at this

point. Point is, are they about to break the bank? What's the Bank of England going to do? Will they be forced to act, do you think on an

emergency basis?

STEWART: We are honestly, sort of, waiting and refreshing the page of the Bank of England every few minutes, I have been all day, to be honest. The

expectation from economists who were writing all their notes this morning is that they'll have to do something today or next week.

The question is, will they go for forward guidance, to use central bank lingo, which would be to say to markets, "Hey, at the next meeting in

November, we will be raising rates massively." And expectation will be there can bring some less volatility to the markets. Or as some economists

think, they should act now today, and try and get ahead of it.

So we have for us Pantheon Economics, Chief Economist there Samuel Tombs say, "Markets are pricing in a three quarters of a percentage rate increase

in the bank rate before the end of this week." He says, sterling will weaken further if the governor doesn't act soon. Economists at Capital

Economics also suggest the same. But they say, perhaps, one to one and a half percent as soon as today.

But listen, Becky, they make the point that, higher interest rates just meet the sustainability, they say, of the government's fiscal plans even

more questionable. And this is the government trying to make people feel wealthier, spend more. This is what all their measures are designed to do.

But what if the rates for the Bank of England goes so high that suddenly people are unable to afford their mortgage and businesses can't borrow

money? It's a very difficult place to be in.

ANDERSON: Risky, radical, some will call it reckless, depending on which side of the fence you stand on. At present, let's be clear, we're at 1.08.

This number has bounced. I was just looking back a week or so ago, roundabout 1.18, and that was when the leaks of this plan came out and it

feels as if that was where we might be at. So listen let's see what happens. All eyes on the Bank of England, as you say. You are refreshing

that page. Our viewers will get it here first, as and when we hear something. Thank you, Anna.

Well, in an exclusive interview with CNN's Jake Tapper. British Prime Minister Liz Truss defended what is his controversial tax cutting plan.

Have a listen.



LIZ TRUSS, BRITISH PRIME MINISTER: The U.K. has one of the lowest levels of debt in the G7. But we have one of the highest levels of taxes. Currently,

we have a 70 year high in our tax rates. And what I'm determined to do as prime minister and what the chancellor is determined to do is, make sure we

are incentivizing businesses to invest and we're also helping ordinary people with their taxes.

And that's why I don't feel it's right to have higher national insurance and higher corporation tax because that will make it harder for us to

attract the investment we need in the U.K. It will be harder to generate those new jobs.


ANDERSON: Well, let's get you up to speed on some of the other stories that are on our radar right now. And Hurricane Ian is picking up strength as it

heads towards Cuba. It's expected to approach the island overnight as a major category three storm. Florida on alert as this storm will make its

presence felt there throughout the state in the coming days.

The bodies of five rescue workers were recovered in the Philippines today as a result of what was super Typhoon Noru. Storm forced 13,600 families to

evacuation centers. It has weakened, but it's expected to reintensify before making landfall over Vietnam on Tuesday.

And in Pakistan record floods have left more than 1,500 people dead. The waters though have not fully receded and are causing another wave of misery

across the country. Parents say their kids are becoming sick and dying. Same water that brought so much death and destruction is now also spreading



ANNA COREN, CNN INTERNATIONAL CORRESPONDENT (voice over): The monsoonal rains may be over. But the volume of stagnant water is now causing a health

crisis especially in Sindh, one of the worst hit provinces in the country southeast where cases of cholera, dengue and dehydration have surged.

UNIDENTIFIED MALE: I have seen families and children consume the very flood water that they are surrounded by. And that is what - because they don't

have access to any other water source.


ANDERSON: And that was CNN's Anna Coren reporting on Pakistan's sick children. You can see her full report later today on "AMANPOUR."

Taking a break, back after this.



STEWART (voice over): Most of us have heard about the Metaverse, but do we really know what it is? Today it's used as a platform for gaming, virtual

real estate, digital classrooms and new forms of entertainment.

The word has been around for three decades, but skyrocketed in popularity in 2021. That's when social media giant Facebook changed their name to




STEWART (voice over): Andrew Bosworth is the company's Chief Technology Officer. He's leading the charge in all things Metaverse. I've come to meet

him at the company's Middle East headquarters virtually, of course.

STEWART (on camera): Andrew Bosworth or is it Boz?

ANDREW BOSWORTH, CHIEF TECHNOLOGY OFFICER, META: Either is fine, I do respond to both those names.

STEWART (on camera): Great. Do we shake hands? How does this work?

BOSWORTH: We can do high five.

STEWART (on camera): Oh, that's amazing. What is the Metaverse? How do you define it?

BOSWORTH: Yes, we think of the Metaverse as the next evolution of the Internet. This rich environment where you have a real sense of place and a

real sense of presence with other people. And it feels more like we're together. The Metaverse is the next big bet that we believe is going to be

a huge part of human life.

STEWART (voice over): We're sitting in Horizon Workrooms. It's a digital space where colleagues meet and chat. It's just one of the hundreds of

Metaverse platforms in existence. These worlds vary from computer generated environments, to immersive experiences inside virtual reality.

STEWART (on camera): The Metaverse is not one place. It feels quite fragmented. There are so many different platforms. I look, I saw my

experiences very different everywhere I go. Will that change?

BOSWORTH: I think it's always going to be very diverse, much like the internet was. You know, just as the internet wasn't built by one company

with a single vision, the same will be true of the Metaverse. So there will be many different places in the Metaverse with different visual styles,

interaction styles.

STEWART (voice over): It's hard to define the Metaverse because it's still being built and constantly evolving. But Andrew says this new medium will

change the way we work, play and socialize.

BOSWORTH: It's an opportunity to be for once unburdened by the physics that are so limiting as we go about our business in our daily lives. That is a

type of thing that doesn't just change individual lives that change society.

STEWART (voice over): Anna Stewart, CNN, Dubai.


ANDERSON: Amazing stuff. Well, it's a grand final for the Geelong Cats in more ways than one. The squad celebrated their first Australian rules

football title in years with a huge win in front of what was a packed house in Melbourne. But it's what happened after that, that has got everybody

talking while sport anchor Alex Thomas is here. Tell us.

ALEX THOMAS, CNN ANCHOR: You can see the Cats Captain there Joel Selwood, helping Sam Moorfoot, who's the team's waterboy over the fence to celebrate

with them. He'd said just before that, "What me? You want me to come with you?" ONE of the other players put their winners medal around his neck.

They said, you're an important part of this team.

The first time they won the Aussie rules grand final for more than 10 years in front of more than 100,000 people at a packed MCG after two COVID hit

years. What a moment of history for the event. And what a thrill for that young man.

ANDERSON: Yes, what an absolute thrill. Just a lovely story. I don't know whether you're going to do more on that in worlds, we don't need to,

because that's sort of says it all. But if you are, our viewers should stick with the "WORLD SPORTS" up after this. I'm back top of the hour for




THOMAS: Hello, welcome to CNN WORLD SPORT. I'm Alex Thomas in London.

Their age is that up to 83 years, who knows how much longer we're going to get to see Tom Brady and Aaron Rodgers do battle on a football field. And

if Sunday's NFL Clash was the last, it was certainly entertaining. Our own Coy Wire was keeping his eye on the game between the Packers and the Bucs

in Tampa.

COY WIRE, CNN SPORTS CORRESPONDENT: Two of the greatest quarterbacks in NFL history facing off there with the Bucs and the Packers. He had seven times

Super Bowl champ Tom Brady against four time league MVP Aaron Rodgers, and he called it afterwards apropos. This was an awesome game.

Green Bay traveling to Tampa, and it came out on fire. Rogers throwing four touchdowns on each of the Pack's first two possessions and they held this

14 to six lead, Alex, into the final minutes.

But here comes one of the greatest comeback artists in NFL history, Brady. Leading the Bucs nearly the entire length of the field and with 14 seconds

ago hits Russell gates for the touchdown. Now they're down just two points, so they have to go for the two point conversion, but the Packers defense

rise up. De'Vondre Campbell says no, no, no. The Cheeseheads hang on to win 14 to 12. Afterwards, Rodgers and Brady hug in and Ian Rodgers showing

nothing but respect for Tom.


AARON RODGERS, GREEN BAY PACKERS QUARTERBACK: It's special. You know, I've been really fortunate to play in a great era of quarterbacks. Some absolute

legends in the all-time pantheon of NFL quarterbacks and just feel really blessed to still be here still be playing.


WIRE: Can't believe Tommy's 45 and still doing it at a super high level with not a lot of guys to throw to tonight, but it's a big win for us. It's

going to be a great plane ride home. 2-1-1- (ph) going back. It's exciting. It'd be a fun locker room.

All right, Buffalo Bills, Miami Dolphins now squaring off in the Battle of undefeated. Scary moment, Alex, from Miami quarterback Tua Tagovailoa in

the first half. Back of his head appears to hit the turf. He stumbles as he walks away, leaves the game to be evaluated. But he would return. The NFL

Players Association launching a review into how the Dolphins handled that concussion check per NFL Network's Tom Pelissero.

Now the Dolphins were up 4 with under two minutes ago, but they were forced to punt out in their own endzone and it butt fired - I mean, backfired.

Kicks it right into his teammate's rear-end, that's a safety, meeting two points for Buffalo and they get the ball back for a chance for the win.

15 seconds ago Josh Allen escapes, hits Isaiah McKenzie in the middle of the field, but he doesn't get out of bounds so the clock keeps running. So

now the Bills have to hurry back to the line, Alex, to snap the ball before the time runs out. Crowd counting 3-2-1, but they can't get it set in time.

Game over. Miami escapes with a 21-19 win.

And look at this, Alex, Bills' offensive coordinator Ken Dorsey letting out his frustration on just about anything he can get his hands on in the

coach's box. Former QB had a response last month to a question about whether it'd be better for him to coach from the sideline with players or

to just stay up in the booth. Here's what he said.


KEN DORSEY, BUFFALO BILLS OFFENSIVE COORDINATOR: I like to think I'm not too much of a psychopath, like I feel like I'm being made out to be is. But

it probably wouldn't hurt to be up at the box in that regard.


WIRE: Know thyself. Coach Dorsey knew he was meant to be up in that box, Alex. But he actually looked a lot like I did after you know, losing that

close match as a big Bills fan.

THOMAS: It's nice to see him smiling looking perfectly normal in that press conference. But that melt down video even hit my social media feed, and I

was a bit conflicted about it. Is it like a curious tennis tantrum, is it like Luis Suarez biting at the World Cup? What is it about sports at that


WIRE: Yes, I mean, that's what--

THOMAS: --to people lose their mind.

WIRE: That's what sports can do to us, right? Especially as a player and coaches when you're there when those endorphins, the testosterone and the

cortisol collide with caffeine and passion, intense competition, things can happen, Alex. And that's what we saw in the box.

THOMAS: I guess, if you hold up your hands and say, you know, my fault, and then there's no harm done. And I bet the butt line was your script, wasn't

it? Not written for you. But, Coy, listen, that wasn't a surprise to me. But there were some surprising results elsewhere in the NFL over the


WIRE: No doubt, Alex. There's this saying that any given team can beat any other team on any given Sunday. You could argue the NFL as the most parody

of any pro sports leagues and this week's games show us just how close most of these teams truly are.

Case in point Patrick Mahomes and The Chiefs, the quarterback getting into it with his own offensive coordinator, Eric Bieniemy just before halftime.

Well, the Indianapolis Colts, they upset Kansas City, thanks to Matt Ryan's touchdown pass to Jelani Woods in the final seconds. Indy wins 20-17, so

the Chiefs, Alex, losing early season September game for the first time in five years.


And Justin Herbert and the Chargers, maybe the most shocking defeat of the day, they got blown out at home by the Jaguars. James Robinson with half of

his 100 yards on a touchdown run early in the third quarter, Jacksonville snapping an eight team game road losing streak. 38 to 10 is the final it's

their largest margin of victory on the road since 2001 when their now quarterback Trevor Lawrence was just two years old.

And finally Alex amid all the Sunday drama The NFL announcing the halftime show performance for Super Bowl LVII.

WIRE: We know the name girl. International icon, entrepreneur and philanthropist, Rihanna will be centerstage in February in Glendale,

Arizona, when the Buffalo Bills and the Tampa Bay Buccaneers face off.

THOMAS: Hear Wire with the latest from the NFL at a Super Bowl prediction. Now we're nearing the end of the last international football break before

the Qatar World Cup and the reigning champions France are looking in disarray with less than eight weeks to go.


THOMAS: Hello, you're watching world sport on CNN. I'm Alex Thomas in London, welcome back.

With less than eight weeks until the FIFA World Cup kicks off, plenty of teams will be concerned about the form they have shown during what is the

final international break before the action starts in Qatar, and that includes defending champions France.

They lost their latest match against Denmark on Sunday, 2-0. Both the goals coming in the space of six minutes late in the first half. Sevilla forward

Kasper Dolberg, and then Andreas Skov and the scorers leaves the French on a run with just one victory in six matches.

Well only we spoke to Erik Bielderman, Chief Sports Writer with L'equipe Newspaper. He says France fans are disappointed, but the country isn't

panicking just yet.


ERIK BIELDERMAN, CHIEF SPORTS WRITER L'EQUIPE: The verdict is about being worried, of course, such a defeat and heavy defeat and such a poor game

from the French side. But in the meantime, we have to look at the lineup. If we take out Griezmann and Mbappe and maybe Giroud, most of the player

from the B team. I would say some times of the C team, and most of them won't have any chance to appear in the World Cup. So we have to be a little

bit cautious about the analysis of the results.

THOMAS: Nonetheless, one win in six games is not great. The France coach Didier Deschamps blaming a lack of support for Kylian Mbappe. Is that the

only problem?

BIELDERMAN: No, it's not the only problem. As you say one win on six game means there is something more in depth to analyze. The first thing is about

the atmosphere around the national team.

We have had a lot of, I would say, off the field story from the French Football Association been linked with some, I don't know what to say in

English, sexual harassment among the French Football Association.

But Pogba was been linked to be under threat from his brother to pay some black money to him, so a family business. We have had so many off the field

negative story that the mood in the camp and the face around the team is not as good as it could be.


And also we can talk just about on field story, Griezmann plays only 30 minutes per game with Atletico Madrid, due to the contractual problem

between Barcelona where he still belongs to the club, and the French National Team. That's also something that you've just realized 15 major

players injured, players like Griezmann, not physically at the peak. And off the field a lot of negative headlines from the media around the French

National Team.


THOMAS: Erik Bielderman, the Chief Sports Writer with L'equipe newspaper. France's opening World Cup games against Australia on November the 22nd.

It was an historic weekend in the women's Super League here in England with a new attendance record set has more than 47,000 turned up to watch Arsenal

beat Tottenham on Saturday. While on Sunday, Chelsea managed their first win of the season.

The defending champions had lost their opening match to newly promoters Liverpool. But against Manchester City Emma Hayes' team won 2-0, thanks to

goals from Fran Kirby and Maren Mjelde. It moves them up to fifth in the table. Arsenal, Manchester United and Aston Villa are the top three and the

only team still with 100 percent records.

And the entire history of the Presidents Cup Golf event, the international teams only ever been trying for once, but they surprise many of us with

their performance on the final day singles against the USA at Quail Hollow on Sunday. It's all in our latest Rolex minute goodbye.