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Biden: U.S. One China Policy Has Not Changed; Istanbul Explosion Investigation; Ukraine President Zelenskyy Visits Lebirated Kherson City. Aired 10-11a ET

Aired November 14, 2022 - 10:00   ET




LYNDA KINKADE, CNN INTERNATIONAL ANCHOR: And open and candid discussion between the presidents of the United States and China. After hours of

talks, Joe Biden told the media the U.S. One China Policy has not changed. We'll go live to Bali and Beijing.

NIC ROBERTSON, CNN INTERNATIONAL DIPLOMATIC EDITOR: This is where they say Russians kill people for simply shouting out Slava Ukraine, glory to

Ukraine or having tattoos saying the same thing.

KINKADE: The nightmare of the Russian occupation Kherson is ending but the stars of fear and destruction are present in the city and in the hearts of

its people.

And who is behind the blast that tore through the heart of Istanbul shopping district? The Turkish authorities have a suspect in custody.

Hello. I'm Lynda Kinkade. Welcome to CONNECT THE WORLD. U.S. President Joe Biden and Chinese President Xi Jinping are coming off their face-to-face

meeting on the sidelines of the G20 Summit in Bali. This was their first in-person meetings since Mr. Biden took office and lasted more than three

hours. And the stakes could not have been higher. North Korea's missile tests trade climate change and human rights are all part of Monday's talks

along with tensions over Taiwan.

President Xi stated that the self-governing Island is at the core of China's interests and is a red line that cannot be crossed. Well, President

Biden said he doesn't see China invading Taiwan anytime soon. CNN's Ivan Watson is covering the G20 for us in Bali. And our Selina Wang joins us

from Beijing. Good to have you both with us. I'll start with you first, Ivan. So, this three-hour meeting went much longer than expected. And the

two leaders certainly had a lot to discuss.

IVAN WATSON, CNN SENIOR INTERNATIONAL CORRESPONDENT: That sure did. And I think the body language at the start of this was fascinating, given how

much acrimony there has been between Beijing and Washington over the past few years. You had the Chinese leader and his American counterpart shaking

hands posing for cameras, sitting down and basically expressing respect for each other while also acknowledging that they have disagreements.

They did have a three-hour meeting and when they emerged, President Biden had some strong statements to say. Let's take a listen to one that jumped

out at me.


JOE BIDEN, PRESIDENT OF THE UNITED STATES: I absolutely believe there need not be a new Cold War. We -- I've met many times with Xi Jinping. And we

were candid and clear with one another across the board. And I do not think there's any imminent attempt on the part of China to invade Taiwan. And I

made it clear that our policy in Taiwan has not changed at all.


WATSON: Now, both leaders agreed that they need to establish lines of communication that have been ruptured in recent months. And judging by the

lengthy readout that came out from the Chinese foreign ministry that seems to be one area where they have made progress this evening here in Bali.

I'm going to read an excerpt from the Chinese foreign ministry where it says "The two presidents agreed that their respective diplomatic teams

should maintain strategic communication and conduct regular consultations. Their financial teams will continue dialogue and coordination on

macroeconomic policies, economic ties and trade, and the two countries will work jointly for the success of the 27th Conference of the Parties to the

United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change."

So, we have concrete results here. President Biden said he would be sending, for example, his Secretary of State Antony Blinken to China to

follow up on these talks. They have some progress here. That said they do disagree on a whole host of additional factors. One point that the White

House consistently makes is that it says it wants to have healthy competition but between the U.S. and China, the world's two largest



In its own statement, the Chinese government, the foreign ministry saying we don't need to have competition, we can have a win-win scenario. The

world is big enough for both of our countries to prosper side by side. So that is an example of how both Beijing and Washington both frame the way

their relationship will go forward in quite different terms.

KINKADE: Yes. And certainly much room for improvement, Ivan. I want to bring in Selina for more on that point because Selina, some have suggested

that relations between the U.S. and China are at their lowest point in half a century. We suddenly saw the leaders all smiles and handshakes when they

met ahead of this discussion. And they did signal this intention to improve relations. Where did they see eye to eye?

SELINA WANG, CNN INTERNATIONAL CORRESPONDENT: Yes, Lynda exactly. I mean, walking into this meeting, tensions couldn't have been higher at the lowest

point in decades. But there are some key areas where they do have agreement. Critically, the idea that they both realize that U.S.-China

relations are not living up to global expectations and that both countries have a responsibility as global powers to improve the relation to stabilize

it, to prevent it from veering into conflict, because that's not an either country's best interest.

So we did get that concrete statement that they would restart those talks at various levels of the government not just at the high level, but also at

the working level. We also heard some statements about Ukraine. Now the Chinese readout said that China does want to promote peace talks between

Russia and Ukraine. However, what it differed with the White House readout is that the Chinese readout did not include the statement that China also

opposes the use of nuclear force.

Now, however, despite all the smiles and handshakes to your point, there are so many fundamental disagreements between these two countries. That one

meeting cannot even begin to scratch the surface. There are fundamental challenges and fundamental opposition, a lot of mutual distrust and

hostility. From Beijing's perspective, they increasingly see America as trying to suppress its rise trying to keep China down.

They point to recent sanctions from the United States, these sweeping export restrictions that choke off China's access to critical advanced

semiconductor chips. That not only hits China's military development goals, but also its economic and technological development. On the other hand,

you've got the United States. You do hear Biden saying that he doesn't want a new cold war after this meeting.

However, he has been increasing this framing of autocracies versus democracies. He's also labeled China as America's most consequential

geopolitical challenge. There has been increasing rhetoric from Washington that Beijing is trying to supplant America's role as a world's dominant

power. So deep divisions here, but the fact that they're agreeing to talk is better than a lot of expectations going into this meeting.

KINKADE: Yes, it certainly is. Selina Wang for us in Beijing, Ivan Watson in Bali, thanks to both.

Well, Ukrainian president Volodymyr Zelenskyy has just visited the city of Kherson only days after it was liberated by Ukrainian troops. And the

moment was powerful. Take a look.


KINKADE: The loss of Kherson is a major setback for Moscow in its illegal war against Ukraine. But NASA challenges now face the residence of Kherson

after Russian forces destroyed critical infrastructure there and littered the area with mines.

(INAUDIBLE) Mr. Zelenskyy says in his words, we are going forward.


VOLODYMYR ZELENSKYY, UKRAINIAN PRESIDENT: We respect the law and respect sovereignty of all the countries but now we're talking about our country.

That's why we are fighting against Russian aggression


KINKADE: Well, CNN's Nic Robertson has been in Kherson since it was liberated just days ago. He joins us now live. Nic, good to see you there.

I was nervous when I saw you in Kherson over the weekend for the first time because we were discussing just last week that there were fears that this

could be a trap by Russia. Despite that we saw Ukrainians out on the streets celebrating although they are still in need of basic aid.

ROBERTSON: Absolutely. And I think the real trap here turned out to be a trap for the Russians that they had too many men in an overextended

position across the strategic river here that they couldn't support them. They had to pull them out and when they left, they're left in a hurry. Some

30,000. What's left for the residents here is the remnants of their brutality, and what's that what that has meant to just decimating this

city's ability to survive in a way that there's no water, no electricity.


There is a shortage of phone connections, there's been no internet for a while. And this was part of what President Zelenskyy came to speak about

today. So, you know, want to make sure that the people of Kherson understand we want to reconnect them with the rest of Ukraine. That was an

important message. But the other important message he has was that we will continue to move forward.

We do want peace, but it has to be a peace for the whole of Ukraine which is a message for President Putin that Zelenskyy is not about to negotiate

on terms that don't allow for Russia to withdraw completely for the country. But it's Kherson now that becomes essentially a frontline city in

this ongoing war. And that raises many concerns for people here.


ROBERTSON (voice over): The joys of Kherson's liberation keep on giving.

How are you? She says. I survived her friend replies. But the Russians kicked my door in and stole everything.

This city once home to more than a quarter million people is still celebrating its freedom. But beginning to count the cost of the eight-month

brutal occupation they endured. The city's phone and internet connection cut, residents crowding around soldiers communications in desperate hope of

contacting loved ones. On their way out, the Russians crippled almost every vital service, electricity off and water too.

This pump close to the river bank, giving water to polluted to drink.

The water stopped when the power went off, he says. This is the fourth day without water. But what can we do? We need to survive somehow.

The Russians even felled the city's main T.V. transmitter.

ROBERTSON (on camera): They blew it up just before leaving. A final act of punishment for a population that until days earlier, they said was part of

Russia and would be forever.

ROBERTSON (voice over): That same message, Kherson and Russia together forever plastered on hundreds of billboards around the city is already

being torn down.

Wai Platton (ph) says because eight months of occupation is not very nice. I didn't feel very good living in fear that any moment a car could pull

over near you and bring you to a very unpleasant place.

Olexander (ph) was unlucky enough to be taken to one of those unpleasant places and shows us around the jail he was in. He says the Russians beat

him daily. They abused everyone, kept us hungry, use this as free labor to repair their military vehicles, he says. They were beating us whenever they


ROBERTSON (on camera): This is where they say Russians kill people for simply shouting out Slava Ukraine, glory to Ukraine or having tattoos

saying the same thing. And over here in this room, this is where they used to torture people.

ROBERTSON (voice over): The fire Alexander says started by the Russians as they left to cover up their crimes.

But it is across the road in Katarina's (ph) church, Russia's oddest brutality was perpetrated. The grave of Grigory Potemkin (ph) fabled in

history for building fake villages was looted days before the Russians left. Father Vitaly (ph) takes us into the gloomy crypt, shows us where

Potemkin's coffin was stolen from.

He here for 240 years through many wars, he says. We honored him as a founder of Kherson, and they took him without permission. Repairs of souls

and city have only just begun.


ROBERTSON: And it will get better. That's what the residents hope for once the electricity and the water do get reconnected. That's a government

priority. That's something President Zelenskyy is pushing for as well. But the reality is they're only just beginning to get to grips with the scale

and scope of the damage of the infrastructure here. And I think at the moment, it's really not clear how quick that will be days or weeks. It's

really unclear.

KINKADE: Yes. Still such an incredible turning point in this war. Nic Robertson, our thanks to you and your team for that report.

Iuliia Mendel is a former spokesperson for Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelenskyy and the author of the Fight of Our Lives: My Time with Zelenskyy.

She's been tweeting about the liberation of Kherson saying and I quote, "This is how I can see my aunt from Kherson region for the first time in

nine months."


In a video hugging a Ukrainian soldier. She joins us now from Cuba. It's so good to have you with us. And I certainly had chills seeing some of that

vision of people in Kherson hugging the soldiers, handing out flowers. How did you feel seeing your art?


relatives. My parents who are in Kherson and my aunt and uncle who are in Kherson village, not far from the city for these nine months. And actually,

we stayed in touch sometimes when there was connection and that was such a desperate thing inside me to loosen off what they were experiencing and

passing through.

And to know that nothing could be done there. Let me say that my aunt, she lost one of her pupils, former students because she is the teacher of

Ukrainian language and Ukrainian literature, because there was a missile and the shrapnel just fell into the window of that student. She was killed

immediately. There was a guy who was helping to maintain electricity. And he was beaten hugely by Russian soldiers and he needed to leave.

Very few people left there and they were living in such a fear. So, when I saw this video, and it went viral everywhere, not only in my account, but

on different other social media. And she's like very popular person right now. And she even doesn't know this because she doesn't have her

connection. This is such an important, such an emotional period of our life, such a relief, but at the same time we are crying so hugely.

This is such a sadness and a joy. Last week when we were talking to my aunt, and she was saying that she was waiting to hug me and to see me so

much when Russians leave. That seemed to be very far moment, but now I'm preparing myself to go to Kherson. I've talked to my parents, I've talked

to my aunt and this is such a happy moment for me personally.

KINKADE: And as you say unimaginable not that long ago. And even last week when we were discussing this -- there certainly was a fear that Russia

planned to leave Kherson as a trap. Is that concern now gone?

I think we might have just lost our link. We will try and get back with Iulia Mendell who is in Kyiv, Ukraine to discuss the liberation of Kherson.

For now we're going to take a break. And still to come. Sentence to death. The Iranian court issues the first death penalty to a protester in the

country's latest unrest.



KINKADE: Welcome back. I'm Lynda Kinkade. You are watching CONNECT THE WORLD. We were just speaking to Iulia Mendel. A former spokesperson for

Ukrainian President Zelenskyy. We have reestablish connection as she joins us again from Kyiv. We speak about the Ukrainian people and how this war

has certainly shown them to be very resilient and determined and to do anything to save democracy, and looking at the liberation of Kherson.

What do you want the world to think of when they see Ukrainian people? And what in your senses it means to be Ukrainian?

MENDEL: Well, thank you for this important question. Let me say that this fight, this is a very existential fight for us. Ukraine nowadays is the

biggest territory of freedom and the biggest territory of democracy in all post-Soviet region. So this is the fight of like David against Goliath.

This is the fight for -- of democracy against autocracy. And if at the very beginning of this war, we were having a lot of desperacy.

W needed to believe in ourselves and we needed to fight for our lives. But at the same time, we didn't know if the future would come. Now when we see

that because of Ukrainian army, because of the fact that the world is united and helps us. We could made Russians retreat from Kyiv, Kharkiv,

from Kherson. So we can have our lands, our people back and we can maintain democracy here serving as an example to many countries in post-Soviet


So, what I would ask you to say that Ukraine -- there is no any country in the world and there is no any people in the world that would love to help

these more than Ukraine. But at the same time, we asked to stay united with us, until we actually managed to defeat Russia so that we can make

democracy prosper here, that we will not give up democracy in these parts of the world so that we can actually be stronger together and Ukraine can

become the equal partner of the free world.

KINKADE: Iulia Mendel, we wish you all the best. We are very glad to see that your family is now safe in Kherson liberated by the Ukrainians. Thanks

so much.

Well, an Iranian court has issued the first known death sentence to an anti-government protester following the death of Mahsa Amini. Iran's state

news agency reports the person was convicted of being an enemy of God and spreading corruption on earth after allegedly setting a government center

on fire. Five others was sentenced to prison time of five to 10 years. Although the sentences can be appealed.

Well, our Melissa Bell is following the developments and joins us now. So Melissa, the first death sentence handed to a protester. What can you tell

us about this case?

MELISSA BELL, CNN INTERNATIONAL CORRESPONDENT: Well, Lynda, what we understand is that as you say this was to do with the burning down of a

government building. But of course, it is that highest charge of enmity against God and spreading corruption on earth and has given him this

conviction of a death sentence. And this is something that the Iran-based - - that the Norway-based Iran human rights group has been warning about.

One of those NGOs has been monitoring the number of those killed since the protests began. It's been warning that beyond the revised toilet gave on

Saturday of 326 people killed since these protests began. There are those of course who've been charged, held, arrested, some charge, now convicted

of crimes that could lead to executions. And, of course, that is one of the great tragedies of what's going on in Iran right now is that the death toll

continues to rise from the active protests themselves.

But also, Lynda, because of the nature of the judicial system and the way it functions as well. And there is, of course, a coordinated response going

on from outside the country, even as we hear news of this, the first conviction since those protests began and that is an extra round of

sanctions being placed on Tehran, not just by the European Union, but the United Kingdom in coordination with each other to try and continue to put

pressure on those that they believe are responsible.

Not just for the initial arrest that led to all these protests and murder, but also all of the repression has gone on since, Lynda.

KINKADE: All right. Melissa Bell for us staying across the story from Paris. Thanks very much.

Well, they want to get you up to speed on some other stories that are on our radar right now. And the U.K. and France have agreed on a new deal to

try and steal migration across the English Channel. The U.K. is pledging $75 million this year to combat small boat crossings, including money for a

40 percent rise in officers patrolling French beaches. The British government says 40,000 people have crossed the channel only in small boats

this year alone.


There are still some key races still close too close to core following last week's midterm elections in the United States. Among them is the Arizona

governor's race where Democrat Katie Hobbs clings to a lead of about 26,000 votes over Kari lake. There are still about 170,000 votes to be counted


Cryptocurrency exchange FTX is under criminal investigation in the Bahamas where it has its headquarters. Previously one of the world's largest crypto

exchanges, the company filed for bankruptcy on Friday amid rumors of financial misconduct.

Amazon founder Jeff Bezos is making a big pledge. In an exclusive interview with CNN, Bezos said he plans to give away the majority of his $124 billion

fortune by the end of his life. One of Bezos latest initiatives is the Bezos Courage and Civility Award, which was this year, given to the

legendary country singer Dolly Parton for philanthropic work.

CNN's Chloe Melas began this interview by asking Bezos why he chose Parton.


CHLOE MELAS, CNN ENTERTAINMENT REPORTER: Talk to me about choosing Dolly Parton.

JEFF BEZOS, AMAZON FOUNDER: Well, look at what she's done, and how she's led her life and the way she's done it. These bold things always with

civility and kindness. She's a unifier, you know, we have big problems in the world. And the way to get big problems done is you have to work


We have too many examples in the world of conflict and people using ad hominem attacks on social media and so on and so on. You won't find Dolly

Parton doing that.

LAUREN SANCHEZ, VICE CHAIR, BEZOS EARTH FUND: And when you think of Dolly, look, everyone smiles, right? And all she wants to do is bring light into

other people's world. That's all. And so, we couldn't have thought of someone better than to give this award to Dolly.

MELAS: The nation is very divided right now on many issues. Do you think that the American Dream is something that really is still attainable right


BEZOS: Well, I -- I'm an -- I'm an optimist, I think the American dream is and will be even more attainable in the future. Look, one of the things

that I don't like about the current environment is I think there's a lot of division. I think that people use competence as a tool to achieve their own

ends. I don't think it's a good tool. We see sometimes in our political sphere certain politicians criticize other politicians, they criticize

their motives, their character.

They call them names. Once you've done that, it's hard to work with somebody. And that's why we created the Courage and Civility Award because

we want to highlight people who don't do that.

SANCHEZ: And we wanted to amplify their voices, you know, because we -- the voices that are really negative seem to get amplified in this world.

MELAS: You know, when you go, when you look at your net worth, it's too much money to even spend in a lifetime. Do you plan to give away the

majority of your wealth in your lifetime?

BEZOS: Yes, I do. And it -- and the hard part is figuring out how to do it in a leveraged way. It's not easy. You know, building Amazon was not easy.

It took a lot of hard work, a bunch of very smart teammates and I'm finding and I think Lauren's find the same thing that philanthropy is very similar.

It's not easy. It's really hard. And there are a bunch of ways that you -- I think that you could do ineffective things, too. So we're building the

capacity to be able to give away this money.

MELAS: How do you decide where to put your efforts?

BEZOS: There are so many places where you'd have philanthropists and anybody who wants to donate to charity can put their money to work. I feel

like you have to do things at two timescales. You have to work on the urgent, here now the immediate, and you have to work on the long term. So

the Bezos Earth Fund is sort of about this -- it's a -- it's a 10-year commitment to work on these really big problems that we have on

sustainability and conservation and restoration.

The Day One Fund where we do work on the here and now the urgent food security, homelessness, transient homelessness, there's all kinds of very

important problems in that arena too.

MELAS: Talk to me about this team that you two have built together.

SANCHEZ: That's a good word. We're really great teammates and we also have a lot of fun together and we -- and we love each other. So, I love how we

work together. We always look at each other and like, we're the team.

BEZOS: It's easy, you know, we bring each other energy. We respect each other. So it's fun to work together.


KINKADE: That was our Chloe Melas speaking to Jeff Bezos and Lauren Sanchez. Well, still ahead. Turkish police have a suspect in custody after

a deadly blast in the heart of Istanbul. We'll have the latest on the investigation.



KINKADE: Welcome back. I'm Lynda Kinkade at the CNN Center. You're watching CONNECT THE WORLD. Good to have you with us. Well, a quick recap of our top

story. More than three-hour meeting between Joe Biden and Xi Jing ping that the U.S. president says was open and candid. It was their first face-to-

face meetings since Mr. Biden became president. The talks come at a time of strange relations, especially when it comes to trade and Taiwan.

Mr. Biden says he does not think China has any imminent plans to invade Taiwan and said the issue of Taiwan's future can be resolved peacefully.

Russia is denying speculation about the health of its foreign minister who was in Bali to attend the G20 Summit. The spokesperson for the Russian

Embassy in Indonesia says reported Sergey Lavrov was taken to a hospital in Bali and not true. The foreign ministry spokesperson released a video of

Lavrov sitting outside in shorts and a T-shirt.

Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan arrived at the G20 Summit just hours after Istanbul was rocked by an explosion. It happens on a busy street in

the heart of Turkey's largest city. Police say a Syrian national trained by Kurdish separatists is behind the blast to kill at least six people and

injured dozens others.

The armed wing of the Kurdish Workers Party is denying involvement. The suspect is in custody. Police say she planted a bomb at the scene and then

left in a taxi. Authorities are calling it a terrorist attack.

Our Scott McLean is following the story from London and joins us now live. So this explosion, Scott, happened in the heart of Istanbul in what is it a

bustling pedestrian area. What more can you tell us about this suspect?

SCOTT MCLEAN, CNN INTERNATIONAL CORRESPONDENT: Yes, so the suspect is the woman that authorities say left a bag on a bench on Istiklal Street, the

beating heart of Istanbul. This pedestrianized street that's quite famous, popular with tourists, popular with locals as well. And then one or two

minutes after she got up and left this bench that bomb went off. So they managed to track her down using some 1200 different security cameras across

the city.

And they found her at an apartment in the western part of the city. Police specifically released a video of her arrest showing police officers going

into apartment at gunpoint and arresting her and others. They also found inside of that property according to this video, at least they found cash,

they found jewelry, they also found what looks to be a gun that clip and a box of ammunition.

Police say that they actually searched 21 different properties across the city. These are properties of people who had been in contact with this

woman previously. They arrested a total of 46 people. Now police say that she is a Syrian national and that she confessed to receive -- receiving

training from the PKK and other separated -- separatist militia groups or militant groups in Syria.


The PKK for its pa part which Turkey considers to be a terror group has strongly denied any involvement in this at all. Now, of course, there have

been condolences coming in on this from around the world, from diplomats, from world leaders, including as you would expect the United States. But

the Turkish interior minister is making headlines now for rejecting those condolences. Listen.


SULEYMAN SOYLU, TURKISH INTERIOR MINISTER (through translator): We reject the condolences of the U.S. Embassy. We refuse it. Our alliances with a

country whose senate sends funds to this mentality that provides funds for Kobani and other terror areas and aims to disrupt the peace in Turkey

should be questioned. That much is clear.


MCLEAN: So what the minister is referring to is the fact that the U.S. is allied with Kurdish defense forces in northern Syria, in part because those

defense forces have been a huge help in trying to take out the Islamic State, ISIS in Syria. And so, the U.S. has been assisting that group, much

to the displeasure of Turkey because it has been fighting, it has been in conflict with its own Kurdish separatist groups within its own borders.

Those conflicts have cost tens of thousands of lives over the last 40 years. So, obviously, Turkey, the United States see things very, very

differently. I should point out quickly though, Lynda, those --- one of those armed groups that is allied with the United States in northern Syria,

the YPG, they strongly denied any involvement in this at all.

KINKADE: All right. Scott McLean for us staying across it all from London. Thanks very much.

Well, still ahead. Football star Cristiano Ronaldo scores and own gold as his latest interview leaves fans wincing. We'll have the details in our

sports update.


KINKADE: Well, all this week we'll be showcasing Gen Z activists from all over the world who are going green to preserve our planet. Today we head to

New England where 20-year-old social entrepreneur Raina Jain has come up with a novel solution to help save the bees. Our Larry Madowo has more.


RAINA JAIN, FOUNDER, HIVEGUARD: The reason that we're all here today is thanks to bees. They're the fundamental basis of our agricultural system.

Our plants are the reason we have food and so protecting them and the health of a colony is not only in respect for the environment, but also

making sure that we thrive as a human population.

My parents grew up in India and they always taught me to value life no matter how small or how big. Even if there's an ant in the house, don't

kill it, take it safely outside and let it leave.


LARRY MADOWO, CNN CORRESPONDENT (voice over): So when Raina visited a honey bee farm, and saw piles of dead bees, she felt an innate responsibility to

take action.

JAIN: For years, people thought that the reason that these were dying or because of pesticides.

MADOWO: She learned that the parasitic Varroa mite is a major cause in the global decline of honeybee colonies.

JAIN: So these are electron microscope photos of Varroa mites and Varroa mites are the kind of ticks on honeybees themselves.

MADOWO: The mites can spread lethal viruses, impair flight, and eventually leads to colony destruction. Since 75 percent of the world's crops depend

on pollinators, these small mites could have a huge impact on our entire ecosystem.

JAIN: So I said, I want to do something to help save the bees and that's kind of where the birth of HiveGuard started.

This is HiveGuard, it's a 3D printed entranceway coated with virucide called Thymol. And as bees pass the entranceway the Thymol rubs off into

the body of the bee where ultimately the constitution kills (INAUDIBLE) but the honeybees left unharmed. The data

that we have right now for HiveGuard is that three weeks post installation, there's a 70 percent decline in brown mite infestations in the honeybee

hive, and there's no lethal side effects unlike current treatments.

My biggest achievement so far with HiveGuard is been seeing kind of the real world impact that you can have. I get e-mails from beekeepers all the

time from all over the world saying how it's helped their hive.

For me that's like saving 50,000 lives. And so there's nothing really more rewarding than that.

MADOWO: From the hive to your home, Raina hopes her message will make people appreciate pollinators and what they do for our planet.

JAIN: The next time you take a bite out of your Apple or sip your coffee, you can think bees. Bees were the primary pollinators for those plants and

they're the reason that you have food on your table. So you can really thank them for your existence.


KINKADE: Well, we're going to take a quick break. We'll be right back.



