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Trump to Appear in Court Thursday for Jan 6 Indictment; World is Closely Watching Trump's Legal Battles; UAE Telco E & Group Expands into Central Europe; NASA Hears Voyagers 2 Signal after Communication Lost. Aired 11a-12p ET

Aired August 02, 2023 - 11:00   ET





BECKY ANDERSON, CNN HOST, CONNECT THE WORLD: A very warm welcome back. You're watching "Connect the World" with me Becky Anderson today out of

London. And you have been watching our special coverage of the newest indictment handed down against Donald Trump, this alleging he committed

conspiracy and obstruction as he tried to hold on to the presidency back in 2020.

We now expect the former U.S. president to appear in court in person on Thursday. That is when a hearing is set in Washington DC where he will be

formally arrested and hear the charges against him. Meantime, Russia is striking out against another vital route for shipping food from Ukraine to

countries in need.

Moscow attacked port facilities along the Danube River overnight near NATO member Romania. Ever since Russia blocked Ukraine from using the Black Sea,

Ukraine has been exporting grain on the Danube via Romania. Meantime in Kyiv, local officials say they down several Russian drones. Want to get you

back to CNN's Nick Paton Walsh who is on the ground from Zaporizhzhia in southern Ukraine, Nick.

NICK PATON WALSH, CNN CHIEF INTERNATIONAL SECURITY CORRESPONDENT: Yes, these strikes a significant moment really for the NATO alliance that's

closest that Russia has got to hit a NATO member. The grain facility, storage ports and otherwise, on the banks of the Danube that separates

Romania from Ukraine. And that coupled with strong protests launched by Poland and what they said was to Belarusian an ally of Russia.

Military helicopters getting into their airspace does mark it seems a bit perhaps, by the Kremlin to taunt the NATO alliance to its west. That is not

in the war. Their narrative suggests maybe that is the case instead, is backing with military assistance and training Ukraine. But a lot of that is

focused on the south.

And the intense counter offensive that Ukraine is renewing, pushing harder in at the moment. And we have some extraordinary footage of the fates, two

different fates of soldiers on the frontline. Ukrainian, saved by a drone extraordinarily, but also a Russian commander, abandoned, it seems by his

unit declared dead in Russia, yet surviving and receiving Ukrainian care. Here's the story.


WALSH (voice over): It is usually only the dead lying here in the craters of Ukraine Southern Front, but sometimes a glint of life shines. This drone

spotting a Ukrainian soldier said he separated from his unit. Wounded in the chest and leg by shelling, he filmed this as he lay alone, bleeding. He

feared whatever fight to live he put up would not be enough. He later told CNN from his hospital bed.

SERHLY, UKRAINIAN SOLDIER: I was ready to fight for my life. And I did even lying there under the blazing sun. I realized I was too close to the

Russians, and you even start to look at your gun in a different way.

WALSH (voice over): But the drone operators had other plans. They attached water medicine and a note to the drone and sent it back. It found him again

and dropped the package. But he didn't know if it was friendly, or a Russian bomb.

SERHLY: All the time I was crawling a drone was always hovering above. We didn't realize if it was friend or foe, it was a lottery.

WALSH (voice over): This is the moment he realizes the drone may save him. The water and medicine kept coming, easing the pain that was visible, even

from up high. And then he crawled back to safety.

SERHLY: The combat medics who gave me first aid when they found me were very surprised; I survived for two days with a pierced lung.

WALSH (voice over): So he's recovering and talks now of a new life with greater value and purpose. They don't want to leave anyone behind, said the

drone operator. Every life is important to us. I could not live with myself if we just left someone behind in the field. Probably only several miles

away, salvation was uglier.

Here is Ukrainian assault by the 15th National Guard on a Russian position. It is ferocious and eventually forced a dozen Russian troops to pull back.

Artillery had injured the Russian commander badly and the Russians left him behind, presuming he was dead.

But this video supplied by Ukrainian forces shows they found him live. And he received medical treatment. We're not naming him for his safety, but he

was later awarded a posthumous medal according to Russia media reports, left behind and declared dead by his comrades.


The Ukrainians who found him say he may have wished he didn't survive. We said, don't try anything, or you'll die, he says, and he asked us to shoot

him. And we offered him a chance to do it himself. But he said he could not do that. He's an enemy. And I had no real desire to save him.

But orders are orders, and they have our guys and we can swap prisoners. As a human another says, I was shocked that they had left him behind. But as a

soldier, I know my enemy. And I know it's not an uncommon practice for them, the opposite fates on different sides in these wide, ugly expanses of



WALSH: Becky, it's fair to say the casualties on both sides here during this southern push in the counter offensive are quite bad grueling for

Ukraine, likely experiencing, visibly experiencing a lot of pressure from his NATO support to achieve results on the front line.

It is slow mines in the way progress reported to some degree daily and we don't have full transparency as to how far Ukrainian forces have indeed got

but certainly the losses, you can see they're significant, Becky.

ANDERSON: Yes, absolutely. Nick, appreciate it. Thank you very much indeed. Meantime, a rout is bubbling up between Ukraine and its neighbor and ally,

Poland. Both countries today summoned the others ambassadors. Now this began over a discussion about Ukrainian grain imports, which Poland has

banned, saying they drive prices down.

And a Polish presidential aide said on state television that Kyiv should "Start appreciating Warsaw's support". Ukraine says the comment isn't based

in reality and is unacceptable. Let's get you up to speed on some of the other stories that are on our radar right now.

And Iran is preparing to vote on a bill that could imprison women for 10 years for failing to wear a hijab or otherwise breaking the country's

strict dress code. That's according to state affiliated media. And this despite widespread protests over women's death, while in custody of the

morality police last year.

Pope Francis has arrived in Lisbon to the Annual Catholic festival World Youth Day. It is a truly global gathering expected to bring some one

million people to Portugal. The big welcome ceremony happens Thursday in Lisbon's largest public park.

Well, Tunisia's president swore in a new prime minister on Tuesday night after abruptly firing his predecessor. President Kais Saied says central

bank executive Ahmed Hachani takes office at a time of "Great challenges". Tunisia is struggling with an economic crisis that includes shortages of

bread and other basic foods more on our top story, Donald Trump's indictment in the special counsel's investigation into what was the attack

on the Capitol and the events leading up to it?



ANDERSON: Welcome back to "Connect the World". I'm Becky Anderson in London for you. Our top story this hour former U.S. President Donald Trump has to

be arrested and arraigned again, this time over a new criminal indictment. It is not about hush money payments or classified documents this time but

his efforts to overturn the 2020 presidential election.

Donald Trump is scheduled to appear in federal court tomorrow. Well, Trump and his allies are reacting to this new indictment much like they did to

the previous two. They are calling it corrupt, pathetic and election interference. And now the Trump campaign is going even further by saying

that it is reminiscent of persecutions in Nazi Germany.

Well, the anti-Defamation League called the comparison factually incorrect, completely inappropriate and flat out offensive. Let's bring in CNN

Congressional Correspondent Lauren Fox. What are we hearing from both sides of the divide? Is there any pushback within the Republican Party

considering the seriousness of this indictment?

LAUREN FOX, CNN CONGRESSIONAL CORRESPONDENT: Yes, that pushback coming few and far between Becky, there are some Republicans like Senator Lisa

Murkowski of Alaska who voted to convict the president as part of the impeachment trial back in February 2021. She released a statement yesterday

saying that these were very serious allegations in the indictment and that there was a reason why she voted for conviction in the Senate.

We should of course, remind everyone that Donald Trump was not convicted in the U.S. Senate. In fact, he was acquitted. And a lot of House Republicans

came swiftly to his defense yesterday. And that wasn't by accident that came because Trump's team worked very hard for several weeks leading up to

this indictment to make sure and shore up the support that they thought that they needed on Capitol Hill among Republicans.

That's why you saw statements from Kevin McCarthy, from Jim Jordan, from Elise Stefanik, backing the president arguing that there's a two tiered

system of justice in the United States. But we should note that there are some Republican voices that have been absent.

We have not heard from the Republican leader in the Senate, Mitch McConnell, nor have we heard from the number two Republican in the Senate,

John Thune, they have not put out statements previously, when there were previous indictments of the former president.

But it just goes to show you that there really is still a divide in the Republican Party. While many House Republicans are coming to Trump's

defense. Some Republicans in the Senate are either silent or in the case of Murkowski making clear that they have serious concerns about what this

indictment is alleging, Becky.

ANDERSON: What we're hearing from the other side of the chamber as it were.

FOX: Yes, I mean, Democrats obviously argue that these are very serious allegations. You know, we should remind everyone that Democrats voted to

impeach President Donald Trump in the House of Representatives when it was controlled by Democrats, because they viewed his actions before and on

January sixth is very serious.

We should also point out that the January 6 select committee really did uncover a lot of the evidence that was noted in this indictment. And so,

Democrats have long argued that there was an issue with Trump's actions in trying to circumvent a fair and free election using that fake electors


Democrats tried to make the case in the January 6 committee that Trump's actions had real impact on his followers and on voters heading into January

6. When we know of course the Capitol was affected by those writers who entered the building illegally, that is obviously something that Democrats

have been fighting for a long time.


ANDERSON: Good stuff. Thank you. Donald Trump, maybe the first former U.S. President to face criminal charges. But around the world according to

Axios, more than 70 leaders have been prosecuted or even spent time in jail since 1980. Let's take a look at a few in recent years.

Israel's Benjamin Netanyahu is currently facing a corruption trial on charges of fraud, bribery and breach of trust. Brazil's Luis Inacio Lula da

Silva was imprisoned in April of 2018, spending a year and a half behind bars until his release in 2019. He was sentenced for corruption and money


Argentina's Cristina Fernandez de Kirchner, currently the Vice President was sentenced to six years in prison last December after being found guilty

of corruption during her two terms as president. Just a couple of examples there, the allegations against Donald Trump boiled down to this.

A sitting president of the United States tried to change the outcome of a national election. CNN Presidential Historian Tim Naftali says, because it

implies an attack on democracy, this is the most serious case against Trump to date.

TIM NAFTALI, CNN PRESIDENTIAL HISTORIAN: Donald Trump is the first former President to be indicted for crimes alleged crimes that he committed while

he was president. The documents case is about actions he did after he left the presidency. The case in New York is largely about hush money payments

that he made during the 2016 election before he was president.

And so, now we are seeing laying out a scenario that the founders thought quite possible. Now what they probably didn't think possible was that a

president would seek to stay in office, despite the fact that he had lost a popular plus plebiscite, an election.

ANDERSON: Let's bring in Julie Norman, Co-Director of the Center of U.S. Politics at University College London. She joins us actually from

Washington today. We just heard there about why this is so serious. Just explain from your perspective, first, how unprecedented this is and why it

is the most serious charge against the former president yet?

JULIE NORMAN, CO-DIRECTOR, CENTER OF U.S. POLITICS, UNIVERSITY COLLEGE LONDON: Well, indeed, Becky, we hear a lot these days about threats to

democracy. And this is really the real thing where the rubber is hitting the road where, as we heard from previous commentators, you know, this is

an incident where a former sitting president sought to overturn free and fair elections.

And really, for the first time in U.S. history, tried to disrupt the tradition of peaceful transfer of power. And even though it may be in other

parts of the world, you know, we talked about some different examples of how globally maybe there have been other charges, charges about actually

trying to overturn an election that's a little bit different.

And that's what makes this so different for the U.S., but also for the world and what this means for respect for elections and democracy within

and beyond the U.S.

ANDERSON: And I really appreciate your kind of wider perspective here, because we should spare a thought for how the international community will

react to all of this. That's certainly what you have said. What do you mean by that?

NORMAN: Well, as we just mentioned it this, is it's not uncommon, sadly, for a former head of state to have been charged for say things like

corruption or for a scandal, and indeed, even Trump him. We've seen these prior indictments, hush money, these kinds of things. But when you're

talking about alleged efforts to overturn an election that is really what this is centering on.

And I think the indictment very brightly is a bit narrower than some may have even expected and focusing on that in particular. And I think the

world will be watching to see how the U.S. handles this and what the U.S. as at least for many, a symbol sort of beacon of democracy, what they will

do with a case like this. And I think the fact that the Special Counsel felt it was necessary to make this accountable is noteworthy.

ANDERSON: Yes, we don't know how quickly this will go to trial. We know that the judge likes on this case does like to get things done. She's an

Obama appointee. She'll want to get this done. Meantime, elections, of course, are on the horizon November 2024. That is the court of public

opinion where Donald Trump will ultimately win or lose, right? What matters here for democracy is what the voters choose, as the path forward, correct?


NORMAN: That's exactly right. And you said it perfectly that we're almost having two cases sort of play out here that the court of public opinion and

a legal court. And they're going to be overlapping significantly. We have our primary season starting in January; Trump is still very much the front

runner for the Republican nomination.

And those primaries right now are already going to be overlaid with two other court cases in March and in May pending for Trump. And so, this case

will likely be in the next somewhere as well. We expect prosecutors to try and get a speedy trial, but that will likely be difficult just given the

gravity of the case and the witnesses who are going to be involved.

So, all of this will likely be coming to ahead in 2024. And ultimately, even if Trump is convicted, it will likely be up to voters to decide what

his future will be.

ANDERSON: Fascinating. Thank you. Well, CNN Politics Senior Reporter Stephen Collinson calls this indictment one of the most consequential

documents in American history. He's a regular guest on the show, his analysis is excellent. And he explains here, why it is so much more

significant than the previous two indictments against Donald Trump.

That is in his latest piece, you can find on your CNN app. Well, still to come squabbling and standoffs over America's debt cost the

U.S. more of its pristine credit ratings. So what's the message for Wall Street for Mainstreet and for Pennsylvania Avenue? Richard Quest is just



ANDERSON: Wall Street opened slower after the U.S. lost its top credit rating from Fitch Ratings. Other world markets also lower today. Here's a

look at where things stand at present. The DOW off about a half of 1 percent, the NASDAQ is down nearly 2 percent there. And the S&P off more

than one.

In a surprise move, Fitch downgraded the U.S. from AAA, the highest that it gives to AA plus the agency cited growing federal debt. And I "Erosion of

governance over the past 20 years, it's led to standoffs over the debt limits". How big a deal is this, is it downgrade like this?

Well, CNN's Richard Quest is in New York, watching how all of this plays out. How much wage should we give to this decision by Fitch, Richard?

RICHARD QUEST, CNN BUSINESS EDITOR-AT-LARGE: Short term in terms of today, this week, this month, very little, which is why major economists are

saying it's all a bit strange, because the U.S. economy is by far the cleanest dirty shirt in the laundry at the moment.

Longer term, I think you have to give very serious weight to this. And the reason is simple. Look, erosion of government, it says the repeated debt

limit political standoffs and last minute resolutions have eroded confidence in fiscal management.


The government lacks a medium term fiscal -- on and on and on, Becky. Remember in 2011, when S&P downgraded that was in the middle of a debt

crisis. And S&P has never restored the grade to the top grade for the simple reason it's the same issues. It is the dysfunction within the U.S.

fiscal system, the government, congress, the White House, the inability to run an economy properly.

ANDERSON: Yes, and it does feel like Groundhog Day, doesn't it every single time we are reporting once again, that government may not be able to pay

its bills that government may need to close that. And then of course, we get a resolution. This is very, very, very political.

We are in a strange phase, aren't we? Low unemployment, inflation dropping, stocks are at real highs, despite the fact they've come up somewhat today.


ANDERSON: This is a combination that sort of traditional economic thinkers would have thought unlikely if not impossible. So are we, so are we waiting

for something to snap here?

QUEST: Good question. We don't know. Paul Krugman, writing in The New York Times yesterday says it's as close to the Goldilocks as you'd like. Bearing

in mind where we'd come from. Pandemic, stimulus, far too much roaring inflation, but inflation has started to come back down again, nicely.

Rates look like they're terminal rates now, maybe one or two more hit, but we're just about there. And unemployment has remained low. The Fitch by the

way says it expects a recession in Q4 of this year. Meanwhile, many other people are now saying, well, we don't think there's going to be a

recession, including the Fed itself. So the jury's out, whether there'll be a recession or not, it doesn't really matter.

The fact is the economic scenario is favorable. But Becky, where is the risk? The risk is probably on the downside. And that's what the markets

telling us today. And longer term, Fitch is saying Social Security, Medicare, cost of debt, U.S. debt, and ability to get debt agreements. What

Fitch is saying is the U.S. is in trouble.

ANDERSON: No, it's fascinating, isn't it? I'm glad you brought up what others are saying as well. Because some of the biggest banks have actually

sort of reworked their forecasts and says, we don't, I'd say we're not looking at a recession now anytime soon.

And so, they're certainly painting a rosier picture. What are the likes of these big renowned economists say, the Larry Summers of this world, for


QUEST: Right. Well, have a look. If you look at what Larry says, and Larry Summers on this Fitch decision, he says the United States faces serious

long term fiscal challenges. But the decision today, as the economy looks stronger, is bizarre and apt. It's the, I think the significant part there

is today.

And same with Mohamed El-Erian, who talks about it being a strange move, the vast majority of economists and market analysts looking this to be

equally perplexed by the reasons cited and the timing. I think the issue with the Fitch thing, the Fitch top grade thing, forgive me, is its timing.

Why, on a random Tuesday, in August, do you do it when there's clearly looking better? You have to take this Becky, as a shot across the bows.

ANDERSON: Yes, I know, it's absolutely fascinating, isn't it?


ANDERSON: And I'm glad that you that, that we've taken a look at what Larry Summers has said, we know that it's almost to a certain extent has, you

know, has a political bias as well. And nobody from the Democratic side is going to want this sort of story out, you know, just a year before the


QUEST: Absolutely.

ANDERSON: But then the Mohamed El-Erians of this world, you know, I mean, let's be quite frank. I mean, he's, he's sort of down the line. So that's

good. It's good to get the comparisons. Thank you, Richard. It's always good to have you on.

And we've been we've been talking business and the business climate. With the UAE telecom giant known as e& who announced a major expansion on

Tuesday. Into Central Europe, the company is agreed to buy a controlling stake in PPF telecom, those assets in a deal worth $2.7 billion. That's a

significant chunk of money.

Earlier, I spoke to Hatem Dowidar, who is the Group CEO of e& about how this acquisition fits into his company's wider strategy of becoming a

global telecom and technology player. Have a listen.


HATEM DOWIDAR, GROUP CEO, E&: So to become global, we need to do a cryptographic expansion. So we need to get out of the Middle East, West

Asia and Africa where we currently operate and into new geographies, and also to go into new fields of adjacencies. So we've been doing these

adjacencies very thoroughly in the last couple of years.

We've invested into the Korean Super App into stars play Arabia, a streaming platform, wild bank and other businesses. But geographically, we

have been studying where to go next, of course, first with Telecom, and then we would look into how we can expand into other services.

And we found that Central and Eastern Europe feels like the right place to go because it still has growth. So unlike Western Europe, in which the

markets are very saturated, we still see good and healthy growth in Central Eastern Europe. And also, we have stability of currency; most of the

currencies there are pegged to the euro.

And also they have very good and solid regulatory frameworks and legal frameworks, which also give us the diversification stability that we need,

because we are already quite exposed to emerging markets. So getting into that type of markets gives us the best of both.

ANDERSON: You've talked about being much focused on transforming the company into a global tech company. Just explain firstly, how this

acquisition fits into that strategy.

DOWIDAR: You know the biggest asset that we have is actually our customer base today. In our existing footprint, we have 165 million customers; we

will add to this another 10 million customers with relatively higher outputs for example, than our customers in Africa or in West Asia.

And with this customer base, we're able to sell them a lot of technological products. So we can sell them video streaming bundles, which we have with

stars play, for example, we have now a very strong knowledge and capability in the FinTech space. So we have our different mobile wallets, credit

cards, debit cards that are linked to your mobile wallet, in many of our markets.

And we can introduce these and really gain traction in these markets as well. On the enterprise side, we believe that we have a lot that we can

contribute to these markets in terms of our knowledge and cloud and cyber security in overall end to end digitalization of businesses.

So we think that going there with telecom will also give us a lot of room to grow also, on the technology side, on the non-telecom technology side as


ANDERSON: And you are working with other big global players on a Telco AI platform. I'm fascinated by this; just explain what that brings to the

table? And what you see is the real life application of AI in this field?

DOWIDAR: Customers are looking for what we call the generative AI that basically can be their assistant, their helper, their friend sometimes. And

there are lots of companies that are working on this. We are also cooperating with big giants like Microsoft, for example, in that space.

But given that Telcos in a couple of waves of technology in the past, were left out, we decided together with some big Telcos from around the world,

to work together to see what kind of services that are based on AI that we can optimize and deliver to our customers.

And of course, by working together, we gain the let's say, the scale that the likes of alphabet the likes of Microsoft have because they are global

companies. They operate all around the world. But as Telcos normally work in from one single country, in some cases to the geography, but then

linking up with other big Telcos, so we have in this alliance, South Korea telecom, SingTel from Asia.

We represent the Middle East Africa region, Deutsche Telekom, which spans Europe and North America as well. Together working on this, we believe that

we can accelerate the work on having a Telco based AI that we can have as a service in addition to all the services that are offered by the major

platforms like alphabet like Apple, like Microsoft, we can have also our own service, that's AI based.

ANDERSON: Hatem, it's great to have you. These are exciting times. Thank you. Let's do this again and see where you're at as we move through the

year. Thank you.


DOWIDAR: Thank you very much Becky, and see you again soon.

ANDERSON: Stay with us folks, we've got some stunning images show you out last night Supermoon.


ANDERSON: Well, six months after a powerful deadly earthquake devastated parts of Syria, fire crews there are trying to contain wildfires amid a

scorching heat wave. Here's CNN's Eleni Giokos with the details.


ELENI GIOKOS, CNN CORRESPONDENT (voice over): A war an earthquake and now a wildfire. Syrian Farmer Izzadin Zuhaira has faced every one of these

disasters. His home as he told Reuters already damaged by war and also by February's earthquake. Now the orchids his only source of livelihood are

burned to ashes.

IZZADIN ZUHAIRA, SYRIAN FARMER: It left us with nothing at all. Now we need everything. We even need bread, because we don't even have trees anymore

and nothing to spend.

GIOKOS (voice over): Like many parts of the Mediterranean region, Syria's Latakia province has been severely affected by wildfires in recent weeks.

Syria's agriculture minister says fires here burned for over five days before firefighters could get them under control.

MOHAMMAD HASSAN QATANA, SYRIAN AGRICULTURE MINISTER: Most of the fires have been well controlled. There are two to three locations; we dealt with them

with all available capabilities.

GIOKOS (voice over): Firefighters also struggled to put out the fires in Syria's Homs and Hama provinces earlier this month. And Syria's White

Helmets of Volunteer Rescue and Emergency Group also battled fires in Idlib province last week. As for the culprit, Zuhaira says extreme heat is to

blame for the destruction of his olive, pomegranate and walnut trees.

ZUHAIRA: I have never witnessed such weather; the temperature has been very high during the past 15 to 20 days. And because trees and land are exposed

to high temperatures for a long time, they burned very quickly.

GIOKOS (voice over): A spokesperson for the International Committee of the Red Cross told Reuters, Syria's war torn population is among the most

vulnerable to climate change.

SUHAIR ZAKKOUT, SPOKESPERSON, INTERNATIONAL COMMITTEE OF RED CROSS: Over a decade of conflict has made everything weak either infrastructure or the

resilience of people. If we mentioned that 30 percent of the food production of agriculture production is less due to the conflict and a

climate change combined. But these countries are unfortunately as I mentioned, forgotten by when it comes to climate coping and adaptation and

to climate action.

GIOKOS (voice over): Besides erratic rainfall and rising heat, the ICRC says dust storms desertification and land losses have been impacting Syrian

farmers for years. Eleni Giokos CNN.


ANDERSON: Well, NASA says it is basically shouting into the cosmos to re- establish contact with the Voyager 2 spacecraft. The space agency says it can hear voyager's heartbeat, thanks to help from the Deep Space Network

and Radio Science Groups. But commands from NASA last month accidentally caused the crafts antenna to point away from Earth meaning no communication

tool from Voyager.


NASA hopes new commands can re-orientate the antenna, although it admits the chances are low. Well, in our parting shots tonight some stunning

images from last night's Supermoon from the region that we normally broadcast this show from the Middle East, the Gulf and wider Middle East

which illuminated skies around the world from Rio to Janeiro to Jerusalem.

This shot is from the grand mosque in Istanbul, stargazers in Greece flocked to the Temple of Poseidon, the mythological god of the sea to watch

the moon rise. Have a look at that. And Jerusalem, the Supermoon had an eerie, reddish glow it hovered over the city, fading from blood red to a

glossy white.

Well, NASA says a super moon happens when the moon is both full and when its orbit is closest to Earth. By the way, in Sri Lanka, every full moon

warrants a public holiday, called Poya Day. Well, I'm Becky Anderson. From the team working with me here in London this week and those working with us

around the world, it is a very good evening to you. "One World" with my colleague Zain Asher, is up next.

