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ECOWAS Threatens Force if President Bazoum isn't Reinstated ; Chad's President Visits Niger to Mediate Between Captive Nigerian President and General behind Revolt; Kyiv: Saudi Arabia to Host Ukraine Talks; At Least Six Killed in Fighting at Palestinian Refugee Camp; Mar-a-Lago Worker Appears in Miami Court; Saudi Investment Impacts Football Transfer Market. Aired 11a-12p ET

Aired July 31, 2023 - 11:00   ET




BECKY ANDERSON, CNN HOST, CONNECT THE WORLD: Welcome back. You're watching the second hour of CONNECT THE WORLD with me Becky Anderson live from

London tonight.

Coming up, the political crisis continues to grow in the West African Nation of Niger but the implications stretching far beyond its borders

thousands of protesters taken to the streets as you see here to show their support for the coup leaders in front of the French Embassy protesting

against their former colonizers presence in the country.

Well missiles slam into a central Ukrainian city hitting two civilian buildings and killing at least four people over 70 others including eight

kids are found wounded in amid rescue operations. Well, the Pakistani officials are still trying to figure out who was responsible for a blast

that ripped through a political rally in the north of that country. At least 54 people are dead more than 100 are wounded after suicide bomber

detonated an explosive vest there at least 12 of the dead are said to be children.

Well, the leaders of the military coup in Niger are accusing France of planning strikes to restore the country's captive president to power our

sing the military presence of Niger's former colonial power has been a potent cause for the coup and its supporters as protesters gathered outside

the French Embassy on Sunday and these are images of that scene.

France says it only seeks to protect its citizens in the country also underlying that it recognizes Sony President Mohamed Bazoum as Niger's

legitimate leader. Well meanwhile, the President of Chad visited with both Bazoum and General leading the coup against him on Monday, as a block of

Niger's West African neighbors ECOWAS sanctioned the country and threatened to use force if Bazoum's authority is not restored.

Well, let's kick off this part of the show with Larry Madowo who has been following the developments out of Niger since last week. And he joins us

now in Nairobi, Larry.

LARRY MADOWO, CNN CORRESPONDENT: Becky, these mediation efforts do not appear to be heading anywhere because so far we are seeing the members of

the Military Junta detaining more members of President Mohamed Bazoum's Party at least four or five ministers have been detained since yesterday,

some members of the party.

And the Military Junta now claims that France plans to strike inside the Presidential Palace to free President Mohammed Bazoum. Apparently France

has been meeting with both the ousted foreign minister and the head of the National Guard who both signed documents are purporting to authorize France

to carry out these military strikes.

France is now denying that I want to read for you a statement from a spokesperson of the French Foreign Ministry who said France recalls that it

recognizes President Mohamed Bazoum and the democratically elected institutions as the only legitimate authorities in Niger. Our priority is

to save the safety of our nationals and our holdings which must not be the object of violence in accordance with international law.

So this will not go down well with many of the people who marched Sunday against France a freak against the influence of France of the country

against the international meddling because so many who support this military see the opposite president as a puppet of France.


MADOWO (voice over): Angry Nigerian smashing windows of the French Embassy in the Capital in the Niamey. Thousands of people outraged at the country's

Former Colonial Power, a day after its suspended aid and financial support for Niger with immediate effect.

Down with France, some said condemning French support for Ousted President Mohammed Bazoum. Unable to get into the heavily protected compound, a

window is set on fire, and a French flag trashed a common sight since Wednesday's military coup. Security forces eventually deployed tear gas to

disperse the protesters.

France warned it would retaliate immediately and in a strict manner, in case of any attacks against its embassy, national army or diplomats. The

Elysee Palace, saying on Sunday, adding the President Emmanuel Macron will not tolerate any attack against France and its interests.

The Military Junta that ousted the West African countries democratically elected President, keen to show France and the world that it has the

backing of the public.

MAMAN SANI, PROTESTER: We also came out to tell this little Macron from France that Niger belongs to us. It's up to us to do what we want with

Niger what we want.


We deal with who we want, and how we want. We are for me support for Niamey.

MADOWO (voice over): A sea of people outside Niger's Parliament denouncing France and some is raising Russian flags. Long live Putin and long live

Russia the protesters say demanding that foreign armies leave the country. France has about 1500 troops in Niger, a key ally in the fight against

terrorism in the Sahel. The U.S. has about 1000 troops in the country involved in counterterrorism operations.

IBRAHIM, RETAILER: As citizens of Niger, we are against French bases, American bases, Canadian bases, Italian bases. All the bases that are in

Niger, we don't need them.

MADOWO (voice over): The Head of the Presidential Guard General Abdulrahman Tiani deposed his boss and declared himself Niger's new leader on Friday,

saying he will suspend the Constitution and rule with the so called National Council for the safeguard of the homeland.

ZEINABOU BOUKARI, PROTESTER: They're really brave and I support them 100 percent. We've really suffered a lot. We've suffered a lot because they are

our children. A lot of blood has been shed in Niger. We want peace, we want peace.

MADOWO (voice over): In neighboring Nigeria an emergency summit of the Economic Community of West African States ECOWAS, regional leaders

announcing sanctions including closing borders, a travel ban, a no fly zone, freezing assets, and the deadline. ECOWAS has given the Niger Junta

one week to reinstate President Bazoum or threatened to take all measures to restore his government.

OMAR ALIEU TOURAY, ECOWAS COMMISSION PRESIDENT: Such measures may include the use of force. To this effect, the chiefs of defense, stuff of ECOWAS,

are to meet immediately.

MADOWO (voice over): But many protesters on the streets don't want any ECOWAS military intervention or involvement. And the Military Junta says

it's ready.

COLONEL-MAJOR AMADOU ABRAMANE, NIGER MILITARY JUNTA: We once again remind ECOWAS and those who wish to adventure in this of our firm determination to

defend our country.


MADOWO: Those fighting words are why mediation is so key. And the man doing that is Mohammed Idris Debby -- he's the Transitional President of

neighboring Chad. He's not a member of ECOWAS, but he was sent by President Bola Tinubu of Nigeria who chairs ECOWAS to talk to these two men.

And we saw him meeting with General Abdulrahman Tiani he is the Head of the Presidential Guard who has now declared himself leader of Niger, as well as

for the first time we saw pictures of the outset, President Mohammed Bazoum, he looks to be in great health, he appears to be still at the

presidential palace where his hold.

And President Debbie said that they had in depth discussions about a peaceful resolution of this conflict. But he didn't talk about this

progress, even though the international community says they don't recognize General Tiani. The people appear to be with him. And that is an important

support as they go into this negotiation process and find a way out of this situation, Becky.

ANDERSON: Larry Madowo on the story for you. Thank you, Larry, as Larry outlined there, in his report, many countries with a stake in what is going

on in Niger not least France, Former Colonizer.

My next guest is an expert on African policy and said in a recent interview I quote the problem of France's policy in the Sahel was that it was

slightly Neo colonial telling Africans what they should be doing rather than listening to Africans.

Well, I'm delighted say Alex Vines is the Director of the Africa Program at Chatham House and joins me now live in London. You call it France's policy

in the Sahel, slightly Neo colonial. We heard from many supporters of the coup in Larry's report there were they very, very, very negative attitude

towards the French is what we saw in that report, a fair reflection of how people feel about the French in Niger just before we move on?

ALEX VINES, DIRECTOR, AFRICA PROGRAMME, CHATHAM HOUSE: Yes, I think people in Niger schizophrenia, the kind of people are ambivalent about France.

France, has provided security guarantees there's recognition that combating radical Islamist be they affiliated to Islamic State or al Qaeda has been

important, but they certainly don't appreciate the patronizing nature and the sense of Neo colonial endeavor that France is sometimes carried with


ANDERSON: Well, let's talk about that relationship with France and the wider Sahel region. What is France had to gain?

VINES: Well, Niger is a lot more strategic to France than any other Sahelian country for the simple reason that 7 percent of its energy supply

comes from uranium mine in Niger. So Niger is the seventh largest producer of uranium in the world and the majority of it gets exported to France. So

that's an important revenue stream also for whoever's in power in Niamey and that does complicate things further.


ANDERSON: And that's important to point out because we often hear the West talk about its counter terror policy, and therefore its involvement in this


VINES: All kinds of migration also.

ANDERSON: Absolutely. You make a very, very good point. So we've had to look at where France stands. We've heard from those who support this coup

and are very, very negative about France's influence there. There are also other stakeholders; we've heard the position of the West African countries

under the umbrella of ECOWAS, well laid out in Larry's report.

What about Washington here? And Washington has had some stern words to say about this coup. Secretary Blinken spoke with Niger's President supporting

expressing support, here's what he had to say, in the wake of the news.


ANTONY BLINKEN, U.S. SECRETARY OF STATE: Our economic and security partnership with Niger, which is significant, hundreds of millions of

dollars, depends on the continuation of the democratic governance and constitutional order that has been disrupted by the actions in the last in

the last few days, so that assistance that support is in clear jeopardy as a result of these actions, which is another reason why they need to be

immediately reversed.


ANDERSON: Well, these mediation efforts, as reported by Larry do not seem to be working. The military junta says that France plans, "Strikes" and

we're hearing a lot of pushback on that. How much influence is Washington having at this point?

VINES: Washington has a bit of influence. As you heard from Larry, there are thousand Americans troops in Niger, there's a drone base there. And

Niger is one of the poorest countries in the world. I mean, it gets about 2 billion U.S. dollars' worth of international development each year. So the

economics will start to bite very quickly. And that's going to put additional pressure on the junta.

ANDERSON: Yes, 2 billion is no small change.

VINES: No small change when you are really poor country like Niger.

ANDERSON: Then, of course, there is Russia's role, and we heard those supporters of the coup of the military junta praising Russia, praising

Putin and praising Russia's involvement. Perhaps, rather than Putin and Russia as a whole, we should be talking about Wagner here.

The Kremlin said it was seriously concerned over the Niger coup, but the Wagner's Chief Prigozhin saying and I quote him here. "What happened in

Niger has been brewing for years. Former colonizers are trying to keep the people of African countries in check. In order to keep them in check the

former colonizers are filling these countries with terrorists and various banded formations thus creating a colossal security crisis". What do you

make of what the Wagner chief has said?

VINES: Well, Wagner is looking for expanding its markets. Mr. Prigozhin, the leader of Wagner a few weeks ago in Belarus was telling his comrades

there, that they were going to focus on Africa and the future. So clearly, this is an opportunity which he's offering for the junta in Niger. It's

another reason I think, also why the Economic Community of West African States with the Chair Bola Tinubu of Nigeria, the President is very, very

adamant that this coup should not work.

It's not something that the region wants to see more private military companies operating in the region. As you know, already in Mali, Wagner's

operational, and it's also operational in Sudan, and just to the north in Libya.

ANDERSON: And you are making a really good point. ECOWAS has said, as given the military junta a week to reverse this, what will progress look like in

this week to come and what do you believe will happen?

VINES: Yes. So the mediation effort by the Chadian president is really important. He was mandated to do this by Bola Tinubu, the President of

Nigeria. And his task really is to make sure that the military junta and Naomi realize that ECOWAS is serious this time. And will not allow a

military coup to succeed.

So the threat of military intervention by the region by ECOWAS is a very real one. And this is something that previous coups that have happened in

recent years in West Africa haven't seen. So this is a departure and this is really an important moment. I think it's a watershed moment.

ANDERSON: We hear more often the naysayers to western army involvement or western military involvement. What about West African military involvement

in other countries in the region?


VINES: So 10 years ago, it went Nigeria led West African engagements. While 20 years ago, were pretty successful in the manner of a union, meaning

Sierra Leone and Liberia. A few years ago, they were active also with a military force led by the Senegalese into the Gambia. In recent years, they

have been less effective.

But what we are seeing is better trained West African troops, be they from Ivory Coast, Cote d'Ivoire, or Nigeria or Senegal. And so, I think this is

why the military junta is so alarmed, and has spreading these rumors that France might be, for example, preparing for a military engagement.

Because actually, they're very fearful if Nigeria, which is just next door, leads and supports a military intervention of the ECOWAS military into


ANDERSON: And finally coming back to France, what do you make of those accusations of planned "Strikes" by France?

VINES: So I think France recognizes that it would really exacerbate the situation to get involved. So its primary responsibility is for its

nationals, like any other country, the United States or any other. And the military junta exaggerating this to try and whip up even more frenzy and

get crowds onto the streets.

You saw in your clip the Niger military warning about any intervention, including by West African forces, and I think this is a good sign because

that means they're really fearful.

ANDERSON: Fascinating. We'll have you back. Thank you very much indeed.

VINES: Thank you.

ANDERSON: Just ahead, rescuers dig for survivors after a missile strike on the Ukrainian president's hometown out of the smoke and rubble comes words

of an international summit to help Ukraine. Team coverage is up next time. And ISIS claims responsibility for Sunday's terror attack in Pakistan. That

attack killed more than 50 people, including children.


ANDERSON: Kyiv says that Saudi Arabia is preparing to hold an international summit to discuss what it calls a peace initiative for Ukraine and there's

word from the Wall Street Journal. The meeting is to be held this weekend. Russia will not be involved. It comes as the Kremlin says it's intensifying

its attacks on Ukraine in response to alleged drone strikes in Moscow.

Officials say a business area in the west of the Russian capital was hit. Well, CNN's Nick Paton Walsh is on the ground in Ukraine for you, where

President Volodymyr Zelenskyy's hometown has also been hit by missiles. Kyiv is blaming Russia for that.

Ukrainian officials also say at least four people have lost their lives there with more than 40 injured. This is Nick's report.


NICK PATON WALSH, CNN CHIEF INTERNATIONAL SECURITY CORRESPONDENT: It's startling really to see the number of injured involved, over 50 and four

dead, including a 45-year-old woman and her 10-year-old daughter and two men as well. Now one of the witnesses Natalia Balaba, from her apartment

block near where one of these missiles landed described how her husband was knocked off her feet and how a child was basically safe because they were

in the bathroom.

And indeed another missile landing near a polytechnic for economic and technological studies where another witness described how there was nobody

in the building where the missile landed, but they simply didn't have time even to respond. This startling frankly, because it appears to be an

escalation by Russia to hit civilian areas.

Could be record, you said Volodymyr Zelenskyy, the President of Ukraine's home town a vast sprawling industrial town quite far at this point says the

front lines have changed away from the fighting. But clearly a place that Russia today wanted to inflict damage upon.

Now it's important to point out now when we talk about Ukrainian, it seems Ukrainian drone attacks on areas like you showed the video there Moscow

city in the Russian capital that pales into insignificance compared to the daily damage being done to Ukraine by often indiscriminate, blatantly

vicious Russian missile strikes.

But the images that emerged from Moscow city and upscale class towered financial district, a sign really of the opulence that Russia has tried to

maintain on the global stage over the past decade that being hit by Ukrainian drones.

That frankly, a year ago you wouldn't even though could possibly get through Russian air defenses. That is indeed a deep psychological blow. And

one I'm sure that the Kremlin feels they have to respond to in some way despite the fact strangely -- today, their spokesperson Dmitry Peskov

calling those drones attacks an act of desperation.

But we are here in the south Zaporizhzhia where Ukraine continues to push forward in its counter offensive, some slow and at times reverse progress,

particularly to the east of these front lines. But the tempo of this war certainly rising at this moment as Russia feels itself potentially, it is

motherland more under attack.

Volodymyr Zelenskyy said yesterday that the war is gradually returning to Russia. But it is quite clear that we will continue to see this blatant bid

by Russia to impact a civilian toll on Ukraine regardless of how they're faring on the battlefield here.

ANDERSON: Nick Paton Walsh reporting there. For the bigger picture then on that war on the ground and on this summit, we are hearing about in Saudi

Arabia. I'm with CNN's Nic Robertson. Nic, it's good to have you. The Kremlin has said it will be monitoring these upcoming tools reportedly to

be held in Jeddah this weekend. What can we expect at this point?

NIC ROBERTSON, CNN INTERNATIONAL DIPLOMATIC EDITOR: A placeholder perhaps Saudi Arabia staking its position as being a principal arbiter between

these two countries, neither at the moment appears ready. If you look at what's happening on the battlefield and listen to what they're saying, to

settle for anything less than pushing ahead with the fight Ukraine's in the middle of its counter offensive.

Interestingly, President Putin was pushed last week by African leaders saying, look, both sides need to stop in this conflict. You need to you

need to disengage on the battlefield. And his point was, well, we can't do that as Russia because the Ukrainians are attacking us, we kind of

sidestepped the issue that is Russia that invaded Ukraine.

The point being that peace talks are most productive when both sides figure it's time to talk up and settle for peace. And we don't seem to be at that

moment. However, Saudi Arabia Crown Prince Mohammed bin Salman wants to get involved and does have a degree of leverage with President Putin and Russia

with the Chinese. So I've influenced with the Ukrainians.

ANDERSON: And it's certainly been involved in mediating hostage releases over the past 18 months or so. I think it's really important that when we

had first reports of this meeting, which is still not being confirmed by Saudi Arabia, as I understand it, as of yet. But certainly the Kremlin and

the Ukrainians seem to believe that this peace summit is going ahead.

Reports are that this will be a quite expanded set of countries in attendance, including those from the Global South. I just wonder how

important it is, to your mind that there is as wide a representation of countries as possible at this summit.

ROBERTSON: I think there's something that's going to be attractive to President Zelenskyy. Because his voice on the world stage while it

resonates with his allies, is not as loud as President Putin says, particularly speaking to the global south that Putin historically has --

ANDERSON: These allies of course, the Ukraine are very much Western focus, aren't they?

ROBERTSON: They are and Zelenskyy if his or his representatives, if they go to Jeddah and as President Zelenskyy had when he was there at the Arab

League summit earlier this year back in April, May was able to put forward his 10 point peace plan.


And so the advantage for the Ukrainians and perhaps this explains why the Russians are reticent about going, the advantage for the Ukrainians is to

get their message of what they're about the terms of their peace deal on the agenda with the global south who, who have to a degree been criticizing

the West.

Therefore, in indirectly criticizing Ukraine's stance in this war, so that's a chance for them. How does this actually advance the process? You

know, that the Saudis typically can often play a big role initially hosting peace efforts, but it's that small diplomatic follow up. That's going to be


We don't have enough details to see that yet. But let's just flag that diplomatic follow up is what will make or break these efforts.

ANDERSON: And Nic, of course, you know, the oil market, sort of as a, as a sort of backgrounder to the entire 18 months' worth of conflict that we are

seeing here is extremely significant. And, of course, Saudi plays a key role as leader in OPEC, plus, you know, the oil cartel, which includes with

its plus Russia.

ROBERTSON: And I think what we've heard from the Saudis more and more over the past couple of years is they're going to take decisions that are in

their national interests.


ROBERTSON: What's in Saudis national interest rate, now, having a stable oil market, at a certain price that's going to bring in them the money that

they need to make these huge investments that they're talking about in their infrastructure diversifying away from hydrocarbons, all of that.

So their interest here will be to sort of control the destabilizing effect of what Russia is doing in this war.

ANDERSON: And let's be quite clear that the Saudis who have taken a, "Neutral position" in this conflict to date not changing their position by

hosting this meeting.

ROBERTSON: No, I mean, we've seen them give $400 million for Ukrainians as a sort of a humanitarian fund. We've seen them apparently; it seems at

times side with Russia in decreasing oil output to increase the price of oil, which benefits Russia, because it helps it fund the war in Ukraine.

They've received heavy criticism for that.

So they are they do play a swing role. But in terms of their neutrality, they want it appears that MBS wants to have a big stake as a world leading

diplomat, putting Saudi Arabia in a positive light back on the world stage has made deals with China over Iran that is still sticking over Yemen

that's still sticking that has bought a good degree of positive benefit in relations with the United States.

And the other big price for the U.S. and Saudi and their relations is whether or not Saudi Arabia will have a rapprochement with Israel. And

there's a lot for discussion. And that's under discussion, in that that's actually having some positive sets. But for the Saudis to make that work,

this is something with Israel, and that felt the need to get it done while President Biden's in office. So that's got a time limit on it.

ANDERSON: Always good to have you Nic, thank you very much indeed. ISIS now claims it was behind a deadly terror attack in Pakistan on Sunday. More

than 50 people were killed, and 120 injured when a suicide bomber set off an explosive vest at a political rally there. A dozen of those killed were

under the age of 12. CNN Producer Sophia Saifi is in Islamabad for us right now, Sophia.

SOPHIA SAIFI, CNN PRODUCER: Becky, you know, you just said that we've been waiting for the over 24 hours for a claim of responsibility. And it is

indeed the Islamic state that has come out and released a statement saying that it will it did intend to attack this workers convention which was

taking place in the Bajau District of Northern Northwestern Pakistan in the province of Pakhtunkhwa, these region borders of Afghanistan.

The Islamic state has been active in that region in previous months. The GAUIF, which is the political party which was attacked as an Islamist

party, it's a right wing party. And there is it follows a different strain of Sunni Islam than the Islamic state. And what we're seeing here is the

sort of tussle that the Islamic state which doesn't follow a democratic morals, it's a banned militant organization in Pakistan.

And then you've got this right wing party, which does have very controversial opinions. It is however, going through the democratic

process. So another smaller rally was attacked by the Islamic state back in June where there wasn't really much of a death toll but this one over 50

people dead.

We've been speaking to people at a funeral in Bacho whereas my cousins were only 16 and 17 years old, died in this attack. It is the second deadliest

attack to take place in Pakistan this year.


There has been an increase in militancy. If you recall back in January, in Peshawar, the TTP were behind an attack on a mosque which killed close to

100 people. So yes, an increase in militancy, an increase in unease in this country, there is political turbulence. And it seems that there's going to

be secured as continuing security issues in Pakistan as well. Becky?

ANDERSON: Sophia Saifi on the story for you, Sofia, thank you, very latest there from Pakistan, coming up. CNN investigates UK surveillance technology

used to monitor migrants crossing the English Channel. Our troubling findings in the UK's response is up next. Plus Morocco scores its first

goal and its first win at the Women's World Cup, how the team made one more piece of history later this hour.


ANDERSON: Welcome back, you're watching CONNECT THE WORLD. I'm Becky Anderson in London. These are your headlines this hour. In a move to forge

closer ties the Middle East, China set to hold joint Air Force training with the United Arab Emirates.

The exercises dubbed Falken shield 2023 are slated to begin in China's northwestern region next month. The Danish government is exploring the

possibility of legally intervening Quran-burnings and other circumstances where countries and religions are being insulted.

Danish officials say they oppose the desecration of the Quran. But recent public protests where the holy book was decimated, forced 15 countries to

issue condemnation against their mar. Well, in Lebanon, at least six people were killed in fighting between Palestinian factions at a refugee camp.

Clashes broke out Saturday between Palestinian Authority President Mahmoud Abbas's faster movement and rival Islamist groups with ongoing tensions

today Monday. The violence is displaced hundreds of families within the camp and damaged two UN run schools. Well, Lebanese central banks longtime

Chief Riad Salameh will be replaced by its first vice governor.


Salameh who served in the role for 30 years had faced increasing calls to step down after international arrest warrants were issued against him for

alleged embezzlement. Well, in the UK the government is ramping up measures to deter migrants crossing the channel from France.

A controversial new law is being passed that will include criminalizing anyone who seeks asylum this way. Well, to aid this, the country has

invested millions in high tech surveillance to stop and spot small boats. But despite this, a CNN investigation has found no evidence that it was

used during the deadliest incident in the channel last year. Katie Polglase joins me now. What have you found?

KATIE POLGLASE, CNN REPORTING: Well, Becky, we found that border control is yet another area that AI is entering into and this time with some troubling

consequences. So the fundamental question here is what is this AI going to do? What is the information it provides going to be used for by the

authorities because the AI companies are saying it can be used positively?

It has life-saving capabilities to speed up rescue times and improve rescuing people in distress. But what we found with this investigation was

that for the deadliest incident, there was no evidence that this was used by the UK authorities in the channel last year. And instead, it's formed

part of a campaign of deterrence and hostility, have a watch of what we found.


POLGLASE (voice over): It's three in the morning on the 14th of December 2022 in the middle of the English Channel. A fisherman has spotted multiple

people in the water and is trying to haul them out.

UNIDENTIFIED MALE: It was pitch dark. It was a very cold night, minus one, minus two. And there was a lot of screaming.

POLGLASE (voice over): In total, they rescue 31 people from the sinking vessel, including two Afghan boys just 12 and 13-years-old.

UNIDENTIFIED MALE: This is not an area that we fish in a lot, and if we weren't there, everyone there would have probably drowned.

POLGLASE (voice over): UK authorities arrive later and rescue eight more. Four die in what becomes the worst migrant tragedy in the channel that

year. But officials have been informed of the incident nearly an hour earlier.

UNIDENTIFIED MALE: Please help, we have children and family in a boat, please, we are in the water.

POLGLASE (voice over): Just before 2 a.m. the boat had made a distress call here to utopia 56, a French migrant charity that passed it on to the French

and UK authorities. The French coast guard say the boat is undetectable on shipping radar, but estimate it will shortly cross into British waters.

Now CNN has found that at the time of the incident, the UK government had expensive AI technology designed to spot these boats and knowing that the

vessel was soon entering their territory, and that there were people freezing in the water including children. They could have sent this.

A Tekever AR5 drone designed to detect small boats and capable of deploying a life raft. It's licensed by the UK government, even the British Prime

Minister proud to show it off. CNN has established it flew over the same area where the distress call was made on multiple previous journeys.

It even flew the day before and after the incident, but not in the hours the vessel was sinking. Instead it took more than an hour for the first UK

lifeboat to arrive in which time a fishing crew rescued the majority on board.

This tech forms part of a campaign of deterrence and hostility by the government towards those attempting to reach British shores. Millions of

pounds have been spent on AI cameras trained to find rubber dinghies, some able to see beyond UK waters, drones with automatic identification


And while the company's tout their life saving capabilities, footage from these drones has also been used to identify those driving the boats and

prosecute them for human trafficking. A new bill will take it even further criminalizing anyone who seeks asylum in the UK this way.

PETRA MOLNAR, HUMAN RIGHTS AND MIGRATION LAWYER: Yes, technologies could very easily be used for search and rescue for finding boats faster for

preventing these horrific disasters. But unfortunately, the reality on the ground is the opposite. It's assisting powerful actors to be able to

sharpen their borders, make it more difficult for people to come and again using surveillance for these kinds of ends.

POLGLASE (voice over): And it follows a global trend in digitizing border security.

UNIDENTIFIED MALE: These towers to operate 24/7, 365.

POLGLASE (voice over): The same century towers made by the American tech startup Anduril, that line the U.S. Mexico border have recently been

installed along the British coastline to identify and track boats. Another company serious insight AI, whose technology is also available to the UK

authorities, insisted that tech is used for saving lives. But stop short of talking about how the government uses it.


MALCOLM GLAISTER, CEO, SIRIUS INSIGHT AI: Our equipment shows any vessel that's in the UK territorial waters, where it is and where it's going. And

if that vessel is in distress, it allows the lifeboat to get to that precise location because we're tracking it.

POLGLASE (on camera): And so we've been following some of the incidents that have unfortunately led to fatalities in the channel. If we have this

technology, why are people dying?

GLAISTER: I don't think I can comment on these incidences because of the commercial nature of their relationship with the home office.

POLGLASE (voice over): The home office declined to comment on the incident on the 14th of December. In response to a freedom of information requests

submitted by CNN, UK Border Force said revealing the text capability might aid the criminals facilitating the crossings and increased risk to life at


The Coast Guard declined to comment citing an ongoing investigation into the incident and a court case underway to prosecute the alleged driver of

the boat. A new record was set for June with nearly 4000 people detected arriving to the UK. But for those that do make it, they face an

increasingly hostile welcome.


POLGLASE: And so, this illegal migration bill has now become law while we were finishing this investigation. It means anyone on these boats, not just

the driver, anyone on these boats, arriving in the UK to seek asylum this way will be detained and then deported. Now that's faced huge condemnation

backlash here in the UK in the UK Parliament.

But also internationally with the United Nations putting out a statement after it went into law. And it said this; it said the UK is now at

variants, at odds with its obligations under international human rights and refugee law. And it goes on to say it will have profound consequences for

people in need of international protection.

ANDERSON: Fascinating. Good piece. Katie, thank you. And you can read more about CNN's investigation into the UK's surveillance technology for

monitoring migrants on CNN's digital platforms. The story there includes interactive videos, special maps, and an in-depth timeline, as you would


We'll just ahead here on CONNECT THE WORLD with me Becky Anderson, an employee at the estate of former President Trump was just in court last

hour facing charges in the classified documents criminal case, more on that after this.


ANDERSON: Well, you're watching CONNECT THE WORLD. I'm Becky Anderson for you in London today. Well, worker -- former U.S. President Donald Trump's

home in Florida has made an appearance in a Miami courtroom. Carlos De Oliveira is the Property Manager at Mar-a-Lago.

And he is accused of falsely telling FBI agents that he did not help move boxes of classified documents at the estate. Well, joining us now is CNN's

Randy Kaye who is in Miami. Good to have you on, Randy. What happened in court earlier during his appearance and do remind us again of what he's

accused of and charges that he is facing?


RANDY KAYE, CNN CORRESPONDENT: OK, first, we'll start with the charges that he's facing. He's accused of being part of this plot, of course to, to try

and delete this security camera footage, which at the Mar-a-Lago club where Donald Trump resides. But that security camera footage had video of the

boxes of documents, many of which were high level top security and classified documents they later found out.

So he is now charged with conspiracy to obstruct justice, also making false statements to the FBI as well as two counts of destroying or concealing an

object. So he had his first court appearance this morning. He did not enter a plea. But he did show up in a navy suit and tie along with his lawyer

John Irving, who's based in Washington, DC.

He stood before the judge, he stated his name, he said he understood the charges against him. He also said he understood that he had the right to

remain silent. And then the judge continued to read the charges against him. Then he did set a bond of $100,000. So he is not being held in jail or

behind bars. He is out of jail and out of the courtroom.

I can tell you that Carlos De Oliveira was asked about a passport. He says that he does have a passport, but it's expired, the judge ordered him to

turn it over even though it's expired within 48 hours, travel is restricted. He can only leave South Florida with permission.

And he cannot have any communication with any of the witnesses listed by the government. No communication at all with anybody except through his

lawyers. And now a plea hearing has been set for August 10.

That is really important, of course, Becky, because he needs to enter a plea but he needs a Florida based attorney to do that somebody who actually

practices law here in the state of Florida. So he couldn't do that with his attorney today. And he will, he is expected to do that come August 10,


ANDERSON: Yes, fascinating. We are also now getting more information about another employee allegedly involved in all of this. What do we know at this


KAYE: Yes, Becky, this employee is now really at the center of these new allegations. His name is Yuscil Taveras, he was an IT, he is an IT worker

at Mar-a-Lago. And this according to sources telling CNN this is the person who Carlos De Oliveira was talking to invited him into an audio closet to

ask him about the servers told him that the boss wanted the server deleted, asked how long the footage stays on the server.

So it was this information according to our sources that that was given to the FBI. And that is really were these new allegations against the former

President Donald Trump as well as his aide Walt Nauta and Carlos De Oliveira are stemming from is this information from this Yuscil Taveras, at

least in part, Becky.

ANDERSON: Always a pleasure, thank you very much indeed. Well just ahead. What's behind the recent trend is more European team players join the Saudi

pro football league, is it the huge payouts or part of a competitive plan that is up next.


ANDERSON: Well, Saudi Arabia has changed the market, that's the assessment from the Manchester City Manager after the transfer of his Algerian Winger

Riyad Mahrez to the Saudi pro football league. The deals reported some almost $40 million.


Three Chelsea players also recently announced a move one of them reportedly rejected an offer from Inter Milan to pursue a Saudi deal. And these are

just the latest players to sign up. There have been a lot more and to a certain extent that sums that we're talking about that we've just reported

a small change compared to what we've seen of late and what we might see Don going forward.

Don Riddell is our World Sport Anchor and Correspondent. Don, we're seeing players take huge payouts to join the Saudi league. And certainly the city

manager is calling this a real game changer. How at this point?

DON RIDDELL, CNN WORLD SPORT ANCHOR & CORRESPONDENT: Hey Becky, well, it depends who you speak to. Yes, I mean, that was certainly the eye catching

headline from Pep Guardiola saying Saudi Arabia had changed the market. And he was referring specifically to Riyad Mahrez, a player who he has really

enjoyed working with, a player with whom Manchester City have enjoyed great success for Premier League titles.

And most recently, I travel including the Champions League. But in this case, Guardiola said, we just couldn't compete with Saudi Arabia, we were

only prepared to pay a certain amount the Saudis offered more, we couldn't hold him back. So in that case, it has changed the market.

And you can certainly imagine why, because whenever a big new fish comes into the pond, and starts throwing around more money than anybody else has

before, the value of everything goes up. And it makes it much harder for all teams, certainly the kind of established traditional teams in Europe to

compete for these players.

The flip side of this is who is going, of course, we saw Cristiano Ronaldo go in December, his transfer, having left Manchester United kind of seemed

to be the tipping point. And now we've got these other players going, some of whom are really big names, many of whom, though, are perhaps in the

twilight of their careers.

It's going to be interesting to see what happens if a young player like Napoli striker Victor Osman, who's only 24-years-old, he's been dangled

$154 million offer, Napoli have said no twice. If he goes that -- perhaps represent a new direction in this with younger players who are just

entering their prime going.

But at the moment, it seems to be players who are moving for different reasons. I've also spoken to the Barcelona President Joan Laporta about

this last couple of days. And he says that Barcelona aren't particularly worried about this, because he says, the players they want and the kind of

players that would want to join clubs like Barcelona, are doing it for football reasons, not as he put it other reasons.

And the other reasons being the money, so in some ways, he's changed the market and changed the game. In other ways it hasn't just depends who you

speak to.

ANDERSON: Yes and you make a very good point. The Saudis will argue that this is all about football; they'll say, look, we're a new market; we've

got to pay the money. And we've got it to draw the ambition and to draw these players. But ultimately, they have put sport squarely at the center

of their vision 2030.

Call it what you will, some will call it sports watching others will say, look, you know, they've been very vocal about the role that they want sport

to play going forward, possibly hoping for, we know that they are hoping for 2030 World Cup hosting opportunity, as well. How do you read the Saudi

strategy here?

RIDDELL: Well, I mean, there's a number of different ways you can look at this as well. Clearly, they are trying to build a league that has a lot of

big names, and is competitive, and is attractive. They wanted to be seen as one of the top 10 leagues in the world. They're strategically placed in the

Middle East with Africa and Asia on the doorstep.

And so, they feel as though they can create a league that would have a lot of interest regionally. And perhaps if they have the players more interest

globally, they also have a young population. And so, it's certainly not a bad idea to be promoting sport if you have a young population and you want

that population to be to be fit and healthy.

We've covered the other reasons that have been leveled against the Saudis. So many times, Becky, sports rushing, the Saudis wouldn't be the only

country that's ever used sport to try and promote their image or change their image to a more positive one on the global stage.

But you have to look at what they are competing against in Europe, and it's something that they can't really compete against. And that is the history

and the tradition and the prestige of the Champions League, the Premier League, La Liga. Players who are interested in winning those kinds of

things are perhaps not going to be swayed by the money.

Players who are past it or who perhaps were never good enough to play for those clubs and in those competitions, maybe they would be swayed. But it

is a fascinating subject isn't it, kind of weighing up kind of what's important to who.


ANDERSON: It is, and they're getting creative if we are to believe what is going on with Mbappe for example, you know, perhaps potentially willing to

pay an awful lot of money from Mbappe to play -- to want to in Saudi for a year before perhaps moving on to Real Madrid.

That's going to come out in the wash, I'm sure over the next couple of days or weeks and we'll keep one eye on that one. But yes, it is absolutely

fascinating. Thank you.


ANDERSON: Today's parting shots Morocco scored their first ever victory at the Women's World Cup. Defender, Nouhaila Benzina, the first player to ever

wear a hijab at the tournament nearly scored in a tight one nil matches. But Morocco only needed a goal to pull off the surprise win over South


Their first goal in World Cup history is just six minutes in carrying Morocco the rest of the way, the striker who scored that goal, Ibtissam

Jraidi told reporters, "This victory is for Morocco and Arabs calling it the fruit of our hard work.

And if the entire first we just listed weren't enough remember this Morocco the first majority Arab country and the first North African nation to ever

make the woman's World Cup finals. Moments like this may well inspire more to follow". That was CONNECT THE WORLD with me Becky Anderson. Thanks for

joining us. CNN of course continues after this short break.