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Thousands Protest As Knesset Passes Controversial Bill; Wildfires Burn In Greece As New Blazes Emerge; Aired 10-11a ET

Aired July 24, 2023 - 10:00   ET




LYNDA KINKADE, CNN INTERNATIONAL HOST: Hello. I'm Lynda Kincaid live from Atlanta in for my colleague Becky Anderson. And this is CONNECT THE WORLD.

Good to have you with us.

Coming up this hour, Israel passes the first part of its controversial judicial overhaul amid mass protests.

Tourist flee wildfires in Greece. Ukraine claims it carried out a drone attack on Moscow.

And football star Mbappe could be headed to Saudi Arabia.

What Israelis have been out protesting for the last six months gets it stay in Parliament. At least the first part of it. And so far, it's going as

Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu had hoped. The Israeli Knesset has passed the controversial reasonableness bill by vote of 64 to zero. It would strip

the Supreme Court have the power to declare government actions unreasonable. This is the first bill of Mr. Netanyahu's judicial overhaul

plan to get this far in the legislative process.

But protesters and not letting up. They took to the streets across the country to show their opposition to the bill. And surrounding the Knesset

locking arms and blocking roads around the building. Police set up fences and barbed wire and hit some people with water cannons. At least 19 people

have been arrested so far. And over the weekend, a group of military veterans said that 10,000 volunteer reservists will refuse to serve if the

legislation went ahead.

But the disapproval isn't just coming from the Israelis. It has been increasingly urgent please from Washington, Israel's most important ally,

to rethink this legislation. For the second time in a week, President Joe Biden warned Israel's government against moving ahead with the judicial

overhaul. Mr. Netanyahu's right-wing government has caused his relationship with the White House to become increasingly challenged.

CNN's Hadas Gold was in the thick of the protests earlier and spoke to my colleague Elenio Giokos. Take listen.


HADAS GOLD, CNN JERUSALEM CORRESPONDENT: The opposition walked out off the floor of the parliament in protest during the third final for this

legislation. We're actually standing just outside of the Supreme Court. Of course, the institution who this legislation will immediately turn.


KINKADE: I think we have a slight issue with that. But we do have a guest to discuss this further. I'm joined now from Tel Aviv by Lieutenant Colonel

Peter Lerner. He is the Director General of International Relations at Histadrut. Israel's largest trade union organization. He's been pushing for

a compromise in Israel's parliament. That hasn't happened today. I appreciate you joining us. Give us a sense of your response to this vote

going through today.

PETER LERNER, DIRECTOR GENERAL OF INTERNATIONAL RELATIONS, HISTADRUT: So, it's a tragedy. What we've seen today is a result of political whims on

both sides of the political arena that have basically ended the mediation efforts that were taking place. And because of narrow ego, interests and

considerations, basically, putting those small, narrow interests over the good and the interests of the Israeli society and on Israeli general


So, I would say what -- what's actually happened today is a combination of the last seven months. The government ignoring all of what the people had

to say. And I would actually say that Netanyahu today, he didn't achieve what he put out. But he actually missed a historic opportunity to bring the

country back together. Histadrut, our general federation of labor. The chairman just announced that he will be convening all of our senior bodies within the next few days.

And we are declaring a labor dispute. And this actually means that either we will see progress with a broad agreement, or there will be serious

consequences on the ground. We won't allow this country to go into deeper division or polarization and the people need a new route.

KINKADE: And of course, you're a union leader which represents some 800,000 workers which is about a quarter of Israel's workforce. Your union members

as well as business leaders, military reservists have been among the thousands of people we've seen taking to the streets to protest this.


And now that the legislation has passed has passed, the at least the first bill is passed, talk to us about the preparations that come next. How soon

could we see a general strike?

LERNER: So Lynda, the process that we're going through currently, after we declare a labor dispute, if that is actually declared in the next coming

days will mean that there will probably be a minimum of 15 days of due process. There are legal bindings for a general strike. But there are many

things that we can do between then and now. So I would say that we have the next couple of days where we will be conducting our activities, rallying

our members, you know, we have to keep in mind that our members are like Israeli society, across the political spectrum.

Not everybody will be happy with a general strike, but we need to be accountable to them. We need to be accountable to Israeli society. And that

is why we are gathering and this is why the chairman now, Chairman Arnon Bar-David has got decided to conduct this step. Because over the last four

or five days, the Histadrut has been at the center of the mediation efforts. We put down together with the business organization.

We put down a proposal that what we found and this is why we never went into a strike beforehand. We found that there is barely any daylight

between --in the positions on the issue of the bill. So why need to go through in such a very strong manner in a way which undermines society,

undermines our democracy. And just makes people feel left out. This is why we will be moving forward. We will be beginning our process in the next

coming days.

And it could eventually leave to -- lead to a general strike. But in the meantime, there will probably be steps on the grounds that we will see

slowdowns and stoppages, perhaps walkouts, and so on. There are many independent unions that have already declared there will be going on

strike. I saw on the T.V. footage, one of our affiliates, the social workers union out there already on the frontlines.

So of course, our members are expecting us to be active, but active not in a way just to fight but also to bring that middle Israel point of view

because we do represent everybody.

KINKADE: And I want to get some perspective from you on the economic impact because Moody's Investors Service has warned that these judicial reforms

will not only weaken institutions, but negatively impact Israel's sovereign credit profile. Talk to us more broadly about the economic concerns.

LERNER: So, Israel's economy is suffering because of this, as you pointed out. Moody's, but it's not only Moody's, it's across the board. Everybody

is showing concern, everybody except the government who think that they're living in a different planet. So we need them to realize that, you know,

there are so many red flags. People demonstrating and protesting for now 29 weeks on the streets.

The labor union saying get together, find mutual and common ground. The global economy, the local economy, it's all struggling and it's all

pointing to a very clear, red flag that the government should be listening to. We have the concerns of our workers. If the economy goes down, pay

rises, paychecks, the stability of the economy, workplaces could potentially close. That would be bad for the working men and women of


And just quickly, what does this traditional form mean for U.S.-Israeli relations, because we -- I did hear from two former U.S. ambassadors at the

Israel who have called on the White House to rethink the $3.8 billion which annually goes to military assistance for Israel.

LERNER: So, we were just in last May, we visited the U.S. and we met with congressmen and people from the State Department and the president's office

to show -- to share our position of the need for support on one hand, but an understanding a clear demand that Israel needs to be managed because we

have mutual and shared values. So we have to keep in mind that those values need to be a guiding -- that lighthouse of action for Israel in Israeli


We are dependent. We appreciate American support. And I think we need to be welcoming and listen to our friends. I think that is our message. We came

when we were in in in May in the U.S. We came with a message of we are grateful for your support and solidarity. When we met with the AFL, CIO and

the different unions in the U.S. That was a message we also received and also from the Jewish community leaders that we met with -- when we were



So, America is important to Israel and Israel is important to America and that needs to be mutual respect. So, if America is telling the Israeli

government, listen to what we have to say, Israel should, you know, just to be polite, they should be listening. You know, on defense issues in my

former role as a spokesperson for the -- for the IDF and I'm a retired lieutenant colonel or actually, I'm in reserve, and I'm actually

considering, do I maintain that status? I'm well over the age.


KINKADE: -- some many others have threatened to do.

LERNER: Or do I resign? It's a very serious internal that I have today. I would say I'm still not certain. We'll see what the Supreme Court says

about this process.

KINKADE: We appreciate your time though. Lieutenant Colonel, we'll have to leave it there for now. But we appreciate your perspective. Thanks so much

for your time.

LERNER: Thank you, Lynda.

KINKADE: Well, CNN's Hadas Gold has been in the thick of the protests all day and joins us now live from Jerusalem. Hadas, you've been out there in

the heat with thousands of protesters. Just give us a sense of the reaction you've seen as these votes played out.

GOLD: Yes. Organizers have set up large screens. We're right at the side Supreme Court's large screens outside the Supreme Court all the way down to

the Israeli parliament for protesters to watch the proceedings on the floor of Parliament. And when that vote was announced that 64 to zero vote, zero

because all the opposition lawmakers walked off in protest, people started chanting. They started booing. They started saying things like shame.

And they have started marching towards the stage behind me where it various speakers have come up and encouraging the crowd chanting things like, we

will not leave, we will stay in the streets until things get better. Some of them I've been putting to use the language like this is war, the war has

just begun. And protests as we know are also starting to take to the streets in places like Tel Aviv as well.

You can hear the anger in the voices, you can see the anger on their faces over the how this -- how this -- how this all happened. And they say that

they will not be leaving the streets. Now, some of the fallout we're seeing. We've already seen the first legal challenges to this. Legal

challenge is seeking an injunction from the Supreme Court to stop this legislation from happening.

Now, that legal process could lead to a very interesting political. You could call it constitutional crisis here because it could be the supreme

court ruling whether the bill taking away their ability to do something unreasonable is unreasonable in and of itself. Now, that's a few steps

ahead. Also, what we're seeing is the stock market falling around two percent last time I checked.

The Israeli shekels also falling against the dollar about one percent. So obviously, there's economic impacts, you were just talking about a

potential labor strike that could really shut down the country. That's what shut down the country back in March. That's what really caused the

legislation to be frozen back then. And then the big question also is, of course, about the military reservists.

There's thousands of military reservists who have already said that they will not serve, they will not heed the call to serve if they're -- to duty.

If this legislation passes, the legislation has passed. Now the question will be, of course, there's a major conflict and they're needed. These are

people including the elite Air Force pilots who have said they will not serve. They would be needed in a major conflict.

So, will they not serve? And also, what will be the consequences for them? Will they be arrested? What kind of legal consequences could they face? A

lot of unknowns. And I also think it'll be interesting to see what happens on the streets in the next few hours because the protesters are angry. The

heat is starting to die down a little bit. So people started to get their energy back.

And the protesters are not giving any indication that they're going to be going home anytime soon. Lynda?

KINKADE: Wow. Hadas Gold, good to have you on the story for us. Appreciate your time. We'll be speaking to you again soon. No doubt. Thank you. Hadas

Gold there.

All this legal vernacular may be a bit confusing. The so-called reasonableness doctrine, however, is not unique to Israel as we've

discussed. It has been used in a number of other countries, including the U.K., Canada and Australia. But it helped me get your head wrapped around

all the judicial changes and what could come next to the Israeli and those opposing this move. You can go to CNN's Meanwhile in the Middle East


It's got a robust wrap up for you. Just head to Still to come, wildfires in Greece continue burning as new ones break out.

We'll take stock of the damage when we return.

And CNN tours a cathedral severely damaged and a Russian missile strike. What Ukraine apparently did today in retaliation.



KINKADE: Welcome back. Firefighters in the Greek Isles are stretched thin trying to tamp down those wildfires on several fronts. The worst in roads

continues to burn out of control leaving eerie ash and scenes like this. Two more fires broke out Sunday on the islands of Evia and Corfu forcing

further evacuations from both. And it's very destructive and it's disrupting what is generally the high season for Greek tourism.

Our Sam Kiley reports.


SAM KILEY, CNN SENIOR INTERNATIONAL CORRESPONDENT (voiceover): It's a regular visitor wildfire, and no one knows where or when it will strike.

This is tourism in the 21st century. The latest Maelstrom in southern Europe roads an island of ancient ruins facing a modern apocalypse. Intense

heat waves of turn forest into desiccated tinder yearning for a spark to roar into flame.

And anything that fails to flee the inferno has little chance of survival. Greek authorities have evacuated tens of thousands from popular resorts at

peak season. And the government says it's the largest such operation in the country's history.

KEVIN SALES, BRITISH TOURIST: All our money, passports, clothing. We have to lend a woman some of my wife's clothes because she had nothing to wear.

It was terrible.

KILEY (voiceover): British tour operators are flying empty planes here to bring desperate tourists home.

KILEY: Powerful winds have paid live just about unbearable for people on these islands living through this heatwave, but those selfsame winds of

fanning the flames of these infernos.

KILEY (voiceover): And the problem is spreading. The latest overnight the island of Corfu where thousands have now been evacuated and police are

bolstering their ranks in anticipation of more to come. The Greek government has been battling wildfires across the country for a week during

what's expected to be the longest heatwave this country has ever seen. As temperature records are shattered across Europe and the world, every day

our planet has become slightly more unlivable.

POPE FRANCIS, HEAD, CATHOLIC CHURCH (through translator): We are experiencing here and, in many countries, extreme climatic events, please I

renew my appeal to the leaders of the nations to do something more concrete to limit polluting emissions. It is an urgent challenge and cannot be put

off. It concerns everyone. Let us protect our common home.

KILEY: As heat waves and fires are escalating yearly in southern Europe. The threat is now even perhaps to the pontiff's own home.

Sam Kiley, CNN in Leros.


KINKADE: Elinda Labropoulou joins us now just outside of Athens. Just some of the scenes we've been seeing of those fires out of control are just

unbelievable. I understand many countries are offering help are on the scene. Just take us through the conditions, the status of those fires right


ELINDA LABROPOULOU, JOURNALIST: Well, at the moment the news is not good. Unfortunately, we've had rekindling in this big fire in roads.


We understand that it is -- has been burning homes in just these last few hours. And we have news that another large fire on the island of Evian

Island that burned down heavily two years ago is again a big fire rekindling there. The island of Corfu looks a little bit better at the

moment, but there are strong winds blowing across Greece. And we don't have too many hours of daylight left.

So as a result, as you understand conditions are becoming more difficult than we know temperatures are expected to rise again, as of tomorrow, as

Greece is about to go into a third heatwave -- a third heatwave in just three weeks. So, the country is very much like a tinderbox at the moment.

You know, there's new fires erupting. Every few hours, it seems, of course, most of them are put out quickly.

But also, you know, authorities and fire services are stretched. Help, it has been coming in from other countries. Greece has requested assistance. A

number of E.U. countries and others have come to its help. But conditions are difficult to the evacuations that are underway, particularly on the

island of roads are the biggest in Greece's history. Such over 20,000 people have been evacuated and thousands of people are trying to get

flights back home.

As you understand this really is the busiest time of the year in these big tourist destinations. And the logistics are extremely complicated trying to

get these people home, Lynda.

KINKADE: Yes. I want to get a some more perspective from you on that because we have heard a lot of anger from people. Tourists were flying in

with no idea completely unaware that their hotels they booked were already evacuated. Just give us a sense of the overall impact on the tourism

industry right now.

LABROPOULOU: Well, I think a lot of things have been happening very quickly. So the -- a number of airlines, a number of tour operators, and

we're talking about, you know, big numbers of people trying to fly in and out of the islands at the same time. So, it's only fair to assume that not

everybody has been informed or informed to the degree that they should be. What we do get from the Greek side, however, is that authorities have

really been trying their best to get everyone out.

There have been no casualties, there have been no injuries. A very few people have been taken to the hospitals with any kind of respiratory

problems. So, the side that you get in this country is that, you know, despite all these difficulties, operations are underway to try and get

everyone home safely. At the same time, what the Greek authorities are pointing out is that especially the fire in roads is only affecting 10 to

20 percent of the island.

So, the rest of the island is safe that a number of the tourists have been moved to other resorts to other destinations as well. But as you can

understand, the impact is very heavy on the industry. This is a peak tourist season. And this is a time that people are expecting to make their

money. This is, you know, through a Greek financial crisis, COVID. So much has happened in these last years.

And now, they're -- so, especially for the island of Rhodes, which is a big destination. We expect to have it. The impact will be severe, Lynda.

KINKADE: Yes. And it certainly sounds like from what the Greek Prime Minister said a short time ago. There'll be difficult days ahead. Elinda

Labropoulou, good to have you on the story. Thank you.

Well, in Algeria, at least 15 people were killed. 26 injured following large wildfires there. The country's interior ministry says 97 fires broke

out overnight across 16 states, affecting forests and agricultural crops. Some 1500 people were evacuated. Thousands of firefighters have working to

control the blaze.

In a rare admission, an official from Ukraine's Defense Intelligence Arm tells CNN Ukraine launched a drone attack on Moscow earlier today. The

Russian Defense Ministry says two drones were "Suppressed by electronic warfare means without causing injuries or serious damage. The strikes come

a day after Russian missile severely damaged a historic Cathedral in Odesa.

Alex Marquardt is in Odesa and surveyed the site a short time ago.


ALEX MARQUARDT, CNN SENIOR NATIONAL SECURITY CORRESPONDENT: Well, we did hear President Zelenskyy say that the Russians would feel the retaliation

for all these strikes in Odesa. Now it appears that this response is -- at least these two drones that are hitting Moscow, a very brazen attack. The

kind of attack that Ukraine rarely claims responsibility, but they are very clearly today after almost a week of these very intense strikes on Odesa,

particularly here in the historic city center.

This is a UNESCO heritage site. We are inside the Transfiguration Cathedral. Church officials have asked us to put these helmets on because

they are doing a lot of work around here. There is a lot of debris but I do want to show you around. This is the corner that was most damaged of the

church. You can see that the ceiling has been completely opened up. This is where we believe the missile or the rocket came in, completely destroying

this corner.

It is amazing to see this much daylight in here just speaks to the fact that this part of the church no longer has any roofing.


As we come around here and my cameraman Scott McWhinney is showing you the dome up there. The gorgeous dome of this cathedral. All of those windows

have been blown out. The frescoes have come down just moments ago, a huge section of this ceiling came crashing down. This altar here to the right is

only standing upright because it's leaning against that wall. All of those pillars are now -- have now been knocked over.

This is a cathedral that has -- that was destroyed back in 1936 and then rebuilt during Ukrainian independence. And it is this kind of strike on

civilian infrastructure -- on buildings that have nothing to do with the war that has President Zelenskyy saying that what Ukraine needs now is more

air defenses. What he calls a full-fledged sky shield. Poppy? Erica?

ERIC HILL, CNN ANCHOR: Wow. So, look at this, I know you sat down with Ukraine's defense minister. He talks about this onslaught of strikes on

Odesa. What more did you learn from him?

MARQUARDT: We had a really interesting conversation with the defense minister Oleksii Reznikov. Wide ranging, we talked about Ukraine becoming a

member of NATO. We talked about the ongoing counteroffensive. But I started off by asking him about what's going on here in Odesa. And whether he has

been surprised at the ferocity of these Russian strikes. Take a listen.


OLEKSII REZNIKOV, UKRAINIAN DEFENSE MINISTER: Honestly, not because after the February of last year, it's very difficult to surprise me.

MARQUARDT: But it was night after night of drones and missiles, all kinds of different targets.

They say it was in response to the attack on the Kerch Bridge.

REZNIKOV: They every time trying to find the reason for the behavior. The reason how to explain the massive attacks. They try to explain that it's a

response for some explosions in their territories, but they fighting with the civilians. That's why I call them looters, rapists and murderers.

MARQUARDT: You have also issued a threat saying that you will turn other Russian ships into the Moskva which was the flagship of the Black Sea

Fleet, which you famously sank last April. Are you planning to escalate attacks against Russian ships in the Black Sea?

REZNIKOV: We have capacity. We have weaponry as we did with the cruiser Moskva. And if they will, threatening us in the Black Sea, we'll have to



MARQUARDT: And I also asked Reznikov about recent attacks on the Kerch Bridge which connects Russia with Russian-occupied Crimea. As well as

attacks on the Crimean Peninsula which in the past, Ukrainian officials have been rather coy about not claiming responsibility, but we have seen

quite a few attacks on both the bridge and on the peninsula lately. Reznikov indicating those will continue.

He's making no excuses for the fact that those are vital supply lines. Vital logistical nodes for the Russian occupation and its efforts in

Ukraine. He says the attacks on those Russian forces on the bridge and in Crimea will continue.


KINKADE: Our thanks to Alex Marquardt there reporting from Odesa. You are watching CONNECT THE WORLD.

Still ahead, temperatures soar across the Middle East, forcing people to get creative to give themselves and their animals call. How they're beating

the heat when we return.

And later, excessive heat warnings across the U.S. We'll take a look at what millions of people can expect in the coming week.



KINKADE: Welcome back. I'm Lynda Kinkade in Atlanta. You're watching CONNECT THE WORLD. Good to have you with us. Here are your headlines this

hour. Israel's parliament has approved a controversial bill that would weaken the power of the Supreme Court. The 64 to zero vote happened not to

opposition members walked out of the chamber. The legislation strips the Supreme Court of the power to declare government actions unreasonable. It's

facing an immediate court challenge.

New wildfires are raging and Greece as the first and most destructive on the island of Rhodes continues to burn out of control. And it's all

resulting in tens of thousands of evacuations, as visitors are sent packing. Loss tourism revenue on top of mounting property damage.

Ukrainian defense official tells CNN that Ukraine launched a drone attack on Moscow earlier today. The Russian Defense Ministry says two drones were

"suppressed by electronic warfare means" without causing injuries or serious damage. It comes a day after a Russian missile attack severely

damaged a historic Cathedral in Odessa.

People across the Middle East and North Africa are finding it hard to cool off amid a scorching heatwave sweeping the region. Some have figured out

ways to lessen the impact of the soaring temperatures. But many are finding the heat too much too bad.

My colleague Michael Holmes reports.


MICHAEL HOLMES, CNN INTERNATIONAL CORRESPONDENT (voiceover): On any given day holding sacks of wheat in Syria is back breaking work. But some workers

say the oppressive heat makes the loads feel that much heavier.

MOHAMMAD AL-AHMED, SYRIAN WORKER (through translator): We're suffering from the high temperatures but we're forced to be here. We have to feed our

families. We cannot survive if we don't work.

HOLMES (voiceover): Getting enough drinking water in this town in the northeast of the country is also hard work. Even before the heatwave, aid

agencies reported that many households had insufficient access to water. These women line up to fill their containers from a local tank, they to

complain that it's just too hot.

HAYAT HAMOUD, HASAKAH, SYRIA RESIDENT (through translator): The temperature is exceeding 42 degrees Celsius. We're dying from the heat. Moreover, we're

transporting water in the heat at 60 years old.

HOLMES (voiceover): Across the Middle East July and August are normally the hottest months of the calendar in some countries in during long stretches

of extreme temperatures. But this year, not even halfway through the summer peak period. Forecasters say they are already seeing red flags. According

to the National Weather Service, one airport in Iran recorded a heat index of nearly 68 degrees Celsius on Sunday or 154 degrees Fahrenheit.

Experts say that's so high it would be difficult for human bodies to properly function. For years, Iraq has been paralyzed by high summer

temperatures. The sizzling heat striking again in Baghdad. Temperatures hovering near or above 47 degrees Celsius over the last few days. Air

conditioners and misting fans helped to cool people down but power cuts in the city make it hard to run them around the clock without a generator.

The heat wave extending to Egypt to with temperatures in Cairo expected to top 40 degrees Celsius through midweek. City trains and metro lines are

operating at reduced speeds to avoid any problems from the high heat. There have been power cuts here too, those some residents have found simpler ways

to chill out.


AHMED HASSAN, CAIRO, EGYPT RESIDENT (through translator): The heat wave this year is stronger than any other year. We tried to stay in the shade

more, drink more water and eat more iced food drinks and ice cream.

HOLMES (voiceover): Many people preferring to stay off the streets in other cities. In Doha, this delivery driver, one of the few to braved the heat.

He says he's grateful his company allows him to use a car during the hottest parts of the day. Qatar banned the use of motorcycles for

deliveries last year, during certain hours to protect drivers from the torrid temperatures.

In nearby Dubai, some beaches have opened at night so people can take a dip when it's cool enough to enjoy it. A welcome break from the sun's glare

that in so many places right now is just too hot to handle. Michael Holmes, CNN.


KINKADE: Well, the summer heat wave continues to millions across the United States. Take a look at the triple digit temperatures in the desert

southwest and there are heat advisories and excessive heat warnings in the West, the Plains and South Florida. Over 35 million people are impacted by

the heat warnings.

Joining us now is CNN meteorologist Derek Van Dam. And Derek, more record temperatures were smashed over the weekend in several major cities. But now

this heatwave is set to expand.

DEREK VAN DAM, CNN METEOROLOGIST: Yes. You know what it's like, right? We live in Atlanta. This is -- this is hot, very, very hot place. But it gets

hotter than this, believe it or not. We have had over 5000 heat records over the past month across the United States. So that really kind of puts

it into perspective. Going forward, we've got 150 possible heat records. That includes high temperatures for the day, but record high minimum

temperatures as well.

That's one of the problems, one of the concerns is that overnight lows are not dropping down into their usual low temperature. So, we're not getting

the opportunity to cool ourselves down. Let me take you to Phoenix because this is another scorching area, this area has seen the environment scorch

so much. The earth is literally being baked on the asphalt and people who touch or come in contact with the asphalt or going to the hospital with

second and third-degree burns. That's how hot it is.

And we're breaking records there. 24 consecutive days, temperatures above 43 degrees Celsius. And this is shocking. I mean, I have to highlight this

because it's just so incredible. There were six consecutive days when the temperature reached 46 or higher. That streak came to an end yesterday.

That tied its longest record for four consecutive days at that temperature. Just incredible.

So if you're looking for some relief, if you're in Phoenix, for instance, you got to wait until next week. And that's when the mercury in the

thermometer only reached 42 degrees for change. Right? Incredible. 35 million Americans under some sort of heat advisory. That's a dry heat up

the southwest. This is completely different in South Florida. You know, excessive heat warnings. This has only happened a handful of times in


Today is one of those days. 43 consecutive days where the mercury thermometer climbed above 38 degrees. That's the heat in the sea when you

combine the humidity and the actual temperature. Very muggy across the deep South. And look at this, as long as the heat dome continues to expand it,

we'll move eastward. We're going to see these temperatures go up and up and up for places like Minneapolis, Chicago, D.C., New York, Boston, your next

heatwave continues to move east. Lynda?

KINKADE: Stay indoors. Stay hydrated, Derek Van Dam. Good to have you.

VAN DAM: (INAUDIBLE) I can give you. All right.

KINKADE: Thanks. Well, another record Saudi author for another world beating football star. Will Kylian Mbappe head for the goal? We're going to

talk it over with World Sport next.



KINKADE: Welcome back. I'm Lynda Kinkade. It is the end of an era and the death of an icon. Twitter has begun a radical rebranding replacing their

iconic bird logo with an X. Owner Elon Musk has shared a picture of the company's headquarters lit up with the new logo since Musk took over in

October. The social media giant has faced steep losses in ad revenue, mass layoffs. And according to Musk has teetered on the brink of bankruptcy.

Well as Saudi Arabia continues pushing to make its mark in football, it's pitching a new staff fpr playing in the Gulf. French striker Killian Mbappe

may never suit up for his hometown of Paris Saint Germain again. And that means the race to secure his talents is on.

Well, Saudi Club Al Hilal is making an astounding bid. Our Amanda Davies is here to explain and this is an eye-watering some, Amanda.

AMANDA DAVIES, CNN SPORTS ANCHOR: Yes. From eye-watering temperatures that we've been talking about across the network over the last few days. This is

very much an eye-watering sum of money. We are talking about 300 million euros or just over $330 million. That is almost 100 million euros more than

the current world record transfer bid in football. And, you know, Saudi Arabia, you remember back in January really made a slash, an impact, didn't

they? A splash signing Cristiano Ronaldo.

More and more players have been moving to Saudi Arabia. But this is next level. This is the France captain. This is Killian Mbappe. A 24-year-old

superstar in his prime. Is he going to go? Is it just a play to see if they can kick somebody else into action? Let's wait and see. Plenty to talk

about. And that's what we're doing in a couple of minutes.

KINKADE: Imagine it'd be hard to turn that down. Amanda Davies, good to have you with us. Thanks so much. We will see you after the break for more

World Sport. And I'll be back at the top of the hour with much more news.