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Two Children Rescued from Dangling Chair Lift; BRICS Summit; Russia Pounds Zaporizhzhya Area with Shells, Missiles; Israel Forces Search for Huwara Shooter; Japan to Release Wastewater as Soon as Thursday; Trump to Turn Himself in on Thursday. Aired 10-11a ET

Aired August 22, 2023 - 10:00   ET




BECKY ANDERSON, CNN HOST (voice-over): I'm Becky Anderson live from Abu Dhabi. This is CONNECT THE WORLD.

Coming up this hour, a nightmare: 275 meters in the air, rescuers racing to save children stuck on a broken chairlift in Pakistan. CNN has just

learned two children have been rescued. More on that coming up.

The leaders of Brazil, Russia, India, China and South Africa meet for a major summit.

Deadly wildfires raging in northern Greece.

And this American football star scored a banger goal in his Serie A debut.


ANDERSON: We begin with that breaking news from Pakistan, where an urgent rescue is underway to save six people dangling in a chairlift over

mountainous terrain. Pakistan's special services group have now rescued two kids from the chairlift. Four children and two adults remain dangling 275

meters in the air.

The children, ages 10 to 15, were on their way to school when one of the cables snapped. Some of these students were reportedly slipping in and out

of consciousness as helicopters hovered above. Rescue workers are trying to beat the sunset and get food to those still trapped. Sophia Saifi joins us

now from Islamabad.

SOPHIA SAIFI, CNN PRODUCER: Becky, this is absolutely gripping Pakistan for the last 10 hours. Children were going through the regular school run.

This is not uncommon for communities to be linked by cable cars.

There is a lot of criticism mounting that there is not really a safety oversight on these cable cars that are made by the villagers themselves.

You can imagine it's a sort of cage that has been kind of overturned and has been suspended so many feet above this rocky terrain. These children

were going to school. It has been suspended by just one cable. The other snapped, which is why this rescue operation has taken so long.

Many helicopters in the area are overseeing the rescue operation. Until a couple of minutes ago, there was a lot of fear that the operation perhaps

would not be possible as the day went into night.

What we are hearing is that the blades of the helicopters are causing that one cable to move and it's a very fragile situation. It's a sling

operation. Two of the kids have been rescued. They are very unwell up there.

One child who had a mobile phone, was speaking to the media and he said that a few children had vomited. One or two have been moving in and out of

consciousness. It has been a very long day for these people trapped above ground.

Again, the prime minister has said he is very alarmed. It's an ongoing, steady, slow rescue operation but it is going to get more dangerous as day

gets into night -- Becky.

ANDERSON: Sophia, thank you.

The BRICS summit is underway in South Africa with the five member nations seeking to boost their global influence. Now BRICS is an acronym for the

countries that comprise (sic) this bloc, Brazil, Russia, India, China and South Africa. They collectively represent more than 40 percent of the

world's populations, some 3.2 billion people.

Only four of the leaders are actually in South Africa. The fifth, Russia's Vladimir Putin, is attending virtually. He faces an international arrest

warrant for invading Ukraine, putting South Africa, the host, in a tricky position as a signatory to the International Criminal Court. It would have

been obliged to arrest Putin if he had appeared in person.

Growing the alliance is high on the summit agenda, with potentially dozens of nations eager to join. Expansion, though, is far from certain. David

McKenzie watching developments for us from Johannesburg.

I think it's important to point out that this BRICS, this sort of loose grouping of nations, has been --


ANDERSON: -- around for some years and, to a certain extent, sort of lost its luster until a couple of years ago. It is now very much in the news as

an important summit. Let's just talk about the significance and why extending this bloc could have very big global consequences, David.

DAVID MCKENZIE, CNN SENIOR INTERNATIONAL CORRESPONDENT: I think you are very right there, Becky. It did seem to fade from the world a little bit

and it's come roaring back. You do get the sense at the summit. I was at the last summit in Johannesburg when it was here. 3and it did not have this

level of buzz.

I think part of that is the Ukraine war and that this collection of countries, for better or worse, is less overtly pro Ukraine and anti

Russia, because, in part, Russia is part of BRICS. And Putin is only going to be here virtually, as you explained.

It is an odd collection of countries in some ways, with the world's biggest democracy in the world, biggest autocracy in India and then China. I asked

one analyst what holds it together.


MICHAEL BOCIURKIW, SENIOR FELLOW, ATLANTIC COUNCIL: I think the common theme here is that the countries are sick and tired of the U.S., the E.U.

dominating the global picture.

I think a lot of the countries here feel like they are not getting a fair economic trade, especially the talk about the BRICS currency, because they

are very, very tired of trade being conducted with the U.S. currency. In terms of what they have in common, you have a lot of different interests.


MCKENZIE: Some of those interests will be put to the test especially if they do look to expand the grouping and be more explicitly going up against

in some ways the G7 in terms of power and influence on the world stage.

ANDERSON: David, he is conspicuous by his absence, of course. That being Vladimir Putin. Just explain why it is why he is attending virtually and

how difficult this whole issue is for the South African presidency.

MCKENZIE: I can tell you, if Vladimir Putin was here in person, this is all we would be talking about. So it is a sign of relief, I think, for the

South Africans, the host, particularly that he is coming because Vladimir Putin is under an arrest warrant from the International Criminal Court

because of his alleged crimes in the Ukraine war.

He would have been obliged to be arrested by South Africa as a signatory to the Rome statute, which governs the International Criminal Court if he had

set foot here. Now very few people believe that actually would've happened.

But that open question leads to two things. One disagreement that was mutual according to the South Africans is that he is not coming in person

and, two, the limit of the extent of the connections that the Russian president can say he makes in person.

This would've been a very symbolic moment for him to be on stage with the leaders of Brazil, India, China and South Africa. But the fact that he will

be on screen is certainly a blow in terms of his power and influence.

But I think the main discussion here will be something that Putin likes. There will be a sense that these naystrings (ph) and possibly more nations

want to band together to change the conversation and potentially change the world order, as one analyst told me.

ANDERSON: David, thank you. We will dive deeper into what is going on at this BRICS summit, its significance and potential consequences. Next hour I

will talk to Gustavo de Carvalho of the South African Institute of International Affairs. He is attending the summit in Johannesburg and is an

expert on the issue.

Ukraine apparently taking the war to Russia for a fifth straight night. Russian authorities say they intercepted several drones. This video claims

to show a drone near Moscow. Meanwhile the southern Zaporizhzhya region has been taking a pounding from nearly 100 strikes over 24 hours.

Our chief security correspondent Nick Paton Walsh is there.

NICK PATON WALSH, CNN CHIEF INTERNATIONAL SECURITY CORRESPONDENT: Yes, Becky, look, it's hard often to tell from the numbers quite what level of

damage has been inflicted. Sure, just 100 artillery and missile strikes on the Zaporizhzhya region really reflects Russia's barrage in the face of

Ukraine's counteroffensive in the south.


WALSH: That counteroffensive has seen some slight success announced by senior Ukraine defense officials, suggesting that the village Robotyne --

it's important to point out how tiny this is, just short of 500 people since a couple of decades ago.

That has been the focus of a intense fight. Russia holding it; Ukraine tying to take. It Ukraine now saying they have managed to get into the

north of. It evacuate some civilians.

Extraordinary that people were able to live there for the last weeks of utterly bitter fighting that is located around that one small populated

area. But it reflects another slight move by Ukraine forward and possibly a moment they might pierce Russia's more intense defenses.

Russia has invested an awful lot of manpower in what has been happening in Robotyne over the last weeks. Unclear if that is because they really need

to hold that or see significant change in their defensive position.

At the same time, as you pointed out, intense bombardment along the front line and mostly against the villages, where Ukrainian forces are trying to

push forward from but also Zaporizhzhya here.

Intermittently, during the night, you would see a flash on the sky; very common. It's part of daily life for Ukrainians, here, never knowing if it's

a civilian target that would get hit, a hotel where children might play or possibly a military target, too.

Last night, for example, I thought it was hearing a motorcycle passing. But it was clearly the noise of a drone passing directly overhead. That is, I

think, part of just daily life for Ukrainians every night, not quite knowing when the blast may come, what is being aimed at and what they can

do to avoid it.

But the possible hope is that at least Ukraine has pushed south; might see some progress and might push Russia back, leaving cities like this possibly

say for small news today, not as much as Ukraine needs.

ANDERSON: More from Nick in the second hour of CONNECT THE WORLD. We will meet one of the men who puts out the flames caused by Russian attacks. Here

his story in his own voice.


UNIDENTIFIED MALE: (Speaking foreign language).


ANDERSON: "We were saying goodbye to life." Nick Paton Walsh and a compelling report on the firemen of Kyiv. That is the next hour. Stay with

us for that.

A Palestinian man is in critical condition right now after getting shot on Monday afternoon in the occupied West Bank. A witness says the man was

unarmed when Israeli forces shot him in the back of the head. The incident was captured on camera.

CNN's Hadas Gold is live in Jerusalem with more.

What more do we know about this incident and what are the Israeli authorities saying?

HADAS GOLD, CNN INTERNATIONAL CORRESPONDENT: This took place in Beto, which is close to that flashpoint town of Huwara, being where that Israeli

father and son were shot and killed in the ambush shooting attack at a car wash on Saturday. There has been a manhunt by Israeli forces trying to

capture that shooter.

Yesterday, clashes broke out in Beita as Israeli forces saying they were in the town, to arrest what they call a wanted suspect. Then what we see

happening according to this video and according to an eyewitness, is that what happened is that, at some point while the Israeli forces were in the

town, people were trying to help an injured man onto a stretcher.

We see this video here and then a man in white starts jogging down toward them, away from the Israeli forces, when he is shot in the back of the head

and we see him fall forward.

We spoke to an eyewitness who saw this happening. He said that the man who was shot, he is in his early 30s. They say he was not participating in any

classes. They say he was unarmed.

And from this video we do not see him necessarily holding anything in his hands. The Palestinian ministry of health saying that this man is in

critical condition after a gunshot wound to the head.

Now the Israeli border police told me that the details of the incident are under review. They said that they were in Beita and apprehended a wanted

suspect during which a violent riot was instigated.

They said rocks and stones were hurled at them. They said what they called the riot increased in severity. They also increased their response, which

included live fire and they did say they did know that a hit was identified.

The manhunt is still underway for that shooter in that Huwara incident. We also have CCTV video that has been shared by Israeli media of that shooting

at the car wash, where you can see, behind a car, an Israeli father and son essentially being ambushed by a shooter, who goes up and shoots them at

point blank range.

That shooter has yet to be apprehended. Israeli security officials saying they are undertaking a massive manhunt for the shooter behind. That again

Hamas and Islamic Jihad have praised this attack.


GOLD: Another one that actually took place yesterday but neither have claimed responsibility. Yesterday there was another shooting, where an

Israeli woman, who was in a car, was shot and killed. Another man who was with her in the car was injured south of Hebron.

In that situation overnight Israeli forces saying they have apprehended two Palestinians who are suspected to be involved in that shooting. They also

say they apprehended the weapon they said was involved in that shooting.

But the last few days here have been very, very tense and very violent, especially in these parts of the occupied West Bank.

ANDERSON: Hadas Gold on the story out of Jerusalem, thank you.

After months of deadlock, Thailand has a new prime minister. Parliament has elected Thai real estate mogul Srettha Thavisin, paving the way for a

coalition government. The vote was overshadowed by the return of Thaksin Shinawatra, a former prime minister, who was ousted in 2006 and the

country's most famous politician.

Local media covering his every move, from his arrival at the airport to his arrest over allegations he said are politically motivated. He is linked to

the same party as the prime minister and into speculation that he has made a deal with the country's military and political elite. Paula Hancocks

breaks it all down for us.


PAULA HANCOCKS, CNN CORRESPONDENT (voice-over): Cheers from supporters welcome Thaksin Shinawatra back to Thailand bowing to a portrait of the

king amid speculation the ousted prime minister may seek a royal pardon.

We've been meeting his followers, Thaksin was taken into custody into court where he was sentenced to eight years on corruption charges brought during

his 15-year self imposed exile, charges he denies.

A doctor says he has underlying health issues and will be held in a separate room under 24-hour supervision. The former prime minister was

ousted in 2006 by a military coup but is still considered an influential and divisive figure.

This supporter says, "I am so happy I'm delighted because I have been missing him. I have joined his fight since it all began, the same day

Srettha Thavisin, the candidate for the Thaksin backed Pheu Thai party, was voted in by parliament to become Thailand's new prime minister.

Speaking to CNN before the election, he said the economy was the priority.

SRETTHA THAVISIN, THAI PRIME MINISTER-ELECT: Thailand has been in a bad economic situation for the last 5 to 8 years. OK? We were kind of in a


HANCOCKS (voice-over): The Thai only came second in the election but the progressive move forward party, which won the most votes, was blocked from

forming a government by conservative military-backed parties.

Pheu Thai has now aligned itself with two of those military backed parties, a stunning turn of events, reversing the campaign pledge to keep the

military out of politics.

THITINAN PONGSUDHIRAK, CHULALONGKORN UNIVERSITY: Thaksin has come back, criticize his leaning cause in governments (ph) to protect and safeguard

the establishment, which earlier accused Pheu Thai for many years of being subversive. Accusing Thaksin of being a usurper against the crown.

HANCOCKS (voice-over): Experts point to the irony of the former enemy becoming the current partner.

THITINAN: The Pheu Thai support base is angry, upset and disappointed, because this is a sellout.

HANCOCKS (voice-over): Pheu Thai has said the coalition is necessary to break three months of stalemate during the election. The move also subverts

the will of millions of voters who backed Move Forward, many of them young, hoping for deep structural reforms in Thailand.

This Move Forward supporter said, "I had high hopes for our future, my children's future, who would've had better lives. I'm disappointed and I do

not know if the current ruling party will be betrayed."

Thailand has seen more than a dozen successful coups since 1962 -- Paula Hancocks, CNN, Seoul.


ANDERSON: More devastating and deadly wildfires are raging across Greece. Coming, up, the drastic measures a hospital had to take when the inferno

was threatening to overtake it.





ANDERSON: You are watching CONNECT THE WORLD with me, Becky Anderson.

Greek fire officials say 18 burned bodies found in a northern village may have been migrants. These bodies were found as wildfires ripped through the


In the coastal town of Alexandroupolis, emergency officials turned this ferry into a temporary floating hospital, moving 200 patients, including

newborn babies, after fires threatened hospitals where they were being treated. Let's get you to CNN's Melissa Bell for more from what is,

Melissa, a developing situation.

MELISSA BELL, CNN INTERNATIONAL CORRESPONDENT: Becky, what we have been hearing from some of those firefighters trying to get those inpatients on

to the ferry were scenes described to some media outlets as war, looking like a war zone.

That was the suddenness in which the flames got toward the city center forcing those evacuations of several hundred, evacuations that continued

into the small hours of this morning. The very young, the very elderly, the bedbound, all at force in very difficult conditions and very much at the

last minute onto this ferry.

It is, of course, the wider concern of what it means for that wider region. What we have seen over the course of last 3-4 days are these fierce fires

raging in this northern part of Greece. Very high temperatures, sweltering temperatures that have not finished yet.

And the flames being fanned by gale force winds. The very latest that we are hearing, Becky, of these 18 bodies that have been found in this

northern remote woodland that is close to the border between Turkiye, Bulgaria and Greece.

And what firefighters say is simply because no one has been reported missing, what they fear is that these could've been 18 migrants trying to

get across that wooded part of northern Greece and on their way to Europe out of Turkiye.

For the time being though, no confirmation of those bodies. Are there are other fires across Greece, some closer to Athens. Bear in mind that, back

in July, we have seen extremely difficult forest fires with the biggest evacuation ever carried out by Greek authorities of tourists largely from

the island of Rhodes.

There was the lull in temperatures and again now the temperatures picking up, the firefighters -- wildfires picking up and not just in Greece. We are

starting to see that in parts of Spain, specifically the Canary Islands.

And weather warnings now being issued for some 20 countries across the European Union. This could be the start of another very late summer heat

wave, with all of those wildfires spreading across southern Europe.

ANDERSON: Absolutely. Melissa, thank you. Melissa Bell with the very latest.

Tens of thousands of people have been evacuated and two people are dead after torrential rains inundated parts of Chile. Several areas south of the

capital, Santiago, saw the worst of it. Nearly 30,000 people are cut off due to flooding and landslides. And close to 40,000 in the rural farming

area are without electricity.

The Chilean president Gabriel Boric, who has toured the area, is telling those who can to leave immediately. The situation could get worse as more

rain is expected in the mountainous region. A state of catastrophe has been declared.

Japan and its neighboring countries are on edge after prime minister Fumio Kishida announced plans to begin releasing --


ANDERSON: -- treated radioactive water from the Fukushima nuclear plant as early as Thursday. Despite assurances from the international energy agency,

this will have, quote, a "negligible" impact on the environment, China has called Japan "selfish" for going ahead. Anna Coren has more.



ANNA COREN, CNN ANCHOR AND CORRESPONDENT (voice-over): A toxic blight on Japan's coastline, rising like a monument to the memory of nuclear disaster

and bottling up its dangerous legacy.

Just over 12 years ago, a 9.0 magnitude earthquake off Japan's coast triggered a tsunami. Power was cut at the Fukushima Daiichi nuclear plant.

Its cooling systems stopped working and the plant went into meltdown.

Water was pumped in to reduce the temperature of the reactor cores becoming radioactive; 1.3 million metric tons has been kept here ever since. It's

been treated to remove and dilute the most dangerous elements. On Thursday, Japan will begin to release that water into the Pacific Ocean.

FUMIO KISHIDA, JAPANESE PRIME MINISTER (through translator): The offshore discharge of ALPS treated water is an issue that cannot be postponed in

order to advance the decommissioning of the plant and reconstruction of Fukushima.

COREN (voice-over): The International Atomic Energy Agency backs Japan's plan to slowly feed the water into the sea. But not all of the dangerous

elements can be removed. A level of the hydrogen isotope called radioactive tritium will remain in the water. Japan and the IAEA says it is safe in

small amounts.

RAFAEL GROSSI, DIRECTOR GENERAL, INTERNATIONAL ATOMIC ENERGY AGENCY: Tritium is present there in a very, very low concentrate and it will be

diluted even further to a point that it would be negligible.

COREN (voice-over): The concentration of tritium released is set to come under the World Health Organization's regulatory limit. But such assurances

have not been enough to sway the fears of many in Japan and around the region.

UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE (through translator): I don't believe it at all. It's very dangerous. It contains very radioactive substances. It would become a

serious problem once it's released into the ocean. We won't be able to eat the fish anymore.

COREN (voice-over): Protests have been a constant since Japan announced its plan to release the water two years ago. Many worry of the potential

for bioaccumulation of dangerous elements in the ecosystem, while neighboring countries like China have accused Japan of treating the ocean

as a dumping ground. But the disaster of 2011 left Japan with few options.

GROSSI: This would not happen in a normal operation of a nuclear reactor. Here you have all of this accumulation and have to deal with it. You have

to take a decision.

COREN (voice-over): Many difficult decisions will need to be made at Fukushima in the coming decades. Part of the reason to release the stored

water is to free up space to safely decommission the plant. The legacy of the Fukushima nuclear disaster will be a lasting one -- Anna Coren, CNN,

Hong Kong.



ANDERSON: Two more children have been rescued from the chair lift dangling in the mountains of northern Pakistan. Now four kids have been plucked from

the chairlift 275 meters in the air. Two children and two adults do remain stranded. The children. ages 10 to 15, were on their way to school when one

of the cables snapped.

Rescue workers have been trying to beat the sunset. And more on that, of course, as we get it.

Former U.S. President Donald Trump is going to Georgia jail this week. Just ahead, the deal his lawyers have made and how long he is expected to remain

there is in a live report coming up.





ANDERSON (voice-over): Welcome back. I am Becky Anderson in Abu Dhabi. The time is half past 6. You are watching CONNECT THE WORLD. Here are your

headlines this hour.

Leaders of the BRICS summit are meeting in South Africa, the five nations looking to expand the bloc to counter what they perceive is a world

unfairly dominated by the West. Russian president Putin is attending virtually. He's facing an international arrest warrant for invading


Thailand's parliament has voted for real estate mogul Srettha Thavisin to become the country's next prime minister after three months of political

deadlock. The vote came the same day as the return of Thaksin Shinawatra, a former prime minister who was ousted in 2006 and is linked to the same

party as the prime minister-elect.

And breaking news for you, four children are now being rescued from a dangling chair lift in northwestern Pakistan. The rescue mission is still

underway to bring the remaining four people to safety, including two more children.

The kids were on their way to school when a cable snapped 275 meters in the air. Officials say the rescue mission is complicated due to gusty winds.

There's also concern that the helicopter blades can further weaken the remaining cable.

ANDERSON: Former U.S. president Donald Trump is expected to turn himself in this Thursday to a jail in the state of Georgia. Trump, however, is not

expected to stay in jail very long as part of an agreement made between Trump's attorneys and the Fulton County district attorney.

He'll be processed and release on a $200,000 bond. He is accused of taking part in a, quote, "criminal enterprise" to overturn the 2020 election

results in that state. He has repeatedly denied any wrongdoing. CNN senior crime and justice reporter Katelyn Polantz is live outside the Fulton

County courthouse in Atlanta.

Where, Katelyn, a key Trump ally has turned himself in today to Atlanta jail. Tell us what is going on there.

KATELYN POLANTZ, CNN SENIOR CRIME AND JUSTICE CORRESPONDENT: That is John Eastman, a lawyer who was working for Donald Trump after the 2020 election

and was one of the architects essentially of Trump's plan to overturn his loss of the presidency using Congress and other methods.

John Eastman, that lawyer, he has set his bond -- he has had his bond set, negotiated with the prosecutor's office yesterday and now we do snow (ph)

and we have been able to confirm that he is in the jail here in Fulton County.

He is expected to be released shortly but this is an indication of how this process is going to play out. And it is a process. This is how the wheels

of the criminal justice system turn where, after defendants are charged with a crime, defendants like Donald Trump, the former president, who has

never been charged before and now has been charged in four different jurisdictions.


POLANTZ: They have to respond to the court system. They have to be brought in under the court system so they can be assured that they will show up and

so that they can be arrested.

So Donald Trump and the others, they are setting their bond terms in advance here in Georgia with the prosecutor's office. Trump's bond terms

are $200,000, meaning he is going to promise to pay that.

And if he does not show up for his future proceedings or his trial, he would owe that money, potentially even more than that, depending on the way

he puts the money up.

Then as part of the process, he does have to report to the jail here in Fulton County, Georgia. This jail has become quite infamous.

The federal government has had to look into how that jail handles its inmates, there are detainees, there are people there who have felt

violence, that there have people who have suffered greatly because of insects, filth and other things at that jail.

And so no one in this case wants to be in that jail for very long, Donald Trump included. He is not expected to turn himself in until Thursday. But

we will be watching for that as well as these 18 other defendants alongside Donald Trump.

ANDERSON: It will be a fascinating week. Katelyn, always a pleasure. Thank you.

What a can former president and his codefendants expect when they are booked into jail?

Will they be treated like other inmates or have special arrangements made?

CNN's Brian Todd takes a look at what Trump might encounter.


BRIAN TODD, CNN CORRESPONDENT (voice over): Donald Trump, Rudy Giuliani and 17 other defendants this week are expected to be formally booked at the

Fulton County Jail, also known as Rice Street, a hulking, crumbling structure that's garnered a notorious reputation.

The sheriff of Fulton County insisting that, despite their high profiles, Trump and the others will be treated like every other defendant booked at

this jail.

SHERIFF PATRICK LABAT, FULTON COUNTY, GEORGIA: If you're indicted, then we're going to treat you as though you're indicted here locally. And so we

will consider to do fingerprints, mug shots, et cetera.

TODD (voice-over): What might it look like inside when Trump and the others formally surrender?

Retired Fulton County Sheriff's Lieutenant Charles Rambo says, normally, people who are surrendering come through the facility's front door first.

But regardless of which entrances Trump and the others arrive at ...

CHARLES RAMBO, RETIRED LIEUTENANT, FULTON COUNTY SHERIFF'S OFFICE: They would be pat down, led to the booking office in the rear. From there, they

probably will have to have ties and shoestrings and all those type of things taken. Then from there, the persons would be fingerprinted, given a

booking photo.

TODD (voice-over): Donald Trump and the other defendants are expected to be photographed for mug shots. But it's unclear when those pictures will be

made public.

People familiar with the process tell CNN, normally, those booked at this jail are searched thoroughly by a jail deputy and, at some point, given a

medical examination and a pre-trial screening to determine if they can sign out on their own recognizance.

But it's not clear if Trump or the other high-profile defendants in this case will go through those steps. For a normal defendant, it would take

hours to go through those procedures. But with these defendants ...

CHRIS TIMMONS, FORMER GEORGIA PROSECUTOR: I don't expect Trump to spend hours in this jail because, the longer he is, I mean, it's a pain.

But it's going to be a hassle for the entire sheriff's department or at least those that are at the jail when the president is there. It's going to

be a circus.

TODD (voice-over): If they didn't have bond agreements, Donald Trump and the other defendants might have been held in custody at this jail, which

observers say could be a nightmarish experience.

TIMMONS: The Rice Street Jail is not a pleasant place. It's dirty. It's scary.

TODD (voice-over): Last month, the Justice Department launched a civil rights investigation into the Fulton County Jail following multiple deaths

inside the facility.

Last year, inmate LaShawn Thompson was found dead in his cell. His family says unsanitary conditions, including insect and lice infestation,

contributed to his death.

BEN CRUMP, ATTORNEY FOR LAWSHAWN THOMPSON'S FAMILY: Even the sheriff agreed that it was deplorable conditions, like a third world country.

TODD: Three officials with the Fulton County Jail stepped down earlier this year after a preliminary investigation into LaShawn Thompson's death.

Sheriff Patrick Labat acknowledges the poor conditions, says he welcomes the Justice Department's investigation.

And he has sought more than $2 billion in county funding to build a new jail -- Brian Todd, CNN, Washington.


ANDERSON: Ahead in sports, the night could have not gone better for a U.S. footballer debuting for AC Milan. What he did on the pitch on Monday and

his fans are absolutely buzzing.





ANDERSON: New club, no problem. American midfielder Christian Pulisic is making a big first impression with AC Milan, throwing an absolute spanker

of a goal in his Serie A debut. Andy Scholes joins me now.

We have seen some goals, we have seen some good goals. This was a great goal.

ANDY SCHOLES, CNN SPORT CORRESPONDENT: Becky, that was after he had already had an assist to make that game 1-0. And then he came through with

that goal there to make it 2-0 in his Serie A debut for the team.

He knew he had to have a little adrenaline going playing in that first league game there with AC Milan. One goal in one game, that comes after

playing for Chelsea for a number of years. Only had 20 goals in 98 appearances with that club.

So he is definitely off to a better start there with Milan. U.S. fans have been very familiar with him for quite some time. He has been considered the

best U.S. soccer player for years now and everyone hoping that, in four years, he peaks and can help the U.S. make a big time run at the World Cup

when it's in Canada, the U.S. and Mexico.

ANDERSON: Absolutely. We will keep one eye on him and I'll stand by for "WORLD SPORT," which is coming up.

And after this short break, we will be back with the second hour of CONNECT THE WORLD. Stay with us.

