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Former Pakistani Prime Minister Shot in "Assassination Attempt"; North Korea Launches Three More Short-Range Ballistic Missiles; Benjamin Netanyahu Poised to Lead Israel's Most Rightwing Government Ever; Former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton on Iran Protests; Russian Strikes Leave Kyiv Hospitals without Water; Ethiopia and Tigray Fighters Agree to End Civil War; Biden Stresses U.S. Can No Longer Take Democracy for Granted; Call to Earth Day: Living Oceans; CNN Heroes. Aired 10-11a ET

Aired November 03, 2022 - 10:00:00   ET




UNIDENTIFIED MALE (voice-over): This is CNN breaking news.

BECKY ANDERSON, CNN HOST (voice-over): I'm Becky Anderson, hello and welcome to CONNECT THE WORLD. We start with breaking news from Pakistan.

Former prime minister Imran Khan was shot in the foot at a rally this afternoon. A spokesman for his party called it an assassination attempt.

This video shows an injured Khan getting into a car after the attack. He's being treated in Lahore. Several other people were also shot. One of them

has died. Let's get straight to Sophia Saifi in Islamabad in Pakistan.

Sophia, as I understand it, the suspect is in custody at this point.

What do we know?

SOPHIA SAIFI, CNN PRODUCER: Becky, we know that he is in custody, he's in jail currently and the town of Gujarat in Punjab. I have just got off

listening to a press conference by the information minister, she said that there is going to be an ongoing investigation.

She's called for the Punjab police to look into this. Punjab police falls under the provincial government, which holds power in the province of

Punjab. There have been at least four people, injured including Imran Khan, taken to Lahore for his treatment.

There is, you've interviewed Khan, you know, this in the past couple months, there has been an incredible (AUDIO GAP) in this country. Just this

past week, a high-profile journalist was critical of the government and the military establishment.

At the same time you had for the first time in Pakistani history, the director general of the ISI, a secretive intelligence agency, came out and

did a press conference, speaking out against Khan. He also said that in the lead up to this long march, which he is going forward with, because he

wanted early elections, since he was ousted in April.

That's something he's been calling out for, for a long time. He's also said that he feared for his life. He said this multiple times in the leadup to

this march. He had not reached Islamabad yet but he is an incredibly popular leader here in this country.

And that popularity has only increased as he's taken to the streets of cities across this country. There has been already reports of protests in

the capital here in Islamabad. You've seen images of people burning tires on a motorway, the main artery leading into the city. There have been

protests there as well.

There has been a call for calm by the minister of information. He said that they shouldn't politicize this incident but it is a politically charged

atmosphere here in this country.

The former information minister has said that he is calling for revenge. He's saying that this is a party of peace but there must be revenge for the

fact that their leader's blood has flown -- has flowed.

We are still waiting for more details regarding the investigation into this incident. But it happened on live TV a couple of hours ago. We are still

waiting to see how the night will unfold and what's happening with Khan's current health and situation at the moment. Becky.

ANDERSON: As we get any more on motive, of, course we will bring that to you. Thank you.

South Korean officials are claiming a short time ago that North Korea has launched three more short range ballistic missiles into the waters off its

east coast. This news comes as the defense chiefs from the U.S. and South Korea meet at the Pentagon today to discuss Pyongyang's actions.

Earlier on Thursday, the regime reportedly launched an intercontinental ballistic missile, like the one seen here in March. This is the kind of

weapon, experts say, could carry several nuclear weapons thousands of miles.

Thursday's came a day after the regime fired nearly 2 dozen short range ballistic missiles. Prompting Washington and Seoul, to extend joint

military drills indefinitely. Let's get right to CNN's Will Ripley, who is standing by in Seoul.


ANDERSON: What do we make of this?

WILL RIPLEY, CNN SENIOR INTERNATIONAL CORRESPONDENT: It's certainly a fast-moving and escalating situation here on the Korean Peninsula, Becky.

The fact that within one hour of North Korea, statement blasting the decision by the U.S. and South Korea now to extend those joint military

exercises, saying it is a very dangerous and wrong decision.

Then within an hour, you have these three short-range ballistic missiles fired, yet another violation of the U.N. Security Council resolution on the

heels of what is presumed to be the failed launch, the test launch of Korea's most powerful missile ever made. It was found on a very provocative

trajectory over Japan but it didn't make it.


RIPLEY (voice-over): In South Korea where North Korean nuclear threats often feel like background noise, this startling sound.

UNIDENTIFIED MALE: (Speaking foreign language).

RIPLEY (voice-over): The first air raid sirens in six years urging residents to seek shelter in bunkers.

UNIDENTIFIED MALE: (Speaking foreign language).

RIPLEY (voice-over): A North Korean vessel came dangerously close to the island, crossing the northern limit line, a de facto maritime buffer zone

between the North and the South.

Pyongyang never officially recognized that line until Wednesday. They never fired a missile over it, either. South Korea's president holding to his

hawkish stance on North Korea, calling the launch an effective territorial invasion.

The missile actually fell just shy from of the south territorial waters. He infuriated North Korean, forging ahead with Operation Vigilant Storm, South

Korea's largest combined military air drills with the U.S.

Five days of war games, 240 aircraft, thousands of service members from both countries. Pyongyang's foreign minister promising powerful follow-up


For the Korean Peninsula, a day of unnerving firsts. The first time North Korea launched at least 23 missiles in a single day. Skyrocketing tensions

to levels unseen in half a decade.

The first time South Korea and the U.S. responded by firing surface to air missiles near the North's territorial waters. CNN counts 29 North Korean

missile launch events this year, including a barrage of eight missiles in a single day back in June.

And October's highly provocative ballistic missile launch over Japan. Triggering a rare nationwide emergency alert. Japan strongly condemning the

latest launches, calling the blitz utterly unacceptable, violating U.N. Security Council resolutions at an unprecedentedly high frequency.

Tokyo's solemn protest via diplomatic channels in Beijing, apparently falling on deaf ears. China and Russia have veto power at the U.N. Security

Council, both in no mood to work with the West on punishing Pyongyang as they bolster their authoritarian alliance.


RIPLEY: So clearly, Kim Jong-un feels he can do this unabated because he attempted and failed to launch over Japan, which once, again triggered air

raid sirens in parts of Japan.

Becky, it is truly an extraordinary situation because Kim Jong-un knows that Xi and Putin are not going to cooperate with the United States, which

is urging China and Russia to put more pressure on North Korea to improve and enhance the existing sanctions that arguably aren't having much of an

impact on the nuclear program anyway.

ANDERSON: Absolutely. Will Ripley, on the story for you. Thank, you Will.

To Israel now where near final results on Tuesday's election show former prime minister Benjamin Netanyahu poised to return to power backed by a

bloc of far-right ultranationalists.

The Israeli media say that he has already started talks with the coalition partners to form a new government. Some of them are already talking about

the future. Right-wing Jewish Power party leader Itamar Ben-Gvir wants to be Israel's public security minister, leading the police, tweeting that the

time has come to impose order. The time has come for there to be a landlord.

This is a big moment for Israel and the region. The surge of the far-right is sure to heighten Palestinian and Israeli tensions and possibly, impact

Israel's improving relations with its Middle East neighbors. Hadas Gold joining us from Jerusalem. Hadas.

HADAS GOLD, CNN INTERNATIONAL CORRESPONDENT: Yes, Becky, we are expecting the final results to come in the next few minutes.


GOLD: It is possible that Netanyahu's bloc may lose a seat and have 64 seats instead of 65. But still it will be quite the majority there.

As you, know it's really supported by the far-right group. It's the Jewish Power/Religious Zionism group, that's expected to get 14 seats. This will

make them the third largest, the third largest bloc in the Israeli parliament.

Now as coalition talks will be completed and then they will become the question of what sort of positions will these figures get?

As you noted, people want to be in charge of police, that could potentially be a very controversial position, especially considering that being in

charge a police would mean, being in charge of police in places like East Jerusalem, places like the holiest sites.

This is somebody who has gone into East Jerusalem during clashes between Palestinians and Israelis, pulled his gun and called on police to shoot

Arabs who he said were throwing stones.

Will Netanyahu heed their calls because they're holding up his government or will he try to do something else?

This will likely be the most far-right government in Israeli history. One thing that I find really noticeable, Becky, is that when you dig into the

numbers of the results, when you look into the actual vote counts, you find that when you break down votes based off of this, if they were pro

Netanyahu or anti Netanyahu, the difference between the two sides is only something like less than 10,000 actual votes.

Why, if there's only a difference of 10,000 votes, does the Benjamin Netanyahu side have so many more seats in parliament?

That's because Netanyahu managed to cohesively bring together all the right wing blocs. Now there are essentially only four parties in this coalition.

When you look on the other side, all of these smaller parties that fractured. In the Israeli electoral system, if a party doesn't get enough

votes, it doesn't have a threshold, it doesn't enter parliament.

And essentially those votes are wasted. That's why when you look at the actual numbers, it's not that 65 percent of the Israeli voters wanted that

bloc, it's the fact that Benjamin Netanyahu, who's an expert politician, he managed to really bring all of the right-wing together and create what will

be the most right-wing government likely in Israeli history.

ANDERSON: Hadas Gold on the story for you.

You can get more on the website, including a closer look at Netanyahu's extremist allies and how they focus on so-called settler politics to win

support. That is on the digital site or your CNN app on your smartphone.

To Iran, where the United Nations says an alarming number of people have been arrested in the anti government protests that have been sweeping that

country. U.N. special rapporteur on Iran says security forces have arrested up to 14,000 people.

He says at least 277 people have died as authorities use force to crush dissent. He referenced Iran's decision to hold public trials but 1,000

people arrested, some carrying the death penalty.

Meanwhile, the United States says it will work to remove Iran from the U.N. Commission on the Status of Women. It says no nation that abuses the rights

of women and girls should play a role in any U.N. or international body charged with protecting those rights.

Those nationwide protests are now in their seventh week and no signs of slowing down. The demonstrations sparked, of course, by the death of 22-

year-old Mahsa Amini in the custody of Iran so called morality police.

Former U.S. secretary of state Hillary Clinton says the unrest in Iran has been growing for many years. The Democrat and former first lady says that

young people today are not willing to give up their freedom. Speaking to CNN earlier, she also commended the Iranian women for standing up for their

rights. Have a listen.


HILLARY CLINTON (D), FORMER SECRETARY OF STATE: But I think what we're seeing in Iran has been brewing for many years. And young people who are

connected to the rest of the world, who get to travel to some extent, certainly online if not in reality, are just not willing to live with the

loss of freedom that is imposed upon them.

So we are speaking out. It is -- it is something that again has to be calculated carefully because the regime is most likely to be softened up

and give in to internal pressure, from people saying you picked up my granddaughter on the street, how dare you, or my wife is at home crying

because she's worried about our children.

Something that is building up inside Iran. I think it would be a mistake for there to be external signs of pressure or security that came from the

outside while this is still bubbling within Iran.


CLINTON: So we have to do everything we can overtly to speak up, speak out, stand with the young women, and have the media continue to cover it.

I mean, I am supporting a group called the Iranian Diaspora Collective, which is a group of Iranian Americans, some Iranians who have also been

based in Europe and even people inside Iran who are trying to get the word out. Things are happening literally hour by hour.

So I would plead that, you know, CNN continue to cover what's going on in Iran, keep shining a bright light. I think the pressure is going to have an



ANDERSON: Hillary Clinton speaking to my colleagues at "CNN THIS MORNING" earlier.

Coming up, mixed messages on the ground in Ukraine's southern Kherson region amid signs a major battle there may be brewing.

And Joe Biden told American voters that democracy is on the ballot in the midterm elections.

Is his message getting through?

And we all rely on our oceans. Now they're under threat like never before. We are going to take a look at efforts to change that, here in the UAE as

CNN hosts our second annual Call to Earth Day. That is coming up this hour.




ANDERSON: The Kremlin backed official in Ukraine's southern Kherson region says Russian troops will most likely leave for the east bank of the Dnipro

River. Social media video from the city shows the Russian flag is no longer flying at the administration building. But the situation on the ground

remains very unclear.

One regional official told CNN that he hasn't seen any mass withdrawal of Moscow's forces. It comes as Russia continues pounding water and energy

infrastructure throughout Ukraine.

Kyiv says the Zaporizhzhya nuclear power plant has again been disconnected from the grid due to Russian shelling. CNN Salma Abdelaziz joining me now

live from Kyiv.

Let's start with the situation on the ground in Kherson. Just explain what we understand and, indeed, what is unclear at this point.

SALMA ABDELAZIZ, CNN CORRESPONDENT: Absolutely. We have new information coming in today. This is after a Russian-backed official, in Kherson, spoke

to Russian television, saying that it is most likely that Russian forces could pull out potentially from Kherson.

There's no indication that they're doing that. But we saw social media reporting, social media video, rather, showing that the Russian flag over

the main administration building in Kherson has been taken down.


ABDELAZIZ: To contextualize this for our viewers, this is in important battle that is gearing up for Kherson. This is absolutely the next stage in

Ukrainians' counteroffensive, in the attempt to regain their territory.

I'll be clear here, President Putin is not going to back down from Kherson easily. If you take a look at a map, Kherson is absolutely critical. It

connects Crimea, Russian occupied Crimea, right on the Black Sea to the rest of those Russian occupied territories, Mariupol, Donbas, right up to

the Russian border.

And it's extremely symbolic. It was the first city taken by Russian forces just about a week into this offensive. No signs yet but both sides are

digging in, fortifying their positions, potentially we're hearing reports of Russian troops pulling back.

But as I, said we will take that with a grain of salt. On to this infrastructure strike that we've seen happening again overnight. This city,

in particular, Kyiv, witnessed unprecedented havoc this week. We visited one of four hospitals that lost water for a full day to get a sense of the

impact. Take a look.


ABDELAZIZ (voice-over): Dialysis patients like these need running water for their treatment. When Russian targeted Kyiv's infrastructure on Monday,

lives hung in the balance.

UNIDENTIFIED MALE: One patient here needs at least four hours and almost 300 liters of water.


UNIDENTIFIED MALE: -- of running water. For one day, we could do no -- (INAUDIBLE) very dangerous for their health.

ABDELAZIZ (voice-over): For the first time since the start of the conflict, four or the capital's biggest hospitals were left without running

water for most of the day. The Kyiv regional clinical center was among the facilities impacted. Doctors and nurses here scrambled to transfer the most

urgent cases.

UNIDENTIFIED MALE: We must be prepared to face even the most difficult challenges.

ABDELAZIZ (voice-over): For weeks, Moscow has pounded Ukraine's critical infrastructure. But medical facilities had so far been spared, relying on

backup generators during blackouts. This week, strikes were so severe, Kyiv's water pumps stopped working. This left some 1,500 hospital patients

around the city in limbo.

ABDELAZIZ: This is one of the hospital sterilization rooms. It's here that staff come to clean surgical equipment. But once the water was cut out,

they could no longer do that. That means that all non emergency operations had to be canceled.

ABDELAZIZ (voice-over): Hospitals require an enormous amount of water. This one, as officials say, uses some 15 tons per day. The medical director

here says it created a huge challenge for her staff.

UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE (through translator): We are ready for emergency situations every day. We can handle power cuts. But the lack of water was

absolutely catastrophic for us, she tells me. We had to act quickly.

ABDELAZIZ: Do you worry that the water system could be cut off again by Russian missiles?

UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: We worry every day. Every day and every morning.

ABDELAZIZ (voice-over): For now the city's water services are restored but it's a matter of if, not, when Moscow will strike Kyiv's lifelines again.


ABDELAZIZ: You know, Becky, that doctor then went on to tell me that we're not on the front lines here in Kyiv. But she believes Russia still wants

residents here to suffer.

She believes that the Kremlin is trying to cut off water, power supplies, basic medical care. And these doctors and nurses, they are preparing for

the worst. They say they are preparing evacuation plans and they're willing to evacuate every last patient if they have to. To them, it's a matter of

if, not when. Becky.

ANDERSON: Salma Abdelaziz in Kyiv. Thank you.

Friday would have marked full two full years of a vicious war in Ethiopia between government forces and fighters for the country's northern Tigray

region. In a very hopeful turn of events on Wednesday, after more than a week of peace talks, the two sides have agreed to lay down their arms.

This war has devastated the region. Thousands have been killed, millions are starving because of the conflict. And investigations have revealed that

actors on all sides have committed atrocious crimes against humanity. CNN's Larry Madowo joins us from Nairobi and Kenya.

You've been tracking the story for two years. While these developments are welcome, I have to say, it does feel a little like "Groundhog Day." We have

been here before.

What chance that the cease-fire will hold?

LARRY MADOWO, CNN CORRESPONDENT: We hope that second time's a charm, at least in terms of --


MADOWO: -- hostilities because they did have another one this year. But that collapsed in August.


MADOWO: And we saw a new round of fighting. This time all the parties say that they wanted to give peace a chance. We had the representative for

those talks in Victoria in South Africa. He said we're not weary of fighting, we just think that our people deserve a chance at peace.

They also agreed with the former Nigerian president, who's leading these talks, that the implementation will be so critical because it's not just a

permanent secession of hostilities, it's also this smooth an orderly disarmament of the TPLF, which will not be easy. This has been an army

operating in the north of Ethiopia for two years.

They have a lot of grievances and just one document does not make all that go away. They agreed to a restoration of services, they agree to unhindered

access for humanitarian supplies. That no one who's been victimized, essentially, let bygones be bygones.

There is a big question mark here. In Eritrea, this country has had its troops in Tigray for most of the last two years, as reported on CNN. They

were not a party to these talks. We don't know if they'll agree to leave and respect these agreements.

There's a lot of question marks in the months and weeks ahead, how exactly this will be implemented and if there is risk for it falling apart again.

And just one more thing, Becky, because we know we've been talking about this, I hope that there will be access by the media, so we can bear witness

to what happened here.

ANDERSON: Larry, good to have you. We can but hope and do hope that this is for real this time. Thank you.

Coming up, with the midterm elections coming up next week in the United States, a leading voice in the Democratic Party says her party's failing to

get through to voters on one key issue. What that is and that story after this.




ANDERSON: Welcome back, welcome to CONNECT THE WORLD.

Police in Pakistan now have a man in custody suspected of shooting the nation's former prime minister in the foot. It happened at a rally earlier

today, this is video of the injured Imran Khan, getting into a car after the attack. He is now being treated in Lahore.

The man they arrested had a nine millimeter pistol and two empty magazines. At least one person was killed, several others were wounded.

The U.S. midterm elections are just five days away. And the country's two major parties are making their closing arguments.


ANDERSON: President Biden had delivered an impassioned speech on Wednesday, saying Republicans who refused to accept election results are a

threat to democracy.

But the polls show the issue really motivating voters right now is the economy. You saw former presidential candidate Hillary Clinton, speaking

about Iran early on when she was talking to CNN.

Also, she discussed the Democrats and their chances in the upcoming elections. These are the midterms, remember. She said her party has done a

poor job so far in telling voters about the work that they have actually done in fighting inflation. Have a listen to what she said.


HILLARY CLINTON (D), FORMER SECRETARY OF STATE: Well, I always think you have to talk about the economy, because that is critical to everybody,

whether it is an election year or not.

What I wish we could convey more effectively is that, if you look at what has been accomplished in the first two years of the Biden presidency, with

the Congress working hand in hand, there has been an enormous amount of commitment, of new building, new infrastructure, new investments in

manufacturing, new ways to lower health care costs, insulin prices going down, drug prescription prices going down.

In fact, the work that has been done by the Democrats in helping the economy, helping people deal with what is global inflation, not just

American inflation, is truly impressive. And we've got to get that message across more effectively.

DON LEMON, CNN ANCHOR: Well, I wonder why voters are not getting that?

Here is an example. You will be campaigning with Governor Kathy Hochul, along with the vice president, campaigning for her and Letitia James.

We are talking about a statement, where you were elected, it is a blue state. That is a signal that something is amiss here, that Democrats are

nervous, in a blue state like New York.

Why is that message not getting across?

Why is Kathy Hochul, you know, neck and neck with the Republican congressman, Lee Zeldin, who is also running for governor?

CLINTON: I think it's more of a turnout issue, Don. Every poll that I've seen shows Kathy Hochul still ahead, and I expect her to win on Tuesday.

But a midterm election is always difficult for the party in power. Whoever is the president in the White House, we have seen that over and over again

in recent history. So our job is to convince our voters to turn out, because if they turn out, then there's no doubt that we will win.

But it is an uphill battle in a midterm election to convince people to get out and vote, whereas the other side is motivated because they want change

at any cost. And so I think that you'll see at the rally tonight where I'll be with Governor Hochul and Vice President Harris a real strong message

about how this election has to be put on the front burner for everybody, and voters need to turn out and vote for themselves, vote for making a real

difference in their lives.

And also, I want to go back to underscore what's at stake, because we just had some video put online by the Republican senator from Utah saying that

he wanted to pull Social Security and Medicare up by the roots. What more evidence do we need? We know that the Republicans for 50 years have said

they were going to overturn Roe v. Wade, and get what, they did. I take them at their word.

So if you're worried about the economy, cost of living, getting by right now, think of what it will be right if they go back to higher prescription

drug prices, undo what the Democrats did, go after Social Security and Medicare to literally pull it up by the roots. Those are serious threats to

anybody, and we've got to make sure people know that by Tuesday.


ANDERSON: Hillary Clinton, a Democrat, talking about the upcoming elections.

The state of our oceans right now, let me tell you, they are under threat. As CNN hosts a global day of action to raise awareness about the

environment, I want to take you to a beach in South Africa, that is coming up.

And CNN unveils the top 10 Heroes and learn how you can vote, how you can vote and what your vote can do to win one of them $100,000, that is coming







From our biggest cities, to our most remote communities, we all rely on our oceans. I'm not telling you anything you do not know here. But right now

they are under threat like never before.

But across the globe, there are lots of people who refuse to accept that. And many who are working to revert the damage. That is the focus of this,

CNN's second annual Call to Earth Day.

Living oceans, turning the tide. It is a global day of action, aimed at raising the awareness of environmental issues and engaging you with

conservation education. And our coverage this hour includes Africa and the United States and in the UAE. I want to bring in our reporting team, CNN's

David McKenzie, he is live from Cape Town, South Africa.

And Lynda Kinkade, my colleague, is standing by at the Georgia aquarium in Atlanta.

And Lynda, let me start with you. You're in America's largest aquarium, that is in Georgia, where I understand it, they are working on global

conservation efforts right now, feeding time for the whale sharks. Explain what you are seeing and learning today.

LYNDA KINKADE, CNN ANCHOR AND CORRESPONDENT: That is right, Becky. It is early lunch time here for the whale sharks. We are at the top of what is

the largest aquatic exhibit in North America.

And the whale sharks are, of course, an endangered species. They are about the size of a school bus but they can grow up to 18-19 meters in length,

weighing about 10,000 kilograms.

If you will walk with me, you will see the whale shark is taking in water, the water escapes through its gills and they have mouth filters, which trap

vegetation, plankton and other marine life.

They eat about 20 kilograms a day. Now they are vulnerable at birth to sharks and other predatory fish. As they are fully grown, they have fewer

natural predators. But they are under threat from humans.

They are trapped as bycatch, caught accidentally in fishing nets. But also, there are international markets for their fins, oil and meat. The Georgia

aquarium has been researching whale sharks for some 20 years.

With me now, I want to introduce Dr. Lisa Hoopes, the head of research of conservation at the Georgia aquarium.

Now you are the only aquarium outside of Asia to care for whale sharks. Give us a sense of what you learned, what sort of study you have done in

terms of growth, behavior, genetics on whale sharks over the last 20 years.


DR. LISA HOOPES, GEORGIA AQUARIUM: Yes, we have done quite a bit of work here through our Georgia aquarium team, primarily looking at movement,

habitat use, how whale sharks spend their time.

Do they like to aggregate with males, other males, other females?

Where do they go to?

We did some work looking at deep diving.

How deep do they dive?

What are they doing down there?

We have had a peek at assembling the full genome for the whale shark, trying to get clues into their immune system, the origins of the immune

system. Lots of great research happening here.

KINKADE: Incredible research, not just here at the Georgia aquarium but you go on expeditions. Two months ago, you went to the Galapagos, working

with local scientists on the whale shark project, looking at reproductive health of these whale sharks.

What tools do you used to gather data?

What have you learned?

HOOPES: Great question. We use a lot of telemetry, tag technology, to attach to the dorsal fin to figure out where the animals are moving.

Probably, one of the more interesting pieces is we have an underwater ultrasound.

We can actually use that on the females, swimming by, to figure out whether they are pregnant or not. This helps us to figure out why they are using

the Galapagos space.

KINKADE: For those who are wondering why you have these beautiful creatures in captivity, you have two of these whale sharks, what do you say

to them?

HOOPES: They are here for a couple of reasons. One, we are trying to capture the hearts and minds of the public, to inspire conservation action.

KINKADE: Crucial work here at the Georgia aquarium.

Becky Anderson, we will check in with you later in the day, certainly, there is a lot of incredible work, breakthrough science, when it comes to

whale sharks here at the Georgia aquarium -- Becky.

ANDERSON: Amazing. Lynda, thank you for that.

I will bring up David, in Cape Town.

David, we know there's a next generation -- whether it's a generation of young people, absolutely superglued into how climate change affects our

planet. I know that you have been talking to kids, who are learning about the ocean where you are.

Tell us, what are you learning?

DAVID MCKENZIE, CNN CORRESPONDENT: Well, look at the site behind me. This extraordinary beautiful spot in Cape Town, one of the pristine areas of the

globe. But across the globe, communities maybe do not feel connected to these places.

They feel like it is a place of privilege, sometimes a place of danger. But we have been spending time here with the Central Ocean Alliance (ph), which

takes children from communities that are marginalized, teaches them about the importance of the ocean and what it can do to mitigate climate change.

They were cleaning up plastics earlier and just, you know, the history of South Africa, even being here as a kid, living and growing up in Cape Town,

these were places of exclusion. Now they want to make it a place of inclusion. We spoke to one of their educators.


MCKENZIE: So many people in this country have not always had access to the ocean.

Why is it important to introduce people to the ocean, explain what it is all about?

UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: To be honest, I am one of those people who grew up not having access to the ocean. I feel like it is important to give the

kids of today, the youth of today, access to the ocean. Because they need to understand how beautiful the oceans are, that the ocean can bring more

to them.

MCKENZIE: There are people living in formal settlements, who don't necessarily feel welcome here all of the time.

Why is it important to change that?

UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: It is important to change that, because it is not only the ocean for a certain group of people, it is an ocean for all of us.

MCKENZIE: When the kids first arrived, compared to when they spent a few months with you, what is the difference you see?

UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: We see a lot of difference. When the kids arrive, when I asked them to pick up plastic that they see in the garden or

somewhere, oh, no. I will not pick it up, it is not mine.

Why should I be the one picking it up?

Why am I picking it up?

We see that behavior, because they are used to not picking up something that is not theirs. As long it's not mine, I will not pick it up. But you

see a lot of behavioral change, because, now that they understand the ocean, they are connected to the ocean, they see the value of protecting

and saving it.

MCKENZIE: What is a message you would like to give?

UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: One piece of advice I would like to give to the world, is that, you know, we have to come to an understanding at some point

that our oceans, they give us life. We need to protect our oceans so that we can keep on living.


MCKENZIE: On a very literal level, the oceans give us life, Becky, as you are alluding to. The oceans have an enormous capacity to take in heat,

mitigate climate change. It is also a carbon sink.


MCKENZIE: It is critically important as we try to limit global warming in the decades ahead. This was a great day to spend with these kids, learning

about the ocean. I learned a few things as well, even if I grew up here.

And it shows that including people all across this country and across the world and understanding the impact that individuals can have on the ocean's

health, it is really important. And you know, not the worst place to be for a day of reporting -- Becky.

ANDERSON: I was just thinking to myself, I would swap with you any day, that is a fabulous part of the world. And the work being done there with

those youngsters to ensure that they look after their home and they understand how important the ocean is for their lives and generations to

come, good for you.

I am glad you took this job on for us today. We really appreciate it. I know you are having fun as well. Good stuff, thank you.

Where you have water, you have life. In this region where I am, in the UAE, conservation is big. I sat down with Maitha Al Hamli, the lead specialist

for endangered marine species at the Abu Dhabi Environment Agency.

We talked about the work she does with what are known as flagship species and what she describes as the sad truth about climate change. Have a listen

to this.


MAITHA AL HAMLI, ABU DHABI ENVIRONMENT AGENCY: The ocean is vast and most of the world's population lives on coastal areas and these coastal areas,

they have developed or developing country. It's connected to these oceans one way or another, either for food source, transportation or even for


So keeping these oceans healthy and keeping the production of these oceans at a good par, means you are keeping the communities and the connection

which would be lost otherwise.

ANDERSON: Talk to us about the work that you specifically do here in the UAE.

HAMLI: In the UAE, I think we are lucky because we have a strong push from the leadership to work on conservation projects (INAUDIBLE) the

environment. So we have a huge amount of projects that are being rolled out day in and day out that focus on conservation.

For example, we are working on one of the region's biggest coral reforestation projects, hopefully. And that is very important for combating

climate change, having resilient reefs but also important for the fisheries, which, once upon a time, was the main source of food for our

ancestors here in the Gulf.

ANDERSON: And this is why it is so important to preserve this marine ecosystem. To the UAE specifically, we are talking heritage over here.

But also future proofing this country, correct?

HAMLI: We were once only reliant on the sea, as divers, fishermen and, today these reefs need our help.

ANDERSON: The work going on here is so important. I am wondering if you could explain to our viewers, who will be watching all over the world, why

someone for example, in the Far East or the Western Hemisphere should learn about what is going on here and, frankly, care about it.

HAMLI: We do have a lot, like I said, a lot of conservation programs. I will give two examples, a habitat example and a species example. For

example, when it comes to habitat, we are heavily invested in our mangroves.


HAMLI (voice-over): Not only conservation wise but also restoration and replanting or planting. It is important, not only here locally but for the

world because these act as carbon sinks.

And today, we need as much carbon sinks as possible to make sure we mitigate and also try to take back some of the carbon we are releasing out

into the atmosphere. That is one of the main, what we call, natural based solutions, to combat some factors of climate change not only locally but


So dugongs are threatened species worldwide. Not only do we have the second largest population of (INAUDIBLE) dugongs we have one of the highest

concentrations of dugongs, per square meter in the world.

And that is something that is very important when it comes to conservation, because species like dugongs are what we call flagship species. And to

preserve or to conserve flagship species, you need to conserve the whole ecosystem around it.

For example, if we are working on the conservation of dugongs, that means we are working on the conservation of sea grass, the conservation of

habitats which, in place, roll out a very bigger project, which at the end, feeds to the fisheries because all of these habitats act as nurseries or

fish sanctuaries, throughout the life stages of the fish.


ANDERSON: What are the most alarming moments that you have witnessed while working in ocean conservation?

HAMLI: It's the sad truth of the situation, when it comes to climate change. We have seen the difference in coral composition, in heat trends

that we face every summer. And that is the most alarming thing to me as a conservationist.

Also, I think it should be important to everyone because these heat trends are starting here at high paces but sooner or later, they will reach the

other oceans, the deeper oceans, the colder oceans. And this is something that rang the alarm. This is the future. Let us not have it spread.

ANDERSON: What inspired you to get involved?

HAMLI: Growing up, I was in Abu Dhabi, on a small island, always out at sea. And then working with the environment agency as a PR officer, I saw

the amazing work they were doing there.


HAMLI (voice-over): I decided I do not want to be a PR officer, I wanted to be in the heart of the work. And that is when I got the support from

everyone in the entity to shift my career.

ANDERSON (voice-over): What is next for the environment agency here in terms of the work that you are doing in oceans?

HAMLI: With the environment agency, we are always looking at not only the human --


HAMLI (voice-over): -- aspect but also ecology. I think it is key for conservation. Start looking and investing in technologies that will help us

move forward with our conservation work, be it chemosensing (ph), the use of AI or other technologies that will help us monitor, assess and also put

back into our conservation plans for these species.


ANDERSON: A real advocate for conservation and the importance of oceans to all of us there, Maitha.

Next hour, join CNN's Sara Sidner as she takes a deep dive with oceanographer Sylvia Earle. Find out why the explorer is concerned for the

Earth's future, yet hopeful about our chance to save it. Watch "Sylvia Earle: Diving for Hope." A CNN Call to Earth special, 11:30 Eastern time

in the U.S., 3:30 pm in London and 7:30 here, in Abu Dhabi.

We will do a shortened CONNECT THE WORLD today, because we want to get you to that special show, on what is our call to Earth Day. Stay with us.


ANDERSON: Look, here at CNN, we make a real effort to salute people who are doing their part to make the world a better place. And we do that by

calling people CNN heroes, and we've picked the top 10 for 2022. And one of them will in $100,000 to further their cause.

Here's Anderson Cooper, my colleague, with a look at the top 10 and instructions for how you can vote for the winner. Help us out. Have a look

at this.


ANDERSON COOPER, CNN HOST: I'm Anderson Cooper, all year long, we have been introducing you to inspiring individuals making the world a better place.

And at a time when we all could use more kindness and courage, we're thrilled to announce the top 10 CNN heroes of 2022.


From California, when elderly dog owners can no longer care for their pets, Carie Broecker helps them stay together and find these beloved family

members new forever homes.

From Nashville, Richard Casper uses art to heal the wounds of war. He is helping fellow veterans share their stories visually and vocally.

Nelly Cheboi is bringing technology to young people in her native Kenya, recycling old computers, she provides the tools and educations for brighter


North Carolina innovator Nora El-Khouri Spencer is training women for well paying careers in construction while also helping seniors age safely at


From South Philadelphia, after spending five years in prison on drug charges, Tyrique Glasgow is now providing his neighborhood, long challenged

by poverty and gun violence, with safety and opportunity.

Alaskan nurse Teresa Gray leads volunteer medics into global hotspots, delivering vital care and support to those in need.

Meymuna Hussein-Cattan is helping refugees and immigrants transition to lives in the U.S., with critical resources and support while also sharing

her culture with the L.A. community.

Aidan Reilly brought together a nationwide network of young volunteers to tackle food waste and insecurity by rescuing tons of excess produce from

farms to feed the hungry.

From Chicago, Debra Vines struggled to find supportive resources when her son, Jason, was diagnosed with autism. Now she's providing services and

education to African American families and first responders.

And Atlanta's Bobby Wilson is feeding and healing his urban community by teaching thousands of people how to plant, grow and prepare their own

healthy food.

Congratulations to the top 10 CNN Heroes of 2022. Now it is time for you to help decide who will be this year's CNN Hero of the Year and receive

$100,000 to continue their life-changing work. Go to right now to vote and be sure to watch "CNN Heroes: An All-Star Tribute." We

announced the winner and celebrate all of this year's honorees, live, Sunday, December 11th.


ANDERSON: Ten amazing individuals and they all prove that one person can make a difference. Now you get to help decide which one of them will become

our CNN Hero of the Year. That is -- let me do that again. That is and vote up to 10 times every day for the hero that inspires

the most, if that is what you want to do.

And be sure to watch and celebrate all of this year's honorees live, Sunday, December the 11th, as Anderson said. It's always a really uplifting

event, that one.

And once again, congratulations to the top 10. Well, CONNECT THE WORLD continues after this short break. Do stay with us.