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Post-Tropical Cyclone Hilary Lashing U.S. Southwest; HRW Accuses Saudi Border Guards Of Killing Ethiopians; Zelenskyy Thanks Denmark For Pledge To Send F-16 Jets. Aired 10-10:45a ET

Aired August 21, 2023 - 10:00   ET




LYNDA KINKADE, CNN INTERNATIONAL HOST: Hello. I'm Lynda Kinkade live from Atlanta filling in for my colleague Becky Anderson. Good to have you with

us. Welcome to CONNECT THE WORLD.

Coming up this hour. Millions of people are under flash flood alerts across California and Nevada as Storm Hilary makes landfall.

A damning report by Human Rights Watch accuses Saudi Arabia border guards of mass killings of Ethiopians.

Ukrainian President Zelensky thanks Denmark for his pledge to send F-16 fighter jets.

And Spain wins its first ever women's World Cup.

More than 60 million people are right now under a flash flood warning as a major record-breaking storm moves across California, Nevada and up towards

Idaho. Hurricane Hilary which has now been downgraded was the first tropical storm to hit the state in more than 25 years. Dropping a year's

worth of rain on some parts of Southern California. One area hard here is east of Los Angeles in the Palm Springs region.

Take a look at this. The intense rain and flooding turning a major freeway into a raging river. And these images are just as bad in Mexico where at

least one person has been killed. Random mudslides first hit the Baja Peninsula there before moving north.

Our Derek Van Dam is following all the developments and joins us now from the weather center. Good to see you, Derek. So, this was a record-breaking

storm as well as an earthquake hitting the region. It is now a tropical cyclone but still expected to pack a punch as it heads north.

DEREK VAN DAM, CNN METEOROLOGIST: Yes. Its fury is not over yet, Lynda. It is just incredible to see what the storm has done. And the visuals that

you're showing, the video before this. Talking about the mudslides that have impacted much of southern California and the mountainous terrains,

they're so dangerous. They can travel 30, 40 miles an hour, roughly 50 kilometers per hour.

And they pick up everything in its path from rocks to boulders, to sometimes houses and even vehicles as well. Just because of the amount of

force that is behind that wall of mud. So, this is what we have left a post Tropical Storm Hilary. I mean, this is a conveyor belt of moisture. It is

wrapping rainfall from the border of Mexico and U.S. all the way to the Canadian border. So, several thousand miles and it's getting wrapped around

to the north side of a very strong high-pressure system.

But look at the rainfall totals. Now, note it, these are very high- elevation mountains. But it's impressive that we're reaching nearly 300 millimeters because this area normally dry this time of year can't handle

that amount of precipitation. So, what happens, especially over the recent burn scars from previous wildfires, we get the mudslides, the debris flows

and the landslides that you're seeing on our T.V. screens pop up this morning.

This is the millions of Americans impacted by flood alerts. But there are still several 100,000 people that are under a flash flood warning. And this

is because of the ongoing rain in some of the hardest hit areas of southern and eastern California as well as southern Nevada. Now the good thing to

note, Los Angeles, the International Airport here is starting to dry out. So, we're seeing the rain bands kind of dissipate as the storm system gets

caught up in this area of high pressure and strong winds aloft that'll continue to bring this to the northern parts of the country.

But there's the additional rainfall and it just incredible to see what happens in Southern California and so many other locations around the

world. The mudslides and debris flow simply just cannot handle the amount of water that falls in such a short period of time, Lynda.

KINKADE: It's just incredible. The number of records broken with this storm cell. Derek Van Dam, good to have you with us. Thank you.

VAN DAM: Thanks, Lynda.

KINKADE: As we have been discussing, Hilary bought record rainfall and flooding to Southern California, particularly hard hit is the Coachella

Valley region just east of Los Angeles. Here's CNN's Stephanie Elam with a closer look at that.


STEPHANIE ELAM, CNN CORRESPONDENT (voiceover): This morning, Palm Springs is under a local emergency order as heavy rain from Hilary is causing

dangerous flood conditions and prompting at least three swift water rescues.

MAYOR GRACE ELENA GARNER, PALM SPRINGS, CALIFORNIA: We're asking residents to stay inside, stay where they are.

ELAM: The mayor's warning is because of a situation like this. A pickup truck stuck in the middle of a street surrounded by deep rushing

floodwaters. The driver was not injured but the California Highway Patrol closed the road to prevent others from crossing.


Those floodwaters so powerful a refrigerator was seen floating away in them. This drone video taken over a nearby neighborhood where the flooding

has nearly covered an entire golf course. One homeowner says he's never seen anything like it in the Coachella Valley.

BRUCE THOMAS, HOMEOWNER: Within 24 hours, it's turned into a torrential storm. Between hole number 13 and hole number 16. It's virtually six feet


ELAM: That conditions there also creating a dangerous situation for drivers, including a fire truck forced to turn around due to rising waters.

Ahead of the storm, the Palm Springs mayor says the city prepared and distributed 60,000 sandbags as well as cleared storm drains.

GARNER: Even an inch or two of rain in the desert can cause damage.

UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: All right. Take a look at this. The road totally covered up but it's also completely socked in on this other side of the

road. I mean, look. Ooh. I'm barely touching the bottom there.

ELAM: State officials say some desert regions like Palm Springs could double their yearly amount of water in just one day from Hilary.

Overnight officials in Ventura County searched by helicopter and on the ground for a couple of people believed to be trapped by floodwaters from

the Santa Clara River. Two people eventually walked out of the flooded area, assisted by cruise. Officials urging everyone to stay out of river

bottoms and canals.

And this was the scene Sunday in Wrightwood, about 77 miles northeast of Los Angeles. Huge gushes of water forcing their way through a wash carrying

large logs, rocks and muddy debris. Exactly the type of thing the governor wants people to be on alert for.

GOV. GAVIN NEWSOM (D-CA): Take seriously debris flows and floods, flash floods, lightning possibility of tornadoes.


KINKADE: And Stephanie joins us now just east of Los Angeles in Cathedral City, California. Good to have you with us, Stephanie. Just did an

incredible report there. Seeing those images. We know in some areas that some schools have been closed, some power lines are being cut, in some

cases that the 911 line is not working. Just give us an update.

ELAM: Yes. That's right, Lynda. The 911 numbers are still down in Cathedral City and Palm Springs. We're about two hours east of Los Angeles here. What

they're saying though, for at least Palm Springs, you can text 911, which is the emergency number and get response that way. But calling is a

problem. And this is why there's a problem here. I just want to show you really quickly.

Because now that the sun is up, I can show you that these cars are stuck in really thick mud, and I just trudged all the way up there, Lynda just to

get up to that intersection up there closer to the interstate freeway. And there are trucks, there are cars just askew stuck in the mud. And let me

tell you, this mud is so, so thick, like when I tried to get my foot into it. It's hard to get it back out. It's not as deep here as I've been

walking out to get closer to these cars, but it is thick.

It's almost like a glue or a cement. And that is why this person just came through despite the warnings and the road being closed. This person came

through in that little black car, and you see where they ended up. That just happened a few minutes ago.

KINKADE: Wow. It really is extraordinary. It's good to have you there on the scene for us to paint that picture. Stephanie Elam, thanks so much to

you and your crew.

Well, a damning new report by Human Rights Watch accuses Saudi border guards of mass killings of Ethiopians. The report claims hundreds of

migrants seeking asylum, including women and children have been fatally shot at close range while trying to cross the Yemeni-Saudi border. It says

the killing started in March of 2022 and appear to have continued and if committed as part of a Saudi government policy will constitute crimes

against humanity.

Our Salma Abdelaziz is following the developments and joins us now from London. Salma, good to have you on this story. Crimes beyond imagination is

how these brutal killings are described in this report. And they interviewed people who claimed that this was happening for a period of

about 15 months from March last year. What are the researchers find?

SALMA ABDELAZIZ, CNN CORRESPONDENT: It's a truly disturbing 70-page -- more than 70-page report to read. Human Rights Watch says that over a period of

time it conducted extensive research speaking to more than 40 individuals, some 38 of them were migrants themselves. People who try to cross that

border. Human Rights Watch says it also reviewed social media videos and images obtained from sources and satellite images.

And together this research painted a pattern of widespread in systemic violence by Saudi border guards against hundreds if not thousands of

migrants attempting again to cross that border over the course of the year.


Let me show you the area I am talking about. This is a long-known migrant route. It's called the Eastern Route by some. It essentially connects the

Horn of Africa across the Gulf of Aden into Yemen. And then the attempt is to cross into the Saudi border. And the survivors who spoke to Human Rights

Watch, we're speaking of just absolutely vicious attacks. They say first that they were subjected to horrors at the hands of smugglers who carried

out beatings, sexual assault, held them for ransom.

And then they were forced by the hundreds across that border, where many of them describe explosive incidences, essentially mortars, rocket fire,

gunfire being used by Saudi border guards against these helpless, vulnerable migrants. Many of them women and children. What was a few of the

survivors were describing Saudi border guards who said to them, which limb would you like shot before they were shot close range.

Just to give you an idea, Lynda, I want to read you one bit of an account from a 14-year-old child survivor that's in this report. We were fired on

repeatedly, the child says. I saw people killed in a way I have never imagined. I saw 30 people killed on the spot. I could feel people sleeping

around me. I realized what I thought were people sleeping were actually dead bodies. I woke up and I was alone.

To give you an understanding of just how deadly these crossings are, Lynda, based on accounts of multiple crossings that total to about 1200 people,

1200 migrants attempting that crossing, 655 resulted in death. That is a less than 50 percent survival rate again, according to Human Rights Watch.

KINKADE: It's absolutely horrific. I have to ask you, is Saudi Arabia responding to this report, Salma?

ABDELAZIZ: Absolutely. We do have a statement from a Saudi government source and I have to explain that this source requested anonymity citing

long standing norms around speaking to the media, but let me read you what they told CNN. The allegations included in the Human Rights Watch report

about Saudi border guards shooting Ethiopians while they were crossing the Saudi-Yemeni border are unfounded and not based on reliable sources.

Now, Human Rights Watch says that if indeed these killings are part of an intentional Saudi government strategy to murder migrants then they could

amount as you mentioned, to war crimes. Saudi Arabia for its part based on this government source is of course denying this Human Rights Watch says

the violence on that border is ongoing.

KINKADE: All right. Salma Abdelaziz, we appreciate your reporting live from London. Thank you.

Well, next hour. We will be speaking with one of the researchers who worked on this report for Human Rights Watch. Nadia Hardman, real detail for us

the dangers these migrants and asylum seekers face in making the dangerous journey from Ethiopia to Saudi Arabia. And of course, you can read more

about that report online. Our newsletter, meanwhile, in the Middle East delves deeper into this story with expert analysis on Saudi border guards

and their alleged actions.

It's released three times a week and you can sign up for that newsletter using the Q.R. code on your screen now, or by going to

Ukraine's president is thanking Denmark for its pledge to send his country F-16 fighter jets. Volodymyr Zelenskyy expressed his gratitude and an

address to the Danish Parliament today in Copenhagen. Denmark's F-16 pledge came after the Biden administration said it would approve the transfer of

the jets to Ukraine once pilot training is complete.

While on Sunday, President Zelenskyy said the Netherlands will also give Ukraine F-16 jets. Nick Payton Walsh is following the developments from

Zaporizhzhia, Ukraine and joins us live. Good to have you with us, Nick. So, Ukraine says it's expecting some 42 F-16 jets from Denmark and the

Netherlands. Those countries haven't confirmed those exact numbers just yet. But either way, Russia's ambassador has said this is an escalation.

What more can you tell us?

NICK PATON WALSH, CNN CHIEF INTERNATIONAL SECURITY CORRESPONDENT: Yes. We've heard from Russia repeatedly as NATO's increase the technology, the

money, the volume of assistance that has been given to Ukraine. Russia saying this is an escalation the -- apart from the sort of background

threat of nuclear catastrophe that occasionally they invoke. It doesn't appear at this point to be too much Russia can actually do directly against

NATO in these instances.

That remains to be seen but it is another reason I think to accept the importance of these F-16 transfers. The process is going to be very complex

and very slow.


Remember Ukraine needs them right now to try and diminish Russian air superiority or along the southern front lines where they're finding their

counter offensive isn't moving as fast as they would like. The Netherlands, they have said that they have 42. Ukraine hopes to get all of them.

But Netherlands has said this process is complicated. They will need some of them for training because the training for Ukrainian pilots occurs in

European nations and then some will be transferred to Ukraine. Denmark clearer about the total, they say they'll transfer 19. And they also say

that six of those will happen by the end of this year, others to follow later. The process involves Ukrainian pilots in European countries using

often U.S. training and technology to get them up to speed on these U.S. creative jets.

And then later, the U.S. will sign off on the transfer to Ukraine. This is all going to be slow though. The trend is going to take four or five months

certainly. But we've certainly now seen as a result of the more volume or the louder Ukrainian recognition that they weren't going to see these jets

this year. A flurry of public activity from European nations. What this already intended, was Zelenskyy's visit going to have these signals given

out during them? We don't know.

But it's certainly a reflection I think of when Ukraine openly says we need something now to try and prosecute this liberation of their territories.

NATO does find itself responding but it isn't frankly, going to be fast enough for them to be anywhere near the frontlines until next year. Lynda?

KINKADE: And speaking of the frontlines, Nick, you have reported extensively from the frontlines for CNN. What will this mean for the

Ukrainian soldiers when these jets finally arrive? These soldiers who currently don't have air cover?

WALSH: We don't know to be honest, because we don't know what condition battlefield is going to be in when the F-16s finally arrive. If they were

to arrive now, then yes, it would be a significant change in the dynamics because it's hot summer months where Ukraine was hoping to use the hard

ground to move forwards and get, frankly, to the Azov Sea separating Crimea from the rest of occupied Ukraine and the Russian mainland.

But they aren't going to see that. And so, we now have to ask ourselves quite what the F-16s will do, when they arrive and the deep snows of winter

in January. It is highly likely if Ukraine has enough of them, that they could use them to bolster offensive capabilities to hit Russian defensive


But the ground will be frozen by then. And we don't know frankly, if the outcome is not a significant change in territory over the next few months.

What that will do to Ukrainian morale, Ukrainian armaments, and quite where it will be in the future. So yes, Ukraine says if we had F-16s now, it

would be a game changer. And certainly, that is true, but they don't, and they won't. And so, the question to be answered is exactly where the war

will be in January and February when finally these jets that Ukraine is requested for months, actually get into Ukrainian airspace, Lynda.

KINKADE: Yes. It's hard to -- hard to predict at this point in time. Nick Paton Walsh for us in Zaporizhzhia, Ukraine. Good to have you with us.

Thanks so much.

Well, U.S. President Joe Biden will travel to Hawaii today to get a firsthand look at the damage and the devastation from those wildfires in

Maui. So far, 114 people have been confirmed killed. But more than 800 remain missing in what is now the deadliest U.S. wildfire in over a

century. Some people in Hawaii have complained that the government's response has been too slow.

Our White House Correspondent Jeremy Diamond is following the story and joins us now outside the White House. Good to have you with us, Jeremy. So,

the number of people missing in Maui is now up to over 850. The U.S. President we know will arrive there later today. What sort of support can

he and the federal government offer to the people of Maui?

JEREMY DIAMOND, CNN WHITE HOUSE CORRESPONDENT: Well, I think President Biden is going to Hawaii today with two key messages in mind. The first of

which is going to be to signal the robustness of the federal response to this disaster so far, and the fact that it is going to be a long-term

commitment to rebuilding the Island of Maui and the parts of it that have been so devastated by these wildfires.

The second message that the President is going to be delivering is one of empathy. We have seen him time and again step into that role of consoler in

chief very naturally as a politician who has built his political career in part on that image of an empathetic character. And it comes as the

President has some ground to make up on that front. Particularly as last week he faced criticism when over the course of about five days the

President was silent on this matter even when asked by reporters to comment on the mounting death toll in Hawaii.

But he will get that opportunity today as he heads to the islands. He will get an aerial tour of the damage on the island of Maui. He will then land

in Lahaina where the President will go on the ground to see the devastation firsthand. And he will do so alongside first responders and local and

federal officials.


The President will then deliver some remarks where we are expecting him to announce that Bob Fenton, the regional FEMA Administrator is going to be

named the chief federal response coordinator overseeing the rebuilding and response efforts in the long term for this island. Will then have -- see

the President's meeting privately alongside the First Lady with survivors of these wildfires with the families of victims of these wildfires as well

as volunteers who have been assisting in the response efforts.

Now, the federal government already has about over 1000 federal personnel on the islands assisting with this effort, including members of the Coast

Guard, the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, and FEMA officials, of course. $8.2 million in federal assistance has already been approved for this

island. And so, the President today trying to signal both his empathy for those on the ground, and also the long-term support that residents can

expect going forward.

KINKADE: Yes. They are certainly going to be a lot of support in the months and years ahead. Jeremy Diamond outside the White House, thanks so much.

Well, then there were two. Ecuador's presidential election headed for a runoff. It could also decide whether the left will make a resurgence in a

country plagued by growing violence. We'll have a live report on that when we come back.


KINKADE: Welcome back. Ecuador's presidential election is headed for a runoff in a contest that's been overshadowed by the country's escalating

violence. Leftist Luisa Gonzalez who was seen as a protege of the former President Rafael Correa will face surprise second place finisher. Daniel

Noboa on October 15th. Noboa is a political outsider and the son of a business tycoon.

Well, Sunday's contest came less than two weeks after the killing of an anti-corruption candidate Fernando Villavicencio. Lawmaker and former

investigative journalist. He was gunned down at a campaign rally.

Well, our Patrick Oppmann is following both those elections and joins us from Havana, Cuba. Good to have you with us. So, obviously, it was just

over a week ago that this presidential candidate was assassinated. But the election in Ecuador went ahead despite that. What happens next, now that

there's a runoff?

PATRICK OPPMANN, CNN CORRESPONDENT: Well, it's a race apparently, between these two candidates, very different visions for Ecuador. And we should

mention that that journalist who was gunned down his party came in third place. So it'll be interesting to see if they can -- essentially, his

successors proved to be the kingmakers in this. But as you mentioned, you have a leftist Candidate Luisa Gonzalez, a political heir of leftist

President Rafael Correa who is in exile at this moment.


And then this sign of a banana-rowing family very rich, young candidate, only 35, Daniel Noboa. And he's really upset this race by coming in a much

stronger second place, and probably anyone predicted. So now these two candidates will face each other it appears in a runoff on October 15th. And

they have very different visions of what their Ecuador's will be. On one hand, you have Luisa Gonzalez talking about more public spending. Danila

Noboa talking about increased free trade.

The reality here is, though, is that they will be taking over the remaining less than two years in the term of outgoing president Guillermo Lasso. Of

course, he called for snap elections after the -- he dissolved the legislature in Ecuador. And so, while they are both promising these

different visions of Ecuador, promising to remake their country, a country that's been plagued by the worst violence in that country's history of the

rally is they will have very little time to do it.

Just under two years in office of whoever wins. So, it really remains a question of even if they're elected, how much they will able -- be able to

get done.

KINKADE: And of course, on the elections in Guatemala, Patrick, it looks like there's a clear winner on anti-corruption crusader.

OPPMANN: Oh, absolutely. This is Bernardo Arevalo. He is the son of that country's first democratically-elected president. And this is -- one a

clear victory, almost 60 percent of the vote went to him. And a shock to the system of Guatemala because the opposition here had accused the

outgoing president of the political elite in that country of trying to keep a candidate like Bernardo Arevalo.

Candidates who are speaking about that country's epidemic of corruption from taking office and despite the many opposition candidates not being

allowed to run being disqualified. That apparently has taken place and it is a resounding victory. And even Bernard Arevalo, his party was being

investigated via what opposition is called opposition parties called the corrupt prosecutor, the corrupt judicial system in (INAUDIBLE) that has

tried to keep candidates who speaking about corruption from taking office.

And just remains a question of whether or not he will continue to face some of those legal hurdles have been put into his path. But with a resounding

victory like this. Certainly, he's feeling much more confident that he has got a clear victory, and that he will take office in January. Of course, so

he has his work cut out for him. He has promised to root out corruption in Guatemala. And that may be easier said than done.

KINKADE: Yes, exactly. Never an easy platform but certainly a clear winner in that election. Patrick Oppmann for us in Havana, Cuba. Thanks so much.

Well, still to come. Global leaders are coming together to pave their way in a world often dominated by the West. And now more countries want to join

that. We're going to go live to Johannesburg ahead of a key summit there.



KINKADE: Welcome back. I'm Lynda Kinkade in Atlanta. You're watching CONNECT THE WORLD. Good to have you with us. These are your headlines this

hour. More than 60 million people are under flash flood warnings in the U.S. as remnants of Tropical Storm Hilary move across California, Nevada

and up towards Idaho. Particularly hard hit was the Palm Springs area just east of Los Angeles. The record rain flooded streets and shut down a major

freeway in both directions.

A damning new report by Human Rights Watch accuses Saudi Arabian border guards of mass killings of Ethiopians. The report claims hundreds of

migrants seeking asylum, including women and children have been fatally shot a close range while trying to cross the Yemeni-Saudi border. A Saudi

government source told CNN the allegations are unfounded and not based on reliable sources.

A British nurse who was found guilty of murdering seven babies has been handed a rare whole life prison sentence, meaning shall never be released

from jail. Police say Letby used a variety of methods to target babies at the hospital where she worked, including injecting them with air and

poisoning them with insulin. 33-year-old Lucy Letby is considered the most prolific child killer in modern U.K. history.

Global leaders a gathering in Johannesburg aiming to unite major emerging economies against a Western dominated world. The 15th annual BRICS summit

kicks off in Johannesburg Tuesday. China, India, Brazil and South Africa are set to attend along with 30 African leaders. Russian President Vladimir

Putin will join by video link despite his country being a key member. International Criminal Court issued an arrest warrant for him back in March

over an alleged scheme to deport Ukrainian children to Russia.

Well, on Sunday, South African President Cyril Ramaphosa said he supports an expansion of the group and that more than 20 countries have applied for

membership. Our Senior International Correspondent David McKenzie is live for us from Johannesburg. Good to have you with us, David. So, the summit

officially kicks off tomorrow. We know the Russian leader Putin is not going to be there. But the Chinese leader Xi will be there. What's on the


DAVE MCKENZIE, CNN SENIOR INTERNATIONAL CORRESPONDENT: Well, it's a critically important meeting for these countries. And in some ways, BRICS

is kind of a motley crew. There are big differences amongst its founding members. Of course, it's got the largest population democracy and the

largest population and autocracy in India and China. And the common denominator, I think, amongst many of these countries is their suspicion

outright and sometimes implied against Western powers.

And certainly, Western bilateral and multilateral groups like the World Bank and the IMF. I think that is one thing that will definitely be on the

agenda. Trying to buttress the capacity of developing nations to work together to help themselves and not necessarily depend on the World Bank.

At least, there has been open criticism of those entities. In the eve of the summit, President Ramaphosa spoke to the nation here in South Africa.

He also said that it was important that South Africa continues on its non- aligned position when it comes to issues like the Ukraine war, saying that in the past, strong alignments to the west and to others might have gotten

countries in Africa into trouble. Take a listen.


CYRIL RAMAPHOSA, PRESIDENT OF SOUTH AFRICA: This experience has convinced us of the need to seek strategic partnership with other countries, rather

than be dominated by any other country. While some of our detractors prefer overt support for their political and ideological choices. We will not be

drawn into a contest between global powers.



MCKENZIE: Vladimir Putin will not be coming but he will be addressing the summit virtually and Russia very much part of the summit even if its leader

isn't physically here. Lynda?

KINKADE: All right. We will check in with you about the summit again soon. David McKenzie in Johannesburg. Thank you.

Well, Russia is working to learn why its first moon mission in decades has failed. The country's crewless Luna 25 spacecraft crashed into the moon

surface Saturday after communications with earth were interrupted. Luna 25 was supposed to land on the moon South Pole. That's where scientists

believe water has frozen on the surface and craters shielded by the sun. Russia's last Luna mission, Luna 24 touchdown on the moon in 1976. That's

47 years ago.

Well, ecstasy and heartbreak why victory over England in Sunday's Women's World Cup final was a bittersweet moment. We'll have World Sport coming up

in just a moment.


KINKADE: Welcome back. The Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations estimates that nearly a third of all fruit and produce that's grown

goes to waste. Now a California-based company has created an innovative technology to extend the shelf life of fruits and vegetables. CNN's Bianca

Nobilo has our story as part of our Going Green series.


JAMES ROGERS, FOUNDER, APEEL SCIENCES (voiceover): Food is a living breathing thing. We don't think about it when you pick a piece of fruit.

It's still alive. And that fruit ages and the reason that it ages is really simple. Water goes out and oxygen goes in.

BIANCA NOBILO, CNN CORRESPONDENT (voiceover): James Rogers, the founder of appeal sciences had a brilliant idea to fight hunger and prevent food

waste. And it only went skin deep.

ROGERS: What our team has done is figured out a way to look at what the lemon, what the banana has learned and apply that same benefit to things

like avocados, strawberries, blueberries, et cetera.

NOBILO (voiceover): At this facility just outside Santa Barbara, California employees are testing and avocados ripeness.

ROGERS: And you can see these avocados, they're a little overripe.


ROGERS: And so we call them out of spec, you're at risk of these avocados going to waste.

NOBILO (voiceover): This time lapse shows the difference between a normal avocado and one treated with Apeel. The secret to Appel lies in an

invisible coating consisting of purified monoglycerides and diglycerides. The fatty acids commonly found in the peels and pulp of fruits and

vegetables. The Apeel coatings are odorless, tasteless and invisible. And in most parts of the world, foods treated with Apeel can still be labeled



ROGERS: Over the years retailers have paid more for color or appearance. And now, they're paying more for products that lasts longer.

NOBILO (voiceover): Jim Smits spent a career overseeing the produce aisle of a major retail grocery chain. He says for suppliers and retailers even a

few days keeping produced fresher longer can make all the difference in an ever-evolving landscape, made more challenging by climate change.

SMITS: You're seeing now growing areas that once didn't work for a particular commodity that are now being shifted to those commodities. So

the industry is trying to stay ahead.

NOBILO (voiceover): Apeel is currently in 20,000 stores across the globe. Still, Rogers says many more projects like appeal are needed to fully

eradicate global hunger and reduce the carbon footprint left by food waste.

ROGERS: We already have more than enough food to feed everyone. If everything that was grown was sold, everyone would be fed. It's a matter of

food going bad before we can get it to them. We give food more time, we increase the likelihood that more of what's grown can get to more people



KINKADE: For this and more stories about innovative solutions to our climate challenges you can visit

With tennis superstar Novak Djokovic has made a triumphant return to the U.S. playing in his first American tournaments since 2021. The 36-year-old

won the Cincinnati against world number one Carlos Alcaraz just a month after losing to him in Wimbledon. Djokovic called Sunday's match one of the

toughest and most exciting of his career.

In Australia, Spain celebrated their first Women's World Cup win on Sunday. They beat England one nil in what was a nail-biting clash, but there was

heartbreak for their match winning goal scorer.

And Coy Wire joins me now. Obviously, there's a lot of talk when it comes to this game. And what happened and also obviously the players involved.

There's also a lot of talk online about it and unexpected kiss.

COY WIRE, CNN WORLD SPORT ANCHOR: Yes. There was a lot of drama in many ways in this -- in this historic match, Lynda. It's good to see you. One

specific storyline is just heart wrenching is Olga Carmona, their 23-year- old captain. She was Spain's hero. She had scored the winning goal in the semifinal match. She scored the winner in the final against England to give

Spain that first ever World Cup title.

But after the match, Lynda, she learned that her father had passed away. She had no idea but just a bit ago she's been posting about her father,

message of hope and of gratitude. We're going to share that and much more coming up on World Sport.

KINKADE: Yes. Such -- it's such a shame to have so much -- such a triumphant win. But then dealing with that immense loss. Coy Wire, thanks

so much. We will see you after the break for all of World Sport. And I will be back at the top of the hour with much more news. Stay with us. You're

watching CNN.