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Connect the World

Earthquake Death Toll Nears 38,000; Red Cross calls for Access in Northern Syria; Poland Starts Training Ukraine on Leopard 2 Tanks; Purpose and Origin of UFOS Shot Down Remain Unexplained; BBC Offices Raided after Documentary Critical of Modi; A look at Valentine's Day by the Numbers. Aired 11a-12p ET

Aired February 14, 2023 - 11:00   ET




BECKY ANDERSON, CNN HOST, CONNECT THE WORLD: I'm Becky Anderson. Hello and welcome back to "Connect the World" live from the World Government Summit

in Dubai this hour. An annual conference where leaders across the business and political world gathered to discuss future trends in technology and in

global finance more on that in a moment.

First, our top story for you, new aid routes, new rescues, and sadly, a death toll climbing horrifically higher. That is the scene in Turkey and in

Syria some eight days after what was a devastating earthquake. Remarkably, several people have been pulled out of the rubble alive today, including

two women in Turkey and Hatay.

Well in Syria, the UN says that President Bashar Al Assad has agreed to open two more aid lanes from Turkey into the opposition held northwest that

is in addition to the - crossing and should help supplies reach just some of the millions who are in desperate need.

Meantime, the number of dead now pass 37,000 and that is likely not a realistic number. It is likely that number could be significantly higher.

CNN's Nada Bashir joins us now from Istanbul Nada?

NADA BASHIR, CNN REPORTER: Look Becky, that death toll is certainly expected to continue rising just had a statement from UNICEF saying that

they fear the number of children killed in the earthquake. It's also expected to continue rising.

But it is remarkable to see that we are still finding people alive beneath the rubble. Rescue groups have been working around the clock for the last

eight days. And today, miraculous rescues it has to be said people been pulled out of the rubble more than 200 hours after the earthquake.

So it is a significant feat. But those rescues the discovery of survivors is becoming few and far between. And of course the window for finding

survivors is closing very, very quickly. And the focus now is now shifting from rescue effort to a recovery effort. And there is immediate emphasis

and a sense of urgency when it comes to providing support for those survivors.

We have seen a huge groundswell of support here in Turkey and indeed from the international community. When it comes to providing that vital

humanitarian assistance here in Istanbul two aid centers have been set up. They've been sending those donations that humanitarian assistance onwards

to Southeast Turkey.

And of course, as you mentioned there, there is a real question of what aid is heading to Northwest Syria. The aid program here in Turkey is certainly

far more robust than we've seen in Northwest Syria. The White Helmets there have been leading on the rescue effort.

They gave up hope on finding survivors days ago. They have called on the UN for further support. The UN itself conceding that it has failed the people

of Northwestern Syria without aid taking days to get across the border. But it does appear now that there are further two crossings in addition to the

first - crossing from Turkey into Northwest Syria are now operational.

Aid is getting through we have seen a UN mission visiting the affected region of Northwest Syria. And there are discussions ongoing, of course, to

ensure that cross line transfer of aid from government territory from Damascus onwards to rebel-held territory does in fact happen. But of

course, it does seem too little too late for those in Northwest Syria.

And there is a real sense of abandonment, as we've heard described by the White Helmets. Here in Turkey of course, there is a sense of frustration,

as well. There are growing calls for accountability over the earthquake. The government itself has now established an investigation more than 200

public prosecutors across 10 provinces in Southeastern Turkey now overseeing that investigation.

More than a hundred people identified as potential suspects in relation to construction negligence over those now destroyed buildings in Southeast

Turkey. We've already seen a number of arrests carried out as well. But there are questions as to whether the government could have done enough to

prepare for a catastrophe of the scale? Whether the aid has been transferred quickly enough, but the real focus here in Turkey continues to

be getting that aid to those in need as quickly as possible, Becky.

ANDERSON: Yes, absolutely. Nada Bashir is in Istanbul for you. As we mentioned, aid organizations desperately trying to get vital supplies to

Syria in particular, to the northwest area near to the epicenter of that earthquake.

One of those is the International Committee of The Red Cross. The footage you see here showing international workers in Aleppo a city under

government control that was hit hard by the quake.


ANDERSON: The ICRC has been on the ground providing some of the most basic services to sustain life, clean water, health care items as simple as

blankets to simply keep out the freezing cold. While visiting herself the ICRC President has made a plea to de-politicize aid.


MIRIANA SPOLJARIC, PRESIDENT, INTERNATIONAL COMMITTEE OF THE RED CROSS: Well, what is most important now is that we gain access to all parts of

Northern Syria to help people who need our urgent support. Impartial humanitarian assistance should never be hindered, no politicized, we have

to get access, and we have to be able to reach the affected population.


ANDERSON: Well, the Vice President of the ICRC is Gilles Carbonnier joins me now. And the president there on the ground, suggesting and I want to

quote here; it is difficult to find the words to describe the level of loss, suffering and destruction I've seen and heard about. My heart goes

out to all of those who have lost loved ones, both in Syria and of course, in Turkey.

She said isn't the time to politicize aid but the UN Chief Antonio Guterres remarking today that life-saving aid has not been getting in at the speed

and scale that is needed. At this point, it will be too little too late, won't it when that aid does eventually get to those who need it most?

What's going on?

GILLES CARBONNIER, VICE PRESIDENT, INTERNATIONAL COMMITTEE OF THE RED CROSS Well, we have been able on the spot on day one to provide assistance

directly because we were present already in the north of Syria, of course, trying to protect and assist those suffering from years of armed conflict.

And essential services provision of water was already on the brink of collapse. We were trying to maintain up and running these important vital

systems. And we had got an outbreak in December. So on top of that, you have the earthquake in a situation which is you know, just a humanitarian

catastrophe. And we have to mobilize all of us, you know, or what we can in order to be able to provide assistance to all those in need, wherever they


ANDERSON: The White Helmets, who are working in the opposition held areas of Syria, and have been working off times on their own in areas to try and

rescue and now sadly, recover bodies say they feel abandoned, your response?

CARBONNIER: Well, as a humanitarian organization, we have been trying to work and do our utmost together in Syria with the Syrian Arab, Red

Crescent. Of course, you see also the Turkish Red Crescent in Turkey, to reach everyone. Now we are humanitarian organization.

And we need acceptance from all the parties concerned in order to access people. And this is where we engage tirelessly, in dialogue in

conversations in order to reach all those in needs. And that's our priority. And we are just in it now, to be able to do this.

ANDERSON: There's been so much talk about this is just a catastrophe piled on top of a catastrophe that was, you know, the story of the Northwest of

Syria over the last decade and the politicization of the victims of that last decade of conflict and now those who are suffering as a result of this


The sense of not being able to get aid across these cross lines, this is between government-held and rebel-held areas. It's so important at this

point, isn't it that people stand back and consider the victims that surely what you're saying at the ICRC take politics out of this?

CARBONNIER: We are strictly humanitarian, and we try to preserve, you know, the core of humanity in all situations of armed conflict and where people

need aid. And it is key that we can, you know, continue the conversations with all the parties concerned in order to be able to do just that.

ANDERSON: Are you having those conversations with all the parties concerned?

CARBONNIER: We are having a conversation you have seen our president, she just completed a six day visit and work in Syria, which was by the way

foreseen before the earthquake and of course was maintained for all good reasons with the earthquake.

ANDERSON: So she is talking to both sides?

CARBONNIER: And we are talking as ICRC, our modus operandi is to engage in confidential dialogue with all those who can facilitate the provision of

essential life-saving aid. So this is how we go about in all armed conflicts, and this is what we are doing now.

ANDERSON: Do you genuinely believe you're making progress at this point, when I say both sides; it's more than two sides here?


CARBONNIER: Well, we tirelessly engage, I think with the level of needs, and the catastrophe that we are seeing, there is an additional urgency to

engage with most force in these conversations. These conversations are confidential, we are engaged in it. And we hope very much to be able to do

more, so that all the people that needing and requiring urgent assistance do get access to this impartial to my attorney.

ANDERSON: Assessing the situation on the ground as it stands at present. What do people need most at this point?

CARBONNIER: While at present, as you mentioned, search and rescue was the number one priority. And it's miraculous that after eight days, still, some

of them can be saved, and these must go on. But unfortunately, I think we will soon move to the next phase, which is emergency aid in terms of

shelter, in terms of food, in terms of water and in terms of medical assistance.

Shelter will be key, because of course, it's very cold at night, and people who have been already displaced, sometimes several times because of the

conflict, have lost again, everything. So they will need again to restart and find shelter. But we have at the same time to think medium term.

And as I mentioned that we see that vital infrastructure, especially water systems, and hospitals and health systems, was on the brink of collapse

after years of conflict. And then we have to see from day one, how we can maintain these systems up and running and upscale them in order to be able

to provide safe drinking assistance, wastewater treatment, especially in urban areas.

ANDERSON: Antonio Guterres has announced tonight, an emergency appeal for nearly $400 million. And that is just for the next three months. And that

is just for Syria alone, they are working on through the process of the emergency appeal for Turkey, at present. Those sorts of numbers are not

going to be enough, are they?

CARBONNIER: Well, the needs are huge, ourselves the international movement of the Red Cross and Red Crescent, working with the nationalist societies,

which are the Red Crescent in Turkey and Syria. We are also appealing for more support, because I think that no one can alone address the sheer level

of needs that we see. And you have needs short term, which is life saving and immediate response.

But medium term response in terms of temporary shelters, and then relocation rebuilding will be key as well, so needs are huge. And I think

as we discuss here at the World Government Summit, beyond humanitarian aid, it will be important to have development finance involved to have private

sector involved. And I think that this crisis is such that it's also must be seen as an opportunity for offering better conditions for people.

ANDERSON: And you bring up that private sector financing. And I know, here at the World Government Summit, there's been much talk of development,

finance and UN aid. Most of that was geared around as this event was being organized around climate finance, quite frankly, I mean, COP28 is here this

year, the UAE is hosting COP28.

And there has been a real sense of urgency about getting money and catalyzing financing for people who need most in the emerging and

developing world in small, small islands. It's fascinating now that you bring that up, because that conversation is very quickly at pivoting

towards what can be done, is it for what is going on in Syria.

CARBONNIER: Very much so, but I'm glad you mentioned climate change, because actually, we are working across the Horn of Africa, the Lake Chad

region, the Sahel, in their needs are also extremely dire. And what we see is that climate change is hitting especially vulnerable people across those

places where you have protracted armed conflict and climate change.

And what we are seeing here is that it's also necessary that climate finance especially for adaptation, is also channeled to neglected bases,

which are places which are fragile, which are conflict prone and where people actually cannot cope anymore with the waves or cycles of flooding

drought that we are seeing.

So we really think that it's necessary to mobilize these in catalytic funds, in order also to take care of how we can accompany and provide more

resilient systems and options to those people in fragile contexts.

ANDERSON: And I have to say because I've been in many of these discussions, there is a lot of creative thought going on about how you do mobilize that

cash. How you catalyze the money that is available and ensure that you can get this kind of support from the private because it's not going to come

from governments alone not in this kind of with these current economic headwinds, is fascinating. Thank you very much indeed for having us on.


ANDERSON: And thank you for the work that you do with the ICRC and all of those who are working with your organization, in not just Syria and Turkey,

of course, but in conflict areas around the world. Thank you.

CARBONNIER: Thank you very much.

ANDERSON: For information on how to help the earthquake victims go to you'll find a list of organizations working on rescue and

relief efforts. Well, shock and grief after another deadly mass shoot in the United States. This time on a university campus in Michigan, at least

three students are dead.

Also, ahead Russia miscalculated when it invaded Ukraine. That is the word from top U.S. defense officials, as NATO meets in Brussels to boost support

for Ukraine. A live report on that is just ahead.


ANDERSON: NATO Secretary General says Russia's war on Ukraine has become a grinding war of attrition and therefore a battle of logistics. In

Stoltenberg who's asking for the delivery of more ammunition in spare parts as NATO Defence Ministers meet in Brussels today.

Well, the talks come at a critical time but the first anniversary of Russia's invasion just days away. Top U.S. military officials are also in

Brussels. The U.S. Defense Secretary says Russia's president seriously underestimated Ukraine.


LLOYD AUSTIN, U.S. DEFENSE SECRETARY: A year ago, Putin assume that Ukraine was an easy target. Putin assume that Kyiv would easily fall and Putin

assume that the world would stand by, but the Kremlin was wrong on every count.


ANDERSON: International Diplomatic Editor Nic Robertson is monitoring developments for you tonight. He is in Warsaw in Poland. We'll talk about

why you're there, Nic, in a moment. We just heard from the U.S. Secretary of Defense, Lloyd Austin. He spoke at a press conference and took questions

from the media last hour. What do you make of what you heard?

NIC ROBERTSON, CNN INTERNATIONAL DIPLOMATIC EDITOR: I think one very big takeaway is the pressure that he and the other defense chiefs are under to

what his describing there as integrate all these forces get an integrated air defense system and integrated training system because so much is being

committed to Ukraine right now.

You know, he said 11 nations are committing tanks, 22 nations committing infantry fighting vehicles. 16 different nations are committing artillery

and ammunition; nine different nations are committing air offense. And he said at this moment the real effort is to get this into, get the equipment

into Ukraine's hands.


ROBERTSON: Get it in their hands in such a way that they can use it effectively. In part, he said, because Ukraine wants an offensive in the

spring, but it's also very mindful. He said that while Russia has had its ground forces depleted, its Air Force is still relatively untouched. And it

does seem to appear that, that is a pressing and emerging concern.

And hence the importance of getting Ukraine's air defense is integrated. But we heard as well, you know, he spoke about Norway giving 7.5 billion

Euros in civilian and military aid, huge Italy and France committing air defense systems, France and Australia, committing to up ammunition

production ammunition has been a key thing here.

And we heard that come up in the press conference that the Ukrainians are short of ammunition that NATO effectively is slipping behind in being able

to produce enough ammunition in this war of attrition that's very heavily contested on the frontlines in the east.

So I think these were the big takeaways. But this integration, eight battalions, eight brigades rather, is what Lloyd Austin spoke about trying

to create is a big force, a complex forces a lot of different equipment from different nations. And it's tough to put it together and make it work


ANDERSON: And this and this ahead of what we heard from Lloyd Austin today, as he described it, a new offensive by the Russians were just shy of a year

into this war of attrition as described by Jens Stoltenberg. CNN got access to polish training of Ukrainian soldiers on those Leopard 2 tanks that

we've been reporting on. Can you just tell us a little more about what's going on with those and what you found?

ROBERTSON: Yes, and it took so long to get Ukraine's NATO friends to commit to providing tanks. But of course, the next step is the training. Poland

has been at the vanguard of pushing to get the tanks and it's also at the forefront of training up Ukrainians.


ROBERTSON (voice over): After just a week of training, Ukrainian tank crew show off their new skills on a Polish gun range. The first time their

Leopard 2 training has been put on display. The crews pulled direct from Ukraine's eastern battlefront. Too soon to say what's best about the

Leopard 2 Ukraine's tank, trainer says, but the machine is good quality.

And what is most important issue my soldiers like it a lot. Their training fast tracked 12 hours a day, six days a week, compared to the Polish

standard, eight hours a day five days a week. Polish instructors say the Ukrainians will be ready in a month. Most of them have some tank skills

already. The Polish Brigadier in charge says they're so keen to learn, we have to hold them back.

ROBERTSON (on camera): In peacetime, it's rare if ever, that tank crews a race through their training like this. It's a sign of how much they needed

at the front lines that they're being accelerated through their level two apprenticeships.

ROBERTSON (voice over): Poland's president who has been at the vanguard of pushing NATO allies to give Ukraine modern battle tanks and he's sending 14

of Poland came to meet the Ukrainian crews and see their progress. His visit providing big publicity for Poland's commitment to Ukraine and a

flavor of what U.S. President Joe Biden will hear when he visits next week, a pitch for joint Tank Brigade.

ANDRZEJ DUDA, POLISH PRESIDENT: I hope that soon the brigades will be ready for Ukraine and also includes American Abrams tanks so that Ukraine can

counter the Russian offensive.

ROBERTSON (voice over): The tanks and the training, only part of readying this new force for war.

UNIDENTIFIED MALE: The biggest challenge now is spare parts for these tanks. We are setting this task to the German defense industry.

ROBERTSON (voice over): For the Ukrainian tank crews patiently parked up and waiting through most of the Polish President's visit, priority is

getting back to the war, even if that means the training is sped up. I think that the training time will be enough for us to get to grips with the

technology he says; we are lacking a lot of heavy armor like this. If we get it, it will be much better.


ROBERTSON (voice over): On this training ground, perhaps more profound and tank skills honed history in the making, the foundations of a fully

modernized NATO compatible Ukrainian army being laid.


ROBERTSON: But the scale of creating that army and just the tank force alone remember President Zelenskyy said he wanted about 300 to 400 tanks

that are what he thinks he needs for the fight right now. Well, right now they're training 21 tank crews here in Poland; Germany started its

training, as well, of course.

But to get all those tank crews up to 400, really that's, that's to the end of the year job maybe even longer. And I think that really gives us a sense

of just what it's going to take. That's the tanks alone before you begin the integration with all the other elements the infantry fighting vehicle,

because of course you have to put those together in the battlefield to make them effective to do what Ukraine wants. Take that territory and hold in,


ANDERSON: Nic is on the ground. He is in Warsaw in Poland reporting on what we heard out of Brussels earlier on today as well, Nic, thank you. Well to

the deadly University shooting in the United States. Now Police say a gunman killed three students and critically wounded five others on Monday

at Michigan State University before apparently taking his own life.

He's been identified as a 43 year old man with no known ties to the school. Well, the motive stills a mystery as Americans deal with another mass

shooting. CNN's Adrienne Broaddus reports.


UNIDENTIFIED MALE: This truly has been a nightmare that we are living tonight.

ADRIENNE BROADDUS, CNN CORRESPONDENT (voice over): Chaos and carnage at Michigan State University after police say a 43 year old shooter opened

fire at two separate locations on campus. Investigators say there was a confrontation and then the 43 year old and in his own life.

UNIDENTIFIED MALE: We were there locked in the rooms and the guys are telling us to run out the back door as quick as we can and run for our

lives. And I sprinted out there as fast as I can into the woods.

UNIDENTIFIED MALE: And we all thought we were safe on the second floor in the cafeteria, but obviously we weren't, we were told to evacuate we all

ran out was terrifying. It's pretty scary.


BROADDUS (voice over): Students captured on this cell phone video running for their lives. Some students say they sheltered in place in the

cafeteria, listening to police reports. Once they realized the shots were getting closer, they started barricading themselves in the room.

GABE TREUTLE, STUDENT WITNESS (voice over): The SWAT and the cops came in and they all told us to get out of the cafeteria. So we all started on the


BROADDUS (voice over): About a mile and a half from the university, East Lansing high schools district board meeting was interrupted and the

building also on lockdown.

UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: We felt advised by LPD to remain here and go into lockdown right now.

BROADDUS (voice over): Can the police were on scene within minutes?

CHRIS ROZMAN, INTERIM DEPUTY CHIEF, MSU DEPARTMENT OF POLICE AND PUBLIC SAFETY: We had officers in the building following their active shooter

protocol and going towards the threat, while officers were in Bercy Hall. The suspect moved over to the union. And when the incident took place their

officers quickly redeployed to the union.

BROADDUS (voice over): Students and faculty were left sheltering for hours. Many students were evacuated but say they left confused and shaken.

UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: I was looking for my friends is like when everyone was running down the stairs like everyone got lost all over the place and it's

just like people are crying and scared, it's just a really bad experience. You don't take it seriously until it's happening to you.

BROADDUS (voice over): This shooting is the 67th mass shooting in the U.S. so far this year.

TERESA K. WOODRUFF, PRESIDENT, MICHIGAN STATE UNIVERSITY: Our campus grieves we will all grieve, and we will change over time, we cannot allow

this to continue to happen again.


ANDERSON: Well, CNN's Adrienne Broaddus reporting from East Lansing in Michigan. There is growing curiosity and concern over what is now a series

of objects shot down in North American skies. U.S. services just got a briefing behind closed doors and we are getting a few new clues that is up





SULTAN AL-JABER, CEO, ABU DHABI NATIONAL OIL COMPANY: Artificial intelligence is reinventing the relationship between people and machines.

It is making industrial processes faster and smarter. And it is making energy much more efficient and much cleaner. We have an unprecedented

opportunity to engage the energy industry and a technological revolution that gets us to a climate positive future.


ANDERSON: Welcome back to "Connect the World" with me Becky Anderson live from the World Government Summit here in Dubai. And that was just one of

the keynote speeches we heard today. That was Sultan Al-Jaber, President of the upcoming COP28 conference that will be hosted right here in Dubai at

the end of this year.

We've been listening to many fascinating conversations here particularly those about AI technology and education. One Lowe's together and you really

do have some fascinating narratives. And we're going to get you some of that in the coming days.

Well, now though on our top story is the death toll in the devastating quake in Turkey and Syria. Balloons once again hope is calling out from the

ruins. Rescue teams in southern Turkey say that they are still hearing voices from under the rubble. That's more than a week after the disaster

began killing nearly 38,000 people.

Well, just over the border in what northwest Syria, you are looking at footage of the first UN team since the quake to cross into the country's

rebel held territory. President Bashar Al Assad has agreed to open the second crossing. We're learning a bit more about the three unidentified

objects shot down over North America over the weekend.

Last hour the U.S. Joint Chief of Staff confirmed a missile that was certified and one of the objects missed at first, but he says it landed

harmlessly in Lake Huron. General Mark Milley also said recovery efforts are still underway, but those three objects have not yet been retrieved.

Well, this comes a little more than a week after a suspected Chinese spy balloon was shot down and after a classified briefing just a short time

ago. Several U.S. senators are saying they believe there's no public threat. Natasha Bertrand has more on what all these mysterious sightings.


NATASHA BERTRAND, CNN WHITE HOUSE REPORTER (voice over): U.S. officials struggling to explain what exactly the U.S. military has been shooting out

of the sky.

UNIDENTIFIED MALE: We're going to confirm what they are once we have collected the debris.

BERTRAND (voice over): Appearing to know more about what the so called objects are not.


on the ground. They did not. We assessed whether they were sending any communication signals. We detected none. We looked to see whether they were

maneuvering or had any propulsion capabilities. We saw no signs of that.

BERTRAND (voice over): The Pentagon confirming for the first time in a memo to lawmakers on Monday that the object shot down over northern Canada was a

small metallic balloon with a tethered payload below it.


BERTRAND (voice over): But its purpose and origin, and that of the two other objects shot down over Alaska and Michigan, still unexplained.

JUSTIN TRUDEAU, CANADIAN PRIME MINISTER: Obviously, there is some sort of pattern in there. The fact that we are seeing this, in a significant degree

over the past week, is a cause for interest and close attention.

BERTRAND (voice over): The mystery deepening so much by the day, that the White House felt compelled to announce that the objects are not


KARINE JEAN-PIERRE, WHITE HOUSE PRESS SECRETARY: I just wanted to make sure we address this from the White House. I know there's been questions and

concerns about this, but there is no again, no indication of aliens or extra-terrestrial activity with these recent takedowns.

BERTRAND (voice over): That explanation not satisfying lawmakers who are demanding more information on where these objects came from and more

communication from the Commander in Chief.

REP. RAJA KRISHNAMOORTHI (D-IL): What we need to figure out and what they're going to answer for us is whether these are nefarious objects in

the sky from adversaries, or whether they might even be drones that are flown by research institutions or private companies for non-nefarious

purposes, or something else.

BERTRAND (voice over): For now, the White House reassuring the public that President Biden, while tight lipped is on the case.

KIRBY: We have been I think as transparent as we can be. We are laser focused on confirming their nature and purpose, including through intensive

efforts to collect debris in the remote locations where they have fallen.


ANDERSON: Natasha Bertrand reporting there. CNN's National Security Analyst Beth Sanner is no stranger to what it takes to keep Americans safe. She's

former Deputy Director of National Intelligence. Thanks for joining us. You know--


ANDERSON: Our viewers will be somewhat fascinated by and perhaps confused by what is going on in the skies above North America at present. So tell me

what's your understanding if these objects don't aren't a threat to national security? Why are they shooting them down? And what are they?

SANNER: Well, I think there are multiple reasons why they're shooting them down. You know, one is that they're, they're coming into U.S. airspace, and

places were at an elevation where airplanes may fly. But I think that there's an underlying purpose here. And that is to deflect criticism, as

these objects are being seen.

And I do want to take just a second to explain that these objects probably unlike one of the commentators earlier in the show indicated that there's a

pattern here. I do not think that there's a pattern here. What has happened is that the way that the radars work, they've opened up the aperture,

they've taken off filters. And now we're just seeing a lot more of what is a very, very crowded sky over the United States and over many countries in

the world.

ANDERSON: So you would expect there are more objects similar to those that have been shot down or potentially more objects up it, thousands of them?

SANNER: Absolutely. You know, the intelligence community has to issue a report now, it's the second one they've done an Annual Report to Congress

on these unexplained aerial phenomena. They issued the last report in January. And in there, it said that U.S. military pilots had seen 250,

about 250 objects that were unidentified, in basically an 18 month period leading up to the end of last year.

And so those are in addition to balloons that they recognize. And so there's a lot in our skies right now. And we are going to see these things.

And we do need to decide in a much more concrete way, what poses a threat and make a more considered decision about what to shoot down. Every missile

costs almost half a million dollars.

ANDERSON: Wow, that's remarkable. You think this was a knee jerk reaction, do you under pressure?

SANNER: Well, we will see. I mean, I think that is my initial gut feeling is that maybe, maybe one of these or two of these did pose a hazard to air

traffic. But I think that we're trigger happy right now. And a lot of that has to do with domestic political pressure on President Biden to look

tough, and I don't think that's helpful. So we need to take a breath and be more considered now as we move forward.

ANDERSON: Fascinating. Beth, you describe these unexplained aerial phenomena. Our viewers might be less familiar with that term and more

familiar with the acronym UFO. Are we talking about the same thing here?


SANNER: We are. It's interesting that a couple years ago, we switched the lexicon from UFO to UAP, Unexplained Aerial Phenomena, I think in a way to

kind of lower the temperature a little bit and not think about every object we see as being from Little Green Men.

And part of that was we wanted at the community to lower the stigma about reporting these incidents, because they could be things that pose a threat,

even though they're not about what crazy people are seeing. And so it's a way of kind of professionalizing and taking that stigma away.

ANDERSON: What do you make of the Chinese accusations at present, that the U.S. itself is flying a spy balloon over Chinese airspace?

SANNER: Well, I do not think that is true. Two reasons, one is that the immediate response from the White House from the Military Spokesman John

Kirby, who's at the NSC was quite clear and precise. There was no wiggle room there it was, we do not do this.

And I think if we did, number one, I would probably know about it, and I don't. And number two, that clarity of the response indicates to me that we

do not. You know, we've we used to do this in the 50s and 60s. And I don't think anybody wants an international incident to shoot these things down.

We find planes close to the Chinese territorial waters and airspace, but we do not penetrate those. And there's a reason we don't want to have an

international incident.

ANDERSON: Beth, it's good to have you on, thank you very much indeed. Beth Sanner is in the house.

SANNER: Thank you.

ANDERSON: Well, next on "Connect the World" cries of censorship after Indian authorities rate the offices of the BBC, when his ruling party is

angry at the newscaster that is up next.


ANDERSON: Was it a simple search for tax documents or an attempt to intimidate and censor journalists? Well, that is the question being asked

today after Indian authorities burst into the New Delhi and Mumbai offices of the BBC. The raids were conducted by Indian tax authorities and provided

little explanation and what they were looking for.

The search came a month after the BBC aired a documentary critical of Indian Prime Minister Narendra Modi. The Indian government has banned the

documentary from being shown in the country. CNN's Vedika Sud is tracking this story from New Delhi and she joins us now live.


ANDERSON: Remind us what the documentary was about and why it is that Modi and his party are so angry about it.

VEDIKA SUD, CNN REPORTER: Becky, I'm standing outside the BBC office in New Delhi. It's about 10.15. Before I tell you more about the controversy, I

just want you to know, that there still officials out there from the Income Tax department inside the BBC office in New Delhi. We don't know about

what's happening, really at the Mumbai office as I speak to you, but he is talking about the controversy.

A few weeks back there was a BBC documentary that aired, it was critical of the Indian Prime Minister Narendra Modi. It was also blocked in terms of

public access to Indians here in the country. And it was called propaganda by the Indian government. They condemned the documentary they call it


Now, weeks later, we see these rates taking place. Now according to critics, their concern is that this is a crackdown on press freedom in

India under the Modi leadership. This is not what just one person is saying but the opposition political parties here in India saying other local

journalists and independent journalists are also saying.

But today, earlier in the day, you had the BJP spokesperson, the BJP is the ruling National Party here in India, the spokesperson came out and he

warned media houses to abide by the laws of the country. Here's what Gaurav Bhatia had to say.


GAURAV BHATIA, BHARATIYA JANATA PARTY SPOKESMAN: No individual, no agency could be about the law of the country and in an ongoing action that is

being taken by the Income Tax department. Why is it that there is a tearing hurry by the opposition parties, especially the Congress Party to give a

clean chit to the agency concerned?


SUD: A lot of reactions coming in Becky, I want to take you through some of them. The Editors Guild of India has condemned the searches that are taking

place both in the offices in New Delhi and Mumbai. You have Amnesty International, that's come out. And it's called the raids and I'm going to

quote them here a blatant affront to freedom of expression.

Now the BBC earlier today had put out a press statement. They said that they had authorities of the tax authorities in both their offices in New

Delhi and Mumbai that they are fully cooperating Becky, and they are hoping that this issue will be resolved soon. But like I said, it's about 10.17

here in New Delhi.

And those officials are still inside the New Delhi office of the BBC. We'll have to wait and see how this pans out over the next few days and if there

is a comment that comes in an official comment from the Income Tax department on the searches that they're carrying out, Becky.

ANDERSON: Vedika Sud is in New Delhi for you. Thank you. Well, the Israeli government's plans for new settlements have drawn condemnation from Western

eyes. Israel announced it will permit nearly 10,000 new settlement units. Officials from the U.S. from France, the UK, Germany and Italy say they

strongly oppose the plans calling them unilateral actions that will make existing tensions between Israelis and Palestinians even worse.

Meantime the Israel Defense Forces or the IDF say an Israeli soldier who was filmed assaulting a Palestinian activist in Hebron has now been

sentenced to 10 days in a military jail. This video taken by journalists Lawrence Wright, who writes for The New Yorker magazine, went viral after

Wright posted on Twitter. It shows two IDF soldiers manhandling activist - pushing him to the ground and one soldier kicking him before that soldier

is pushed away by other troops.

Well, in a statement the IDF said the soldier had asked a Palestinian or approached a military post to step away. And that the Palestinian started

cursing him right rejected that version of events saying the soldier initiated the encounter. Iranian President Ebrahim Raisi was greeted by

Chinese President Xi Jinping as he began a three day visit to China.

It's the first state visit by the Iranian leader to China in more than 20 years. Chinese state television reports the two leaders have already signed

documents promoting tourism and trade between their countries. Well, still to come Valentine's Day by the numbers from top gifts to dating app usage.

We have got the stats on what romance looks like in 2023.



ANDERSON: Love is in the air today, as many people in parts of the world celebrate Valentine's Day thought to be named for one of several Christian

martyrs named Valentine. And since nothing says romance like senior data reporter, we've decided to bring in CNN's Harry Enten for more on this

holiday of love; he joins me from New York.

Look at Valentine's Day by the numbers, good to have you sir. We think of Valentine's Day as a day to get cozy together. But how many couples

actually sleep in the same room together at night these days? Is it clear?

HARRY ENTEN, CNN SENIOR DATA REPORTER: You know, it's so funny, there's a poll for basically anything. And so it was a poll that recently came out

from the New York Times essentially, as you know, if you're living with someone, are you in fact, sleeping with them? And it turns out that 20

percent of couples are actually sleeping in different bedrooms at this point, although that is about the same share as it was 20 years ago.

But this isn't, you know, I Love Lucy it's not, you know, literally separate beds within the same bedroom. It's literally you're sleeping in a

different part of the house 20 percent of couples do so right now.

ANDERSON: OK, what's the trend these days on being part of a couple are more people or less people likely to be with someone than in years past?

ENTEN: Yes, it turns out at least here in the states. Again, we ask polls about basically anything. What you see is that a higher percentage of 25 to

54 year old, such as myself sort of in that prime age right before you reach all elderly.

And when you're not a kid, you might be living at home with your parents. Turns out that 38 percent of 25 to 54 year olds are living without a

partner that is way up from where we were in 1990, where it was just 29 percent. So it seems that at least more of prime age adults here in the

states are willing or are living alone at this point.

ANDERSON: Yes. I wonder what the figures are around the world. We'll have to look at these if indeed there's polling done on this stuff. What about

apps like hinge or e-harmony? OK, keep it I know, these, these are popular in the states. Have those changed the dating landscape or using them?

ENTEN: Yes, you know, young folks, people like myself are using them, you know, they're picking up their phone, like right over here. And U.S. adults

who have ever used a dating app, you know, you look, if you look at senior citizens, those 65 and older, just 13 percent have.

But if you look at those under the age of 30, look at that a majority 53 percent have in fact use a dating app. I can say I have in fact met a date

or two on a dating website or a dating app. But folks who are in the older subsets such as my mother, they met the old fashioned way through friends

and family.

ANDERSON: You making me feel old, you keep refining kids, that was youngsters like me, and I know I know you're a lot younger than I am. And

then your poor mum in the eldest of--

ENTEN: She is 76. She's just not that young.

ANDERSON: She's young at heart and the number is only a number one of the top love songs.


ANDERSON: What did you go?

ENTEN: You know I was hoping that my uncle's song love will keep us together as on the list. But as it turns out, in fact, he is not one of the

top five love songs. Endless Love by Diana Ross and Lionel Richie is number one. I'll Make Love to You, Boyz II Men. How deep is Your Love by the Bee

Gees at number three, We Found Love by Rihanna and Silly Love Songs by Wings?

Those are the top love songs of all time at least according to Billboard. But "I will say Love Will Keep us Together" as my favorite. And when I'm

really feeling down, "Breaking Up Is Hard to Do" is another one of my favorites.


ANDERSON: "Love Will Keep Us Together", I'll take that one. Good, good --. Thank you, sir, Harry Enten in the house for you folks.

ENTEN: Thank you.

ANDERSON: That young Harry Enten. Catching attacks is pretty much the same across the world. Here in Dubai however, they plan on taking that to the

next level quite literally. The Ruler of Dubai Sheikh Mohammed bin Rashid Al Maktoum approved designs for air taxi stations. Yes, that means flying

taxis these aerial vehicles will see full passengers a pilot and will have a whopping top speed of 300 kilometers per hour.

Initial plans aimed connect four different areas in Dubai and allow passengers to avoid not only congested roads, but roads all together. So

come 2026, the promise is birds and planes may not be the only thing that you see in Dubai's skies. I am Becky Anderson. "One World" with Zain Asher

is up next. From the team working with me here, it's a very good evening.

