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Russian Drone Attacks Damage Ukrainian Grain Facilities; U.S. Remains Focused on Soldier's Safe Return from North Korea; Hawaii Wildfires Claim 106 Confirmed Dead; Eight Lawyers Charged with Helping Trump Break the Law; Top Investor Bets on Wall Street Downturn; Going Green: TerraCycle. Aired 10-11a ET

Aired August 16, 2023 - 10:00   ET




BECKY ANDERSON, CNN HOST (voice-over): I am Becky Anderson, live from London. You are watching CONNECT THE WORLD. It is 3 pm here.

Coming up this hour, Russia strikes the Odessa region, as a cargo ship filled with grain leaves port and heads into the Black Sea.

Pyongyang admits for the first time it is holding U.S. soldier Travis King, who illegally crossed into North Korean territory.

"Big Short" investor Michael Burry makes a big bet against the stock market.

And the death toll from the devastating wildfires in Maui crosses 100, with numbers there expected to rise.


ANDERSON: We begin with tense moments in the Black Sea as a cargo ship sets off from the port of Odessa. This is happening in the shadow of

Russia's threat to attack Ukrainian shipping interests after Moscow's withdrawal from the Black Sea grain deal.

Well, Ukraine brushing off the threats and creating what it calls a humanitarian corridor for cargo ships that have been trapped in its ports.

The departure of the Hong Kong flag vessel came as Russia again attacked Ukrainian grain facilities in the Odessa region.

Meantime, Ukraine is reporting success on the battlefield. Troops recaptured the city of Urozhaine in the Donetsk region, this video showing

Ukrainian soldiers raising their country's flag inside the village.

CNN's international diplomatic editor Nic Robertson has been in and out of both Ukraine and Russia over the past couple of years. Specifically, he is

here in London.

Let's start off with that ship setting sail from the port in Odessa. Moscow had threatened to treat any ships leaving Ukraine as potential military


What do we know at this stage about what has happened there?

NIC ROBERTSON, CNN SENIOR DIPLOMATIC EDITOR: It is a bit of a voyage into the unknown. It's a month since the Black Sea grain deal collapsed, when

Russia pulled out of. It's we them this week bordering boarding a Turkish vessel on the way toward Ukraine, in the Black Sea.

So this ship is headed toward Turkiye, headed through the Bosphorus, making steady speed. It has got about 30,000 containers on it, 30,000 tons of

goods, rather, just over 1.25 thousand containers on approximately.

But for this crew, it's a mission to get the ship out of Ukrainian waters and back to where it can be used around the globe. It's been stuck in

Ukraine since the war began.

And this has been a priority now for Ukrainian officials, to get ships that were stuck in their ports when the war began, over 1.5 years ago, to get

them out and back onto the high seas, if you. Will

So a voyage into the unknown. At the same time, Russia targeting grain facilities in the port of Ren (ph) on the Danube River. Remarkably, again,

this is another Russian drone strike, where most of the drones were intercepted.

But at least one got through here. Incredibly close to NATO country, Romania. The river there is a couple hundred meters wide. Just across the

river is Romania. Ren (ph) itself, the port was actually hit was actually closer to Bucharest than it is to Odessa.

So again, Russia striking very, very close to NATO territory. That, in itself, is a risk but for this ship at the moment on the way to the

Bosphorus, if it gets through then that is a positive signal for the Ukrainians.

ANDERSON: On the battlefield, Ukrainian soldiers raising their country's flag in one village in the Donetsk region.

Just how significant is that within the context of this, what we know to be stalling, if not stalled counteroffensive?

ROBERTSON: I think you look at that whole battle front, there, right as a series of micro battles, of places that are very heavily contested; 50

miles, away 75 kilometers away, you have Robotyne, which was again contested recently and the Ukrainians made a bit of an advance.


ROBERTSON: This particular town we are looking at, here now, the village just to the west of it, Ukrainians took about two weeks ago. They said that

they would consolidate and then they would move eastward into the town that they've now taken, the village that they've taken.

Which is on the main route, so that's reasonably significant for them. But the reality of that micro battle there is the Russians are trying to take

back one of those villages, the Ukrainians have been pushing them backwards and forward.

So even that a battle that seems to be a game is over gains of less than kilometers, is what we are talking about here, where the Russians have been

pushing backwards and forwards.

We've heard on the eastern front, in Kupyansk, further north and east in the country there, the commander of Ukrainian land forces has spent his day

there, trying to sort of strengthen the defenses because the Russians are making an almighty push for that town, which the Ukrainians recaptured late

last year.

So it is a picture of micro battles along the front lines. And this is -- micro gain makes it sound too small, because every gain is significant for

the Ukrainians. But in terms of breaking through the big Russian defenses, this is not impacting that.

ANDERSON: Nic, thank. You

To some grim finds in Sudan's Darfur region now. A government forum said there is evidence of 30 mass graves across the West Darfur state, with more

than 1,000 people buried in them. The group claims some of the bodies were dumped by the paramilitary Rapid Support Forces and allied militia.

A top Sudanese officials say the country needs a caretaker government. He also proposed a cease-fire between the Sudanese army and paramilitary

forces, after four months of fighting.


MALIK AGAR, DEPUTY CHAIRMAN, SOVEREIGN COUNCIL, SUDAN (through translator): The situation necessitates us to form a government to run the wheel of the

state to carry out a couple of basic tasks to provide services and rebuild what was destroyed by the war;

To work with the political forces to structure and establish the state and to prepare the environment for a constituent and constitutional conference

that will lead us to elections in the peaceful exchange of power.


ANDERSON: The U.N. says more than 1 million people have fled to neighboring countries, since the fighting broke out in April. More than 3

million are internally displaced within Sudan.

Coming up later, CNN's chief international investigative correspondent Nima Elbagir will have an exclusive report on violence in the Darfur region of

Sudan. You can see her report at 4 pm in New York, 9 pm in London. That is midnight if you're watching in Abu Dhabi, right here on CNN.

You can follow that civil war and other news across the region in our newsletter, "Meanwhile in the Middle East." From Sudan to Saudi Arabia, we

tell you what is happening and why it matters. Do subscribe. Just use that QR code on your screen. Of course, you can always head to

After weeks of silence, North Korea is publicly confirming that U.S. Army Private Travis King illegally crossed into the country last month, during a

tour of the DMZ.

According to state, media King told North Korean officials he was seeking refuge because of mistreatment and racism in the American military. The

Pentagon said that they cannot verify those comments and remains focused on King's safe return home. CNN's Paula Hancocks tracking all of this from

Seoul in South Korea. Paula.

PAULA HANCOCKS, CNN CORRESPONDENT: Becky, it is worth starting off by saying this is all from North Korea at this point. We've not heard directly

from Travis King and in fact we don't know his condition or his whereabouts.

Through the state media, KCNA, Pyongyang has said that is very clear in their minds why Travis King decided to run across the border.


HANCOCKS (voice-over): North Korea claims racism in the U.S. military was the reason U.S. Pvt. Travis King crossed into its territory, adding he was

seeking refuge in North Korea or a third country.

One month ago, King ran across the military demarcation line during a civilian tour of the demilitarized zone. Nothing had been heard from him

since. Pyongyang finally breaking its silence on the incident.

Claims that King confessed that he, quote, "harbored ill feeling against inhuman maltreatment and racial discrimination within the U.S. Army."

A U.S. Defense official said they could not verify King's alleged comments. And the focus remains on bringing him home safely.

King ran across the border at the joint security area, a heavily guarded area. U.S. and South Korean soldiers were unable to stop him. Pyongyang

claims King is, quote, "disillusioned at the unequal American society."

There are no direct statements from King or details of his whereabouts or condition. King had faced assault charges in South Korea, serving around 50

days in a detention facility.


HANCOCKS (voice-over): The Army says he would've faced further charges if he had returned to the U.S. as planned.

The day before he crossed into North Korea, King was taken to Inchon Airport by a military escort but did not board the plane, claiming he lost

the passport to airport officials, who escorted him back to departures.


HANCOCKS (voice-over): King's mother, through a family spokesperson is asking Pyongyang to treat her son, quote, "humanely," asking for a phone

call with him, contact Pyongyang has not allowed with previous U.S. detainees. King's family has told CNN they feel helpless.

UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: Let me go get him because I am his big sister.

UNIDENTIFIED MALE: Let me go get him because I'm his uncle.


HANCOCKS: Now as always, with North Korea, we do have to look at the timing. Any kind of declaration is very rarely coincidental, especially one

like this. Now it comes a time when the U.S. and others are trying to push for a U.N. Security Council meeting on human rights abuses in North Korea.

They're hoping for that to happen tomorrow on Thursday. And if it does happen, it will be the first time in about six years such a meeting will

take place. So some are saying it is fairly coincidental -- or not coincidental but just the day before that North Korea is suddenly breaking

its silence and saying that the U.S. has human rights abuses and issues of its own.

It has often said that the U.S. should be looking inwardly rather than criticizing the records of others. At this, point of, course the focus is

on how the U.S. can negotiate and to get Travis King back quickly and, U.S. officials say, safely. Becky.

ANDERSON: The Pentagon says the focus is on getting Travis King home.

How are they planning to do that?

Can you explain what the process is, what the tracks are here?

HANCOCKS: Realistically, if North Korea does not want to release him, he will not be released. North Korea does hold an awful lot of the power in

this situation. The very fact that Travis King appeared to run across voluntarily and, they said also in state media, this was voluntary.

Of course, the Biden administration agrees with that. So what they're doing is negotiating. Or at least they are requesting more information. There are

a number channels that they can go through to talk to North Korea, many have gone ignored over the past several weeks.

And they don't know at this point the whereabouts of Travis King. They don't know his condition. In fact, all we know is what North Korea has told

us in this very short article that was published for the world to read but not for its own people.

This was on KCNA, which the North Korean people do not know anything about, which suggest there is an element of propaganda to this as well.

So from the U.S. point of view, it is very difficult to be able to know how to secure Travis King's release. It does need North Korea to want to

release him. Becky.

ANDERSON: Paula Hancocks on the story in Seoul in South Korea. Paula, thank. You

A genetics is being brought to Hawaii to help identify the remains of those killed in the wildfires on Maui. That is as the number of confirmed dead

rises to 106 people. The death toll is sadly expected to continue to rise as more of the disaster area is searched.

The U.S. state of Ohio is sent a team of handlers and dogs trained to look for deceased victims.

Meanwhile, new questions about Hawaii's emergency warning sirens, which did not go off during the fires. Here is what the state's governor, Josh Green,

told us.


GOV. JOSH GREEN (D-HI): Signs are typically used for tsunamis or hurricanes. To my knowledge, at least I never experienced them in use for

fires. There may be some reasons for that.

Sometimes sirens send people up mountain. And going up the mountain during a fire can be problematic. Going up the mountain when there is a wave is

what you have to do. But the sirens, some were broken and we are investigating that.


ANDERSON: Joining us now with the latest on the Maui fires is CNN's Mike Valerio.

Before we talk about what went wrong as far as the systems are concerned, what didn't, happen Mike, let's talk about that search, that continued

search for deceased. We know that support is on the island from the mainland, from the stateside.

What are the details as we understand?

It how are things going?

MIKE VALERIO, CNN NATIONAL CORRESPONDENT: First of, all Becky, I just had a gust of wind as soon as you ended your question, I apologize if I don't

answer it fully but in terms of this chapter that we are about to embark on here in Maui --


VALERIO: -- with the search for remains still under tons and tons of rubble, and identifying the remains that have been found, I can tell, you,

Becky, that since last time we talked, there is this profound sense of gloom and sadness that has fallen over the island because this is a place

that blooms with life.

And to know that DNA will not be very easily identifiable from the human remains that are found because the DNA is so badly damaged and so fragile,

that is leaving people with just a sense of being adrift and unmoored from the usual beautiful, loving character, happy character of this island.

To have such a funereal atmosphere imposed upon the people of Maui after this unspeakable catastrophe. So to give you some numbers that illustrate

that point, there are right now 101 sets of human remains that have been found right now but have not been identified.

And in those human remains, only 13 of them have DNA that are complete enough at this point to be matched with anybody who would submit a cheek

swab or part of their fingernail or a skin sample.

More and more scientists are going to be brought here to Maui to help in this all-out effort to try to bring some solace to family members. You can

only imagine living in this idyllic place and not knowing for more than a week what happened to your mother and where she lost her life and where she

was found.

If she can be buried in the coffin or if she can be buried in any sort of native Polynesia funeral service. These are people who are now facing the

prospect of not knowing for weeks or perhaps months what has happened to their closest family members.

And I cannot get it through the distance that the two of us have between Abu Dhabi and here in the middle of Maui just what a sadness that has

placed upon the people here in Maui.

ANDERSON: Yes. And Mike, briefly, why were residents not warned?

VALERIO: About the warnings for residents?

There are many who are wondering why the sirens were not working but there are people who come up to us and say, if the sirens were working, we would

have perhaps, as the governor, said in the beginning sound bite, have gone to higher ground. That might have put us in danger of going closer toward

the flames.

So more questions, Becky, as to what could've been done to warn the people here in Maui.

ANDERSON: Mike, you are on Maui in Hawaii. What a sad, sad scene that is. Thank you for your reporting, sir.

Well, and then there were four. That is the number of criminal cases against former U.S. President Donald Trump. When we come back, we'll take a

look at what is next in the latest indictment, this time in Georgia.





ANDERSON: We are tracking several developments as former U.S. president Donald Trump faces felony charges for trying to overturn his 2020 election

loss in the U.S. state of Georgia.

The local sheriff in Atlanta says that Trump will be arrested and booked at the county jail when he surrenders. The district attorney is given Trump

and his 18 codefendants until next Friday to turn themselves in.

Donald Trump himself says there will be a major news conference on Monday to prove the election was rigged in Georgia, even though multiple recounts

there prove Joe Biden was the winner and Trump's lawyers lost or withdrew every case they brought to court.

Joining us now is CNN's Nick Valencia.

Nick, you're outside the courthouse where this will all be happening.

An added level of mystery to a certain extent, we don't know when Donald Trump himself will arrive at that courthouse to be booked. What we do now

is that he's going to hold a press conference on Monday, where he will apparently defend what seems to be the indefensible at this stage -- or at

least that is the allegation.

NICK VALENCIA, CNN CORRESPONDENT: That's right. We're expecting to hear from the president on Monday. So far there is no detail that his team or

his camp can offer in terms of when he'll turn himself in.

What we are hearing is from the Fulton County sheriff, here, who says, former president or not, he will be treated exactly the same way as anybody

else who is indicted here in Fulton County in Atlanta.

That means being processed through the infamous Fulton County jail, where there have been multiple deaths of pretrial detainees just this year. I did

reach out to the Fulton County sheriff's office to ask if anyone has turned themselves in overnight or if they've heard of any details about the


There is no information and nothing to indicate that anyone had turned themselves in so far. But we are getting a glimpse into potential define

strategies, not just from the former president's chief of staff but potentially from the former president himself.

His chief of staff, former chief of staff, Mark Meadows, filed a formal petition, asking for a change of venue, to remove the criminal proceedings

from state court and taking them to federal court.

His argument and his lawyers' argument being a federal official, if accused of crimes while operating as a federal official, should have those criminal

proceedings heard before a federal court.

A part of what they're saying here in their filing here, quote, "Nothing Mr. Meadows is alleging in the indictment to have done is criminal per se,

arranging Oval Office meetings, contacting state officials on the president's behalf, visiting a state government building and setting up a

phone call for the president.

"One would expect the chief of staff for the President of the United States to do these sorts of thing."

Meadows and his attorneys say they will file a formal and longer complaint or motion at a later date. But meanwhile, this matter is in the hands of a

U.S. district judge here in Georgia.

ANDERSON: And so it begins. Thank, you sir.

Among the 19 defendants charged in the Georgia election case are eight lawyers who either worked for or were somehow connected to Donald Trump.

CNN's Jessica Schneider has more on how those took an oath to uphold the law could potentially be found guilty of breaking it.


JESSICA SCHNEIDER, CNN JUSTICE CORRESPONDENT (voice-over): Fulton County District Attorney Fani Willis, charging 19 people for crimes in the alleged

criminal enterprise, to overturn the 2020 election and eight of them are lawyers, professionally obligated to follow the law but now accused of

breaking it.

Already, at least one is now claiming the D.A. is criminalizing the practice of law.

JENNA ELLIS, FORMER TRUMP ATTORNEY: It is irredeemably compromise.

SCHNEIDER (voice-over): Trump campaign attorney Jenna Ellis, who was front and center, falsely claiming widespread election fraud, posted online

defending her actions.

Rudy Giuliani also shot back on his radio show.

RUDY GIULIANI, FORMER TRUMP ATTORNEY: This is all protected free speech. This is what you're allowed to do to contest an election. This is what a

lawyer is allowed to do in representing a client.

SCHNEIDER (voice-over): Giuliani is charged with 13 counts in the indictment, more than any other defendant except Trump.

In a statement, he calls the charges an affront to American democracy.

The former federal prosecutor, Elliot Williams, points out someone's status as an attorney doesn't give them carte blanche to break the law.

ELLIOT WILLIAMS, CNN LEGAL ANALYST: An attorney can provide legal representation to a client as long as they are not urging that client to

commit a crime or committing a crime themselves. And the mere fact that these individuals were attorneys, doesn't somehow absolve them.

SCHNEIDER (voice-over): Giuliani is charged as part of a broader racketeering conspiracy, encompassing all 19 defendants.

But he's also facing several additional charges, including making false statements to the Georgia House and Senate, when he testified in 2020 --


SCHNEIDER (voice-over): -- about bogus voter fraud claims and urged state lawmakers to overturn the results.

GIULIANI: There are 10 ways to demonstrate that this election was stolen, that the votes were phony, dead people, felons, phony ballots, phony mail-

in ballots.

SCHNEIDER (voice-over): Other pro-Trump attorneys also charged include John Eastman and Kenneth Chesebro, who outlined a plan to get vice

president Mike Pence to block the certification of the election on January 6th.

And Jeffrey Clark, a top Justice Department official who drafted a letter that he hoped the DOJ would send to various state leaders, including in

Georgia, falsely proclaiming fraud in their states.

ROBERT CHEELEY, TRUMP LAWYER: Regarding this voter fraud at State Farm Arena was deliberately planned, it had to be.

SCHNEIDER (voice-over): Robert Cheeley was a lawyer who worked with Trump's team to promote voter fraud claims. He's also been charged, along

with Trump campaign attorney Ray Smith.

RAY SMITH, TRUMP LAWYER: Two thousand five hundred and six felons voted illegally in Georgia.

SCHNEIDER (voice-over): And Sidney Powell has been charged with seven crimes, including her alleged involvement in the scheme to break into

voting machines in Coffee County, Georgia. She repeatedly and falsely declared Dominion Voting Systems as fraudulent, in the weeks and months

after the election.

SIDNEY POWELL, TRUMP ATTORNEY: And that's when the Dominion operators went in and injected votes and changed the whole system.

SCHNEIDER: And Dominion is now suing Sidney Powell and Rudy Giuliani for defamation, so their legal troubles have only been compounded by this

latest criminal case out of Georgia.

In the meantime, John Eastman's attorney is also responding, saying the activity in this latest indictment is political and not criminal -- Jessica

Schneider, CNN, Washington.



ANDERSON (voice-over): Let's get you up to speed on some of the other stories that are on our radar right now.

And heavy fighting between two powerful armed factions in Libya's capital has left at least 27 people dead and more than 100 injured. According to

Libyan emergency services, the fighting started Monday, after the commander of one of the factions was detained by his rival. He was eventually


At least 17 Nigerien soldiers have been killed in an ambush by suspected jihadists. Niger's defense ministry happen in the area where jihadist

attacks are common, near the borders of Mali and Burkina Faso.

Several attacks on Nigerien soldiers have been reported since the military coup last month.

And the death toll has risen to 60 after heavy rainfall in Himachal Pradesh state in northern India. That's from the state's chief minister, who told

the Indian news agency ANI on Tuesday that bodies are still being recovered from this landslide.

ANDERSON: Coming up, why the investor known for "The Big Short" has spent more than $1.6 billion on a Wall Street market crash. That after this.





ANDERSON (voice-over): Welcome. Back I'm Becky Anderson in. London half past 3. You're watching CONNECT THE WORLD. These are headlines this hour.

A cargo ship carrying grain deported the port of Odessa. Despite Russia's attacks, threats to attack a Ukrainian shipping interests, Ukraine says

it's moving through a temporary humanitarian corridor created after Russia withdrew from the Black Sea grain deal.

Former U.S. president Donald Trump has nine days to surrender to authorities in the U.S. state of Georgia. He and 18 coconspirators are

facing various charges, accused of trying to overthrow the 2020 election.

One of the charges attempts to tie them altogether. It's usually used to break up organized criminal gangs.

What an ominous warning from China over Taiwan. China's defense minister says that unification is the trend of history and that any foreign

interference on the Taiwan issue would be playing with fire and will fail. He was speaking at a security conference in Russia.

ANDERSON: Michael Burry, the investor who became famous for predicting the massive 2008 housing market collapse in the U.S., appears to have placed a

big bet against the U.S. stock market. He was featured in Michael Lewis' book, "The Big Short," which was made into a movie.


ANDERSON: This time, Burry has bought $1.6 billion worth of financial instruments called options. That would allow him to profit from a stock

market fall, according to a filing made with U.S. regulators. Let's bring in Julia Chatterley in New York.

He reckoned that he understood more -- or certainly it was suggested he must understand more than Alan Greenspan, who was the Fed chairman at the

time back in 2008. And he understood the financial markets more than those who are supposed to run them.

What does he know that they don't this time?

JULIA CHATTERLEY, CNN ANCHOR: When he makes a big move, you're absolutely. Right to. The market listens for all of those reasons. The thing I loved

about that movie is it simplified some thing that tends to be incredibly opaque and complex.

This is no different quite frankly. What he's done is basically buy these financial instruments as you mentioned to protect against the downside. You

might do this for a number of reasons.

You might actually hold lots of stocks but think that the market will go down for a short period of time and you want to protect that so you can

stay holding onto those stocks but just limit. You make money with these options to protect them.

Or you could just outright think that the market is going to fall. And we don't really know. He has said and made several warnings about the stock

market. He is concerned about these so-called exchange traded funds. That's why he is taking these options on, that they oscillate and amplify the

directional movements of the markets, be they up and down.

He has warned about Millennials coming in. Earlier this, year Becky, he did tweet out or X out, whatever it is called now, saying, sell. And afterwards

he came back in, said look I was wrong.

We then entered a bull market for the tech heavy Nasdaq and the S&P 500. So the suggestion from this at least at the time, they may still not be

options that are relevant today because we don't know.

At the time he was concerned about some kind of fall. But the markets march ever higher. So why should you always listen to this man because he's

proved he's smart in the past; no knee-jerk reactions please, based on this information.

ANDERSON: It's interesting. There is a herd mentality as you and I know well enough in the markets. And enough go in one direction, the rest of the

herd starts chasing.

Is there enough other activity out there to justify some sort of move together at this point?


ANDERSON: Is there any evidence of that?

Any evidence of further shorting?

CHATTERLEY: It's a great question to ask. When this bet was made, we're probably talking -- actually when he was tweeting about selling, we were

concerned about U.S. recession risk, rising interest rates. But he was also buying into stocks of banks.

So the difficulty in trying to take a filing like this and try and understand exactly what he was thinking or doing, over what time horizon

and based on what event, is impossibly difficult to know.

As you and I both know, this is vitally important, there is so much passive investing out there today that just one human saying we're buying this or

selling that does not dictate market moves to any great extent.

So I will reiterate the warning. He is interesting to watch. Don't make moves, market moves based on his judgment, particularly if you're investing

for the longer term.

ANDERSON: It's not the first time I've heard people worry about ETFs, I have to say. We know that the whole move around Liz Truss' decision to do

the stuff that she, did back when, what was it, September last year?

A lot of the Monday morning market action and worries about the British pound was on the back of what might happen with ETFs. So interesting time.


CHATTERLEY: -- Liz Truss.

ANDERSON: Yes, absolutely.


CHATTERLEY: No, let's not do that.

ANDERSON: All right, thank. You

Coming. Up England ecstatic. The Lionesses will be playing in their first Women's World Cup final on Sunday. "WORLD SPORT" has more on that. That's

coming up. Stay with us.




ANDERSON: Today on Going Green, we are looking at the world's frightening waste crisis and an innovative potential solution. Bianca Nobilo reports.



BIANCA NOBILO, CNN ANCHOR AND CORRESPONDENT (voice-over): Tom Szaky is passionate about helping to stop environmental pollution caused by the

amount of trash we create.

TOM SZAKY, FOUNDER AND CEO, TERRACYCLE (voice-over): Recycling is a really good thing that has to happen at scale. But it is a Band-aid to the waste


NOBILO (voice-over): He started TerraCycle, an organization dedicated to finding innovative ways to eliminate waste.

SZAKY (voice-over): When we think about the environmental impact of waste, there is first the things we can see. If waste gets littered or informally

disposed, we'll see it on our sidewalks and then we see massive amounts of this entering our ocean and aquatic systems.

But we also have the things we don't see. When waste is disposed, new products have to be produced, which means more farming and more mining. And

that is a phenomenal amount of impact on the planet.

NOBILO (voice-over): In 2019, TerraCycle launched a platform called LOOP - -


NOBILO (voice-over): -- a partnership between manufacturers, retailers and consumers. Products are made using, durable reusable packaging that the

consumer uses and returns to a dropoff bin at the store. The container is then professionally cleaned, refilled, resealed, then placed back on store


SZAKY (voice-over): It is important to note that we live in a world today where we experience reuse constantly. Whether we eat at a restaurant, we're

eating from used plates and silverware.

If we sleep in a hotel, we are sleeping in used sheets and using used towels.

If we go to a dentist to get our teeth cleaned, we are using used tools in our mouth.

And in all these cases there are very important health and safety processes. The safety processes that are in the LOOP apparatus and are

incredibly. High and this allows us to safely be able do reusable baby food all the way to tomato ketchup, with the world's biggest brands.

NOBILO (voice-over): Szaky believes that we need to return to the way items were sold before plastics were introduced.

SZAKY (voice-over): I also, love, though, when brands go back into their history. Coca-Cola, for, example with us in France, brought back that

iconic glass reusable Coke bottle, the way it used to be.

NOBILO (voice-over): LOOP is currently available in the, U.S. the U.K., Canada, France and Japan. But they hope to expand to other countries in the


SZAKY (voice-over): In Japan there is this term, (INAUDIBLE), which means to basically honor and use everything absolutely as much as possible. And

that is really intrinsic to the Japanese culture.

NITTA YUKIKO, SHOPPER (through translator): I often struggled with trash disposal, even at home. So I thought, this is great.

NOBILO (voice-over): LOOP has partnered with over 200 companies and over a dozen retailers, which Szaky says has brought them one step closer to his

dream of moving the world from a linear economy to a circular one.

SZAKY (voice-over): My hope is that, as it becomes widely available, citizens vote for it and it becomes a bigger part of our lives, which then

will greatly reduce waste.


ANDERSON: And for this and more stories about the innovative solutions to our climate challenges, because we can all make an enormous difference, you

can visit

The Lionesses are roaring tonight in Sydney. England have reached their first Women's World Cup final, beating cohosts Australia 3-1 in what was a

cracking game. They'll now face Spain on Sunday in what is sure to be another humdinger. Patrick Snell joins me. Now

This has been a fantastic tournament. You and I have been thoroughly engaged. Ultimately we are close to the finale.

Who is going to emerge on top in that final?


PATRICK SNELL, CNN CORRESPONDENT: I'll tell you, now Becky, it's going to be England or Spain.


SNELL: You're quite right. I said this a few days ago, an absolute privilege to cover this Women's World Cup. It has been a thrill a minute,

compelling storylines, fantastic players, great games.

And first of all, huge shout out to Australia. The Matildas have so much to be proud of after getting themselves to the semifinal. But the Lionesses

just had too much know-how, too much savvy, too much big game experience.

If there are any European, champions they get a job done and they win 3-1. It was a rollercoaster of a game and it featured a wonder goal, at least

one, from Sam Kerr, the Aussie star. We'll have that in the up and coming edition of "WORLD SPORT."

And we're looking ahead to the final as well because Spain's La Roja have just had a phenomenal tournament themselves. We have got a final featuring

two countries, looking to win the Women's World Cup, Becky, for the very first time in their history.

So it's going to be fascinating to see how it all plays out. But the Lionesses, you're quite, right I'm sure enjoying the celebration tonight in


ANDERSON: Absolutely. More on that and your other sports headlines coming up in "WORLD SPORT." That is after this short break. That's with Patrick.

And I'm back top of the hour for the second hour of CONNECT THE WORLD. Stay with us.


