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Iran And U.S. To Face Off At World Cup; China Announces Changes After Nationwide Zero-COVID Protests; NATO Chief: Putin Wants To Use "Winter As A Weapon Of War"; U.S. Secretary Of State Announces More Aid For Ukraine; Kherson Residents Struggle To Survive Amid Russian Attacks; A Deadly Year In West Bank & Israel; World Cup Week One: Upsets, Controversies And Goals. Aired 11a-12p ET

Aired November 29, 2022 - 11:00:00   ET




BECKY ANDERSON, CNN ANCHOR: Hello and welcome back to our special coverage of the World Cup here on CONNECT THE WORLD. I'm Becky Anderson, coming to

you live from Doha in Qatar.

Where no matter the outcome of the matches today, it sure to be a momentous day of football.

With protests dividing the nation at home and politics dividing it abroad, can sport unite Iran on the global stage as it faces the U.S. in what is a

crucial match at the World Cup later tonight?

At the time, the stakes are high even before the players step onto the pitch. If the U.S. loses against Iran, it'll be eliminated from the

tournament altogether, something that would evoke painful memories of its exit in 1998.

In other developments, we are hearing that the families of Iran's World Cup team have been threatened with prison and even torture if their players

don't, quote, "behave" ahead of the game. That is according to a source involved with the security of the games.

Whatever happens tonight, it'll be a hugely symbolic matchup for both sides.

We are covering all sides of this for you. Don Riddell is in Doha while Jomana Karadsheh is monitoring developments in Iran from neighboring


Don, let's start with you. You are outside the stadium.

It is going to be a big match both on and off the pitch. Let's start with the game of football itself. What are you looking out for in today's game?

DON RIDDELL, CNN ANCHOR, "WORLD SPORT": Well, Becky, it's hard to really answer that question because I can't remember game where I feel as though

I'm going to need eyes on the back of my head.

Of course, I'm going to be spinning attention what's happening on the field. But just as much attention to what's going on in the crowd before

the game amongst the fans.

Because it really feels as though so many storylines have all collided just at this moment.

Of course, it's a crunch game for both teams. This is the decisive game in Group B. The American team have to win or they're going home. Iran, would

settle for a draw or a win would see them through.

It's going to be fascinating to see a both teams approach this game. Iran were thrashed in the opening match by England. They got a brilliant win

against Wales in their second game.

The American side have got to draw so far. So they're going up to up their game from what they've done before.

But that's what's happening on the field. Around this game of football, there's so many other things going on.

You may notice that we're standing by the complimentary team flag concession stand, which is open for business now. The gates have literally

just opened. Fans are about to be coming into the stadium.

Of, course the flag is what has dominated the buildup to this entire game. This is the flag of the Islamic Republic. Of course, you may remember, it

is the emblem of the Islamic Republic.

The U.S. Soccer Federation removed from the flag for one of their graphics, which was only up for a brief moment in time but it caused an absolute

storm of controversy. It has certainly motivated the Iranian camp ahead of this game.

ANDERSON: Assume to be a demonstration in support for the women of Iran by the U.S. Soccer Federation.


I want to get to Jomana.

Human rights groups say at least 448 have been killed inside Iran in these protests. You've been closely following what is happening inside the

country over the past several months.

I want to bring up the surreal pictures that we saw after the Wales game. That was the game that Iran played against Wales. Iran police celebrating

on the streets of Tehran.

That would've been very painful for many who would have seen that, to a certain extent, as the celebration of a win by the regime.

If Iran wins this tonight or even draws, which means they'll go through, from those you've been speaking to, do they see this as a victory for the

regime or for the people protesting?

JOMANA KARADSHEH, CNN CORRESPONDENT: You know, Becky, you know very well Iranians, no matter how they felt about the regime throughout history, they

have always felt this real sense of pride in their national football team.


But we are at a point right now where people are so divided and images like those that you've just played really anger people who saw the regime

claiming that victory as a victory for the regime.

Their security forces out of the streets in those surreal scenes celebrating, handing out candy. These are the same security forces that are

accused of horrific human rights violations during these protests and throughout the past decade.

You mentioned there, more than 448 people killed, according to one human rights organization, more than 60 of them children. So those images really

angered people to see those same forces that are accused of these abuses and those killings going out and celebrating.

The regime, right now, one would assume, really needs this sort of victory. They are facing the -- one of the biggest challenges to the Islamic

Republic since it was founded in 1979.

They do want the optics that come with this win, the sort of propaganda. Especially if they managed to defeat the U.S., their great enemy, a country

that they have accused, along with other countries, of being responsible for the unrest that is going on right now inside Iran, for supporting the

so-called riots that are taking place.

I can tell you, with so many Iranians wanting to support their team, they right now feel they cannot do that because it would be seen as a victory

for the regime. They feel really, really upset about this, feeling that the regime has taken football even away from them -- Becky?


Don, the coaches of both teams have been appealing to people to allow the players to do just that, to play the game.

The last time these teams faced off in the World Cup was in 1998 when Iran beat the U.S. 2-1.

Following that batch, a "Washington Post" journalist wrote -- and I sort of want to bring this up for our views -- "After all the fear that this game

would create more animosity between two long-time political adversaries, the Americans and the Iranians had a love fest."

How did that play out? And what is the atmosphere going into this match as you read it?

RIDDELL: First of all, that was an extraordinary occasion back in and 98, Becky. That was Iran's first appearance in the World Cup since the

revolution. It was also a decisive game. Iran won it, 2-1, and sent the United States home.

It feels like a very different time now. Things are much more intense and much more heated now.

For example, it was just a few years ago that the United States government killed Qasem Soleimani, who was the most senior military commander in Iran.

And there was a period of a couple of weeks where it falls of the two countries might actually be at war.

When the World Cup draw was made, back in April, Soleimani was still alive. And we have seen what's happened over the last few months in Iran. That's

what's happening now with this game going on.

On that occasion back then in 1998, the two teams came together before the game.

Famously, there was a joint photograph. There was an exchange of gifts where both sides were so generous that the joke was the captains can barely

walk back to the touch line to get rid of them or to put them down before they kicked off.

In the end of the American -- Iranian team won as I've said.

The American coach from that time has been reflecting. He said, at that time, he was asked by FIFA and the United States Soccer Federation not to

make the game political.

He says, in hindsight, he regrets that. He says he should have done. It would motivate his players more. He felt as though at that a lot of

Americans had died because of pro-Iranian policies. If he could do it all over again, he would.

Now we're here with an Iranian team that must be just so conflicted with what's going on. We know that some of them are sympathetic with the

demonstrators. One of them has even told me as much. And the American team are just caught in the middle of all this.

It is going to be fascinating to see how both sides handle it out on the field.

ANDERSON: Yes, absolutely.

Don's outside the stadium. Jomana following a story inside Iran. Thank you to both of you.

This week, in Doha, we have seen outpourings of support for the people of Iran. Now we are seeing global displays of solidarity for Chinese

protesters as well.




ANDERSON: People gathered in New York at Columbia University with signs of support and the simple white papers that have become somewhat the symbol of

the Chinese protests.

Reuters counted at least a dozen demonstrations around the world in support of the demands for more freedom and for fewer restrictions in China after

nearly three years of unrelenting COVID lockdowns.


The Chinese government is vowing to strike hard to maintain order. We saw signs of that playing out in Beijing and Shanghai on Monday. Police

flooding the streets where crowds of protesters had been the day before. Dozens of people reportedly were rounded up and detained.

But there has been some movement from the government today on its zero- COVID policies. Chinese health officials taking the softer tone on lockdowns and putting new emphasis on vaccine.

CNN's Ivan Watson joining me now from Hong Kong.

What we are seeing, it seems, is a clear shift in China's anti-COVID policies.

Let's just discuss what we understand to be going on from these new announcements from the Chinese government. What's the detail here?

IVAN WATSON, CNN SENIOR INTERNATIONAL CORRESPONDENT: To me, it looks a bit like a carrot-and-stick approach.

On the one hand, you have this powerful Communist Party, top domestic security committee that's said, "We need to resolutely strike hard against

infiltration and sabotage activities by hostile forces as well as criminal activities that destabilized social order."

The police flooding the streets. Reports of arrests. You just showed footage in the Shanghai subway of police searching commuters' phones on the

subway trains, which we've heard from eyewitness accounts in Shanghai.

That's on the one hand. Leaving no room, no compromise for the protesters or for any display of public opinion.

On the other hand, we have health officials who've come out and said, hey, we need to reduce the length that some of these lockdowns. We need to make

this less of a burden on the population.

Take a listen to what more one of these officials had to say.


CHENG YOUQUAN, SUPERVISORY OFFICIAL, CHINA CENTER FOR DISEASE CONTROL & PREVENTION (through translation): We need to minimize the inconvenience to

the general public because of the anti-COVID-19 measures.

As for the high-risk regions, we must have rigorous control. But at the same time, we should spare no efforts to provide services to meet peoples

basic living needs and medical needs.


WATSON: And they're calling for an action plan to vaccinate senior citizens, people over 80. Only about 66 percent of Chinese over the age of

80, according to government statistics, have received two doses of vaccines -- Becky?

ANDERSON: You've alluded to the fact that the ruling Communist Party is threatening to, quote, "strike hard" against infiltration and sabotage.

Perhaps we'll have to hear more from them before we fully understand what they mean by that infiltration and sabotage.

This is following this weekend's protests. Can you just describe what the atmosphere is like in the country right now?

WATSON: You know, you've had a year of these strict COVID policies aimed at trying to completely eradicate COVID-19 from Chinese territory.

Which has meant that people have been, in some cases, locked in their apartments for months at a time. Running out of food. Unable to access

health care and emergency health care and hospitals. Because of the priority has been on eradicating COVID at almost all costs.

That has built up and exploded into this remarkable scene over the course of the weekend. Protests in at least 15 different cities across the




WATSON (voice over): Anger on the streets of Chinese cities --


WATSON: -- the biggest nationwide display of discontent this tightly controlled country has seen in a generation. Protesters pushing back

against police and the government's zero-COVID policy.

The unrest triggered by a deadly fire in Urumqi, in China's west Xinjiang region last Thursday. Videos emerge of fire hoses barely reaching the

blaze, which killed at least 10 people.

Among them, Qemernisa Abdurahman and four children

(on camera): What happened to your mother and your brothers and sisters?

SHARAPAT MOHAMMAD ALI, FAMILY KILLED IN APARTMENT FIRE (through translation): The fire started on the 15th floor. The smoke poisoned my

family. The government could not stop the fire in time.

WATSON (voice-over): Two surviving adult children of Qemernisa Abdurahman speak to me from Turkey, unable to see their family since 2017 due to the

harsh crackdown.

The government accused of putting up to two million of their fellow ethnic Uyghurs and members of other minorities in internment camps.

They say their loved ones were trapped in the building by COVID measures.


MOHAMMAD ALI, FAMILY KILLED IN APARTMENT FIRE (through translation): They could not escape because the fire escape was blocked and the fire escape to

the roof of the building was also locked.

WATSON: Accusations CNN cannot independently confirm. But Chinese authorities have been seen literally locking residents into buildings.

Outrage over the Urumqi fire compounded by previous deadly incidents in recent months directly linked to COVID prevention.

Though CNN verified 16 protests in 11 Chinese cities this weekend, a Chinese government official told the journalist they just didn't happen.

ZHAO LIJIAN, CHINESE FOREIGN MINISTRY SPOKESMAN (through translation): What you mentioned does not reflect what actually happened. China has been

following the dynamic zero-COVID policy and has been making adjustments based on realities on the ground.

WATSON (on camera): On Monday, the white papers that have become a symbol of the protests in mainland China spread here to Hong Kong, where these

small groups of demonstrators are holding a vigil for what they say are the victims are China's zero-COVID policy.

JAMES, PROTESTER FROM SHANGHAI: I am a victim. I cannot go home for many years, like two to three years, right? My parents were locked down for

three months. And even relatives of my good friends, they suicide because of the lockdowns.

WATSON (voice-over): With China reporting record-breaking new daily cases of COVID, there appears to be no end to the lockdowns in sight.

Meanwhile, siblings Mohammad and Sharapat, cannot pray for closure after suffering the unimaginable loss of five immediate members of their family.

(on camera): Will you go home for the funeral of your family?

MOHAMMAD ALI (through translation): We want to attend the funeral of our family members, but if we went back now, China will put us in jail or even

torture us.


WATSON: That family, that, broken, traumatized family, they're ethnic Uyghurs. They're from the Xinjiang Region.

There, for years, the Chinese government has been carrying out the security crackdown. They've thrown up to two million people in internment camps.

Including, the siblings say, their father and their brother. They have no idea. They haven't spoken to them in many years. Don't even know how to

tell them that, hey, your wife and four of your kids just died.

Why is that kind of, beyond the pain that that family and the suffering that they felt, why is that important? Well, now you're seeing a crackdown

in places like Shanghai. Police looking at peoples phones.

These are some of the tactics that Uyghurs have endured in the Xinjiang region being employed in the elite commercial capital of the country. That

raises some real questions.

It also gives you a sense of the lengths that China's police state will go to try to squelch any form of dissent whatsoever -- Becky?

ANDERSON: Ivan Watson on the story for you.

Ivan, thank you.

When we come back. The captain of Team USA faces some tough questions ahead of what is the big football match against Iran tonight here in Doha in

Qatar. Hear how he responded to an Iranian journalist when we come back.



ANDERSON: Despite heavy security in Qatar, protesters ran onto the pitch during the Portugal Europe match on Monday. The man was carrying a rainbow

flag symbolic of LGBTQ rights. And had a T-shirt with the words "Respect for Iranian women" written on the back, and "Save Ukraine" on the front.

He was detained by security. He was released outside of the stadium. The man is being banned from attending future matches at this tournament.

The final matches of Group A are happening right now at the World Cup. All eyes are on the Ecuador/Senegal contest where either team can advance to

the knockout stage with a win. Currently, Senegal up one-nil against Ecuador.

Later today, the same will be true for the Group B, which is the U.S. match against Iran, the most notable game going on.

Ahead of that contest, U.S. Captain Tyler Adams was conducting a press conference where an Iranian journalist asked some very pointed questions.

Have a listen.


UNIDENTIFIED IRANIAN JOURNALIST: You say you support the Iranian people but your pronouncing our country's name wrong. Our country is named Iran, not

Eye-ran. Please, once and for all, let's get this clear.

Second of all, are you OK to be representing a country that has so much discrimination against black people in its own borders and we saw the Black

Lives Matter movement over the past few years.

Are you OK to be representing the U.S. meanwhile there so much discrimination happening against black people in America?

TYLER ADAMS, TEAM USA CAPTAIN: My apologies on the mispronunciation of your country.

That being said, there's discrimination everywhere you go. One thing that I have learned, especially from living abroad in the past years, and having

to fit into different cultures and kind of assimilate into different cultures, is that, in the U.S., we are continuing to make progress every

single day.

Growing up for me, I was -- I grew up in a white family with an obviously an African-American heritage and background as well. So I had a little bit

of different cultures. I was very easily able to assimilate in different cultures.

Not everyone has that ease and the ability to do that. Obviously, it takes long to understand. Through education, I think it's super important.

Like you just educated me now on the pronunciation of your country.

It's a process. I think, as long as you see progress, that's the most important thing.


ANDERSON: And at 23 years old, Tyler Adams is the youngest captain of any squad at this World Cup.

When he's not representing the U.S., Adams plays for Leeds United in the English Premier League, minority owned by the San Francisco 49ers, of


I sat down with Leeds United's majority owner, Andrea Radrizzani, and asked him whether he is looking for new investment in his club. And about how he

feels that Tyler Adams handled himself in that interaction with the Iranian journalists.

Have a listen.


ANDREA RADRIZZANI, MAJORITY OWNER, LEEDS UNITED: Yes, I think he was classy in a way that he responded. He was very composed, polite, appreciating the

advice to improve his pronunciation about Iran.

And so I think he was really classy for me because it's the best way to answer to a provocation.

And also he gave an intelligent answer to the fact that there's still a long way to fight against discrimination in any part of the world. But U.S.

definitely is one country that's very active.

ANDERSON: In that exchange, we're reminded of just how politicized the game has gotten. There's a lot of geopolitics in and around this event. Not

least around that game.

How do you think players are coping? Clearly, you think Tyler did an amazing job.

RADRIZZANI: Well, Tyler did an amazing job. I think he's very intelligent. I'm very proud of him being a part of Leeds United and our family.


At the same time, I think for me, the World Cup build bridges. When you walk around here are in the evening or the daytime, you find people

talking, coming from everywhere in the world, talking to each other, enjoying the good time together.

One game, I went to the subway, I was talking with a Saudi and then, the next minute, with the Brazilian fans. So everyone's match together. It is

the power of football. These events, it's fantastic.

ANDERSON: Before we leave tonight's game, when you think is going to win?

RADRIZZANI: U.S. and England.


ANDERSON: They're going to go though, you think?



ANDERSON: You think the U.S. will beat Iran? And you think England will deny Wales a chance? Wales has to score at least three goals.

RADRIZZANI: Yes, yes. I think U.S. can make it. I saw they played a very good game against England. Will be easy, but they can make it.

ANDERSON: Let's talk about your business, Leeds United, a football club in the U.K. That is a club with a storied history. As long as I've been

watching football, Leeds has been a massive team, whether or not they've been in the Premier League or not.

Much to talk about whether the 49ers, who have a share in the club, are likely to take a larger share. Do you want to sell at this point?

RADRIZZANI: Reality, we have a very good relationship. France and partners at the same time. And we want to do more together.

We have a clear understanding that there's a contract where they can take over the majority in 2024. We will see over the next period.

But the relationship is great. For sure, we won't stop at this project. We might do something more together.

ANDERSON: If you are a betting man, do you see them taking over?

RADRIZZANI: It's not time for betting. It's not accounted for betting.

ANDERSON: Do you expect to see more investment by, for example, American V.C. companies? And indeed -- gulf companies, for example, or gulf


RADRIZZANI: Yes, Again, the game is very close to the finals. Ownership of club, now even media rights are sold partially to (INAUDIBLE.)

And the money is melting private equity fund where the money comes from different parts, including this part of the world, Asia and America.

ANDERSON: Is it good for the game?

RADRIZZANI: Is it good for the game? I don't know. I think we need to defend the -- certain values. And I think England, in this, is ahead of

every country in terms of being a bit concerned with it and preserving the value of the game.

And I'm proud of being part of the English football. I've learned from that in different cases.


ANDERSON: Andrea Radrizzani talking to me earlier here in Doha.

I want to show you what you can probably hear behind me. It is once again the Argentinian fans out in force tonight. They don't play until tomorrow.

They play Poland tomorrow. This is a team that's going through likely.

But their fans really are so vocal. It's super to have them here in Doha. They really help to energize the fan base here. I mean, there's an awful

lot of very noisy and very jubilant fans.

I've got to give it to the Argentinians. They really do make some noise.

Anyway, we leave you with that.

Taking a very short break. Back after this.



ANDERSON: A stark warning from NATO secretary-general: Russian President Vladimir Putin is trying to use winter as a weapon of war.

Jens Stoltenberg spoke ahead of a meeting with foreign ministers in Romania. The U.S. secretary of state amongst those attending that meeting

in Bucharest.

They're talking about more aid to Ukraine and seeking ways to keep civilians safe amid one of these constant blackouts and heating shortages.


JENS STOLTENBERG, NATO SECRETARY-GENERAL: President Putin is failing in his brutal war of aggression. He is responding with more brutality.

We see wave after wave of a deliberately missile attacks on cities and civilian infrastructure, striking homes, hospitals and power grids. This is

terrible for Ukraine.


ANDERSON: Millions of Ukrainians are without power and water after a wave of Russian strikes on critical infrastructure.

Ukraine's electricity operator now says it is running at a 30 percent deficit after a series of emergency shutdowns at power plants across the

country. Power uses on the rise as the weather there gets colder.

While U.S. Secretary of State Antony Blinken has announced more aid for Ukraine.

Let's bring in CNN's Kylie Atwood for more on that.

What are the details of this point? What is this latest aid package entail, Kylie?

KYLIE ATWOOD, CNN U.S. SECURITY CORRESPONDENT: Becky, this is $53 million. It is specifically for Ukraine's electrical grid.

What the State Department said, the secretary of state said, is that essentially they want to get the Ukrainians the hardware that they need to

replace the electrical grid across the country in Ukraine that has really been devastated by these barrages of Russian missile and drone attacks.

Of course, we have covered had devastating that has been for the country.

And the United States says that they are in a position to get this hardware into the country quickly. A lot of this material they actually have on

hand, so they will be able to get into the country.

Just to give folks an idea of what this hardware actually is, according to the State Department, it's circuit breakers, it's surge arresters, it's

disconnector vehicles and other equipment.

They're really focused on getting equipment in there quickly so they can get this electrical grid back up and running. Because it's just been

devastated across the country.

ANDERSON: Kylie Atwood's on the story. Kylie, thank you.

It's been more than two weeks since Russian troops withdrew from Kherson, which is in southern Ukraine. The city is still coming under daily attack

from Kremlin forces just across the river, making survival there even harder for the residents who remain.

Matthew Chance has more.


MATTHEW CHANCE, CNN SENIOR INTERNATIONAL CORRESPONDENT (voice-over): The devastation Russia's retreating forces left behind. A village in southern

Ukraine torn to shreds and, until now, abandoned to this war.

Valeriy told me he's lived here 51 years and after evacuating for eight months, he's home to stay, even amid this wreckage.


CHANCE: "It's like a stone weighing on my soul," he says. "We built everything here with our own hands. It's hard to think of what those

Russian scum did to us here."

A short distance away in newly-liberated Kherson, a pool of blood where Russia is attacking the city it just left behind.

Four were killed when this grocery store was hit. Now, one desperate resident picks through the debris looting scraps of food and toilet paper.

"Is everything so bad?" we ask.


CHANCE: "It's not good," he responds.

(on camera): All right. Well, getting basic supplies, though, in Kherson has become a massive risk.

We've come to the seaport -- well, it's the riverport, really, right on the Dnieper River -- with this woman here, Tatiana, from Kherson, to collect

water so she can do her washing up and wash her clothes, and go to the toilet, and things like that.


The water supplies have been completely cut off by the Russians. This is the only way -- and you can hear the artillery shells going off in the


This is the only way she can get water for her house. And it's dangerous because this is basically the front line.

The Russian forces have retreated to the -- to the other bank, right? (SPEAKING FOREIGN LANGUAGE).


CHANCE (on camera): Yes.


CHANCE: Yes. So the Russian forces are just across the river.

(voice-over): But the risk is one that has to be taken.


CHANCE: "What can we do?" Tatiana asks. "We can't live without water."

There's little electricity either, and people are cramming into makeshift charging stations like this one just to stay connected.

We found defiance here, too, in the face of hardship.


CHANCE: "There's no water or power," Hanna tells me. "But also no Russians, so we'll get through this."

CHANCE (on camera): What do you think? (SPEAKING FOREIGN LANGUAGE).


CHANCE (voice-over): "I think our enemies will all die soon," says Nastya, who has only just turned nine. "We'll show them what you get for occupying

Ukraine," she says.


CHANCE: For many, the hardships are already too much. Roads out of Kherson crammed with residents trying to leave.

But for those who stay, it is a desperate struggle to survive.

Matthew Chance, CNN, Kherson.


ANDERSON: Coming up, a deadly 24 hours in the West Bank as Israelis and Palestinians see a year of record deaths. That is after this.


ANDERSON: Clashes in and ramming attack have left four Palestinians dead and nine wounded and an Israeli soldier injured. Three people were killed

in the West Bank.

The Israeli Defense Forces says one's shoulders responded to what they call a violent riot. In another incident, Israeli authorities said the driver

was fatally shot after ramming a soldier with a car.

This comes as both Israelis and Palestinians reported the highest number of deaths in Israel and the West Bank and nearly two decades.

CNN's Hadas Gold joining me now from Jerusalem Hadas?

HADAS GOLD, CNN CORRESPONDENT: Yes, Becky, a very violent 24-hour period in all of these incidences. We're still working at the exact details.


We know that, in one case, a Palestinian man was killed when the IDF said clashes erupted near Hebron where two to military vehicles got stuck. In

another case, two brothers actually were killed during clashes near Ramallah.

Then, in another case, as you noted, an Israeli soldier was hit by a car -- the Israeli authorities say intentionally. The driver, they say, then fled

the scene. He was subsequently pursued by Israeli police where he was also fatally shot.

It's this constant sort of a drumbeat of violence that causes to want to sit for a minute and look at the numbers. When we did, we came to something

rather astounding.

When you look at the numbers, specifically across the occupied West Bank and Israel, you leave aside the violence in Gaza, we came to see that the

number of Palestinians and Israelis killed so far this year -- and we still have a month left -- reaching the levels we hadn't seen since the early

2000s, which is a startling new reality.



HADAS GOLD, CNN CORRESPONDENT (voice-over): These have become frequent images this year across Israel and the Palestinian territories.

Funerals last week in Nablus for 16-year-old Ahmad Amjd Shehadeh, and in Jerusalem for 15-year-old Canadian Israeli, Aryeh Schupak, both killed on

Wednesday on their way to school.

In another world, they might have been classmates. But here, they are the latest victims of a decades-old conflict that is rearing its head to new



GOLD: With a month left to go, 2022 is already the deadliest year for Palestinians and Israelis across Israel in the West Bank since the early

2000s according to a CNN analysis of official numbers from both Israel and the Palestinian authority, setting off alarm across the world.

POPE FRANCIS, POPE, CATHOLIC CHURCH (through translation): I hope that Israeli and Palestinian authorities take this search for dialogue to heart

in a greater way, building reciprocal trust, without which there will never be a solution for peace in the Holy Land.

GOLD: At least 150 Palestinian combatants and civilians have been killed so far this year in the occupied West Bank in Israel, according to the

Palestinian Ministry of Health, as Israel conducts regular military raids in response to a wave of Palestinian attacks.


GOLD: While Israel says most of the Palestinians killed were militants or engaging violently with their soldiers, human rights groups say dozens of

unarmed civilians have been caught up as well.

The Israeli government says 31 Israelis and foreigners have been killed in Palestinian attacks, a number that includes soldiers and civilians during

shooting, stabbings and rammings.

And then last Wednesday, twin bombings killed two in Jerusalem, a type of attack not seen in years.

Immediately bringing to mind the Second Intifada or Palestinian uprising when Palestinian suicide bombings and Israeli military raids became the


One has to go back to those final years of that conflict, 2004 and 2005, for a death count higher than this year's.

The U.N.'s Middle East envoy warning that the situation is running out of control.

UNIDENTIFIED U.N. MIDDLE EAST ENVOY: Mounting hopelessness, anger and tension have once again erupted into a deadly cycle of violence that is

increasingly difficult to contain.

GOLD: That hopelessness partly a result of a politics on both sides that seem as far apart as ever.

An increasingly unpopular Palestinian Authority. Its aging leader, Mahmoud Abbas, recently pilloried for attending the World Cup, while new militant

groups rise up at home, claiming to be the true representatives of the Palestinian street.

And in Israel, Benjamin Netanyahu soon to take power once again. But this time with a sharp turn to the right alongside coalition partners, like

Itamar Ben-Gvir and other far right settlers.

Who have called for an even stronger response to Palestinian attacks and are vehemently opposed to the two-state solution as the violence on the

ground continues with no end in sight.


GOLD: And, Becky, while Netanyahu was still forming his government, he's already announced that another, himself once convicted of anti-Arab racism

he never served in the Israeli military, will take on the newly created position of national security minister.

Which will actually put him in charge of policing not only is real but some policing in the West Bank.

It's the situation that caused the likely outgoing defense minister to warn in recent days that such a situation it's a sure recipe for harming

security. One that he said it will cost people's lives -- Becky?

ANDERSON: Hadas Gold, thank you.

To get you have to speed on some of the other stories that are on our radar right now.

An important step for Germany as it tries to trim its dependence on Russian energy supplies. A short time ago, here in Doha, Qatar announced it will

provide liquefied natural gas, or LNG, to Germany under two deals, two new deals.

Berlin saying it doesn't expect any natural gas deliveries from Russia anymore. That's due to extensive damage to the Nord Stream One pipeline.


The entire board of directors of Italian football club, Juventus, resigned amid allegations of fraud involving the team's financial statements.

Juventus' stock price tumbled about 10 percent on the news but then rebounded. And a new board will be voted on by shareholders in January.

The world's largest volcano is erupting for the first time in almost four decades. The largest active volcano, that is. Lava flows down one side of

Hawaii's Mauno Loa volcano.

At the same time, nearby, Kilauea volcano was also erupting for a rare dual eruption event. Neither poses a threat, thankfully, to populated areas.

Can you recall a more political World Cup? I can't. Just saying, I'll be talking with my colleagues world sport reporters, Don Riddell and Amanda

Davies, about the tournament's first week.

It's just wrapped up. We're beginning of the second here in the center of the football universe. And it's a good chat. Join us for that, up next.


UNIDENTIFIED CORRESPONDENT (voice-over): Well, Orion Herman is an entrepreneur pitching his waterless sanitation business for a chance to win

$100,000. It's a global quest to combat climate change.

ORION HERMAN, CEO, LIQUID GOLD: I'm the CEO and found of Liguid Gold, Africa. We convert human waste into a fertilizer for the agricultural


UNIDENTIFIED CORRESPONDENT: Oregon is among 15 finalists invited to compete at Climate Tech, launched by Egyptian ministries and other global partners.

It's a new competition supporting early-stage green start-ups and entrepreneur.

HERMAN: Now I'm part of the solution to fix climate change.

UNIDENTIFIED CORRESPONDENT: They came together at the 27th annual Conference of the Parties in Egypt.

BERNHARD KOWATSCH, HEAD OF INNOVATION ACCELERATOR, WORLD FOOD PROGRAMME: The climate tech was created to find new innovative solutions that can help

us make this change to tackle the climate challenge. I think this is where we really can fight even more solutions going forward.

UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: Bernhard Kowatsch is one of the judges here.


UNIDENTIFIED CORRESPONDENT: He says the competition focuses on the finding real world solutions that could help mitigate the impact of climate change.

KOWATSCH: Start of spring in new ideas. Sometimes, it takes like these creative new thoughts and the energy and the passion to really make things


UNIDENTIFIED CORRESPONDENT: Start-ups like Liquid Gold with his launch in 2018, the company is in its early growth stage.

HERMAN: We are a high impact business that focuses on providing safe sanitation and recovering valuable nutrients from human race in the

agricultural space.

How the process works is we are able to convert safe sanitation to community schools. We're able to divert that resource, recover to create a

high value fertilizer, which we then sell the fertilizer into the emerging markets.

UNIDENTIFIED CORRESPONDENT: According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, more than 1.5 billion people around the world lack access

to basic sanitation.

Orion is working to fix that.

HERMAN: Everything that goes into the farm, fertilizers, crop rotations.


These start-ups are going to solve people's problems. They're going to scale. And they're getting more investors, more partners.

UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: The second top African start-up, Liquid Gold.


UNIDENTIFIED CORRESPONDENT: Although he didn't get the big prize, Orion's liquid gold was one of the five winners. Walking away with $25,000.


HERMAN: Finally, it's time to act. Being part of the ecosystem as entrepreneur's. That means our voices could be heard. We can make impact



ANDERSON: Well, U.S. baseball may have its "Field of Dreams," but South America has a Football Tree of Dreams. Celebrating its long history with

the beautiful game.

World Sports' Don Riddell and Amanda Davies, joined me at a special installation of that tree brought to Doha by Carnival, the South American

football governing body.

And under that tree, we discuss the first week of the World Cup. Qatar currently the center of the football universe, of course. The matches have

not disappointed.

But it's interesting just how much geopolitics it has played well we've been here in this past week or so, indeed, in the lead up to this


Have a listen.


DON RIDDELL, CNN ANCHOR, "WORLD SPORT": I've had a great time. It's my first World Cup. I've been waiting my whole lifetime to cover one.

I know it's controversial. We've been talking about all of those stories and rightly so.

The experience here on the ground I think it's been amazing. I love the culture, I love the people, of the sites, the sounds, the taste, the smell,

as the stadiums are amazing.

The games that I've seen at least almost all of them have been absolutely classics.

AMANDA DAVIES, CNN ANCHOR "WORLD SPORT": I think it could be some in one word, which is "nuts." I mean that from a footballing perspective with the

first tournament with four games today because we know this is going to be so condensed.

But also because every single day, there have been more and more of the off the field issues. The political stories. The societal issues.

It really seems to me as a tournament that is reflecting where we are a bit more in society. Where sport is more comfortable, whether people like it or

not, addressing these bigger issues.

ANDERSON: I don't remember a more political World Cup.

DAVIES: You, like I, have been here a number of times of the last few years. We've seen the kind of evolution of the journey.

I think what has upset a few people in this last couple of days is the split-second decisions of -- 12 years in a run up to a World Cup, and there

has been a way of doing things and there's a process that has maybe write people off the wrong way.

ANDERSON: One of the decisions which has been called out again and again is not allowing Iranians to demonstrate their support within the stadiums for

the women and very brave men of Iran.

Obviously, the Iranians story here, that of demonstrations, it's a big one.

RIDDELL: It is building to ahead with the final game of the group against United States.

And I take my hat off to the Iranian team because they are athletes. They play football. Whatever you think of the government or what the institution

of the Iranian football team stands for, these are athletes, these are human beings who are stuck right in the middle of it.

It's not, do they think this, do they think that? But these are life-or- death situations. The protesters are fighting for the future of their country. These players are stuck right in the middle of it.

DAVIES: What a year would be for them to get out of the (INAUDIBLE) for the first time.

ANDERSON: Tournament organizers had promised a World Cup not just for Qatar. But for the region. Part of what we are seeing here is regional

support for the regional teams, which I think is fascinating.

RIDDELL: We saw that when Saudi Arabia, stunned in Argentina. The whole place just erupted. It was a victory for the Arab world.

DAVIES: I think it's challenging the norms. That was the whole point. When this tournament was awarded in such controversial fashion, there were all

those people who said, what footballing history and culture does Qatar have?

The point is it is a first tournament in the Middle East. It's bringing the world's biggest sporting events for somewhere different.

And it's forcing people to have uncomfortable conversations and address issues that they don't necessarily want to address.

Can we have a football tournament without alcohol being served at the stadium? Absolutely. Just because it's always been done one way doesn't

mean that it's how it has to be everywhere it goes.


ANDERSON: On the pitch, we are seeing some great games.

Favorite game so far?

RIDDELL: Nothing will top Saudi Arabia beating Argentina. We all went excited to see Messi in his last tournament. Is he going to finally do it?

The Argentina team supposedly was set up just for him. And Saudi Arabians just had not read that script. With two extraordinary goals, knocked them

all apart.

DAVIES: I hate to make it about Messi, but, Argentina, Mexico, I've never been to -- it really was breathtaking. It matched any stadium, any game

I've been to anywhere in the world with the atmosphere. And in that moment when Messi got his goal.


ANDERSON: I'm sure you've got your own moments as well. It's good to discuss with my colleagues What their most memorable moments have been.

We're only through the first week and just into the second.

For our parting shots tonight, I want to leave you with this message ahead of the U.S. and Iran game here in Doha. From Iranian and friend of this

show, Esfandyar Batmanghelidj, on Twitter, he wrote:

"I was seven years old when the U.S. and Iran last face-off at the World Cup. I can't help but feel sad that 24 years later, and once again hoping

that the two teams will join in a gesture of friendship before the game, showing us that the U.S. and Iran won't be enemies forever."

Thanks for joining us.

"ONE WORLD" with Zain Asher is next.