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Wildfires Explode Across Greece; COP28 Director-General Speaks to CNN; Students & Teachers Dangle in Cable Car for 14 Hours; Xi calling for "Just and Reasonable" Global Governance; Giuliani Arrives in Atlanta to Face 2020 Election Charges; Rubiales Apologized, Spain PM says it was "Not Enough". Aired 11a-12p ET

Aired August 23, 2023 - 11:00   ET




BECKY ANDERSON, CNN HOST, CONNECT THE WORLD: Well, this hour we'll be focusing in on the battle against climate change in a week that marks

hundred days until COP28. We'll be speaking with the Director-General at that conference in just a few minutes.

First up, though, an historic milestone for India and its space program. In the last few hours India's Chandrayaan 3 Spacecraft made a successful soft

landing on the moon, making it the fourth nation ever to achieve that feat.

And the first ever to touch down near the rough terrain of the unexplored Lunar South Pole. Indian Prime Minister Narendra Modi called the landing a

success for all humanity. He joined the live feed virtually from South Africa, where he is attending the BRICS Summit.


NARENDRA MODI, INDIAN PRIME MINISTER: When we see such historic moments with our own eyes, it makes us very proud. This is the dawn of new India.


ANDERSON: This is the dawn of new India he said. CNN Vedika Sud is live in New Delhi and just how big a deal is this for the country?

VEDIKA SUD, CNN REPORTER: Oh, it's a massive deal Becky totally massive. And we've witnessed history really, with the touchdown of the spacecraft on

the lunar surface at about 6:05 more or less local time in the evening here in New Delhi.

You had the Chandrayaan team clapping it static and just before those nerves of steel quite literally before the landing could happen those 15

minutes Becky, the last 15 minutes extremely crucial. That's where it went wrong back in 2019, with Chandrayaan 2, the second lunar mission for India

to the moon.

That's where it lost contact with the lander. But this time four years later, it was a total success. From the very moment it entered the

trajectory that it was supposed to the landing, it was seamless, according to the Indian Space Agency known as ISRO here in India, the Chief of ISRO

that's what he had to say that the spacecraft has landed on the moon.

If you look at social media feeds right now and responses, everyone is saying that a part of India is now on the moon. There are celebrations

across social media on the streets of India. We were at a government research center here in New Delhi, covering that very moment, Becky.

You had young children coming in with the national flag waving it after the spacecraft landed on the lunar surface. You had young people old people

clapping standing up a standing ovation the moment this happened.

You had Narendra Modi India's Prime Minister at the BRICS Summit in South Africa tuning in just minutes before the landing, hoping that it'll be

successful. The last time in 2019 he was at the Mission Center, which was a heartbreaking moment for the ISRO Chief and for the Indian Prime Minister.

But that was the moment he asked them to move on to work hard and four years down the line in 2023 today, it's a historic moment for India. And it

marks like you said India being the first country in the world to make its imprint on the south polar region of the lunar surface. Becky.

ANDERSON: Vedika thank you. Well, India's moon landing isn't happening in a vacuum as Vedika mentioned Prime Minister Modi sent congratulations from

South Africa where he is on the world stage taking a lead role in the BRICS Summit.

And we'll take you live to Johannesburg in just a few minutes to discuss India's ascendancy its geopolitical power and economic heft more on that

coming up. Well, this summer the sheer scale of the climate challenge facing humanity has been laid bare.

Wildfires in Europe and North America flooding on the subcontinent of India, tropical cyclones in the southern hemisphere, strong evidence

suggests that these natural disasters are becoming more common and more difficult to predict because of a warming planet.

We're just under hundred days away from the United Nations Climate Conference COP28 getting underway down the road from this studio in Dubai

later this year. And the United Arab Emirates has laid key priorities down on the table to try to catch up on these targets.


In just few minutes we'll be speaking with the Director-General of that event. And we'll be asking how do we turn around our losing battle with

climate change? Let's start our coverage with one of the horrific natural disasters hitting us this year.

Right now Greece is feeling the effects of climate change firsthand and without mercy. Wildfires have been breaking out by the hour with 200 new

wildfires since Monday alone. Homes are going up in flames almost instantaneously. Europe is of course, suffering from extreme heat. Tuesday

was the hottest day ever in some parts of the continent where these fires are fast and they are ferocious.

CNN's Eleni Giokos is seeing for herself just how intense they are. She joins us now from the Greek Capital. Eleni just describe to us where you

are and what it is that you've seen and are experiencing?

ELENI GIOKOS, CNN CORRESPONDENT: I should be overlooking what is the lung of Athens this is -- this is an important carbon basin for Athens. It is up

in smoke, catching a blaze over the last 24 hours.

Firefighters, helicopters trying to put out a runaway fire exacerbated by unbelievably strong winds in fact, this morning when we were basically

encircled by fires coming from every direction, it was unbelievable to experience just how fast the fire moved relentlessly burning down homes.

And we also spoke to so many locals that were just overcome with emotion leaving their homes behind so many of them Becky remained so defiant

wanting to stay to protect their livelihoods and then eventually being forced to leave.

We are still hearing helicopters above us they are trying to put out what is still pretty much a forest that is a light, it is a large area.

Resources are not enough but a huge, huge effort by the firefighters on the ground and also by locals themselves. I mean, some of them using buckets,

water hoses to try and get the fires out.

ANDERSON: Eleni, this isn't the first experience this year, of course. We started the summer with intense heat across Europe and Greece wasn't spared

that and of course wildfires. How are people coping? And what are people saying about what happens next about the future?

GIOKOS: Look, people are absolutely emotional about this. I mean, you mentioned the wildfires that we saw in Greece. Just a month ago, we saw the

biggest evacuation happening ever in the country. We saw roads going up in flames a big part of that island.

People are very critical of the government. They feel that the government was not prepared that they know that -- you know what we see wildfire

season becoming a lot more intense, a lot more frequent and that government should be doing more.

They were worried about the future because when they get evacuations orders, and they say they should leave. They say to me, where should I go?

Where is leave? They don't know where to go. And this is incredible amounts of uncertainty that I've come to appreciate and seeing how people are

responding to this and just the enormous task and investment that is required by governments facing this new reality of extreme heat of more

frequent wildfires.

ANDERSON: Eleni is in Athens in Greece, Thank you very much indeed. So you've seen the story there. You've heard the story from Eleni. Turkey

meanwhile are also seeing in photos crews say they are making progress against fires burning in and around a popular tourist town.

Parts of Canakkale are now marked by a charred landscape and thick smoke more than thousand people have been told to evacuate including a university

campus there. Dozens have been treated for smoke inhalation.

Well, all summer meantime, we've been seeing wildfires burning in Canada. You can see here the flames crossing the hills around Kelowna. Today there

is new evidence that climate change made these fires more intense and more likely. Scientists from the world weather attribution initiative have found

human caused climate change more than doubled the likelihood of hot, dry, windy conditions.

And to illustrate just how severe 2023 have been more than 15 million hectares have burned in Canada so far this year. You can see that's far

more than any previous year. So the science is saying that climate change is to blame for the more extreme weather that we are seeing across the



The wildfire -- you see on Maui, the landslides in India or the flooding in Mexico all of these becoming more frequent because of the warming planet.

Hundred days from now, world leaders will come together in Dubai for COP28, hoping to reach an agreement on the next steps to preserve the planet.

Well, the UAE and the UN have laid out four key priorities for this year's conference. Fast tracking the energy transition, focusing on lives and

livelihoods inclusivity and perhaps what officials here have drilled down on the most ramping up climate finance.

Well, I just spoke with COP28's Director-General Majid Al Suwaidi about the massive challenges that we are facing. And we talked about rising

temperatures at high temperatures, extreme temperatures, nothing new in this region of the Gulf.

But could they get high enough that people can no longer live here, that is the risk, so the region in the crosshairs of climate crisis. And we

discussed that the real world impact that we are feeling and the financial reality that we must face.

MAJID AL SUWAIDI, COP28 DIRECTOR GENERAL AND SPECIAL REPRESENTATIVE: First of all, thank you so much for having me, it's a real pleasure to be with

you. And again, the reports that you've had so far, you've talked a lot about the weather that we've seen this summer.

The wildfires, the rising temperatures, and I think that these really bring home how important it is for us to have an outcome at COP28 that helps us

to address these challenges that we're seeing real time, frankly, around the world. And you've touched on climate finance.

Climate Finance is going to be a really important piece of our COP. We've been traveling around the world engaging with many different stakeholders,

talking about what are the challenges that they face, and it comes down to a desire to take action. But in many cases, that means that we need to

provide the finances for them to do so.

And particularly in the developing world where they're trying to grapple with development challenges, we need to make sure that finance is made more

available, more accessible, and importantly, more affordable. And as a COP Presidency, we've put this at the top of the agenda.

And we've had success so far I think, to the surprise of many. We started at the beginning of the year talking about the hundred billion that was

promised by developed nations at COP in Paris, and why they have -- asking why they haven't delivered on that promise today.

And thanks to support from many, including Canada and Germany, we've already seen progress on that. And we've seen in the Paris Summit recently,

the Macron Summit that nations have said clearly that they intend to show how they'll deliver on that hundred billion promise this year?

But moreover, that's a drop in the bucket. We need to go from hundreds of billions to trillions of annual investment to address climate change. So

that means that we need more governments giving more, and we need to engage the private sector. And we need to address many challenges that are there

preventing it from flowing.

ANDERSON: Very specifically on the issue of climate finance, the UAE is calling for progress on debt distress for vulnerable countries, and

increased financing, as you rightly point out by the private sector which is so much needed to meet what $2.5 trillion needed annually to address

climate change in emerging and developing nations. So I put it to you again, are you satisfied with the progress to date?

SUWAIDI: I think that we need to see a lot more progress. We've said specifically as a presidency that we need to have developed countries

develop on that hundred -- deliver on that hundred billion promise that made. But moreover Becky, we need to see a transformation of the financial

architecture that we have today.

We need to see reform of the international financial institutions, the multilateral development banks. We need to look hard at how we are

providing finance globally and ensuring that that finance is encouraging and boosting climate action in a way that makes sense.

As you've rightly pointed out, we need to get to trillions of dollars of investment. So we need that concessional finance from governments. We need

that reform of the international financial institutions to particularly to get the finance to the developing world.

And then we need to use that to leverage the private sector. And we've been engaging very closely with many of the big financial institutions to try to

see how we can have that the deployment of finance in the developing world where frankly, the emissions growth is going to be the most in the coming



So we need to make sure that we get that finance to them so that they can move quickly to these new solutions that will prevent a carbon intensive

growth scenario.

ANDERSON: And Ambassador on the issue of fundamental reforming global financial institutions just recently, the South African President Cyril

Ramaphosa has been calling for exactly that at the BRICS Summit clearly, very squarely in focus as we move towards COP.

You've also identified the energy transition as a key pillar, understandably so. So let's start in your own backyard, as it were, what's

the UAE doing to move more quickly away from fossil fuels and into renewable as the science demands?

SUWAIDI: You know, the UAE, we're very lucky that we had leadership who has invested in renewable energy for a long time as really, as part of our

diversification story. We know that we produce one type of fuel and energy for the world today.

And we want to be part of that future energy story. And we think that works for a lot of people. Look that Becky we can't address the emissions problem

that we have without addressing the energy problem.

And that is that we have an energy system today, that's carbon intensive, and we need to move to a future energy system that is cleaner, and that is

more net zero. To do that, we need to build up the new energy system that we want to move to.

So that's why we have this tripling of renewable energy target. We have a doubling of hydrogen. Zero methane by 2030, we've set out very clear

standards, which by the way, are based on actions that we're taking at home.

And then we need to decarbonize the energy system that we have today. And so how are we taking actions to decarbonize oil and gas to decarbonize

industry heavy industry, those sectors that are emitting the most.

And you know Becky, you live in the UAE today in the UAE, we have -- one of the largest investors in renewable energy globally, and we have three of

the largest lowest cost solar projects in the world, in a country that is an oil and gas exporter.

We've done this. We know that it works on the ground, and we hope that others will join us to deliver on the actions that we're taking home in the

UAE already.

ANDERSON: Let's address a couple of points, which you know, are very present. You yourself have a background in oil and gas, of course, you'll

be well aware of the argument that having the fossil fuel industry with a top seat at the table in negotiations could undermine meaningful talks on

emissions cuts. Will it -- what's your response to that?

SUWAIDI: Well, first of all, we -- Becky I've been a diplomat for many years. I was the lead climate change negotiator at the Paris Climate

Agreement. And over the years have followed it since, you know, I came back to the climate process at -- last year, after being away from it since

Paris, I thought my job was done and now I've come back.

What I noticed was that we're doing the exact same thing over and over again, and kind of expecting a different result. We know today that we are

not on track to achieve the goals that were set out in Paris. Our global stock take is telling us that we're not on track. So we need to start to

think about what should we be doing differently that will get us there.

But we can't do this with an exclusive kind of conversation. We need to have an inclusive conversation, one that includes NGOs, civil society,

indigenous people activist, but one that also includes industry, CEOs, leaders those who have the resources, the technology, the engineers, the

ability to make the changes, and to help us to solve these quite frankly, hard conversations.

We're as a COP Presidency, our COP Presidency of the UAE. And yes, our oil and gas company is part of a group of companies who are working with us to

try to find solutions. But we as a COP Presidency are holding this industry to task. We're saying everybody is welcome to come to the UAE, who when

they come, we want to make sure that they are bringing their solutions.

They're bringing their ideas, and we're setting a very high bar for how they can participate in COP28. Because we're a COP that is about practical

solutions, that is going to get us to that 1.5 degree target that was promised in Paris and Becky that seven years away 2030 is seven years away.

And so we need to have practical and honest conversations about how we're going to get there. And we can only do that if we bring everybody on board.

We bring everybody together to deliver the solutions that we need to get there.

ANDERSON: Ambassador Al Suwaidi speaking to me just a little earlier. And I want to get you to Atlanta, Georgia now. Former Trump lawyer Rudy Giuliani

is just touchdown. He's at the airport on the plane that you see there on the right hand side of your screen.


He is or will be headed to meet with Fulton County prosecutors where he will negotiate the terms of his surrender on what are known as these Rico

charges. All of this, of course, related to attempt to overturn the 2020 election in favor of Donald Trump after meeting with prosecutors, Giuliani

will go to the Fulton County jail to be booked and fingerprinted.

Well, a group of schoolchildren huddled together fearing for their lives, which we're literally hanging in the balance. We're going to speak with one

of Pakistan's ministers and ask him about what was the risky, successful mission to save them.


ANDERSON: Well, crowds of people in Pakistan watched in terror as one rescue attempt after another failed to reach six children and two adults

who were dangling precariously from a cable car nearly 275 meters in the air. Officials say they were traveling to school Tuesday when one of the

cables snapped leaving them stuck, while they were finally rescued after what was a 14 hour ordeal.

But it wasn't an easy task for rescuers who are hampered by high winds and deteriorating conditions. Joining us now is also out of Islamabad is

Murtaza Solangi, Pakistan's Caretaker Information Minister. It's good to have you sir. Thank you for joining us.

Let's just talk about those rescue efforts a joint effort with the military and locals. How did things unfold behind doors as it were because we

watched this sort of unfold on television, but what was going on behind the scenes?

MURTAZA SOLANGI, PAKISTANI CARETAKER INFORMATION MINISTER: Well, Becky, you rightly described it. Event and terrific exercise in the, you know, media

glare as people were watching as you were watching silver, the people of my country, you know, everybody was on tenterhooks. It was a great effort, as

you rightly described. It takes a while to even get the information out about the incident because it's a very remote area.

These are the valleys of Hindu cushion crack from high mountains. So, you know the district administration when they got the news that they

approached the provincial or the regional administration and the federal authorities were alerted. And I'm sure you know the details are out that

the Army Aviation and Pakistan Air Force, they put together their efforts.


Helicopters were moved in. The General Officer Commanding of the Pakistani military's, Pakistani army's Special Services Group. He and his troops,

they were there to lead the effort. It took almost --

ANDERSON: A remarkable stuff. Yes, more than 14 hours with these high winds, winds as you suggest. And a couple of children at least who were

really suffering, going slipping in and out of, slipping in and out of consciousness that this incident has prompted Pakistan's caretaker Prime

Minister toward an all and I quote him a dilapidated noncompliant chairlifts be checked.

Now, what sort of numbers are we talking about here? We understand that there are many children in areas like this who actually do use these

chairlifts to, to get to school. What will the process now entail in ensuring these are safe?

SOLANGI: What information I have gathered from the provincial and the district administration officials is the provincial government has already

passed the orders to go for a detailed inspection of all those chairlifts are cable cars only in that particular region of Hazara division, there are

70 cable cars.

And only in that particular area, they were as I was looking at the figures 11. So they all would be inspected to make sure that, you know, these kinds

of incidents don't happen again. So there would be audit, there would be inspection. But as you understand it's a remote area.

And it's an area that's affected both by climate change, as well as it is in a seismic zone. So, you know, we had an earthquake in 2005. A lot of

infrastructure was destroyed, and then we had a super rain flood in 2010. So you understand how this climate change is affecting our area.

ANDERSON: Yes, and I covered that earthquake extensively. I'm well aware of the terrain in that area, it is difficult. So many of the schools in that

area were completely pancaked, of course, during that, it was devastating to see and absolutely devastating for people in the region. Look, it's been

a tough couple of months for Pakistanis with the political and economic turmoil.

And it's likely that at least set for a short period of time, at least in some small way. This successful incident will have united Pakistanis

somewhat, but it looks like elections are now to be delayed. Are you confident that elections will take place and when?

SOLANGI: Well, the elections were slightly delayed because we had a census. And once the census is notified, and then the Election Commission of

Pakistan, that's the constitutional body that holds election, needs around four months to conduct the delimitation.

And after that, the according to our law, they need 54 days, so that like different political parties could campaign. So yes, there has been a slight

delay, but that's somehow according to the rules and the laws of the land.

ANDERSON: Right. So the question is, then, when will those elections be held? There are of course critics of this government who say the census was

convenient, to which you say what. And when will or can we expect those elections to be scheduled?

SOLANGI: Becky, I'm not aware of the critics because our government has assumed power only a week back, August 17, to be exact. So I don't know who

the critics are. We only have just started our work.


ANDERSON: So no indication as of yet, when these elections will be held.

SOLANGI: As I told you, the Election Commission of Pakistan there's a constitutional body responsible for holding elections, has already issued

the timetable the calendar how this delimitation exercise would go on, in accordance with the constitution of Pakistan. So they are the ones who

would announce a date. The current caretaker government has no role in announcing the date of elections.

ANDERSON: OK, so it's good to have you. And it's really good to speak on what has been a you know, a very successful and to what was an incredibly

frightening experience I'm sure for those youngsters and couple of adults on that cable car. Thank you for joining us.

Well, you're watching "Connect the World" with me Becky Anderson live from our Middle East programming hub here in Abu Dhabi. Still ahead tonight

pushing back against what they perceive as Western domination. Well, the leaders of the BRICS nations are discussing today to boost the global

influence. And in a rare interview, we give you a glimpse into an elite Ukrainian sniper unit on the frontlines of the war against Russia.


ANDERSON: Welcome back, you're watching "Connect the World" with me Becky Anderson. Time here is what 7.30 in the evening. Just after that, we're

coming to you from UAE broadcasting hub here in Abu Dhabi, of course. Leaders of the five BRICS nations are trying to boost their global

influence on day two of their summit in South Africa.

They've been discussing topics like performing a common currency. In a speech delivered virtually, Russian President Vladimir Putin blames the

West for the war in Ukraine. China's President leveled veiled criticism at the West calling for, "Just unreasonable global governance". On Tuesday, Xi

Jinping was a no show at the BRICS business forum.

His speech was instead delivered by China's commerce minister. There's been no official explanation for his absence at that event. David McKenzie back

with us this hour from Johannesburg.


We have seen him, though, alongside the other leaders of three nations plus, of course, the foreign minister of Russia. That is because Vladimir

Putin hasn't traveled to South Africa. They would have been in a tricky situation whereby they would have had to arrest him, given the arrest

warrant out by the ICC, of course. So let's talk about what has been achieved and who is there and what has been said, David.

DAVID MCKENZIE, CNN SENIOR INTERNATIONAL CORRESPONDENT: Becky, I think just a short time ago, some news worth sharing the Foreign Minister of South

Africa Naledi Pandor speaking to local media on the sidelines, to local radio, saying that the nations have agreed on the, "Matter of expansion for

the group".

Now, I think this indicates that possibly a roadmap has been decided on how to expand this BRICS grouping beyond. There have been more than 20 nations

that have formally asked Becky to join including Saudi Arabia, the UAE and multiple African nations. There has been some tension within the different

founding group members of how fast that happens exactly who will join and what kind of level of membership they're had.

And this is not just inside baseball; this is very real world implications. Because this grouping analysts believe if it can solidify as both the

economic and political bloc, both in terms of its populations and economic power, it be could become a very serious player on the world stage.

Earlier, you had Xi Jinping there in person today, who gave a pretty forthright speech, take a listen.


XI JINPING, CHINESE PRESIDENT: International rules must be written and upheld jointly by all countries based on the purposes and principles of the

UN Charter. Rather than dictated by those with the strongest muscles, or the loudest voice ganging up to form exclusive groups and packaging their

own rules as international norm is even more unacceptable.


MCKENZIE: Now he's specifically talking about groups like the World Bank and IMF with, of course, not naming them directly. You do get a sense of

the frustration of these leaders and the opportunity they see to strengthen their hand on the world stage.

But they are very different countries with different relationships with the European Union and the U.S. in particular, whether they can find common

ground, I think we do have to wait and see until Thursday, when we will see exactly what they've hammered out, if anything, Becky.

ANDERSON: Yes, and it's really interesting because Brazil and India have always been the two countries. These members of BRICS who you would expect

not to necessarily look for an expansion of this group. I know that President Lula has said we want BRICS to be a multilateral institution, not

an exclusive club, thereby sort of echoing to a certain extent what Xi Jinping said.

He said the groups to become a tower of Babel to quote in India and Narendra Modi, the Prime Minister have said that they are not averse to

expansion; it's been a very interesting day for India.

We've seen it sort of emerging as his sort of superpower, if you will. Well, it's landing on the moon; the economy is on the move. I mean, it's

really ascendant, as far as this sort of middle power is concerned. How would you describe India's influence in this loose grouping at present?

MCKENZIE: I think it's a very important question that we need to consider carefully. If you consider when BRICS started years ago, everyone would

have said BRICS is really a collection of small letters with a large C because China was clearly the major power even then when it came to the

BRICS nations.

I think that has evolved significantly over the years. And India because of its economic rise and political power and its role as a potential broker

between nations has taken on more importance within that grouping of nations. Of course, the other leaders of the countries will dispute my

assessment there, but it's clear that India Narendra Modi have a special place at this BRICS summit.

You had the success with their space program today but when you kind of get back to Earth and the reality of discussing these issues between groups of

nations which needs to come up with a consensus that is a different story. Interestingly, Narendra Modi said exactly that. He said they are willing to

expand BRICS, but it needs to be on a consensus model. So they all have to agree on how to move forward together.


And you've also got this issue of Vladimir Putin and Russia, all the other members, including Putin, we're talking about peace, but he is the only

leader that has invaded a sovereign country in the last few years. And so that is a cloud that hangs over the talk of BRICS of being this model

grouping of nations. And Russia is not going anywhere when it comes to BRICS, Becky.

ANDERSON: Yes, that's fascinating. Well, we'll keep, you keep us honest on this as we keep focused on this BRICS summit, because as David described

it, this is no small feat, some of what is, is being discussed at this summit in Johannesburg, and it's important stuff as we see the shifting

geopolitical tectonic plates. Thank you.

Well, Ukraine says two teachers were killed Wednesday after a Russian drone hit a school in the northeastern Sunni region. It also accuses Russia

firing guided bombs into residential buildings and a kindergarten in the city of Kherson wounding six.

Well Meanwhile, Russia claims its air defense is down three Ukrainian drones flying near its Capitol with one of those drones crashing into a

building in Moscow's business district. Well, from attacks on civilians to the military battlegrounds, we have of course been following this conflict

on the ground day-in day-out since the very beginning.

CNN spoke with Ukraine's elite snipers on the front lines this week. They told our Nick Paton Walsh about some of the harrowing experiences that they

have faced in what have been these long, grueling months.


NICK PATON WALSH, CNN CHIEF INTERNATIONAL SECURITY CORRESPONDENT (voice- over): They're never seen and heard fire only once. Their targets just drop. Ukraine's elite sniper unit from the security services the SBU are

usually invisible, like the U.S. Delta Force, chosen for fitness and intelligence, unlike Delta, fighting for their homeland survival for nearly

18 months.

They gave CNN a rare interview as they honed their sniper scopes to broadcast the damage they say they've been doing to Russian frontlines. Its

sniper terror, he says that's when we hit every target we spot. It demoralizes them and kills their will to do anything against us. But it's

not always one sided.

Five weeks ago, they stumbled at night into a Russian recon group. We were in the gray zone between our lines that commander says using a guide from

another unit. But we ran into a Russian assault group doing pretty much the same thing as us moving towards our front position.

We opened fire, our guide was wounded. We suppress them, pulled him out, pulled in artillery and then watch them fall back with their wounded. They

do not always escape. Sasha knows that too well. I've lost many people, he says, the best ones leave us first.

His upper lip folds in slightly from an injury when a large shell hit his chest, legs and face last March. It was unpleasant he says. But I had 16

operations to rebuild my bones and teeth and I got back into the fight. Western help has kept them afloat, they say, this anti-armor Barrett sniper

rifle or donation used so often that its suppressor has come loose and detaches.

These machines and men working at a tempo they were probably not designed for. They know why they are here though. My son is growing up, Sasha says,

he's little but he already trains already knows who the enemy is. And that is Russia. Hoping each single shot brings Russian defeat closer, Nick Paton

Walsh, CNN Zaporizhzhia Ukraine.


ANDERSON: Well, we are keeping an eye on the USA to Georgia today noted Trump supporter Rudy Giuliani has arrived to meet with prosecutors in

Atlanta. Then he is heading to the jail there. We'll have a live report on that coming up.



ANDERSON: We're keeping an eye on the U.S. state of Georgia. Right now former New York Mayor and noted Trump supporter Rudy Giuliani arrived there

a short time ago. It is in connection with the 2020 election subversion case as he left his New York home earlier.

Giuliani said he feels very good about it. Giuliani is one of 19 defendants ordered to surrender in Atlanta by the end of this week. Former U.S.

President Donald Trump is expected to surrender at the jail Thursday evening. This is a flight bringing in Giuliani.

Let's bring in CNN's Zachary Cohen on this. We are expecting to see Giuliani at the Fulton County Courthouse anytime soon. Just walk us through

what will happen when he gets there.

ZACHARY COHEN, CNN U.S. NATIONAL SECURITY REPORTER: We just got word a few minutes ago that Giuliani has touched down in Atlanta. He left from New

York earlier this morning. And he's expected to meet with the desk, the district attorney's office and negotiate a bond agreement. And shortly

after that, we expect that he'll surrender to authorities here at the Fulton County Jail which is right behind me.

And you know he's different than a few other defendants that have already surrendered. They spaced their time out between bond agreement and

surrender about by a day. But Rudy Giuliani is trying to get that all done in one day to get done before former President Donald Trump arrives here in

Atlanta tomorrow for his own surrender.

So Rudy Giuliani, you know, spoke to reporters in New York before he boarded his plane to come to Atlanta. Take a listen to what he said about

this case, waged by Fulton County DA Fani Willis.


RUDY GIULIANI, FORMER DONALD TRUMP LAWYER: They're destroying my right to counsel, my right to be a lawyer; they're destroying his right to counsel.

It's not accidental that they've indicted all his lawyers never heard of that before in America.


COHEN: So we've heard similar from another former Trump attorney Johnny's been yesterday basically saying that he's being attacked for representing

Donald Trump as an attorney. But at the end of the day, what Giuliani and he has been both failed to acknowledge is that they tried to overturn the

2020 election without any evidence of widespread voter fraud.

And, you know, look, former President Donald Trump is continuing to attack prosecutors in Georgia today calling the investigation a political witch

hunt. We're hearing a similar tone from Giuliani as he is expected to surrender to the jail here this afternoon.

ANDERSON: Thank you, sir. While Donald Trump's legal troubles are front and center, the first Republican presidential debate of 2024 of the 2024 race

will take place without him. Later today in Trump's absence, these two candidates will be at center stage tonight.

Florida Governor Ron DeSantis who has trailed Trump in the polls and businessman Vivek Ramaswamy, eight Republicans met the party's fundraising

and polling criteria to qualify for the first debate. CNN's David Chalian previews, who made the cup.

DAVID CHALIAN, CNN POLITICAL DIRECTOR: You have Ron DeSantis and Vivek Ramaswamy in the center of the pack. You then see on either side of them,

Mike Pence and Nikki Haley, then down to Chris Christie and Tim Scott. And then at the ends there you have the former Arkansas Governor ASA Hutchinson

and the North Dakota Governor, Doug Burgum.

But obviously this is a debate without the dominant front runner and that's going to impact the debate. Now the FOX moderators have indicated that

Donald Trump will be a topic that comes up, there will certainly be questions about that. So he will be looming over this debate even though he

will be here.


ANDERSON: Trump is expected to be at one of his golf clubs during tonight's debate till the candidates set to participate have signed a pledge to

support the party's eventual nominee no matter whom it is. Well, it's not clear whether Trump has signed that pledge.

Right away from politics, new calls for the Head of Spain's Football Federation to be punished for what was a controversial case at the Women's

World Cup. How Spain's government is now getting involved, that is up next.


ANDERSON: Well, new developments in Spanish footballs controversy. The Head of Spain's High Council of sport says he will take action against the

president of the country's Football Federation if the Federation does not. Now let's just remind ourselves what's going on here.

On the right of your screen in this video, you can see Luis Rubiales, Spanish star Jennifer Hermoso, an unwanted kiss on the lips. It happened

during the middle presentation after Spain beat England to win the Women's World Cup. On Monday, Rubiales apologized and said he made a mistake when

he kissed Hermoso.

Spain's Prime Minister says the apology was not enough. CNN's Coy Wire has been covering this story from the start. I guess, we should ask at this

stage what kind of punishment should or could Rubiales face Coy?

COY WIRE, CNN WORLD SPORT: Well, he's already been asked to step down Becky; Spanish government's High Council of Sport has the power to demand

the removal of Rubiales. But to do so, they'd have some steps they'd have to follow including having an external complaint filed against him.

And the case would have to be heard in front of a tribunal. The president of the High Council of Sports said they've already received three formal

complaints about Rubiales' actions. We have to wait and see what if any decisions might be made at the General Assembly, which is set for Friday.

If there are no decisions made, that's when the High Council of Sport could take further action. Here is Rubiales; he did attend an apology on Monday.


LUIS RUBIALES, ROYAL SPANISH FOOTBALL FEDERATION PRESIDENT: Everything that has happened between me and a player was a magnificent relationship between

the two of us as well as with other players are surely wrong. I have to admit it because it's a moment of maximum enthusiasm, emotion, without any

bad intentions without any bad faith. Well what happened, happened.

Outside it seems that a commotion has formed. And of course if there are people who felt damaged by this, I have to apologize.


WIRE: Now as you mentioned, Becky, Prime Minister Pedro Sanchez, blasted Rubiales in his apology. And that was on Tuesday. He said it was simply not

enough and must have been some awkward moments because just a bit before that, there he was at the medal presentation at -- Monclova in Madrid.

Remember Spain's Deputy Prime Minister Yolanda Diaz has already said that Rubiales harassed and assaulted a woman she even called for Rubiales'

resignation, the 45-year-old Rubiales is a former player, leading the Spanish football federation since 2018. He's currently promoting a joint

bid for Spain, Morocco and Portugal to host the 2030 Men's World Cup. His role for president of the Soccer Federation Becky is up for re-election

next year.


And just a bit ago at we put out a write talking about Megan Rapinoe who has come out and said that Rubiales' behavior shows a deep

level of misogyny and sexism in women's soccer. We'll continue to follow this story as it continues.

ANDERSON: Coy, good to have you, sir. Thank you.

WIRE: Thank you.

ANDERSON: Well, in tonight's parting shots, nothing but cheers, as India becomes the fourth country to make a successful soft landing on the moon.

Just a few hours ago, the Chandrayaan-3 landed on the lunar South Pole, drawing applause from everyone that the missions control room all the way

to South Africa.

Well, Indian Prime Minister Narendra Modi watched it all happen in real time. This is India's second attempt to the successful moon landing after

their previous mission in 2019 failed. But it's not about how you start or how you finish and for India, that would be amongst the stars. That's it

from us for this evening. Same time, same place tomorrow, see you there. "One World" with Zain Asher is next.