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Russia Under Drone Attacks for Four Straight Day; Rubiales Still on the Job After Unwanted Kiss; Typhoon Saola Bears Down on Hong Kong; U.S. Economy Added More Jobs than Expected in August; Coup Leaders Moving Forward with Plans to Rule Gabon; Proud Boys Leader Sentenced to 17 Years in Prison; Pope Francis Visits Mongolia for the First Time. Aired 10-10:45a ET

Aired September 01, 2023 - 10:00:00   ET


Spec: Ukraine; Vladimir Putin; Typhoon Saola; Africa; Arms Control; Asia; Awards; Backgrounders; Bombings; Children; Cities; Civil Rights; Computers;

Congress; Crime; Death; Defense; Economy; Elections; Electronics; Employment and Unemployment; Espionage; Europe; Families; Foreign Aid;

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BECKY ANDERSON, CNN INTERNATIONAL ANCHOR: I'm Becky Anderson, live from Abu Dhabi. 6:00 in the evening here. This is CONNECT THE WORLD.

Coming up this hour, we are seeing the damage caused by a drone strike on an air base inside Russia. Hong Kong battered by high winds and rain from a

super typhoon. The Spanish men's coach apologizes for supporting the country's embattled soccer chief. And the U.S. continues to add jobs

despite the Feds' rate campaign to cool the economy.

Russia reporting new Ukrainian drone attacks inside its borders for the fourth straight day. Now, officials say air defenses intercepted one drone

headed towards Moscow overnight. As you can see from this map, showing some recent targets, this part of an apparent new effort by Ukraine beyond its

borders. Now Ukrainian intelligence says a drone strike on an air base deep inside Russia earlier this week was launched from inside that country. The

Kremlin isn't commenting on that claim.

We're learning a lot from the skies over the two countries today, including the damage that strike did to the planes you see at this Russian air base.

And new perspective on the battlefield. This Ukrainian Security Service video shared exclusively with CNN, shows just how entrenched Russia is on

the front lines south of Zaporizhzhia. Fighters refer to these defenses as, quote, "dragon teeth." Kyiv says its troops, though, are making some


Well, A short time ago Ukraine's foreign minister sat down with my colleague, Christiane Amanpour in Kyiv, where he addressed criticism of

Ukraine's counteroffensive.


DMYTRO KULEBA, UKRAINIAN FOREIGN MINISTER: If Ukraine was failing, I would probably be the first one to spin the truth. But we are not failing, we are

moving forward, we are liberated thousands of square kilometers of our land through mind fields. There was no air covers.

How does it feel when you come back from your mission and you take back your phone, you open it, and you start reading all the smart people saying

how slow you are and that you are not doing well enough, we just lost two of your buddies. You are almost killed. You crawled one kilometer on your

belly de-mining the field. You sacrificed yourself, you took the damn Russian trench in a fierce fight. And then you read someone saying, oh,

guys, you're too slow?


ANDERSON: Ukrainian foreign minister speaking to Christiane earlier.

CNN's Nada Bashir joins me now live.

The foreign minister there speaking to the progress of the counteroffensive on the ground. I do want to take a look at these drone strikes that we've

been reporting. What can we learn from what both sides are saying at this point?

NADA BASHIR, CNN CORRESPONDENT: Well, look, Becky, we're certainly seeing a shift in Ukraine's military strategy. A real emphasis and focus now on

drone warfare. We've suddenly seen a sharp uptick over recent weeks on the use of the drones. Not only in Russian occupied territories in the Ukraine

but crucially in Russian territory, attacks against Russian targets.

Now it is important to note that Ukraine typically does not claim responsibility for attacks on Russian territory. In fact, we've heard from

officials earlier in the week saying that they do not use weapons supplied by the international partners to attack Russian territory. They're actually

purely within a defensive framework. But this is certainly something a clear message to Russia, and this is clearly becoming a key part of

Ukraine's strategy.

Now as you mentioned there, today has been no exception. We've seen in the morning according to Moscow yet another attempted drone attack on the

capital, in the southern Kursk region. One drone is reported to have caused some minimal damage to a nonresidential building. And of course this comes

in a week in which we've seen the biggest drone assault on Russian territory across various regions since the beginning of the war in Ukraine.

So this is certainly a blow to Russia's military after some particularly a blow to the optics that Russia is trying to present in terms of their

progress on the front lines.


You mentioned that air base which was targeted on Tuesday night. Four military aircrafts were damaged in that attack. In fact according to the

head of Ukraine's Defense Intelligence Service, two of those planes were completely destroyed. The other two sustaining serious damage. These are

military transport vehicles. So this is a huge blow to the logistical front for Russia. But again, it's a significant blow in terms of optics.

Now, what we have learned today from the head of Ukraine's Defense Intelligence Service is that this attack is reported to have taken place

from within Russian territory. So that is a key development there. We have seen that question put to the Kremlin spokesperson Dimitri Peskov, and he

denied to comment on this, referred to the Russian Ministry of Defense. But clear was seeing progress on that front by the Ukrainian armed forces. This

is certainly a huge focus.

We're seeing a real emphasis now on the local domestic development manufacturing of drones. So this is likely to continue to play a key part

in Ukraine's military efforts.

ANDERSON: Nada, thank you.

Meantime, Ukraine says some of humanity's most heinous crimes, murder, mutilation, and sexual violence all allegedly committed by Russia. Not on

the battlefield, but against children. Ukrainian prosecutors say that the country has opened more than 3,000 criminal cases over alleged crimes

against its kids. Now this comes just months after the International Criminal Court issued an arrest warrant for Russian president Vladimir

Putin over an alleged scheme to deport Ukrainian children to Russia.

United States is sharing information with the International Criminal Court in order to prosecute alleged war crimes.


BEN VAN SCHAACK, U.S. AMBASSADOR-AT-LARGE FOR GLOBAL CRIMINAL JUSTICE: What Russia is doing in Ukraine is unbelievably agree just and is in profound

violation of the Fourth Geneva Convention, which is dedicated to protecting civilians in conflict situations. These children are being rounded up, they

are being forced or coerced to go to, quote unquote, "summer camp," where their contact with their parents has been severed. They're being

indoctrinated. They are being forced into military training in some cases. They're being forced to renounce their Ukrainian identity. They can't speak

our native language.


ANDERSON: And you can catch my full interview with the U.S. ambassador-at- large for global criminal justice. Next hour on CONNECT THE WORLD, to hear more on how the American government is trying to support these

investigations despite not being a signatory itself to the ICC.

Well, new words of condemnation growing calls to resign. But so far Luis Rubiales is still the head of Spain's football federation nearly two weeks

after he kissed Jenni Hermoso on the lips at the Women's World Cup. A few hours ago, the manager of Spain's men's national team apologize for

applauding Rubiales when he gave a speech last week defending his actions. Take a listen.


LUIS DE LA FUENTE, MANAGER, SPANISH MEN'S NATIONAL TEAM (through translator): I don't have to resign, I have to ask for forgiveness. I made

a mistake. A human mistake. I've said it, it was inexcusable, but right now if I could go back, I wouldn't do that. I'm sure of it.


ANDERSON: Atika Shubert following developments for us form Madrid.

And you were at that news conference today. Just describe the atmosphere if you will and what more was said.

ATIKA SHUBERT, JOURNALIST: We'll, you know, I think the federation is trying to move forward business as usual. But it can't, it was trying to

announce the men's lineup, but it understood that it needed to address these questions. So they allowed for a lot of questions to De La Fuente,

regarding his -- what appeared to be his support for Rubiales. And he was grilled by the press over and over, asked, you know, why did you applause

Rubiales if you now regrets it? And the fact that so many have now said those who applauded Rubiales should resign, and over and over he

apologized, but he was also insistent that he was not going to resign.

Now all of this has cast a shadow over what should have been the considerable achievements of the Spanish women's team. You know, not only

did they win the World Cup but Aitana Bonmati, for example, won the UEFA Player of the Year Award yesterday. And in her acceptance speech she said,

you know, it's sad to see this being overshadowed by scandal. But she did offer her support for her teammate, Jenni Hermoso, who has found herself in

the center of all this.

Take a listen to what she said.


AITANA BONMATI, SPAIN MIDFIELDER (through translator): We are not experiencing a great moment in Spanish football. We just won the World Cup

but nobody is talking about that much because things have happened I wish hadn't.


I think, as a society, we shouldn't allow abuses of power in a work relationship, as well as a lack of respect. So from my teammate Jenni to

all the women who suffered the same, we are with you. I hope we keep working to improve society.


SHUBERT: Now if there is any silver lining from this, Becky, it's that possibly all of this will lead to some sort of -- become a catalyst for

change here in Spain.

ANDERSON: It was Jenni Hermoso, in her statement, who said this was simply a complete lack of respect. Echoed there by her teammate.

This is -- this whole saga has quite some background. I think it's important to provide some context here because this is not the first

controversy that Luis Rubiales has been involved in by any stretch of the imagination, is it, Atika?

SHUBERT: No. In fact, within weeks of him becoming president of the federation, he was already ruffling feathers. So he has been dealing with

controversies ever since he was elected president. And, you know, it may surprise you to learn that the person who filed this initial complaint the

night of the World Cup wasn't Jenni Hermoso. It was a man, a man who has been following the federation for some time and monitoring it for abuses of

power. Take a listen.


SHUBERT (voice-over): At the moment of Spain's triumph an unwanted kiss now threatens to bring down Luis Rubiales, the powerful president of the

Spanish Football Federation.

Rubiales apologized but it was not enough, and he became the target of national anger, a wave against sexism in sport, triggered in part by Miguel

Angel Galan and his unassuming office in Madrid, officially the head of the National Training Center for Football Coaches, unofficially, the longtime

nemesis of Rubiales and the football federation. He says he has filed more than 50 complaints against the federation, one of which landed the previous

president in prison. Now he hopes to take down another with this case.

It was a sexist and intolerable act, a chauvinistic act, he said to CNN, by a president who is already plagued by corruption scandals and sexism.

Steeped in tradition, Spain's Royal Football Federation has long ruled over the nation's lucrative football fortunes. When this furor broke, Spain's

prosecutor was already investigating Rubiales for trafficking in influence and bribery, allegations Rubiales has consistently denied. CNN has reached

out to both the federation and Rubiales, neither have responded.

And now, women footballers have entered the professional ranks. They are demanding equal pay, rights and structural change, says the president of

Spain's women's league, La Liga F, Beatrice Alvarez, who's had her own disagreements with Rubiales.

In that federation meeting, that totally delirious speech he made, she says, look at how they applauded him. It is unacceptable. It shows that

more than the president has to change, the entire model has to change.

As the scandal grows at the Rubiales hometown church, his mother went on hunger strike to support her embattled son. Briefly hospitalized, she

continues to defend his innocence, even as others close to him are speaking out. His own uncle, Juan Rubiales, told Spanish news, "El Mundo," that the

kiss was just the tip of the iceberg.

I was not surprised by that at all, he said. He is an extremely arrogant man, who has not acted as a president should. Instead of being a political

leader, he wanted to be a warrior, who sees ghosts and enemies everywhere. He said, in the end, his own worst enemy was himself.

Spain's historic win at the Women's World Cup it seems is forging a path for change in more ways than one.


SHUBERT: Now to give you a sense of just how much this is growing, Becky, since Galan filed that complaint the night of the World Cup there have been

15 more new complaints, fresh complaints, ranging from sexual assault to abuse of power, so it does seem like this is simply growing and the

pressure is piling on.

ANDERSON: Atika Shubert on the story for you. She is today in Madrid, in Spain.

Typhoon Saola is bearing down on Hong Kong. Hundreds of flights cancelled, businesses and school closed, and Hong Kong is under the highest warning


A very wet Ivan Watson is in Hong Kong where the storm is now very much being felt.


What are the forecasts at this stage, Ivan?

IVAN WATSON, CNN SENIOR INTERNATIONAL CORRESPONDENT: Right, well, the typhoon -- the super typhoon, its eyewall is currently passing over Hong

Kong. So there have been wind gusts of up to 150 kilometers per hour sensed here detected by the Hong Kong Observatory.

I'm at the Hong Kong Causeway Bay, a typhoon shelter. So this is a little bit sheltered for some of the boats here. And still, the wind comes

pounding through here. The high tide is not supposed to take place for a little bit more than an hour now. And the meteorologists are predicting

that there will be storm surges of up to 3 to 6 meters higher than usual depending on what part of Hong Kong you're at right now.

The city takes these storms very, very seriously. This is only the fourth time according to CNN's weather team that Hong Kong has issued a T-10

warning in 23 years. And nearby southern mainland China has also issued its highest storm warning. And recall that this is a very densely populated

part of China, all around the Pearl River Delta. And so you've had the nearby city of Shenzhen, with a population of more than 13 million people,

its airport has been shut down since the middle of the day on Friday.

The schools have been closed in Shenzhen. Here in Hong Kong as well. And just to get a sense of what this sounds like, I'm going to pause for a

second and just listen to this storm for a few seconds.

So we are seeing downed trees, some uprooted trees. I personally can report I've got rain coming in, leaking into through my bedroom windows right now.

My poor wife is trying to dry up with all the towels. We're hearing anecdotally reports of some people who've had windows shattered. So this is

a very serious storm. The authorities are urging people to stay in shelter, to stay away from windows as well.

They've opened shelters for people who need them. And again, this is Southern China now bracing as they deal with this very powerful super

typhoon, the most powerful one that this region has really seen in years.

ANDERSON: Yes, Ivan Watson, battling the elements there to get you up to date. Reporting as the typhoon moves and bears down on the island of Hong


Ivan, thank you.

Still to come on CNN, Gabon's main opposition members are pushing coup leaders to resume the national election process, and hand power back to

civilian rule as soon as possible. And the latest sentencing for one of the prominent figures at the January 6th insurrection at the U.S. Capitol. A

live report on that is coming up.



ANDERSON: Grow thin the U.S. jobs market remains robust. The U.S. economy added 187,000 jobs in August according to the Bureau of Labor Statistics.

That is stronger growth and had been expected. But an unexpected tick up in the unemployment rate does point to an easing in the labor market.

Let's take a quick look at that market song reacting to the report. Well, they are higher as you can see there. Not significantly. So the Dow Jones

some more than half of 1 percent higher than the Nasdaq and the S&P slightly lesser there.

Let's bring Julia Chatterley who's on the story for you.

And Julia, it's one of these difficult ones, isn't it? It's good news for jobs, bad news for the wider market, and even the information there. We're

getting the stats, look as if they contradict each other. Of course they don't. Just (INAUDIBLE) for us if you will.

JULIA CHATTERLEY, CNN ANCHOR, FIRST MOVE: The devil always in the detail. The Top Line had called this solid but softening, which is what we expect

from the U.S. labor market. And quite frankly, after all these rate hikes, so we should. To your point, 187,000 jobs added. But the devil in the

detail, there were some revisions to that months of July and June. They came down by more than 100,000 jobs. There's another couple of elements in

this that are important, we've got the Hollywood writers' strike, we saw the film industry shed some jobs.

We also saw the trucking industry, a big bankruptcy there. And that was another 30,000 jobs lost. So some of these things will fall out next month.

Your point about the rise in unemployment rate is important. And that's sort of causing what some degree of alarm. Remember we're at an incredibly

low level, even if they stage. And we actually saw more workers coming into the U.S. labor force. So the participation rate rose.

And if you want to see a little bit more slack and find it easier for employers to find workers, and that's kind of good news. Remember the other

thing that we care about with the labor market is the impact on inflation via wages. That was a little bit softer than expected. Overall, how is the

Federal Reserve going to look at this? There is a lot of people looking at this now and saying, look, we think this probably, as far as the labor

market is concerned, suggest the Federal Reserve is now done and probably won't need to do that final, final rate hike in the month of November.

Nothing is priced at this stage for September. And I don't think anything changes this month at all. So arguably that should be good for stocks and

for investors, because it means we're not going to have to suffer any more rate hikes, but there's a lot of other data out there, and ultimately,

Becky, the wild card here is the strength of the consumer. And we had a really great data point from the consumer again, so shopaholics not-so-

anonymous, one here perhaps, continues to help support the U.S. economy.

And if you put me on the spot, I'd say I think the Federal Reserve is done, but we'll see. For now solid report.

ANDERSON: Yes. And we had this conversation myself with Richard Quest, our colleague, the other day, you know, and if the Fed is absolutely wedded to

get inflation down to 2 percent, then we have to assume that they at least have something in the can as far as rate rises are concerned. Whether or

not we get one or not remains to be seen. You're making some really good points. It's O to be making that decision at the moment, because it's a

tough one.

Thank you very much as ever.

Let's get you up to speed on some of the other stories that are on the radar right now. And regionally, an Iraqi criminal court has sentenced five

people to life in prison for killing a U.S. citizen in November. The Ministry of Interior released a statement saying one Iranian national and

four Iraqis have been convicted in the killing of Stephen Troll last year.

A Saudi court has sentenced a retired teacher to death over online comments according to Human Rights Watch. The man's brother says the alleged crime

was five tweets, criticizing corruption and human rights violations. The kingdom has executed at least 92 people this year alone, according to the

European Saudi Organization for Human Rights.

The U.S.-led coalition in Syria warns that fighting in Deir Ezzor could cause instability and allow ISIS to resurge. The U.S.-backed Syrian

Democratic Forces has been fighting with one of its affiliates. At least 30 people have been killed including many civilians.

Well, coup leaders appear to be moving ahead with their plans to rule Gabon despite international condemnation. They plan to swear in General Brice

Oligui Nguema as the country's transitional president before the constitutional court on Monday.


The junta also promises to continue public services and to honor Gabon's commitments domestically and internationally. Well, at the same time,

Gabon's main opposition members are pushing coup leaders to resume the country's election process as soon as possible. They want to complete

Saturday's vote count which they say was falsely awarded to President Ali Bongo.

For more on this let's bring in CNN's Jim Bittermann. Because there is of course a French connection to this. It's not the first coup in West Africa

which has a French connection. This is the part of France -- part of Africa of course which was run by France during colonial times. What's the

perspective from Paris where you are?

JIM BITTERMANN, CNN SENIOR INTERNATIONAL CORRESPONDENT: Well, I think there's one of dismay over this and some confusion about what exactly the

French should do from this point onward. This is the seventh coup in three years in this part of Africa across the region, and many of the countries

where they have suffered the coups have been in fact French ex-colonies, and especially places where the French believe that they had some kind of

influence in maintaining democracy. And obviously that is not the case.

President Macron was just speaking to ambassadors here earlier this week. And he basically told them, this was after the coup in Niger, and he said

that he wanted to stop the epidemic of coup detats across Africa. And then less than 48 hours later, there is the coup in Gabon. So it's really

something that the French are wondering about, how they are going to go ahead and either participate with the military leaders, or ignore them like

they're doing in Niger.

Now there are other people as well who are appalled at sort of what's going on. The head or the president of Nigeria, who's also the head of ECOWAS,

says there's got to be something to stop this epidemic of coup detats. And the U.N. secretary general, Antonio Guterres, also said that military is

not the solution to Africa's problems.


ANTONIO GUTERRES, U.N. SECRETARY GENERAL: Many countries face deep-seated governance challenges. But military governments are not the solution. They

aggravate problems, they cannot resolve a crisis, they can only make it worse. I urge all countries to move quickly to establish credible

democratic institutions and rule of law.


BITTERMANN: In fact, Becky, the junta in Gabon is doing exactly that. They're moving quickly to install military leaders. They expect him to be

installed as president on Monday -- Becky.

ANDERSON: While we're at it let's just focus on Niger because as I understand that the French ambassador's visa there has been revoked. What

else can you tell us about that? And do you see any similarities at this point between the two?

BITTERMANN: Well, there are similarities in the fact that it's two military coups, but it's two countries that are pretty much this aligned. They are

not aligned which. Gabon is a very wealthy country, although the wealth has not been shared with the people. And in fact, there has been one family in

power for 55 years. In Niger, in fact, they had somewhat outside observers believed were democratic elections.

And just a couple of days after the elections took place, the elected president was thrown out by the military. So there are differences there

but there is this whole idea of it being a military takeovers. France has told its ambassador to stay in the embassy and to stay there even though

the Nigerian authorities have given him 48 hours to leave the country. Sylvain Itte has been told that he will have all of his credentials

withdrawn and that military police will take action to throw him out.

So it's a standoff at this moment. The French have said don't go, and the ambassador seems like he's staying. They have 1500 troops in the capital

Niamey, which could be pressed into service. But that would be a real dramatic move on the part of the French if they were trying to do that

because it would be an obvious sign of military action that the Nigerians would not like at all -- Becky.

ANDERSON: Absolutely. Jim, it's good to have you.

4:29 in the part of France where Jim is today. I'm in Abu Dhabi, it is nearly half past 6:00 here. Still ahead, one of the prominent figures in

the January 6th attack on the U.S. Capitol is being sentenced. More on that is coming. And the Mongolia, welcoming a Pope for the first time in its



We'll explain why the pontiff chose a largely Buddhist country to visit.


ANDERSON: I'm Becky Anderson in Abu Dhabi. You're watching CONNECT THE WORLD with me.

Turning to the U.S., a major prison sentence for one of the leaders of the group known as the Proud Boys in connection to the January 6th riot at the

U.S. Capitol. A judge sentenced Joseph Biggs to 17 years in prison. That is one of the longest sentences yet for someone convicted in this case. Biggs

was found guilty of seditious conspiracy. A second member also received 15 years in prison.

Joining us now is CNN's senior U.S. justice correspondent, Evan Perez.

We cannot underscore the significance of this sentence. Just on picket for us, walk us through what we have here if you will.

EVAN PEREZ, CNN SENIOR JUSTICE CORRESPONDENT: Well, Becky, look, you cannot sit in the courtroom as I did yesterday and not come away with this, you

know, true tragedy that it is to see these men who participated in the riot, participated in the attack on the Capitol on January 6th, and now are

feeling the consequences. These two men that you introduce just a minute ago. Joseph Biggs, he was a leader of the Proud Boys in Florida. He was

sentenced to 17 years.

Zachary Rehl, another member of the Proud Boys from the Philadelphia area, he was sentenced to 15 years. And both of them tearfully pleaded to the

judge to give them a break essentially, because they are going to have their daughters grow up without them being present because of what happened

on January 6th. And of course, they have deep regret that they listened to the former president, Donald Trump, and participated in the protests there

that day that got really out of hand.

And the judge, however, said that what Americans lost on January 6th was not just the violence obviously but beyond the violence, was the fact that

there was a tradition of peaceful transfer of power in this country that was broken that day.


That's one of the reasons why he gave this very harsh sentence. In the end, of course, the lawyers for these man said that they blame Donald Trump for

what had happened to them.

We are now right now at the court, there is one more Proud Boys member who is being sentenced at this hour. In all, five of them are going to be

sentenced over the coming days. And prosecutors have asked for 30 years sentences for some of these leaders. One of the lesser members, one of the

lower ranking members of the Proud Boys they've asked for above 20 years.

Again, these are very, very harsh sentences. And what you're seeing is the consequences of what happened that day of people being bamboozled by the

former president and of course this is also the same courthouse, Becky, where the former president may face his own consequences in the coming

months for inspiring all of that violence.

ANDERSON: This is what the attorney for these men had to say. Let's just listen.


NORM PATTIS, ATTORNEY FOR JOE BIGGS AND ZACHARY REHL: If you look at the current presidential race, where is Donald Trump in all of this? He stood

on the Ellipse, basically told people, 74 million of his followers, the election is stolen. Go to the Capitol. Fight like hell, or you won't have a

country anymore. Some people listened to him. Where they supposed to know that he was full of hot air? And was he full of hot air? I look forward to

his trials, I look forward to seeing him testify someday.


ANDERSON: Evan, thank you.

And there is development on Trump's own legal fight. That is we will see more of it. A judge has decided that his trial will be livestreamed. This

is the racketeering case against Donald Trump, which is in Fulton County, Georgia. We will speak to CNN's senior media reporter Oliver Darcy about

that next hour.

You're watching CONNECT THE WORLD with me, Becky Anderson. Ahead in the world of sport, it is transfer deadline day for European football and a big

name going to a top club in the Premier League. That is coming up.


ANDERSON: Pope Francis has arrived in the largely Buddhist country of Mongolia for the country's first papal visit ever. The country is home to

one of the world's smallest, newest Catholic communities sandwiched between China and Russia.

Let's get you straight to Rome, CNN's senior Vatican analyst, John Allen, joins us now live.

And the Pope flying over China sent a message to the country's leader, John. And what did he say and what is the significance of this outreach

from your perspective?


JOHN ALLEN, CNN SENIOR VATICAN ANALYST: Hi there, Becky. Yes, well, it's customary when the Pope flies over a country's airspace, he sends a

telegram to its head of state. In this case it was President Xi Jinping of China. And it was essentially boiler plate papal language. Assuring the

country of his prayers, wishing divine blessings for the Chinese people and nation.

I think the significance is less in the language than it is the gesture itself. It is quite clear that by picking Mongolia, the Pope is also giving

himself a stage to address both China and Russia at a time when he's engaged very energetically in some shuttle diplomacy to try to bring an end

to the conflict in Ukraine. His personal peace envoy was in Moscow earlier this summer. He's expected to go to Beijing shortly.

So this looms, Becky, as a critical moment to hear what the Pope has to say.

ANDERSON: John, first visit ever in Mongolia. We've reported this is a small but growing Catholic community, correct?

ALLEN: Yes, this may actually be the very first time in history, Becky, that a Pope can meet absolutely every Catholic in the country while he is

there. There are about 1450 of them. I would expect they will all be at one or more of the Pope's events this week.

ANDERSON: Good to have, John. Thank you, and we will continue to watch and report on that visit.

Well, it is transfer deadline day in European football. A Man City getting a big boost.

Don Riddell in the house. What are we talking about here, Don?

DON RIDDELL, CNN SPORTS ANCHOR: Yes, a Man City getting the world's midfielder Matheus Nunes for it looks like $67 million as you say on

transfer deadline day. It's just a few more hours left to go. This is a big boost for Man City of course. They have a star-studded cast already, but

Kevin De Bruyne, the influential playmaker, is out injured so Nunes arriving at a good time.

And of course, as you know it's been a pretty wild transfer period with all that new money coming in from Saudi Arabia. That has certainly pushed up

some of the prices, and although it's deadline day in Europe, the Saudi window doesn't close for another few weeks. So they could still, in theory,

come in and sweep for some more players in the next few weeks. So, so far one of your favorites, Mohamed Salah.

Mo Salah is staying with Liverpool, even though they are dangling some very, very big numbers in front of him in the race.

ANDERSON: Absolutely. My sources tell me no news. But that doesn't mean that there won't be news at this point.

Don, always good to have you. Thank you.

Don is in the house with "WORLD SPORT." That's coming up after this short break. We are back top of the hour as ever for the second hour of CONNECT

THE WORLD. Stay with us.

