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Connect the World

Russia Launched 70 Missiles at Ukraine; Indonesia Bans Sex Outside of Marriage; High-Stakes Senate Seat Battle Underway in Georgia; Ukraine says Close to Finishing Work on Long-Range Drone; Al Jazeera calls for ICC probe into Abu Akleh's Death; Time Names Blackpink it's "2022 Entertainer of the Year". Aired 11a-12p ET

Aired December 06, 2022 - 11:00   ET




LYNDA KINKADE, CNN HOST: Welcome back to "Connect the World" I'm Lynda Kinkade at the CNN Center. Good to have you with us! Well, Russia blames

Ukraine for drone attacks inside Russian territory. There's been no official response from Ukraine's government.

If Ukraine is responsible, it would mark a significant failure of Russian defense systems more than nine months into the war. The latest explosion

happened early Tuesday at an airfield in the Kursk region, about 90 kilometers from the Ukrainian border, inspired to fire at the airfield and

cause the cancellation of classes in nearby schools.

Russia says two other drone attacks happened Monday one of them killing three Russian soldiers at a base in Angles hundreds of kilometers inside

Russian territory. Afterwards, Russia launched 17 missiles that Ukraine, with Ukraine claiming its shot down 60 of them.

I want to bring in our Nick Paton Walsh, who joins us now from London. Good to have you with us, Nick! So these deadly drone strikes kidding deep

inside Russia, one getting remarkably close to Moscow. Ukraine hasn't claimed responsibility. What more can you tell us about these attacks?

NICK PATON WALSH, CNN INTERNATIONAL SECURITY EDITOR: Yes, I mean, it's important to point out just how far inside Russia these two strikes were

and what they hit, which are airfields, which many analysts say were in fact, integral to the bombing runs that Russia has been doing against

Ukrainian civilian infrastructure targets over the past weeks?

One in Ryazan and one in Saratov as you can see on the map there. Now, it is unclear quite exactly how this happened? Ukraine has not officially

claimed this, Russia's Ministry of Defense has pointed towards Soviet made unmanned drones as being behind these particular attacks.

And we've also heard from a Ukrainian drone company recently talking about the increased range of their newer products. So all is pointing towards

potentially Ukrainian drones being behind this, although Ukraine, as I say is retain that ambiguity, that deniability, even a Ukrainian presidential

adviser talking cryptically about how if missiles fly from Russia towards Ukraine, Russia might expect to see things flying back at it.

I paraphrase there, but it is certainly a sign I think of the changing dynamics here. If they're able to hit Rayzan and Saratov of like this,

there are some analysts saying well, is Moscow, potentially a now a target within Ukrainian range? And it also begs the question, what does Russia

actually have left in its arsenal?

That's not the catastrophic nuclear parts of it to throw back at Ukraine, but it's not already using. So a startling development certainly, indeed,

because it essentially shatters the idea perhaps some of the Russian military held that they could continue to bombard Ukraine from deep inside

Russian territory and not seeing Ukrainian response there, Lynda?

KINKADE: Yes, exactly. And I understand that Vladimir Putin held a meeting with the Russia Security Council about this a meeting that typically

happens on a Friday. Psychologically, what are these sort of drone attacks that what's the impact of these attacks have?

WALSH: Look, I mean, it certainly shatters Russia's notion of being I think, as one set of Western officials I heard from today spoke to being 10

foot tall, they aren't clearly that anymore if their air defenses are so weak that a country whose military they dismissed simply as early as

January this year as a threat are able to attack what should be the most secure parts of its military infrastructure.

That's a significant change because it adds to the compound damage done to Russia's military reputation, since they effectively failed to take Ukraine

and the three detainees in 10 day window which they initially seem to have thought was entirely possible back in February.

And as we slowly see that erosion of Russia's military standing in the area, you'll see meetings in the Kremlin brought forwards like that Putin

and his entourage trying to suggest that might be some sort of reaction he's able to give.

We have in the past seen, potentially, the damage to the bridge between Russian Mainland and Crimea, some arguing may have led to some of the

strikes that were hit Ukrainian infrastructure targets a number of weeks ago now that some suggest perhaps those strikes were planned way in

advance. But it certainly begs the question, what can Russia do in response?

And many observers say, well, it's done all that it possibly can using conventional arms, there's very little to booze, it hasn't already broken

hitting hospitals, shelters might with the word children or anything in Ukraine civilian infrastructure to turn the power off.

And so we're into an uncertain time here now where Russia either has to just take it this new Ukrainian capability as it seems to be, or find some

other way of responding Lynda.

KINKADE: And speaking of some other way of responding Nick I understand you've been speaking with your sources about Russia's supply of Iranian

drones what did you find out?


WALSH: Yes, look, I mean over the past weeks, Ukrainians being terrified, frankly, by the accuracy by the scale of Iranian drones that essentially

are unmanned, a hover over a target, and then self-destruct with explosive to damage that particular target.

We've seen it in infrastructure attacks and attacks against civilians across the country. But there's been a significant drop off of those in the

past weeks, and Ukrainian officials have suggested perhaps Russia has indeed run out of its initial supply of Iranian drones.

Now, that was again confirmed by some Western officials today. They say they believe that they have run out. They believe that Russia is looking

for a resupply, but they're not clear exactly how or if that's necessarily going to occur?

And just to add to that, as well, Lynda, those same Western officials believe that Russia has not managed at this point to get ballistic missiles

from Iran. That's something that U.S. officials had warned they might be trying to do in the past week. So clearly continued issues with Russia's

military inventory, Lynda?

KINKADE: Yes, so some really good Intel there, Nick Paton Walsh for us in London our thanks to you. Well, Ukraine's President has paid a visit to the

Eastern City of Sloviansk to mark the country's Armed Forces Day. You can see him here in front of the city sign. President Zelenskyy said he wants

the next Armed Forces Day to be "Under a peaceful sky" and he paid tribute to those fighting for Ukraine's future.


VOLODYMYR ZELENSKYY, UKRAINIAN PRESIDENT: Path to Independence Square and our independence lies through a free - Luhansk and of course Crimea. All

actions lead to freedom all steps lead to victory and free peaceful independent Ukraine. This is an all our thoughts and all our prayers, our

words of gratitude for everything you've done, everything you're doing and everything you will definitely do come back alive.


KINKADE: Well, Sloviansk is only around 40 kilometers from the City of Bakhmut which is seeing some of the bloodiest battles in the war right now.

The city has been the target of nearly constant Russian shelling for months. And as our Sam Kiley reports some of the fighters defending Bakhmut

are actually Russian themselves.


SAM KILEY, CNN SENIOR INTERNATIONAL CORRESPONDENT (voice over): Cesar is Russian. He's taking a break at a monastery from fighting Russians in

nearby Bakhmut. It's a relief from scenes like this Bakhmut Ukrainian Field Hospital has been defending this Ukrainian town from Russia's most intense

assault along an 800 mile front.

Artillery duels and trench warfare of almost destroyed Bakhmut as Russia throws its army at a bid for victory after months of defeats to the north

and south. Defending Bakhmut against Russian motherland is a religious imperative for Caesar. The fighting is very brutal now he says. There are

very few prisoners.

KILEY (on camera): When you see those Russians in your gun sights. What do you think and what do you feel?

KILEY (voice over): I believe that these people who have broken the law of man and the law of God, I have no pity for them. I take them prisoner if I

can, but most often, I just have to kill them.

KILEY (on camera): So you have killed a lot of your countrymen?

KILEY (voice over): A dozen and a half.

KILEY (on camera): This is the remains of a Russian Orthodox Monastery. Now for Vladimir Putin the Orthodox Church is absolutely central to his vision

of the Russian world. For some Russians, though, that's a world they don't want to live in. Indeed, they don't want it to survive.

KILEY (voice over): Ukraine's Orthodox Church broke with Moscow three years ago. This is all that's left of a rebranded Ukrainian Orthodox St. George's

Monastery after nine months of war.

UNIDENTIFIED MALE: Putin says that he has defended traditional values and with the result of his defending ruined old monastery.

KILAY (voice over): Vinny (ph) has been fighting in Bakhmut for weeks against mercenaries from Russia's Wagner Company, many of them convicted

criminals. It's obvious he says, when private companies hire criminals and convicts imagine, a man kills once and they put him in jail then he kills a

second time and he becomes a repeat offender under the law.

Then he gets let out of jail and given a gun that's not a person. That's a beast. After a form of Wagner deserter - was murdered in a video that was

praised by Wagner's boss Yevgeny Prigozhin Vinny is in no doubt how he would be treated if captured?

KILEY (voice over): It'll be the end 100 percent but it'll just be more painful. The Russian Legion does claim to be in the hundreds and it says

many more back home are trying to join Ukraine's army alongside their Ukrainian allies the Russian Legion is focused on the battle for Bakhmut.


KILEY (voice over): The aim of the war after is more ambitious. He says, I'm doing my military and Christian duty, I defend the Ukrainian people.

And when Ukraine is free, I will carry my soul to Russia to free it from tyranny. Sam Kiley, CNN Ukraine.


KINKADE: In the midst of the latest fighting news of a prisoner swap today, Russia and Ukraine each returned 60 soldiers. This latest in a series of

prisoner swaps from the two sides the Head of Ukraine's Presidential Office, saying about a fourth of the soldiers on Ukraine side defended the

Azovstal Steel Plant in Mariupol.

They're being hailed as heroes. Russia's Defense Ministry says it freed soldiers will return to Moscow for medical care. Hundreds of prisoners have

been exchanged over the past few months.

Turning now to Iran in a ruling condemned by activists Tehran has sentenced five people to death over the killing of a member of the - paramilitary

force during nationwide protests. Now this as protesters are in the midst of a three day strike ahead of what's known as student down Wednesday.

Videos posted on social media and geo located by CNN team shows several stores closed across the country. Iran's State media is pushing back saying

it's business as usual. Amnesty International is calling on the international community to not be deceived by the dubious claims that Iran

is reviewing the hijab law.

CNN's Melissa Bell is following all the developments out of Paris for us on Iran. Good to have you with us, Melissa. So let's just obviously start with

the protesters sentenced to death. Are there any avenues for appeal?

MELISSA BELL, CNN CORRESPONDENT: They can appeal they're allowed to do so but of course, the prospects for them and so many of the other protesters

who are now in custody are fairly grim. The five now sentenced to death on the charge of corruption on - to be added to a list of six others who've

already received death sentences.

And, of course, this is extremely worrying for those both inside Iran continuing to take part in those protests. You mentioned that strike fairly

widely observed, as far as we can tell through geo location are those videos showing shots, closed shops across the country.

That protest continues to keep that momentum even as Iran waits to hear whether or not there will be any concessions over the wearing of the hijab?

There has been a new development of this afternoon; I'd like to draw your attention to a tweet that's come from the leading Sunni Cleric in Iran.

And that refers in fact, to those abuses that we've been seeing in so many Iranian detention centers CNN, of course, has been widely reporting on some

of those abuses, not just for women, but of boys and men, as well.

Here is what the leading Sunni Cleric in Iran is saying news about the sexual assault of female prisoners with the intention of humiliating

suppressing and forcing them for confessions have been reported in the media and some prisoners accounts confirmed this going on to say that if

proven the biggest corrupters on Earth are the perpetrators of these crimes, referring of course, that very charged that five more people have

been sentenced to death on today.

So I think it's an important reminder of the fact that the pressure continues to be maintained on the regime, that someone as prominent as

Cleric, who leads the Friday prayers in one of those cities has been so marked by some of the protests, but also by the violent crackdowns shows, I

think it reminds us as we've seen, with so many people joining these protests online with tweets on Instagram or in the streets, that so much of

the fear on which the regime had based its power and control seems to be dissipating.

And I think the day tomorrow, that Student Day, which marks the death in 1953 of three students, by the security forces of the Shah that is marked

every year by protest by more calls for democratic reform. I think the country looks to tomorrow to see how bold the protesters become Lynda?

KINKADE: Yes, exactly. Yes, certainly interesting tweet from that Sunni Cleric as you say, Melissa Bell for us in Paris thanks very much! Amnesty

International is calling Indonesia's new criminal code a dramatic rollback of human rights progress. That's as part of the code Indonesian lawmakers

have passed a law to make sex outside marriage a criminal offence.

CNN's Anna Coren has the details on that and the country's broader overhaul of its criminal legislation. Take a listen.


ANNA COREN, CNN CORRESPONDENT (voice over): The Indonesian Parliament has made sweeping changes to its criminal code, which critics fear could harm

democratic freedoms and police morality in the world's third largest democracy. Offenses that will now be criminalizing what has been a

predominantly moderate Islamic country include sex outside of marriage.


COREN (voice over): The law will apply not only to Indonesian citizens, but also foreigners living in the country as well as tourists. Those found

guilty could face a year in prison. Other jail able offenses under this new penal code are cohabitation among unmarried and LGBTQ couples, blasphemy,

apostasy as well as criticizing the president, the government or other state institutions.

Human rights groups say they are very concerned about the direction that Indonesia is heading with the rise of ultra conservative Islam in the

nation's politics, as it adopts what they say are Sharia inspired laws, fearing that minority groups will be targeted.

Critics are calling these new laws troublesome and counterproductive, and say they could impact tourism, especially for the Island of Bali, which

relies heavily on Western tourists for its economy. While it's unknown how this new criminal code will be enforced, the Indonesian Justice Minister

says there will be intensive outreach to police, prosecutors, lawyers and advocates and that laws will come into place in three years' time. Anna

Coren, CNN, Hong Kong.


KINKADE: Well, along with Amnesty International Human Rights Watch has also speaking out about this. One of its senior researchers says Indonesia's new

criminal code didn't happen in isolation. Take a listen.


ANDREAS HARSONO, SENIOR RESEARCHER, HUMAN RIGHTS WATCH: We are seeing the rise of concert partisan over the last two decades in Indonesia. We are

seeing the introduction of more and more homophobic anti-LGBT regulation rules against woman mandatory hijab, for instance, rules against religious

minorities more than 700 over the last two decades. This code is being produced with that kind of background with the background of the rise of

conservatism in Indonesia.


KINKADE: Well, he went on to say "The dangers of oppressive laws are not that they'll be broadly applied, it's that they'll provide an avenue for

selective enforcement". Well, still to come on "Connect the World" the last round of 16 matches underway at the World Cup. We'll have a live report

from Doha. Plus it's the Election Day here in the U.S. State of Georgia, what a win for either party the U.S. Senate runoff could mean the 2024

presidential election?



KINKADE: Welcome back to "Connect the World". I am Lynda Kinkade, good to have you with us. Well, Qatar is making the World Cup even more fan-

friendly. It will now allow residents of Gulf nations to enter the country even if they do not have a higher card which is a special pass given to

foreigners who have tickets to World Cup matches, the move will allow people to enjoy the atmosphere and energy of the World Cup even if they

can't go to a match.

Well, this has been a cup filled with stunning results. Japan, Saudi Arabia, South Korea, Australia, countries that are not traditional powers

from Europe and South America have surprised us at times. But now there is only one upstart remaining and Morocco they're playing right now against

Spain and neither team has scored yet early into the second half.

Warcraft's had some good chances against the favorite spaniels. The winner will move on to the quarterfinals. The loser goes home. Well, later today

Portugal and Switzerland meet in the final match of round 16, all eyes on Portugal's longtime star Christina Ronaldo, who's likely playing in his

final World Cup.

Don Riddell of CNN's world sport is tracking all the action in Qatar and joins us now live. Good to see you, Don. So let's start on the match

happening right now Morocco, the last African team right now playing against Spain. Do you think Morocco can pull off an upset here?

DON RIDDELL, CNN WORLD SPORT: Well, look, I hope so. At least I think for the atmosphere at this tournament, I think it'd be wonderful if an African

team and Arab team can make it into the next round. And so far, they're holding their own of course, as you alluded to; it'd be a monumental upside

if they can actually topple the 2010 champions, Spain. But it's goalless after 65 minutes, Spain actually have had more possession.

But when it comes to the chances, it's Morocco that have had the shots on goal. So we'll see. We'll see. I mean, 24 hours ago, we were talking about

Japan and possibly they could have pulled up a huge upset against Croatia, but it went to penalties and they completely blew it.

So I'm not going to forecast anything yet, but at the moment, it's even Steven.

And you've referenced the later game coming up against or rather between Portugal and Switzerland. You know, once again, the build up to that game

has just been dominated by Cristiano Ronaldo.

Is he going to Saudi Arabia? Is he not? No one really knows there are reports out there of deal worth hundreds of millions of dollars. And none

of that confirmed. This is going to be a really, really interesting match though, because the Portuguese qualified for this stage after only two

games, meaning they can rest a lot of their players where Switzerland came through a bruising encounter with Serbia in order to make it this far.

And we're about to learn whether or not that took any kind of toll on the team. And while we're discussing Ronaldo, would you believe in his Fifth

World Cup, he hasn't yet scored a goal in the knockout round of this tournament. And we used to say the same about Diego Maradona who has only

just a certain not Maradona, Lionel Messi, who has only just scored his first knockout goal.

And Messi and Ronaldo always tend to do kind of things and reach milestone points in their career at pretty much the same time often in the same week.

So if history is anything to go by, expect to Ronaldo go later this evening. And they might well need it as well if they're going to move on to

the quarterfinals.

KINKADE: Exactly. We will be watching that game. Good to see you as always. Don Riddell in Qatar thanks so much. Well, the spotlight is on the U.S.

State of Georgia as the final drama of the mid-term elections play out. Democratic Senator Raphael Warnock and Republican challenger Herschel

Walker are facing off in a high stakes Senate run-off.

If Warnock wins it will give Democrats an outright majority and end the power sharing agreement that is currently in place. Well, CNN's Amara

Walker joins me from a polling station in the Atlanta suburb of Smyrna. Good to see you, Amara. So I understand polling stations closing at 7 pm

tonight, already we've seen almost 2 million people cast their ballots early. What is the turnout been like today?

AMARA WALKER, CNN CORRESPONDENT: Well, first of all, I can tell you here at this polling location a voting has been very efficient. A lot of people

who've been coming out of this the polling location have been telling me that they've been in and out in under two minutes, which matches up with

what an election official here told me Gabriel Sterling.

He is a CEO of the Georgia Secretary of State's office. He said the average wait time across the entire state of Georgia right now is just over one

minute. So obviously a huge difference from what we were seeing during that early voting period where people are waiting in line for an hour or even

two hours.

This election official also telling me that about 400,000 Georgians have already cast their ballots today on Election Day and he does estimate that

the turnout will be more than a million today will it be 1.1, 1.4 million obviously that is all hard to predict.

And of course, the voting patterns and where people are coming in from is also very difficult to predict. But Lynda as you know, I mean there's been

immense interest in this run-off race here in Georgia early voting.


WALKER: Breaking records, as you mentioned, 1.85 million ballots were cast during that period. So turnout today, as you know, will be key. Both

candidates Warnock and Walker have been hammering that message home. And just a reminder, Lynda of how we got here, the Democratic Senator Raphael

Warnock, he had about 37,000 more votes than Herschel Walker did in November, but he fell short of an outright majority.

So according to Georgia law, they had to go to a runoff. Today what's going to be really interesting to watch out for is whether or not Governor Brian

Kemp, the Republican Governor, who, you know handily won the election his reelection, he is now out campaigning for Herschel Walker.

Will that help him substantially will have convinced the suburbanite to split their tickets voting for camp but not for Walker? Will that convince

them to come out today and vote for Walker? And lastly, Lynda, we're in Cobb County. This is a traditionally Republican solid Republican district.

It was just in recent years that it's now slightly leaning democratic and in November 40 percent voted for Walker, 47 percent voted for Kemp. So the

question is will Herschel Walker be able to make up ground in counties like Cobb County here, Lynda?

KINKADE: Yes, we will see how this plays out. Amara Walker, good to see you. Good to have you on the story for us today. Thanks so much. Well, this

of course is the final U.S. race of the 2022 midterm election season and don't miss CNN's special coverage in the coming hours. It starts at 4 pm


Well, you are watching "Connect the World". Still ahead, Russia claims Ukraine find drones deep inside Russian territory, even as Western

officials say Russia is preparing to get more attack drones from Iran, going to talk to an expert in drone warfare.

And later even with easing measures, people in China still does show a negative COVID test when riding a taxi or using public bathrooms. We'll

have more on what it's like under China's strict COVID rules.


KINKADE: Welcome back. I'm Lynda Kinkade at the CNN center; you're watching "Connect the World". Ukraine is remaining silent on Russia's accusation

that it launched drone attacks inside Russian territory.

Russia says a drone strike an airfield in the cooks region early Tuesday about 90 kilometers from the Ukrainian border. It sparked a fire at the

airfield and caused the cancellation of classes in nearby schools. [11:30:00]

KINKADE: Russia says three of its soldiers were killed in an explosion Monday at a base in angles hundreds of kilometers inside Russian territory.

That was one of two apparent drone attacks on Monday. My next guest is the military technology writer and author of the book Swarm Troopers: How small

drones will conquer the world. Well, David Hambling joins me now via Skype from London. Good to have you with us, David.


KINKADE: So the Russian Defense Ministry says these attacks were carried out by Ukraine. Ukraine hasn't commented they haven't claimed

responsibility. If this was indeed an attack by Ukraine, within Russia using long range drones, what does that signify, in terms of Ukraine's

focus on developing long range technology and its impact?

HAMBLING: Well, we've been here several times before, in terms of there being what looked like Ukrainian drone strikes into Russian held territory.

Though it was first one was in April, when a fuel storage site got blown up, then there'd been attacks on Russian air bases and naval facilities.

But what makes this one different is that this is a much longer range than before, this is something like 400 miles inside Russia, which makes it look

as though Ukraine may very well have developed a long range drone attack system.

KINKADE: Which, which is just quite incredible, right. And I understand you've been speaking to some Russian drone experts. What are they telling

you about what they believe was used in these attacks?

HAMBLING: We don't have any real evidence at this stage, but the Russians are claiming that it was a modified version of a T-141 swift. The Swift is

a jet powered drone, which was developed back in the Soviet era; they were manufactured in the 80s. And it was just designed far around at high speed

at about 600 miles an hour, take photographs and come back.

And what they're saying is the Ukrainians have just stuck an explosive warhead on it and sent it on a one way mission. Now, that's quite

plausible, because we've seen a couple of other Swift's come down with warheads like that, though, we don't actually know whether the Ukrainians

or the Russians have been launching them, because both sides have them.

It may be something rather more sophisticated, though it may actually be a locally built drone. Now, that would be a lot more significant because it

would mean that Ukrainians could potentially build them in and launch them in large numbers, much in the same way as the Russians are launching

Shahed-136 drones at Ukraine. And that's what's doing a lot of damage to the power grid at the moment.

KINKADE: Right. And so, you know, Russia initially had set out to take Ukraine quite quickly, talking up the capabilities of its own defense

forces in comparison to Ukraine. Why then can't Russia stop these types of attacks within its own borders? HAMBLING: Well, there is a meme out there,

which goes - what air defense doing, which was one of the Russian commentators asked after the first one of these drone attacks, the Russian

Air Defense seems to be amazingly inept.

It's interesting that Ukrainians who have exactly the same hardware they're using the same missiles and same radar are being very effective at shooting

down Russian aircraft, the Russians, for whatever reason, we suspect it may be to do with training, it may be to do with command and control.

And maybe because they have a problem with friendly fire simply aren't performing to the same level. And time after time we've seen drone attacks

go clean through what are supposed to be one of the toughest integrated air defense systems in the world. And it's just not performing at the moment.

And I'm sure the Russians are asking themselves very much that question.

KINKADE: Yes. So it's a big picture for us, David, if these are indeed drones being built in Ukraine to attack Russia? How big of an escalation is

this? And how could it potentially shift the way this war goes?

HAMBLING: Well, it's interesting, the choice of target if that's what it was, Engels airbase is home to Russia's strategic long range bombers. Those

are aircraft that are being used to lob cruise missiles that Ukraine from long range. At the very least, they're going to have to be very much more

careful about leaving them out on the tarmac in places where they can be seen by satellites and are an easy target.

Worst case, the Russians are going to have to move those back out of range, many hundreds of kilometers further away, which is going to make life more

difficult for them. Realistically though, there are a lot of other targets.

There are ammunition dumps, there are fuel dumps, there are air defense sites, they're all logistics hubs. Ukraine is going to cause Russia all

sorts of problems if they can just hit those things with small drones. And even if these don't carry a big warhead, it's the technique known as bring

the detonator.


HAMBLING: If your target is a pile of explosives or a pile of fuel, or even something like gas storage on oil refinery, it doesn't need a big warhead.

It just needs good targeting and you can set the whole lot off. That's going to cause the Russians a lot of big headaches.

KINKADE: Yes, exactly, an interesting turn here. We did see of course, the Russian President Putin meeting with his Security Council to discuss this

as the major concerns within Russia, David Hambling, good to get your perspective and expertise. Thanks so much for joining us.

HAMBLING: Thank you.

KINKADE: Let's get you up to speed on some of the stories on our radar right now. And Sudan's ruling army generals and civilian leaders have

signed a framework deal to end the political deadlock. They say the move would pave the way for a two year civilian led transition towards


Sudan has been amid in turmoil since the army took over in a military coup in October last year. Colombian authorities are on high alert for more

mudslides due to heavy rains. Abbas was buried by a mudslide in northwestern Columbia Sunday. The death toll has risen to at least 34 as

rescuers dig through the mud looking for survivors.

In South Korea, two senior police officers have been arrested for allegedly destroying evidence related to the Halloween crowd crush. 158 people died

after some of Seoul's narrow streets were clogged up with party goers. Two officers had already been dismissed for their handling of the incident.

Chinese President Xi Jinping is calling on his country to unite around his leadership. His message came earlier during his speech at the memorial for

former leader Jiang Zemin. The thousands from China's Communist Party gathered in Beijing to bid farewell to Jiang who died last Wednesday at the

age of 96. President Xi's comments come just days after he faced red protests over China's harsh COVID policies.

With some demonstrators demanding Mr. Xi stepped down. And after those massive protests, China is finally starting to change its strict COVID

measures. Officials say Beijing's two major airports will no longer require departing passengers to show a negative COVID test to get to their


Instead, travelers will scan their mobile health codes and have their body temperatures checked. While the move comes as multiple cities across China

have either dropped or relaxed measures requiring COVID tests to enter public spaces. CNN's Selina Wang takes us through what a regular day in

Beijing has been like, up until now.


SELINA WANG, CNN CORRESPONDENT (on camera): This is the kind of line Beijing are standing outside in the cold to get their COVID tests, a 48

hour test is required to get into most places. But there aren't many places to go. Much of Beijing is still closed down. This is one of the most

popular tourist places in the city.

But the restaurants are largely closed and the malls are pretty empty. So this McDonald's is still open, but for takeaway only. But even to get

takeaway, you've got to prove that you're clear of COVID. Here's how I do it. I open up the health app on my Smartphone. I scan the QR code, so it

says I've got a green code and I've got a recent COVID test, so I'm good to go.

This code dictates all of our daily lives in China, green means good to go, red means I may have to isolate at home or go to a math quarantine

facility. This allows China to track the movements of virtually all 1.4 billion people in the name of contact tracing. I've got to scan my code to

get into a taxi or Public Park or a mall or a coffee shop or even a public bathroom.

WANG (voice over): I ran into a group of delivery people on the street. They've got to do COVID tests every single day to do their jobs. This woman

tells me the pandemic has been hard on her. I asked her why, she says it's because she's scared of the virus.

WANG (on camera): Getting COVID in China is unlike anywhere else in the world. You and your close contacts all get sent to a quarantine center.

This is a convention center in Beijing that's been turned into a massive quarantine facility with thousands of beds. But some of these facilities in

the country they are in very rundown and unsanitary condition and then your whole building or community could go into lockdown.

WANG (voice over): I spoke to a man who has been in and out of quarantine six times already just this year. He tells me his whole building of more

than 200 families went to a quarantine facility last month because they were considered close contacts.

He says he's not scared to get COVID because Omicron is less severe and his whole family has been vaccinated. I approached a few people just released

from this mass quarantine center here. I asked if they had tested positive for COVID. Yes, the man nods and says they have recovered. How many days

you spent in there, I ask, seven days, he said. Unprecedented protests recently erupted across China


WANG (on camera): And they're chanting that they don't want COVID tests. They want freedom.

WANG (voice over): Authority swiftly crack down on the protesters. But they are finally softening their stance on zero COVID. Some cities are lifting

lockdowns, changing COVID testing requirements. Under some conditions people can now quarantine at home if they have COVID, which is a huge deal.

But this country has already built up a whole infrastructure around zero COVID spending all of its resources on quarantine facilities and COVID

testing. So it's going to be a long and slow exit from zero COVID. Selina Wang, CNN, Beijing.


KINKADE: Still to come demanding an international investigation out - goes to The Hague over the killing of one of its journalists.



ELENI GIOKOS, CNN CORRESPONDENT (voice over): The devastating ferociousness of natural disasters, the glaring consequence of a growing climate crisis.

UNIDENTIFIED MALE: We are on a highway to climate hell, with our foot still on the accelerator.

GIOKOS (voice over): A stark warning at the opening of COP 27 that took place in the Egyptian resort of Sharm el-Sheikh. But amidst the speeches

and within the corridors, a long held contentious issue finally made it to the forefront of the agenda loss and damages.

ANI DASGUPTA, PRESIDENT & CEO, WORLD RESOURCE INSTITUTE: Losses damages when weather events, climate related weather events are so severe that

families, communities cannot adapt anymore. So take for example, in Fiji, when the water level rises, you actually have to move a whole village to a

new location or new island or a fisherman when the tuna has moved on because of heat in the water, you can't recover that you'll find different


So these kinds of shifts that's taking place, it's something that you can adapt to. These are permanent losses that you need to compensate for; this

is what in U.N. speaker's loss and damage.

GIOKOS (voice over): According to the UN, adapting to the effects of climate change could cost developing countries up to $340 billion annually

by the year 2030. China, Europe and the United States are the top three producers of greenhouse gases, whilst Africa produces only 3 percent of

global emissions.

DASGUPTA: So there is this disparity between the - who produces this impact and who is actually getting impacted.


GIOKOS (voice over): All of this is now set to change, thanks to a last minute consensus to create a loss and damages fund.

ANTONIO GUTERRES, SECRETARY-GENERAL, UNITED NATIONS: This cop has taken an important step towards justice. I welcome the decision to establish a loss

and damage fund and to pressurize it in the coming period.

GIOKOS (voice over): However, it's still early days. Over the next year, negotiators will hammer out the details over who should pay and how the

money will be allocated and delay any concerns that wealthier countries will have to pay for the damage caused in poorer areas.

DASGUPTA: The loss and damage took so long, primarily because richer country felt that they're being held liable for the damages they have

caused in the boundary and that liability in a legal sense could be unending.

GIOKOS (voice over): Many believes a major milestone has been achieved here in Sharm el-Sheikh, a consensus that shouldering the burden of climate

change is finally being recognized as a global and not national issue. Eleni Giokos, CNN.


KINKADE: Well, the Qatar based news network, Al Jazeera is taking a case to the International Criminal Court to demand an investigation to the killing

of one of its journalists. Correspondent Shireen Abu Akleh was shot in the head while covering an Israeli raid in the West Bank back in May.

Al Jazeera says it's has evidence that she and her team were deliberately targeted, something Israel has repeatedly denied. The network is asking The

Hague to investigate if the circumstances around her death constitute a war crime.

Well, Hadas Gold is in Jerusalem with more on this. And Hadas, the Israel initially said that she was killed in crossfire then they then concluded

that she probably died after being shot by its own military, but that it was unintentional. Well, Al Jazeera claims that this was intentional. What

evidence does it have?

HADAS GOLD, CNN JERUSALEM CORRESPONDENT: Well, the Al Jazeera networks as well as Shireen Abu Akleh's family were all at The Hague today to file this

case. It's actually the second case because the Abu Akleh family has also filed their own case with the International Criminal Court, but they are

filing the Al Jazeera case in conjunction with them together.

Now Al Jazeera says they have conducted their own long term fact-finding mission that they believe based off of they say new eyewitness testimony as

well as video footage that Shireen Abu Akleh was they say intentionally targeted when she died while covering that Israeli military right in Jenin

in the West Bank in May.

They also say as part of this filing that they believe that this was part of a wider campaign; they say to target and silence Al Jazeera. This is a

claim that Israel has repeatedly denied. Now Lina Abu Akleh, who was the niece of Shireen Abu Akleh was at The Hague today and she's calling on the

International Criminal Court she says to take some action on this case, take a listen.


LINA ABU AKLEH, SHIREEN ABU AKLEH'S NIECE: I'm here today on behalf of my family. Because months after multiple requests have been submitted to the

ICC, the court has still not taking meaningful action towards accountability. When individual states are unwilling or incapable of

investigating their own atrocities, as in the case with Israel, it is the responsibility of the international community to intervene to ensure war

crimes don't get unpunished.


GOLD: Now, even if the International Criminal Court decides to take up this case, they will probably run into some problems and resistance. And that's

because Israel and actually also the United States are not parties and do not recognize the International Criminal Court. So that's even if they take

the case.

Now, Israel did conduct its own investigation into what happened. And what they found is they believe it's most likely that an Israeli soldier was the

one who fired the fatal shot but that he did so unintentionally without recognizing that Shireen Abu Akleh and her colleagues were members of the


This is despite the fact that they were wearing those protective vests and helmets and the vests say a press on both the front and the back. Now

Israel's Prime Minister Yair Lapid has said that they will not allow a foreign body to investigate their military. He said in a statement today,

no one will investigate IDF soldiers and no one will preach to us about morals in warfare certainly not Al Jazeera, he said, Lynda.

KINKADE: All right, we will continue to follow that case. And the U.S. Department of Justice one as you mentioned, Hadas Gold for us in Jerusalem,

thanks very much. Well, "Connect the World" continues in just a moment. We'll be right back.



KINKADE: Welcome back. The long awaited documentary Harry & Meghan is set to hit Netflix this week. The streaming service has released a trailer with

Prince Harry and playing that viewers will learn the full truth about the fairytale facade of a life as a royal. CNN's Max Foster has more.

MAX FOSTER, CNN ROYAL CORRESPONDENT: Buckingham Palace has been preparing for a bombshell documentary series and it doesn't seem as though the Duke

and Duchess of Sussex are going to disappoint if this trailer is anything to go by.


UNIDENTIFIED MALE: It's really hard to look back on it now and go what on earth happened?

UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: Can you hear that? That is a sound of heartbreaking all around the world.

UNIDENTIFIED MALE: She's becoming a royal Rockstar.


UNIDENTIFIED MALE: Everything changed. There's a hierarchy of the family. You know there's leaking, but there's also planting of stories.

UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: There was a war against Meghan to suit other people's agendas.

UNIDENTIFIED MALE: It's about hatred. It's about race.

UNIDENTIFIED MALE: It's a dirty game.


FOSTER: The essence here is a fundamental accusation that Buckingham Palace or elements within Buckingham Palace or the wider Palace network. We're

planting stories to undermine the Duchess of Sussex, they weren't protecting her from the abuse she was receiving or she felt she received

from the British tabloids and on social media. So how is Buckingham Palace or Kensington Palace likely to respond?

Well, we'll have to wait and see under the queen as Monique. They will tend to hold back and allow these accusations to sit as they did after the

infamous Oprah Winfrey interview. But this time King Charles is in control and Prince William has been elevated to the Prince of Wales.

So they may feel a need to respond this time. If there are major accusations which the monarchy feels it needs to address within this

Documentary series, six parts of it, three parts of it dropping on Thursday. We will see the Duke and Duchess of Sussex out and about before

then they are in New York to receive a prestigious Robert F. Kennedy Human Rights Award. The cameras will be out in force capturing this moment before

the landing of the big Documentary series. Max Foster, CNN, London.

KINKADE: Orion is coming home and with those words NASA let the world know that its historic Artemis 1 moon mission is coming to a close. The space

agency says the capsule without a crew called Orion successfully completed an engine burn Monday, setting it on a path to return to Earth.

The maneuver brought the Orion just 128 kilometers from the lunar surface. If all goes well, the capsule will splash down in the Pacific Ocean Sunday.

And Artemis 2 could repeat the mission in 2024, but this time with astronauts on board. And for our parting shots Blackpink is now golden.

The Kpop band has been chosen as Time Magazine's Entertainer of the Year for 2022. The magazine has been highlighting some of Blackpink's

achievements including their performance of pink Venom at the MTV Video Music Awards in August, and the release of their new album Bornpink.

The four women in the band which is a global sensation say they play from the heart. Well, tributes are pouring in for actress Kirstie Alley who

passed away at the age of 71 after a battle with cancer.


KINKADE: John Travolta who starred alongside her and look who's talking says their time together was one of the most special relationships he's

ever had, while Jamie Lee Curtis, who worked with Alley on "Scream Queens" praised her onscreen comic Brilliance. For many fans, though, she will be

best remembered as the feisty and hilarious bar manager Rebecca in the iconic comedy cheers.

