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India Lands Spacecraft on the Moon; Climate Change Linked to Canada Fires; Suspected Chinese Dissident Flees on Jet Ski; Teachers and Students Dangle in Cable Car for 14 Hours; Inside Ukraine's Elite Sniper Unit; Giuliani Heads to Atlanta to Face Charges. Aired 10-10:40a ET

Aired August 23, 2023 - 10:00   ET




BECKY ANDERSON, CNN HOST (voice-over): I'm Becky Anderson, live from Abu Dhabi, this is CONNECT THE WORLD.

Coming up this hour, India becomes the fourth nation ever to land a spacecraft on the moon.

Hundreds of fires burning across Greece, including one spreading dangerously close to Athens.

Vladimir Putin tells leaders at the BRICS summit in South Africa that he invaded Ukraine to counter the West.

Plus, former New York mayor, Rudy Giuliani, heads to Georgia to surrender.


ANDERSON: Well, its mission accomplished in India. We begin with a huge and historic achievement for the country and its space program.

In the last 90 minutes, India's Chandrayaan-3 spacecraft made a successful start with a soft landing on the moon, making it the fourth nation to do

so, after the U.S., China and the former Soviet Union.

India is also the first ever to land a spacecraft near the challenging terrain of the unexplored lunar south pole. CNN's Vedika Sud is live in New


Nearly 8 million people watched a live feed of the landing online, including Indian prime minister Narendra Modi; undoubtedly millions more

saw it on TV.

What has been the reaction so far?

VEDIKA SUD, CNN CORRESPONDENT: Allow me to bit dramatic. You said, mission accomplished. Well, in 2019, most of the people would've said mission

impossible. That's when Chandrayaan-2, the second lunar craft, crash landed on the lunar surface.

Four years later, after intense hard work by those very people, part of the Indian space agency, ISRO, they have really seen this through. What a

success it has been. Millions tuned in.

We were at a watch party in New Delhi, where more than 500 people were there as spectators to watch that one momentous minute of that soft landing

of the mooncraft on the lunar surface. What a moment it was.

There were emotions running high, excitement, people stood up, they clapped, you had young children waving the Indian national flag. What a

moment to capture on our cameras as well. Seconds later, you had Narendra Modi addressing the nation. Here's what he had to say.


NARENDRA MODI, INDIAN PRIME MINISTER (voice-over): When we see such historic moments with own eyes, it makes us very proud. This is the dawn of

new India.

MODI: This success belongs to all of humanity. And it will help moon missions by other countries in the future.


SUD: And this is the message the Indian government wants to send to the world, Becky: today, India is a global space power, especially after feats

it's achieved about 1.5 hours ago. What a feat it is.


SUD: It doesn't really make India the fourth nation in the world to be on the moon, to send a lunar craft on the moon but also the first nation in

the world, Becky, to soft land near the south polar region of the moon.

What does this mean?

This means, for the next two weeks, the rover, a part of the lander that has soft landed on the moon, will hold expeditions and go into the dark

craters of the moon. This is known as the dark side of the moon.

Until now, you've had three countries make that soft landing toward the equator of the moon, the brighter side, whether there's life. But this is

the darker side, with crevices, craters and that's what the robot will be exploring.

Essentially to find frozen water and see if that could be a source of water, a source of fuel and a source of oxygen for future expeditions; if

it could be a base, this lunar surface, if it could be a base for future expeditions into space -- Becky.

ANDERSON: Vedika, what a day, what a day, particularly for the youngsters of India. As you say, there were images of kids, waving their flags. It

just means so much to a nation. Thank you.

Well, street by street, house by house, wildfires exploding across Greece. Walls of flames turning homes into kindling in the blink of an eye. They're

exacerbated, of course, by our warming planet.

In fact, Tuesday was the hottest day ever for many parts of Europe. New fires erupting at the rate of four an hour. If there was ever a scene that

fit the word "apocalyptic," this would be it as firefighters also deal with blankets of smoke.

In all, more than 200 fires have started across Greece since Monday. CNN's Eleni Giokos is in Athens and she saw some of them begin right before her

eyes. Take a look at her report.


ELENI GIOKOS, CNN ANCHOR AND CORRESPONDENT: Engulfing a piece of land, we've been seeing enormous wildfires since this morning erupting across

what is known as the lungs of Athens.

As you can see, it's close to homes. We saw homes being destroyed a little earlier. We've been listening to police evacuating, moving from street to

street. This fire will not let up.

You can hear the helicopters ahead. They are dropping as much water as possible to try and mitigate the spread. The winds are not helping. We've

seen enormous winds since this morning.

In fact, when we set up our live shot here a few minutes ago, there was barely any smoke. As you can see, it's completely burning.

People have lost their livelihoods, they're losing their homes. A lot of people are choosing to be defiant and trying to hose down their homes with

water in the hope they'll be able to save what is left of what they have; 93 wildfires have erupted across Greece in the last 24 hours.

It's been a herculean task to try and put these fires out, get them under control. Locals are telling us more should be done. The fire department is

telling us that they're doing what they can with the resources they have.

In other parts of Greece, in Alexandroupolis, we saw a massive forest fire, also 18 bodies charred, found dead in the forest.

Just from seeing, having this experience, it's absolutely shocking to see homes set alight. As you can see, this home, in this garden over here,

they've obviously left the hose open to try and protect their property.

Look, Greece has seen enormous rainfall in June, record temperatures in July and wildfires spreading across the board.

The question now becomes, what will be done to save this very important forest that's absolutely vital for the city of Athens?

You can barely breathe, I am covered in ash and dust. It has been unbelievably terrifying to watch this play out.


ANDERSON: That's Eleni Giokos, right in the thick of things there, just outside Athens.

Nearby in Turkiye, crews say they're making progress against fires burning in and around a popular tourist town. Parts of Canakkale are now marked by

a charred landscape and thick smoke. More than 1,000 people have been forced to evacuate, including the university campus there. A number of

people have been treated for smoke inhalation.

All summer we've seen those wildfires burning in Canada. You can see here the flames cresting the hills around Kelowna. Today, there is new evidence

that climate change made these fires more intense and more likely.


ANDERSON: Scientists from the World Weather Attribution Initiative found human caused climate change more than doubled the likelihood of hot, dry,

windy conditions. To illustrate how severe 2023 has been, more than 15 million hectares have burned in Canada so far this year. You can see, that

is far more than any previous year.

Well, the rash of fires and extreme weather events leave the world needing a solution and fast. The United Nations climate conference is this year,

being held in Dubai, 100 days from now.

Next hour, I'll speak to the director general of COP28, Majid Al Suwaidi. Please, do join us for that.

Blunting Western influence and boosting their own standing in the process, the leaders of Brazil, Russia, India, China and South Africa are talking

about ways to rebalance global power on day two of what is known as the BRICS summit in Johannesburg.

One big topic discussed today: forming a currency to veer way from the U.S. dollar. In a speech delivered virtually, Russian president Vladimir

Putin blamed the West for the war in Ukraine. The leaders then convened a private meeting, apparently to discuss the prospect of expansion. That's a

subject where reaching agreement could prove difficult.

David McKenzie is watching developments in the summit for us. He joins us now from Johannesburg.

There is a lot to break down here, including India's economic ascendancy as China, of course, struggles.

What does it mean that these leaders are meeting privately?

DAVID MCKENZIE, CNN SENIOR INTERNATIONAL CORRESPONDENT: They were always going to meet privately but what I think is that's been extended

significantly and the press conferences or press statements, scheduled for around now, they've been canceled.

I think it means these ambitions to expand BRICS beyond its core five members have not necessarily reached a roadblock but hit ground level.

There are some very tricky things, particularly between India and China, to expand BRICS.

China's wholeheartedly wanting to expand BRICS. They see it as a way, the Chinese president said almost as much, to expand their influence on the

world stage. India and other countries, they're less convinced they should take a combative role with the West, particularly the U.S. and the E.U.

Let's listen to Xi Jinping, who spoke today.


XI JINPING, PRESIDENT OF CHINA (through translator): International rules must be written and upheld jointly by all countries, based on the purposes

and principles of the U.N. Charter, rather than dictated by those with the strongest muscles or the loudest voice.

Ganging up to form exclusive groups and packaging their own rules as international norm is even more unacceptable.


MCKENZIE: And so, Xi Jinping there. The Russian president joined remotely. It was striking, Becky, to see every one of those leaders in a room

together but the president of Russia beaming in because he cannot set foot because of his possible arrest warrant from the ICC -- Becky.

ANDERSON: He did, of course, as you rightly point out, beam in virtually.

What did he say?

MCKENZIE: It was really a typical Putin screed against the West. He repeated the assumption from him, that the war in Ukraine was caused by the

West and was to save the people of the Donbas.

That's basically untrue. The ambitions of Russia and the aggression toward Ukraine has been something that's in the background of all of these


You had the rest of the members -- Lula, Ramaphosa, the -- president Modi - - prime minister Modi -- and all of them saying that Russia -- not expressly saying the name Russia but there should be peace and a negotiated


This places the rest of the leaders in a somewhat awkward position because Russia is a founding member of BRICS but the calls for peace fall a little

bit on deaf ears because that member is involved in a war in Ukraine -- Becky.

ANDERSON: David McKenzie on the story, thank you, sir.

South Korea says it has detained a prominent Chinese dissident who apparently arrived in the country on a Jet Ski. He's believed to have

traveled hundreds of kilometers across the sea to escape China. South Korean Coast Guard officials say he arrived a week ago with only a helmet,

compass and binoculars.

Authorities have not named him but a Chinese activist group says the man is Kwon Pyong.


ANDERSON: An outspoken critic of both Beijing and president Xi Jinping, who took part in Hong Kong's pro-democracy protests back in 2014.


ANDERSON (voice-over): A group of school kids huddled together, fearing for their lives, which were literally hanging in the balance. We'll go live

to Pakistan for the very latest on what was a successful mission to save them.



ANDERSON: Welcome back, you're watching CONNECT THE WORLD with me, Becky Anderson.

Crowds of people in Pakistan watched in terror as one rescue attempt after another failed to reach six children and two adults, who were dangerously

dangling precariously from a cable car nearly 275 meters in the air.

Officials say they were traveling to school Tuesday when one of the cables snapped, leaving them stuck. They were finally rescued after a 14-hour

ordeal. But as CNN's Ivan Watson reports, it was not an easy task for the rescuers.


IVAN WATSON, CNN, SENIOR INTERNATIONAL CORRESPONDENT (voice-over): A lone cable car hangs 900 feet over a ravine in a mountainous region of northwest

Pakistan with six children and two teachers trapped inside.

The students, between ages 10 and 15, were on their way to school Tuesday, when one of the cables snapped, leaving the car dangling by a single cable

over the valley below.

Official say that the cable car had done multiple trips Tuesday before the cable broke partway through its journey. It was a race against time to save

the passengers who were said to have no drinking water, two of them reportedly slipping in and out of consciousness.

Pakistan's military scrambled to help save the group. But initial rescue attempts by helicopter failed after shore winds made the car too unstable.

A large crowd on the mountainside watched it. Horror as the cable car was left tilted at a steep angle. Rescue personnel were able to give the

passengers nausea medication after getting reports of the children vomiting. One child was also given heart medication, according to


The crowd cheered with joy, as a Special Forces officer hanging from a helicopter carried one of the students safely away from the valley.

Several hours later, another two children were brought down with the help of local zipliners. One of the trapped teachers, aged 20, called the local

broadcaster from the cable car.


UNIDENTIFIED MALE (through translator): The authorities should rescue all of us as soon as possible.


UNIDENTIFIED MALE (through translator): The cable broke off.


WATSON (voice-over): The situation grew dire as light fell and authorities were forced to pause helicopter rescues. So a makeshift stretcher was

connected to a pulley. Soldiers and locals worked together, desperately pulling on the ropes until another student was brought down and then


Their efforts finally paid off after more than 14 hours, all eight passengers were brought to safety, a harrowing ordeals for children just

trying to go to school.

WATSON: Now some important context here: in some of these remote mountainous parts of Pakistan, these types of cable cars are a way to get

around. They tend to be privately owned; they can make a dramatic difference for people trying to get from one across a very steep valley.

But again, they're privately owned and they've had safety issues in the past as recently as December of last year. There were local media reports

in Pakistan of another cable car that got stranded; fortunately, 12 children on board that were successfully rescued.

The interim prime minister in Pakistan has now called for a safety review of all of these cable cars -- Ivan Watson CNN, Hong Kong.


ANDERSON: Let's get you to CNN producer Sophia Saifi, who is in Islamabad.

You were across what was that dramatic rescue as the hours went by yesterday. So good that there was a, you know, a successful outcome to

this. And I'm sure that everybody is applauding those who were involved in this rescue.

But it does beg the question, how do we have avoid a similar situation happening again?

So let's just, you know, let's just wrap, you know, how this was successful and what may happen next, Sophia.

SOPHIA SAIFI, CNN PRODUCER: Well, there was a lot of local expertise. And I think the fact that this kind of united a nation that's incredibly

polarized over the past couple of months.

(INAUDIBLE) with those kids. It was a joint effort by the military, a joint effort with the rest of the services as well as with the locals on the

ground. There's been a lot of conversation about the lack of access to schools, not just in that region but across the country.

There are not that many secondary schools in Pakistan. As a whole, there are more primary schools rather than secondary schools. I've been speaking

to education experts. They're saying it's a really big deal that these ninth graders, between the ages of 10 and 15, most of them were ninth

graders, they were actually expecting their exam results.

And they did pretty well. So it's not that people don't want to send their kids to school. That area was heavily affected by the 2005 Kashmir

earthquake that affected parts of northwestern Khyber Pakhtunkhwa as well.

So it's not just a lack of interest in building infrastructure there; it's also very difficult. It's a very mountainous spot, a very remote part of

the country. But there is a need for oversight.

As Ivan just mentioned in his package, there is a very hokey attempt -- people want in every possible way to make sure that their kids can get to

school. So they use automobile parts, random bits and pieces. It's almost like these steampunk contraptions that are made locally.

And there is an incredible need for oversight because, if there is a need for climate-resilient, proper infrastructure there, not just schools, and

if the situation is that there -- it is too mountainous a terrain for proper roads to be built there, then there is definitely a requirement by

the administration, the current one.

The previous successor of the administration have really not looked into this, is the criticism. But the way forward is to make sure that they're

climate-resilient, that if there is a need for cable cars, if that's the best possible way for kids to get to school and for them to commute in

those regions, perhaps there's a need for better oversight.

So yes, an incredibly positive story that Pakistan was needing. And I think it's a happy ending all around, Becky.

ANDERSON: Absolutely. It is good to be able to report good news. Thank you, Sophia.


ANDERSON: Well, new video offers a glimpse into an elite Ukrainian sniper unit. The thermal images show the snipers targeting Russian soldiers on the

front lines. Members of the unit spoke to CNN about their experiences and their approach to the war. CNN's Nick Paton Walsh reports from Zaporizhzhya

in Ukraine.


NICK PATON WALSH, CNN INTERNATIONAL SECURITY CORRESPONDENT (voice-over): They're never seen, have heard "fire" only once. Their targets just drop.

Ukraine's elite sniper service from the security services, the SBU, are usually invisible. Like the U.S. Delta Force, chosen for fitness and


Unlike Delta, fighting for their homeland's survival for nearly 18 months.


WALSH (voice-over): They gave CNN a rare interview as they honed their sniper scopes to broadcast the damage they say they've been doing to

Russian front lines.

"It's sniper terror," he says. "That's when we hit every target we spot. It demoralizes them and kills their will to do anything against us."

But it's not always one sided. Five weeks ago, they stumbled at night into a Russian recon group.

"We were in the gray zone between our lines," the commander says, using a guide from another unit.

"But we ran into a Russian assault group doing pretty much the same thing as us, moving toward our front position. We opened fire. Our guide was

wounded. We suppressed them, pulled him out, called in artillery and then watched them fall back with their wounded."

They do not always escape. Sasha (ph) knows that too well.

"I've lost many people," he says. "The best ones leave us first."

His upper lip folds in slightly from an injury, where a large shell hit his chest, legs and face last March.

"It was unpleasant," he says. "But I had 16 operations to rebuild my bones and teeth and I got back into the fight."

WALSH: Western help has kept them afloat, they say. This anti-armor Barrett sniper rifle a donation, used so often that its suppressor has come

loose and detaches. These machines and men working at a tempo they were probably not designed for. They know why they are here, though.

WALSH (voice-over): "My son is going up," Sasha (ph) says. "He's little but he already trains, already knows who the enemy is. And that is Russia."

Hoping each single shot brings Russian defeat closer -- Nick Paton Walsh, CNN, Zaporizhzhya, Ukraine.


ANDERSON: You're watching CONNECT THE WORLD. We're watching the Fulton County courthouse in Atlanta, Georgia. Very soon, Rudy Giuliani, the man

who was one of Donald Trump's closest allies, will walk into that courthouse to meet with local prosecutors before heading to jail, to be

booked and fingerprinted.

More on that is just ahead.





ANDERSON: Right, 6:30 pm in Abu Dhabi. Welcome back, I'm Becky Anderson. You're watching CONNECT THE WORLD. These are your headlines this hour.


ANDERSON (voice-over): India is on the move. The country's Chandrayaan-3 spacecraft made a soft landing near the lunar south pole just hours ago.

These are pictures of what is a jubilant, India the first country ever to achieve that feat and the fourth to land on the moon after the U.S., former

Soviet Union and China.

Speaking virtually from South Africa, Indian prime minister Narendra Modi called the mission a success that belongs to all of humanity.

Wildfires breaking out by the hour across Greece, 200 new blazes have erupted since Monday alone. The capital blanketed in smoke, these fires

exacerbated by extreme heat and dry conditions, which are expected to last through Friday.

Well, the BRICS nations discuss forming a common currency on day two of their summit in South Africa. The leaders of Brazil, Russia, India, China

and South Africa are looking at ways to blunt what they say is undue Western influence. Also holding a private meeting, apparently to discuss

the prospect of expansion.

ANDERSON: Well, it's 10:30 am on the East Coast of America and we are waiting for Rudy Giuliani, one of Donald Trump's staunchest defenders, to

turn up in Atlanta at the Fulton County courthouse.

He's set to meet with prosecutors to determine terms of his surrender to authorities in what is the massive RICO case that the district attorney has

launched. He is one of 19 defendants in that case over the 2020 presidential election, including the former president.

Giuliani is set to surrender at the county jail later today. He's going to Atlanta without legal representation. Let's bring in CNN's Nick Valencia on


What can you tell us about Rudy Giuliani's struggle to find a lawyer, which is ultimately what he needed to get his stuff done down in Fulton County


NICK VALENCIA, CNN CORRESPONDENT: That's right, he has a number of legal issues that he has to address. There are reports that Mr. Giuliani is

running out of money.

We reached out to a former counsel who represented him during the special purpose grand jury process. That attorney would not confirm or deny he's

still involved with Giuliani.

Sources tell us Giuliani is not only coming down here to meet and hash out his bond agreement terms with the Fulton County district attorney but he's

also expected to surrender, something other defendants -- it's a process that they spread out over a matter of a couple of days.

But Giuliani is expected to come here. It is part of the revolving door that we've seen here of defendants coming and going outside the Fulton

County Jail. Of course, Giuliani is among the most notable names, perhaps the most notable, next to the former president, Donald Trump.

It's Giuliani, who prosecutors accuse of meeting with Georgia lawmakers three times after Trump lost in 2020 to spread election conspiracy theories

and election lies. Giuliani, as I mentioned, is expected to surrender here.

He said that this is an unnecessary indictment and has repeated and parroted the phrases from the former president, that this was political in

nature. Giuliani joins Ken Chesebro, a former Trump attorney, as well as a former campaign attorney, Ray Smith, who surrendered earlier today.

Both are accused in this indictment and charged in this indictment. Chesebro, for his role in the fake electors scheme; Smith, prosecutors

allege, was in the room when fake electors met in Atlanta in December of 2020.

He, too, according to prosecutors, spread election conspiracy theories and election lies. There's a number of people who have already turned

themselves in. They range from people like bail bondsman, Scott Hall, who was part of the process of illegal accessing of voting data in rural Coffee

County as well as the former GOP chairman here of the state of Georgia, David Shafer, who was instrumental in that fake electors scheme.

It really underscores how sprawling of an investigation this was for Fani Willis and how difficult it has been to coordinate the logistics of 19

defendants turning themselves in -- Becky.

ANDERSON: And they have to turn themselves in by Friday, of course. Let's just focus, again, briefly on Rudy Giuliani. He will resonate, I'm sure,

with many of our viewers around the world, who will remember him as the, you know, the mayor to everyone, the mayor of America on 9/11.

Of course, he was the New York mayor at the time. This is quite something spectacular, a fall from grace, as it were. I know these are only

allegations at the moment.


ANDERSON: But the very notion of seeing him in Fulton County courthouse today to have his mug shot taken and his prints taken, if indeed that's

what's going to happen, is quite remarkable.

What has he said about these allegations, what has he said about this indictment?

VALENCIA: He's pushed back, he's been very defiant. He spoke before leaving his New York apartment, before coming down here, talking about

being on the other side of justice and saying that he's going to be cleared, there is no prosecutor in the last 100 years that has a better


You know, Becky, it's really ironic that the man who used the RICO statute to take down the Mob in New York City is now charged with that same statute

himself. Rudy Giuliani, formerly known as America's mayor, now finding himself on the other side of justice -- Becky.

ANDERSON: Yes, absolutely. Good to have, you sir, thank you.

Well, while Donald Trump and his legal team prepare for his surrender in Georgia tomorrow, as we understand it, other top Republicans are preparing

for the first presidential debate later tonight.

Trump will not take part in the debate. But a new poll shows him leading the Republican field by a wide margin. Florida governor, Ron DeSantis, is

in second place with just 13 percent of the support.

For Democrats, President Biden's campaign is rolling out its first state- specific television ad, aiming to show how his economic agenda is impacting working families in a positive way. But voters in Wisconsin are bracing for

a bit of drama. Here is CNN's Jeff Zeleny.


CAROLINE QUINLAN, WISCONSIN VOTER: I think the next 15 months is going to be like a Lifetime movie. It's - there's going to be so much going to

happen on both sides.

JEFF ZELENY, CNN CHIEF NATIONAL AFFAIRS CORRESPONDENT (voice-over): That is how Caroline Quinlan sees the 2024 presidential race. Hopeful for the

possibility of change but bracing for a year of drama.

QUINLAN: I could go for a fresh start on both sides of the aisle. Both for the Republicans and the Democrats. Is that going to happen?

I don't know.

ZELENY: Quinlan has a ring-side seat. Here in the sprawling suburbs of Milwaukee, where Republicans will not only gather tonight for their first

primary debate but also convene next summer in the same arena to crown the party's nominee at the GOP convention.


ZELENY: Wisconsin has long been a vital stop on the road to the White House. A battleground and bellwether that went for Joe Biden in 2020 and

Donald Trump in 2016. Eight candidates will be on stage for the debate but not Trump.

Former Wisconsin Governor Scott Walker, a one-time Trump rival, believes that's a mistake.

SCOTT WALKER (R-WI), FORMER GOVERNOR: When I stood next to him at that first debate eight years ago in Cleveland, this was a guy who was

commanding, who took charge, who took over the debate. And I think it's a missed opportunity for him not to come here to Milwaukee and try and take

charge again.

ZELENY: As Walker sees it, Trump is not only competing in the primary, he also could start trying to win over some of the voters who once supported


WALKER: If they see him fighting not for the sake of fighting but fighting for them, fighting for their families, fighting for their schools, fighting

for their economic survivability, then I think he starts to pull some of those voters back.

ZELENY: Quinlan, an independent, would be in that camp.

When we first met during the final weeks of the 2020 campaign, she was torn.

QUINLAN: I get it why people don't like Trump.

ZELENY: She ultimately voted for Trump. Now she's intent on sizing up the field.

ZELENY: Is there anyone who stands out to you at this point or a few people?

QUINLAN: Well, I'm still learning about all of them. I've been really interested in DeSantis, Haley. I'm interested in her.

ZELENY (voice-over): She wants to hear the candidates talk about education, the economy and crime. She fears Biden is too old. And, for now,

is withholding judgment on Trump.

QUINLAN: Yes, he's not my first choice but yes, let's see what my choices are.

ZELENY: Democrats are also laser focused on Wisconsin -

BIDEN: Good to see you, man.

ZELENY: With the Biden campaign on the air with a new TV ad.

BRIAN SCHIMMING, CHAIRMAN, WISCONSIN REPUBLICAN PARTY: What this debate is about is one of us versus Joe Biden.

ZELENY: Brian Schimming, chairman of the Wisconsin Republican Party, said the attention makes clear, his state will help settle a larger debate,

whether it's a rematch between Biden and Trump or not.

SCHIMMING: I don't think anything's inevitable. History is full of folks who, you know, were ahead early and then didn't end up the nominee in both


ZELENY: Jeff Zeleny, CNN, Milwaukee.


ANDERSON: Well, ahead, in the world of sport, the baseball team nicknamed the Bronx Bombers is bombing out.

What happened to the New York Yankees last night that hasn't happened in decades?





ANDERSON: You don't need to be a baseball fan to know about the New York Yankees, right?

They are, hands down, the most iconic sporting franchise in the United States. They're now experiencing something that hasn't happened in more

than 40 years. Andy Scholes is joining me with more on this.

This is not a good experience, either, as I understand.

ANDY SCHOLES, CNN SPORT CORRESPONDENT: Becky, Yankees fans were holding out hope for the longest time that eventually they were going to turn it

around. We haven't had many constants in sports for 30 years, right?

Teams have their ups and downs. Not the Yankees. They've been good every year for about 30 years. They hadn't lost nine games in a row since 1982.

But that's what happened to them last night. Fans, I think they're finally realizing in New York that this is not going to be their season. It's not

going to go their way.

But tonight, they have a chance to do something they haven't done in more than 100 years, Becky. That's lose 10 games in a row. So we'll hear what

their manager had to say coming up here on "WORLD SPORT." Not happy times there in the Bronx for, like you said, the Bronx Bombers. Not a lot of

bombing going on with these bats these days.

ANDERSON: More on that in "WORLD SPORT." I will fill you in. I bought one of those Yankees shirts back in the '80s. I'm still going to wear, it

whether or not they continue to bomb. More on that in "WORLD SPORT" coming up.

I'll be back at the top of the hour for you.

