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At Least Four Israelis Killed in West Bank Shooting; Desperate Search for Tour Sub as Oxygen Dwindles. Aired 10:33-10:44a ET

Aired June 20, 2023 - 10:33   ET





BECKY ANDERSON, CNNI HOST: Welcome, back I'm Becky Anderson in Abu Dhabi. The time is just after half past, 6 in the evening. You are watching


U.S. President Joe Biden and his wife are offering their support to their son, Hunter. We have just learned a short time, ago that Hunter Biden will

plead guilty to two federal tax offenses and he struck a deal on a felony gun charge. His lawyer says this ends a five-year investigation. More on

this as we go through the hours. On CNN.

Some breaking news to bring, you Israel's national emergency service reports at least four Israelis have been killed and four others wounded in

a shooting in the West Bank settlement of Eli.

Israel's military calling it a terrorist, attack happening a day after six Palestinians died, when Israeli forces raided Jenin. Elliott Gotkine is in

Jerusalem on the story.

What more can you tell us at this point?


ELLIOTT GOTKINE, CNN CORRESPONDENT: Becky, as you say, this attack took place in the settlement of, Eli, adjacent to a gas, station, according to

the Israeli Defense Forces. They -- the attackers arrived at the gas, station and then opened fire at civilians, four civilians were declared,

dead and a number of civilians were injured. xxx

The ambulance service Magen David Adom saying that four have been, injured and they have been taking to hospitals. Additionally the IDF saying one of

the attackers was neutralized, in its words; given the footage we've seen, seems like he was killed by a civilian.

IDF soldiers are now pursuing additional suspects and they put out roadblocks. They've also instructed people living in the settlement of Eli

to remain indoors while this is going on. So this is a developing situation.

And from what we can gather, it seems this is the worst attack on Israelis since the beginning of the year. So an attack, killing with this many

Israeli casualties, has not taken place since about January.

ANDERSON: Just for some context, here of course, the international community being calling for a de-escalation.

That de-escalation really is not evidenced, at present, is it?

GOTKINE: Not at all, Becky. I don't think anyone really expected a deescalation, despite the State Department spokesman calling for such a

thing. Of course as you, say we saw this raid, this battle that erupted in Jenin in the West Bank on Monday when Israeli forces went into arrest two


They did arrest one member of. Hamas one of Islamic Jihad; six Palestinians killed, three of them claimed by the Jenin brigade, which is associated

with Islamic Jihad.

ANDERSON: Elliott with the very, latest for you. Out of Jerusalem today, thank you.

Desperation growing by the, hour as a massive search operation, tries to find a lost submersible with five people on board. This went missing in the

North Atlantic on Sunday on a trip to view the wreckage of the Titanic.

The vessel about the size of a mini, van has only about four days' worth of oxygen. We are hearing that the waters being, searched are choppy. CNN's

Jason Carroll is following the story and he filed this report.


REAR ADM. JOHN MAUGER, 1ST DISTRICT COMMANDER, U.S. COAST GUARD: We are doing everything that we can do to locate the submersible and rescue those

on board.

JASON CARROLL, CNN NATIONAL CORRESPONDENT (voice-over): Search and rescue teams from the United States and Canada are working around the clock in the

North Atlantic to locate a lost submersible with five people onboard. Search planes have been scanning the ocean's surface, sonar buoys deployed

to try to detect any sound from the missing vessel.

MAUGER: The location of the search is approximately 900 miles east of Cape Cod in a water depth of roughly 13,000 feet.

CARROLL: According to the Coast Guard the submersible lost communication with its mother ship, the Polar Prince, less than two hours into its

descent Sunday morning as it ventured toward the wreckage of the Titanic. The company that operates the submersible on voyages to the Titanic,

OceanGate expeditions, releasing this statement, our entire focus is on the well-being of the crew and every step possible is being taken to bring the

five crew members back safely.

On board, businessman Hamish Harding, who is no stranger to adventure.

HAMISH HARDING, SUBMERSIBLE PASSENGER: I've always wanted to do this.

CARROLL: Recently he was a passenger on Blue Origin's June 2022 space flight.

On Saturday, he posted on his Facebook page, "I am proud to finally announce that I joined OceanGate expeditions for their RMS Titanic mission

as a mission specialist on the sub going down to the Titanic."

Also on board, Pakistani businessman Shahzada Dawood and his son, Suleman Dawood.

Their family issuing a statement, saying, "We are grateful for the concern being shown by our colleagues and friends and would like to request

everyone to pray for their safety."

According to OceanGate Expeditions' website, the 21-foot, 23,000-pound submersible, made of carbon fiber and titanium, has up to 96 hours -- four

days -- of oxygen for five people. Larry Daley, a Titanic expert, has been inside the 21-foot vessel.

LARRY DALEY, TITANIC EXPERT: I was in the sub for 12 hours. We have our own breathing system on board. And if that's maintained properly, like

changing your filter on your CO2 scrubber, you can stay down for quite a few hours.

CARROLL: In an interview CBS last year, OceanGate Expeditions' CEO touting the submersible's safety.


STOCKTON RUSH, CEO, OCEANGATE EXPEDITIONS: Everything else can fail. Your thrusters can go, your lights can go. You're still going to be safe.


ANDERSON: That was Jason Carroll. reporting,

We'll be back with more news after this short break stay, with us.




ANDERSON: A recap of our top story now, U.S. President Joe Biden and his wife are offering their support, to Joe Biden's son, Hunter, we just

learned a short time ago that Hunter Biden will plead guilty to two federal tax offenses. And he struck a deal on a felony gun charge. His lawyer says,

this ends a five-year investigation.

Greece has recovered more victims from that migrant boat tragedy, bringing the death toll to 81; hundreds more are feared dead. The boat, packed with

people, sank last week in some of the deepest waters of the Mediterranean.

(INAUDIBLE) influencer Andrew Tate has been indicted in Romania on charges of human, trafficking and rape. Tate was charged alongside his, brother and

two women. The four of them were arrested last, year accused of recruiting Romanian women and coercing them into appearing in pornographic videos.

"WORLD SPORT" with Andy Scholes is up next.
