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Show Of Anger Inside China Over COVID Lockdowns; NASA's Orion Breaks Apollo 13 Flight Record; Ayatollah Khamenei Niece Urges Nations To Cut Ties With Iran. Aired 10-11a ET

Aired November 28, 2022 - 10:00:00   ET




BECKY ANDERSON, CNN INTERNATIONAL ANCHOR: Seething anger on the streets of China, as the government gets no sign it will end its zero COVID policy.

We're live in Hong Kong for you.

Ronaldo will delight World Cup viewers with his skills tonight but no such luck from Brazil's Neymar. His team is on the pitch in an hour without him.

More game highlights coming up.

And a new record for space travel and NASA's Orion. We'll explain why the Artemis 1 mission is made Houston proud.

I'm Becky Anderson. Hello, and welcome to our special coverage of the World Cup. This is CONNECT THE WORLD live from Doha. And if you can hear the

noise behind me that is the Ecuadorian fans more on what is going on here coming up.

We begin though tonight with an eruption of fury and frustration rarely seen in China. These are unprecedented scenes playing out across the


For the first time in decades, thousands of protesters are demanding freedom not only from three years of Beijing strict zero-COVID policy but

also from the government's grip over all aspects of life. Now this is -- China reports a sixth day of record COVID infections.

Some people openly defying the Chinese president calling on him and the Communist Party to step down. Chinese police have been out in force in

Shanghai, police dragged people away and loaded them into vans on Sunday night.

A BBC journalist amongst those arrested. This video obtained by Reuters shows him being dragged to the ground by officers. The network says he was

beaten and kicked by police before being released.

A Swiss T.V. correspondent and a journalist for Reuters were also detained after -- and then released.

Well, a deadly fire appeared to act as a catalyst for the outpouring of anger. 10 people were killed in the capital of Xinjiang on Thursday. Many

believe firefighters arrived too late to save the victims because of strict COVID-19 measures.

As people gathered grieve and protest in that province, Beijing changed part of its COVID containment measures in a rare concession. But it wasn't

enough to quell the dissent.

CNN's Selina Wang attended a rally in the Chinese capital and filed this report.


SELINA WANG, CNN INTERNATIONAL CORRESPONDENT: So I'm in the middle of the protest that's happening in Beijing. It's just past 1:00 a.m. There's a

crowd of mostly young people that have gathered here to protest the COVID measures in China. They've been chanting, no to COVID tests, yes to

freedom. And this is happening in Dalian (ph) district. This is where the center of the COVID outbreak.

It's in Beijing, where they urge all residents to stay at home. So it's really unprecedented that we're seeing such a large crowd of people here. A

lot of the folks as well, you can see they're holding these white pieces of paper. This is a symbol of anti-censorship. And we also saw protests in

Shanghai. We saw protesters also hold those white pieces of paper. Now in this district as well around here, there are many foreign embassies,

including the American Embassy over there.

So notable that they chose this site for this protest. Now, this protest has been going on already for several hours. It's very late. You can see

the policeman right now is telling me to move back a little bit. But there is a large police presence. There are actually on this whole row, a whole

row of policemen. But it is a peaceful protest so far. You can hear the cheering. The chanting, cars are also driving by frequently they're honking

in solidarity. The folks here don't look like they're going anywhere anytime soon.


ANDERSON: Well, that unrest in China having a significant economic impact to markets in Asia ended the day with losses. Let's bring those up so you

can see them on the screen. China's currency also tumbled against the U.S. dollar earlier in trading.


This is the reaction from Wall Street right now where markets opened in the past half hour, and you can see the U.S. market picking off where those

Asian markets left off, which you would expect to see at the outset of trading. Question is whether that is what will continue. Mark Stewart is in

New York with more on what are these market moves. Mark, how are you reading this?

MARK STEWART, CNN CORRESPONDENT: Well, Becky, no matter where you live in the world, upheaval, uncertainty, protests. These very vocal debates about

policy. And these are things that investors do not like. Investors typically like things bundled up very neatly and with a roadmap for the

future. But as China faces a future that could include more COVID lock downs, markets are certainly reacting.

You pointed to the losses or the declines that we have seen in the opening trade here in the United States. You pointed to the declines that we saw in

Asia. I mean, Hong Kong's benchmark, the Hang Seng, it was down by 1-1/2 percent. But at one point during the Asian trading day, it was down, I

believe, more than four percent. So this shows that the world is having a hard time digesting this outpouring of unknown from China.

I also think it's significant to point out that even Europe is seeing declines. The footsie has had a rough trading day, the CAC, the DAX in

Germany also having some upheaval with trading. And this is not just about politics, and COVID lock downs. There are some real tangible impacts from

all of this. Number one supply chain, if China remains closed, getting products that people around the world depend on, it could severely be


I'm thinking in particular, Apple and iPhones. There is the Foxconn factory in central China. It is the big provider of iPhone manufacturing. Of

course, in the U.S. today is Cyber Monday, a big shopping day and electronics are a top purchase. So Becky, unless we get some direction that

these notions of things being a bit out of control crawl down. The markets are up for a rough ride.

ANDERSON: Yes. I guess there's sort of, you know, the silver lining for the Chinese is that a weaker Chinese currency is never a bad thing against the

U.S. dollar, or at least. That should help things domestically. I guess the sort of the backdrop to this is this second term for the president who has

indicated that it is about China going forward where his focus is and the domestic scene there, less of an outward sort of message about China on the

global stage.

And I wonder whether investors are also just slightly concerned about what that means for the Chinese economy ultimately going forward. There -- I

guess my point ready some concerns about where China was that going forward, and we're certainly not seeing the growth numbers that you and I

are used to seeing over the past decade or so.

STEWART: Yes, I think that's definitely a fair point. I mean, I think, as we have seen in recent weeks, especially with the People's Congress in

China, we saw almost a new unveiling of policy from something that was economically focused to something a little bit more at home focus. So that

without question is in investor's minds as well. I also found it curious today about oil markets. I mean, I know -- I mean, you -- you're based in

the Middle East, you know, how fragile oil markets can be.

I mean, what's happening in China is also going to perhaps have an impact on the global oil supply. If lock downs continue, demand is going to

dwindle, that can impact prices as well.

ANDERSON: Yes. And I'm absolutely sure it has and we are seeing those oil prices lower and this of course ahead of the next OPEC plus decision. At

the beginning of December, really, I mean, the jury's out on what OPEC plus members will decide to do. Whether they will decide to continue cutting,

continue with the cuts they have or indeed increased production again. But if they see a slowing and continue slow -- continued slowdown in that

Chinese economy won't be seeing an uptick in production anytime soon.

Good to have you Mark, who was a pleasure. Thank you very much indeed. Protesters then also gathered for a vigil in Hong Kong which these days is

a rare move.


CNN international correspondent Ivan Watson monitoring the story there and joins us now live. What are protesters they're saying, because this is this

is relatively rare these days that we are there, or at least we're talking about demonstrations in Hong Kong.

IVAN WATSON, CNN SENIOR INTERNATIONAL CORRESPONDENT: Yes. The authorities here, Becky have all but crushed any form of political protests for more

than two years now, while also throwing opposition members in jail and shutting down various independent media outlets. So, the fact that you had

two different demonstrations take place in the city this evening and one of them that I visited was described as a vigil for the victims of China's

zero COVID policy.

It was not huge, it was less than 100 people, there were a lot of police around. And they started taking down the details of some of the

demonstrators who were staying out there. But we saw people holding up the white scraps of paper that have become a symbol for some of the protesters

in the demonstrations that have erupted across Mainland China. Take a listen to what one man I spoke to what he had to say.

He says he's from Shanghai, and he describes himself as a victim of the zero COVID policy.


UNIDENTIFIED MALE: I am a victim. So I cannot go home for many years, like two to three years, right? My parents were locked down for three months.

And even relatives of my good friends, they suicide because of the lock downs. Right? And I know people die because of it. Because of the side

effects of this policy. Right? I think everyone who has a sane mind should say something or do something to stop this unreasonable social measure.


WATSON: So that's just a hint of the immense psychological pressure that people have been under in mainland China due to the strict, strict

lockdowns and not to mention the economic and financial hardships that people are enduring. CNN has been able to confirm at least 16 protests

across 11 different cities across the country. And there because of the strict censorship, there may there have been reports of many more.

The trigger for this weekend's round of protests seem to as been a deadly fire in the west of the country in the Xinjiang region in the capital

Orochi (ph). At least 10 people dead in an apartment fire and a narrative has emerged that the high death toll may have been due to the fact that

people couldn't escape their apartments due to concerns suspicion that they may have been locked.

Some of the authorities have actually locked buildings to prevent people from being able to get out as part of these lockdowns. I mean, they're

literally locking buildings. Over the weekend, authorities in Beijing announced that it is illegal to block the exit ways and entryways of

apartment buildings as part of COVID lockdowns. Perhaps one reaction to this very unusual, nationwide manifestation of unhappiness with the


ANDERSON: Yes, it's fascinating, isn't it? Ivan, thank you. Will stop any dealings with this regime. That is an urgent plea coming from a niece of

Iran Supreme Leader Ayatollah Khomeini. She's calling on foreign governments to cut all ties with Tehran describing the government as a

child killing regime. Now this comes in a video statement shared by her brother two days after she was arrested last week.

CNN's Jomana Karadsheh joins us live from Istanbul. What do we make of this message? And the video that has been released, Jomana?

JOMANA KARADSHEH, CNN INTERNATIONAL CORRESPONDENT: Well, you know Becky, considering her background, it's not very surprising to see Farideh

Moradkhani coming out with the kind of statement this sort of message that she put in that video. She is a well-known activist, she has been jailed in

the past for her activism according to rights groups. Her father was a well known opposition figure, but still very brave for anyone to say what she

said while still inside Iran.

Now what we understand happened was on Wednesday she reported to court for an ongoing case that had been going on since January and she was arrested

according to Human Rights activist group to serve her 15-year jail sentence. We don't have details about that case, but two days after that,

Becky, we seen her brother post this video message on social media.


A seven minute video in which she criticizes the international community and the United Nations she says for not doing enough to support the "brave

people of Iran" describing international sanctions against the regime as laughable. And she called on the free people around the world as she put it

to do more to put pressure on their governments to cut ties with the Iranian regime saying that now is the time for them to act.

Not watch, as they have done in the past, referring to the 2019 protests where hundreds of people were killed within the span of a few days of that.

Protest movement, saying they must act now describing the regime as you said, a murderous child killing regime in her words likening her uncle to

Mussolini, Hitler, Gadhafi and Saddam Hussein and others. And she ended that message, Becky, with a clear message of support for the ongoing

protest movement saying woman life freedom.

ANDERSON: Speaking to The International risk response to this, Tehran is furious over Berlin's role in what was last week's U.N. Human Rights

Council decision. You and I talked about that at the time it is to investigate Iran's deadly crackdown on protests. So just explain to our

viewers what Germany's role or narrative has been and how this diplomatic wrangling could have an impact on? How tech Ron treats protesters if at


KARADSHEH: Well, as we've seen, Becky today, the Iranian foreign ministry, summoning the German ambassador, voicing their discontent with the German

role, which has been, as you mentioned, they were the ones along with Iceland who called for that special session of the United Nations Human

Rights Council last week. They were the ones who presented that resolution, the past which will now lead to the formation of a fact finding mission to

investigate the human rights abuses in the country.

The Iranian foreign ministry, essentially dismissing this as something that's politicized saying that this is interference and meddling in Iran's

affairs. And I think the key takeaway from all of this is -- and I know you have been asking officials this question, Will Iran cooperate with the fact

finding mission? And they flat out today said no, they will not be cooperating with that fact finding with that fact finding mission, Becky,

but this has really been part of the regime's narrative from the start for the past few weeks, trying to frame this all as some sort of a foreign


And what is going on in the country, these protests, some sort of a plot by Western governments to try and destabilize Iran.

ANDERSON: Jomana keep up the good work. Thank you very much indeed for joining us. Jomana Karadsheh has been on this story day in day out, and

it's a tough one because it's very difficult to get information from the ground which Jomana and the team working diligently to ensure that you get

as much as we can get for you.

Still to come on CONNECT THE WORLD. Drama and excitement shout the World Cup with plenty of goals. Today's been a bit of a goal fest actually, but

it's anyone moving on to the final 16 at this point? We'll let you know.

And Brazil will find out what it is like to play without superstar Neymar. All the latest from here in Doha after this short break. Stay with us.



ANDERSON: Well, it's been a goal scoring Festival at the World Cup so far today. Ghana's fans at the stadium rocking in a back and forth victory over

South Korea spoiler alert. I'm not going to tell you what the score was because Darren Lewis with me is going to fill you in. Ghana, the youngest

team in the tournament now have a real -- oh look, it's on the screen, have a real chance to advance to the knockout stage.

Meantime, Cameroon and Serbia played to (INAUDIBLE) 3-3 draw, that was also an absolute thriller to watch. Neither got the win they needed to boost

their chances of advancing but as a viewer, it was a great match, right. Later today, two of the highest profile teams will be playing. Portugal

with Cristiano Ronaldo of course take on Uruguay and prix tournament favorite Brazil will face Switzerland.

They will be without an injured star named Neymar. All right. CNN's senior sports analyst Darren Lewis joins me now. I was trying to -- I was trying

not to spoil it. But the balance of the bottom of the screen gave it away. I've got to start with what we've seen today because you know African

football better than most. You and I have been watching these African teams for years and years and we are really seeing that coming together. What we

know to be such passion and skill. Is this Africa rise again? Is it -- is this Africa's World Cup?

DARREN LEWIS, CNN SENIOR SPORTS ANALYST: Absolutely. We are seeing the New World Order being established in front of our very eyes. The Asian teams

have made their mark. Japan with a big win against Germany. Saudi Arabia against Argentina. But today, goodness me, Switzerland -- looking earlier

on today, so Serbia rather would crush Cameroon and Cameroon came back with such a spirit of recovery.

You can see why they called the indomitable lions but Ghana today, goodness me, what a performance to see off South Korea. The star midfielder Mohammed

Kudus scoring two goals who plays the (INAUDIBLE) in Holland. And he plays with a lot of charisma, confidence. He's only 22 but you can see why he's

so highly rated. And this was a huge statement for African football.

ANDERSON: Listen. You said he's only 22. I mean, he may be one of the oldest in the team, right? This is a young Ghanaian team, isn't it? And,

you know, you and I've spoken about this before. We are seeing the result of what has been the development of some of these national teams.

LEWIS: And that's so significant because some people look at these results in isolation, particularly if you're a purist and you're just looking at a

football. But as you rightly say, this is about the impact, the impact that Asian Football will make on the kids who are walking around behind us. Now

you can see one with a ball right there. So the impact that Cameroon beating Argentina had on younger people who are in 1990 who went on to

become professionals in the game.

The impact that seeing Garner robbed at the 2010 World Cup will have on the players who are now in the side. Just today, I was with one or two of the

families yesterday and they are so excited about what their team, their players, their children can do at this tournament is a huge statement.

ANDERSON: And we've talked about how transformative this World Cup is on so many levels. And it is this kind of -- and I'm describing it as confidence

from this region and hopefully from Africa as well. Would just say, you know, because so much of what the game is about -- is about confidence both

for what, you know, for those on the pitch and for the fans as well. And if nothing else were to come out this World Cup, but just like you say this

kind of, you know, this New World Order, that would be -- that would be transformative.

Stay with me. We've got of course, the biggest game on the agenda isn't happening today. And I -- and I say that when we talk about geopolitics but

tomorrow and excitement is turned to controversy ahead of Tuesday's crucial match between the United States and Iran. I don't have to fill any of you

in watching CNN for you to understand why this is a big, big game. Iranian state media are calling for Team USA to be kicked out of the tournament

after the Americans altered the Iranian flag on their social media platform.


It's a sign of solidarity with Iranian protesters. The now deleted graphic, I have to say, showed the flag without the emblem of the Islamic Republic.

Iran's coach says he hopes the next World Cup will be less about politics, although he says his club supports humanitarian causes around the world.

Have a listen to this.


CARLOS QUEIROZ, IRAN COACH: We have our solidarity with all human, humanitarian causes. But we are solidarity to the humanitarian causes all

over the world, wherever they are, who they are. Either if you talk about human rights, racism, kids that die in schools, with shootings, we are

solidarity with all those causes. But here, our mission is bring the smiles for the -- for the people at least for 90 minutes. That's our mission.


ANDERSON: Well, I had the chance to sit down with the head of the U.S. Soccer Federation. This was last week. It was -- I want you to know before

the backlash over the team's Iran flag post. J.T. Batson was -- is brand new in the job (INAUDIBLE) just two months ago, and he says the

organization is committed to the players and the issues that the players care about beyond the matches, including supporting the women of Iran. Have

a listen to just part of our conversation.


J.T. BATSON, CEO AND SECRETARY GENERAL, U.S. SOCCER FEDERATION: There will be a shift of focus for Iran, not just about what's going on on the field,

but also, you know, what's going on back home in Iran. And I know the players are committed broadly to sort of supporting the women in Iran and

supporting that, you know, their focus on basic human rights. And I think as the player starts shifting to preparing to ran the discussions will pick

up with regards to, you know, how we want to support them, you know, in that game, and more broadly.

ANDERSON: And you're having those discussions. Are you?

BATSON: Yes, absolutely. Oh, for sure. For sure, for sure.

ANDERSON: Well, fell me in.

BANSON: Well, I mean, I think the, you know, our players always want to learn more, they always want to get smarter, you know, something that, you

know, we have been working on is, you know, how do we bring folks to them, who can better educate them on, you know, what is a very dynamic situation.

And it's something that, you know, they're always seeking out ways to learn more.

And so, as I mentioned, you know, focused on the game tonight, but as soon as -- as soon as that's done, you know, there'll be focused on Iran. And

it's not just the 90 minutes or, you know, we're thinking about playing against them.

ANDERSON: And the reason I ask is that the U.S. Secretary of State Antony Blinken, who has been here at the opening of this tournament. Big soccer

fan himself.

BATSON: Huge. Huge.

ANDERSON: Grew up, of course in France and as I understand it, he's a PSG supporter this day.

BATSON: No one's perfect. Yes.

ANDERSON: Exactly. And he has specifically said the world has galvanized around support for the women of Iran.


ANDERSON: So, you know, might we expect a demonstration of support by the - - by the U.S. team.

BATSON: The -- as I said, the, you know, the folks are -- the players are super focused on England tonight. And, you know, we've already started

conversations around Iran and I expect those to pick up materially posted the game tonight and I think, you know, a lot of different things are on

the table. There are a lot of discussions going on but ultimately it's around, you know, the players feel uncomfortable and are supporting them to

express, you know, express what they care about and that all fits within the sort of big be the change initiative which they led and are leading.


ANDERSON: Well, that was J.T. Batson speaking to me. Last week, let's bring back CNN senior sports analyst Darren Lewis. Do you remember a World Cup

tournament, which was as dominated by politics as this one has been?

LEWIS: No, I can't. There has been the odd fixture that has been characterized by politics, but not this. And I think the change is this,

the world has changed. And I think there are more individual athletes not just in football, but in sport, generally, certainly in the U.S. as well

who are prepared to use their platforms to advocate change. Female athletes as well. Managers who join up on geopolitics.

The -- Gregg Berhalter, the U.S. men's national head team coach said in his first press conference, I've made it my business to educate my players on

the social issues that surround this World Cup because they affect the people who are going to be supporting us, watching us, backing us. And I

think he's absolutely right. I've been on your show many times back where we've talked about racism affects the game.

And the other related issues, homophobia that surrounds the game and the need to be able to raise those issues on a global platform so that we can

force change.


J.T. spoke so well there and I think to be fair Carlos Queiroz did admit that, you know, listen, I'm behind any humanitarian sort of speaking there

but I think we do need to use these platforms, you know well, I'm like, I will always come on your show. And I know you'll always give me a platform

to do the kind of thing you do on here because it's necessary. So yes, it has been characterized by politics. The people who are pushing, the

questions are younger, but they're very necessary,

ANDERSON: Again, speaks to -- it speaks to this tournament being so transformative on so many levels. And that is one of them. Nobody ever

wants to take away from what's going on on the pitch. But, you know, and we are seeing some fantastic football but the point is, you know, there is a,

you know, there is an opportunity. And so, you know, let's get the voices out there. It's always a pleasure. See you next hour.

Coming up. More headlines from around the world. You're watching CNN, of course, including rare displays of dissent across China where protesters

are demonstrating against the country's COVID policy. We'll take you to a quiet visual in Hong Kong where blank sheets of paper are speaking volumes.

That after this.


ANDERSON: Welcome back. I'm Becky Anderson in Doha for you at the World Cup. You are watching a special edition of CONNECT THE WORLD. Well, a

stunning change of tide in China.


ANDERSON (voice over): Extremely rare organized protests sparked by China's strict zero COVID policy that swept across the nation. These videos show

police clashing with protesters angry over lockdowns and constant testing. Demonstrators are challenging the central government and calling for

freedoms. Police have been out in full force. The BBC says police in Shanghai beat, kicked out arrested one of its journalists. He has since

been released.

Meanwhile, COVID-19 cases in China are spiking.


ANDERSON: A group of protesters gathered in Hong Kong's central metro station late on Monday. They were somewhat small in number but that show of

dissent is a major deal. CNN's Ivan Watson was there.


IVAN WATSON, CNN SENIOR INTERNATIONAL CORRESPONDENT: The white sheets of paper that have become a symbol of the protests in mainland China has

spread here to Hong Kong where you can see small groups of demonstrators have gathered for a vigil for what they say are the victims of China's zero

COVID policy.


Now we've heard these groups separating into groups of 12 and the reason is because in Hong Kong's own COVID regulations, groups of more than 12

gathering are banned right now. Now this gathering is being closely watched by police who are urging people to move on, who are trying to create a

space for this. Opposition protests, opposition political parties, independent news media have largely been crushed in this city in the last

several years.

So a gathering like this is very, very rare. And it gives you a sense of how potent the demonstrations are right now in mainland China and how they

seem to be inspiring reactions in other territories.


ANDERSON: Ivan Watson, reporting for you. Well, to Ukraine now and another day in the dark and cold. For people in Kyiv, dealing with blackouts and

powers restrictions, officials with one suppliers emergency cuts are needed to balance the system and prevent equipment failures. The nation's

electricity operator is also reporting shutdowns. Several plants nationwide, Ukraine is still trying to repair infrastructure hit in recent

days by Russian strikes.

Meantime, Russia is denying a claim by the head of Ukraine's nuclear energy company who said that Moscow is preparing to pull its forces from the

Zaporizhzhia Nuclear Plant after more than eight months of occupation.

I'll get you up to speed on some of the other stories that are on our radar right now. And two people trapped when their plane crashed into power lines

are now in hospital. This plane hit the tower Sunday in the U.S. state of Maryland. Rescuers had to wait seven hours to make sure the wires were

grounded before they could touch the plane.

Officials in Italy now say seven people are dead after a landslide on the island of Ischia on Saturday. Crews have rescued eight people so far.

Torrential rain and flooding are blamed for that disaster.

And in Cameroon at least 10 people are dead after a landslide during a funeral there. It's according to the region's governor, witnesses say that

happened on a football pitch at the base of a 20-meter high embankment. Crews are searching for other victims.

Well, next up, taking humanity where it has never been before. A major new milestone for NASA's Artemis 1 mission. That is after this.


ANDERSON: All right. Let's connect you to something out of this world now because Houston we have a new record.


NASA's Orion spacecraft has just flown further than any other vehicle designed to carry humans in space. How about that? It's part of the Artemis

one mission as it's known to test the limits of space exploration. Orion is now flown more than a quarter of a million miles from Earth or more than

400,000 kilometers. Doesn't matter whether you do that in new or old money. That breaks the record set by Apollo 13 more than 50 years ago.

Our space and defense correspondent Kristen Fisher has been monitoring this historic mission from Washington, D.C. I always say I wish I had your job

whenever you and I talk. And then I always ask you to talk us through exactly what has happened over the weekend because I know that you can put

this into context for those of us who don't eat, sleep and dream space as you do. So, floor is yours.

KRISTEN FISHER, CNN SPACE AND DEFENSE CORRESPONDENT: Hey, So Becky, it was a big weekend because the Orion spacecraft actually broke that record that

you were just talking about on Saturday. But today is pretty significant too because today is actually the day that the Artemis spacecraft or the

Orion spacecraft goes further than any spacecraft designed to carry humans has ever flown.

About 270,000 miles away from Earth, setting that record. And, you know, beating that record that was set by Apollo 13. And you know, Becky,

remember Apollo 13, that was the mission that was so dangerous. I mean, there was an explosion inside the Apollo 13 service module. They didn't

know, NASA didn't know if they were going to be able to get those three astronauts back. It took a team of engineers to figure out how to do it.

One of them in particular was an electrical engineer who figured out a way to keep the electricity, keep the lights on so to speak and get those

astronauts home safely. And now Becky, one of the mannequins inside the Orion spacecraft that just broke this record is inside that Orion capsule

today, breaking that record. So, it all comes full circle. It's been quite a long time since a spacecraft designed to carry people has flown this far.

But, you know Becky this entire Artemis 1 mission has been going so well. They've had a few little hiccups here and there. But all in all this is

looking very much on track to put actual people, not mannequins actual people on board this spacecraft for Artemis 2 sometime in 2024, Becky.

ANDERSON: I get it. Amazing. Always a pleasure. Thank you.

FISHER: Thanks.

ANDERSON: Well legendary singer Bob Dylan is issuing a rare public statement apologizing over signatures on his new book. The Philosophy of

Modern Song. Now this comes after fans who bought a hand-signed special edition of the book of essays for $600 posted pictures of their copies

online and began to notice that they all looked exactly the same. Now Dylan is revealing he used an auto pen to automatically replicate his signature

on the 900 or so copies in distribution.

He says in 2019, I had a bad case of vertigo and it continued into the pandemic years. It was impossible to sign anything. With contractual

deadlines looming the idea of using an auto pen was suggested to me, using a machine was an error in judgment and I want to rectify it immediately.

Doesn't say how.

Anyway, World Sport's Alex Thomas next and I will be back with another hour of CONNECT THE WORLD. Just after that in 15 minutes. Do stay with us.