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Hawaiian Wildfires Kill 36 as Thousands Flee; Poland to Deploy 10,000 Troops to Belarusian Border; Ukrainian Drone Strikes Put Russians on Edge; Ecuador Campaigner Assassinated; West African Leaders Hold Emergency Meeting in Nigeria; New U.S. Bans on Chinese Tech Investments; Israel's Judicial Overhaul Chills Tech Startups; Lebanon and Kuwait Ban "Barbie." Aired 10-11a ET

Aired August 10, 2023 - 10:00   ET




BECKY ANDERSON, CNN HOST (voice-over): I'm Becky Anderson, in London. You are watching CONNECT THE WORLD. Our headlines this hour.

A tropical paradise is in flames in the U.S. Daylight is about to break in a couple of hours in Hawaii, giving people a good look at the devastation

from what are these intense wildfires. The death toll, climbing overnight to 36 on the island of Maui.

Fires have also been burning on the Big Island of Hawaii; 11,000 were flown out of Maui on Wednesday, the more flights are expected today. CNN's

Veronica Miracle is on the ground in Maui. Some people literally outran the flames.


UNIDENTIFIED MALE: Oh, my gosh, look at the harbor.

VERONICA MIRACLE, CNN CORRESPONDENT (voice-over): The view from above is of shock and heartbreak.


MIRACLE (voice-over): Wildfires rampaging across the island of Maui.

UNIDENTIFIED MALE: Our entire street was burned to the ground.

MIRACLE (voice-over): Decimating homes and businesses.

JAMES TOKIOKA, HAWAII DEPARTMENT OF BUSINESS ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT AND TOURISM: Local people have lost everything. They've lost their house.

They've lost their animals and it's devastating.

UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: Lahaina is on fire.

MIRACLE (voice-over): The historic town of Lahaina, a popular tourist and economic hub on the island's west side, particularly affected with hundreds

of structures impacted.

CLAIRE KENT, LAHAINA RESIDENT: It happened so fast. People stuck in traffic trying to get out and they're just laying on both sides of the

road, like something out of a horror movie.

MIRACLE (voice-over): Most of the fires on Maui fueled in part by violent winds caused by Hurricane Dora, churning more than 800 miles away. Those

winds now subsiding as the storm pushes away.

MAJOR GENERAL KENNETH S. HARA, ADJUTANT GENERAL, HAWAII STATE DEPARTMENT OF DEFENSE: The primary focus is to save lives and to prevent human suffering

and then mitigate great property loss.

MIRACLE (voice-over): State Department crews assisting in efforts to restore communication across the islands and distribute water, with

military helicopters aiding and extinguishing the fires.

HARA: Two CH-47 supporting Maui County, they flew 13 hours, did 58 drops and about 150,000 gallons of water to assist with suppression of the fire.

MIRACLE (voice-over): Recovery will be a long road ahead according to Hawaii's lieutenant governor, Sylvia Luke.

LIEUTENANT GOVERNOR SYLVIA LUKE, HAWAII: The damage to the infrastructure, it's not just buildings; I mean, these were small businesses that invested

in Mali. These were local residents. And, you know, we need to figure out a way to help a lot of people in the next several years.

MIRACLE: Some 11,000 people were flown off of the island yesterday. Another 1,500 people are expected to fly out today. Airlines are reducing

their fares; they're increasing their flights, they are trying to get people off of Maui.

Officials are also asking those who have vacation plans not to come here, to cancel their plans, reschedule for another time, so that they can save

the scarce resources for those who desperately need it -- Veronica Miracle, CNN, Maui.


ANDERSON: Poland's beefing up its military presence along its border with Belarus, one of three NATO members that borders the country. Its defense

minister says 10,000 troops will be deployed, with 4,000 of those directly supporting the Polish border guard.

He cites the violation of Polish airspace by Belarusian helicopters, which Belarus denies. Frederik Pleitgen is connecting us this hour in Berlin. He

has been in and out of Ukraine, around the region that we are discussing today.

What more are we learning at this point?

FREDERIK PLEITGEN, CNN SENIOR INTERNATIONAL CORRESPONDENT: Hi, there, Becky. First of all the Poles are taking that very seriously. It was the

Polish defense minister who came out and said there would be those 10,000 Polish troops are going to be deployed to that border region.

Now that is on top of the Poles having already beefed up the border force in that area over the past couple of weeks because of some of those

transgressions that we have heard about. The Poles are saying, they are taking the fact that some Belarusian helicopters apparently violated Polish

airspace. They are taking that very seriously.

You're absolutely right. The Belarusians are still denying that happened. But we do know, Becky, that that border has really been a flashpoint for a

very long time. And of course, it's a very dangerous flashpoint because, if you will, you have the sort of Russian orbit, with Belarus, a very close

ally of Russia, under Alexander Lukashenko.


PLEITGEN: On the border there, directly with NATO. So that in itself makes that situation extremely dangerous. The Poles are saying they want to beef

that region up.

The Polish defense minister also came out. He said he believed that anything that the Belarusians do there is always in conjunction with

Russia. They directly blame Russia for anything that happens there.

Certainly, if you look at some of the rhetoric we've seen from the Kremlin after the Ukrainians in the past have said that they wanted to beef up

their forces around that border area, saying that these were aggressive moves, it certainly seems as though there is oil being poured onto the fire


So Poles definitely taking that very seriously and NATO taking that situation very seriously as well, Becky.

ANDERSON: Any sign or detail of a Wagner involvement on the Belarusian side of the border?

PLEITGEN: I think that is an extremely good and obviously very important question, because Wagner in all of this, I would say is the sort of 800-

pound gorilla in the room. The Poles are, of course, also extremely concerned about the presence of Wagner in Belarus.

Of course, we know that some of those Wagner Special Forces, as they call them, have been conducting some operations, training the Belarusian

military. Also that happening in some cases very close to the border with Poland.

And of course, we know that the Wagner operatives that are on the ground there in Belarus right now, from what we are hearing, they are training the

Belarusian military and are not in any sort of posture to be making a move, certainly not into NATO territory.

But they definitely are some most battle hardened people, battle hardened mercenaries that that very tough group has. A lot of them have combat

experience in Bakhmut, for instance, which, of course, was, I wouldn't say by far but was definitely one of the toughest battles in the war in


And if you look at some of the way that these mercenaries have been speaking online, in some Telegram channels as well, they have been saying,

look, if they're called on to march to Warsaw, then that is saying that they would be willing to do.

Wagner believes that they are the best part of Russia's armed forces. They believe they are the only ones who would be capable of taking on a NATO

military. And they certainly seem to right now be in a mode where, if they are called to do so, it could be something that they might be actually

willing to do.

And of course, the Poles understand that. Right now there is no indication for that to be happening. But they also know that it is a quite dangerous

situation with those mercenaries on the territory of Belarus. And at the same time, some of those indicts happening in the border area as well.

ANDERSON: Fred Pleitgen on the story for us, thank you.

Russian investigators have detained a plant director in connection with what was a huge warehouse explosion outside Moscow on Wednesday. Officials

say it killed at least one person and injured dozens more; 12 people remain missing.

That explosion and more Ukrainian drones entering Russian airspace are leaving Russians on edge, as Matthew Chance now reports.


MATTHEW CHANCE, CNN SENIOR INTERNATIONAL CORRESPONDENT (voice-over): The explosion shook the Russian city, sending a dark mushroom cloud billowing

into the skies. Closer to the blast, you can see the windows falling from the buildings above. Even residents shocked at the devastation.

One local records these images of her destroyed sewing business and suggested drone may have been spotted by one of her friends moments before

the explosion.

Outside a local reporter spots what appears to be an artillery shell on the ground. Although officially the blast is being cast as an industrial

accident at a fireworks factory. Russian officials denying sabotage or that this is a sensitive military plant, making optical equipment like night

vision goggles for Russia's war.

This place hasn't been used to produce mechanical optics for ages, says the Moscow governor at the scene. It's only pyrotechnics made here, he insists.

Still have made an upsurge of attacks at home, Russians have good reason to be nervous.

August has been particularly fraught with a spike in small scale drone strikes on Russian cities, including the capital.

There's also been at least two dozen arson attacks on military recruitment centers across the country.


CHANCE (voice-over): like this one in the far eastern Republic of Buryatia, home of more casualties in the Ukraine conflict than any other

Russian region.

But arrests in nationwide, Russian officials say vulnerable citizens like pensioners are being duped into fire bombings by Ukrainian agents posing as

police or creditors calling in loans.

"I was called by bankers," says this arrested woman, "and I thought were the FSB," she says.

But a spokesman for one Russian partisan group denies Russians are being coerced, telling CNN that if people weren't angry with the authorities,

they wouldn't do anything. The Kremlin he says, wants to hide the true level of discontent.

At the moment, there's no real evidence the latest factory explosion was anything more than the devastating safety breach officials claim. But with

the impact of war now increasingly felt at home has left many Russians on edge -- Matthew Chance, CNN, Moscow.


ANDERSON: He's had a sense of going on between Belarus and Poland, the view from the inside of Russia. Let's get you inside Ukraine right now.

Authorities have ordered a mandatory evacuation of more than 10,000 people in the Kharkiv region due to intense Russian shelling. And heavy combat

continues in southern Ukraine.

Later on CONNECT THE WORLD, we have remarkable reporting from CNN's Nick Paton Walsh, who got exclusive access to the front lines of Ukraine's

counteroffensive and the huge challenges facing those Ukrainian troops. Here is a short look.


NICK PATON WALSH, CNN CHIEF INTERNATIONAL SECURITY CORRESPONDENT (voice- over): The Russians are just past the building on the horizon.

WALSH: Let's keep moving, guys. They're very anxious we leave.

WALSH (voice-over): We're the first journalists to reach this part of Ukraine's counteroffensive push south toward Robotyne.

WALSH: I'm pretty sure the tank was spotted by the Russians and so now we're moving fast out of here because they are expecting return fire.

WALSH (voice-over): The losses from their early assault evident; this a destroyed U.S. supplied Bradley armored vehicle.

WALSH: And this thick dust, these tankers moving forward to fire at Russian positions which they say are beginning to look imperiled as

Ukraine's southern counteroffensive pushes forward.


ANDERSON: And Nick's full report, coming up in the next hour of CONNECT THE WORLD.

In Ecuador, officials say the August 20th presidential election is still on, despite the assassination of a popular candidate. Fernando

Villavicencio was gunned down just after this rally in Quito on Wednesday night. The exclusive video here taken shortly before he was killed.


ANDERSON (voice-over): One alleged attacker was shot dead with six suspects arrested later. He was known for taking on corruption in Ecuador.


ANDERSON: CNN's Rafael Romo is with us from CNN Center in Atlanta.

You have been tracking what's been going on here. Walk us through what happened as you understand it.

RAFAEL ROMO, CNN SR. LATIN AFFAIRS EDITOR: Hi, Becky, Fernando Villavicencio had just finished the speech after a rally held at a school

in Quito, the Ecuadorian capital. As he was leaving the school and being ushered into a car, gunfire rang out. It was at least 12 shots, 12.

And all the people who moments before were cheering him on had to dive for cover. Officials say this was a targeted attack against the man who once

described his own country as a narco state run by a political mafia.

Authorities say nine people were injured. Villavicencio, a 59 old activist, journalist and politician, who was running in Ecuador's presidential

elections to be held in less than two weeks on August 20th, he would frequently speak openly against corruption in his own country and had

recently said, Becky, that the mafia had subjugated his homeland.

Just to give you an idea of how bad the security situation in Ecuador is, seven of the eight candidates in the election were under police protection.

The attack happened less than two weeks before the August 20th election.

But officials say it will still go on as planned. In a video shot at a rally just a few days ago, Villavicencio he was refusing to wear a

bulletproof vest because he said the people, his supporters, were his bulletproof vest.

Now he also said that he had received death threats from a known drug trafficking gang in Ecuador. And current Ecuadorian president, Guillermo

Lasso, vowed the killing will not go unpunished and announced a 60-day state of emergency -- Becky.

ANDERSON: Just for some context here, if you will, how common is political violence in Ecuador?


ROMO: It has been somehow common. And some of the recent acts of violence paint a very grim story of violence and criminality in Ecuador. Just to

give you an idea, in late July, (INAUDIBLE), the mayor of Ecuador's sixth largest city, Manta, was shot dead alongside a young athlete he was talking

with on the street.

And also a prison riot between rival gangs left at least 43 people dead and 13 injured at a maximum security facility in northern Ecuador. Another 20

inmates died in a prison near the city when another riot broke out.

And we've seen this kind of situation over and over again over the last few years. At stake here is governance. The government says the August 20th

election will go on ahead as planned. But as you can imagine there is the potential that many voters will stay away from the polls out of fear,

especially given what just happened, Becky.

ANDERSON: Thank you, sir.

A new shot in the U.S.-China battle over technology. New rules by the Biden administration prompt sharp reaction from the Chinese. We'll tell you why,

what is going on here, live from the White House.

Plus the chairman of the West African bloc ECOWAS is pushing for a diplomatic solution over military force to end the political crisis in





ANDERSON: Nigerien coup leaders say they have formed a new government comprising of (sic) 21 ministers. It was announced on state TV just a short

time ago. The military junta named Lamine Zeine Ali Mahamane (sic) as prime minister earlier this week. These changes come as leaders of the West

African bloc ECOWAS are gathering for emergency summit right now to discuss the coup.

The chairman of ECOWAS pushing for a diplomatic solution with all parties involved. He wants to restore constitutional governance and reinstate

Mohamed Bazoum as Nigeria's president. For more on this, let's bring in CNN's Larry Madowo in Nairobi, in Kenya.

You have been right across this as things have continued over what has been, what, nearly two weeks now, Larry.

Bring us bang up to date.

What do we know about this new government, first and foremost?

LARRY MADOWO, CNN CORRESPONDENT: All right, let me start with the government, Becky, because the coup leaders in Niger are acting like they

are business as usual. General Abdourahmane Tchiani just named a cabinet of 21 ministers.

Before that, he named a prime minister, Lamine, that around in the country, he met with prime minister.


MADOWO: And he has now named his full cabinet as if there is no other democratically elected government that remains in place, that is recognized

by the entire international community.

The only people that recognize him and his national concept of safeguarding the public is the neighboring countries of Mali, Burkina Faso and Guinea,

who are all ruled by military juntas.

So in a way, they are all banding up together. So that is on the cabinet. In fact, while that is happening, the ousted foreign minister has been in

the ECOWAS meeting in Abuja. He has been representing Niger. He is sitting there at the front of the table with Niger in front of him.

So acting as if it is all business as usual. It is a really kind of a weird dichotomy here.

ANDERSON: What do you see as the ECOWAS strategy then at this stage?

Does this military government, as it were, make any difference at this point to the pursuit of a diplomatic solution here, with caveat, still

there is the threat, I assume, correct me if I'm wrong, of military intervention still on the table?

MADOWO: That is still on the table. They are currently held in a closed- door meeting, they did the opening ceremony, made some statements and then went to this actual discussion with the heads of state.

And ECOWAS has not withdrawn the threat of military invention. However, President Bola Tinubu, who shares the heads of state gatherings, said they

are still pursuing diplomacy, trying to convince the military men in Niger to hand over power and go back to the barracks, because they understand

what this consequence might be.

Listen to President Bola Tinubu.


BOLA TINUBU, PRESIDENT OF NIGERIA: As leaders of our respective nations, we must recognize that the political crisis in Niger not only poses a

threat to the stability of the nation but also as far-reaching implications for the entire West African region.


MADOWO: So the stakes are high. They have to decide when they come out of the meeting in a few hours, will they make good on their threats to

militarily (INAUDIBLE) Niger or will they allow that diplomacy to keep happening?

Which is a long shot because, as we've been covering, the military junta has refused to talk to ECOWAS. They refused a joint delegation by ECOWAS,

the U.N. and the African Union. And they're saying we will not talk to you until you remove the sanctions and you remove the threat of a military


ANDERSON: These talks, as described, I think possibly by you and indeed certainly by an expert that I had on set with me yesterday, these talks,

these negotiations described as needing to be very, very delicate at this stage. Thank you, sir.


ANDERSON (voice-over): Let's get you up to speed on some of the stories that are on our radar right now. At least 17 people have been found dead on

the shores of Myanmar after a boat carrying Rohingya migrants capsized. Officials say the boat was on its way to Malaysia when hit a storm on

Monday. Dozens are still missing.

A rescue official says only eight have survived so far.

North Korean leader Kim Jong-un has reportedly fired his top general as part of a military shakeup that happened during a military meeting which

state media said was focused on preparing for war. That report seemed to allude to the U.S. and South Korea as agitators in what they called a grave

situation on the Korean Peninsula.

FBI agents have shot and killed a Utah man while trying to arrest him. Craig Robertson was accused of threatening U.S. President Joe Biden in

advance of his visit to Utah. Law enforcement agents say the suspect pointed a gun at them while they gave him commands. He was facing federal

charges, including threats to the president.

China is slamming U.S. President Joe Biden's proposed new rules, limiting U.S. tech investments. Its foreign ministry is calling the U.S.

restrictions in China a blatant act of economic coercion.

Also, Chinese military -- minister of commerce said that China reserves the right to take its own measures and that the new order will disrupt global

supply chains. CNN's Priscilla Alvarez joins us now from the White House.

So what is this in response to?

Why is the Biden administration bringing in these new rules?

What are they?

PRISCILLA ALVAREZ, CNN WHITE HOUSE CORRESPONDENT: Officials are describing this as a national security action, not an economic one. And they have

taken it to be quite narrow because, of course, this comes at a time of heightened between the U.S. and China.

What these will do is essentially places restrictions on investments by venture capital firms and U.S. private equity firms in Chinese artificial

intelligence, quantum computing and semiconductors.


ALVAREZ: Now part of what officials have described here is that it would prevent U.S. knowledge and capital from flowing to China and limiting U.S.

capital from aiding China's military.

But they are making a distinction here, that this again is not intended to slow down economic growth in China or affect the Chinese economy so much as

prevent any of that capital from aiding Chinese military.

Of course, as you mentioned, there has been condemnation from the government of China that says that this would slow their economic growth

and this is an action that they do not agree with.

It all underscores these really delicate relationship with U.S. and China right now. And the actions that the U.S. has been taking to curtail any

sort of actions that would aid the U.S. capital into Chinese military but also, trying to establish a better communication channel with China.

We have seen over the course of this year, a high-level official traveling to China to try to mend that relationship. It is quite clear that this is a

fragile relationship, one they have to navigate very carefully.

But in addition to this being a national security action, as officials have described here, at the White House, they are also noting and President

Biden has noted the importance of semiconductors and bringing jobs to the United States.

It's just part of his Bidenomics message that he is taking into the 2024 presidential election. So there are a lot of different themes that are

coming together with this type of action that the U.S. is taking. But ultimately, again, the framing here, it is a national security one. It is a

narrowly tailored one and not one intended to hurt the economy in China.

ANDERSON: Fascinating, thank you.

Well, coming up, the controversy around Israel's judicial overhaul has impacted almost every sector of the country. But there are fears that it

might harm what is its most prized industry. A live report on that is up next.





ANDERSON (voice-over): Welcome back, I'm Becky Anderson in London. The time here is 3:30 in the afternoon. You're watching CONNECT THE WORLD, your

headlines this hour.

Hawaiian authorities now say 36 people were killed in a fast-moving wildfire in Maui. This is aerial video showing the extent of the

devastation in the town of Lahaina; 11,000 people have been airlifted off Maui with more flights expected today.

Poland is deploying 10,000 troops to the border with Belarus. The defense minister says 4,000 of them will directly support the Polish border guard.

He cites a violation of Polish airspace by Belarusian helicopters, which Belarus denies.

Ecuador's presidential election is still set for August 20th following the assassination of a popular candidate. Anti corruption advocate Fernando

Villavicencio was shot dead after a campaign rally on Wednesday night. The alleged gunman was killed by security.

ANDERSON: If you are a regular viewer of the show, you will know very well that Israel has been going through upheaval set off by the government's

judicial overhaul ban. We have seen months of mass demonstrations, a credit downgrade, a slumping currency and reservists refusing to serve.

There are fears now the most hardhit industry may be Israel's most fabled, the tech and startup sector. Journalist Elliott Gotkine joins us live from

Tel Aviv with more -- Elliott.

ELLIOTT GOTKINE, CNN CORRESPONDENT: Becky, ever since the startup nation was published a dozen years ago, it has been impossible to go to an event,

a conference and hear a government minister speak without them referring to Israel as the startup nation.

There's some justification in terms of the number of startups, the startups per capita, the investment that it attracts and also the number of Israeli

tech companies listed on the Nasdaq stock exchange in New York.

The concern now is that this sector that is so important to Israel's economy is already being damaged as a direct result of the government's

judicial overhaul plans and the fear now is that not only is damage being done but it will only get worse.


GOTKINE (voice-over): Tel Aviv last Saturday night and nearly every Saturday night for the past 30 plus weeks. Tens of thousands of Israelis

protesting against the government's judicial overhaul. Among them, Chen Amit, along with his family.

CHEN AMIT, FOUNDER AND CEO, TIPALTI: We divide (ph) for democracy and we fight for democracy.

GOTKINE (voice-over): When he's not protesting --

AMIT: (Speaking foreign language).

GOTKINE (voice-over): -- Amit runs an $8 billion financial technology startup. The judicial overhaul, he says, bringing uncertainty, disruption

and risks that come with it has forced him to shed money and talent overseas.

AMIT: We are holding all our funds outside of Israel, outside of payroll of Israel, for a few months. That is actually a contractual obligation. One

of our banks enforced on us, there was a business continuity risk.

So we applied for it and received blanket A-1 visa in the U.S., a visa that allows us, with a few days notice, to relocate as many employees as we


GOTKINE (voice-over): Within the next 18 months, he expects 15 percent of his Israeli staff to move. He is not alone. A recent poll from the

nonprofit Start-up Nation Central found almost 70 percent of startups are taking steps like shipping money, workers and even their headquarters

outside of Israel.

At the same time, money going into Israeli startups is plunging.

ARI STRASBERG, V.P. OF STRATEGY AND CHIEF OF STAFF, START-UP NATION CENTRAL: About 70 percent reduction from last year to this year. But the

trend is also worrisome because, when you see the U.S., where it is starting to ease off and actually start to climb, we have seen an

additional decline of 30 percent in the last quarter.

GOTKINE (voice-over): Adding to the gloom, the declining shekel and warnings from Morgan Stanley, Moody's and even officials from Israel's own

finance ministry that the judicial overhaul could do serious damage to the economy.

The government's response, keep calm and carry on.

"This is a momentary reaction. When the dust settles, it will become clear that Israel's economy is very strong."

But with a smaller or shrinking tech ecosystem, it may not grow as fast as it could.

GOTKINE: Outside, the reservists refusing to serve, the possibility of Israel's stable tech startups rushing for the exit represents perhaps the

biggest threat to Israel's future. Technology accounts for half of all exports. And if companies start to leave, Israel's best and brightest may

not be far behind.

GOTKINE (voice-over): Protesters still hope the government will reverse course or that laws designed to weaken and reduce the independence of the

supreme court could be struck down. If neither of those happen, the so- called startup nation may soon (INAUDIBLE).



GOTKINE: Now to be fair, there's still plenty of foreign direct investment coming into Israeli technology. Intel is reportedly planning a $25 billion

investment into its existing complex in the south of the country.

And although investment in Israeli startups is down significantly, 70 percent from the previous year, it has still attracted almost $4 billion in

the first six months of the year.

But when I spoke with a big investor yesterday, who manages several billion dollars, mainly invested in Israeli companies, and I asked him how things

were, he kind of responded despairingly and, it's a whole lot more work and a whole lot less sleep -- Becky.

ANDERSON: Fascinating. Elliott, thank you.

As you saw in Elliott's reporting, many of Israel's tech startups are taking their money and a business is elsewhere. I'm going to speak to one

CEO, who has set up shop in the UAE. He says it was the smartest move that he has ever made. Stay tuned for that interview next hour.

And, later, a transfer deal has been made for a star striker.

So who is it and where is the off to?

That is up next.




ANDERSON: Fans of the South Korean K-pop girl group Blackpink lined up in New York for a chance to grab some limited edition merchandise.

This line all headed toward the Born Pink pop-up experience featuring specialized items, including some signed by the Japanese graphic artist,


This stall will be open through Saturday with the experience heading to Los Angeles later this summer.

A yoga studio in India's capital, New Delhi, has found a new way to help people destress. They are joined by cats during what is known as The Paw

Hour. The furry friends wander between mats as patrons unwind.


SURBHI SACHDEVA, YOGA TRAINER: You will see a class full of people smiling throughout (INAUDIBLE), which is (INAUDIBLE). So it is good to just unwind

and have a destressing session (INAUDIBLE).


ANDERSON: Well, the initiative also promotes pet adoption, according to organizers. Adoption requests follow every class.

Well, Taylor Swift fans have been waiting for this. It was just announced that her album, "1989 (Taylor's version)" will be released on October the

27th. She is -- I can almost not read this because it is remarkable. She is in the midst of a sold-out Eras Tour, which picks up in Mexico later this



ANDERSON: And so it goes on. The "Barbie" movie has grossed over $1 billion in the box office but it won't be shown in Lebanon and Kuwait.


ANDERSON: Lebanon's culture minister says the movie, quote, "promotes sexual deviance" and transsexuality and conflicts with the country's moral


Kuwait is also banning the movie, claiming that it promotes unacceptable behavior. Barbie's ban follows anti LGBTQ rhetoric from some prominent

figures around the Middle East. The year of Lebanon's Shia Hezbollah movement Hassan Nasrallah referred to homosexuality as "sexual perversion"

in a threat during a speech in late July.

LGBTQ people in Lebanon faced online harassment and death threats after the leader's speech.

In Iraq, media regulators banned the terms "homosexuality" and "gender," saying they should be replaced with the words "sexual deviance." Shiite

Muslim groups in Iraq have also been burning rainbow flags at protests.

And you can take a deep dive into what is going on around the Middle East. News, sport, entertainment, arts, culture, that is in our Middle East

newsletter. Sign up to or on the CNN app.

A deal has been struck for a star striker. Tottenham have accepted an offer from Bayern Munich for England captain King Harry Kane. The German

Champions League leading target has signaled that he wanted to move.

So how did this deal finally get made?

And, indeed, is he on the move?

That is the big question. Patrick Snell joining me now from Atlanta.

As a Spurs fan, let me just put it out there. I don't think any Spurs fan wants him to go but I know a number of people who say that it is probably

time for him. And this is a great deal from the club, for the club.

So what is going on?

PATRICK SNELL, CNN CORRESPONDENT: Did you call him King Harry Kane?

ANDERSON: Harry Kane.

SNELL: Rightly so, of course, Tottenham's all-time leading scorer, England's all-time leading scorer. This is very interesting because we just

don't know at this point, yes, the deal has reportedly been agreed between German giants Bayern Munich and Tottenham. This is according to multiple

reports, albeit from unnamed sources, I will say.

Spurs, if they're going to sell him, Becky, they have to sell him now, because he's going to be a free agent a year from now and he would be able

to leave for absolutely nothing.

It is all going to come down to, I think, what does the player want?

The player want to relocate his family to Germany.

Does he want to win things in his professional career?

He has not won anything of substance, anything of note, in terms of major piece of silverware, during his time at Tottenham.

Is that a factor?

We are going to be joined by our senior sports analyst, Darren Lewis, who is breaking it all down with the very latest, right on top of this story.

That is coming our way in just a moment on CNN's "WORLD SPORT."

ANDERSON: I can tell you, I will be sitting right here, listening in on that conversation. Thank you very much indeed. That is "WORLD SPORT." King

Kane, top of the agenda in that show. Coming up after this break. I'll be back at the top of the hour for you.


